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Search results for query: *

  1. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I'm so glad this is back~ This and Ochimaru's daughter are my favorites. I think making the book free is an good idea, though having an option for donations would be nice kinda like Midnight Moonlight and Date a Angel. I remember reading 'Date a Angel' on FFnet then immediately buying both...
  2. Here is hoping my comment add on the chance for continuing the Best!Tentacle Girl story.

    Here is hoping my comment add on the chance for continuing the Best!Tentacle Girl story.
  3. Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Random Question: If Rei hits Kage level and leaves the village would she count as a traitor? Tsunade wasn't counted as traitor. I assume she wouldn't since she'll be much to powerful to be worth declaring a traitor and hunting her (unless she does something horrible... like "kidnap" Hinata...
  4. Dead

    [X] Other -[X] Perform a public group dance ritual (with music) to summon him
  5. Dead

    [X] Use an illusion to make everyone, including your apprentice think that she now looks like Gandalf the Grey, a stereotypical wizard. Make it last a day, and don’t forget to say that it is temporal. ^this needs to happen
  6. Dead

    [X] Go see your apprentice Only a monster would break the sacred trust between an owner and their day planner
  7. Dead

    [X] Tell a truth ;)
  8. Dead

    Number one priority [X] Take on the PRT Number two priority [X] Spend time with your family Number three priority [X] Take on the E88 I almost made Take on the PRT 1, 2 and 3 :p
  9. Dead

    [X] Try and lead him to the sea so you can drown him -[X] Drowning that dragon last time sure was fun!
  10. Dead

    [X] Fight him right here. -[X] "Leave the butterflies out of this"
  11. Dead

    [X] Ignore it and go back to your base all the together
  12. Dead

    [X] This city is full of racists. You'd feel bad just abandoning these people. -[X] See if any of them are interested in staying with you in your floating sky castle while they adjust. -[X] As a bonus that ought to counteract some of the slander the PRT has been spreading about you. -[X] Oooh...
  13. Dead

    [X] Offer to buy them clothes -[X] Seduce Female troll -[X] Suduce all Trolls and Orcs and create a Troll and orc harem
  14. Dead

    [X] Go check out what's going on -Can someone remind me what Taylor's favorite disguise was again?
  15. Dead

    [X] Go on a shopping trip -[X] Take your kids, after all you are a responsible grown up now -Stealing Budda002 choice because its awesome :P
  16. Dead

    [X] Ask him for help Danny needs to be more involved
  17. Dead

    [x] Ghouls
  18. Dead

    [X] Explain all subtle like
  19. Dead

    [X] Pop her with a pillow until she stops asking questions. -[X] Ssh, no uncomfortable truths here, only- *bap* This answer was to good not to copy :D