Gozran 4712
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Gozran 4712
Taxfest, and a Pitaxian lackey aside there were countless other things also going on. There was an end to things. It always seemed that his attention was always called to investigate some new development. Eire was looking at the eastern, and very poorly defined, boundary of his domain as Perlivash the faerie dragon continued to chatter on about his kind who inhabited the area around lake silver step.
The lake was technically within his domain. It was on his side of the border... which seemed to be mostly defined by natural features like the rivers, and by the Tors... that or Restov had drawn up the charters using a crooked map and drawn a line more or less straight south from Fort Serenko on the south Rostlandic road and worked from there. He wasn't even entirely sure that Fort Serenko had been built on the Brevic side of the border when he looked at some of the maps that existed... cartography issues though were not the matter at hand.
It was not the faerie dragons that concerned him. It wasn't the alleged great wyrm who's foot had made the lake.... which he was skeptical of. It was the normal sized silver dragon population of dragons that inhabited the area... which was the reason he was contemplating a visit to the Lake. That would not be today though. "Excuse me Perlivash." Valerie interrupted, and the faerie dragon fluttered back a respectful distance ceding the floor. "Has there been any word from the Temple of Shelyn?"
Eire was ignorant of the precise contents of Valerie's response... and truthfully he had considered inquiring about the words that made it on the paper but it had not been a subject the blonde had wanted discussed... he had also considered inquiring around as to where Shelyn's church was building their temple... but he had stopped largely on the basis that it was in neither his own, nor Drelev's domain. It would have been in the charter boundaries of the Iron Wraiths, but they had disappeared without a trace.
"There has not. I have received no official communications, nor anyone claiming to speak of the Brevic church of Shelyn, or its interests." He replied. Indeed that this was a brevic church matter it was possible that there were other pressures in play, but he withheld that speculation for the moment. "This is not Brevoy, and while I do not pretend there is not Brevic influence, it is not anywhere near sufficient to change my mind." It was true, but there was also the possibility that if the Brevic branch was weighing their options ... well Valerie's family were brevic nobility and they might needle Jamandi which while still not going to change his mind would be a nuisance in and of itself. There was a knock on the door, "Well, we should return to the realm."
Arsinoe, the golden eyed cleric of Abadar, had arrived in the hall. She was not alone though, and Eire was a tade surprised at the small Numerian delegation that had added to part of those who hailed from Alkenstar in the south lands. It merely added another minor religious contingent to the equate. The small church of the minor goddess Brigh... who was apparently also affiliated with the matter of Taxfest. That was not of course the only interest in the bronze lady's faith.
Brigh was a goddess of artifice and knowledge. That ranged from metal working and stonemasons, very important to Narhold's needs it was not a particular evangelizing faith. She was worshipped by blacksmiths, and jewelers, humans and gnomes made up the bulk of her church, but there was representation aplenty of half elves and half orcs. Both of those were growing populations even if it was unlikely they weren't going to approach the human population in scale they did already outnumber gnomes and halflings.
It was rather transparent what Abadar's church hoped to gain by making such introductions. Favor. Brigh's church was interested in the developments of the realm... and being apart of such expansion of knowledge , and construction, the research and exploration, documentation to advance knowledge, and innovation... and of course he needed, Narhold needed more specialists, and that included craftsmen.
Kanerah glanced at him contemplatively, "Where will you put them?"
"Here most likely." Eire replied.
"And the Milanites?"
Milani's church... he had had considered constructing a shrine at Hereford, but, "New Colton," He replied, and he doubted there would be any issue between them and the faith of Irori who he expected would want to establish their own church. "I think that will better fit their needs," and of course it wasn't as if he intended to prohibit their continued use of the Cathedral if they were going to have their own place... well he had planned to place them at New Colton given the settlement's growth. "As for their request, I think here is what they're looking for." While he was willing to continue to permit their use of the Cathedral he didn't want to give the impression that he viewed Milani's church as just a cadet or subordinate wing of Iomedae's church
"The church of Abadar hopes for a place, or that you'll convince Oleg to permit them to build a temple." The Tiefling observed she moved long fingers around the rim of her glass.
"Or both." He agreed, "Arisnoe," The Aasimar cleric, "wheedles and deals well. She's been speaking with Dead Dave and I think her church also would like a place at Nettle's Crossing," but though it was still called that, the small hamlet was a part of the domain of Svetlanna's sister, and the fact was Kressel had more martial pursuits... she was more likely to welcome Milani's church into their small fief, and more like still Cayden Cailean. It was not a decision he was going to rush her to make. The truth was that the crossing was too small at the moment to require a decision. "How are preparations for the spring fair," the first major market day of the new year.... and really the first market day the kingdom would have to actually warrant distinction. Much as Shaoyu didn't want to hear about sheep flocks and anything related to farming they were of critical need to any feudal realm regardless of the progress they had made towards monetization.
Kesten Garress bowed, "The guard have received their new uniforms, my lord, and," The disgraced brevic noble paused stumbling over his next words, "We should be prepared for the fair."
"I am aware of the manpower shortages Kesten." Eire remarked. The guard was a formal institution but it was a capital institution and even without the trolls Kesten had in no way been prepared for the degree of immigration, the volume of people arriving from the south. Add the troll problem into that Garress's guards had been overworked over the course of the winter, and the uniforms were partially compensation of sorts. The barony providing them with spare sets of clothes was bonus that wouldn't have been common outside of more prosperous more establish realms... though for different reasons. "That will be a priority in the coming year."
Valerie's expression suggested it was more than that. The realm was expanding, and while it was perhaps not appropriate to ... go straight to kingship... much he more or less already regarded it... he was apetty king, and duke was probably a more appropriate title in the Taldan sense. "and as the realm grows, given matters with the lizard folk we need to raise a more permanent host."
Hargulka had had encounters with the Longtails's rivals... and if not for his food shortages had been looking to impose his will, and establish overlordship over the more belligerent tribe. The thick skin tribe was a thorn in the south to be dealt with as the days warmed... but the faire was first... and there was the chance that any steppe migration coming west, or one that was coming south and east from numeria might supersede that depending on details that they couldn't predict.
If anything Valerie was concerned about steppe nomad as she was at the possibility of monstrous humanoids being a threat to the realm. The reality of the faire's security was that it was likely to be fairly safe given the presence of everyone. "If anything I believe it is the opportune moment to integrate both the long tails, and now the trolls further into the kingdom," And hopefully cement peace. The old scyamore's communities were regular facets at Shrikewall... the kobolds more commonly so than the mites, but mitish crafts had begun to circulate in the markets as the small fae under the 'wolf queen' began expand their production in order to participate in the newly available markets. This was itself an important development become the silver mine was producing the silver that was minted into the silver currency by Shrikewall's mint for the barony. The coins had a hole in the middle to run a chord through which meant they were slightly larger than the brevic Link piece but was roughly the same purity and weight. The realm had had little reason to prioritize gold coin production though they had the taldan gold mines near old scyamore as well, and there were still plans to examine the hills for further precious metals.
Notes: So ordinarily I get quibbly over fantasy swords especially in DND, and adjacent fiction. I don't so much for Iomedae's icon, because its an icon and while a little larger than practical (In stark contrast to most sword art which are generally fuck off huge for some reason), and featuring a hilt type that is both ornate and in a style I ordinarily am not especially fond of Keren Rhinn has a very nice mostly practical sword design.
Taxfest, and a Pitaxian lackey aside there were countless other things also going on. There was an end to things. It always seemed that his attention was always called to investigate some new development. Eire was looking at the eastern, and very poorly defined, boundary of his domain as Perlivash the faerie dragon continued to chatter on about his kind who inhabited the area around lake silver step.
The lake was technically within his domain. It was on his side of the border... which seemed to be mostly defined by natural features like the rivers, and by the Tors... that or Restov had drawn up the charters using a crooked map and drawn a line more or less straight south from Fort Serenko on the south Rostlandic road and worked from there. He wasn't even entirely sure that Fort Serenko had been built on the Brevic side of the border when he looked at some of the maps that existed... cartography issues though were not the matter at hand.
It was not the faerie dragons that concerned him. It wasn't the alleged great wyrm who's foot had made the lake.... which he was skeptical of. It was the normal sized silver dragon population of dragons that inhabited the area... which was the reason he was contemplating a visit to the Lake. That would not be today though. "Excuse me Perlivash." Valerie interrupted, and the faerie dragon fluttered back a respectful distance ceding the floor. "Has there been any word from the Temple of Shelyn?"
Eire was ignorant of the precise contents of Valerie's response... and truthfully he had considered inquiring about the words that made it on the paper but it had not been a subject the blonde had wanted discussed... he had also considered inquiring around as to where Shelyn's church was building their temple... but he had stopped largely on the basis that it was in neither his own, nor Drelev's domain. It would have been in the charter boundaries of the Iron Wraiths, but they had disappeared without a trace.
"There has not. I have received no official communications, nor anyone claiming to speak of the Brevic church of Shelyn, or its interests." He replied. Indeed that this was a brevic church matter it was possible that there were other pressures in play, but he withheld that speculation for the moment. "This is not Brevoy, and while I do not pretend there is not Brevic influence, it is not anywhere near sufficient to change my mind." It was true, but there was also the possibility that if the Brevic branch was weighing their options ... well Valerie's family were brevic nobility and they might needle Jamandi which while still not going to change his mind would be a nuisance in and of itself. There was a knock on the door, "Well, we should return to the realm."
Arsinoe, the golden eyed cleric of Abadar, had arrived in the hall. She was not alone though, and Eire was a tade surprised at the small Numerian delegation that had added to part of those who hailed from Alkenstar in the south lands. It merely added another minor religious contingent to the equate. The small church of the minor goddess Brigh... who was apparently also affiliated with the matter of Taxfest. That was not of course the only interest in the bronze lady's faith.
Brigh was a goddess of artifice and knowledge. That ranged from metal working and stonemasons, very important to Narhold's needs it was not a particular evangelizing faith. She was worshipped by blacksmiths, and jewelers, humans and gnomes made up the bulk of her church, but there was representation aplenty of half elves and half orcs. Both of those were growing populations even if it was unlikely they weren't going to approach the human population in scale they did already outnumber gnomes and halflings.
It was rather transparent what Abadar's church hoped to gain by making such introductions. Favor. Brigh's church was interested in the developments of the realm... and being apart of such expansion of knowledge , and construction, the research and exploration, documentation to advance knowledge, and innovation... and of course he needed, Narhold needed more specialists, and that included craftsmen.
Kanerah glanced at him contemplatively, "Where will you put them?"
"Here most likely." Eire replied.
"And the Milanites?"
Milani's church... he had had considered constructing a shrine at Hereford, but, "New Colton," He replied, and he doubted there would be any issue between them and the faith of Irori who he expected would want to establish their own church. "I think that will better fit their needs," and of course it wasn't as if he intended to prohibit their continued use of the Cathedral if they were going to have their own place... well he had planned to place them at New Colton given the settlement's growth. "As for their request, I think here is what they're looking for." While he was willing to continue to permit their use of the Cathedral he didn't want to give the impression that he viewed Milani's church as just a cadet or subordinate wing of Iomedae's church
"The church of Abadar hopes for a place, or that you'll convince Oleg to permit them to build a temple." The Tiefling observed she moved long fingers around the rim of her glass.
"Or both." He agreed, "Arisnoe," The Aasimar cleric, "wheedles and deals well. She's been speaking with Dead Dave and I think her church also would like a place at Nettle's Crossing," but though it was still called that, the small hamlet was a part of the domain of Svetlanna's sister, and the fact was Kressel had more martial pursuits... she was more likely to welcome Milani's church into their small fief, and more like still Cayden Cailean. It was not a decision he was going to rush her to make. The truth was that the crossing was too small at the moment to require a decision. "How are preparations for the spring fair," the first major market day of the new year.... and really the first market day the kingdom would have to actually warrant distinction. Much as Shaoyu didn't want to hear about sheep flocks and anything related to farming they were of critical need to any feudal realm regardless of the progress they had made towards monetization.
Kesten Garress bowed, "The guard have received their new uniforms, my lord, and," The disgraced brevic noble paused stumbling over his next words, "We should be prepared for the fair."
"I am aware of the manpower shortages Kesten." Eire remarked. The guard was a formal institution but it was a capital institution and even without the trolls Kesten had in no way been prepared for the degree of immigration, the volume of people arriving from the south. Add the troll problem into that Garress's guards had been overworked over the course of the winter, and the uniforms were partially compensation of sorts. The barony providing them with spare sets of clothes was bonus that wouldn't have been common outside of more prosperous more establish realms... though for different reasons. "That will be a priority in the coming year."
Valerie's expression suggested it was more than that. The realm was expanding, and while it was perhaps not appropriate to ... go straight to kingship... much he more or less already regarded it... he was apetty king, and duke was probably a more appropriate title in the Taldan sense. "and as the realm grows, given matters with the lizard folk we need to raise a more permanent host."
Hargulka had had encounters with the Longtails's rivals... and if not for his food shortages had been looking to impose his will, and establish overlordship over the more belligerent tribe. The thick skin tribe was a thorn in the south to be dealt with as the days warmed... but the faire was first... and there was the chance that any steppe migration coming west, or one that was coming south and east from numeria might supersede that depending on details that they couldn't predict.
If anything Valerie was concerned about steppe nomad as she was at the possibility of monstrous humanoids being a threat to the realm. The reality of the faire's security was that it was likely to be fairly safe given the presence of everyone. "If anything I believe it is the opportune moment to integrate both the long tails, and now the trolls further into the kingdom," And hopefully cement peace. The old scyamore's communities were regular facets at Shrikewall... the kobolds more commonly so than the mites, but mitish crafts had begun to circulate in the markets as the small fae under the 'wolf queen' began expand their production in order to participate in the newly available markets. This was itself an important development become the silver mine was producing the silver that was minted into the silver currency by Shrikewall's mint for the barony. The coins had a hole in the middle to run a chord through which meant they were slightly larger than the brevic Link piece but was roughly the same purity and weight. The realm had had little reason to prioritize gold coin production though they had the taldan gold mines near old scyamore as well, and there were still plans to examine the hills for further precious metals.
Notes: So ordinarily I get quibbly over fantasy swords especially in DND, and adjacent fiction. I don't so much for Iomedae's icon, because its an icon and while a little larger than practical (In stark contrast to most sword art which are generally fuck off huge for some reason), and featuring a hilt type that is both ornate and in a style I ordinarily am not especially fond of Keren Rhinn has a very nice mostly practical sword design.