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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Mr Zoat, I was rereading and found an error.
Myand'r nods. "My hope was that his dalliance with the them was the result of youthful exuberance, that would swiftly wear off when he discovered that the Citadel Empire did not collapse in response. It might have been possible to parlay that into something the Citadel would accept…" He looks at me. "That is not the case."
That word should be removed.
Avatar: Legend of Azula (part 5)
170 After Genocide, Late winter, later that day

Air Temple Island is located off the coast of Republic City, while still being protected from stronger winds and ocean currents by Yue Bay. The inhabitants are Master -and former City Councillor- Tenzin and his family, Avatar Korra, various White Lotus security guards and a handful of Air Acolytes. Air Acolytes are sort of… Air Nomad substitutes, people of non-Nomad heritage who choose to study air bending philosophy and live… At least somewhat as the Air Nomads of old did.

For being from a people who are supposed to abstain from material attachments, Tenzin seems to be rather attached to Air Nomad artefacts. Makes me think of the Museum Fremen from the Dune sequels; aping dead traditions despite the need for them having long passed.

Anyway, the residences are private and off-limits, but it's perfectly possible for members of the public to visit if they get permission in advance. The Air Acolyte population isn't anything like large enough or genetically varied enough to sustain itself and new recruits have to come from somewhere. The 'permission' thing is more about making sure that someone is there to show the visitor around rather than limiting visitors, though obviously Master Tenzin himself has a lot of demands on his time.

"…and this is where we're rebuilding the air bending gates." The elderly Acolyte gestures to an area… A raised platform where there are… Sails? Panels mounted on poles which allow them to spin in the wind. I can see the area they are supposed to cover, and some were clearly damaged by fire while others have simply been removed. Or were destroyed. "We have had to study the ancient scrolls describing their construction in great detail to ensure that they are the same as what the Air Nomads of old used."

"What is it for?"

"Airbender training." He chuckles quietly. "Though I doubt that there's a single Air Acolyte who hasn't tried to complete a run once or twice. The trick it to feel the flow of the air around you and move before the panel hits you." He thinks for a moment, then leans towards me. "I doubt that there's a single Air Acolyte who hasn't got more than a few bruises from it, either."

"I suppose that a non-bender would need near-preternatural awareness of their surroundings to match.. what I assume is a fairly basic air bender technique."

He nods. "It's difficult, certainly, though by no means impossible."

"And… There really aren't any air benders outside of Master Tenzin and his children-? And the Avatar, of course."

"No?" He sounds puzzled by my question. "Sadly, the soldiers of Fire Lord Sozin were quite thorough."

"I'm sorry, I realise that this is… Insensitive, but I've never been able to understand… How none of the Air Nomads of old were able to escape. That every single member of a nomadic people was in place to be ambushed, how they didn't see the soldiers coming, and how they couldn't get away when they could fly and their attackers couldn't. Even with the comet…"

"Oh, some did. We have records of a young Air Nomad named Malu who escaped, and she is referenced in Earth Kingdom records as having lived for at least fifty years after Sozin's Comet." He sighs. "There are most likely dozens of others who survived, only to be hunted down later as the Fire Nation's armies spread across the Earth Kingdom. By the time that Fire Lord Ozai came to rule over them, 'hunting for the Avatar' was considered a fools errand, but early in the Great War it was not."

I nod, noting that he didn't say what happened to Malu. If King Bumi survived to see Aang's escape from the ice, she could have lived that long as well. "They found every single one?"

He shrugs. "Perhaps some went to ground and forgot their heritage. Life in Earth Kingdom communities would not lend itself to the way of life compatible with air bending."

"Do you think it would be worth looking? I know that Avatar Aang said that all Air Nomads were air benders, but I have not been able to find any information on what happens when Air Nomads mixed their blood with other peoples. If some Air Nomads did escape and marry into other nations, it could be several generations before their line produced an air bender."

"I believe that the Order of the White Lotus has kept an eye out, but…" He shrugs. "The Order is not particularly large. Even as the Earth Kingdom industrialises, the vast majority of people still live away from the cities."

I nod, making a show of frowning thoughtfully.

"I'm not a bender myself, but my understanding of it is that the gestures involved in bending martial arts produce at least a little elemental output, even if the mind and soul aren't properly focused."

"Yes, a small flare of fire for instance."

"Then could you release a pamphlet, demonstrating the basic forms? Or perhaps send out Acolytes to the towns and villages around the Air Temples, and have them run demonstrations?" I shrug. "Perhaps nothing would come of it, but I don't see how it would hurt."

He thinks for a moment, then nods absent-mindedly. "It may be. It may be. I'll bring it up with Master Tenzin next time I see him."

"I would be happy to help." He looks at me curiously. "I'm an itinerant shaman. I've travelled the length and breadth of all four nations." I shake my head, smiling. "It's no effort to me to try to persuade people to join me for my morning exercises. And I think that the air bending style will be a little easier on my old bones than earth bending or fire bending styles."

His eyes widen. "Do you know the air bending style?"

I shake my head. "Not even a single kata. I was hoping that someone here might be willing to show me?"

"Certainly. They aren't a secret, after all. We hold demonstrations in the city parks several times a year." He hesitates for a moment. "I'm not sure if our younger instructors would be-."

I smile ruefully. "I understand and wholeheartedly agree."

He smiles back. "Perhaps if-." He looks past me. "Oh, ah…" I turn to-. "Master Tenzin."

"Senior Acolyte Ban. And Master Renkun, I hoped to see you during your visit." Master Tenzin doesn't exactly smile, but he does seem genuinely pleased to see me. "Lord Bao sent a message to the Order of the White Lotus asking for assistance, and another message tell us that it was no longer needed. I wanted to ask how you were able to persuade the spirit of the volcano to calm itself."

"Well, ah, with an angry spirit like that, the main trick is to avoid entering the spirit world."

He tilts his head slightly to the side. "'Avoid'?"

"Since I'm not a bender, I wouldn't lose my ability to bend by leaving my physical body, but a volcano spirit in its home environment can kill a man by proximity alone. They're rather warm." He nods, and I'm not sure he realised that was a witticism. "In my younger days I often came out of a trance to feel the pain of injuries inflicted on my spirit upon my actual body. Even bruises and burns would appear, despite the fact that I hadn't actually been struck or burned. It is far easier to avoid such things when you keep one foot in the material world."

"I see. I admit, I've always thought of the spirits as a source of wonder rather than as a threat. But I suppose that a storm doesn't have to want to destroy someone in order to sink their ship."

"Mentally sophisticated spirits at least share this much with humans: they have many different reasons for doing things. It is simply that their fundamental drives are different from ours. Why, only a few months ago I pacified a particularly violent reef spirit by engaging it in conversation while my disciple performed a ritual funeral for all of the sailors it had murdered. With their remains hallowed, it couldn't maintain its connection to the material world and I could drive it out."

And aside from that last part, that's what actually happened, too. Just in case he checks my references. And don't think I don't see that hunger in your eyes, Master Tenzin. You're interested in spirits? Alright, I can-.

"Master Tenzin?" Who had clearly forgotten that Acolyte Ban was there. "Master Renkun expressed an interest in learning the basics of airbending. He suggested that there might be distant descendents of Air Nomads who escaped the genocide who had never been exposed to air bending, and that as a wandering shaman he might be able to identify them if he knew how."

"I doubt it, after all this time. Still, if there was a chance…" He raises his right hand to stroke his beard, then makes a decision. "Master Renkun, if you have the time, I think I could show you the basics. And I am interested in hearing about your interactions with the spirits."

I smile. "I'm sure that I can remember a story or two."
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Oh right, Tenzin sucked at spirituality and spirit-related stuff despite dedicated his life to the spiritual pursuit of airbending.

No wonder he's hoping for some tips.
Aang was a great Avatar

suck at being a parent sadly, all 3 of his children have various degree of parental abandonment

then again, each Avatar suck at something
Aang was a great Avatar

suck at being a parent sadly, all 3 of his children have various degree of parental abandonment

then again, each Avatar suck at something

Roku, for example, sucks at judging character. Kyoshi sucks on doing her job, since she didn't stop Chin until he attacked her peninsula in particular. That waterbender avatar from the finale of ATLA was lazy. And the first avatar, who's name I forget, sucked at figuring out that there are underlying reasons why wars start, rather than just beating people into submission to stop the violence.
"Senior Acolyte Ban. And Master Renkun, I hoped to see you during your visit." Master Tenzin doesn't exactly smile, but he does seem genuinely pleased to see me. "Lord Bao sent a message to the Order of the White Lotus asking for assistance, and another message tell us that it was no longer needed. I wanted to ask how you were able to persuade the spirit of the volcano to calm itself."

"Well, ah, with an angry spirit like that, the main trick is to avoid entering the spirit world."

He tilts his head slightly to the side. "'Avoid'?"

"Since I'm not a bender, I wouldn't lose my ability to bend by leaving my physical body, but a volcano spirit in its home environment can kill a man by proximity alone. They're rather warm." He nods, and I'm not sure he realised that was a witticism. "In my younger days I often came out of a trance to feel the pain of injuries inflicted on my spirit upon my actual body. Even bruises and burns would appear, despite the fact that I hadn't actually been struck or burned. It is far easier to avoid such things when you keep one foot in the material world."

"I see. I admit, I've always thought of the spirits as a source of wonder rather than as a threat. But I suppose that a storm doesn't have to want to destroy someone in order to sink their ship."

"Mentally sophisticated spirits at least share this much with humans: they have many different reasons for doing things. It is simply that their fundamental drives are different from ours. Why, only a few months ago I pacified a particularly violent reef spirit by engaging it in conversation while my disciple performed a ritual funeral for all of the sailors it had murdered. With their remains hallowed, it couldn't maintain its connection to the material world and I could drive it out."

And aside from that last part, that's what actually happened, too. Just in case he checks my references. And don't think I don't see that hunger in your eyes, Master Tenzin. You're interested in spirits? Alright, I can-.

"Master Tenzin?" Who had clearly forgotten that Acolyte Ban was there. "Master Renkun expressed an interest in learning the basics of air bending. He suggested that there might be distant descendents of Air Nomads who escaped the genocide who had never been exposed to air bending, and that as a wandering shaman he might be able to identify them if he knew how."

"I doubt it, after all this time. Still, if there was a chance…" He raises his right hand to stroke his beard, then makes a decision. "Master Renkun, if you have the time, I think I could show you the basics. And I am interested in hearing about your interactions with the spirits."

I smile. "I'm sure that I can remember a story or two."
So that's why Tenzin is so interested in Paul. I hope that Paul can not only help Tenzin with his spirituality issues, but also help Jinora with her self-confidence so that she can reveal her own spiritual abilities.

Roku, for example, sucks at judging character. Kyoshi sucks on doing her job, since she didn't stop Chin until he attacked her peninsula in particular. That waterbender avatar from the finale of ATLA was lazy. And the first avatar, who's name I forget, sucked at figuring out that there are underlying reasons why wars start, rather than just beating people into submission to stop the violence
That's judging them a little too harshly. Roku dropped the ball, but was otherwise an okay Avatar. Kyoshi didn't get any formal training for the job until she was much older and had to deal with personal issues such as being abandoned and watching her father figure get murdered by said figure's good friend. Kuruk suffered from spiritual wounds due to fighting dark spirits, and Wan was literally the first Avatar, so he just had to wing it and hope for the best.
Oh right, Tenzin sucked at spirituality and spirit-related stuff despite dedicated his life to the spiritual pursuit of airbending.

No wonder he's hoping for some tips.
In a setting like Avatar, trying to be spiritual is self-defeating. Tenzin must strive for non-attachment.
So that's why Tenzin is so interested in Paul. I hope that Paul can not only help Tenzin with his spirituality issues, but also help Jinora with her self-confidence so that she can reveal her own spiritual abilities.
That's judging them a little too harshly. Roku dropped the ball, but was otherwise an okay Avatar. Kyoshi didn't get any formal training for the job until she was much older and had to deal with personal issues such as being abandoned and watching her father figure get murdered by said figure's good friend. Kuruk suffered from spiritual wounds due to fighting dark spirits, and Wan was literally the first Avatar, so he just had to wing it and hope for the best.

As I remember Aang hardly had a childhood since for quite a while before he ran away? He was trained to be the Avatar without being told that he was the Avatar and that was followed by a hundred years on Ice combined with the events of the show.
170 After Genocide, Late winter, later that day

Air Temple Island is located off the coast of Republic City, while still being protected from stronger winds and ocean currents by Yue Bay. The inhabitants are Master -and former City Councillor- Tenzin and his family, Avatar Korra, various White Lotus security guards and a handful of Air Acolytes. Air Acolytes are sort of… Air Nomad substitutes, people of non-Nomad heritage who choose to study air bending philosophy and live… At least somewhat as the Air Nomads of old did.
Sort of like die-hard fanboys, the kind who basically LARP their way through life. Oh, I'm sure they're honestly devoted to the old ways, but some might well see them as something less serious. And after the Convergence sometime later this season... I wonder how many of them triggered latent Airbending?

For being from a people who are supposed to abstain from material attachments, Tenzin seems to be rather attached to Air Nomad artefacts. Makes me think of the Museum Fremen from the Dune sequels; aping dead traditions despite the need for them having long passed.
Well, in his case it's more that he idolises the old Air Nomad ways and culture. To a dangerous extent sometimes. After all, when the only other airbender you've known for most of your life was your father...

Anyway, the residences are private and off-limits, but it's perfectly possible for members of the public to visit if they get permission in advance. The Air Acolyte population isn't anything like large enough or genetically varied enough to sustain itself and new recruits have to come from somewhere. The 'permission' thing is more about making sure that someone is there to show the visitor around rather than limiting visitors, though obviously Master Tenzin himself has a lot of demands on his time.
And it's not like there's much actual security on the island, given that Amon's gang raided it one time.

"…and this is where we're rebuilding the air bending gates." The elderly Acolyte gestures to an area… A raised platform where there are… Sails? Panels mounted on poles which allow them to spin in the wind. I can see the area they are supposed to cover, and some were clearly damaged by fire while others have simply been removed. Or were destroyed. "We have had to study the ancient scrolls describing their destruction in great detail to ensure that they are the same as what the Air Nomads of old used."
Seen early in Season One, when Korra was trying to learn Airbending.

"What is it for?"

"Air Bender training." He chuckles quietly. "Though I doubt that there's a single Air Acolyte who hasn't tried to complete a run once or twice. The trick it to feel the flow of the air around you and move before the panel hits you." He thinks for a moment, then leans towards me. "I doubt that there's a single Air Acolyte who hasn't got more than a few bruises from it, either."
Unless you're one hell of a mundane martial artist, certainly.

"I suppose that a non-bender would need near-preternatural awareness of their surroundings to match.. what I assume is a fairly basic air bender technique."

He nods. "It's difficult, certainly, though by no means impossible."
Which links into the more esoteric aspects of bending. Benders don't seem to have any exotic senses, like thermal vision or Toph's vibrational sense. Air Benders in particular would have to have some sort of sixth sense for air currents, especially when gliding.

"And… There really aren't any air benders outside of Master Tenzin and his children-? And the Avatar, of course."

"No?" He sounds puzzled by my question. "Sadly, the soldiers of Fire Lord Sozin were quite thorough."
Not yet. Again, the Convergence will cause many new Benders to trigger.

"I'm sorry, I realise that this is… Insensitive, but I've never been able to understand… How none of the Air Nomads of old were able to escape. That every single member of a nomadic people was in place to be ambushed, how they didn't see the soldiers coming, and how they couldn't get away when they could fly and their attackers couldn't. Even with the comet…"
And they kept running for a full century? Sooner or later, they'd reach their limit. Either they'd settle somewhere the Fire Nation couldn't find them, or try to and get caught out, or they'd make a suicide run on them.

"Oh, some did. We have records of a young Air Nomad named Malu who escaped, and she is referenced in Earth Kingdom records as having lived for at least fifty years after Sozin's Comet." He sighs. "There are most likely dozens of others who survived, only to be hunted down later as the Fire Nation's armies spread across the Earth Kingdom. By the time that Fire Lord Ozai came to rule over them, 'hunting for the Avatar' was considered a fools errand, but early in the Great War it was not."
Which is why Zuko was ridiculed early on. Given a fool's errand, cast out and scarred by his father's hand... You can see why he was such an angry boy in Season One.

I nod, noting that he didn't say what happened to Malu. If King Bumi survived to see Aang's escape from the ice, she could have lived that long as well. "They found every single one?"

He shrugs. "Perhaps some went to ground and forgot their heritage. Life in Earth Kingdom communities would not lend itself to the way of life compatible with air bending."
And trying to maintain their ways even in secret would make them stand out. Especially those with mastery tattoos.

"Do you think it would be worth looking? I know that Avatar Aang said that all Air Nomads were air benders, but I have not been able to find any information on what happens when Air Nomads mixed their blood with other peoples. If some Air Nomads did escape and marry into other nations, it could be several generations before their line produced an air bender."

"I believe that the Order of the White Lotus has kept an eye out, but…" He shrugs. "The Order is not particularly large. Even as the Earth Kingdom industrialises, the vast majority of people still live away from the cities."
And there's still a lot of variability in bending power amongst populations. Some might have barely been able to make a breeze, other could fly without gliders...

I nod, making a show of frowning thoughtfully.

"I'm not a bender myself, but my understand of it is that the gestures involved in bending martial arts produce at least a little elemental output, even if the mind and soul aren't properly focused."
I can see the Acolytes learning the forms in hopes of one of them producing such an outburst.

"Yes, a small flare of fire for instance."

"Then could you release a pamphlet, demonstrating the basic forms? Or perhaps send out Acolytes to the towns and villages around the Air Temples, and have them run demonstrations?" I shrug. "Perhaps nothing would come of it, but I don't see how it would hurt."
On the other hand, triggering a response in the air isn't exactly obvious. Especially on an island bordering open sea. Very breezy place.

He thinks for a moment, then nods absent-mindedly. "It may be. It may be. I'll bring it up with Master Tenzin next time I see him."

"I would be happy to help." He looks at me curiously. "I'm an itinerant shaman. I've travelled the length and breadth of all four nations." I shake my head, smiling. "It's no effort to me to try to persuade people to join me for my morning exercises. And I think that the air bending style will be a little easier on my old bones than earth bending or fire bending styles."
Especially with it being inspired by a soft style like Baguazhang. Very elegant, very pretty when performed in slow motion.

His eyes widen. "Do you know the air bending style?"

I shake my head. "Not even a single kata. I was hoping that someone here might be willing to show me?"
I would not be surprised to find his Ring has a full suite of all four known Bending styles, and even the variants like the Dragon's Dance. Edit: Or at least the physical martial arts said styles were modelled on...

"Certainly. They aren't a secret, after all. We hold demonstrations in the city parks several times a year." He hesitates for a moment. "I'm not sure if our younger instructors would be-."

I smile ruefully. "I understand and wholeheartedly agree."
The young'uns not exactly patient enough to train an 'old man', eh?

He smiles back. "Perhaps if-." He looks past me. "Oh, ah…" I turn to-. "Master Tenzin."

"Senior Acolyte Ban. And Master Renkun, I hoped to see you during your visit." Master Tenzin doesn't exactly smile, but he does seem genuinely pleased to see me. "Lord Bao sent a message to the Order of the White Lotus asking for assistance, and another message tell us that it was no longer needed. I wanted to ask how you were able to persuade the spirit of the volcano to calm itself."
Tenzin doesn't really have a face for smiling. All those years of being the heir to the Air Nomad legacy, after all.

"Well, ah, with an angry spirit like that, the main trick is to avoid entering the spirit world."

He tilts his head slightly to the side. "'Avoid'?"
An idea that probably goes against everything he knows about dealing with Spirits, I bet.

"Since I'm not a bender, I wouldn't lose my ability to bend by leaving my physical body, but a volcano spirit in its home environment can kill a man by proximity alone. They're rather warm." He nods, and I'm not sure he realised that was a witticism. "In my younger days I often came out of a trance to feel the pain of injuries inflicted on my spirit upon my actual body. Even bruises and burns would appear, despite the fact that I hadn't actually been struck or burned. It is far easier to avoid such things when you keep one foot in the material world."
And even easier with things like a Power Ring. But he's not about to share that detail.

"I see. I admit, I've always thought of the spirits as a source of wonder rather than as a threat. But I suppose that a storm doesn't have to want to destroy someone in order to sink their ship."

"Mentally sophisticated spirits at least share this much with humans: they have many different reasons for doing things. It is simply that their fundamental drives are different from ours. Why, only a few months ago I pacified a particularly violent reef spirit by engaging it in conversation while my disciple performed a ritual funeral for all of the sailors it had murdered. With their remains hallowed, it couldn't maintain its connection to the material world and I could drive it out."
No doubt he's very interesting to spirits, too, with his quite peculiar soul structure.

And aside from that last part, that's what actually happened, too. Just in case he checks my references. And don't think I don't see that hunger in your eyes, Master Tenzin. You're interested in spirits? Alright, I can-.

"Master Tenzin?" Who had clearly forgotten that Acolyte Ban was there. "Master Renkun expressed an interest in learning the basics of air bending. He suggested that there might be distant descendents of Air Nomads who escaped the genocide who had never been exposed to air bending, and that as a wandering shaman he might be able to identify them if he knew how."
Certainly, on a genetic level it might be trickier, especially after years of interbreeding with Earth, Fire and Water nation natives. Even a Power Ring might have an issue finding such links.

"I doubt it, after all this time. Still, if there was a chance…" He raises his right hand to stroke his beard, then makes a decision. "Master Renkun, if you have the time, I think I could show you the basics. And I am interested in hearing about your interactions with the spirits."

I smile. "I'm sure that I can remember a story or two."
Yes, very eager, I see.

Ingratiating himself with the surviving Air Benders, I see. I wonder why specifically. Interest in the family of Azula's former foes? Genre-savvy awareness that they'll end up playing a big role in the events of years to come? Wonder what Korra will make of it when she gets back from the Poles. If it's that early in Season Two, anyway. And Azula's hanging around too...
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That's judging them a little too harshly. Roku dropped the ball, but was otherwise an okay Avatar. Kyoshi didn't get any formal training for the job until she was much older and had to deal with personal issues such as being abandoned and watching her father figure get murdered by said figure's good friend. Kuruk suffered from spiritual wounds due to fighting dark spirits, and Wan was literally the first Avatar, so he just had to wing it and hope for the best.
there a bit of a pattern which each avatar not having something but the next one in line get

Kuruk die young, Kyoshi live a very long life
Kyoshi was dirt poor, Roku was born rich
i don't remember what Roku lack that Aang got
Aang wasn't very enthusiastic about being the Avatar ( understatement really since he ran away), Korra was very gung ho about it

if this pattern does keep up for whatever sequel that get made then the Next Earth Avatar would have a pretty free childhood vs Korra home confinement thank to the kidnapping attempt when she was younger
That waterbender avatar from the finale of ATLA was lazy

Kuruk wasn't lazy, although people thought he was.

Avatar Yangchen, his predecessor, was focused mostly on material matters and tended to focus on humans over spirits. While that made her wildly popular, it also caused a lot of dark spirits to fester. Kuruk, as a result, had to deal primarily with spiritual matters and the injuries he incurred ended up costing him his life.

Because Kuruk was focused on spiritual matters, his deeds weren't as visible to the four nations which left him not as popular as Yangchen. This combined with how he couldn't pay attention to the political situation(which Yangchen did in her time) meant a lot of powers developed who wanted the Avatar's nose out of their business.

This lead to Kyoshi's situation, where she had a plate full of political bullshit to deal with. That combined with her self confidence issues led to Blood Thirsty Kyoshi memes because she felt she couldn't keep up with the schemers she had to deal with but did feel confident in her ability to shift tectonic plates.

The short version, every Avatar tries their best and for better or worse the next one has to deal with the consequences.
This lead to Kyoshi's situation, where she had a plate full of political bullshit to deal with. That combined with her self confidence issues led to Blood Thirsty Kyoshi memes because she felt she couldn't keep up with the schemers she had to deal with but did feel confident in her ability to shift tectonic plates.
Not gonna lie, I really feel for Kyoshi in this example.
there a bit of a pattern which each avatar not having something but the next one in line get

Kuruk die young, Kyoshi live a very long life
Kyoshi was dirt poor, Roku was born rich
i don't remember what Roku lack that Aang got
Aang wasn't very enthusiastic about being the Avatar ( understatement really since he ran away), Korra was very gung ho about it

if this pattern does keep up for whatever sequel that get made then the Next Earth Avatar would have a pretty free childhood vs Korra home confinement thank to the kidnapping attempt when she was younger
Exactly. The past lives of Avatars, particularly their immediate predecessors, affect the lives of the next Avatar.

Avatar Yangchen spent years working and almost always took the side of humans when a conflict with spirits arose.

Avatar Kuruk spent the first years of his Avatar journey as a laidback man since Yangchen had dealt with most of the worldly problems, but then had to spent the rest of his very short life dealing with the spiritual problems left by Yangchen.

Kyoshi on the other hand had been a very hardworking Avatar, excluding what happened with Chin, and did not stop working almost entirety of her over two hundred years of life. But she also did have the misfortune of having to kill a very dear friend.

Roku on the other hand, while diligent in his duties as an Avatar, embraced his retirement. The guy ended up being the only Avatar that appeared old to the next Avatars. But unlike Kyoshi, he ended up giving a second chance to Sozin, his once best friend, for his soul knew the pain of having to kill a friend.

Not gonna lie, I'm having difficulties seeing the connection between Aang's life and Roku other than the fact that Aang had to deal with the hundred year war that started as a result of Roku's mercy and death. The one thing Aang's life he probably regret though, was the fact that he ran away from his duties as an Avatar when the knowledge overwhelmed his twelve year old self, after which the Air Nomads were wiped out and he likely blamed himself for it.

Finally Korra, who unlike Aang, literally threw herself into her role as the Avatar headfirst with no hesitation. She is literally the youngest Avatar we know that started her training to master the four elements before the age of ten, being able to use three out of four elements at a very basic level as a child.
Exactly. The past lives of Avatars, particularly their immediate predecessors, affect the lives of the next Avatar.

Avatar Yangchen spent years working and almost always took the side of humans when a conflict with spirits arose.

Avatar Kuruk spent the first years of his Avatar journey as a laidback man since Yangchen had dealt with most of the worldly problems, but then had to spent the rest of his very short life dealing with the spiritual problems left by Yangchen.

Kyoshi on the other hand had been a very hardworking Avatar, excluding what happened with Chin, and did not stop working almost entirety of her over two hundred years of life. But she also did have the misfortune of having to kill a very dear friend.

Roku on the other hand, while diligent in his duties as an Avatar, embraced his retirement. The guy ended up being the only Avatar that appeared old to the next Avatars. But unlike Kyoshi, he ended up giving a second chance to Sozin, his once best friend, for his soul knew the pain of having to kill a friend.

Not gonna lie, I'm having difficulties seeing the connection between Aang's life and Roku other than the fact that Aang had to deal with the hundred year war that started as a result of Roku's mercy and death. The one thing Aang's life he probably regret though, was the fact that he ran away from his duties as an Avatar when the knowledge overwhelmed his twelve year old self, after which the Air Nomads were wiped out and he likely blamed himself for it.

Finally Korra, who unlike Aang, literally threw herself into her role as the Avatar headfirst with no hesitation. She is literally the youngest Avatar we know that started her training to master the four elements before the age of ten, being able to use three out of four elements at a very basic level as a child.
From some of the other things, one of the excuses that Sozin used for going after the Air Benders was that they were keeping their hands on Aang, and had accused them of trying to control the Avatar. How true that actually was is unknown there...so Aang might have been a lot further on if he'd been traveling before things.

One of the theories was that Sozin had planned on intercepting him in his travels and convincing him to back the Fire Nation there
From some of the other things, one of the excuses that Sozin used for going after the Air Benders was that they were keeping their hands on Aang, and had accused them of trying to control the Avatar. How true that actually was is unknown there...so Aang might have been a lot further on if he'd been traveling before things.

One of the theories was that Sozin had planned on intercepting him in his travels and convincing him to back the Fire Nation there
It definitely is possible, but I think that Sozin's intentions were likely more sinister. I am basing this on how he let Roku die. I genuinely believe that Sozin went to the island in order to save Roku but seeing him actually begging on the ground, weak, was the moment he really realized that Avatars could be beaten as well. That knowledge more than likely went to his head and he wasn't likely the most stable person before Roku's death anyway.
Sort of like die-hard fanboys, the kind who basically LARP their way through life. Oh, I'm sure they're honestly devoted to the old ways, but some might well see them as something less serious. And after the Convergence sometime later this season... I wonder how many of them triggered latent Airbending?
Exactly one, plus Bumi Junior. That whole thing was bullshit.
After all, when the only other airbender you've known for most of your life was your father...
And more to the point, he was the only one of Aang's children who was an airbender. Remember Aang saying 'all our people are benders because we're so spiritual'?

Because Bumi Junior did.
I would not be surprised to find his Ring has a full suite of all four known Bending styles, and even the variants like the Dragon's Dance.
How would that information get there?
Thnak you, corrected.
i don't remember what Roku lack that Aang got
Trustworthy friends. A volcano.
And more to the point, he was the only one of Aang's children who was an airbender. Remember Aang saying 'all our people are benders because we're so spiritual'?

I'm wondering if Aang was either just ignorant, or he just didn't master the correct form of air bender spirituality since his teachers died before they could teach it to him.
How would that information get there?
Well, I was thinking he'd have gotten his hands on the recordings of all the Avatar TV episodes, if nothing else. :sneaky: And each style was modelled upon real-world martial arts... I mean, if he had to, he could fake it really well. (I adjusted my original comment there to reflect that...)
At least for some Firebending techniques, he'd have been able to study Azula, maybe?
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It definitely is possible, but I think that Sozin's intentions were likely more sinister. I am basing this on how he let Roku die. I genuinely believe that Sozin went to the island in order to save Roku but seeing him actually begging on the ground, weak, was the moment he really realized that Avatars could be beaten as well. That knowledge more than likely went to his head and he wasn't likely the most stable person before Roku's death anyway.
I think that part of the thing with him trying to get access to Aang was to try proving that he was right and that Roku was wrong, a way to say, if only to himself, that he did the right thing in Roku's death.
At least for some Firebending techniques, he'd have been able to study Azula, maybe?
Oh, sure, he's got records on everything that she shared. But she didn't know the more esoteric firebending techniques.
I'm wondering if Aang was either just ignorant, or he just didn't master the correct form of air bender spirituality since his teachers died before they could teach it to him.
My assumption is that he was ignorant. No one explains every details about how their society works to a ten year old, and they probably wouldn't understand it if you did.
excluding what happened with Chin,

May just not have been a matter for the Avatar, with domestic affairs getting a bit more leeway seemingly. The Yangchen novels iirc never has a moment where, despite how focused it is on the regrets of past Avatars, where Yangchen laments that she was too young get involved in the Civil War in the Earth Kingdom when she was like 9 that caused all the problems she had to deal with when she's finished her training.
Aang was a great Avatar

suck at being a parent sadly, all 3 of his children have various degree of parental abandonment

then again, each Avatar suck at something
I don't think he sucked at being a parent. Every parent is imperfect. They turned out ok and successful and capable adults from what I'd seen. So he can't have been terrible. Plus remember Katara raised them too. She was there and bares as much responsibility as Aang.
I don't think he sucked at being a parent. Every parent is imperfect. They turned out ok and successful and capable adults from what I'd seen. So he can't have been terrible. Plus remember Katara raised them too. She was there and bares as much responsibility as Aang.
well the only thing i say that Aang was bad at is placing alot of responsibility onto Tenzin because he was the only one out of the 3 to be an Air bender

trying to revive the Air Nomad was just impossible and he die young leaving it all to Tenzin to deal with, certainly gave him alot of issue as we see in the spirit world fog place
well the only thing i say that Aang was bad at is placing alot of responsibility onto Tenzin because he was the only one out of the 3 to be an Air bender

trying to revive the Air Nomad was just impossible and he die young leaving it all to Tenzin to deal with, certainly gave him alot of issue as we see in the spirit world fog place
And we see nothing of Katara putting her foot down on his favoritism.

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