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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Amelia, Ch 248
Amelia, Ch 248

"The entire biosphere?" Vickory asked.

"For all intents and purposes," Taylor responded. "Our powers don't have upper limits on mass. As long as it's a single life form, Amelia can control all of it. As long as it's within my range and is an arthropod, I can control all of that. There aren't a lot of places on earth where bugs and spiders aren't found. On Avalon, there are even fewer. We can defend our entire planet pretty much in real time."

"That is rather intimidating," Vickery admitted.

"It also deserves noting that alongside our ability to defend ourselves and our colonists, Avalon is a truly fresh start," I added. "Our government and history is truly new, lacking in wars and nationalism and ugly history. Founded with a mixture of nationalities, ideals and beliefs. We are welcoming of everyone, as long as they aren't going to hurt others."

We had our tag team system on full auto by this point. Taylor was the one who talked about the mechanical realities, the dangers and how we'd respond to them. The stereotypically 'masculine' side of our partnership. I was the one who offered the possibilities and ideologies. The hopes we offered the future. The more 'feminine' side. It suited us both pretty well.

"I see you have given this a great deal of consideration," Vickery replied. "So, let's try the opposite angle. What do you consider the greatest weakness of your colony world compared to the others?"

I paused. Fuck, hadn't thought of that one. Luckily Taylor reacted quickly enough. "In general? I'd say the lack of establishment. Other nations will be able to recruit their own best and brightest to oversee their colonial development. Industrial records such as where to find mineral deposits that should be in the same locations in their earth as they were on Bet. From that angle, we're very much at a disadvantage. Hopefully we'll be able to find enough talented individuals hoping for an unfettered world to work with to offset this weakness."

We already have, I added silently. Namely, Dragon. She already has almost six hundred of her employees on Avalon. And, of course, Accord. Who was happily doing his part and being rewarded thoroughly for it.

"Economy," I added, having picked my answer. "We will have our own national currency, but for the first year or so it will be backed by Pantheon's personal wealth. We are, essentially, promising to buy our own currency in exchange for the American Dollar. It won't remain that way for very long, but it will be the starting basis."

"What of those who point to your power of clairaudience as a violation of privacy?" Vickery asked next. "You would make an impressive form of Big Brother. Or sister, in this case."

Taylor sighed. "Honestly? I don't like it any more than anyone else does. I'm very good at not paying attention to my power's senses. Considering that many species of insect are scavengers feeding on dead animals and offal, you can imagine how glad I am for that. Admittedly, my promise that I don't want to spy on people won't change the fact that I certainly could. Hopefully being honest will earn some trust."

"We are hoping that the benefits of living in a world without starvation or war or any significant amount of crime will be enough to let people put aside that fear," I offered. "Or true equality between people in a way that's never been seen on Bet. If not those things, then the advantages of our Thinker and Tinker designed legal, economic and education systems should add up as well. It's amazing what a nation can afford to do for its people when it doesn't need to spend its money on soldiers and tanks. We will get our fair share of colonists. More as time goes on and it becomes clear how effective our system really is."

Pity we lost Japan when Lily decided she couldn't go through with the marriage. I didn't blame her at all, but it would have been convenient. On the plus side, Dragon was planning to change her citizenship almost immediately.

"With all this talk of colonies and colony worlds," Vickery mused. "Has there been discussions of opening gateways to inhabited worlds?"

"The subject's come up," I acknowledged. "The possibility of Aleph, at the very least, is very high. They are similar enough to Bet that there wouldn't be a difficult cultural barrier to overcome, and their world is facing notable overpopulation issues. It also helps that we've been able to communicate with them for quite some time, now. However, that is a matter of international discussion between Aleph and Bet. Avalon will participate in those discussions, of course."

"It will likely be years before we do so," Taylor added. "There is the risk that any worlds we open gateways to might face the dangers of Endbringer attacks. Whatever value there might be in physical interaction between Aleph and Bet, it's clearly not worth the risk of unleashing the Endbringers on defenseless worlds. At least Bet has heroes that can fight the monsters."

"This is clearly a complex issue that deserves a lot of consideration before any final answers are decided," Vickery agreed. "Care to share any of your thoughts on what interplanetary policy you plan to support?"

"Sure," I agreed. "We are strongly in favor of inviting Aleph into the colonization program. As well as six other worlds we've discovered where history diverged within the last fifty years or so. One actually diverges from Aleph at the point where Bet made contact with one, but not the other. We're less enthusiastic about a number of other worlds. In at least one example, Europe never developed into a colonial power and the natives are the only people of their analogue of America. We paid attention during history and will oppose any plan to open that world, or the others like it, which diverged from our own centuries ago."

"In fact, as a good rule of thumb," Taylor jumped in. "I imagine a policy of only opening to planets which are at least in the information age of their development will be the standard. And, most likely, we will include other policies like only opening a channel of communication at first. Much the way we currently have with Aleph, until we get to know each other and allow them to adjust to our differences. We might find some worlds we never choose to access. There are hundreds of developed worlds out there, and each will require its own unique approach."

"I imagine we might need a new naming convention for all these earths," Vickery replied with a grin.

"Luckily, that problem isn't ours to worry about," I agreed.


"This has been Stan Vickory, on location in Avalon."​
"It is an interesting proposition," one of the political analysis types stated, looking at the tape. Some economics professor from Harvard or something, I was barely paying attention. "They're not wrong that they will get their colonists. If nothing else, the parahuman populations of much of the world would be lured by the promise of equality.​
"That's true, but how long could you expect such a system to last?" A woman asked. PRT of some type. "It's being run by a bunch of teenage girls."​
"If you read Avalon's constitution, they run almost nothing," another woman corrected. "The Empresses have very little responsibility or power outside of their function as military leaders and international diplomacy. We've seen their work through Pantheon. I think they've proven they can handle themselves in those arenas."​
"How long has this been going on?" I sighed.

"About three hours," Lisa replied, switching to a channel that was in Spanish. Sure enough, there was our interview going again, complete with subtitles. "Good news is, we're pretty well liked in the yuppie crowd. Bad news is, they're not likely to move in the first place. Our political freedom acts are interesting a lot of possible colonists overseas, but it's not like it's easy to collect those. China's threatening war if we don't give them a world of their own." DisgustContempt.

"China can fuck itself," Taylor muttered. "They want to start a war, I'll be happy to finish it."

"It's actually working in our favor. A lot of their neighbors are afraid of being invaded if we give them a portal, so their refugees are likely to see us as the primary option for colonization. Our offer of semi independent states has also drawn interest from subjugated cultures such as the Native American tribal groups. I'm uncertain how that'll work out in the long run. Right now it's a whole lot of 'we like what they're trying to do, but we'll wait and see how it looks later before we commit'. We'l have to wait until the first colony worlds start collapsing."

"I really don't like how our entire plan revolves around profiting from the suffering of innocent people," I muttered. AgreementDismay.

"Can't be helped," Lisa dismissed. "If people weren't suffering, we wouldn't even need to build a colony world. We could just keep Avalon as a nice, empty field full of Zerg for us and industrial complexes for Dragon. We could pack the planet with enough ordinance to peel the topsoil off of another planet if we needed to. But we don't. Because we want to be nice and share our sandbox with others."

"I thought we went public with Avalon so we could hide Mashu," I replied.

"Hey, I said we let others have our sandbox," she smirked. "I never said anything about us not finding another one. Besides, we paid out our fucking ass for that one.


A/N- I believe someone said something about an omake after Avalon goes public?
A/N- I believe someone said something about an omake after Avalon goes public?
I...honestly don't think that was me, but have one anyway!


Across the table was spread a number of folders, mostly in stacks. The sheer number gave Amelia and Taylor pause as they stepped into the room, staring at a slightly-disheveled Lisa, who was evidently engrossed in reading a selection from one of the manilla packets and chuckling under her breath. As the two Empresses sat, though, the blonde looked up from her work and gave them her trade-marked grin.

"You remember those meetings we have every now and then where you each feel like you need a stiff drink?" Lisa grinned wider, "this is going to be one of those."

Amelia groaned while Taylor merely massaged her forehead.

"How bad?" Taylor asked, readying herself for the worst.

"Honestly?" Lisa asked, "not so much 'bad' as just...'damn humanity is weird.' Also, some people have absolutely no shame."

"Oh boy," Amelia stated blandly. "Well, let's get this started. What are we looking at in terms of prospective colonists?"

"Do you want the 'easy no' groups first?" Lisa asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or should we just go ahead and get to the ones that merit actual consideration?"

Taylor and Amelia shared a glance.

"Call me morbidly curious, but who is actually asking that we can turn down so easily? We're not being that picky." Taylor question gave birth to a particularly nasty-looking grin on Lisa's face.

"Well, applications for immigration to Avalon have mostly come in two forms," Lisa explained. "On the one side, we've got individuals who want to move either alone or in family units and settle a private plot of land. Most of these are either going to be poor, disenfranchised minorities, or the types of people who hate their country enough that they want to move, but are too lazy to actually jump through the hoops into a foreign state."

"Okay," Amelia nodded, "Like Taylor said, we're not that picky. As long as they aren't...crazy for lack of a better term, I don't think we're in a position to turn down too many people."

"No," Lisa replied, "we're not. These individuals...or small groups, may be a little irritating superficially, but they don't have any real problems besides just being dissatisfied with their current life. The only negative outcome I can see is if they try to start up a populist revolution or something against the 'oppressive monarchs' and even that...not too much of a problem with your powersets. No, the problem is primarily with the larger groups that want to immigrate...barring the occasional individual with actual mental problems."

"What kind of groups?" Taylor asked, narrowing her eyes, "and how large are we talking?"

"Low hundreds to hundreds of thousands," Lisa responded. "These are the groups which have enough structure and consideration for our government structure that they've applied to move in and set up as a country unto themselves."

Taylor blinked. "Really, who would...what kind of group has that level of membership that would be that devoted..." She frowned as an ugly picture began to form in her mind.

"They're not all cults," Lisa said, stopping her friend's line of thought. "Well, for a given value of 'cult' I suppose. This is where we can easily refuse certain groups. For instance, several Ku Klux Klan groups sent in an application for territory, as did Gesellschaft. Admittedly, part of me wants to set their private fiefdoms up next to each other and watch the fireworks."

Amelia put her face in her hands. "What."

Taylor shook her head. "No, Lisa. Not just no, but Hell No."

"I know, I know," Lisa snickered, "but you've got to admit, it's a funny thought. Anyway, then there are some actual cults. For instance, there are numerous apocalyptic groups who want to set up shop on Avalon to take advantage of our stance on religious and lifestyle freedom. Most of these have had problems with the American government before on some level...owning large stocks of firearms, not allowing members to leave when they attempt to, forms of brainwashing and sexual abuse...the list goes on. There are a few that might, might mind you, be feasible, but mostly they're going in the 'no' column."

Taylor groaned. "Spectacular. I hope they're not all this bad."

"Not at all," Lisa smiled. "We actually have several opportunities for good PR here and there. For instance, I've got a few tentative applications from various Native American groups who wanted to see if it was possible to settle areas analogous to their original holdings before European or American colonization."

"An easy 'yes,'" Amelia nodded. "I'm not entirely sure why you just didn't make the choices without us, Lisa. You seem to have it well-enough in hand."

Lisa grinned teasingly. "I'm not one of the 'Empresses.'" Amelia and Taylor's face soured at the reminder. "These need approval at highest levels of our government. Plus, I haven't gotten to the funny ones yet."

"Funny ones?" Amelia asked warily. "Funny strange or funny haha?"

"Yes," Lisa smirked.

Taylor sighed. "Okay, since you obviously need someone to ask the question...what do you mean by 'funny ones?'"

Lisa threw down a large manilla folder, "This is Nova Roma, or 'New Rome.' It's a...well, it's something between a recreational organization, a private club, and a historical reenactment group...and they pretend to be a country on the side while they're at it."

Taylor blinked, "I'm sorry...what?"

"They mint their own coins, give citizenship, and hold gatherings of those citizens which are all aimed at recreating the Roman way of life," Lisa explained. "Honestly, this is kind of the sweet spot for colonists, at least in terms of what we're looking for. People crazy enough to jump through a portal to another world, but almost all of them have some level of technical skill or higher education. They'd, obviously, want an area analogous to the Italian peninsula for initial colonization."

Amelia was shaking her head as she looked over the papers. "So...they just want to pretend to be Rome? That's it? What about...didn't Romans practice slavery?"

Lisa nodded. "Good catch, but they're amenable to changing certain practices in the name of actually forming their own country. They do seem pretty firm on maintaining the Roman religion as their official state religion, though."
It took a moment for the penny to drop.

"No." Amelia stated firmly. "No. Nonononono, fuck no. We agreed on this, Lisa! We're not portraying ourselves as Gods!"

"Doesn't that run contrary to the whole 'religious freedom' thing we have set up on Avalon?" Taylor asked, slightly less worried than her partner.

"Nova Roma endorses religious freedom, but they maintain the religious rights of the original Rome as a way to keep alive cultural heritage," Lisa explained. "No one would actually worship us, but they would invoke some of our...pseudonyms during celebrations. Functionally, though, you'd both be something of God-Empresses on the official government of Nova Roma."

"Isn't Khepri...Egyptian, rather than Roman?" Taylor asked, frowning.

"Well," Lisa shrugged, "considering what the term 'Pantheon' actually refers to and the fact that Egypt was, at one point, a Roman colony, they're more than happy to include you, Taylor, as well as Amelia in their...worship."

Taylor pinched the bridge of her nose to stave off a headache. "Yay?"

Lisa chuckled. "Honestly? I'm pretty sure most of that section of their application for immigration is tongue-in-cheek. Don't get me wrong, it's all one-hundred-percent true, but they aren't going to be pushing for seriousness in this respect."

"Put in the maybe pile," Amelia decided, receiving a nod from Taylor.

Lisa shrugged. "That's actually just the start of some of the weirder ones. We've got the...Society for Creative Anachronisms who were thinking about moving in, then there's the...Aerican Empire. I'm not entirely sure if they're serious about this or treating it as a huge joke. My best guess is both." She paused here, shuffling folders around.

"The Aerican Empire?" Taylor asked, cocking her head.

Lisa grinned, sliding out a folder. "They fall into this weird category of polity known as 'micronations.' Basically, most are a joke, but some are fairly serious groups that are attempting to become recognized international states. By some definitions, Nova Roma falls under the same category, but the Aerican Empire is...strange, even by their standards. They claim territory on other planets, some of which are imaginary, they have a state religion that worships a talking penguin who reigns over gaming as well as the smiley-face logo..."

"Lisa?" Amelia interrupted.

"Hmm?" The blonde asked, amusing herself with the contents of the folder.

"You were right. I do feel like a drink," Amelia sighed.
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Canon PHO Omake
A/N- I believe someone said something about an omake after Avalon goes public?

Ask and ye shall receive

Welcome to the Parahumans Online Message Boards
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♦Topic: Pantheon presents Avalon!
In: Boards ► World Events ► Alternate Worlds ► Pantheon ► Avalon
Minerva (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Pantheon) (Avalon Citizen)
Posted on February 8, 2012:
As I'm sure you have heard by now, the UN has accepted Pantheon as a Sovereign nation in its own right, with Amelia Lavere and Taylor Hebert as it's Empresses. The news release can be found here.
I am making this thread to answer any questions you may have about this announcement. Gaea and Khepri will be watching this thread as well, so feel free to ask them questions.

(Showing Page 20 of 100)
► Chrome (Temp-banned)
Replied on February 8, 2012:
*This is not the place for your conspiracy theories and accusations, enjoy your ban*

► Stone Face
Replied on February 8, 2012:
Why am I not surprised you're here already?

► Tin Mother (Moderator)
Replied on February 8, 2012:
Due to the amount of controversy surrounding this topic, I will be watching this thread closely. Any attempts to derail the conversation will be met with a temp ban, this is your only warning.

► Stone Face
Replied on February 8, 2012:
...and he's gone

► Acolyte (Temp-banned) (Cape Groupie) (Pantheon Loyalist)
Replied on February 8, 2012:
See I was right! Our glourious God-Empresses have reaveled the extent of their might! A world that is their's alone to rule!
*User has been banned for this post*

► Tin Mother (Moderator)
Replied on February 8, 2012:
Don't say I didn't warn you

► Stone Face
Replied on February 8, 2012:
Holy shit, the mods are not fucking around

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 ... 98 , 99, 100

B](Showing Page 40 of 100)[/B]

► Dragon (Verified Cape) (Guild Member) (Pantheon) (Avalon Citizen)
Replied on February 8, 2012:
You can submit an application to immigrate to Avalon here, but be warned that it's a fairly long and complicated process and may take some time. You are attempting to move to a new country after all.

► Nod
Replied on February 8, 2012:
>Avalon Citizen
Holy Shit
How the fuck did that happen?

► Dragon (Verified Cape) (Guild Member) (Pantheon) (Avalon Citizen)
Replied on February 8, 2012:
One of Pantheon's biggest issues right now is attracting specialists to Avalon and have offered to fast track skilled immigrants. When I expressed an interest in an Avalon Citizenship they offered me land and infrastructure for a factory.

► Radians4Life
Replied on February 8, 2012:
@Dragon @Minerva @Gaea @Kephri
A buddy of mine came up with a new formula for cold shrink and we were looking into starting a business. Would Pantheon be willing to bankroll us in exchange for us moving to Avalon?

► Minerva (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Pantheon) (Avalon Citizen)
Replied on February 8, 2012:
We won't support you without a plan and we will respect Patent Law but if you outside of things like that we would be more than happy to help you through the patenting process and help you establishing a factory on Avalon.

► Sunny
Replied on February 8, 2012:
@Radians4Life @Minerva
If you need workers for your factory, I've been trying to immigrate into the US for some time now with my wife. I'm a boat mechanic and my wife's a secretary at a resort in Cuba.

► Radians4Life
Replied on February 8, 2012:
@Minerva @Sunny
PMs sent

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 ... 98 , 99, 100

(Showing Page 46 of 100)

► TheGamer
Replied on February 8, 2012:
*Hears Gaea mention intentions to take Khepri's last name*
*Notices which subjects Gaea and Khepri focus on*
I can see who wears the pants in that relationship
When's the wedding anyways? Are they waiting until all the Endbringers are dead or just the first three? (Only Leviathan's left)

► Khepri (Verified Cape) (Pantheon Leader) (Avalon Empress)
Replied on February 8, 2012:
Our original statement was that we weren't getting married while cities are being destroyed every three months. Once that has happened we will discuss our wedding.

► Actualize
Replied on February 8, 2012:
Have you picked out what you're going to wear? How about the venue? Do you know who the Maid of Honor and Best Man are? Is there going to be a Best Man or just two Maids of Honor? Are you going to have a traditional wedding or something else?

► Tin Mother (Moderator)
Replied on February 8, 2012:
Ok people, I'm not giving out infractions or bans this time but you should keep that discussion to the appropriate thread.

► Khepri (Verified Cape) (Pantheon Leader) (Avalon Empress)
Replied on February 8, 2012:
Wait, there's a thread dedicated to our wedding?

► Actualize
Replied on February 8, 2012:
You should check it out! We've got all this stuff on what you should do! Lasersmile had this great idea that you could use some of your creatures to serve drinks! What about my idea to work your costumes into your wedding dresses! Are you going to be wearing a wedding dress or are you going to be butch and wear a tux? We need to know!

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 ... 98 , 99, 100

Taylor logged off and rubbed her temples. After Actualize had hijacked the thread it had gone off topic for a couple of pages before the moderators had gotten it back on track, plus the wedding thread had exploded when she expressed an interest in it. Most of the ideas there was crap, insane things like suggesting they get married on a stage made from Leviathan's corpse. However a few were pretty good, she'd have to mention them to Amelia.
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Amelia, Ch 249- Avalon Constitution
Amelia, Ch 249- Avalon Constitution

ARTICLE V. Protected Rights of Avalon Citizens

No government may pass laws prohibiting freedom of religion and speech. While Avalon will acknowledge theocracies and predominant religions and languages, no law shall be passed which favors practitioners of a specific faith over others or prevents people from expressing their beliefs and ideas.

Right to asylum. All citizens of Avalon may petition the Imperial government for protection from and redress against abuse by government. An imperial committee shall determine if there is merit to the claim. Filing frivolous claims can result in fines.

Freedom of transit and citizenship. No nation may close their borders to other nations. People may freely travel or immigrate between nations without harassment, except as may be necessary to prevent criminal activity such as smuggling or fleeing justice. Laws may not be passed which complicate change of residence between nations.

Right to property. No property may be confiscated by the state except as necessary to repay lawfully incurred debt or fines, or where the individual can be shown to be using the property in criminal acts.

Right to preferred lifestyle. No law shall be passed that favors a language, sexual orientation, custom or personal preference over any other.

Right to recognition. No law shall be passed that favors any physical or mental condition over another. All people that are found capable of safely functioning in society must be treated equally under the law. The legal definition of person shall include unnaturally created, modified, nonhuman or otherwise unusual sapient beings that can be shown to have the mental capacity to interact meaningfully in society. For unusual intelligent life, special considerations may need to be taken to ensure their wellbeing. Failure to accommodate for these needs, or attempts to use these abnormalities against them shall be treated as a form of torture equivalent to denying a prisoner food or sleep.

Right to voice in government. While Avalon will acknowledge non democratic systems, membership in that system shall remain voluntary. If at any time, a group can produce evidence of over two percent of residents in a community favoring a petition to remove themselves from a given government, they may file a Change of Governance petition and initiate a Protected Vote. The Imperial government shall oversee the vote and ensure that all voting eligible citizens of the petitioner community have an opportunity to cast their vote. If upon completion of the vote a 2/3 majority is found in favor, the petition shall be recognized as law. Change of Governance petitions may be filed no more than once every five years.

Right to Government Clarity. All citizens have the right to be educated to the legal statutes of their region as well as Avalon Imperial law. All laws of a governing body must be made freely available for the public to access.

Right to Education. All citizens have the right to freely provided education meeting minimal standards as set by Imperial legislation. If a nation feels it is unable to provide these standards, they may petition the Imperial government to take management of their scholastic system.

Attempts by a government to interfere with or defraud these rights will result in punishments that may include imprisonment of responsible governing officials, or if necessary a forfeiture of recognition as a sovereign state.

ARTICLE VI. Recognition of Sovereignty of Communities, City States and Nations

SECTION 1a. A group of like minded colonists numbering no less than a hundred individuals may apply as a community and recieve an allotment of land no more than ten contiguous square kilometers, not including bodies of water. Communities are recognized as independent governments.

SECTION 1b. Communities of over 1,000 are recognized as cities and may found new communities. Cities are bequeathed the territory within three kilometers of their founding region unless it conflicts with prior territorial claims, and may found new communities within that territory. Founded communities are recognized as part of the origin City, City State, and Nation Commonwealth.

Cities have the right to determine municipal taxes and services and must provide a code of law for their territory.

SECTION 1c. A population of no less than than 100,000 people may found a City State. Communities must be within five kilometers of the nearest member community to join a city state. City states must be able to provide a constitutional government that is ratified by a Protected vote. The constitution and laws established within may not conflict with the law established in the Avalon Imperial Government. City states are bequeathed all territory within ten kilometers of their member communities, unless it conflicts with prior territorial claims.

SECTION 1d. Populations of no less than 500,000 people may found a Nation Commonwealth. City States must be within forty kilometers of the nearest member community to join a Nation Commonwealth. Nation Commonwealths are bequeathed all territory within 25 kilometers of their communities, unless it conflicts with prior territorial claims.

SECTION 2a. Communities, Cities and City States have the right to secede from their governing body via a Protected vote. A community may choose to secede membership from their immediate governing body without leaving membership of the higher governing bodies.

SECTION 2b. Communities, Cities and City States have the right to join another governing body via a Protected vote.

SECTION 3a. Communities have the right to purchase or sell territory to their neighbors. All traded territory must maintain a contiguous border with the purchasing party.

SECTION 3b. Arbitration of territory. In the case of conflicting territorial claims that cannot be resolved by the parties themselves, the most immediate government controlling both territories shall arbitrate the dispute. In the case of disputes between Nation Commonwealths, the Avalon Imperial Government shall arbitrate.

SECTION 4. Special Districts. When deemed necessary to serve specific cultural or governing needs, the Avalon Imperial Government may bequeath unusual amounts or shapes of territory to specific governments, grant titles to governments that do not meet the above qualifications, or designate areas that may not be held as territory by any nation.

ARTICLE VII. Protected Rights of Sovereign Nations.

All Nation Commonwealths and City States that are not part of a Nation Commonwealth may select a representative to participate in the Avalon's Legislative Assembly. Representatives are given a weighted vote based upon the percentage of Avalon's total vote eligible population within that territory's borders.

All governments have the right to establish and enforce their own constitution and governing structure, legal systems and all necessary works of government so long as these laws do not conflict with the Imperial Constitution.

Taxation. Governments have the right to issue, enforce and collect licensing, fees, and taxes for the costs of maintaining public utilities and paying government employees and leadership.

Nation Commonwealths have the right to issue their own currency. However, they must freely exchange their currency for the Imperial currency at recognized international value.

Nation Commonwealths may establish their own standard weights and measurements. However, they must include Imperial standards on all documentation.

Expectation of Defense. All nations of Avalon shall be protected from hostilities by Imperial military might.


A/N- this was originally meant to be an Omake. *Headdesk*

Seriously, though. Could you imagine this system in action? Conquer your neighbors by virtue of being a nicer place to live than they are. Also... don't treat your population like shit, they can leave you. And if you can get a hundred people together, you can found any kind of community you want. Though you'll need a LOT more than that if you want to grab a particularly large chunk of land.
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Amelia, Ch 249
Amelia, Ch 250

I woke up in a biochamber. Naked. The fuck? The pod made a beeping noise, and then I was sprayed with a gel material. My power immediately told me it was some kind of psuedofungus and a bit of sugary composite that it fed upon. It solidified, forming crude clothing on my body.

Then the door slid open. Riley jumped on me and hugged me hard. "I missed you so much!" she sobbed, her face buried in my chest.

Missed me? Oh. That's not good. "Wha hamd?" I asked. Wow, talking sucks. Why? Taylor didn't have a problem talking when she was restored.

"Let's just say the last Endbringer battle went phenomenally badly," Lisa replied from somewhere outside the pod that I couldn't see. "Would you like the bad news, the worse news, the really bad news, or the worst news first?"

"Just give it to me in whatever order makes the most logical sense," I slurred the words so badly that I was pretty sure Lisa only understood me thanks to my power.

"Well, the next Endbringer is weird," Lisa replied. "I've not yet decided if it's two Endbringers, or a single Endbringer with two different bodies. If it's just one, then there's one more unknown Endbringer left. If it's two, then there's two more unknowns. For naming's sake, they're being called Tohu and Bohu."

Two at once? Fuck, no wonder we lost. "Ohay, tha's a sar."

"Bohu's the easy one," she continued, stepping into my limited view. "More or less a direct counterpart to you or Labyrinth. Warping and reshaping the environment into a super death maze. Every Endbriner seems to focus on one of the power classifications. Bohu's the Shaker." Okay, that doesn't sound unbeatable. "Tohu's a Trump." Well, fuck me. "It can manifest the powers of any three parahumans it wants."

"Uhuh," I responded. Using sounds I knew I could trust myself to make properly.

"It manifested Taylor," she added. "Activated the emergency overrides on our armors to pull us out of our nice, safe, Avalon. And last but not least, set the Zerg on the defenders. Then it manifested a copy of Lily's powers. And for the ultimate fuck you? Shatterbird. Say goodbye to all those nice Dragon suits that our Zerg were playing meatshields for."

Oh god. "Who..." else was killed?

"You, Taylor, Theo, Missy, Crystal, and Sabah. Plus most of the defenders," Lisa answered. "In a way we're lucky. Pantheon's method of being the entire front lines meant there weren't a lot of capes in range of our Zerg. Trevor was the real hero of the day, cobbling together a signal that shunted all our suits back to Avalon and cutting off the dimensional relay. Emma managed to save Riley's life." The girl squeezed me harder and whimpered mournfully. "She might have been able to save some of the others, but frankly they were better off being restored from backup."

I moved my arms woodenly, draping them over Riley. This must have been hell for her. "How long?" At least talking is starting to get easier.

She tilted her head. "Six days," she answered. Six? It's only suppose to require a couple days to grow a new copy. "You were a little harder to restore than the others. Something about how your power works. This was our fourth attempt, and we were getting worried."

"Taylor?" I asked.

"On her way. She's with her Dad," Lisa answered. "He's... well... I haven't gotten to the next SNAFU of the week."

"What?" I asked. After everything else, what could make this worse?

"Remember how the last few Endbringers have been unusually well documented?" Lisa asked. "You and Taylor were killed on live television in front of billions. We had to go public with our cloning technology."

"Mother fucker," I muttered. "What's the damage?"

"Remarkably little," she answered. "Once we explained just how hard it was to use this tech, and for that matter how it's done, it was amazing how quickly most people decided they would rather not have it. There's still a few that are interested, we're trying to figure out what to do with that, but the general concern is nightmare fuel wondering just what changes we could make to their brains when we work on preparing the copy. Plus there's that whole 'is the copy still me?' existential crap. Which, by the way, has your family flipping out."

"Crystal," I sighed.

"And Victoria," she reminded. "We were slightly less than honest, with that whole 'mind transfer' bullshit. Krouse wasn't thrilled with the news, either. Noelle, however, seemed remarkably okay with it. Pretended she knew all along, kept her boyfriend in line."

"Well, that's a relief," I sighed. We still didn't know what would happen if Noelle re-triggered. Given the current trend of re-triggers to be more powerful than the original, I could only dread the possibilities.

"And now they're bringing this resurrection tech up in court to determine whether the clones count as legally the person they're a copy of. Or various other inheritance and legal rights laws. It could get pretty contentious. Not a problem for you and Taylor, but Theo and Missy are in particularly precarious positions. Between the pair of them, that's potentially a billion dollars they might lose legal access to. Although in Theo's case it might never matter since they'd have to openly reveal that Horus is, in fact, Theo Anders. I doubt anyone will risk the fallout of doing that."

"Carol's doing her thing, I presume?" I asked.

"Dragon, actually," she answered. "She's funding this particular legal battle. Has some really high powered lawyers on the case. I'm not sure exactly why, but I'm pretty certain it's personally important to her. And not just locally. She's using Avalon's law as existing statute and taking it before the United Nations. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense on a matter of case law. But since when has that ever stopped us from doing anything that we do? Really, it's going to come down to political maneuver, and that comes down to 'are you sure you want to say that two of the Endslayers and the girlfriend of the remaining Endslayer don't count as people anymore?' We'll be fine."

I managed a smile and wobbled to my feet. "I want to see the footage. The fight." My death.

"It's already in the VCR," she replied. "But first, you should know about Zach."

"Isn't he-"

"Not against Lily, he's not," she answered. Riley put her shoulder under my armpit and helped prop me up to walk out of the chamber.

Zach was in a different kind of stasis chamber, levitating in place by what I assumed was gravity manipulation tech. He was still in costume and his power was activating so fast that it looked almost like the effects of a strobe light, as blood attempted to gush out the hole in his back, only to be reduced to dust as quickly as it was appearing. "What's happening to him?" I asked.

"His power is still keeping him alive, but it can't correct the injury caused by Lily's power," Riley answered. "The energy field is keeping him unconscious, and hopefully he's not suffering. We're waiting until his body heals naturally, but it's attempting to regenerate from a punctured heart. Going faster than it would for a normal human healing by a factor of three, and no risk of scar tissue problems, but it could still take months before he's functional again. Emma and I are working on something to get around his power and speed his body's healing process. But there's been no progress."

I placed an unsteady hand on the glass. "Is there anything else we can do?" I asked.

"We considered asking around for a trump that nullifies powers, at least temporarily," Lisa spoke. "But there are too many unknowns. With bad timing, we risk him turning to dust and then being unable to reform. We're trying as best we can, but we don't even know what kind of power would help, since Zach already borders on a Trump in how his power works to specifically protect him from other powers."

"How's Emma holding up?"

"Standard Thinker and Tinker coping mechanism," Lisa replied. "Throw yourself into work so hard that your loved ones feel the need to stage an intervention. Victoria took it pretty hard, too."

"What did she do to whose body parts?" I sighed.

"Nothing," Lisa replied. "She helps Emma and Riley whenever she can, but other than that she doesn't know how to cope. Classic depression symptoms. Hopefully you'll be able to help, because she's starting to worry me."


A/N- Welcome to the next story arc.

Also: Apparently this story still doesn't have a wiki page. And a few people keep feeling the need to mention this fact for whatever reason.
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Amelia, Ch 251
Amelia, Ch 251

Taylor rushed into the room and pulled me into a tight hug. It was enough that it might have hurt, but I was given the full clone package of near perfect physical health. "I missed you so much," she whispered softly, and then she kissed me. The Taylia link was still down, doctor's orders, so I couldn't feel the full emotional brunt from Taylor's end. Though my power's ability to read biological traits was in full force. There wasn't a sense of desire, but there wasn't a sense of obligation, either. Just relief and happiness. Not the perfect reason, but I can live with it.

"Hey, there," I said with a smile after the kiss broke. I noticed the wetness on my face from her tears. "Is that how you're going to treat me every time I come back from the dead? Because if it is, I might have to make a habit of it."

"Don't you dare," she commanded, then she hugged me even tighter.

"Sorry," I gasped. "It's just... to me it's only been a couple hours. You remember what it was like when you died the first time?"

"First time?" a man's voice asked, and Taylor tensed nervously. I glanced toward the sound of the voice.

"Oh," I replied. "Sorry, Mister Hebert, didn't see you there." Oops.

"Taylor, what haven't you told me?"

"Well," she started, turning to look toward her dad. "Remember the conversation we had about me being no different than the original? Same memories and feelings and everything? And the six hours I spent proving it by telling you things about my childhood? I might have forgotten to mention that it happened before. After the Butcher fight."

"Christ, Taylor, why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"Remember the conversation we had about me being no different than the original and then six hours proving it?" she replied. "That's why I didn't tell you. And don't go freaking out about this a second time, everything we already talked about still stands. I'm the same 'me' as I ever was."

"I..." he hesitated. "I guess you have a point," he admitted reluctantly. "I try not to be overprotective, but you live such a dangerous life."

"I know, Dad," she agreed. "We all do. That's what the backups are for. Our insurance policy. Really, you're in more danger than I am. A single accident..." she trailed off. Like what happened to her mother. She told me about that months ago. There wasn't a lot that Taylor and I hadn't talked about in the last half year we've been together. "You should get a backup made, too."

"I don't know about that," he replied hesitantly.

"You really should," Lisa replied. "Your new body will be you, if you were an olympic athlete twenty year old. I'm sorta looking forward to my first time."

"Taylor and Amelia don't look twenty," he pointed out.

"We kinda turn off the growth acceleration early," Lisa replied. "Or something like that, you'd have to talk to the Tinkers about how it all works. And then you'd have to give up because you have no idea what they're talking about because they're Tinkers. It's easier for everyone involved just to skip to the final stage, which is a quick and inaccurate analogy that at least sounds like it makes sense. Point is, we can make you look any age you like, but the default setting is perfect biological age, which is around twenty for most people. There's no benefits to going older, and we do younger for people who are younger for social, psychological and possibly legal reasons."

"I see," he replied. He looked a little stupified.

"You don't have to decide right away," Lisa continued. "You don't have to at all, if you don't want to. We do it because we have too much responsibility to allow something like death to get in the way of our jobs."

"It's a lot to take in," he admitted. "But I'm glad you're back, Amelia. Taylor's been absolutely miserable these last five days."

The girl I was still holding blushed furiously, and I really wished Taylia was running at this moment, just so I could experience the cascade of emotions and offer my reassurances in real time. Instead, I simply squeezed her slightly and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. The muted intimacy of mere physical contact was nice, but it was nothing compared to our link. "I figured as much."

"So what now?" Taylor asked me.

"I take it the kids are in school?" I asked. "Where's everyone else?" Gotta figure out the way things stand.

"Let's see," Lisa answered. "Crystal and Vicky are with the respective parents. Lily, Eric and Sabah are off finishing up portals in Eastern Europe, Egypt, and some of the Middle East. I'd have to find the exact route. Emma lives in her labs, now. I'm sure if you need her, she'll give you some time, but it's better to let her focus on her work."

She must be miserable, I thought. The muted information my physical contact with Taylor gave showed a level of pity for the girl. "No, there's not a lot I can say to her. I'll have to go visit my parents later. So how's Avalon doing?"

"Surprisingly well," Lisa replied. "We're accepting almost twelve thousand Romanian refugees, maybe a lot more. The Endbringer attack on Bucharest has pretty handedly destabilized the region, and it's looking like a coinflip that they'll be on their feet enough to support a colony program through their own portal. That will be the functional start of our Eurasian colony. Colonies, most likely. Romania's got a lot of very different cultural groups, some of which really don't like each other. They'll fracture pretty quickly. All part of the plan."

"Still don't like how we're profiting from the suffering of others," I muttered unhappily.

"Gets worse, if that's your problem," Lisa replied. "The Gesellschaft made a move on the Prague gateway. Literally during the Endbringer battle. They lost, eventually, but it resulted in the near total destruction of the colony. Plus there's still some Nazis remaining in the colony side. We offered our help to find and remove the problem, but they're dragging their asses because they're afraid of looking weak. You know, typical nationalistic stupidity at its finest. We're seeing a few people think twice about national portals. Especially in the less stable countries."

Taylor gave me a tighter hug, and as much as I enjoyed the physical contact, I continued to miss our real connection.

"And Japan's getting really meta-political," Lisa finalized. "There's a lot of refugees from the country that we're offering colonies in their original homeland, so we've managed to pick up a few thousand of them. Including over seven hundred from Brockton Bay alone. Some have taken to sending messages back home to their families about the offer. Now their government is accusing us of trying to undermine their authority. At least no one's caught wind of our blanket offer to give them their whole series of islands more or less whole cloth. There's the possibility of it getting really messy when that happens."

"Which, of course, they'll blame us for," Taylor added. "And a lot of countries are already suspicious of us trying to poach all their populations. Especially the countries that are already pretty shitty to begin with. Places like America and most of western Europe aren't nearly as worried, but they're more than willing to let the paranoia spread, because they wouldn't mind taking foreign nationals to fill up their population, either."

Well, nothing we didn't already expect, I thought. "And our deaths didn't cause any problems?"

"If anything, it seems to have helped us," Lisa replied. "A lot of arguments against our nation was along the lines of how we're constantly throwing ourselves into dangerous situations, and if we die then who runs the country? There's some nuts that have taken to calling you the 'Eternal Empresses' now. If you'll pardon the language, Mister Hebert, it squicks the ever loving fuck out of potential American colonists. But damn, some of the foreign immigrants are eating it up. Especially governments that are used to constitutional monarchies. Or less than constitutional monarchies, for that matter."

"I can imagine," I replied. I really couldn't. "So... Eternal Empress, huh?"

"No, we can't make it an official title," Taylor smirked at me.

"I know, but it sounds so cool," I pouted. "We could give everyone names like that. I already know what Lisa's title would be."

"Really?" Lisa smirked. "You managed to narrow it down to just one?"

"Okay, fine, titles," I retorted. "Happy now?"

"Yup," Lisa replied. "I'd be incredibly insecure if people could sum up their reasons for hating me in a single word."

"So is that all the major news I missed out on in the last week or so?" I asked.

"One bit of official business," Lisa replied. "Dragon's asking for recognition as a member of the Imperial government. Part of the advisory counsel, specifically for education. But I'm sure she'll do all kinds of other things, too."

"So everything she's already doing?" I summed up.

"Well, it also gives her a layer of protection from the governments she'll be dealing with," Lisa replied. "In case some government gets clever in how they write their internal legal system."

"Any reason why we wouldn't say yes?" I asked. "I mean, she know what she's giving up. She has to, she wrote most of it." Part of our constitutional law. You aren't allowed to be a member, or spouse of a member, of another nation's ruling body and a member of our Imperial rulership. It was the only fair way to keep our colony nations from having too much personal influence over the government, and vice versa.

"I'm not seeing one," Lisa replied. "Dragon's been nothing but good to us. This seems like a mere formality, to me. We just need your permission to make it truly official." Technically, they didn't need that, but it was nice that they asked.

"Well, make it official," I replied. "Are we done, now?"

"Yeah, seems like that's everything beyond what comes next."

"Okay," I took a deep breath, and enjoyed Taylor's scent in the process. "Now, I want to see the Endbringer fight."


A/N- And exposition over the state of all kinds of things!
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Amelia, Ch 252
Amelia, Ch 252

"Lisa," I sighed. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Clearly you can," she replied.

"Where did you find an actual VCR?"

"Online shopping," she replied. She pressed the power button and the viewscreen started up.

"Okay, make that two questions," I rubbed my hand over my face.

"You mean three questions," she answered as she pressed play and the scene started, with one of the news cameras in a language that I didn't recognize, although it mostly had the same characters as English. The man speaking wasn't an English dub over, either.

"Why do you have a VCR?" I asked. Taylor set her hand on the small of my back. On my other side, Riley was cuddling against me as well. After Danny left, she'd come out of hiding. Because, unlike me, she was smart enough to know who was in the room before she did something stupid.

"Well, I recently made my first Billion dollars," she replied. "And I asked myself 'what do you do to celebrate becoming a billionaire?' The obvious answer was to spend money on something stupid and useless. Since I didn't want to house train a pet rock, and it turns out you can only lease politicians, not actually buy one outright, I opted for this."

"It doesn't even actually work," Taylor replied. "She has a remote control system built into the TV system that reads her facial expressions. I'm not sure how much that cost, but we can't even use it because it only recognizes her face."

"My office, my screen to do whatever I want with," she quipped. "Now shut up, the party's about to begin."

We watched as the zerg started shunting in, including the new breed. The Phalanx were something our Tinkers had been quite proud of, a large dog sized monster capable of casting out Khonsu's forcefield as a wall. Not much alone, but put a few of them together, and they could soak up a lot of punishment. They were meant for our anti-Leviathan fight. Maybe even Barghest as well, while we were at it. A way to box in their movement and block their area attacks.

Then the ground rippled, like a splash in a pond. It traveled up the sides of buildings, wrapped around corners. Metallic blades followed after, streaming through the air and slamming into the forcefield projections. Most held, and the ones that caved didn't do much damage. Endbringer insulated Zerg were living up to their promised durability. The Endbringer itself appeared out of nowhere. It was gigantic, in a strange sort of way. More like huge, thin, pillar.

"Another teleporter?" I asked.

"Not exactly," Lisa replied. "It's a space warper. Creates a pocket for itself between points and then folds space in on that pocket to create a curtain it hides behind. Missy's already working on using a version of it, herself. Invisibility and being able to see or even walk through walls are on the list of things she thinks she can do now that she's seen what Bohu does with its power."

The terrain started to mutate where the ripple had passed. The features looked like the industrial level on one of those games Zach played, filled with blades, spiked death traps and terrain made entirely of jagged metal. Zerg regularly found themselves falling into holes, and then being trapped inside, forcing other zerg to spend time pulling them out. The flyers had a better go of it, hammering into the Endbringer from the skies.

Then the other one appeared. She looked more or less like a woman, but with four arms each ending in nasty looking claws. She also had three faces on her head, making her look more than a little bizarre. They were blank at first, and the creature didn't do much other than get knocked around. Alexandria actually slammed Tohu into the side of her brother/pet/other half/whatever and started kneeing her in the face as her claws tried to peel away Alexandria's suit.

It was built off her own biology, and thus as indestructible as she was. The spiked shin guards and other features meant to give her increased combat effectiveness were doing their part, however, leaving nasty gouges in Tohu's face. Then a claw cut through the armor, and took Alexandria's leg off at the knee. The woman drew back, and I could imagine how shocked she was. In all her prior battles, only Siberian had managed to injure her, and that included dozens of Endbringer conflicts.

Tohu emerged from the indent made into the side of Bohu, and I recognized Atropos' costumed face. A serene black face mask with its eyes closed. People started falling back at that point, and the Zerg surged forward, along with a few of the Dragon suits. The Endbringer spent the next few minutes cutting its way through the attackers, its every touch equivalent to Lily's charged weapons. Zerg fell like ribbons.

Lily herself took the front lines, and we got at least one pleasant surprise. Hers and Tohu's powers negated each other. She could hurt the Endbringer, and it couldn't get through her armor to injure her. Until it punched her hard in the gut and she shunted back to Avalon.

Eidolon, Victoria, Crystal, Legend, and a few I didn't recognize hit it with a stream of energy blasts, apparently a combination of freeze-laser and sonic burst were involved, causing massive explosions and cutting into her shell. A clawed hand was blown off by a particularly good combo.

A second face formed on Tohu, Taylor's. The zerg froze. Occasionally one would act, usually to attack someone nearby. But none moved more than a couple seconds at a time. They were functionally removed from the battle.

"I... think I was fighting it," Taylor spoke, sounding more than a little upset by this part of the scene. I coudn't blame her. "Keeping it from taking control. I wish it would have worked better. That I had time to realize what would happen next."

There was another ripple, and a wash of blades that slammed into the unshielded, unmoving zerg. None were damaged too much, but the way they stood there ignoring the impacts was caught by the cameras. I almost asked how the cameras weren't being destroyed, then I realized how stupid that question was. "They wanted this to be seen on film?" I phrased it as a question, but I already knew the answer.

"Near as I can guess," Lisa answered. "We always talk about Ziz as the one who plays mind games, but that's not true. They all do. It's just that she was the least subtle about it. The next part really clinches it, however."

A flat area formed where buildings and traps use to be, and Tohu landed in the middle of it. A second later, most of Pantheon was suddenly there in the center. Tohu lashed out immediately, catching Taylor in the face. My fiancee and I clutched hands tighter. This is the second time I watched her die.

Then the Zerg turned on us. One of the gargants stomped on my suit and it was clearly fatal to anything in the armor. Riley whimpered and buried her face in my shoulder. I had to wonder how she survived, being in the suit as well. But given the way she'd modified her own body, I guess it wasn't too much of a stretch. Theo wrapped himself, Missy and Sabah in his liquid metal effect. The pair of them were given small gaps to find their weapons through. Turns out, Sabah's power does a remarkable amount of damage against Endbringer tissue. The trio even managed to destroy a few of the zerg in the immediate area.

The Dragon suits, in an uncomfortable mirror of the Simurgh fight, also took to attacking the zerg. Clad in the same Endbringer based armors, they were remarkably evenly matched. Cannons against tusks, servos agaist biomechanical muscle. The zerg probably would have won on numbers alone, but the Endbringer decided it wasn't so patient as to wait for that.

Somehow, the cameras kept rolling, and even picked up the screech of Tohu's third chosen power, the scream I knew as Shatterbird. The armor ceased functioning and a storm of glass broke from the suits and the parts of the city that hadn't been converted to mechanical death traps. A mass of it came to touch range of Tohu. And then she rained it down on the heroes. It perforated Theo's shell and I could tell there wouldn't be any survivors in there. The zerg, no longer slowed by Dragon's weapons and driven by the Endbringer's will, unleashed everything they were capable of.

A couple minutes of this, of Riley and Taylor holding onto me for dear life while I was too busy staring in stunned horror to have any reaction at all. That's how long it took before the zerg vanished, with a few exceptions of ones that had been damaged enough that their shunt drives had shattered.

"That's when Trevor got everyone out, as best he could. Once on the other size the zerg went back to passively waiting for commands," Lisa narrated. "Somewhere during that glass storm, Crystal, Zach and even Victoria were hit. Along with dozens of other people."

The other defenders were driven back, until Eidolon and Victoria, the left half of her costume missing, were the only ones close enough to do any fighting. I did my best not to ogle my sister's slightly more than partial nudity. Instead focusing on how the fight itself. The way they moved was eerily similar. "He was using a copy of her power for this, wasn't he?" I asked.

"Exactly the same power," Lisa confirmed. "Reflexes, combat sense, the whole nine yards."

The terrain shifted again, and people were vomited from the ground, only to be slaughtered by the blade traps in almost cartoonishly gory fashion. Some of them were close enough to the cameras that their screams could be heard.

"Fucking christ," I muttered. "Those were the people in the shelters, weren't they?" No one answered me, but then, they didn't need to. I already knew the answer.

The fight continued. Despite the fact that the city was lost, and only two heroes remained on the battlefield, the fight continued. The pair of them coordinated beautifully, their combat precognition keeping them perfectly in synch as they used their attacks to do what little damage could be done. Eidolon's attack seemed pretty damn effective, stripping layers off the monster.

"That lasts another few minutes," Lisa informed me. "This tape's been edited."

There was a sudden change of scene. Vicky and Eidolon were still there, and then Vicky vanished. The glass storm turned toward him alone. And then it stopped, all the blades falling to the ground. Eidolon started glowing, and the environment started to simply vanish around him, spreading slowly outward. The traps collapsed liked they'd been reduced to water that was then turned to steam, and the Endbringers themselves started to melt. Then the cameras, finally, stopped working.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked. "Right there at the end? I thought he was running out of power."

"That's the full actualization of Eidolon's newest favorite power of choice," Lisa answered. "His copy of what Emma uses to access her hybrid mode. It steals power from the environment and lets him recharge his batteries. And when I say 'power', I mean 'all of it'. Heat, electricity, momentum, the forces holding molecular bonds together, gravity. If it's made of energy, it's fair game."

"Did... did he kill the Endbringers?" I asked.

"No way of knowing right now," Lisa replied. "They vanished. But whether turned to subatomic dust, or retreated to their wherever they hide, we won't know until a year or so passes."


A/N- Yeah. Tohu and Bohu are assholes.

Eidolon has a very showy disintegration power that actually grants him more energy instead of depleting it. So things are looking up on the anti-Scion front?
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Amelia, Ch 253- Victoria
Amelia, Ch 253- Victoria

Ames up Debrief Then your folks 2 hrs​

A text message? I just stared at the phone. I get told my sister's back from the dead by a text message. What the actual fuck?

I sighed and hopped over to the next rooftop, then made another jump to stick to the wall of a building. With Emma dedicated to finding a way to heal Zach, and the kids in school, and most of my other friends in Europe, I had suddenly found my life was very boring. On what passed for the 'plus side', with Taylor no longer allowed to play omnipresent crime deterrent, there were plenty of scumbags I could smack around for fun.

My power was a godsend for snooping out scumbags, now. Lifesign detection didn't have a problem with things like walls, unless the walls were alive like Amelia's constructs. They were also really good for spotting things like drug and alcohol abuse. So a woman on meth having sex with some man in an alleyway? All kinds of red flags. Some of which I really would have preferred to avoid, but such is life in the streets of Brockton Bay once again.

Eh, don't even care, cops can have this one. I flipped open my phone and hit the speed dial. "Non emergency police hotline, please report your call," I woman responded.

"This is Victoria," I replied. "Got drug abuse, public indecency, and probably prostitution. Alleyway behind the liquor store on 8th and Washington. You got about, I'd say, four minutes to bust them. When the cops get there, ask them to be sure and let the guy know there's a good chance he now has herpes. Oh, and the woman needs to be treated for mild frostbite. It's way too cold out to be doing what she's doing and those drugs are not helping her any."

"How do you know all that?" she asked.

"It's how my power works," I answered back. She must be new.

"Understood," the woman replied. "If you don't mind me saying so, that is disturbingly specific."

"Alexandria calls it the worst most amazing power," I replied, then I hung up the phone.

So now I have two hours to kill. Video games weren't fun without Zach complaining about getting his ass handed to him. What ever happened to Hookwolf? Oh, right, he's in the Birdcage somewhere. Guess I could stop by the Palanquin. Annoy Faultline a bit. No, still in Europe.

Fuck it. I returned home.

Aunt Sarah's car was already there when I got close. So, for that matter, was Dad's. My death breaks them up, Amy's death gets them back together again. Yay, world. That's one of the things I should be happy about, right? Nope, can't have that.

I opened the door. "Hey, Vicky, did you hear they woke up Amy?" Crystal asked. I watched her die. And Zach. And the kids. And they don't even remember it happening. To them it was just getting out of the chair.

I'd been through it, too, of course. But watching it happen to someone else... especially watching it happen to Zach, who we all thought was immortal. He wasn't suppose to be able to die, and his power was doing its damnedest to make sure he didn't even when it would have been kinder if he could.

I didn't think Dean would die, either. He was a ranged fighter. Fuck, his power didn't even work on Endbringers, and everyone knew it. He didn't have to be out there. He shouldn't have been fighting Leviathan at all.

"Yeah, got the text," I replied. "Something about a debrief and then a family get together."

"Well, don't sound so excited," Crystal muttered. "I thought you'd be happy about."

"Fuck," I muttered. "Sorry. I am. It's just that I have a lot on my mind." If Zach were here he'd probably say something like how I was having trouble deciding how many people to invite to a threesome. Then Riley, Emma or I would give him a good smack and the mood would be magically lightened. If Dean were here, he'd pull me aside and ask me if I was okay. I'd lie and say I was fine. And he'd pretend to believe me while making it clear that if I actually wanted to talk, he'd be there to listen. I could go for either of those right about now.

Crystal just looked at me and decided not to say anything at all.

"Welcome to the party, firecracker," Dad exclaimed from the living room.

"Hey, Dad," I replied, forcing a smile as I walked into room. And when I forced it, I did it on the full level, using my powers to make every muscle behave as I commanded. Another trick my Passenger picked up from its 'mother'. "So, how long are you planning to be in town this time?"

"A couple days," he replied. "Things are pretty calm right now. I think it's the gateways. All the groups worth remembering the name of are still trying to figure out what to do with them. Trying to get their fingers into the proverbial pie."

"Yeah," I agreed. "Assholes are already making a mess of Europe."

"At least Amy's world won't have that problem," he laughed. "That 'we are the biosphere' line. Priceless. I can't wait to see the look on the first schmuck's face that thinks it's a bluff."

"So, Dad," I smiled. "Does that mean you plan on moving to Avalon?"

"Not even a consideration," he replied. "Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter and I wish her the best, but I think I'd hate living on Avalon."

I blinked. That's a surprise. Judging by the biosense, we were all surprised. Crystal was actually a little on the offended side, she still hadn't decided to make the move, but she was strongly considering it.

"What do you mean, Mark?" Aunt Sarah asked cautiously.

"Avalon's a great idea, but it won't work," he explained. "People don't do well like that. We need things to strive for, things to fight against. Human beings are at their best when there's a goal, and struggles. Something to strive for. We fall apart when you take that away. Spoiled rich kids that have never had to work in their lives. Welfare systems that take away a need to work to survive. Refugee camps. Reservations. They take away self sufficiency, and with it self respect. No matter how beautiful they make their garden, it's still their world and everyone on it will be dependent upon them."

"You think they'll fail?" Carol asked.

"No, it'll work," Mark answered. "But when it works, it's going to be their accomplishment and no one else's. Some people will be okay with that. But being dependent on others for all my successes in life? I've been there, and I can't go back."

Huh. There's a way to put it. "Yeah," I admitted. "I feel the same way. I love what my sister's trying to accomplish. But I'd rather earn it myself than let someone else give it to me. But you said it way better."

"Maybe when I was younger," Sarah replied. "I've been through too much in the last few years. I'm all for fighting the good fight, don't get me wrong. But I've paid too high a price, too often. If Amy and Taylor can achieve what I never could, then I'm happy for them. Let me live my life in peace."

"I think I fall somewhere between," Carol replied. "You're right, Mark. It wouldn't feel right to let others do the work for me. But there are things I can do for myself without needing to fight. Normal people have careers while letting the police keep them safe. I can do the same. All that being said, I'm happy with my life and career here. I have no reason to leave."

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch," Crystal replied. "There's still plenty of fighting to be done. All those new Endbringers are still out there. Until that problem is solved, no one can truly be safe."

That killed the mood pretty thoroughly. And they don't even know the threat that is Scion.


A/N- Only gonna be the one chapter today, folks. Been feeling under the weather. Should be fine tomorrow.
Amelia, Ch 254- Taylor
Amelia, Ch 254- Taylor

SupportLoveComfortAmusement. The first emotions to hit me when the link was restored. "Wow," Amelia gasped. "You really did miss me."

Oh how much I missed you. "Yes," I answered, pulling her into another hug. We hadn't stopped being in physical contact except for that brief period where she got changed into actual clothes. And it was only with reluctance that I didn't follow her in when she was doing that, too. I couldn't blame her for wanting to get into real clothing. That biofilm stuff was not comfortable.

She ran her fingers through my hair. "Y'know... the way you're reading right now... I could probably get away with doing pretty much anything I wanted to you." I could tell she wasn't serious thanks to our bond, just more teasing. Plus she was just restored. It took a couple days for the new bodies to start experiencing 'those' desires again, for whatever reason. I hadn't worked up the courage to ask anyone about the cause of that side effect.

I kissed her cheek. "Yeah, probably." LoveContentment. She squeezed me tighter. "We should probably go have that family get together, however. But... umm... I need you to do me a favor, first."

"Oh?" Amelia smiled at me. SmugAmused.

"Uh..." Okay, Taylor, you can do this. "When I was brought back, umm..."

"It was without the so-called 'mistake' that gave you all those curves last time?" she answered. Of course she noticed the difference. "Don't worry, I'll adjust your metabolism a bit. Let you add a couple pounds for me to work with."

"Thanks," I knew I was blushing. "None of my clothes fit and it's only a matter of time before some paparazzi jackass gets the right photo and people start making comments." I felt the familiar tingle of Amelia's power influencing my body.

DoubtAmusement. "All done," she informed me cheerfully. She didn't believe me for a second. "You'll probably have trouble waking up before six for the next couple days. The way real humans do. And by this time next week, depending on how much you eat, you'll be back to filling out your clothes."

We went back in the living area. "So, are you girls finally ready?" my dad asked.

"Yes," Amelia replied. "Sorry it took us so long to get ready." WorryAwkward.

"That's okay," he smiled. He was nervous as well, for some... oh god he thinks we were... "I imagine coming back from the dead takes a bit of time to adjust. Catching up on... things."

Looks like I won't need the alterations after all, because I'm about to die of embarrassment.

"It's not really like that," Amelia answered, turning an adorable shade of pink that probably wasn't too different from my current color. "I mean, yes, I might have died, but to me it was just like waking up from a nap and not remembering when I went to sleep. Or having a fainting spell. A bigger deal for everyone else than it was for me."

"Taylor said something like that, too," Dad replied, giving me a look that told a whole story at once. How I told him not to freak out about my death, and, well, I couldn't call that talk a fight, but it definitely wasn't a particularly rational conversation. And then my increasing worry with each failed attempt to restore Amelia. This was exactly what I put him through. Wow, I am such a bitch, sometimes.

"Yeah," I reluctantly agreed. "It feels a whole lot different from the outside looking in, doesn't it?"

ConcernSupportCuriosity. "It's okay, I kinda flipped out when Taylor died the first time," Amelia spoke.

"It's okay," he smiled at her, and then glanced at me, looking a little hurt. I really should have told him about all of this long ago. "Shall we get going, now?"

"Okay," I agreed. "I think everything's taken care of here."

"I just thought of something," Amelia remarked as we grabbed our coats. "Now that we're no longer US citizens, we'll never be able to take our driving tests or get our licenses. And yes, I know we don't need to be able to drive."

"We could always just hire a chauffeur," I pointed out. "Hey, Dad, if you find yourself in need of a job..."

He chuckled. "No thanks, kiddo. The only thing worse than going to work for your parents is going to work for your kids. Besides, my job is going really well right now. In fact, work is looking up for everyone in Brockton Bay these days. Dragon's managed to drop a couple million into the economy, shipping her supplies through. There's talk about how, when Leviathan's gone, the shipping industry will be renewed. And construction's in high demand around Avalon's embassy. There's been more activity in the last three months than in the last three years before it. And that's including the post Leviathan disaster relief."

He opened his door and got into the car. We climbed into the back before I started talking again, no sense in repeating ourselves.

"That's good news," I agreed. "So everyone's got good work, now? I was kinda worried that, y'know, after going public. Once people started realizing that Brockton Bay no longer had me protecting it."

"It's going fine," Dad replied. "Sarah's got most of the problems covered on her own with that new armor Crystal gave to her. With Miss Militia around as well, none of the real crime's come back yet. I doubt they ever will while you girls are still in town. The way the Mayor's been groveling in front of you is something of a personal bonus, by the way. Talked to him the other day, he calls me 'sir', now. I enjoy it more than I probably should."

"Yeah," I smiled. "You should have seen the looks of relief when we told the President and his people that we'd prefer to keep our property in Brockton Bay as our Embassy." ConfusionCuriousity. Oh, right, she wouldn't know. "Seems the bigwigs in Washington weren't thrilled with the idea of the Empress of spying on everyone with bugs all the time hanging out where they do business. They were too polite to say anything, of course, but when I suggested we were happy in Brockton Bay and didn't need a location in DC, it was insulting how eager they were to agree."

UnderstandingAmusementAnnoyance. "Wow, that is pretty insulting." Amelia agreed. "If anything, I think I'd feel better if they just came out and said it to our faces." RealizationShock. "Oh my god," she exclaimed. "I just realized that this is how Lisa must feel. All. The. Time."

Oh fuck, it's true. "I owe her so many apologies," I muttered.

"She'd probably be happier if you didn't say anything at all," Dad chimed in. "One of those things you learn as you get older. Sometimes it's better to not talk about it. The hard part is knowing when that is. You know her better than I do, but I think she'd rather let sleeping dogs lie. Besides, I think she'll know the sentiment even if you don't say anything. So just let her know if she wants to talk, you're there to talk. And if she doesn't, that's okay, too."

"Thanks, Dad," I smiled. I meant it, too. PeaceGratitude. I glanced over at Amelia and briefly considered giving her a kiss. But not with my dad watching. She smiled back at me. LoveAgreementPatience.

"You girls act like you've already been married for years," Dad informed us, chuckling. "I guess that's why you're saving it to be official after the Endbringers are destroyed. Because at this point, it's just a formality."

PleasedEmbarrassedProud. "Thanks," Amelia muttered, blushing fiercely. It's the new body. They tend to over react to emotional stimulus for a while. Hypersensitivity to tastes and scents, all physical and emotional sensations really.

Oh, fuck it. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She leaned against me and we spent the rest of the ride in silence.


A/N- Cutesy chapter! Also. It's fucking snowing again. At this point, my trigger event is going to be hypothermia related.
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Amelia, Ch 255
Amelia, Ch 255

I took a deep breath before stepping out of the car. I couldn't say I was looking forward to this. As much as things had improved between me and my family, they still weren't really family. With exception to Vicky and Crystal, and maybe Aunt Sarah. Mark and Carol had to wait until I broke every rule they tried to hammer into me, until I became world famously successful, before they actually tried to be a family. Still, I couldn't deny that they were trying their best to be supportive now.

SupportUnderstanding. I smiled.

Vicky opened the door while we were still going up the sidewalk "Welcome back to the world of the living," she greeted. "Please enjoy your complimentary taxes, we're sorry you weren't satisfied with the death."

"Actually, Vicky," I smiled. She knew how to cheer me up a bit, at least. "We're foreign dignitaries. We don't have to pay taxes."

"No shit?" she asked.

"No shit," I confirmed.

"Well, that poor joke's going to need the resurrection tech now," she sighed. "Let's get you inside."

I walked in, followed by Taylor and her father. Dinner was already cooking. It smelled really really good. It was then that I realized, not including the week of nonexistence, it had been almost a month since I ate anything that didn't grow from the walls. Let alone well cooked food.

"That smells amazing," Taylor spoke up. "What is it?"

"Thanks," Aunt Sarah answered from the kitchen. "It's a roasted butternut squash recipe. "Crystal discovered the hard way just how limited your choice of foods are when you're newly restored."

"Mom!" Crystal's mortified shout came from the living room.

"So I looked up a few friendly options, and this is one of my favorites," she continued, completely ignoring her poor humiliated daughter.

"It really does smell good," I agreed readily.

"See, told you they'd like it," Danny replied. SadLossDeterminationGlad. I grabbed Taylor's hand. GratitudeSafe. She still wasn't exactly thrilled that her dad was seeing someone, apparently. And Aunt Sarah was taking the 'avoidance' approach. Talking about their relationship wasn't in the cards for any of us right now. If anything, that'd just make it worse. More like she was trying to play a surrogate mother, which wasn't what Taylor wanted. Made more complicated because near as I could tell, her dad and my aunt weren't ready to place a label on their relationship.

"Just remember to save some for the rest of us," Mark yelled from the living room. Speaking of complicated relationships.

"I will, Dad," I agreed. Having kicked off my shoes and taken off my coat, I made it to the the living room. This house was always too big for four people. "Hi, Mom," I said as I saw Carol come in from the kitchen. She hugged me, and I hugged back. It wasn't a bad hug, by any stretch. I was glad we'd reconciled. But again, by the time that happened, I'd grown past them. I created a new, true, family for myself. I'd moved on from this phase of my life.

At the same time, I didn't resent them anymore, and they were doing their best to help me. The special meal was proof of that. After a slightly longer hug than mere politeness would require, I broke away.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," I insisted. "I'm sure Crystal and Vicky have already told you. To me this was nothing more than a mild surprise, that's all."

"No, you don't get out of it that easy," Crystal quipped. "We had to put up with days of fretting, now it's your turn. Right?"

"Damn straight," Vicky agreed.


By the time we got back, I was mentally and emotionally exhausted. Another side effect of the resurrection tech, from its perspective I hadn't slept... ever, actually. A full twenty four hours while the conscious mind was suppressed, but the subconscious mind was being coded with all my memories and knowledge. Everything that made me, me. That put a lot of stress on the brain, as you could expect. So it was early evening and I was painfully tired.

Riley was there to greet me with a hug the moment it was clear we were alone. "Hey, mushroom," I rustled her now black hair. "I guess you still miss me."

"Uh huh," she nodded. I glanced over at Taylor. "Don't worry, I don't need to stay in your room. I can sleep with Theo."

ShockConcern. "Uh... Riley," I started. "That's not really appropriate."

"It's fine," she looked up at me. "We both know he wouldn't do anything inappropriate with me." She didn't sound like she was trying to persuade me, so much as complaining about this fact. ConcernSupport.

"Umm... I got a better idea," I replied. One that won't involve me being labeled as a worse parent than Carol. "How about if I just enlarge the bed a bit and you can stay in our bedroom with us? I'm sure Taylor understands."

"Yeah," Taylor smiled and put a hand on Riley's shoulder. "I know you missed her as much as I did. And it's thanks to your hard work that we could even bring her back at all. I can't keep her all to myself."

"Really? But what about your alone time together?" she asked. "You both have brand new bodies, now."

"Riley, I'm too tired to think about anything other than sleeping right now," I informed her. "And I know you miss Zach, too. But that doesn't mean you need to start acting like him. You can talk to us about what's wrong, you know."

"I've tried everything," she finally replied. "Everything we try to do is countered by his stupid power, and that's the only thing keeping him alive. We have the healing tech, and it'd work on anyone else. Except maybe someone like Alexandria."

"So it doesn't work on them because their powers protect them, right?" I asked.

"Yeah," she agreed.

"This might be a dumb question, but if Lily's anti-defense power was plugged into a healing device, would that work?" I suggested.

"Won't work," she answered. "Her power doesn't work that way. She alters the way matter functions, but not energy. If she could work with energy, we could give her a flashlight and watch her melt Endbringers like they were made of smoke. Only something with significant mass can be carry the wavelength her power relies on. Although that might be a Passenger thing."

"And power nullifying is straight out," Taylor added. "Too many risks."

"Wait... you said he could heal naturally over time?" I asked.

"Yeah," Riley agreed. "But that might take years."

"What about if we do something to speed that along?" I asked. "We know there are time manipulators out there. Maybe even localize it to a small area. We know his power doesn't counteract time manipulation, even if it does have a way around it like it does to Clockblocker."

"We considered that, too," Riley answered. "Too great a risk that we cause damage that can't be reversed. The only time field we know that's stable enough is Khonsu, and there's no way we can use that option. We considered using Coil's power, but we're not sure how it'll work with power interactions. They're all Taboo, and we don't know enough about Coil's power to determine how it works or what blocks it might have in regards to Taboo. We can't risk his life with it. We've talked to Dinah as well, but until we can give her a concrete plan, she can't give us an answer. Besides, her power can't handle Taboo, either."

"There really isn't anything we can do, is there?" I finally admitted.

"Not with the powers we currently have," Riley sighed. "If we could have scanned his brain, it might have been possible to have Lily kill him so we could clone him. But copying off a dead brain would be bad."

I don't know why I thought I'd be able to imagine up a solution in a few minutes that they'd been spending all week working on. "Sorry," I muttered. "I wish there was something more I could do to help. My power doesn't work on him, either. We'll find a way." LoveSupport. Taylor hugged me and Riley both. The height difference between Riley and I was only a few inches, really. Less than the height gap between Taylor and I.

"We'll worry about it more in the morning," Taylor offered. "Maybe we can ask Eidolon if he'll do us a favor. Or call in one of the ones Cauldron owes us. They've got a really powerful precog of their own, and with all the powers out there, there has to be one that can do the job."

Thank you.


A/N- Solution: Have Glaistig Uaine kill him, then plug him back into a new body. If she can out-bullshit Grey Boy, she can kill Zach.
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Amelia, Ch 256- Emma
Amelia, Ch 256- Emma

"Sorry, Mom, going to be another day spent at the office," I replied. "Give Dad my love."

"Are you sure?" she asked. "It's been nearly three weeks since you've had a day off. That can't possibly be healthy."

"Mom, don't worry about it," I sighed. "With my powers, I don't get tired anymore. I can't get tired. There are a lot of people are depending on me. Dragon, the Protectorate, the work I'm doing is changing the world. And with the new Endbringers and all of them coming this rapidly, I can't justify anything less than my best. The others go out there and fight those monsters face to face, the least I can do is work a little harder to make their jobs a little easier."

I glanced over at where Zach was contained in stasis. Over a week and he's still in there. The intervals had reduced to once every 1.7 seconds, instead of every .8 second like it had been at the beginning. It was the only sign of improvement. And there's still nothing I can do to help him.

"We're just worried about you, that's all sweetheart," she sighed.

"I know," the sadness in my voice wasn't from my not so slow drift away from my family, but there was no reason to let her know that. "Love you. But I have to go. There's a series of samples we got from a particularly interesting Case 53 that needs further checking. If it works, we might have a reproducible drug that can heal almost any infection or injury imaginable. This could be the cure to AIDS and cancer and pretty much everything else. And every second it's not being worked out, it costs lives."

"Okay," she agreed reluctantly. "Love you. Take care."

I snapped my phone closed and tried to feel worse for lying to her. The samples were real, but they were mostly Rey's job to work with, with Riley checking up on his work and adding her help where she could. Amelia or I would occasionally get involved, too, but not that often. We knew the important details, and that the stuff worked. If in the profoundly gross manner of having the parahuman in question lick the wounds. Or, really, just to have him drool into a cup and then dump it on them. The hope was to find a way to mass produce the substance. To everyone else in the world, it would be a miracle. To me, it was just one of the many dead ends to finding a way to heal Zach.

I sighed and went back to my latest project. Altering time for Zach wasn't an option, but the designs we had on Capacitor had proven temporal acceleration was an option in its own right. A device that could emulate Battery's power and dilate time to give me a few minutes of work within the second and a half between restorations. Or allowing Riley to do it, she was the better biotinker without possible question. If either of us could surgically repair the damage, that might speed the healing process up, at least. It wasn't much of a hope, but we were grasping at straws here.

"That bad, huh?" a voice asked. I turned to see Vicky standing there.

"Yeah," I sighed. "Still no real progress. I'm back to finding a workaround to extend Battery's power to others."

"Ah," she nodded. We just stood there for a minute or so.

Eventually I spoke up. "If Zach were here right now, he'd probably tell us we have pent up sexual tension and should fuck like rabbits. Shapeshifting lesbian rabbits. There might be a diagram involved."

"If they're lesbian rabbits, would they really fuck?" she laughed a little. "Yeah, that kid always knew exactly the right thing to say. You could tell because he would go with the exact opposite. Except for every once in a while when it really mattered."

I sighed and glanced over at his pod. "Yeah," I agreed. "Good to know you miss him, too."

"We all do," she insisted. "He saved more than one life on this team, you know."

"I know," I sighed.

"I just wanted to come to say I'd be going back to L.A. soon," Victoria informed. "With the placement of another portal to the U.S. world there, things are getting a little more contentious with the Elite. Seems they picked up a new parahuman whose power is that he can't be moved or harmed or held by any power. Like a weak version of the Siberian. He robbed a bank in mid daylight and actually walked away while Alexandria tried to stop him. She's understandably pissed. They're hoping I can take him out, and if I can't then maybe we'll have Lily take a stab at him."

I flinched. Zach was unstoppable, too, in his own way. And it was Lily's power that brought him down. Vicky froze for a second. "Oh, I'm so sorry. That was such a bitch thing to say."

"Have you told Riley, yet?" I asked, ignoring the apology, pretending I didn't notice the implications. "What about the others?"

"Now that I'm here, I've told everyone else that matters, but Riley's going out on a date with Theo and Missy, and I don't want to upset her," Victoria informed me, thankfully accepting my invite to talk about something else. "Still don't know how I feel about that whole thing between those three."

"Yeah, they're way too young to be worried about serious relationships to begin with, let alone something like that," I agreed. "But it makes Riley happier than I've seen her in a long time, so that's good. Zach would say something like 'lucky Theo' and then complain that nothing like that ever happens to him."

"Heh, probably," she agreed. "But he was totally barking up the wrong trees for that one. I'm sticking to monogamy, because I'm the jealous type. My man needs to worship me exclusively. Or I will break his face."

I frowned. "I know I've thanked you before," I spoke. "For helping me get back together with Zach. But thank you again. I know you had a bit of a crush on him. You wouldn't have had any problems stealing him away. Wouldn't even have been stealing, he wasn't the least bit interested in me at the time. Instead, you went out of your way to pretty much throw him at me. If our positions were reversed, I don't think I could have done the same."

She shrugged. "Wouldn't have been fair to any of us. I'm not ready for a relationship right now. What would you have me do? String him along? That's not the sorta thing I do. Besides, we both know I have the pick of the litter. I might even go after Chevalier, just to prove I can."

I might have blushed, if that was still an option for my body. "You know about that, huh?" I asked.

"Hey, don't worry about it, I've been there," Victoria responded with her unfairly perfect smile. "Half my adolescent fantasies had to do with showing Legend all the joys that women have to offer."

I smiled back. "Okay, you caught me."

"I promise not to tell him," she added. "Or Zach, for that matter. It's one of those things that guys just wouldn't understand."

"I'm going to miss you, too," I admitted, walking over to her. "I don't have a lot of friends around here, and you're one of my best."

"Dammit," she muttered. "Now you're going to make things all mushy? Fiiine." She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug. I couldn't help but notice her chin was about eye level to me.

"Yup, afraid so," I replied, then I raised my voice a little. "Hey, Zach, we're having a moment here. There will never be a more perfect possible time for you to miraculously recover."

"It's true," Vicky agreed. "Play your cards right, you might even beat Theo to that threesome Dinah predicted."

Sadly, this wasn't the movies. Zach continued his flicker of dust and reformation, and after a few seconds Vicky and I broke our hug. "Well, it was worth a shot," I shrugged. "Good luck in L.A., don't be afraid to stop by whenever you want."

"Don't worry," she replied. "Next Endbringer's scheduled for a week or two, you know I'll be there for that."

"Yeah," I agreed, and glanced back toward Zach. "See you there." They're the ones doing the fighting, I'll make sure they have the tools to do the damage to make sure the fuckers die for good.


A/N- Trying to smooth the time jump transitions. But at this point, there's not a lot of plot left here and everyone's in a relatively stable place.
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Amelia, Ch 257- Rune
Amelia, Ch 257- Rune

Well, Debs, you wanted a fresh start. I was packed in line with a couple hundred other people. Most of them, I was unhappy to realize, were colored. If I was being generous, one in ten of them could be considered white. Fuck it, that just means there won't be much of the Gesellschaft or their various other offshoots on Avalon. Empire Eighty Eight might be shattered and broken, but there were plenty of others. My power was too distinctive to rebrand myself, so my options were to join another Nazi group, be marked for death by the kinds of psychos who could make it happen even in the colonies, or never use my powers again.

None of those were going to happen. After that bitch Shatterbird gutted me, and I narrowly escaped when Othala was captured. Fuck, I couldn't go back to Hookwolf after that. Victor would have killed me. And by the time I figured out where Purity could be found, Pantheon had taken down Fenrir's Chosen and publically announced they'd do the same to the Pure. Maybe I couldn't have gone for another group, but I wasn't about to risk a third close call. And I couldn't just not use my powers. I went through hell to get them in the first place. They were too much a part of me.

There were at least a couple hundred booths around the entrance to the dimensional gateway, with red lights above them. Every so often, someone would leave a booth and it would turn green. A pair of those M4s stood at the entrance to our line. There were others scattered about, keeping guard in other areas. Including a second, much shorter line where people were going through without visiting a booth. I tried to make sense of who was getting the fast path, but eventually gave up. They each had a plastic card that they held up, and that was the end of the similarities.

Eventually it came my turn. The security robot pointed me toward the nearest, only open, booth. A couple others became vacant after I started my walk. One was closer, but now wasn't the time to try to cut in line. Even discounting the nightmare of trying to fight that lesbo bug girl on her home soil, those supersoldiers could trade a lot of punishment, and the whole area was built of that freaky tree. My power didn't work on living things, so I'd be functionally unarmed. I pulled my overlarge suitcase with me, trying my best to make it look like it wasn't my power doing the work.

I entered my booth, and the wall behind me sealed. More of that damn plant. Has to be automated, no way she's maintaining control over every last piece of this place like that. Right? The thought that she might be able to, the way her girlfriend could with the bugs, made me think twice about this. In front of me was a touch screen with a bunch of panels. Select Language: English was first on the list, at least. Followed by a bunch others written in other languages. I was pretty sure I recognized Spanish and German, not that I knew how to speak either. I tapped the English option.

"Welcome to the Avalon interactive immigration system," a pleasant female voice spoke. I almost thought it was a real interviewer for a second, it was that convincing. "Please be aware that this conversation is being analyzed by tinker tech. Lying at any point during the interview will be detected, and result in rejection of your immigration request. If this is acceptable, please say 'yes'. If it is unacceptable, please say 'no' and you will be allowed to leave the facility of your volition."

They're using tinker lie detectors?. Okay, you can do this. "Yes," I replied.

"Very well," the voice agreed. "Please state your full legal name followed by the name you wish to be addressed as for this interview."

"Deborah Leanna Miller," I answered. "Call me 'Dee'."

"Very well, Dee," the voice responded. "Please fill out the following form by touching the panel and answering the question. If you wish to change an answer or feel the system placed the wrong information, simply press the panel again and state the correct answer." The screen changed, with a list of various details. Age, height, sex, a bunch of stuff in terms of medical history that I could skip, the whole song and dance. Nothing I hadn't filled out at the DMV before.

"Are you certain all information on this form is correct?" the voice asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Are you immigrating as part of a group, a single family, or alone?"

"Alone," I answered.

"Understood," the voice answered. "Do you have talents you believe will be of particular use to the colonies, including parahuman abilities? You may answer 'no' if you do not wish to use those talents."

I thought about it. Do I want to go in with my powers as leverage? It might result in a better offer than some random placement. Higher paying job, at least. But it made me more visible. The whole point in starting a new life is starting a new life. "No," I replied.

"Are you certain of that answer?" the computer asked.

"I'm certain," I replied. Not really, but this is one of the ones I'm allowed to lie about.

"I understand," the voice answered. "Do you have a criminal record?"

Lucky me, I could answer that one honestly. "No," I replied.

"Do you intend to commit criminal acts after obtaining Avalonian citizenship?"

"No," also true. Did not need bug girl feeding me to cockroaches, or whatever the standard punishment was on their planet. I saw what she was willing to do in a fight, and really didn't want to press my luck.

"Are you currently a member of a government, military, police, criminal, or parahuman organization? If so, please state the nature and name of the organization or organizations. Note that this will not necessarily result in a refusal of citizenship."

"No," I answered.

"Have you ever been a member of a government, military, police, criminal, or parahuman organization? If so, please state the organization or organizations."

Fuck. I glanced back at the door.

"If you wish to terminate your interview, you are free to do so," the voice informed me. "You will be required to complete the interview before being granted recognition as an Avalon citizen. Note that criminal history does not necessarily forbid you from Avalon citizenship."

"Yes," I reluctantly admitted. "Criminal. Empire Eighty Eight, Fenrir's Chosen."

"Names recognized," the voice replied. "Defunct North American neo-Nazi organizations. Commonly employed parahumans. Initializing special interview protocols. Eighty seven percent likely your parahuman identity is known as Rune. Is this correct?"

Well, fuck me. "Yes," I admitted.

"You are wanted in relation to robbery, assault with a parahuman ability, resisting arrest, destruction of property." God damn everything tinker related. "You are recognized as Striker two, Shaker seven. You are disqualified from Avalonian citizenship unless you are granted political asylum. You are qualified to request political asylum. Would you like to apply for political asylum?"

What? "What?"

"You are disqualified from-"

"No, I heard you," I interrupted. Impressively enough, the voice quieted. "What do you mean political asylum?"

"You are recognized as being recruited into a villain organization while under the age of sixteen. You are not known to have committed murder or any sexual crimes. You have honestly stated an intent not to continue criminal activity. As such you may be granted political asylum. Your criminal record will be sealed, and punishment waived so long as you answer a number of special questions and refrain from committing any further crimes. In addition, as a formerly criminal parahuman, your cape identity will be made part of your sealed legal record. If you commit crimes in the future, your identity may be made public and full punishment for all past crimes be enacted according to Avalonian law. Is this understood and acceptable?"

"Depends," I replied. "What happens if I say no?"

"Then you will be asked if you have committed crimes of murder or sexual abuse," the voice continued. "If you have, you will be detained and given to the appropriate officials for prosecution. If not, you will not be granted asylum and shall be released back to your current home nation."

Screw it. "Guess I'll try for the asylum, then. Ask away."

"Have you ever committed or aided in a crime which resulted in the death, mutilation, or deliberate torture of another person? Be aware that members of other races, or Case 53s, are still people."

"No," I answered. I was always sheltered from the worst parts of E88 and Fenrir's Chosen. They kept most of us female capes away from the uglier sides of the business, using us for the more direct combat missions only. I'd seen plenty of death, but only in the battles with the Slaughterhouse Nine or Leviathan. I could safely tell the truth on this one.

"Have you committed or aided in the crimes of rape, pedophilia, forced prostitution, or any form of forced labor or slavery?"

"No," I answered.

"You are recognized as having a power which can greatly improve colonization efforts. Are you willing to use your powers for this purpose? Be aware, you will be paid fairly for your efforts and, in fact, will be allowed to choose from all interested employers."

"If I say no, does that mean I won't be accepted?" I asked.

"Not directly," the computer answered. "However, you will need to find a colony willing to sponsor your asylum and allow you to settle in their region. As criminal history is a valid cause for refusal of citizenship, you will need to convince them to offer you an exemption."

"What kind of pay are we talking?" I asked. Couldn't hurt to find out.

"Highest power identified as shaker rating seven," it started. "Average rate for comparable rankings, two hundred and fifty thousand American dollars a year. Powers recognized as unusually valuable for construction purposes. Likely final offer, three to four hundred thousand per year."

I blinked. Fuck. I might have made that much in all three years I worked for Kaiser. "Well, sounds like you have a deal. What happens now?"

"Geographical location preference waived. Language preference waived. Political affiliation preference waived. Application final, political asylum flag noted. Parahuman rankings noted. Special value traits noted. You shall be noti- initial offer made."

"Already?" I asked. That was less than ten seconds.

"Yes, would you like to speak with the possible sponsor?"

"Uh... sure," I agreed. This is the strangest fucking job interview on the planet.

The screen changed, and a woman's face appeared. "Good afternoon, Rune. Let me introduce myself. I'm Dragon."


A/N- Given that Rune can move several tons of material per second, she'd be worth her weight in gold for construction purposes.

And Dragon might not be in charge of her own micronation, but she she usually gets what she asks for.
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Amelia, Ch 258- Missy
Amelia, Ch 258- Missy

"C'mon, Mushroom, you're worse than Michelle," I yelled at Riley's door. "Don't tell me you're getting cold feet, now."

Eventually the door opened, and my best friend was there wearing a really lovely dark blue dress. I surpressed a twinge of jealousy. She was roughly a year and a half younger than me and already looked older. A little bit taller, a little less baby fat around the face, about the same barely there curves. Genetics are so unfair, I should ask Amelia to tweak a few things for me. Of course, I wouldn't. I would chicken out trying to ask. On the plus side, the whole 'dying' thing now meant I was in incredible shape.

"Are you sure you want me to come with?" she asked for what was probably the tenth time in the last couple of days. "I don't want to intrude on your time with Theo any more than I already do."

I almost rolled my eyes. Riley was almost infuriatingly sweet sometimes. No wonder she liked Theo so much, he was the only person on any planet who could out-nice her and wasn't someone's grandma. "If I didn't want you to come with us, then I wouldn't have invited you," I pointed out. I probably would have ruffled her hair, but she had it painstakingly done up in a braid, and I didn't want to ruin it. "Now hurry up, I'm not having my birthday party without my best friend with me." I grabbed her hand and tugged her along.

She hurried after, and I may have cheated a bit by collapsing distance for us at a few points. Theo was waiting for us near the exit. He was in an honest to goodness suit. It wasn't quite a tux, but I didn't know enough about men's wear to tell what was what. The one that didn't require a tie. Whatever it was called, it made him look even better than usual. And he was already a cutie.

One of the advantages to Avalon was the really stable weather, so we could afford to wear lighter clothes than mid February would normally allow. Still, we carried our coats with us. Avalon didn't yet have much by way of a nightlife, so we'd be heading to Bet for this date. Theo spotted us approaching. He looked at me, then in surprise at Riley, then back at me. "Are you sure it's safe for her to be out, instead of using the Clarice doll?" he asked.

Riley clenched my hand a little tighter. "Don't worry about that," I replied. "Look at her features, no one would recognize her. Dragon was even so kind as to help provide tips for beating recognition tech. If anyone even gets a little suspicious, well, her alter ego is a shapeshifter and my best friend. She just wanted to go out without being recognized. Simple as that."

She smiled nervously. "If you're sure," she agreed.

"Are you certain you don't want a real party?" Theo asked next. "I know people are a little down about..." he trailed off for a second. "But Zach would want us to enjoy ourselves. You don't have to feel guilty about it."

"Zach's idea of us 'enjoying ourselves' would probably just involve the three of us," I rebuked. "Besides, you know how much I hate attention. It's fine in costume and stuff, I don't mind the whole Endslayer thing. In fact, it's badass as hell. But right now I'm Missy, and Missy would rather a nice quiet night out with her two favorite people. Now stop trying to talk your way out of paying for our date."

Theo gave me a hug. "Okay, you win," he agreed. He gave me a peck on the lips. "Don't worry, I already have everything planned out." I gave a gesture with my eyes, and a minor tilt of my head toward Riley. He nodded slightly and broke our hug, moving over and hugging Riley.

"But!" she protested, but she didn't exactly struggle, instead hugging Theo back. He gave her a peck on the cheek, and I could almost see her heart race. I had to admit, I was a little jealous, but it was so cute how happy she was. That took the possible hurt out of it, along with the knowledge that if I asked either of them, they'd call this whole thing off. Plus I was pleased to note that he got just a little bit closer when he hugged me. "It's Missy's birthday, you don't need to..."

"Don't worry, he won't do it much," I replied. "Missy Byron and Theo Anders are known as a couple, and we want to avoid any stupid scandals. You're safe here, and only here. So that'll have to tide you over for the rest of the evening."

"Oh," Riley replied, squeezing Theo tighter before letting go. "So what's the plan?" She asked him. "You'd better have a plan."

"Well," he started. "She said she wanted quiet, so it looks like the standard dinner and a movie setup. Then we can come back here for some star gazing. It's amazing how beautiful the stars are on Avalon. Although the sunsets leave a lot to be desired."

"It's because of the atmospheric pollution," Riley informed. "On Bet, at least. Aleph is even worse, they have a nearly eight percent greater amount of pollutants in their upper atmosphere. While Avalon has almost none at all."

"Sucks to be them," I shrugged. "Think we should put that on our recruitment flyers? Best night sky on any Earth, bring your girlfriend."

Theo chuckled a little. "Well, that's one way to encourage a population explosion."

"Yeah, good luck with that plan, buddy," I smirked.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Theo blushed. I only barely managed to not laugh. Poor boy is way too easy to tease.

"I don't get it," Riley interjected.

"Theo was just thinking like Zach for a minute there," I informed her. She glared threateningly at Theo, but failed to be intimidating in the least.

"That was a dirty trick and you know it," he informed me, pretending to be upset.

"Hells yeah," I agreed. "Now let's go before we miss the movie."

"Well, it's not really a movie in this case," Theo admitted. "It's a play. Glass Menagerie."

"You are such a geek," I teased him. Before I started dating Theo, I'd never been to an actual play before in my life. Now I'd been to a total of five. He had really refined tastes, when it came to things that Zach didn't goad him into trying. Personally, I didn't mind in the slightest as long as we avoided all the stuff written in Iambic Pentameter. It was nice being treated like a lady, like I was adult enough to appreciate art and culture. "At least tell me it's a nice theater."

"Well, it's back in Brockton Bay," he answered.

"So, no," I snarked. We both knew I was joking, of course.

We used a pod to shunt across, nearly half a mile away from the portal. Right at the southern edge of Avalon's embassy territory. The temperature went from what felt like a nearly balmy mid 50s on Avalon, to only a few degrees above zero in a heartbeat. A limo was waiting for us already. Theo waited patiently while Riley and I hurried to climb into the vehicle before our legs froze solid. What sadistic jackass invented dresses, anyway?

Theo took a moment to talk to the chauffeur while us girls situated ourselves, then got in. I wrapped my arm around Theo and leaned against him as we rode, sparing a glance over at Riley. She was religiously studying the back of the driver's seat. Okay, this must be more uncomfortable for her than I realized, I decided. Maybe it would have been better not to bring her along.

I unwound from Theo, then bent space a little to hug Riley without making any sudden movement. She squeaked in surprise. "Hey, no zoning out over there," I insisted. "You're suppose to be the chatterbox of the group."

"Are you sure?" she asked. "I don't want to mess anything up or make things weird."

I did roll my eyes this time. "Riley, you are weird. That's what's great about you. Like the time you raced the varsity track team while doing a handstand. It doesn't get much weirder than that. Except all the other crazy stuff you come up with. Right, Theo?"

"It's true," he agreed. "You can ask anyone. There are rumors that you're really an alien that was exiled to Earth for being too awesome. Although I'm not sure it counts because I'd bet money that Zach started it."

"Still can't believe I lost," she pouted. "Never should have agreed to make it a relay race."

"Well, yeah," I laughed. "Even Clarice gets tired eventually, and you made her run a whole mile on her hands. If it makes you feel any better, you only lost by a couple seconds."
"One point eight five seconds," she corrected. "That's actually a lot in track."

"Our team's one of the best in the state," Theo added. "You'd have beat almost anyone else. I talked to a few of the guys that raced you, and some of them still think you let them win. They were going on about how you didn't even seem tired, when all of them were sore for the next two days. They actually called off their Thursday practice so they could rest because of you."

"It's not about being tired," Riley replied. "It's about how rapidly the limbs can move and efficient momentum. Clarice just wasn't built to move that way, any more than this car can drive sideways. Still, I thought I built her a little better than that."

"There you have it," I concluded. "Now it's my birthday, so why aren't the two of you fawning over me? I demand fawning!"


A/N- You heard the lady. Fawn, already!

Also. I managed to spell chauffeur correctly on the first try this time!
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Amelia, Ch 259- Theo
Preemptive Author's Note: minor to moderate spoilers for The Glass Menagerie. If you haven't seen... go do that... do it right now. It's a better use of your time than this story. Which will still be here when you get back. Unless this website dies.


Amelia, Ch 259- Theo

The play was actually really good, as promised. I tried to focus more on it, but that was hard to do under the circumstances. This was only the fifth of what could be called 'dates' with Riley, and flat out the first done as a trio. My own 'issues' with 'Clarice' meant I wouldn't go on a date with the doll as an intermediary. And Riley and I both did our best to not be 'too friendly' around our home, for all kinds of reasons ranging from respecting Amelia to respecting Missy. And, of course, Zach's injury. The only one more dedicated to helping fix him was Emma.

My flimsy secret identity didn't help matters much, either. I still didn't comprehend how no one's gone public with a suspicion that the metal summoning parahuman working for Pantheon might possibly be Kaiser's son. A teenager that just happens to live on Pantheon's property, and also spends much of his time hanging out with two Pantheon members that don't have secret identities.

Might have something to do with the backlash that happened when Taylor's identity went public. I was led to understand that cost a few people their careers. However, if I were seen on anything obviously date-like with someone other than Missy, that might give the right gossip rag their chance to break that story without it biting their asses.

I tried to focus on the play again. I never really had a chance to experience theater much, before... Leviathan's attack, actually. My father found the art, well, he wouldn't have used the word 'gay' as an insult, if only because he could come up with something both more insulting and less vulgar, but he had nothing but contempt for art in general. He'd go when it was expected of him, and he was certainly educated enough to at least fake appreciation, but there was still that contempt. Then again, for Maximilian Anders, that was the default condition for all things.

I smiled and glanced down at Missy, snuggled firmly around my arm, watching the story play out while idly fiddling with my fingers. I could guess what my father would say. She was 'white' enough for his approval, but she wasn't exactly from a 'quality' family by his standards. He'd probably threaten me, he'd almost certainly threaten to harm her. That would not end well for him. The only thing that could stop me from skinning him alive would be if Missy beat me to it.

Riley was on the other side of Missy, watching the play with absolutely rapt attention. As far as I knew, this is the first time she'd ever been to a theater, and she was loving every second of it. Whether by subconscious cues, or by deliberate decision, she made sure Missy would get as much of my attention as possible tonight. I couldn't even imagine what my father would say about her. I liked to imagine pants wetting terror would be involved. If he tried to hurt her? Well, I'd have to skin him alive just to save him from what she would do.

The both of them, together? Well, the ass did have his own pair of girlfriends. Still didn't like how this... thing... with Missy and Riley reminded me of Fenja and Menja, but there wasn't much I could do about that. Missy made it very clear that she wouldn't allow herself to get between me and Riley, figuratively speaking. This was her 'solution', as unorthodox as it was. Not just for Riley's feelings, and Missy's own sense of integrity, but my feelings toward Clarice.

The feelings Dream Girl exploited were so effective because they were real. Distorted by removing my rational mind from the equation, but real. I never felt as strongly for Clarice as I do for Missy, but Riley wasn't Clarice. Or she wasn't only Clarice, at least. Clarice was an act, an idealization, what Riley wanted to be known as. Riley herself was more thoughtful, introspective, like Missy and myself.

By the time the play was over, Missy and I had managed to steal a few kisses, and Riley had either pretended to ignore us, or was truly so engrossed in the play that she didn't even notice.

"That was so good!" she declared the moment the curtain closed.

Missy smiled. "I know," she agreed, though she looked more sedate than Riley. We made our way out of the theater fairly quietly. There were just too many people to have a meaningful conversation, so it waited until we were in the car, going to dinner.

"I think this is the best Tennessee William's work I've ever seen. Sure, A Streetcar Named Desire was a more intense story, but this one is... it hits deeper. The characters are so easy to relate to, and it makes me think about things."

"Yeah," Missy agreed. "I think you're going to pick Tom for this one," she looked up at me. We often liked to compare our own situations to characters in the shows, so the odd context wasn't so odd for us. "The conflict between heritage and dreams of the future."

I shrugged. "Honestly, I think I'm more like Laura," I admitted. "Tom had an adventurous spirit to make his own way. Me, I just sorta... let things happen to me, y'know? I don't really go out and try to find my own place. That and there's no conflict for me. Tom felt guilty leaving behind his family and their traditions. With exception to Aster and Kayden, my heritage can go climb into the ovens they're so fond of."

"Honestly, I kinda wanted to slap Laura," Missy replied. "Not as much as her mother, though. God, what a bitch."

"She was scared," Riley replied. "Caught up in the past, full of ideas and rules that couldn't work anymore, and she didn't know how to adapt to a changing world. It's kinda like how society handles parahumans today. Or homosexuals a few years ago. When people are scared for a long time, they can use that to justify all kinds of horrible things."

She'd gotten quieter with each passing sentence. The last few words were barely a whisper. She knows better than almost anyone what horror truly is, in ways most people couldn't begin to imagine.

Missy put a hand on her arm, a show of comfort. Riley's smile was forced, but the look of gratitude was very real.

"It was still an ultimately positive story," I offered. "Laura came out of her shell, at least a little. I can picture her having a good life for herself, with some confidence that a lot of her fears were unfounded. Tom broke free and found his own way. His mistake was in trying to forget the past and escape his responsibilities, instead of accepting and moving forward. It's a good lesson for all of us to learn, right?"

"Yeah," Missy replied. "I think that's the problem I had with the story. Everyone was running away from everything, instead of actually dealing with the problem. Step one would have been to punch their mother in the head until the stupid stopped."

"Could you have done that, if it were your mother?" I asked. In the months I'd been dating Missy, I still had yet to actually meet her family. She avoided them, herself, for whatever reason as well.

"I probably should," she muttered. "But no, you're right, I don't think I could have."

"Maybe I should have picked a play with a happier lesson?" I suggested. "That was pretty stupid of me. I knew it was a good play, but this was my first time actually seeing it. Definitely not the most cheerful pick."

"No," Missy replied. "But I think it's better this way. There are no perfect answers, and pretending otherwise just makes for shit storytelling. Sometimes you just have to accept that. Embrace it, even. If The Glass Menagerie had a happy ending, I don't think it would have been nearly as good a story."

"It's nice to have happy endings, though," Riley argued. "I know it's not realistic, but it's nice to think about everything working out. Maybe not always, but sometimes at least?"

"Maybe not perfect endings, then, but at least positive ones," I suggested. "Striving to make things better than they were. Even if we have to do it in really strange ways, sometimes. I think that's something we can all agree on as reasonable and fulfilling."

"Yeah," Missy agreed. "Making things better."

"That sounds really good," Riley agreed. "Thanks for bringing me with."

"Any time," Missy insisted. "You're my best friend, you shouldn't have to thank me spend time with me. In fact, you should be doing it more often. It feels like you've been avoiding both of us a little."

"Maybe a little," Riley admitted. "I just. You've been so nice to me, and it feels wrong to take advantage of that."

"I'll tell you if you're taking advantage," Missy offered. "I know this whole thing is a little weird, but it's what makes sense for us. Maybe it's a 'powers' thing, that I'm used to seeing things in a different way than most people. When you can take ten places and make them exist in one thing at one time, well, you get used to the idea that rules are just basic guidelines to ignore whenever convenient."

"Yeah," I agreed, looking at both girls. Riley was smiling broadly, with an almost manic gleam in her eyes

"Missy," she started. "You are the smartest person ever."

"I know that look," Missy sighed. "I just gave you an Idea, capital 'I', right?"

Riley nodded energetically.

"And it means the dinner part of this date is canceled, but we're not going to complain in the slightest because it's that awesome?"

She nodded again.

Missy looked at me sheepishly. "Don't worry," I replied. "Wasn't anywhere too fancy. It was, after all, planned for the three of us."


A/N- *Now is torn between the next chapter will reveal the sudden brilliant idea... or it'll be a Sophia interlude like Slayer Anderson asked. So, y'know, blame him if you want to know what Riley just dreamt up.
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Amelia, Ch 260- Victoria
Amelia, Ch 260- Victoria

"Dammit, bitch, what is it going to take to make you leave me alone!" Inexorable screamed at me. "It's been four fucking days, already!"

"Well, stop robbing banks, for starters?" I suggested. "And maybe turn yourself in?"

It turns out my power was, in fact, unable to stop the man whose power was to literally be unstoppable. He could not be injured, he could walk through any barrier, and he could extend that invulnerability to anything he touched. In this case, a garbage bag full of cash and valuables stolen from a bank vault. Luckily, outside the whole unstoppable thing, he was baseline human. No stronger, or faster, or smarter, than anyone else, unless you were directly preventing him from moving.

"Sorry, sugar tits, ain't happenin'," he countered. "You'll have to leave eventually. Next Endbringer fight, maybe? For the couple mil in this bag, I think I can wait you out for a few more weeks."

"Why even rob banks, anyway?" I asked. "Two mil is jack shit for a parahuman with your power. You could make that much a month just being a movie stunt double. Or to show up at Endbringer fights and give them hugs. I'd pay you a couple mil to watch that show."

"I don't get along well with others," he snarked. I could tell how tired and irritable he was without powers. Sleep was not something I was letting him have a lot of. I needed him to stop thinking clearly and start making exploitable mistakes. One of the better ones was him diving into the ocean for a night. We came up several miles off course, in this small forested area. No people meant no potential hostages or disruptions to people. It was just me, and him, and my radio.

"Or someone paid you a lot of money to rob a bank, because they wanted to see the bank's reputation damaged," I stated. "And your power has some kind of quirk to it that leads you to believe it won't work on Endbringers. How's that?"

"Fuck you," he cursed.

"Thought so," I smirked. "So, your boss? Ah, you don't know who it was. Anonymous payment, throwaway cell. Give me a few, bet I can figure out your account numbers. They were involved in a crime, so they can be frozen and confiscated. Is what's in that bag worth what's in your bank?"

"No way," he growled. "You don't have a power like that."

"Sure I do," I leaned casually against a tree. "I'm a telepath."

"Bullshit, there's no such thing," he growled.

"Sure there is," I quipped. "Lots of us. We just don't like talking about it. The whole 'Simurgh' thing, y'know. There's three others on my team. Including Khepri."

"She controls bugs," he argued.

"Yeah. Using telepathy," I retorted. "Works on humans, too. But she can't actually control people. Just bugs. Because bugs are too fucking stupid to tell the difference between her thoughts and theirs."

"You're lying," he insisted.

I shrugged. "Probably, but is that a gamble you're willing to risk thirty mil... no, make that around forty mil... on?"

"Fine, I'll just think about something else," he argued. "You, for example, and all the things I'd do to you." He unzipped his pants. I pulled out my cell phone and pointed the camera at his crotch.

"Go for it," I dared. "I promise you this video will be uploaded faster than you can moan your boyfriend's name."

"That's illegal," he argued.

"Not in the slightest," I replied. "If I were filming you secretly, you'd have a case. But this isn't your property, you're aware of my presence, and I am recording the pursuit of a fugitive. A very, very, slow pursuit. Expose yourself and the only thing that happens is you adding some kind of sex crime to your record. Also, you'll be laughed at by the entirety of my online fanbase, so you probably should think twice. Because, seriously, if I was a guy and mine was that small, that'd be my Trigger event." Not true, if anything he might be a little above average. But he struck me as the kind of guy who'd be upset by a girl insulting his manhood.

"I will fucking murder you!" he screamed and threw a rock at my head. Yup, totally called that one. I didn't even bother to move, as it bounced off my cheek. He was baseline human, after all.

"Meh, even if you did, I'd be back up and moving in less than a day," I faked a yawn. He couldn't help but yawn as well. I flicked a ball of mostly pine needles and mud into his mouth. He gagged and started spitting out the mix and trying to get the taste out of his mouth. "So, would you like to listen to more music? One of my fans has this one from Aleph that is, according to her, 'the worst song ever made, ever'. I'm not sure I believe her. Or, at least, I'm hoping it's a her. The screen name is the number two, followed by 'cute', then the number four, then the letter u."

"All aleph music is shit," the man muttered.

"A friend of mine says it's because they're bored," I replied. "They got nothing better to do, so they make movies and music faster than we do because people buy it up faster. So Bet has to worry about quality to make money, while Aleph is just pumping out as much quantity as possible. Plus, apparently they have something called 'autotune' over there, it's why their music all sounds like it was sung by the same person."

"Dumb bitch, you'll have to suffer through it, too."

"Oh, I could have sworn I already told you," I replied. I had, of course, a couple days ago. But lack of sleep really fucks with memory. "Partial shapeshifter. I turn off my hearing. Speaking of, should we get started? I'm told that listening to 'Friday' for more than fifteen minutes has the possible side effects of permanently losing thirty IQ points, spontaneously contracting AIDS, and holding one's own head underwater until the bubbles stop,. Lemme know how you're doing after six hours."

My phone beeped. Emma? "Oops, gimme a minute," I requested, then answered. "Hey, Red, what's up?"

"There's an experiment to try, we think you should be there," she informed. Riley's. One of our unspoken codes was if no names were mentioned over the phone, and it wasn't immediately obvious who we were talking about, it usually meant Riley.

"That important, huh?" I asked. I could tell by the excitement in her voice that it was definitely important to her, at least.

"Yes," she answered. "Can't talk about it too much. All hush-hush, you know how it goes."

"I'm kinda in the middle of something," I replied.

"Gotcha covered," she answered. "Minerva's already making the calls. See you soon."

"Awesome," I replied and hung up.

"Well, good news for you," I replied. "I'm leaving soon. You were right, you can outwait me."

"About fucking time," he muttered.

"Bad news is, you made my bosses impatient, so they're calling in the big guns, right about now," I paused theatrically for about thirty seconds. "Dammit, I really need to work on my ti-"

Atropos popped in, along with Janus and a cape I didn't recognize. He was in clearly tinker tech battle armor, with a chrome color scheme. Pretty generic aesthetics, all considered. No obvious weapons, either, but my power was telling me there was a lot of utility concealed in that equipment. "Long time, no see," I replied smoothly. "So who's the new guy?"

"Wavelength," the apparent tinker answered. A compartment opened up on his chest, showing a badge. "I'm with the FBI. This is a federal reserve, so he's our jurisdiction until further notice. Nothing you particularly need to worry about. I was told the suspect would be captured when I got here."

"He will be in a minute, don't worry," I answered before looking back toward my friends. "Hey, where are the girlfriends?"

"At the base, already," Eric replied. "Or hers is, at least. Mine's probably in bed. It's past midnight, so we're a little tired."

"You think that's bad," I smiled. "This poor bastard's been up listening to Aleph music for the last three days." Plus another day spent underwater.

"Aren't there laws against that?" he asked.

"There really should be, but no," I remarked. "So where were we? Ah, right. He's like a dimestore Sibrian. Has the invulnerability and a sort of power resistance, plus he can walk through walls and containment foam like they're made of wet cardboard. None of the ripping people to shreds or disintegration, though. Oh, and he can choose what does or doesn't effect him, so he can be treated by modern medicine."

"Oh, good," Lily responded. "Authorized level of force?"

"Nothing lethal," I answered. "His worst crime is breaking a shop owner's ribs for not paying protection. So, don't hold back on the nonlethals. But first, at least give him a chance to surrender."

"Go fuck yourself," he spat. Getting repetitive, there. Then again, four days without sleep, I guess I could forgive him for a lack of witty comebacks. He dropped, screaming, as a pair of bolts pierced his lower legs. She deliberately missed his shin bones, so it was all muscle damage, but it was painful muscle damage. I walked over and picked up his garbage bag, with all its valuables, before he remembered to start shielding it again.

"Well, I think that's everything," I replied, handing the bag over to the FBI cape. "Do you need anything else?

"Not at the moment," he answered. "Your pursuit has been documented. We may need you for testimony at a later date, I trust you'll make yourself available."

"Yeah," I agreed. "Didn't spend four days on this, just to lose the crook. See you later, Inexorable." He didn't answer, being far too busy crying and holding his legs. He wouldn't die, his power had staunched the bleeding already. But he wouldn't be going anywhere under his own power any time soon.

The world changed, and we were standing at the portal to Avalon.


A/N- This chapter sorta accidentally wrote itself. In lieu of a Sophia chapter because I have exactly no inspiration for that at all.

Also: I kinda feel bad for that guy. Sure, he got shot in both legs and then lost two mil in order to avoid listening to Friday for six hours, so that's a plus. But two of those three days was a Bieber marathon. The third is best left to your imagination.

And it was all recorded and will find its way online.
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Amelia, Ch 261- Riley
Amelia, Ch 261- Riley

By the time Chevalier stepped in through Doormaker's portal, we were all almost ready. This was our main lab on Avalon, about two miles away from the portal gateway. The key location for our future works. Wow, their teleporter is really scary good. I gathered as much data on the process as I possibly could from all the exotic power analyzing sensors in his room.

"I was told this was, quote, critically important," he asked our gathered group. Which totaled almost every member of the team. Including Clarice, although of course I was hidden elsewhere. Even Rey was here for this one. Well, Zach did save his life way back when we started Pantheon.

"Potentially," Lisa replied. "If not, we'll be certain to compensate you for your time, but if this works, your numbers are going to be upgraded. Potentially into one of the more powerful Trumps on the planet. So here's a question for you. Have you ever tried to use your power on people? Or the ghosts you see near them?"

He blinked. "I... no, I admit I never thought to do that."

"Then this is going to be all kinds of fun," she smiled broadly.

"I don't think that I can, the Manton Limit..."

"Is irrelevant in your case," Lisa replied. "You're capable of manipulating Endbringer tissue, and more than that, Endbringer tissue from the densest part of the monsters that isn't actually the core. Your power not only has no Manton Limit, it still works where almost every other power on the planet failed a long time ago. I can see where it might be like Amelia or Clockblocker and not work on yourself, but beyond that it should work on everything."

Gosh darn it, Lisa, stop showing off and get to the important stuff.

"First we're going to have you fold two people who are already biologically similar," she informed. "Victoria and Crystal are already prepped, so you just have to do your thing with them."

The cousins were actually very similar, varying less than a five percent baseline through any visual measure. They'd easily be mistaken as sisters. Crystal being recently restored from backup meant she had a perfect physical body, and Vicky's powers ensured she, too, had a perfect body. The more sensitive instruments built into their current 'testing' outfits registered all the not so obvious details, and outside of brain chemistry and power signatures, they were still extremely similar, ranging from three to eight percent variation. Short of actually awakening a second copy of one of us, it was the closest match we could find.

"We really don't know what will happen if I do this," Chevalier argued. "Shouldn't we start with something a little less... human? Like an animal or plant?"

"Won't teach us anything useful," Lisa countered. "We know how your power works from a base point. Testing it on other things won't teach us anything valuable in how impacts people. So when we get to this phase, we'll still be guessing what happens to people."

"Hey, don't worry about us," Vicky interjected. "Our backups were updated less than fifteen minutes ago. And it's not like either of us are the original to start with, so this isn't going to cost us much even if it does go wrong."

Crystal elbowed her in the side, and she pretty much ignore it. "Don't listen to her," she answered. "We understand the risks, and we're prepared. There's too much that we'll be able to do if this works, so it's worth the risk."

To help Zach, I added silently. That's what this ultimately boils down to.

"I want it on record that I think this is a bad idea, but I'm trusting your tinkers and thinkers to know what they're doing," Chevalier instructed. Clarice's instruments read that he wasn't quite as apprehensive as he was pretending. Lisa probably knows that already, no need to call it out.

The other sensors on the test subjects were spiking from apprehension. At least in Crystal's case. Vicky's absolute biological control meant her body was as calm as she pretended to be, although the brain scans showed she was at least a little on the nervous side as well.

"Of course," Lisa agreed. "Full credit, full blame, it's all on us. Wouldn't be a day in the life of Pantheon without us doing something crazy that pans out."

He reached out and touched both girls on the shoulder. "Sorry, I need contact when I do the initial connection," he informed them.

Vicky shrugged. "Hey, you're about to scramble our insides, so don't worry about it." Clarice's instruments registered several spikes of emotions from the others. With exception to Sabah, Chevalier, Taylor and Amelia, and myself. Must be some kind of joke.

And then the numbers went haywire on Vicky and Crystal. Blood pressure spiked, then smoothed at about 10% higher than normal. Nervous system sensitivity increased. Emotional state spiked, then dropped as Vicky's power started compensating. It was Crystal that showed the most oddities, of course. Vicky's power was doing what it did. And then it moved across and started making adjustments to Crystal's body.

"Break the link," I commanded through Clarice. Chevalier obeyed immediately, and both girls staggered. Vicky recovered in a heartbeat, then caught the collapsing Crystal. "It definitely worked," I informed them. Clarice was 'known' to have powers very similar to Vicky, which were themselves 'known' as a sort of ranged variation of Amelia's ability to sense bodies. I could speak what I learned through her, if I was careful not to talk 'Tinker'. "Vicky's power was starting to assert itself over Crystal's body, optimizing things. Nothing that Amelia couldn't do or undo, but it does show us we're on the right track."

"I... I think I can control that," Chevalier offered. "Can we try again?"

"Okay," Vicky answered. Crystal was standing on her feet.

"Yeah," Crystal agreed. "It was weird, but it didn't hurt or anything. I think it just doubled my vision or something, though."

Chevalier made contact again, and this time the spikes were lower, and evened out more quickly.

The pair looked at each other. Or tried to, at least. Their necks jerked in the strangest fashion. They spent a couple minutes like that, woodenly trying to control their respective bodies. "Okay," they spoke in unison. "Turn it off."

They staggered again, but recovered on their own. "That is never happening again," Crystal gasped. Her biosigns spiked massively, after they were broken away from each other. "Seriously, Vicky, what the hell!"

"I'm sorry!" Vicky exclaimed. "We couldn't move, and I just started thinking and..."

"No!" Crystal interrupted. "We never speak of it again. Ever."

"Telepathy?" Lisa asked. "Is that what that was? Did you have access to memories?"

"No, just surface stuff," Crystal answered. "We figured out how to talk to each other, but that's about it. Or send mental pictures."

"Well, that's a start at least," Lisa replied. "So we know it won't be a simple power share, since there's too much automatic stuff getting between bodies. That's a disappointment. But it also means it'll work for healing Zach."

"Which was your goal all along," Chevalier accused.

"Pretty much," Lisa admitted. "But look at it this way. This just gave you access to pretty damn impressive healing powers. And even temporary power theft for your allies if you play your cards right."

"Pardon?" he asked.

"Think about it," Lisa replied. "If one of the two brains in the link is, say, drugged unconscious... then the other one will have full access to two power sets at the same time. Instant trump rating for you."

"Less practical than it sounds," he responded. "This takes a lot more concentration than my usual power use. I won't be able to take to the field if I'm holding together this gestalt effect."

"Well, fuck," she muttered. "Thought it'd be more useful, but I'm sure you can still get plenty of mileage out of that option. And it is still a high end healing effect."

"You suspect," he corrected.

"Yeah, but my suspicions usually pan out," Lisa replied. "Now let's do the next part. Do the numbers look like we can get away with wildly differing body types for this process?"

"No," I told Emma over her headset.

"Sorry," she replied. "We'll still need similar body types, at least for now. Maybe we can improve it in the future."

"Then I'm up," Theo spoke. "Zach and I are as close to identical to each other as we're likely to get without giving Vicky a couple weeks to shapeshift herself into a closer copy."

"I'd really rather not," Vicky responded. "No offense to the guys in the room, but I prefer the girl parts." She paused for a second, and Crystal snickered. "Okay, for the record I meant as part of my anatomy. I'm not romantically attracted to women. When we get Zach back, I will personally murder anyone who tells him I ever said anything that might imply otherwise."

Emma had already hurried over to Zach's chamber, pressing the button to open it. The gravity field removed him, and blood splattered, only to vanish and reappear. He's losing approximately twelve to thirteen full liters of blood a minute.

"This is probably going to kill you," I informed Theo.

"You'll bring me back," he answered, almost flippantly. He's so brave, I thought. And he trusts me. I did my best to ignore the flutters in my chest. I can worry about that after we heal Zach.

"It'd be a good idea for you to get on a table and have Amelia monitor you, start the healing in real time," I instructed. "We can't afford to disable his power by moving it to someone else. No idea what will happen if it activates in someone else's body. So we'll need Chevalier to swap your physical template and his. Trade off the injury, and then work from there. In your physical condition, you should have about seven seconds before it's fatal."

A table formed next to Zach. At this point, we lab workers had come to truly appreciate the Yggdrasil's self-cleaning nature, so most of the labs were built from it. Amelia's control over it was more of a convenient afterthought than anything.

Theo paused for a second and pulled his shirt off. Very nice. I smiled a little, not just at the view, but at how many of the other people in the room stopped to appreciate it. There was also a bit of jealousy from Rey. That's okay, they're allowed to look. Judging by Missy's patterns, she was having the exact same thought.

"Sorry," Theo said self consciously. "I don't really want to get blood stains all over my clothes, y'know."

"Not a problem," Vicky replied. Yeah, I'll bet. What was interesting was how Amelia and Taylor responded. Or didn't respond, as they case may be. Taylor barely made more than a minor note of it, and that seemed to please my Big Sister to no end. Plus one hundred points for Taylor.

Chevalier took his place between the two boys, and a happy Amelia was on the other side of Theo.

"I'm going to use my power to make you go to sleep," Amelia informed him. "Spare you some pain."

"I'd appreciate that," Theo smiled nervously. He leaned back and the instruments let me know he lost consciousness.

"I'm ready," Amelia informed Chevalier. Please let this work.

Blood sprayed from Theo's chest, hitting both Chevalier and Amelia.


A/N- Yes, I am that much of a dick.

The real question is, am I dick enough to make the plan fail for my own amusement and the hate of my readers?

... Actually, that's rhetorical. Of course I am. But I won't compromise the integrity of the story. So it's really just a question of which answer is true to the narrative.
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Amelia, Ch 262- Zach
Amelia, Ch 262- Zach

I woke up gasping. How the fuck am I in pain?

"Don't panic," Emma's voice insisted, putting her hands on both my shoulders. That's when I figured out I was laying down on a bed or something. "We'll explain in a minute, but for right now, you need to stay calm, okay?"

"Y'know," I looked above my head at her. She looks worried. "I'm pretty sure the scariest words in the English language are 'you need to stay calm'. Either that or 'Honey, I think I'm pregnant'."

She smiled. "Stop being such a jackass." Good, it's not that big a deal.

"Okay, he's stable," Amelia's voice spoke up. "Couldn't hurt to get a little more of that biogel over here, however."

"This doesn't seem like the most efficient healing system," a male voice I didn't recognize spoke up. Considering we were obviously in one of our buildings, I'd have to... wait, healing? Well, this can't be a good sign. Oh, right, I remember. The new Endbringer. Copying the powers of others. I recognized Shatterbird in the mix. And Lily. I was stabbed by Lily's power.

"We can improve on that," Emma said, looking over to my side. I followed the glance. Oh, Chevalier, his armor looks different. "We have some very comprehensive scans of your power, and now a pretty good idea of how the human folding works. Size is only a passing limitation, considering how your power works. Give us a little time. I bet we can create a pocket sized organic doll that will let you impose your newfound power on almost any humanoid."

"You're sure about that?" he asked.

"Oh, and then some," Emma responded cheerfully. She's adorable when she slips into Tinker mode. "There are a number of individuals who can't be healed by conventional methods. Zach was one, but Alexandria is in a similar situation. Your folding power will, functionally, allow you to transfer any injuries to the copy, which we can keep suspended in a nutrient mix and give what are, effectively, regenerative powers to. It won't be able to repair brain damage, probably. You'd need to work with an actual parahuman regenerator for that."

"Could do even more than that," Vicky responded. "We know Case 53s regenerate back to their default state. But what happens when another type of regeneration gives them a different form? I could have done a lot more when linked up to Crystal's body. The changes that happened there were accidental, but if I actively push and control it, then I bet I can establish pretty close to human state. And my regeneration works on brains, too."

Emma leaned down and gave me soft kiss. Her mouth was cool to the touch, as was normal. "Be back in a second," she told me, before stepping away. I felt the temperature drop almost immediately. She paused for a moment. "That should work, with exception to nonorganic Case 53s such as myself or Weld. But the vast majority are still organic, if only sometimes humanoid. You won't be able to correct the genetic deviations, and it's possible that future healing or shapeshifting powers will undo the changes, but there's no reason you can't correct the physical shape, nerve system changes, and a number of other traits."

"Sounds like something I'll need to contact the Chief Director about," Chevalier replied. "However, I can't imagine a scenario where she'd say no. Finding a way to help the Case 53s, or most of them at least, is a major goal for us."

"Alexandria might be a little pissed to lose her badass backup," Vicky added. "But she's getting an eye and a leg in the trade. And since I like her, I'll even throw in a complete upgrade to her neural system. Wonder what she'll think about gaining the ability to smell and hear with better details than most humans can get out of their eyes. And if that works out, we can probably make a killing by charging people for biological upgrades. Think a million bucks per twenty IQ points is a fair trade?"

"I start making the phone calls," Lisa volunteered. "The Chief Director already told me to call her when I found some real results." Yeah, I bet she did. At this rate those two will be married before Taylor and Amelia. "Come on, Chevalier, let's go do beauracracy while the doctors and scientists do what they're good at."

The man moved away. "So, is it safe for me to get up, now?" I asked no one in particular.

"Yeah, you're in perfect health," Vicky spoke up. "Better than you were by a long shot. Ames might have taken the opportunity to tweak your biology while she had a way around your power's defenses."

"You caught me," Amelia replied. "Pretty much just the same things that the cloning tech gives by default, but angled toward more bulk and strength than normal. Your power means you don't need a more stamina focused build."

"Awesome," I sat up, and felt hair peel off my back and remain stuck to the table I was laying on. I shuddered involuntarily. Then I looked over at Theo, who was drenched in blood. "The fuck happened to you, dude?"

Clarice went to speak, but Theo interrupted him. "Nothing you need to worry about right now."

"Dude," I smirked at him. "I woke up half naked and sticky next to another half naked guy who's covered in blood, and surrounded by a bunch of fully clothed women, plus a couple other men. Something really fucking weird happened here. And I'm going to bet that whatever it is was probably both more strange and less fun than it sounds."

"Oh, come on, guys, it'll be easier for everyone just to come clean," Vicky declared. "You remember getting attacked by that last Endbringer, right?"

"Yeah, I remember," I agreed. And the couple hours that came after it before Rapture and Emma put together something that put me into a sort of coma.

"Well, that was two and a half weeks ago," she informed. "Since then, everyone's been worried sick about your dumb ass, and trying to figure out a way to fix you despite your power. We tried all kinds of things. Like this one parahuman that heals people by drooling on them."

"So... I'm covered in spit?" I asked.

"Yup," Vicky confirmed nonchalantly. "Miss Mushroom found a way that worked, by punching reality in the nuts and transferring your injuries to someone else."

Transferring my... "I had a hole in my chest big enough to stick my hand through!" I exclaimed, looking at Theo. Transfered injury. That is a lot of blood, and all of it is his. Amelia had a fair bit spattered on her as well, but from the looks of it, she'd been coverting it to plant matter. "You did that for me? Where the hell do you get your modesty lessons from?"

"It's not that big of a deal," Theo insisted. "People donate organs all the time. This was less heroic than that, since they don't get their organs back, and don't have parahuman surgeons and healers to make sure everything goes correctly."

At that time, Riley rushed into the room. I thought Clarice was being a little too still. He saved my life. How do I? "Thanks, man."

"You'd do the same for me," he replied. "We're a team, we got each others' backs." Riley hugged him at about the same moment, ignoring all the gore. "Case in point," he said, patting the girl's back. "She's the one who came up with this crazy plan."

"Yeah," I agreed. Would I have, situation reversed? Maybe. With some of the most powerful healers in the room to help? Yeah, I could do that. "Still gotta find a way to thank you, though. Tell you what, I'll let you win next time we break out one of the racing games."

"Let me win?" he scoffed. "I didn't give you a skill transplant."

"Theo's been thanked enough, I think," Vicky laughed.

Am I missing something? She smirked at me. Then tilted her head to where Riley was still cuddling against Theo. No fucking way. I looked at Missy, who had managed to find a place to touch his arm that wasn't covered in blood. She didn't seem bothered by this. "You're fucking kidding me," I declared. "Both of them?"

He blushed. "Thanks a lot, dude," he muttered. "I was trying to keep that a secret."

"From who?" Vicky asked. "Everyone knew. And I do mean everyone. Show of hands, did anyone in this room not know?"

Eric raised his. He was alone in that. "Guess I've been a bit out of the loop."

"Well, good for them," I smiled. "Theo, all I can offer you is pity. Maybe a place to hide if you need one." Missy and Riley both stuck their tongues out at me. "So, any other earth shattering news?"

"Umm... nothing you need to worry about," Vicky replied. "I'm California's favorite parahuman right now. Soon to be Philly's. I think it'll be fun."

"I bet," Crystal muttered. "Seriously, Vicky. What the hell?"

"Hey," she shrugged. "I have a type." A type? What the fuck are they talking about?

"As fun as this is," I interrupted. "I really need a shower right now." Also need to get away from all these people. I'm not good at this kind of shit. Especially when shirtless and covered in drool.

"Yeah, me too," Theo agreed.

"That's probably a good idea," Missy agreed. "You, too, Riley. A different shower."

"Dibs on the kitty shower!" Riley declared. No one fought her for it.


A/N- Yay kitty baths.
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Amelia, Ch 263- Crystal
Amelia, Ch 263- Crystal

"You can't possibly be this excited to move to Philadelphia," I said to my cousin the moment we weren't in earshot of everyone else. One of the side rooms, there were plenty of them in the new buildings on Avalon.

"Why not?" she asked, smiling.

"Because it's fucking Philadelphia," I reminded her. "In the middle of winter. You were living it up in Cali. Running around fighting crime in your bikini just to prove you didn't need the battle suit."

She chuckled. "Yeah, that was fun," she agreed. "But I can still do that. Not like the cold has any impact on me."

"Not really the kind of city you can do that in, cuz," I argued. "Whole other type of culture, even before factoring in the whole 'race' thing."

"Yeah, I know," she shrugged. "I'm still a Brockton Bay native. Even Arcadia had an uncomfortable amount of racial tension. Y'know, before Leviathan came along to prove that all humans are equal in the eyes of Endbringers. In a way, I'm looking forward to it. LA's villains were all so... well, nice. Sure, the normals were as much assholes as anywhere else, but all the villains are doing is robbery and blackmail shit. Seriously, arresting someone for rigging the Oscars is so much less satisfying than punching some hate crime committing bastard."

"Vicky, you can't solve every problem by beating it up," I sighed.

"That's true," she agreed. "But it usually solves the problem of unrepentant sacks of shit who don't have enough broken bones. Besides, there's all kinds of other benefits to moving to Philly."

I tried to crush the memory of our very brief moment of having the same thoughts.

"Not those kinds of benefits," Vicky sighed. "I'd be closer to home, which makes it easier to stop by and chat. Couple hours at most, max flight speed through Avalon. Even closer to Dad's work. Then there's that parahuman asylum, it's not so far away. We'd be going there for the parahumans that have the most problems with their powers. The ones that need our help the most, and the ones that are most likely to need a new home once they're functional."

"So it's a recruitment drive?" I asked. That's not a bad idea at all, actually.

"Exactly," Vicky agreed. "You're firmly on your feet in LA, now. You've got GL, Dubs, and Rebound as backup. Sure, they're not top tier, but they're a good team and we both know you're the real leader. I'm just the flashy one." I hesitated. She's not wrong. As much as she was theoretically the one in charge, I was the one coming up with all the plays. Which mostly just boiled down to 'which mission do I send Vicky to solo, and which do we take the team out on. I'll have to ask the Tinkers about getting them custom suits. GL probably can't get much use out of one, but Dubs and Rebound should.

"Fuck, you know how much I hate the responsibility," I sighed.

"I know," she agreed. "That's why you're good at it. The best leaders are never the ones who want to do it. Look at Ames. Or Aunt Sarah. They hate the job."

She was right, I admitted. About them, at least. "I'm still not very good at it."

"Well, too bad," Vicky chirped. "You know they can't ignore just how powerful my interaction with Chevalier can be. It'd be like splitting up Taylia. I think the bosses would pack up and cancel the whole 'west coast' experiment before they gave it up. Then we'd leave those kids in the lurch."

"Probably," I sighed. She's right about that, too. The things they could accomplish. Upgrading bodies in a way even Amelia couldn't, healing Case 53s, that was just too huge. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"I bet if we really push the issue, we can get another Protectorate member moved to LA as a trade," she suggested.

"Don't see that working," I rejected the idea. "Sure, they'd probably agree to it, they'd be stupid not to. But then it's just a 'Protectorate' member, not one of ours. Too bad Lily's still stuck on the gateways."

Vicky shrugged. "I bet there will be people at the Asylum that'll start signing up to join the heroes once they can function normally. The Protectorate's going to recruit as many as possible, but I'll see about poaching some of them."

"Yeah, because that'll make Chevalier happy," I scoffed.

"Eh, I'll find some way to make it up to him," she smiled suggestively.

"God damn it, Victoria," I put a hand over my face. I already know way too much about what you like, please don't remind me.

"What?" she asked. "I just meant I'm going to kick so much bad guy ass that he won't care about losing a couple of the B-listers to Pantheon."

"Uh huh, sure," I sighed.

"Victoria, Eki, Janus, need you in the main office," Lisa's voice came over our coms.

"Coming," Vicky responded. She turned toward the lab. "Don't worry, I know the way."

My cousin turned out to be telling the truth. Eric fell in with us as we got to the door. Inside, Amy, Taylor, Lisa and Chevalier were waiting, along with Costa-Brown on the viewscreen. It wasn't as fancy as the ones at the 'real' offices. After all, this was meant to be a powers testing facility, and nothing more. Avalon had a more tech focused lab where Dragon and Trevor spent most of their efforts, and the bioengineering lab where Riley and Rey worked. Room for more to come as more Tinkers were recruited.

"So, we've come up with an arrangement," Lisa announced. "Vicky's offer to work with Chevalier for healing and, possibly, upgrading parahumans that were mentally or physically handicapped by their powers is clearly too good to ignore."

"Indeed," the Chief Director agreed. "Victoria will be authorized to stay at the Protectorate base, after signing the requisite nondisclosure forms of course. We'll arrange things with as many parahuman care facilities as possible come morning, and formulate a priority system."

"Pantheon's waiving involvement in that," Lisa replied. "We don't yet have disruptive parahumans to concern ourselves with. However, we are insisting on a flexible schedule, we may need to draw Vicky away for other purposes."

"Alexandria would like to arrange a meeting almost immediately," Costa-Brown added.

"Considering her value in confronting Endbringers and other powerful threats, I think fast tracking her appointment would be fair," Lisa supported. And this has nothing to do with how Alexandria is currently talking with us, right? "She's earned at least that much. In fact, we're bumping priority for all those who've been injured by Endbringers, yet unable to be healed by standard methods."

"Makes sense," Vicky agreed happily. She walked up to Chevalier and extended her hand. "Pleasure to be working with you." Dammit, Vicky. At least she was being subtle about her flirting, though I was willing to bet money that the only people in the room who didn't spot it were Taylor and Chevalier.

"Glad to have you," he shook her hand. "You've done some remarkable work in LA."

Vicky gave an exuberant smile that was what passed for demure with her. "Really? You've been following my career? I'm flattered."

Wait a second. Passengers influence personality. And Vicky has the same Passenger as Riley. Does that mean Riley's going to act like Vicky when she gets older? Oh my fucking god, Zach was right, I feel pity for Theo.

"So Janus," Lisa continued. "You'll be sending Atropos and Clotho back to Faultline. Crystal goes back to LA, and you'll need to follow Chevalier and Victoria through to establish a new teleportation site. Sorry to have kept you up so long, by the way."

"I'll survive," he remarked. "Hey, Vicky, is 'doesn't need to sleep' one of those upgrades you can build into people? Because if you could do that, everyone would love you. Except the coffee companies."

"Sorry," Vicky answered. "Humans need to sleep. It's a brain thing. I can cure sleep disorders, sure. But not sleeping itself. Same rules apply to eating."

"Worth a shot," he shrugged. For his schedule, it's probably like three in the morning. That has to suck so hard. "We'll need to shunt over before I start sending anyone anywhere. Good thing we're all in costume."

"Yeah," I agreed. "I'll go get Lily and Sabah. Do this in as few trips as possible."


A/N- I like all the things I worked into this chapter.
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Amelia, Ch 264- Sabah
Amelia, Ch 264- Sabah

"From who?" Vicky asked. "Everyone knew. And I do mean everyone. Show of hands, did anyone in this room not know?" I didn't know. I glanced at Lily, but she didn't raise her hand, either.

Eric was the only one who did. "Guess I've been a bit out of the loop," he dismissed his lack of awareness. Is that what I am? Out of the loop? It made sense, I was never really 'part of the group' to begin with, and lately I spent my time roaming Europe with Lily and Eric. A habit I need to break.

Eventually the groups started breaking apart. Crystal and Vicky dipped off into a side room. Emma followed Zach, doing her best impression of a mother hen. He didn't seem to mind. Lily and I don't act like that. Eric drifted back over to us after everyone started going off to do their thing. Yum Kaax and Tir went to do their thing as well.

"So," I started once the three of us were more or less out of earshot. "You knew about that?" I was asking Lily, of course.

"Yeah," Lily shrugged. "Heard about it."

"Who told you?" I asked.

"Victoria," she answered. "We try to keep up on what's going on in Missy's life. I think Vicky feels a bit guilty for the whole business with Dean. I just think she's a good kid, and us former Wards have to stick together in this organization full of indies and former villains. Vicky says she's happy with their arrangement. As far as Theo goes... eh, like father, like son."

I glanced toward where Missy had left. "Think she might be bi?" I asked.

"Who knows," Lily shrugged. "But with the tech this group has, it's not exactly like that's hard to change." Right. That tech. The same stuff that brought me back from the dead, complete with a new body that was in absurdly good shape. If I'd been given the chance to use it at thirteen to make myself straight, I would have taken it. If I'd been given the chance at nineteen, I probably still would have. Only after my father's death, and my Trigger, and meeting Lily, did I accept that part of myself.

Even still, there was a part of me that would consider it, a chance to have a normal life. But I was a parahuman, so that was impossible. Maybe I should have asked for my backup to have a different genetic code so I wouldn't get my powers back.

"I think I'm missing some context here," Eric interrupted my thoughts. "Who's Dean? And what's that about Theo's father?"

"Dean is Vicky's old boyfriend," Lily answered. "I don't know the whole story, just that he died in the Leviathan attack on Brockton Bay. The way I understand it, Missy was crushing on him hard for a year before that happened. Vicky and Dean both knew about it, but... well, Vicky's default solution to problems..."

"Punch the nearest acceptable target, and if that doesn't help, then either steamroll or ignore it?" Eric suggested.

"The Wards used to call her Hurricane Victoria," Lily confirmed. "So, yeah, they pretty much pretended they didn't notice. I think Vicky feels a little guilty about that, now. Especially with her new powers letting her know just how deep Missy's feelings ran, but that's just my guess. It's not like she's going to talk about it. But, yeah, she's keeping an eye on Missy, in her own way, I feel nothing but pity for anyone who hurts that girl."

"So that just leaves Theo's father," Eric prompted. "I know he was some asshole Nazi supervillain who's dead now. That's about it."

"That's about all I know, too," Lily admitted. "Leviathan, again. Just goes to show you that Endbringers don't discriminate. But he had these twin sister girlfriends that weren't too much older than us. I'd feel worse for them, but they were supervillains, too. So, y'know, no sympathies there. Guess it's in the genes. Or maybe it's just because he grew up around it."

"What about Riley?" he asked.

Lily shrugged. "I'm sure Amelia and Vicky are keeping an eye out." Translation: she's Bonesaw, who cares what happens to her? "Besides, as protective as Missy is over her, you'd be better off picking a fight with Vicky. At least when she rearranges your insides, they still obey the laws of physics. No matter how you look at it, though, it's their business. They can do whatever they like with their personal lives."

Lily had gotten pretty big on the 'social equality' front. Going through Europe and seeing how gays and transgendered individuals were treated outside the USA and western Europe given her a mission. I envied her in that. What mission do I have? I dropped out of engineering. I took a hiatus from fashion, and the more I thought about it the less I wanted to go back. Everyone else had these grand hopes and dreams. Changing the world, creating whole new worlds of their own, killing the Endbringers. What do I have? Sure, I get to help with all these amazing things. But that's all I do. Help. I was never one of the important ones, never needed, not since the Simurgh, at least.

My thoughts were interrupted by Lisa's voice on Eric's com. "Victoria, Eki, Janus, need you in the main office."

"Well, ladies," Eric smiled. Hard to believe he was ever a girl. "The bosses need me. Maybe then we can go home and get some sleep."

"You just want to get back to your fire breathing girlfriend," Lily teased.

"I don't like the idea that they might be attacked without us there to protect them," he replied before rushing off to the meeting.

"He's pretty transparent, isn't he?" Lily smirked at his retreating form.

"Yeah," I agreed. "I kinda envy him, actually."

"If you tell me you have a crush on Spitfire, I'm going to have to slap you," she smiled.

"Not about that," I smiled. "She's no competition for you. It's just... he knew from twelve years old that he was different, and he embraced it pretty much right away. More than that, he didn't even have a role model like Legend to say it was okay. How long did it take us to come to terms?"

"Seventeen," Lily admitted. "Plus some disastrous attempts at relationships with men."

"Twenty," I replied. "Although I guess in my case it meant less to me. Career was always first, relationships were suppose to wait until I had my degree." Even now, I can't say I've embraced it. I accept it as a reality, but I don't feel any pride in it the way Lily and Eric seem to. Just one more thing Sabah does that doesn't really matter. Even my relationship with Lily, when it started, was as much about having an ally as anything. Fuck, that sounds horrible when put that way.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Lily asked.

"You'd end up overpaying," I answered. "I'm just daydreaming. Nothing important."

"If you insist," she answered. "Seriously, though. Talk to me."

"Just thinking about school," I half lied. "I really should go back. This semester is a flop, but putting it off makes it easier and easier to just not go back."

"You're right," she agreed. "But I think your designs are already brilliant. Not everyone is cut out for school. Some people just have natural talent to work with. Besides, you've already made more money off your designs than any of your teachers ever will."

I smiled. "Thanks, that means a lot," I hugged her. Our costumes made it hard to kiss without partially undressing.

"Anything you need," she replied. "Just let me know."

"Thanks," I answered. I just wish I knew what I needed.

Eventually Crystal returned, looking more than a little unhappy. "What's wrong?" Lily asked.

"Oh, the usual," Crystal sighed. "Vicky's going off to Philly, no surprise. Leaves us even more short handed in LA. I'm stuck in charge of a group without my cousin to be our poster girl anymore. And no one even asked me if I was okay with all this."

"Oh, wow, that sucks," Lily agreed.

"I have no idea what to do," she sighed. "We were already having trouble pulling recruits. It was already a pain in the ass, when Alexandria's right there being Alexandria. Hard to compete for potential heroes when someone that prestigious is right there in the city with you. Vicky made it happen, as best as she could, but we were barely making any progress. And now? Fuck."

I hesitated, then finally spoke up. "I'll go!" I exclaimed. Oh shit, that sounded way too enthusiastic. "I... I mean, this is important, right?"

"Sabah, are you sure about this?" Lily asked.

"Yeah," I insisted. "LA's got some pretty prestigious design schools. I can do classes again. And Crystal's talking about needing someone to draw in members. I can do that, too. I'm an Endslayer, even Alexandria can't put that on her resume. Plus I'm still mostly a rogue. I can draw that crowd as well. And with Tapestry, I'm about as heavy hitter as heavy hitters get. You can use all that, right?"

"Honestly?" Crystal replied. "I really could. Might even be what sells Anima on joining. Possibly the most powerful projection user this side of the Siberian, and she uses her abilities to be a one person special effects crew for plays and concerts."

"See, it's a good idea," I told Lily.

"But... what about the portals?" she asked.

"I don't do anything for those," I pointed out. My only function is to be your arm candy, and rubbing it in all these countries proverbial faces that they need a lesbian girl to help solve their problems. I'm not happy doing that. "I can make an actual impact in LA. Don't worry, we'll still see each other plenty," I told her. "Eric ferries us about all the time, already."

"But when school starts up again," she argued.

"By that time, the portal networks will be done, and every country will have at least one," except China. "Then you can stay with me in LA, right?"

"I guess," she agreed reluctantly. Sorry, Lily, I have to at least try this.


A/N- Ah, Sabah, one day she'll figure out what makes her happy.

... The day after she can no longer have it...

Also. 'Hurricane Victoria' amuses me in a special way. Because I have a sister named Victoria. And another one named Katrina. Heh. Speaking of, their facebooks are now full of photos of my nephews.
Amelia, Ch 265- Trevor
Amelia, Ch 265- Trevor

These readings are fucking insane. I went over the data from Chevalier's power, and from that unknown 'Doormaker' as well. Idly, I wondered if Cauldron had any idea how much value I was getting out of that data. Foldspace drives, maybe even a way to access new worlds without Labyrinth's help. Of course, the biggest flaw in any plan to replace her wasn't a matter of creating the gateway. That was easy, we did it every time we shunted. The problem was trying to control what world we accessed. Or, for that matter, getting a world at all.

Near as I could tell, actual reality was an extremely small percentage of the interdimensional void. There may be nigh-infinite numbers of dimensions, but that was in the same way there were a nigh-infinite number of stars. A random portal was pretty much infinitely more likely to hit nowhere than it was to find somewhere that actually existed. It helped to not to think about that too hard. It would probably help more to be of legal drinking age.

So unless we had 'coordinates' from Labyrinth, by means of crossing the dimensional divide with scanners active, we would have no idea how to locate worlds. And thus far the pattern wasn't showing itself. But, with a sample size of only a hundred, that wasn't a surprise.

At least Mom won't be too upset about my staying at the lab. All objections went out the window when she found out I made enough in a month, just selling designs to Dragon, that I could retire to a life of luxury in a year.

I glanced at Riley, fresh out of what passed for her shower, with a new set of spray-on clothing. She was practically glowing with happiness, and not the bubbly exuberance she normally expressed, but a calm, confident sort of bliss. "Enjoy your bath, I take it?"

"Yep," she smiled dreamily. Okay, of all the things I've seen her do, why is this the one that's weirding me out the most?

"So I have the new readings on Chevalier's power," I told her. "You were right, it does impact all dimensions at once. More than that, it transposes one reality over another. Functionally identical to Labyrinth in its nature. It's very likely they have cousin Passengers."

"Will we be able to use him in conjunction with Lily?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, no," I answered. "Maybe to create new stable portals, but not to access new dimensions." Of everyone we've found with cousin powers to Labyrinth, she's still the only one whose can handle the process of actually finding usable realities.

"Well, drat," she complained.

"How's your work with Cão's samples, anyway?" I asked. My specialty didn't let me work with those experiments, but of course I'd be interested in a drug that cured all disease ever. Who wouldn't?

"Poorly," she admitted. "We've confirmed there's nothing special in the saliva, itself. It works the same way as Newter's venom, because the Passenger makes it happen that way, not through any natural process. Not much different than Othala's power. We're still trying to find a way to trick it into believing the artificial samples are sourced from the host."

"So, you and Theo and Missy, huh?" I asked. It was both a change of subject and something I was curious about. She hadn't told me anything. No one had, really, and apparently I was one of the last to know.

"Yep," she said happily. "Isn't it wonderful?"

Well, I am doing a lot of wondering lately. "Sure it is," I agreed. "You're not... bothered by it?"

"Bothered by what?" she asked. "What's wrong?

She doesn't know what jealousy is, does she? I guess it makes sense that she wouldn't see relationships the same way as normal people, considering she spent half of her life under the thumb of the Slaughterhouse Nine. "No, I guess nothing's wrong. Why'd you keep it a secret, anyway?"

"Missy asked me to," she answered. "Sorry, she said we should give it a little time to see how it fit first. After all, if the experiment didn't work there was no point in explaining it to everyone."

"Can't argue with that logic," I agreed. Step one to talking a Tinker into anything: use the word 'experiment'. "So, I assume Amelia already knew, at least? As young as you are, I think you should probably get parental permission before you can start dating. I know I'd need to ask my mom first. And she'd tell me no, that I needed to finish school and get into a good college before I even thought about getting a girlfriend." Having me when she was sixteen had something to do with that.

"Huh," she paused. "I didn't know I was supposed to get permission, do you think she'll be mad at me?"

"Well, she didn't tell you to stop, so she can't have that much problem with it," I pointed out. "I bet it's because she trusts your boyfriend and girlfriend."

"They are pretty awesome, aren't they," she agreed.

Missy was one of the Wards that extended some trust to me, something that Clock and Kid Win never could. In a way, I was glad those two didn't. I couldn't imagine they'd have accepted Riley, which Missy and Lily had managed to do, eventually. Theo was one of the few other friends I had, alongside Emma and Zach. I didn't feel ostracized or anything by others, I trusted the whole group, but they're the ones who I enjoyed just hanging out with. "Can't disagree with you there. C'mon, they should be done getting clean now."


I caught the rest of the group near the shower rooms. This was a lab building, after all. It had beds, sure, but it really wasn't meant to be a permanent place to sleep. We had actual homes for that, now. Our own headquarters that could support all of us, in addition to some of us having actual places to live. No one was supposed to stay the night in the labs often, if at all. On the other hand, we were literally right next door to the HQ. This being, without question, the most important of the lab buildings.

The boys still had damp hair, and normal clothes that I had to assume were brought to them. Emma was almost surgically attached to Zach, giving him the occasional kiss. I couldn't really blame her, she'd spent the whole time he was disabled absolutely miserable. Missy was a little more shy about the PDA, but was still wrapped around Theo's arm.

I smiled, noting that Zach was about to take a drink of soda. "So, how is it that I'm gay and it's the two of you that get inside another man first?"

Zach sprayed pop out his nose, and started coughing, as everyone else jumped back from the spray. He managed to look at me before dusting. He restored to his 'new' normal, which looked a lot healthier, at least. "Dude! Not cool!"

"Sorry, I should known better than to say that in front of the girls," I apologized, still smiling. "I could see how they might be upset that their boyfriends were so close that for a while there they were actually one person." Theo's blush was so satisfying, as was Missy's attempt at suppressing her giggles.

Riley gave me a smack on the arm, and a disapproving glare. "Stop being mean."

"Now Riley," Emma smiled saccharine sweet. "I think Trevor brings up a very good point. Zach and Theo literally gave their hearts to each other. We girls need to accept that we just can't compete with that kind of intimacy."

I did my best to keep a straight face, and failed miserably.

"Oh god," Missy hammed up her fake shock and concern, complete with wide eyes and hands over her mouth. "We've been so selfish, keeping them from each other! We really should apologize. And I know exactly how!"

"Really, because I can't think of anything!" Emma joined her. This is easily the worst acting not in an Aleph movie.

Zach buried his hands in his face. "Dear diary, today I learned that I'm a terrible, terrible influence on everyone around me."

"Well, they've had to watch us this whole time, hogging their true loves," Missy continued, ignoring Zach's comment. "So it's only fair that we're punished the same way. By watching them have a wild makeout session in front of us."

"That is a brilliant idea," Emma agreed.

"I've got a camera," I volunteered. "So... ummm... you'll have a constant reminder of your misdeeds in the future."

"You're all horrible people," Theo managed to mutter. "Zach, I want you to know I blame you for this."

"Is it too late to get Lily in here to shoot me again?" Zach asked.

Riley spoke up next. The girl was distinctly more pink than normal. "Umm, do I get, I mean have to watch, too?"



A/N- But in all seriousness, this was a great chapter to write. Expect to see a bit more of Trevor now that I've managed to clear out a lot of the more attention hogging characters.
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Amelia, Ch 266- Lisa
Amelia, Ch 266- Lisa

"Good morning, Chief Director," I smiled at Rebecca. Won't be perceived as excess friendliness, I smile at everyone. Most people regard it as condescending and borderline insulting. Most of the time, that's true. In this case, however, the smile was genuine.

"Good morning, High Emissary," she responded back. Using my official title, showing faked amusement overtop real amusement. Fake amusement detectable by others, viewable as a form of contempt for the titles we were using. Real amusement actually is a level of contempt for the new title. She knows I don't respect it any more than she does. It was a sort of tongue in cheek angle, more a way to mock the people who are forced to use it than anything.

I smirked a little. Glad you appreciate the humor. Others would take that at face value, that I saw the contempt and was responding to it in my usual, well documented, way. Instead of the truth, that we were enjoying our private joke right under the noses of everyone around us.

Over months of practice, we'd invented our own psuedo-language with our powers. It changed and evolved constantly. By the end of this meeting, our signals would have yet again changed into a new effective language, making it impossible for anyone else to interpret. The two of us had also reached a sort of equilibrium with my power, allowing me to keep it focused on her constantly without causing migraines.

"First order of business," I started. The briefest flicker of my concern spoke volumes, my worry for her and an apology for the rarity of our talks lately. "The success of the Chevalier-Victoria power interaction."

"It's gone better than I think either of us had hoped," she confirmed. The tilt of her head indicated that she, too, was doing well. "You have the records, of course, twenty seven parahumans thought to be permanently maimed or disabled, restored." Those numbers weren't that high, but that was to be expected. Any parahuman that needed this sort of healing were usually very hard to hurt in the first place, most were wounded by Endbringers. And Endbringers usually preferred to kill, not maim. "And over a hundred Case 53s restored to human appearance. We're beginning to move into cosmetic restorations."

"So soon?" I asked.

"Indeed," she replied. "It appears that the restoration takes less time than originally anticipated." Untrue, cosmetic restorations being done for particularly powerful subjects, a number of less useful seeming parahumans are being 'forgotten' in the 'confusion'. Wants me to know, wonders how I'll react.

"Good to know," I agreed. A slight dip in my smile that would be as obvious as any frown to her. Don't worry, we'll 'discover' this failure ourselves, and take appropriate steps. I was sure Chevalier didn't know about it, or anyone Victoria or I would ever be allowed to meet. I wasn't entirely sure how Rebecca found out, but given her contacts I could make a few guesses.

"Now, let's move on to the less successful project with the restoration saliva," she changed the subject. Knows I have what I need to move forward, trusts I'll find a suitably believable reason to start investigating. The show of trust was, in itself, the most important part of what went unsaid between us.

"Well, you have the reports," I sighed. "We're still trying, but we've hit nothing but dead ends on replicating the fluid in a way that triggers the healing properties. We are achieving results by exposing artificial test organisms to deadly diseases and then treating them with the healing fluid. It produces useful antibodies for almost any infection or parasite, even ones that normally shouldn't be influenced by antibodies at all, and those we can synthesize with relative ease. It's not the universal cure we were hoping for, but it's the gate key to a whole new era of medical treatment and technology. Sadly, it's the best we can do."

"That's still quite an accomplishment," she replied. Open praise, neutral voice, minor inflection on the word 'still'. She wouldn't be seen as outside her position to offer a minor compliment under the circumstances. But moreso, she was letting me know that, if anything, it was better this way. A true universal cure would be disastrous for the world as we knew it, ruining livelihoods and creating even greater stratification between nations. It wasn't the sort of thing she could say, given her position. There were no laws against her thinking it.

I signaled back my agreement with a visible nod, my eyes glancing down. She wasn't wrong, Pantheon's goal of positioning itself as essential in the eyes of every nation, bringing stability through dependence, was far better served by having this ability than a true panacea could accomplish for us. The down glance was a reminder of the Yggdrasil, and would also bring to her mind the sewer system we used to functionally conquer Brockton Bay. This was one more way we could accomplish those goals.

I smiled slightly when I looked back up, making eye contact through the excellently designed video system that used the monitor itself as a camera. This was to assure her that we didn't do this on purpose, that we did everything in our power to accomplish that one perfect cure for everything. She relaxed a tiny amount, letting me know she was glad for the reassurance. She would have been perfectly fine with us lying about it, but it was better that we didn't have to. For a number of obvious reasons, like plausible deniability.

"I believe that covers everything," I admitted. Only Rebecca would recognize the disappointment in that statement. "But if I may ask, how's Chevalier coping with our liason? His report was notably lacking in opinions. I'd like to know how he and the PRT in general feel about this." Not that it stopped me from figuring this information out on my own. The poor guy was torn between wanting to murder her in her sleep, and wanting to kiss her. Figuratively speaking, on both counts. Still, it gave an excuse to extend the conversation, and it made my power look less than it really was.

"He likes her well enough that he didn't file a complaint when she snipe-recruited Sveta," Rebecca informed me. Her eyes crinkled just a little, a sign of her amusement in how transparent I was being, by our standards, of not wanting to be the one who hung up first. A light, involuntary, fidget on my part was a significant tell. We both knew she got me. She continued speaking. "In spite of her being one of the more powerful parahumans we've managed to restore thus far." Her voice sounded disapproving of this fact, but I knew better. She wasn't bothered, didn't care if we got the capes or the Protectorate did, beyond how it looked to the officials.

"I'll ask her to be more respectful of our joint venture in the future," I conceded. Meanwhile, I was talking to Rebecca via powers. I won't, Vicky knows restraint in situations like this, her powers let her know what she can get away with, and how to get what she wants, most of the time. Sveta was a special case because of just how powerful she was once reworked into a human shape. "Speaking of, how's Alexandria enjoying her new physiology?"

"She's impressed," Rebecca told me. This time the sign was a deliberate dilation of the formerly fake pupil, displaying conscious control of otherwise automatic feature. Implying similar control of every aspect of her body. Superior musculature more suited for other species of primate meant an overall increase in strength, flexibility, and reaction time. Especially the reaction time. Coupled with a limited version of Vicky's ability to overclock her body. "Says that she can't do a proper test until the next Endbringer conflict, but expects a full twenty five percent increase in combat effectiveness."

"That's a pretty remarkable improvement," I agreed. She knows I'm talking about the control, not the declared markup. She also knows this conversation point would remind the observers of just how valuable our arrangement was. The fact that it drew attention to Alexandria's working friendship with myself, and made me look like I was acting my age by being openly interested in my friends, was all bonuses in their own right. "I look forward to talking to her about it in person." Minor implied apology for not being able to make more time, and an understanding that I can be friends with Alexandria, but Chief Director Costa-Brown isn't an option. Professionalism and all that bullshit.

The alarm beeped. "Looks like you should be careful what you wish for," she spoke, hanging up the call immediately. Quip, deliberately curt, agreeing with the clear divide between her personas, knows I won't be offended, expects feed could be monitored, believes it almost certainly will be monitored. Rude cutoff was a calculated move under the circumstances meant to seem like a heat of the moment act. Implying that the Chief Director wasn't particularly fond of talking to me at all. Like pretty much every politician I'd ever known.

I was already up and moving. Over the next couple minutes, we'd gathered our teams, with exception to Victoria, who was semi-officially part of Chevalier's team for this conflict. Lily was the first of our branches to appear, although the rest of Faultline's crew was again notably absent from the gathering.

"Janus is getting the LA team right now," she told us as she approached. Apprehensive, worried, hasn't talked to Sabah in the last couple days. Concerned about their relationship, needs reassurances from Sabah. "Do we know what we're facing?"

"Unsure," Taylor replied. "Probably an attack on the USA, maybe Canada. Profile also unknown. We're getting one of the new ones."

Another set of people started appearing. Crystal and Sabah I recognized immediately, but the other three were new members of her team took me a moment. Sveta, Anima and Genius Loci. They had other members, but they weren't suitable for the 'new' way Endbringers were being fought. Only those that were likely to survive were being sent into battle these days, the zerg were the feed for the meat grinder.

"That's... that's fucking impossible," Taylor cursed at the triangulation data. I glanced at mine. Oh fuck.

"Clearly it's not," I replied. "The Endbringer is targeting Brockton Bay."


A/N- I really, truly, love everything about this chapter.
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Omake: Choice of Words

Choice of Words​
"High Emissary, Lisa? Really?"

"Hey, we've gotta keep in theme here. Besides, I made some titles up for you guys too!"

"Oh hell no."

"So get this: Amy is now 'Mother Empress', Taylor is-"

"Mother Empress? The fuck?"

"Ah hem! Taylor is 'Lady Pontifex', The Endslayers are 'Divine Fingers'-"

"No. Absolutely not."

"Hands, then. Divine Hands."

"Lisa, you've got a call on line three."

"-and that's why Missy's new title is- wait, who is it?"

"Someone named Rebecca~"

"GIMME THAT! Ah yes, hello Ms. Costa-Brown, what brings me the pleasure of this call?"


"I didn't know we had anything planned with the PRT today, Amy."

"We don't. I whipped up a voicebox to match her tone."

"Oh that is just evil. Make it say dirty things to her."


"Ha! Look at how red she's getting!"
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Amelia, Ch 267- Sveta
Amelia, Ch 267- Sveta

"Sveta?" a man's voice spoke over the intercom. "Are you awake?"

I don't sleep, you moron. No, no, it's not their fault. There's so many of us, I can't expect them to know everything about everyone. "Y-yes, I'm here, doctor." The anger isn't their fault, and it's not my fault. It's what my powers have done to me.

"We have a special guest for you, if you want to meet her," the doctor told me. Special guest? I felt my body getting riled up. Its territorial nature flooding me with aggressive instincts.

"Okay, you can open the window," I told him.

"She'd like to come in and meet you in person," the doctor replied. My hundreds of tendrils flexed and pulsed their outrage at the idea of someone entering my domain. I fought the instincts and anger as much as possible.

They're trying to help me, I forced myself to remember. If I can get acclimated to people, they can let me go out, meet others, not live in this room with only the computer to know what's happening in the outside world. "Okay, we can do that."

My tendrils moved in anticipation of the visitor, pulling me up above the door, waiting like an ambush predator. No this is wrong. I hid my vulnerable sensory organelles in the cubbyholes, safe from attackers as I prepared myself for the attack. Stop it!

Then she walked in, without a suit at all. She's beautiful. She dies! The tendrils lunged, and she jumped further into the room, a quick tuck and roll, then bouncing sideways as more of me tried to catch and kill her. A sudden burst of light blinded me for a second, and I screeched in rage. Then she gripped one of my sensory tendrils, and I froze completely. I can't move, if I move I'll die!

How does she know this? I've been so afraid of my body, I've killed so many, and she can stop me with a caress that wouldn't intimidate an infant? How?

"Hello, Sveta," she replied with a smile far too calm for someone that just did what she'd done. "I'm Victoria. You can call me Vicky if you like. It's good to meet you."

"A-are you going to kill me?" I asked. "I wouldn't blame you, not after the things I've done, after I tried to kill you."

"That was your power, not you," she answered. "Your power's messed up. Damaged. It was never meant to be given to anyone. You're not to blame."

Is that true? She sounds so certain. "You better not be lying to me," I threatened, my tendrils writhing angrily. But she had hold of the special place, all my threats were meaningless, because all she had to do was squeeze, and I would die. That doesn't make sense, I know I've been injured there before, it didn't kill me then. But my body's instincts thought it would, and they were remaining absolutely still to hope it didn't happen. I don't want to attack her, and my body's afraid to. For once, I didn't need to fight these instincts.

"I'm not," she assured me, still almost infuriatingly calm. She swayed, even, like a plant in the water. It was hypnotic, soothing. My body started to relax. She's not a threat, she's not an enemy. She's safe, a part of the environment. "They're called Passengers. They give parahumans their powers. Something is wrong with yours, and that's why you're like this. Yours and the others like you have Passengers that were never meant to be inside people."

"So... I'm an accident?" I asked.

"It's more complicated than that," she replied. "I can tell you more about it, but it would take time that we don't really have. I know you've been told that we're healing the Case 53s, as best we can, right?"

There were rumors, mostly online. The doctors said that maybe I'd be one of them, but I needed to be patient because there were a lot of people asking for help, and some of them were even worse off than me. "Yes, I heard something about that," I answered.

"You're one of the tricky cases," she told me. "Most of the ones I meet, we can wait until after we've healed them before asking questions, because we'll only be healing the body. In order to fix you, we'll have to rework your brain. Make it so you no longer try to hurt people. Will you be okay with us doing that?"

There wasn't even a moment of hesitation. "Yes," I agreed. "If it means I can be normal, then yes."

"Can't do 'normal'," she answered. "You'll always have your powers, I can't undo that. And your powers are really, really strong, Sveta. The kind of power that can be used to hurt an Endbringer. I want to ask you to join Pantheon. You don't have to. The Protectorate would be happy to take you. Or you can join one of the colonies. Or, with your power, you can get a good paying job and live wherever you want."

"Why do you have to ask me now? Instead of after you've healed me?" I felt agitation return to my dozens of limbs. If she's trying to trick me.

"Because there's a piece of equipment that lets us know if someone's brain is being messed with by powers," she explained. "It's normally used to spot mind control powers, but it will register the changes I'm going to need to do to your brain. So if we wait until after I heal you, you won't be allowed to join Pantheon ever because it might make people think I messed with your brain to make you want to join. You have to decide before being healed. Don't worry, I promise I'll help you either way. It's just... as strong as you are, and as much as you could help our team, I have to ask."

"How do you make my power not want to kill you?" I asked, suspiciously. She was still shifting from one foot to another, swaying her body in a way reminiscent of belly dancing. Very tame belly dancing.

"It's how my power works," Vicky answered. "I can sense danger, and how to avoid it or fight it. I don't know why this works. Makes me feel like I'm pretending to be drunk. How does it look to you?"

"You're pretty," I admitted. "If I join, will I get to work with you?"

"Not right away," she answered. "I have to help the other Case 53s. You'd work with my cousin in Los Angeles at first. Even get to meet Alexandria, probably. I promise I'll talk or visit when I can, but I'm really busy."

"Okay," I agreed. "I'll join you. What happens now?"


I looked at the girl staring back at me in the mirror. "I... I'm beautiful," I muttered. I hesitantly brought a hand up to brush my face. I have hands, now. My skin was still pale, almost white, but at least now I looked human. The tendrils on my head were changed to black, and made a pretty good imitation hair. They swept down my back and fused into a mass that became my neck, then trailed down into a teenager's body. I was petite, skinny, but mostly normal looking. Standing here naked in front of the mirror, the only distinctive oddities were the lack of body hair and my solid black eyes.

I looked at Vicky. "Thank you so much," I wept. Actually wept. I have tear ducts! I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed. I felt and heard the crunching as her ribs collapsed and her spine breaking under my strength. "Oh god I'm so sorry!" I screamed.

"I'll be okay," she insisted. "Just... loosen the grip, but don't let go." I felt her body shifting through my skin, as bones popped back into place and mended themselves. "See, not a big deal. For me. Just remember to be careful, okay? You're one of the highest ranking brutes on the planet right now, and it'll take time before you figure out just how fragile normal people are." She laughed. "Even after you do, you have to be careful. There was this one time when I accidentally broke my boyfriend's hips. Lucky that my sister's a healer, right?"

"Yeah," I smiled. I didn't get what she thought was so funny, I was just glad that I didn't hurt her.


"This is Crystal," Vicky introduced me to the blond woman. "She'll be your team leader. Crystal, this is Sveta. She doesn't have a hero name, yet, but I'm sure you can work something out."

"H-hi," I smiled nervously. I'm meeting so many new people, I'm not used to this. What happens if I- Vicky put her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry," she soothed. "Your old instincts aren't coming back. You're just shy, that's all. Don't worry about that, Crystal's good people. And there's nothing wrong with being a little shy."

"There's not?"

"Not even a little bit," she answered. "I mean, I'm not shy. Like, at all. But my sister is."

"Your sister's an Empress," I replied.

"Exactly," she acted as if that was proof of her point. "She's shy, her fiancée is shy, and now they rule a planet together. So don't worry about it if you're a little shy, too. And whatever you do, don't allow some dumb bimbo make you do things you don't want as an attempt to 'draw you out of your shell'. Make sure you do what feels right for you, not what others try to make you think that you should want, okay? Just because you're the quiet type, doesn't mean you can't tell people to respect your opinion, got it?"

"Yeah," I agreed, smiling broadly. Smiling still felt fake to me, because my muscles didn't work quite like a normal person, but Vicky promised me it looked fine. "I'll remember that." This is a chance for me to have a life. Maybe not a normal life, but one where I can be free and happy. I won't let it go to waste.


A/N- Yay, Sveta's happy! And has a body that's at least cosmetically human!

... Know what would be an incredibly dick move? Letting the Endbringer kill her.
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Amelia, Ch 268
Amelia, Ch 268

Brockton Bay. "I thought they targeted places that were caught up in conflict!" I exclaimed. "Brockton Bay might be the most peaceful city of its size in the world right now." WorryAgreementConfusion.

"The Endbringers aren't obeying the same rules anymore," Lisa responded. "We can't trust anything we thought we knew about them. Except that, whatever this Endbringer is capable of, it thinks it can win this fight. Or achieve whatever goal it is that's going to damage us. I'm beginning to suspect we've managed to piss off the Endmakers. This attack is personal."

FocusDetermination. God I hope she has a plan. CertaintyAssurance. "Janus, Lachesis, you're on rescue duty. Get every single person you can out of the city. Go to the shelters, people are going to gather there. If this thing's trying to hurt us personally, and its makers are paying any kind of attention at all to us, it's going to have powers that target the city itself, and the people in it. I'll do my part to lead people to you. See if I can't convince them to take the Shadowcats out of town."

They're right. Tohu and Bohu killed half of the team, and it didn't do much more than slow us down a little. But going after the town, itself? That would be devastating.

Crystal spoke up. "Umm... some of my team can help. Anima summons things." A unicorn shimmered into existence near the girl dressed in a really fancy looking knight's armor. Both her armor, and the unicorn, looked more like a really well drawn cartoon drawing than they did real things.

"Any fantasy creature or object, really," the girl I was assuming was Anima spoke up. "They're force projections, but I don't need to concentrate on them. People might be more inclined to ride a unicorn than the giant bug monsters."

"Range limit?" Taylor asked.

"None," she replied. "Just a total energy pool to draw from. I can make about fifty of the unicorns if I don't do anything else. They even have minds of their own, sort of, and they always seem to know where I am and if I need them, and come back to be reabsorbed." ImpressedUseful. No kidding, that is a fucking amazing power.

"Okay, every bit helps," Taylor admitted. "I'm already finding people and letting them know what to expect. Can you let your summons know to obey other people?"

"Sort of," she replied. "They're finicky. Long as you tell them that I asked them to do whatever it is you need them to do, they'll probably listen. Just... look, they got their personalities when I got my powers, at twelve years old, and those personalities haven't changed since. The shrinks say they run on my subconscious belief of what fantasy creatures are suppose to act like. Through the lens of a twelve year old." She paused for a moment "I don't like summoning the ones that can talk."

"Okay, I can work with that," Taylor nodded. "Summon them, let them know to each pick a different one of the shadowcats and follow them. I'll give them better instructions in the field, as I need them. Crystal, the other one?"

"Genius Loci," Crystal replied, gesturing at the boy. Or young man, I wasn't entirely sure. The costume was , much like Anima, full body armor. Though in his case it was a rather small suit of actual metal. Frankly, it looked a lot like the tin man from Wizard of Oz, as opposed to Anima's gorgeously decorated full plate of gold and pearl.

"I'm a breaker and shaker," he spoke, a deep echo coming from the armor. "It's hard to explain, but if you need me to, I can open paths through buildings, create walls or bridges, increase or decrease the durability of whatever I'm controlling, and have sensory awareness in the areas I'm effecting."

"We might be able to use that. Hop on." One of the shadow cats approached him. "I'll take you where I need you." He climbed on. "Tir, Hecate, I need the two of you to work on collapsing our portal. That thing might have some kind of power similar to Gaea." Oh fuck. "Or god only knows what kind of hell it might be able to do. We can't let it get access to Avalon's portal. Everyone else? We have to hit it as hard as fucking possible, immediately. Don't give it time to fight back, or we're going to lose our city."

We managed to get seven minutes of time to pull people out. I wasn't sure the numbers, but whatever they were, they weren't enough. Couldn't possibly be even a tenth of the total population. I had to pray the others could do their part. This is the worst part, watching everyone else work while there's nothing I can do. My powers are for before and after the battles, not during.

Then the Endbringer appeared. It was subtle at first, a slowly gathering mist that formed from nowhere, condensing into a single point. Before the process was even complete, the blasters were hitting it with everything they had, and most of the shots were passing right through, shredding the landscape and often narrowly missing other attackers. The ones that could be saved were saved, now the hard part began.

"Activating override blocks," Trevor informed us. "Assuming control of emergency shunt systems." In other words, if someone tries to take control of the zerg, he can yank them out of the fight.

The attacks didn't seem to phase her, any. And she was a she, or an imitation of such. She was roughly the same height as the Simurgh, but where her sister was a parody of supermodel thin, this one was anorexic skinny, more like a skeleton with loosely fitting skin. Her body a transparent slightly blue color that made her look like a glass statue or ice sculpture, standing atop one of the newly rebuilt office complexes in the heart of the city.

"It's the most human looking of the Endbringers," I stated. "Is that significant?"

"Maybe," Lisa replied. "We know each Endbringer has a psychological component. Symbolism. If so, something about this one's behavior combined with its human appearance might be a clue to the psychology of its creators. Although how is anyone's guess."

Eidolon opened up with his new, now signature, disintegration power. He hadn't let it go since he started using it last time. ConcernRealization. I glanced at Taylor. She's right, it might be trying force Eidolon to use the same attack that completely destroyed Bucharest.

Alexandria was in the follow through, impaling the Endbringer with a spear, and continuing forward until her knee met its face. The body cracked like the glass or ice it resembled, then fused itself back together.

"Where's its core?" Lily asked over the coms. She'd already joined in the fight, of course, firing shots into the monster.

"Doesn't have one," Lisa muttered, staring hard at the dimensional illusion that let us watch the battle from our safe spot. "Or maybe it's more appropriate to say that every part of it's the core. It's completely decentralized, no single part is more important than any other part, and as long as there's anything remaining, it can rebuild itself from that."

"Right, we have to hit it in the everywhere," Lily answered. She dived toward the Endbringer, her wings spread. She passed through and the creature shattered into dust. Lily herself cut through two stories of building before halting herself.

Then we got to see what it could actually do. The ground shimmered and dissolved as the dust pulled itself back together. Buildings were reduced to ash that joined the new Endbringer's mass. When it resumed human form, it was larger. Healthy looking, if still on the unnaturally skinny side, and standing in the shallow crater that used to be part of three different city blocks. The edge of the destruction was marked by a visible curve along the buildings. Inside the destructive effect, everything was consumed. Outside, the building still stood there normally, save where some pieces fell into the gap.

Alexandria came in for another attack, and Endbringer moved, stepping out of the way and attempting to clothesline the woman. She was fast enough to avoid that blow, and even the followup attempt to knee her, but then the other hand caught her arm. Icelike material started working its way across her arm.

"It's trying to eat her," Lisa gasped. "Thats this one's power. It infects matter and converts it into Endbringer crystal to add to itself."

HorrorDread. "How do we even fight something like that?" I asked.

"Contain it," Taylor replied. She switched over to the armband system. "All shield projectors, converge on the Endbringer. We're going to pin it in place."

The new Phalanx had started getting into position, forcefields flickering into place. Alexandria vanished from the Endbringer's grip. Eric's power, or maybe another teleporter. More and more layers of shield added to the structure, fusing inside one another. Others started contributing as well, and I recognized both Narwhal and Dragon's versions overlapping our barricade.

The Endbringer slammed into the barricade, causing it to flicker. Some shields collapsed, others were added to replace them. We knew the Phalanx would recharge in a few minutes, so those were always shifted into place to take the brunt of the hits in the way that caused the least possible damage to the more powerful, but harder to restore, layers behind. Once again, I couldn't help but be in awe of just how Taylor could handle so much changing information at once.

"Shunting over the nanothorn bomb," Dragon informed us. This was our chance to kill it. If the thing didn't have the density of other Endbringers, then maybe the improved nanothorn weaponry would do the job.

There was a brief flash, and then the inside of the forcefield was filled with gray mist, the effects of the nanothorns in action. It destroyed things on the atomic level, at least until the matter got too durable. Hopefully it would be enough.


A/N- Spoiler alert. Not gonna be enough.
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Amelia, Ch 269
Amelia, Ch 269

The gray mist remained trapped in the shields. The moment those shields dropped, it would pour into the ground and consume a mass of area almost as large as the crater lake we built our first base from. The phalanx moved, slowly, pulling the forcefield along with it.

"We're going to dump it in the bay," Taylor told me, and everyone else. "Safer that way."

Then the shields flashed, the sign that some of the phalanx shields, at least, had been broken. The Endbringer was still alive in there! "Oh mother fucker."

PanicHorrorFailure. "I can't see where it's going to attack, I won't be able to reinforce the shields that need it," Taylor muttered. She hit the armband. "All units, withdraw from range immediately, it's going to break free!"

Oh fuck. Come on, Amelia, there has to be something that can be done. "Missy, Sabah, Lily, think you can get another barricade around it?" It was only after I gave the command that I realized I used their actual names. Luckily I asked through our com system, not the wristbands.

"On it," Missy responded immediately. Sabah didn't say anything, but shunted over anyway. I trusted them to figure out the details. After all, they knew how to use their powers better than I did.

People started falling back, moving their shields to protect them. Only the zerg and the robots remained, and they were quickly running out of strength to hold back the barriers, but they were buying time for the Moirai to do their part. Infused ribbons charged with Lily's power started moving through the area, right ouside the forcefield itself. They wouldn't last very long, but they weren't meant to. A couple more flashes and a lot of the phalanx started falling back, their power depleted for the time being.

The ribbon barrier was established slowly, but it was established. I wasn't sure how they even found a way to use Missy's power on something that was influenced by Lily's, much less leaving it in such a state that Sabah could actual control it, but they figured it out.

There was one more flash, and then the gray nanothorn dust leaked over the top of the ribbons, but most of it was already being annihilated by Lily's power as it spread out onto the effect. The Endbringer leapt over the top of the barricade, moving so fast that I only knew it happened by the dust cloud that followed her.

Alexandria hit her in mid air, stopping her in place for a barrage of blasts from Legend. Somehow, this time, they didn't pass through. They exploded on impact, leaving cracks in the glass body. Eidolon took another stream of shots with his disintigration power, which didn't accomplish much. And our own blaster set let loose with the ice weapons. I noted the old version of Eki's suit in the mix. Aunt Sarah's out there fighting, too.

A pair of arms stretched out and grabbed the airborne Endbringer, then there was a shattering of glass as the owner pulled herself toward the thing, slamming into it hard enough to smash right through the frozen body, quite a bit more than Alexandria had been able to do. Victoria caught her in the air.

"Holy shit," the tin-man, Genuis Loci, muttered. "Little Sveta can do that? How fast was she going?"

"Four thousand one hundred and twelve kilometers per hour," Clarice answered. "Approximately three and a quarter times the speed of sound."

"I don't know how she can do that and still be afraid of arresting a freakin' mugger," he laughed.

"Ever stepped on a tube of tooth paste?" Crystal asked. "That's why she's afraid. Now get off the open channel!"

Streams of energy washed over the Endbringer's mass, as the blasters did their best to make sure the thing never put itself back together.

Nearby, a mile wide area vanished into rainbow dust, pulling itself together to form a new body for the Endbringer. The armbands started naming names. Everyone caught in the area, reduced to mass for the monster. The one saving grace, as such, is there weren't a lot of heroes caught in the effect, the zerg were there to do the dying. The Endbringer's figure was now a little on the larger side. Not really fat, but curvy at least.

"It just ate over two hundred of the EB cats," Taylor informed us. "They're no more resistant to her than anything else."

"Endbringer being temporarily designated as Wendigo," Dragon spoke over the coms. The hell is a wendigo? I wondered. Probably something really unpleasant.

More streams of energy hit it, and it seemed to almost casually shrug the attacks off this time, as opposed to before when they cut through it. Eidolon's attack was the only one that still got through the body, and that didn't seem to do any actual damage to the thing at all.

Sveta used her slingshot attack again. Damn she's fast. Slamming into the Endbringer's head hard enough to slam it face first into the earth it was standing on. She jumped away, and the zerg were on it. Two of the gargants locked their tusks around her arms, and a pair more got in lower, grappling her hips, holding her mostly upside down. They pushed into each other, attempting to crush her between them. She gripped one's tusks and actually lifted the thing off the ground and threw it toward the defenders, who were forced to dive for cover. A kick sent another gargant skidding back into a building that collapsed on top of it and a few others.

She then slammed the one remaining holding her upper body into the one that had the lower, shattering the asphalt beneath them. The message was clear, she was a lot fucking stronger than the zerg. Fuck, the strength she just demonstrated was greater than even Behemoth had ever shown.

Alexandria got in a good hit while it was distracted with smashing our supermonsters, although now her weapons only cut grooves into it instead of impaling it completely. She dodged a backhanded swing narrowly. If it weren't for Vicky's upgrades, would she be able to avoid the attacks like that? Sveta grabbed one of those damaged zerg and used it to hammer the Endbringer into the earth, buying Alexandria another opening to stab it in the eye. Didn't make much real difference, but damn did it look satisfying to see the Endbringer with a spear sticking out of its face.

"It's getting tougher with each new iteration," Lisa replied. "Stepping up its strategy for more durability and destructive potential. Losing speed, though. The early stages are meant to test attacker strategies and adapt against them. The late stages will show its actual power."

"Stages?" I asked. Meanwhile, the battle raged on. Dragon took her opportunity, raining exotic energy beams down on the creature and hammering it with projectiles that could crack a mountain. It was well past the point where nanothorns were a valid weapon, but a few of those were used as well.

"This is its stage four. We did enough damage so fast that we didn't even get to see stage three for more than a few seconds," Lisa replied. "I'm placing my bets on a total of six stages, each approximately twice as strong and resilient than the last."

Our blasters did their thing, switching rapidly between cold and sonic or heat to maximize damage to the thing's body. They were finally making progress, showing microfractures in the monster's body. They are wearing it down, at least.

"It's already insanely durable," I complained. "Aren't these things suppose to have tradeoffs? Like, they can't be good at everything?"

"It's also close to the slowest," Lisa pointed out. "It hasn't managed to kill anyone outside of its reforming into the next stage. I know it sounds insane, but this thing is a step in the right direction. More property damage, less casualties."

Alexandria and Sveta opted for a bit of a teamup next, another sling-attack. Sveta gripped it and pulled them in, with Alexandria more or less riding in her lap, carrying two of her spear weapons. Both spears impaled deep into its gut, and it was stagged back into a building.

AngerDisgust. "I wouldn't be so quick to say that, Lisa," Taylor growled. "There were still over five thousand civilians still in that part of the city. And if the next time it does the same thing, it'll be the as bad or worse."

"It'll reach about three and a half miles, next time," Lisa replied. "And ten, for the final event."

"Ten miles? That's all of Brockton Bay!" I exclaimed. "There's still way over a hundred thousand people in there, and it'll kill every last one of them."

"So you see the problem," Lisa sighed. "This one's game? It's psychological. The whole city is its hostage. We hit it, really hit it, force it to move into its next level of strength, and in exchange the city dies. Or, we play softball with the fucker. Fight it how Endbringers have been fought before, let it demolish the city and leave after its had its fill of killing people. If we give it all of that, and we're lucky, it'll never step up to stage five or six." FrustrationRageGuilt.


A/N- Step 1 of inventing your own Endbringers: ask how you can piss on everyone's parade. Step 2- Ask if there's something funnier than piss to use instead.
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Amelia, Ch 270
Amelia, Ch 270

I put my hand on Taylor's shoulder. "So it's moral arithmetic, yet again, huh?" Taylor asked. FrustrationDisgustHate. "Fight it to win, lose our city and everyone in it. Fight it to, what? Throw the match? We do all that and what do we get to show for it?"

"Fewer heroes dying in the battle," Lisa answered. "More civilians evacuated. That's the best we can hope for."

"Fuck that noise," I hissed. "You're telling us we're going to lose the city no matter what we do? Then we're going to get something worthwhile from the trade. Play softball with it for now, if we have to. Buy time, get the city evacuated. Then we hit it with everything we've got. I would rather see this city turned to ash than to allow the sick fucks that make these monsters think Pantheon can be blackmailed."

AgreementCertaintySupport. "She's right," Taylor responded. "If we allow this to work, then it'll be the new reality of all future Endbringer battles. We'll be playing by the Endmakers' rules, and if that happens we've already lost."

"We can use Bolla," Dragon offered. "I'll have to focus most of my efforts on calculations for the next few minutes."

"That's anti-Scion artillery," I pointed out. It would destroy the whole city. UncertaintyLossDetermination.

"Use it," Taylor replied. GuiltPain.

"I was afraid you'd say that," Lisa sighed. She hit the com. "Fall back, we're adopting a new strategy. Allow our constructs to hold the battle on their own. Everyone else, you're all on search and rescue duty. Khepri will help you coordinate."

More zerg swarmed the Endbringer, pulling her under the mass of claws and power that was channeling through them. Each attacker had its own exotic energy generation channeled through the claws. Some used the nanothorns, others energy that I understood, like heat and light. And others had stuff I didn't even pretend to comprehend, like time distortions and weaponized folded space.

Wendigo traded as good as she got, however, killing them almost as fast as they could hit her. Blue mist poured from her hands, destroying the ground where it fell, and passing through the zerg with laughable ease. We're really costing ourselves a lot of units right now.

"Those are nanothorns," Lisa muttered. "The Endbringer's learned to use its power to copy the nanothorn weaponry we used against it earlier. ShockConcernDismissalFocus. She's right, it doesn't matter.

This was just a distraction, after all. We didn't expect the zerg to actually stand a chance. For the next half hour, it was just a practice of feeding them to Wendigo so she had something to do other than attack the heroes that were rescuing all the people they could. That's what the zerg are there for, to sacrifice their lives instead of human lives. I wrapped my arm around Taylor. I'm here for you. ComfortLoveCertainty.

"Scanners detect no human lifesigns within seven miles of epicenter," Dragon finally announced.

We returned to hammering the monster with our best attacks. Eidolon had switched powers to something I could only call a gravity hammer. He struck the Endbringer with the invisible pulse, and the ground splintered and sank, forming a small but deep crater. He hit it again, and again, every time the thing managed to climb out of the hole. A spear of glass lanced straight for him from the crater, fighting the energy blast. Eidolon evaded it, if narrowly. But that gave her time to get out of her hole, only to be blindsided by a combination of Alexandria and Sveta.

They'd gotten to opposite sides of the Endbringer, and when she appeared, Sveta pulled them both together, crashing into Wendigo from both sides simultaneously. Fragments broke off of her body, littering the ground and falling back into the pit she had just escaped from.

Some of the few remaining zerg piled onto her, keeping her from retaliating against the only two heroes strong enough to stay that close for that long. She pulled one of the ultralisks in half to reach Sveta, her fingers shimmering with that blue nanothorn mist she was generating.

Vicky came to the girl's rescue, throwing her into one of the half-eaten buildings that had been caught at the edge of Wendigo's power. I gasped as the Endbringer sheered off one of her arms. From this side of the barrier, she couldn't hear me shriek.

"Use the emergency shunt!" I ordered.

"We can't," Trevor replied. "The shunt drive requires a sealed system. it won't work with the armor breached like that. Not until it can mend itself, at least."

Fuck. Wendigo lunged at Vicky, who managed to drop down and roll under her. I could see the telltale glow of Vicky using her breaker state for the boosted abilities and healing factor. The spatter of light on the side of her suit was from her blood, still alive and reacting to her power. The Endbringer stomped down, crushing Vicky's leg and pinning her in place.

Alexandria rushed in, knocking Wendigo back, and a barrage of energy fire from Legend, Crystal and a few of the others, chipping a few more pieces off of it. Then Vicky was gone in a scattering of rubble.

"We're ready, everyone fall back," Dragon instructed.

They obeyed, of course. Those who couldn't retreat on their own were grabbed by the various cats and brought out, either riding or carried depending on what was needed. A dozen of the new raptors collided with Endbringer, covering her in our new variant of containment foam. A dozen times the durability, at the cost of it not being at all safe to use on humans. You couldn't breath through it, and it would melt through human skin in a minute or so. Pity those weren't things that Endbringers needed to worry about. Still, it would hopefully buy time.

Eidolon was one of the few that stayed in, alongside Alexandria and our team. I sighed in relief knowing that Aunt Sarah was retreating with the others.

"Two minutes until ETA," Dragon spoke. "Requesting permission to control shunt overrides."

"Permission granted," Trevor responded.

ApprehensionHopeFear. I looked at Taylor. If this doesn't work. Even if it does work. She looked at me. ConcernDoubtFailure.

I know it was just my imagination, but I could have sworn I heard the explosion. One of Dragon's newest weapons, functionally an orbital satellite set well above Avalon. It was the largest object ever put into space by man, enforced with cloned EB tissue, Khonsu forcefields, a bunch of other forcefields, and all kinds of other Tinker bullshit. It also had the most powerful weapon ever built. A super sized railgun, using hyperdense Endbringer tissue for the bullet. A bullet equipped with a shunt drive. At full power, it could knock the moon out of orbit. I didn't know how much power Dragon was using, but I was pretty sure it wasn't that much.

"Sensors confirm target was on location," Dragon responded. "Bolla has achieved a direct hit."

The message was sent. We would rather destroy our cities ourselves, than be manipulated into playing their games. Even if we lost this fight, then at least the fuckers who made these monsters would get that message. This is not a tactic that will work on us. PainGuiltDetermination. Taylor turned and wrapped her arms around me. I couldn't force myself to stop crying.

The tech compensated for the debris and dust kicked up by the collision. The rainbow shimmer started again, She was still there, in the ruins of the city. The amount of mass she absorbed, this time, was mostly irrelevant. There was nothing left for her to consume that was still alive. Let her have what remained of Brockton Bay, because there was nothing left for her to destroy after what we'd done.

"God, please let this be the right decision," I muttered under my breath.

"Numbers coming in," Dragon responded. Approximately four mile radius from the epicenter was destroyed entirely. Significant damage extending up to twenty miles from epicenter. Nothing left of value within projected range of Wendigo's fifth stage transformation."

The mass of rubble and ruins were consumed as we watched. It was slower than the ones before it, but then each of those were slower than the last as well. Wendigo stood there, now obese. The blue destructive mist hovered around her body like a cloud, destroying everything it touched, not that there was anything left for it to destroy but rubble.

"Do... do we go back and attack it?" Missy asked. Her voice was shaky and unstable.

"No... no," I wasn't sure she even heard me. "There's no point. Nothing left to save."

Even after all of that, nothing could have prepared us for what happened next.


A/N- I'm an asshole!

Also: yup. Dragon totally built a world killing orbital cannon. Why wouldn't she?
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Amelia, Ch 271- Tamara
Amelia, Ch 271- Tamara

I walked through what passed for a base for the Adepts. Not a lot to look at, really, just an apartment. My parents' house was so much bigger, and they were just farmers. Not that there was anything wrong with not being wealthy, but the Adepts liked to play at the bullshit pretentious elitism, out of a small dorm. The occult symbols strewn about only served to annoy me further.

Their leader actually had a throne to sit on. Ugh. I said nothing, but I thought a lot of uncharitable things. He was one of the parahumans that didn't wear a mask, public identity of a sort. Or the complete lack of a civilian life. Robes with lettering that I didn't recognize, but I'd bet money wasn't even from a real language. He was a little on the older side, a little on the pudgier side, and not at all impressive looking. He was also a time traveler of some sort, one of the hardest kinds of parahumans to predict or fight.

"Pleasure to meet you, Rosary," he said with a smile that made me glad my new armor from Pantheon was so form concealing.

"Likewise, Aeon," I lied. No point in making waves with them. We were both, theoretically, part of the same meta organization, now, alongside a dozen others. Including some really heavy hitters like Pantheon and The Guild. That was the whole reason I was here, to work with one of their members. "It'll be interesting working in New York. I hope you don't mind, but I've made my own living arrangements already." With my aunt and uncle, not that you need to know that.

"That's perfectly alright," he agreed. "I've already sent for Shaman, he's the one you'll be working with."

I nodded. Anything to get out of here sooner.

The kid showed after another minute or so. He was college age, I'd guess. Not too much younger than me, but still younger. Black hair, obviously dyed. And I was pretty certain he was wearing makeup. "So you're the flower girl?" he asked.

"If you're referring to the visual effect of my power, then yes," I sighed. "C'mon, dust boy, let's do the power testing."


"Basically, my power lets me break down an object into leaflike shapes, control those shapes telekinetically, and rebuild the object later if I want," I showed him, disassembling a brick into a few dozen pieces. "It rebuilds things perfectly, so I can even move electronic devices with it."

He whistled appreciatively. "Damn, with that power you'd be an insanely good thief. Such a tragedy you had to be one of the goody two shoes."

I frowned. "Yes, because I go through hell, get blessed by God, and the tragedy is when I choose not using that power to rob appliance outlets."

"Hey, there are worse things you can do with your time," he shrugged.

"True, I could write shitty emo poetry and cry about how no one respects me," I smirked. He didn't say anything, but the way he didn't say anything let me know I hit an actual nerve. I couldn't help but smile.

"Or sit around performing nonsense rituals that accomplish nothing?" he snarked back.

This time, I did roll my eyes. "Says the so- called magic user."

"Oh, I know that's bullshit," he replied. "Well, maybe not. Ain't like we can prove powers aren't magic. Pixies, aliens, standard white Jesus, flying spaghetti monsters. Your guess is as good as mine. But at least the Adepts have useful bullshit. Ways to really use your powers to their fullest by combining them with the right mental focus and equipment. Which is what we're doing right now, learning how to use our powers better."

"Okay, fine, so how's your power work, then? Or do you have no opinions about that?"

"I manipulate properties of matter. Touch it, change it into whatever I like, more or less. Only works on solids. I'm not really a telekinetic like you are, but if I want I can lock matter in place so it can't be moved by anything. Make something unbreakable. And it really is unbreakable. Know that chick with Pantheon? Atropos? The one whose power cuts through Endbringers?"

"Duh," I replied. Everyone knows her.

"Yeah, my power, it even stops hers cold," he responded. "Nothing can touch the things I control, unless I allow it.

"Really?" Wow, that's quite a power. "Well, they did say we could be the next Endslayer combination for a reason."


"You don't actually do anything?" I asked. "At all? What happened to going out and patrolling? Thought you guys were heroes now?"

"More like rogues, now," he answered. "We're basically just coasting on past scores and the new rep with Pantheon. Sure, shit goes all pear-shaped, we'll go out and kick its ass, but that whole wandering around punching muggers? That shit's for the heroes trying to make the press or some shit. Most of us are just in it for the money, and there's no money in that. Plus it's the middle of winter and freezing balls out there."

"We have some of the best battle armor on earth," I pointed out. "We could spend our time hanging out in the arctic circle without any problem, I don't think New York winters are that bad in comparison."

"Yeah, but the crooks don't have our armor," he replied. "If they're out there in that weather, they've earned it. But they won't be. Take it from someone who knows. Criminals are lazy, and lazy people don't go out in weather like that."

I sighed. "Come on, we're going out on a patrol," I insisted, grabbing the lazy brat by his hair. "Or I'll throw you out the window without the armor and then call the cops to take your stash."

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Fuck, okay, I'll come!" he muttered. "But only because I got to see your high beams."

"My what?"

"Your high beams," he made a gesture at his chest.

Oh. Oh. "Just shut up and get your armor on," I sighed.


"Not an atheist, just don't care," he replied. We were sitting on the edge of one of the many skyscrapers in New York. The city was beautiful, in its own overcrowded, polluted, noisy, dirty, gray way. Turned out, he was right, criminals don't come out in this weather. No one comes out in this weather.

"So, agnostic?" I suggested. "You don't believe we can know if there is or isn't a God?"

"How about an 'apathetic'?" he responded. "It's not about whether it's true or not. It's that I don't think it matters. Same way I believe it doesn't matter who won the Oscars, and for pretty much the exact same reasons. You find a way to prove God exists, and I still won't care. Of course, you'll probably get the Nobel prize or something, so you'll be rich and what I think won't matter to you, either."

"That's..." I hesitated. "I don't even know how to respond to that."

"No one does, that's my favorite part about it," he replied. "Don't know, don't care, and have no opinion is the best way to not have to talk to people who don't know, do care, have strong opinions, and think they know."

He has a point.


"Okay, I have to admit, that was kinda fun," he laughed. The police sirens were just barely close enough to be heard, but approaching fast.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up asshole," Splash muttered, trapped in a cage I'd built out of a store window. He was a Case 53 that was made out of living water, or something similar to it. Coupled with his brute powers, well, containing him wasn't what one would call a simple task. I'll have to do something to apologize to the owners later. "Now can you at least give me back my pants?"

"You mean these?" Shaman lifted up a ratty pair of jeans. "Maybe if you tell me who you're working for now. Ain't the Teeth, they got their asses beat down so hard they'll never be comin' back."

"Fuck you, I ain't a snitch," he spat at the glass wall.

"Okay, fine," Shaman shrugged. "But if you're thinking about changing your mind, you might want to do it fast. See, no one's ever caught you before, and that's going to be front page news."

"You wouldn't dare," he punched the wall. But between Shaman's power and mine, well, that glass was going nowhere.

"Dare what?" Shaman leaned against the glass, facing toward me. "I already called that one chick. The one with the nice rack. Rosary, you know who I'm talking about, right?"

"Not really," I shook my head. Such a pig.

"Yeah, you're right, they all have nice racks," he tapped the cage. "Seriously, though, it's not my fault you climbed out of them to get away. So you'll answer my questions or you're going to be front page news. Starting with the most important question of all. Why the hell would you go commando in the middle of fucking January?"


"We've never done anything this large, before," I muttered. "Are you sure you can handle it?" The way his power works, this could kill him even if everything goes right.

"Hey, you've seen what that thing's doing, Tams," he forced a smile. Both his hands were on the sides of a small building, tuning it to his power. We'd been here for almost ten minutes while the battle raged on. "If this works, we'll be heroes. Like, the biggest heroes. Interviews, life story deals, women throwing themselves at our feet. Guys, too, if you're into that sorta thing."

"If it doesn't work, we're going to die," I pointed out. Utterly ignoring the other comments.

"Yeah, well, who wants to live forever?" he replied dismissively. Then his face got serious. "Just promise me one thing, for real."

"What?" I asked.

"If you happen to be right, and you meet God, can you ask him to give me some iced tea? I think I'm going to need it," he smiled. I considered slapping him, but the sweat running off the side of his face despite our Pantheon-gifted armor systems stopped me. He's scared, this is how he copes. "Oh, and brace yourself, this one's gonna be close."

There was the distinctive crackle and boom as the lightning-strike-like effect of the new Endbringer consuming a mass of the city for her body occurred yet again. The shockwave nearly knocked me off my feet, as air rushed to fill the vacuum left by the air being annihilated, consumed, and converted to Endbringer tissue. "You could have warned me sooner!" I shouted.

"Hey, I'm busy punching everything the human race knows about the laws of physics in its sweat dripping gonads, I have a right to amuse myself at the expense of anyone I want. Now, are you ready to do your part?"

"I'm ready," I agreed. Normally, breaking down something this large, while in my power, was basically useless for me. Today was different. The building started splintering tiny amounts at a time, turning into what was more or less a pile of coins. I kept them from falling on top of us and killing us but, but that was about the extent of what I could do with so much mass. My suit did its thing, responding as it was programed to generate a wide antigravity field to make my job easier, allowing me to hold a lot more weight. Several thousand tons of raw mass were now under my control, and infused with Shaman's power. We were ready to do our part.


A/N- This chapter was actually written yesterday. Before 270, in fact. I felt it needed to wait until now for release. For my amusement.
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Amelia, Ch 272
Amelia, Ch 272

The Endbringer froze in place. And then fell over on its side.

"Fuck yes!" a man's voice shouted over the armbands. "We took it alive! We captured a fucking Endbringer!" ShockConfusionAwe.

"Umm," a woman's voice cut in. "This is Rosary, from Haven. What Shaman meant to say is that we've managed to paralyze the Endbringer. For the time being, at least. It's still alive, but unable to actually move. Requesting immediate aid, because this is stressing our powers to the limit."

"They... how?" I muttered. HorrorGuiltFailure. Oh god, we destroyed Brockton Bay. For fucking nothing.

"Understood," Taylor replied. I felt the offload of her emotions, as well as the regret for doing so. It's okay, I'll be strong, I can handle it for the time being. "Shunting over our Tinkers and Thinkers. We'll try to find a way to help."

I closed my eyes and cried, clinging to Taylor. A lot of it was my own guilt as well, of course, but the stress of holding both of us together was agony. It was such a relief when she took up her side of the slack that I almost fell over from the lack of emotion.

"Thank you for that," she whispered. "They're going to need your power a lot more than me right now."

"You mean?" I asked. ConfirmationCertaintyFear. Thank you so much. I pushed my emotions down into the bond, forced myself to pretend I didn't feel them. Taylor clung tighter against me. I tried not to think about what I was now putting Taylor through, knowing that thinking about it would only make things worse for her. I need someone to help her while I'm in Brockton Bay. Away from her. I couldn't ask Lisa to do it, we might need her. Taylor wasn't really close to anyone other than the pair of us. "Crystal?" I spoke over our system.

"I'm here," she replied. "What do you need?"

"Look after Taylor for a bit," I asked her. "I'll explain later."

"Okay," she sounded concerned, but she didn't hesitate. I looked at my partner. Sorry, I'll try not to take any longer than I have to. I shunted over.

Brockton Bay was... there was no Brockton Bay. Miles around was smooth as glass, from the Endbringer's power. Water was already pouring in from the bay, but this far inland it was reduced to little more than a fast moving stream. Nothing Dryad's extra bulk couldn't manage easily. I activated the hover setting and moved toward the epicenter.

"To the right," Riley informed me. I had to use the telescopic zoom to find two people sitting on a demolished building, just outside the Endbringer's effect. We did that. Not the Endbringer. Us. That building, the others behind it, those would have survived if not for us. I tried not to think about it, the more I did, the worse things would be for Taylor. She's being strong for me, I'll be strong for her.

I reached the pair. The woman, Rosary, stood to greet me. I didn't give her a chance for pleasantries. The sooner this is done, the sooner I can get back to Taylor. "I'm a healer," I told them, immediately feeling stupid because of course they knew that.

"I'll be fine for a while," Rosary responded. "He's going to need your help right away."

I put my hand on his shoulder, letting my armor partially meld with is. I recognized the design, it was full of organels producing inorganic spores. Right, that suit. I remembered because this was the guy who could counter Lily's power.

He was in bad shape. Exhaustion equivalent to three days without sleep, a rapidly worsening migraine, and minor brain swelling around the Pollentia. "I'll do what I can," I told them. I started mending his body first, and hesitated for only a moment before reaching into his brain. I reduced the swelling and did my best for the headache. Eventually choosing to give up and turn off his ability to sense pain entirely. That's something I can fix later.

"Fifteen minutes," Riley spoke up. I could tell she was talking over the coms. Probably to Lisa. "Twenty if we're lucky. Then his power collapses. Honestly I'm not sure how he held on long enough to be healed."

Fuck. "We don't have a lot of time," I told the pair.

"Get us closer," Rosary instructed. "This is harder at range."

I nodded, and touched her armor, allowing mine to meld with it as well. Activating all our antigrav fields at once, I used mine to pull us toward the paralyzed Endbringer. By the time I'd gotten there, everyone else was already talking. The Triumvirate, Dragon, Defiant, Narwhal, Lisa, most of our thinkers. Vicky's not here, I realized. No, worry about her later. Taylor's under enough pressure.

There was a layer of forcefields blocking Wendigo, and the nanothorn mist that it was generating. If they hadn't completely encased it, the Endbringer would have sank god only knows how far into the earth by now.

"Moving it will be impossible," Lisa replied. "Shaman's power is absolute, and pretty much evenly dispersed throughout the Endbringer. And don't bother suggesting shunting it somewhere, that won't work. The best we could hope to achieve is stripping off a few layers to expose the core. And even if we could, we would need a world we thought for a second it couldn't escape from. Spoiler alert: we don't have one of those. Endmakers are clearly capable of dimensional travel, it would return."

"I suppose the same immovability also makes it indestructible," Defiant asked.

"Pretty much," Lisa shrugged. "This bought us time, sure, but only time."

"Same strategy as before?" I asked. "Another fifteen minutes to evac the region outside of the city could save tens of thousands of lives."

"Already on it," Alexandria replied.

"Eidolon, any ideas?" I asked. "A power that can kill it while it's paralyzed like this?"

"I can't do anything to it while it's still being locked down by this power," he admitted. "I can damage parts of it, and that's all."

"And if we damage it without destroying it, then it'll just activate its final stage, and everything will be annihilated anyway. Letting it go would without taking advantage of its current state would be less destructive in the long run."

"Forcefields and containment foam," Lily replied. "I can control what my power hurts, ignores, or is effected by. Give me a few containers of foam, or better yet that gel stuff. It'll expand into everywhere inside this thing. When Shaman's power wears off, it'll expand there, too."

"I... I can shut it off in pieces," Shaman gasped. "Already have. I'm just controlling the outer layers right now, and parts of the inside. Less than half of what I started with."

"Dragon?" Lisa asked. "Your tech best suited for this. We'll probably lose a few ships. Oh, and use magnetically attuned shielding, not the kinetic stuff. Everyone else, we need to retreat. If this goes wrong in any way, we don't want to be anywhere nearby."

A few of the suits started taking their position, while Taylor, bless her, still had the presence of mind to bring in a few of the containment gel suicide bombers. They were promptly gutted by Lily, who pulled out the foam container tanks. I wasn't sure all the difference between the typical foam, and this gel, except that it was a more densely packed recipe. It didn't leave breathable air pockets, and it was a strong enough adhesive that it would eat away at skin. Forbidden to be used except against targets with kill orders, and restricted even then because of the danger it presented to the area. If it weren't for how Endbringers always seemed to have some new trick up their fucking sleeves every time you had one cornered, it might even be able to hold them.

"Will you be safe when we breach the container?" Dragon asked Lily.

"No need," she responded. "It'll breach itself when I use my power on it. Just get everyone to safety." She hovered up and landed atop Wendigo, ignoring the wisps of blue nanothorns that washed across her armor. Her power in action. Her feet sank slightly into the Endbringer's corpulent stomach.

We all started shunting across. "Wait," Shaman gasped. "If I move over, my power will wear off."

Fuck. "Can you shield yourself?"

"Not right now," he admitted. "It's either my armor, or the Endbringer. Pretty soon it won't even be that. Don't worry, I'll just have to hope that forcefield holds long enough."

"Climb into that," Trevor pointed at one of the now eviscerated suicide bombers. "Still has a shunt drive. I can help Dragon slave it to one of her tracking AIs."

"Y'know, I always knew the hero business was a shit job," he muttered, as Rosary helped him make his way to the artificial lifeform that was only alive on a technical level. I followed over, healing and sealing the thing around him. Cost me a few pounds of mass from my Dryad to make that work, but it did work.

"Okay, he's secure," I informed the others. By now, almost no one was here in person. I infused my armor around Rapture's and shunted us both over.

It didn't look like much, from the other side. One moment there was Lily in a cloud of mist that was melting as it touched her. The next, a giant light gray polyhedron made where all the shields overlapped. It wasn't a particularly uniform geometry, consisting over curves in some areas, various shapes in others, forming an oblong shape overall. Kind of like a clear balloon filled with lumpy oatmeal.

"Don't worry, I'm alive and well in here," Lily replied. "Kinda hard to breathe. Aren't these suits suppose to be protected from that?"

"Up to one kilometer underwater," Emma confirmed. "Don't worry, the structural integrity field's still holding, you'll be fine."

"Trade you," Shaman muttered. "I'm going to let small parts go at a time. Tell me when you sense your power finish covering its interior."

"My power doesn't work that way," Lily replied.

"No shit?" he chuckled painfully. "You always did make me do all the work. I'll tell you when I'm done."

I stopped exploiting the bond to keep me stable, rushing to hold Taylor. Sorry, so so sorry. ReliefAcceptanceLove. I squeezed her, as we both dealt with the wash of pain, guilt, and uncertainty.


A/N- The reason I didn't release the last chapter yesterday was because I was afraid someone would put 2 and 2 together and predict THIS chapter too early. :p

Oh, and this absolutely was foreshadowed. I forget what chapter, but it was definitely foreshadowed that Rosary/Shaman could be an Endslayer combination. And by "foreshadow" I mean "fore-freakin-told-you-outright".

Edit: Found it. Ch 194
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Amelia, Ch 273- Taylor
Amelia, Ch 273- Taylor

It took another four minutes before Shaman finally spoke again. "That's it," he gasped. "I've let go of everything I had in there. If it's still alive, it's not my fault. If it's dead, I demand top billing." FearHopeAnticipationUncertainty.

"Give in another minute," Lisa instructed. "You okay in there, Atropos?"

"Considering if this doesn't work I'm going to be turned into Endbringer parts?" she replied. "Yeah, I'm just peachy."

"Don't think it can," Minerva replied. "Either it only has five stages, or the damage we did forced it straight to the sixth."

"So it's dead?" Alexandria asked. It was the question everyone wanted to know.

"Can't say," Lisa admitted. "The way its body works, there's no way to know. If we're being honest, I doubt it's dead." DismayFailure. Amelia held me tighter. I should be bothered that we're being this emotional in full view of so many heroes, I realized, but I couldn't bring myself to care. Meanwhile, Lisa kept speaking. "It lost this battle, one way or the other. Now we know how to stop it before it evolves into its top stages. Whether it's dead or not, we won. This Endbringer won't be able to destroy much more than a city block the next time we fight it, and it'll be a long time before it's recovered enough to fight again."

"That's... some consolation, at least," Alexandria agreed.

"Dude, that's so fucking unfair," Shaman spoke over the com.

"Look at it this way," Atropos piped up. "Kill an Endbringer once, you're the big damn hero once. Kick the shit out of an Endbringer and it gets away, you're a big damn hero once a year."

"Oh. Oh fuck." Minerva muttered.

"What is it?" Alexandria asked.

"Nothing I'm ready to talk about right now," Minerva replied. Alexandria met her gaze, and the two women regarded each other silently for what felt like far too long. "You'll have to forgive me, but I can't say it right now. I don't even know if I'm right."

"I suppose we'll have to remain in suspense, then," Alexandria replied, not sounding particularly happy.

"Hold on," Chevalier interrupted. "This isn't going to be an issue, is it? I don't like allies keeping secrets, not about something like the Endbringers."

"It's not about the Endbringers," Minerva responded. "Or at least nothing of immediate use or value. We'd be here for the next six months if I told you every little hunch I have about them that will probably go nowhere. They are resistant to Thinker powers, after all."

Chevalier didn't seem particularly happy with that answer, but he let it rest nonetheless. I, meanwhile, wondered what Lisa figured out.

"We need to start taking inventory of the losses," I managed to speak up. PainFear. Right. I turned off the com for a second. "Don't worry, Victoria's alive. Don't know about 'well', but as fast as she regenerates, she'll be alright soon and complaining that she doesn't even get a cool looking scar for her troubles." HopeReliefGratitude.

"Brockton Bay is a total loss," Emma replied, sounding tired. "Over eighty percent of the city was destroyed completely, and what's still standing is in worse shape than it was after the S9's attack."

GuiltPainLoss. How much of that is her feelings, how much of it mine? In all honesty, most of it was probably her. I wasn't all that fond of Brockton Bay. Its corruption and bullshit ran straight up to the top. Sure, when we needed to, we exploited the fuck out of it, but that wasn't something that made me like it any better. If anything, that just made me hate it that much more. Dad's going to be ruined, though.

"But... we can restore it, right?" Amelia asked.

"With what?" Emma replied. "Maybe the stuff around the edges could be salvaged for raw material. But the central portion of the city is now a shallow saltwater lake. It'd be cheaper and easier just to build an entirely new city nearby than it would to restore this one."

"I could use the Yggdrasil to replace the mass," Amelia offered, I could tell from her voice that she'd been crying, even if the link hadn't made it painfully clear. "Spread it, kill it, let it decompose into a new layer of soil. Everything we're doing on Avalon."

"Dragon," Emma turned toward the older, more respected, Trump-Tinker. "If I'm wrong, please tell me."

"You're not," Dragon admitted. "I'm sorry. The Yggdrasil could support, at most, a population of fifty thousand using the space available in Brockton Bay. And that's if dedicated solely to living space, not including utilities, or places of employment. At best, we might be able to demolish the buildings beyond and use them for raw materials, but that would require months to achieve anything notable. Decades before the city will be recognizable as such again. We saved as many people as we possibly could, but the city itself is lost." FailureGuiltDespair.

"We can do other things to help," Crystal offered, the same soft voice that she used to comfort me when I was dealing with the combined weight of my guilt and Amelia's. She'll make an amazing mother, some day. "We already accept refugees. Maybe we can alter the policy some. Offer, like, temporary citizenship or whatever. A few square miles might not be much, but we can set aside a thousand miles of space on Avalon without so much as blinking an eye. Restore the portal, rebuild our Embassy space, at least. Trying to rebuild the city overnight is impossible. But as long as we keep our portal here, people will have reason to return." ReliefGratitudeHope.

I smiled at Crystal. "Thanks," I mouthed silently. "Amelia, we're going to need your help a bit," I stroked my partner's shoulder.

"Okay," she sighed, allowing me to lead her to where Atropos, Shaman and Rosary were.

"Is he going to be okay?" Rosary asked as Amelia knelt down to touch both of them.

"Yeah," she responded. "Exhaustion is the biggest risk, a bit of dehydration and hyperthermia. He's going to feel like hell for the next couple days, but if he stays hydrated he'll be fine."

"I'll be sure to let someone know," she sighed.

"Aww, you really do care," Shaman spoke. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Yeah, I care," she replied. "Your power's the one thing between Wendigo and another destroyed city. I'd be a moron to not care."

"Speaking of, thanks for the fucking buzzkill. Thought we killed that bitch for real."

"Maybe, maybe not," Minerva responded. "It's a decentralized being. If any part of it was outside of the forcefields when we started killing it, then it will be back. Don't know how long it'll take to recover from that much damage, though. It will likely be two or three years before it attacks again, maybe a full decade."

"So, good as dead, then," Alexandria replied.

"Probably," Lisa answered.

"Fuck, I'll take it," Shaman replied. "Now I'm gonna go home and celebrate by getting shitfaced. If I'm gonna have a headache anyway, might as well earn it."

"No alcohol," Amelia instructed. "That'll just dehydrate you more."

"That's it, next Endbringer, I'm staying in bed."

"Then we'll report it as destroyed," Chevalier responded. "After Chongqing and Bucharest and now this, we need to be able to claim a victory. A destroyed Endbringer is a victory, even with the price being this high." GuiltShameFailure.


A/N- My spellcheck didn't know hyperthermia was a word.
Amelia, Ch 274
Amelia, Ch 274

When did I become a healer again? I wondered. Oh, right, when I was responsible for the injuries in the first place, as well as leaving three hundred thousand people homeless. Or dead, can't forget the ones that my orders killed.

Rey's medical training actually proved really useful, letting me affect professional doctor behavior, instead of the piss poor attempts at professionalism than I made as Panacea. I'd somehow managed to forget what it was like being Panacea, in those months I'd spent with Pantheon. The exhaustion and guilt were things I'd managed to leave behind. Good luck having that happen again.

"Okay, Ellen, you're all done," I told the child I'd been working on.

"I found her parents," Taylor told me over the suit. She's using her control override, not actually speaking, she must be really busy. "I'm already leading them to you, it'll be a few more minutes."

"You hear that?" I smiled at the girl, doing the best I could to mean it. "You'll be back together with your family soon."

"Yes," she agreed happily, entirely unaware that I was responsible for so much of her pain. That only served to make me feel worse. She was a cute kid, only six years old based on my admittedly inaccurate power's impression. Tall for her age, and surprisingly cheerful for someone who recently had an eight inch long piece of glass sticking out of her stomach.

That's one of ours, I reminded myself. That's an injury that would not have happened if we hadn't fired that damn weapon. One of many others like her, who were hurt or dead because we wanted to hurt an Endbringer more than we wanted to protect people.


"We can't repeat what happened today," I sighed, plopping down on my bed next to Taylor. "Never again." ConcernAgreementSupport. She reached over and rubbed my shoulders. There were advantages to her power, in that she didn't have to physically do work. I still did. The healing pods were good for some stuff, but only some. Surface injuries, like cuts and burns, were easiest for them. Internal damage more likely needed personal attention from me or one of our Tinkers.

And I didn't have the multitasking to handle multiple targets, not like Taylor did at least. Trying to heal two people at once was... well, mistakes could easily be made, some of them might take years to be noticed. Up to and including accidentally altering hormone productions to the wrong sex, or partially rewriting someone's DNA. All of which ultimately meant one thing. There was no shortcut for me to mass heal, because healing was not what my power was made to do.

"I know," she sighed. "We could make all kinds of arguments about how 'necessary' it was, how we needed to let the Endmakers know that we wouldn't allow them to manipulate us, we wouldn't give them the satisfaction. Or that we used the minimal force necessary to lethally attack the Endbringer. That the damage could have been worse, if it had managed to escalate to stage 6. Fuck, even if we didn't use Bolla, that stage five power would have guaranteed the death of the city. But you already know all that, and it's not any kind of comfort."

"And that's what really bothers me, Taylor," I rolled onto my stomach and she straddled my legs to get a good angle for her massage. She was actually physically restless, a counterpoint my exhaustion. "All the justification and excuses. When we started Pantheon, it was to get away from that sort of bullshit. To do the right thing instead of doing the useful thing. When did we forget about all that?"

HesitationConcern. "Leaving aside our reasons for allowing Bonesaw to live?" she asked. I frowned. Riley was- NegationRegret. "I didn't mean it like that. Don't get me wrong, it turned out to be the right choice, both pragmatically and morally. But your reasons were selfish."

I hesitated for a second. "Yeah, you're right," I admitted. "Fuck, for all our talk of making things better, of not being callous uncaring authorities... we're complete fucking hypocrites, aren't we?"

"We've still done a lot of good," Taylor insisted. "Maybe we bit off more than we could chew with the Endbringers. We couldn't have known that there were so many more of them that could exist. We couldn't have known they could be made so damn hard to kill." FrustrationHelplessnessHate. "Maybe we fucked up by kicking over the hornet's nest, but we did it with the best of intentions."

"Still doesn't really answer my question," my sigh turned into a moan as Taylor hit a sweet spot right under my shoulder blade.

"Scion," Taylor answered. "I think it was when we realized what Scion was."

"Yeah, that sounds about right," I admitted. "Things do sorta take a different context when we're talking the end of not just this world, but millions of others. Trillions of people." I squeezed my eyes shut, letting the little bit of tears I still had left out. "I don't want to be that person, Taylor. I don't want to be someone who can kill millions to save billions. I get that we can't save everyone, I get that we'll have to make choices to save some people instead of others. I don't like that, but I can blame it on the monsters we're fighting. But... what we did to Brockton Bay crossed the line. It wasn't necessary. It was us proving a point."

GuiltSupport. "You're right," she sighed. She leaned down and hugged me, as much as was possible in our current position. Her head rested on my back. "Wouldn't that just be the worst outcome? Save everyone, and then look back and decide it wasn't worth it?"

"Yeah," I sighed, trying not to focus too much on Taylor's body pressed against mine. Even if it could have led somewhere, I wasn't in a state to enjoy it. "What's even the point of fighting, if you have to give up everything you're fighting for in the process?" AgreementSupportLove.

"You always were the heart of this partnership," she nuzzled her face against my back.

"Me?" I scoffed. The things I've done.

"Yes, you," Taylor squeezed me. "God knows it's not me. You're the one who wants to save everyone. The one who makes me want to be a better person. I don't really want to think of who I'd be without you. It wouldn't be someone I liked."

"You're getting all sappy on me, Taylor," I pointed out.

"Yup," she answered. "Can't imagine I'd do that before meeting you, either. Speaking of charity cases who you've saved, guess what I just caught your little sister doing?"

"Uh oh," I muttered. "Please tell me it's not completely horrible."

"Well, only for Theo, I think," she chuckled. "And you, maybe. Remember that tech they were using to extrapolate Victoria's DNA based on her appearance?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"It works in reverse," Taylor replied. "Turns out, she's extrapolated a couple dozen possible offspring for herself. What particular combinations between her, Theo, and Missy might look like."

"Uh... I should probably have a talk with her about that one," I replied. "Missy and Theo, too."

"I already did. Turns out, she's made a bunch of them," Taylor informed me. "Emma and Zach, Rey and Rapture, and it comes as no surprise that she's done the two of us."

I blinked. Us. Taylor and I. PleasedWarmLove. "Wow, you really like that idea, don't you?" Taylor chuckled.

I blushed hard. "Maybe..." I reluctantly admitted. "I don't even want kids, and Riley's enough of a handful, but there's something about the idea. Can't help but think about it. Instincts, I guess."

"Yeah," Taylor sighed. Her emotional undercurrents were even a little disappointed, subtle enough that I wasn't even sure she noticed them. Did she want children? That's probably something we should talk about, some day.

"Who knows what things will be like in a few years, though," I amended. "I'd rather us not be role models for teen mothers. Plus, that's one of those things that'd have to wait until after Scion for us to even think about considering."

ReliefAgreement. I smiled. "That's what it all comes back to, doesn't it?" Taylor asked. "Scion, and what we're willing to sacrifice to stop him."


A/N- The next chapter is partially written. And it makes me giggle.
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