Codominion (part 20)
Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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16th April 2013
03:10 GMT -5
The chamber appears to be… A cylinder. The floor looks like it was gouged out of the Mother Star; I can see the vein and artery plugs as well as the exposed tissue all across the floor. There's a slight curve to it, though I don't know what the significance of that is. Looking… Up, I see…
I don't know how to describe…
There's a mass in the middle of the space. Down from the mass are vines which I immediately recognise as being part of a Dominion computer system. They attach to what looks like a Dominion field workshop at ground level, and seeing it puts most of the rest into perspective.
We're in the eye socket.
Attached to the mass are thick vines, visibly more natural-looking than what the computer system uses. They radiate outwards to the walls and upwards to where the top of the chamber is covered in them, which accounts to what I saw from above. The walls lack the plugs… No, the vines are acting as plugs, using the Mother Star's inactive circulatory system as anchor points.
Behind me, Bleez is heartily sick, her helmet's extraction system valiantly trying to siphon it away. I extend my environmental shield to her, and she shakily raises her right fist in a gesture of thanks.
The mass.
Okay. I… Don't think that it's entirely real. The vines seem fairly conventional, but when I try to see what's under the vines I instead get impressions. A coral growth. A programmable computronium plate. An oak with an infinitely long trunk but still possessing a canopy and roots. Crystals that glimmer with burning light. I assume that's Great Mother, held partially in the Dream and partly in conventional reality.
I honestly feel a little unwell myself.
Okay, let's… Stop looking at that.
In… Four places on the ground there are… Large plant structures not entirely unlike the thing that was holding Mr. Stratham, only more… Only much bigger, with a slight touch of the unreal about them. One is simply huge, almost as large as the central mass, and with computer vines connecting it to the anchor vines at a dozen places on its surface. The other three are nearly indistinguishable from one another in design, though one of them has a few more computer vines wiring it up.
Okay. The largest one is presumably holding Swamp Thing, and the ones with the extra wires has grown them for the benefit of Good Gumbo Man. I imagine that it would take a team of Venturia's best to make sense of any of this, and despite the legal situation their city was included in the Atlantean shield spell.
Does anything strike me as odd?
Yes. This is clearly a big operation. Just moving this stuff around would have taken some muscle. They've got the Great Mother's children helping, and… The unreal mobile laboratory on the upper surface, but where are the dominators? Where are the Dominion drones? Or labourers?
I do a passive multiphasic scan, but… No, not detecting anything intelligible that suggests they're using an exotic disguise. Are they.. on the Great Mother? I mean, that's… Possible.
Bleez is heartily sick again.
"I suggest not looking at it."
"Look at-. Chuh-huh! Ev'ry'ing!"
I encase her helmet in a completely opaque layer.
"I can-. Ugh. I can still feel it."
"That's odd. Your species shouldn't be sensitive enough to magic to be that-."
I close my eyes and try feeling for it myself. No, I'm… Not really getting anything. Oh, there's the shimmer that I… Suspect is a result of a weak connection to a collective unconscious, but nothing special. Nothing reaching out.
Where are the researchers?
"Do you know where the researchers are?"
"They are here."
"But where specifically?"
The ball squirms in the air, which I think means that he's feeling something like frustration. "They are here! You must free Great-Mother!"
"I will. I just want to make sure that I do it in a way that's safe for her."
He stops squirming. "Yes. Wise. I was too hasty."
"So now that you've calmed down a bit, if you can tell me anything more precise than 'they are here', that would be very helpful."
"The Great-Black-Outside-That-Is-Everything separates the Great-Mother from Green places. She could touch them, but only when she approached. The aliens could touch her through it. They knew the nature of the place, when Great-Mother knew little."
"Which… Was before they picked up Swamp Thing."
Trapping a ship? Sure. I could see dominators being able to do that. Taking control of her via the Green? No reason to assume that Swamp Thing is the only being who can alter his frequency, and that's the sort of intellectual puzzle dominators are really good at.
"Have the aliens been walking around recently?"
Ah… Not sure whether that's good or bad.
"What?" Bleezlooks turns her head around. "What happened?"
"I think that the dominators got stuck in their own Dream prison. Which means…"
I pick her up with a cloud construct and fly us both towards their work area. No automatic weapons, robotic guards, poison gasses or any of the other forms of attack that they could have employed.
The only real question is how much of this was built before they got caught, and how much was dreamed into being. Or perhaps I'm being too materialistic and that doesn't matter in a place like this.
So I need to find the portal they used -if they even used one- or…
Well. I didn't actually promise Euanthe. And she's on Earth anyway.
"Ring, connect to these computers."
"Compliance." Construct cables reach out and plug themselves in. "Warning: direct contact with Dominion computer core-. Error, not found."
"Yes, don't worry. Just request data from outside until you've got everything."
And while that's working…
I generate the wave pattern for controlling plant life just as Medphyll showed me, and reach out for where I think they're keeping Swamp Thing.
03:10 GMT -5
The chamber appears to be… A cylinder. The floor looks like it was gouged out of the Mother Star; I can see the vein and artery plugs as well as the exposed tissue all across the floor. There's a slight curve to it, though I don't know what the significance of that is. Looking… Up, I see…
I don't know how to describe…
There's a mass in the middle of the space. Down from the mass are vines which I immediately recognise as being part of a Dominion computer system. They attach to what looks like a Dominion field workshop at ground level, and seeing it puts most of the rest into perspective.
We're in the eye socket.
Attached to the mass are thick vines, visibly more natural-looking than what the computer system uses. They radiate outwards to the walls and upwards to where the top of the chamber is covered in them, which accounts to what I saw from above. The walls lack the plugs… No, the vines are acting as plugs, using the Mother Star's inactive circulatory system as anchor points.
Behind me, Bleez is heartily sick, her helmet's extraction system valiantly trying to siphon it away. I extend my environmental shield to her, and she shakily raises her right fist in a gesture of thanks.
The mass.
Okay. I… Don't think that it's entirely real. The vines seem fairly conventional, but when I try to see what's under the vines I instead get impressions. A coral growth. A programmable computronium plate. An oak with an infinitely long trunk but still possessing a canopy and roots. Crystals that glimmer with burning light. I assume that's Great Mother, held partially in the Dream and partly in conventional reality.
I honestly feel a little unwell myself.
Okay, let's… Stop looking at that.
In… Four places on the ground there are… Large plant structures not entirely unlike the thing that was holding Mr. Stratham, only more… Only much bigger, with a slight touch of the unreal about them. One is simply huge, almost as large as the central mass, and with computer vines connecting it to the anchor vines at a dozen places on its surface. The other three are nearly indistinguishable from one another in design, though one of them has a few more computer vines wiring it up.
Okay. The largest one is presumably holding Swamp Thing, and the ones with the extra wires has grown them for the benefit of Good Gumbo Man. I imagine that it would take a team of Venturia's best to make sense of any of this, and despite the legal situation their city was included in the Atlantean shield spell.
Does anything strike me as odd?
Yes. This is clearly a big operation. Just moving this stuff around would have taken some muscle. They've got the Great Mother's children helping, and… The unreal mobile laboratory on the upper surface, but where are the dominators? Where are the Dominion drones? Or labourers?
I do a passive multiphasic scan, but… No, not detecting anything intelligible that suggests they're using an exotic disguise. Are they.. on the Great Mother? I mean, that's… Possible.
Bleez is heartily sick again.
"I suggest not looking at it."
"Look at-. Chuh-huh! Ev'ry'ing!"
I encase her helmet in a completely opaque layer.
"I can-. Ugh. I can still feel it."
"That's odd. Your species shouldn't be sensitive enough to magic to be that-."
I close my eyes and try feeling for it myself. No, I'm… Not really getting anything. Oh, there's the shimmer that I… Suspect is a result of a weak connection to a collective unconscious, but nothing special. Nothing reaching out.
Where are the researchers?
"Do you know where the researchers are?"
"They are here."
"But where specifically?"
The ball squirms in the air, which I think means that he's feeling something like frustration. "They are here! You must free Great-Mother!"
"I will. I just want to make sure that I do it in a way that's safe for her."
He stops squirming. "Yes. Wise. I was too hasty."
"So now that you've calmed down a bit, if you can tell me anything more precise than 'they are here', that would be very helpful."
"The Great-Black-Outside-That-Is-Everything separates the Great-Mother from Green places. She could touch them, but only when she approached. The aliens could touch her through it. They knew the nature of the place, when Great-Mother knew little."
"Which… Was before they picked up Swamp Thing."
Trapping a ship? Sure. I could see dominators being able to do that. Taking control of her via the Green? No reason to assume that Swamp Thing is the only being who can alter his frequency, and that's the sort of intellectual puzzle dominators are really good at.
"Have the aliens been walking around recently?"
Ah… Not sure whether that's good or bad.
"What?" Bleez
"I think that the dominators got stuck in their own Dream prison. Which means…"
I pick her up with a cloud construct and fly us both towards their work area. No automatic weapons, robotic guards, poison gasses or any of the other forms of attack that they could have employed.
The only real question is how much of this was built before they got caught, and how much was dreamed into being. Or perhaps I'm being too materialistic and that doesn't matter in a place like this.
So I need to find the portal they used -if they even used one- or…
Well. I didn't actually promise Euanthe. And she's on Earth anyway.
"Ring, connect to these computers."
"Compliance." Construct cables reach out and plug themselves in. "Warning: direct contact with Dominion computer core-. Error, not found."
"Yes, don't worry. Just request data from outside until you've got everything."
And while that's working…
I generate the wave pattern for controlling plant life just as Medphyll showed me, and reach out for where I think they're keeping Swamp Thing.
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