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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Blake: "You're safe, Weiss. NTR bastards never go for the bratty ojousamas first."
Weiss: "What's that supposed to mean?!"
Blake: "Now, someone like Pyrrha or Yang or Ruby? Totally in their strikezone! But...but NTR bastards can also go for aloof and nosy bookworms and foreigners...and...and I'm an aloof and nosy bookworm...and a foreigner..."

Ruby: *whispering* "M-me?"
Blake: *distracted* "Oh yeah, shortstack, tomboy, comes packaged with a big tiddy gyaru-"
Yang: "Oi."
Sky lark: I don't know what I just walked into. But I DO know that none of those words are in the Bible. Hold on I've been told what to do in this situation.

*Walks over to a glass case marked "in case of Blake break glass" and breaks it pulling out a squirt bottle*
Sanctuary 9 New
- - -

Isabel Arc stirred as the front door opened. In an instant, her faculties returned from her deep REM to fully aware. She enhanced her senses of scent and hearing and listened to the footsteps of the person entering the house. Her heart rate slowed and she relaxed as she recognized who it was in an instant.

She got out of bed and headed down the stairs, the red light of the late afternoon sky shining through the windows. She rushed down the steps, every creak and pop comfortingly familiar, dashed through the living room and right into the kitchen.


Nick smiled at her happily, sitting down at the table. He was filthy, his hair askew, his beard dusty, his clothing covered in dirt and leaves. He set down a leather messenger bag on the table with care though-As though it held something precious.

Lilac thoughtfully poured her father a jug of beer, which he downed happily. While he did that, Isabel hugged him-Something he returned with one massive arm as he drank deep.

"Haaa... Beer, hugs, home: Best things ever," Nick chuckled as he finished. He kissed his wife, as Lilac thoughtfully took the mug and turned away in embarrassment at her parents' show of affection.

"Mmm... You all right?" Isabel asked urgently. Nick nodded.

"I'm fine. Had to take down a few Griffons."

Isabel's eyes shot wide open. Her jaw dropped. Lilac dropped her mug and gaped at her father in shock.

"Griffons?!" They both gasped. Nick nodded.

"Yup. They were pretty tough. Carolina was able to take out their wings with the 50 Cal and Caboose used the rocket launchers to keep them grounded. Damn hard to fight them until we got them on the ground." He brightened. "Then I just hacked them apart with Joxeuse here!"

He patted his trusty railgun sword as it hung off his back. Isabel groaned in exasperation.

"NICK! Why didn't you get me?!"

"Wasn't time," Nick grunted, "They were going to attack Spondel. You couldn't get there that fast and they weren't gonna wait. Sides, you needed your sleep!"

"Why were you in Spondel?!" Isabel demanded, "That's thirty minutes away!"

"Well, we've culled the majority of the Grimm around Radian," Nick said with a shrug, "They called for aid. I wasn't gonna ignore them, Izzy! Not with so many of our best fighters off in Vale!"

Isabel groaned. As much as she might call her husband an idiot, he was perfectly logical when it came to combat.

"Still... Griffons. We haven't seen those around Radian in almost a century," she shuddered.

"Are more of them coming, Dad?" Lilac asked urgently. Nick smiled at his daughter and reached out to squeeze her hand comfortingly.

"Nah. The National Guard's finally in place with their anti-Grimm batteries around the Valley. We should be all right."

Isabel sighed in relief.

"Still, I wish I was with you," she muttered, touching her forehead to Nick's.

"Me too," Nick said with a nod, "I could have thrown you at them, and you could have torn their wings off. Like when we fought that Garuda in Jaipur. Remember?"

"Which one?" Isabel deadpanned, recalling the several battles they had fought to liberate the kingdom of Pandu with their old teammates Prince Arjun and Saia, "We fought three, then the REALLY big one King Duryodhana summoned right in Hastinapur."

Nick hummed and nodded. A furious battle in the middle of a major metropolitan city against a gigantic flying demon Grimm under the control of a mad despot did tend to stick in one's memory.

"Good point. Man, was he a jerk. It wasn't even fun to fight him after a while." Nick held his hands up. "He was all like 'It is useless to resist my power! You have supported Arjun in vain! I am a god and you are mere insects!'"

Isabel managed a giggle at her husband's bad impression.

"He was quite the blowhard," she agreed, "No wonder his own Grimm ate him: Anything to shut him up."

"Yeah, but Arjun totally got the win," Nick nodded, "He hit him last. It's only fair."

Isabel sighed.

"Any word from them?"

Nick's good mood soured and he became a bit pensive. Lilac poured him another beer, which he nodded his thanks to before drinking.

"Radio's picking up some messages. CCT net gets some updates. I hope Orchid's work fixes it soon, cause what I've seen is bad."

Isabel steadied her nerves with her Semblance.

"How bad?" She asked.

Nick heaved a long sigh.

"Jaipur got attacked by one of the factions in Mistral's civil war."

Isabel's lips thinned as Lilac gasped. Jaipur was the biggest trading city between Pandu and Mistral, and one of the busiest ports in the world. It was the gateway to Anima for much of the planet.


Nick scowled.

"A Mistralian air battleship attacked with missiles. Hundreds are dead at least, and the walls were deliberately breached in many key areas. They also herded Grimm in to assault the city before they were shot down."

Isabel's jaw dropped.

"That's... Insane," she muttered, "The factions in Mistral need support of other kingdoms to win this civil war. Using Grimm like this will just alienate everyone or make the conflict worse! The only reason you'd do that is..."

Her eyes widened in realization.

"If that's what you wanted to happen," she whispered.

Nick nodded. Lilac moved closer. Isabel reached out to squeeze her hand comfortingly.

"Arjun thinks the same thing," Nick said quietly. "He's getting yelled at by his entire Council to retaliate against all the factions in Mistral, since they're all claiming they didn't do it. But given this happened right after the Vytal attack... He thinks it's a false flag."

"But Mistral's still at war," Isabel sighed, "Which means that the next attack may not be a false flag and it will drag them and every other semi-independent kingdom into it anyway."

"Mm," Nick nodded slowly.

"I don't understand why any humans would do this! This chaos across the entire world all at once doesn't benefit anyone!" Isabel scowled thoughtfully. "It's like something out of the old legends. The Witch Queen of Argus claimed she had a darker, more dread master who wanted to overthrow the world of Men and Faunus..."

"So did Duryodhana, before he died," Nick said gravely. Isabel shook her head.

"At the time I thought he was just insane. All the things he'd done to himself for power... But now..."

Isabel scoffed.

"Not that the words of a thousand year old legend or a dead madman would count for anything."

"We... Have some witnesses from the Vytal attack," Lilac said carefully.

Isabel and Nick looked at her. Lilac shrugged. Isabel nodded slowly.

"We do," she agreed, "But... How much weight will a few teenagers' words have when an entire continent is at war?"

"Arjun would listen," Nick said brightly. Isabel gave her husband a deadpan look.

"Arjun will need proof."

"We'll see what we can do," he said, "We just have to ask them, maybe get their Scrolls and look through the information, maybe go back and see-"

"Nick!" Isabel growled. "They have been fighting for their lives for weeks now! Fighting even though I told you not to put them in! Especially Jaune!"

Nick nodded.

"They needed the rest, I don't disagree," he said, "But we needed the help, Izzy." He brightened in pride.

"You should have seen Jaune! He led his people so well! They never hesitated to obey an order! He threw himself into the thick of it and kicked so much butt! It's amazing how far he's come-"

Isabel rose out of Nick's lap and glared angrily at him.

"He is our son!"

"And he's chosen his path," Nick said calmly. "I'm letting his friends rest and relax because they need it... But they're going to go back out into the fight eventually, Izzy. You know this. He lost too much to stay away."

The healer and the paladin stared at one another. Isabel's gaze was tight, anxious, and angry. Nick's was grave but serene. After a tense silence Isabel sighed deeply.

"Maybe," she muttered, "But I don't have to accept it."

Nick nodded, as Lilac turned away to mind her own business at the sink.

"I know."

Isabel looked out the window. A familiar group of Hunters-in-Training were riding a wagon down the road into the farm.

She hurried out the side door to greet them. She smiled as the outdoor lights came out, illuminating the group in the horse drawn wagon as they came up the drive.

"Hey! How did... You... Do...?"

Jaune stepped out first, covered in blue feathers, grass and dirt. The rest of the teens looked similarly disheveled and exhausted-Save for Nora, who wore a crown of blue feathers around her head.

"... Choux birds?" Isabel guessed, and even with her Semblance of Total Body Control, it was difficult not to giggle.

"Yup," Jaune stated flatly.

Isabel sighed.

"Well, it could have been worse," she said. She beamed.

"And I think you've all earned a reward!"

"Do we get to fry the little bastards up with oil?" Neptune growled.

"No, but even better!" Isabel cheered. "Hot springs!"

"Hot springs?" Everyone not an Arc echoed in confusion.

- - -

Isabel got them a few piles of soap and towels and led them into the nearest stand of trees by the farmhouse. They walked down a dirty path lined with stone lanterns, which Isabel lit with a Fire Dust lighter as they passed each one.

They finally came to a small clearing where a small Fuujin-style building stood. It was boxy and made of dark wood timbers which framed white walls. The faint aroma of sulfur in hot water drifted over their noses.

"A bathhouse?" Neptune asked in immediate interest. Isabel nodded with a nostalgic smile on her face.

"Yes. This was my father Jonathan's wedding present to my mother, Elizabeth, when they built the farmhouse. The Arcs have a lot of relatives from Fuujin thanks to my great-grandfather Kiritsugu Arc. This is just one of many bathhouses they built across the valley thanks to the hot springs in the area."

"Wow," Ruby murmured, "I've only seen these in Mistralian animes!"

Yang opened her mouth but Isabel gave her a smile.

"It's all right. Your arm's waterproofing just had to set. You'll be all right."

"YEAH!" Nora cheered. "This'll be like that time we rested in those hotsprings with those monkeys who used tools! Remember that, Renny?"

"Unfortunately," Ren deadpanned.

"Um," May flushed, "Will it... I mean... Will we all be... Uh...?"

Neptune was practically chomping at the bit. Cardin flushed and tried not to look Velvet's way. The rabbit Faunus also blushed but was smiling softly at her boyfriend. Arslan was glaring death at Neptune, while Yang moved closer to Ruby. Jaune was carefully covering his mouth with his hand and coughing.

"It's small but very comfortable," Isabel went on. She then gave Neptune a knowing look. "And segregated by sex."

"Wha-Oh," Neptune drooped in disappointment. Arslan held up a hand to strike him. "N-No! No! That's cool! That's-Totally cool, Mrs. Arc!"

Jaune choked back a little laugh. Ruby and Yang snorted as well. Ren smirked very slightly. Arslan lowered her hand as Neptune sulked a bit.

"Now, girls to the right, boys to the left," Isabel ordered, as she pressed some Lightning Dust into an electrical receptacle and the entire bathhouse lit up, "Get washed up, grab your towels, and dive in!"

- - -

On the men's side, Jaune slid into the hot water with a soft sigh. The warm waters of the hot springs just seemed to ease his stress away as he sank down and sat on the cement bench. It wasn't a huge bath-The female side out of necessity took up about two-thirds of the available space, as evident by the tall wooden wall separating them-But it was roomy enough for about ten men to not get uncomfortable. It was also open air for the moment, and he looked up at the stars as they shone down through the gaps in the trees.

"As much as I appreciate this, Jaune," Neptune grumbled, sitting down near the lone rock in the center of the bath, "Your mom is no fun. I mean, Mistralian hot springs are all about appreciating the beauty of the female form in its natural glory!"

"You do realize his mom and his sisters are over there, right?" Cardin asked, sitting down in one of the deeper parts of the bath as he scowled at the blue haired young man, "And my girlfriend?"

"I wouldn't peep at her!" Neptune protested with his hands up, "I mean, not much!"

Cardin glared and lifted a fist. Neptune waved his hands.

"I mean... I'm only joking! Really!"

"Yeah, it's fine," Jaune said with a nod, "But can you tone it down a little, Neptune?"

Neptune frowned. Ren slid into the bath and began to meditate in silence. Neptune sighed.

"Yeah. Sure," he mumbled. "Just... I dunno... I miss my team, ya know? I don't know if they're alive or dead and-"

He immediately looked over at Jaune, his eyes wide in realization.

"Shit, Jaune, I didn't mean-"

"I get it," Jaune grunted, his eyes downcast. His neck was tense and his fists clenched. Ren too became tense. Cardin grit his teeth and glared at Neptune. The blue haired young man opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, then looked down at his hands in the hot water. He sighed.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"It's hard on all of us," Ren said calmly. "It will... Take time to heal."

"I just... It's so unreal," Neptune continued, unable to meet anyone's eyes, "One minute, everything's fine. We lost the tournament but... Ya know... We did our best. Then everything... Everything... It all falls apart."

He gripped his knees tightly.

"... I thought I knew where I stood with my team," he muttered, "Sure, Sun would always run off to do his own goddamned thing, but in a fight? There was no one more dependable... Until now."

Neptune glared at the water. It began to swirl around him in a small whirlpool.

"My best friend ran off on me. All just for a girl. In the middle of a fucking war. That's the kind of shit even I wouldn't do," Neptune growled, "Not in the middle of a disaster! Okay, I'm a horndog! I admit it! But you don't just... Just abandon your friends in a fight for pussy!"

The water churned angrily, becoming frothy. Neptune shut his eyes.

"Now I don't know if that bastard's alive or dead! I don't know about anyone else! I don't know and it's pissing me off and I can't do SHIT ABOUT IT! I can't even joke and lighten the fucking mood properly! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, ALL RIGHT?!"

The waters surged up around him, before falling away. Neptune panted hard with his eyes shut tightly. He tried to regain his calm.

He felt a hand touch his shoulder. He started and looked up. Jaune stood there with his towel tied securely around his waist. His face was stony but he was forcing his calm calm.

"I know," he said quietly. "I know."

Neptune grimaced then looked away. He let Jaune's hand linger for a few moments longer, before brushing it off.

"Come on. Despite what Scarlet says, I'm not interested in anything involving men in a bathhouse," he muttered.

He looked back up. Jaune smirked a little.

"You do try a little too hard," he observed.

"Yeah, you compensating for something, Neptune?" Cardin asked with a toothy grin. "Miss your boyfriends?"

"Oh fuck off, I'll have you know I've gotten more women than any of you combined!" Neptune shot back with a scowl, but on the inside there was a smile. "Beacon was just a rough patch for me!"

"Sure it was," Jaune said as he walked back, "That why you couldn't dance with Weiss until I made you?"

"I uh... Well..." Neptune shrugged, "Again. I was thrown off. She came on so aggressively! I'm not into that, which is why Arslan and I will only be friends... Unless she drops the tsundere act."

"I get the feeling she sees you as an annoying little brother," Jaune said, "And given how many siblings I have? It's a familiar sight."

"Ha!" Neptune laughed, "I'll win her over! And May! And Orchid-Okay maybe not her," he amended at Jaune's glare, "You can't begrudge me dreams of having a harem, bro! Not with your record!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jaune stated flatly. Neptune scoffed.

"Come on! Ruby's all over you! Weiss couldn't stop talking about you just before we broke up! Yang, I mean, she clings to you and Pyrrha..."

He trailed off at the angry look on Jaune's face. He bowed his head.

"Fuck," he muttered, "I'm sorry..."

Jaune grit his teeth and worked his jaw. Ren reached out to rest a hand on his forearm. Jaune stilled, but the fury was still in his eyes.

Cardin sighed.

"Yeah... Well..."

Nick Arc chose this moment to bound into the bath, his towel secure around his waist.


He jumped in, causing a massive splash that drenched every man in the bath. Jaune rose out of the water sputtering.


"What?" Nick grinned through his now very wet beard, "It's a bath! You jump into baths!"

"Don't make me throw you out again, dear!" Isabel shouted over the wall. Nick huffed, sat down, and crossed his arms like a petulant child.

"Hmph... Just wanted to have some fun," he muttered. He shook his head and looked at the scowling boys. He brightened.

"Rough day?" He asked.

"For some of us," Cardin grunted, glaring at Neptune. Neptune winced.

"I'm sorry. Really," he emphasized. "Just... Kind of lost without my friends."

"Well, good news!" Nick said cheerfully, "I have news about that! And some for you too, Cardin!"

Neptune and Cardin instantly perked up.

"Really, Mr. Arc?" Cardin asked. Nick nodded.

"Yup! It's a big mess without the CCT but we've got volunteers at the city hall and Militia HQ writing down radio messages. I've got the handwritten ones back at the house but I memorized a few about your friends when we got responses!"

"That's great, Dad!" Jaune said with a tight smile, "Anything from Atlas? Or-Or Menagerie?"

"Some," Nick allowed, "I had to tell your mom them too, she'll be telling the girls. Anyway! The Jolly Roger, Scarlet's dad's ship, has joined the Valean Defense Forces and has been assigned to defend against any further attacks from the White Fang. Scarlet and Sage are aboard and just fine."

Neptune sighed in relief.

"Anything about Sun?"

Nick frowned and shook his head.

"Nothing beyond him going to Menagerie. Sorry about that."

"No, no, that's great news," Neptune grinned, immediately looking like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

"Anything from Vale about my family?" Cardin asked urgently. Nick turned and nodded to him.

"Turns out Councilman Winchester is one of the few survivors of the Valean Council. He's been organizing defenses, leading the survivors, trying to do diplomatic... Stuff... He's just fine. Nothing about your mother or sister though." He frowned.


Cardin shook his head, managing a little smile.

"No... It's okay. They were both out of the country at the time-They should be all right. I'm just glad to hear my dad's all right."

"I always liked his speeches," Nick mused, "Very violent! He smashed the podium one time! Definitely not boring!"

The absurdity made Jaune scowl.

"Wha-Since when do you watch politics, Dad?" Jaune asked in disbelief. Nick grumbled.

"Your mother makes me watch during election years. Hmph." He looked to his son.

"As for your other friends? We think Weiss made it to Atlas. They've sealed their borders and gone to AlerCon 2 though, so news is hard to come by. Mistral's in full on civil war right now and all of Anima's up in arms, so they're obviously busy."

"I see," Jaune murmured, "At least she's all right... Probably."

Nick nodded. He clapped his hands.

"Well now... Enough doom and gloom. This is a place to relax! Duty will still be there in the morning. But we must rest to remember what we fight for."

Ren nodded in approval. Cardin grinned. Neptune's smile became much more relaxed.

Jaune managed a small smile at his father, who even now looked like a wise, skilled warrior of old. He was half the reason he wanted to become a Huntsman in the first place, after all. These moments where he was every bit like their forebears. The Arc Knights of old.

"To start with..." Nick slid next to Cardin with a grin. He clapped him on the shoulder. "So! How did you and Velvet hook up? She's a real cutie and a spitfire! Reminds me of Izzy when we started dating!"

... An Arc Knight of old who was gossiping like a teenaged girl. Jaune grimaced. Cardin sputtered.

"Uh, um, w-well uh... It kind of started when I pulled on her ears-"

"Oh! She's into that sort of thing, huh?"

"N-NO!" A pause. "Sort of?"

"Dad!" Jaune groaned.

"Come now Jaune! As fellow men, we must salute our brother in achieving the dream of many," Nick said, holding a fist up in the air while crying manly tears, "Dating a hot girl who is also a powerful warrior! Girls who can't kick your ass are boring! Isn't that right honey?"

"Absolutely!" Isabel shouted back. Neptune paled.

"Can... They hear everything we're saying?" He muttered.

"Just me!" Nick laughed. "Whispering's for DORKS!"

- - -

Hot Springs Part 2 will come soon. Everyone will be in towels, there will be nothing sexual about it, so let's all stay cool. Worse comes to worse I'll post the girls' side on QQ only.
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Why is Jaune not angry? In canon he was fucking furious, and now here his parents are rubbing it in his face that they were right - he never should have beeen a huntsman and Phyrra is dead because of it. He should be alternating between being suicidal, angry at himself, and telling them to go fuck themselves.

Why the fuck are we having feel good times when there should be actual stakes and drama? Why is the fact at least two of Jaune's sisters got to be huntresses or huntress adjacent while he canonically didn't even fucking know what aura was not actually being examined?

I'm sorry, but this entire story feels hollow. It feels like Yang and Jaune being two seconds from killing and/or fucking each other bloody should have been the START of this story, and instead it fizzled out into nothing.

Edit: Even the characters who are having appropriate reactions like Neptune in this chapter feel like they are being drowned in sugar. It doesn't connect like it should.
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Why is Jaune not angry? In canon he was fucking furious, and now here his parents are rubbing it in his face that they were right - he never should have beeen a huntsman and Phyrra is dead because of it. He should be alternative between suicidal, angry at himself, and telling them to go fuck themselves.

Why the fuck are we having feel good times when there should be actual stakes and drama? Why is the fact at least two of Jaune's sisters got to be huntresses or huntress adjacent while he canonically didn't even fucking know what aura was not actually being examined?

I'm sorry, but this entire story feels hollow. It feels like Yang and Jaune being two seconds from killing or fucking each other bloody should have been the START of this story, and instead it fizzled out into nothing.

Edit: Even the characters who are having appropriate reactions like Neptune in this chapter feel like they are being drowned in sugar. It doesn't connect like it should.

Because going through actual grief and loss has good days and bad days. Nick and Izzy are handling Jaune carefully. They have some idea of what he's going through here and are trying to be supportive. Nick let Jaune lead his team and fight to defend Radian for two weeks. He's now supposed to rest.

And he's trying but the anger is there. He's just trying to hide it. To get along for everyone else's sake.

Secretly he is planning to get his revenge. He still wants it. He's going to get it. But he's putting his team ahead of himself while he tries to conceal his pain. Something Yang will call him out on.

Things are not resolved instantly. It's just a lull because dealing with grief is not one and done. So all I can ask is for patience.
Because going through actual grief and loss has good days and bad days. Nick and Izzy are handling Jaune carefully. They have some idea of what he's going through here and are trying to be supportive. Nick let Jaune lead his team and fight to defend Radian for two weeks. He's now supposed to rest.

And he's trying but the anger is there. He's just trying to hide it. To get along for everyone else's sake.

Secretly he is planning to get his revenge. He still wants it. He's going to get it. But he's putting his team ahead of himself while he tries to conceal his pain. Something Yang will call him out on.

Things are not resolved instantly. It's just a lull because dealing with grief is not one and done. So all I can ask is for patience.
How are they "handling Jaune carefully" now, when his backstory is full of them absolutely failing to do that for his entire childhood?

My main problem is that he seems to just be submitting himself to them with no friction as if he never left home.

Isabel and Nick have not changed (because they had no reason to) but Jaune HAS. He ran away from home, stole a family relic, forged (or paid a criminal to forge) fake transcripts to get himself into Beacon, and then found out his best friend was in love with him two seconds before she locked him in a locker and committed glorified suicide because of the martyr/hero complex he never even realized she had.

The closest we've gotten to what SHOULD be their new relationship was in the first chapter when Jaune and Nick were butting heads over how long Jaune had been working and again a few chapters ago when Isabel started having a character appropriate freak out that her cripple-baby actually asserted himself and is training to be a warrior behind her back.

Its not about everything being solved. I'm talking about the opposite. There should be ragged edges in every sentence of this story, but they aren't there. In this very chapter Jaune was acting buddy-buddy with his father as if he was visiting home with his wife Phyrra and their three children, instead of having every single interaction with him drown in the self-hatred and resentment he SHOULD be feeling for his parents basically 24/7 at this point.

He hasn't "concealed his pain," his pain has disappeared from the story. He should be forcing smiles, gritting his teeth, clenching his fists until his nails bite into his palms, getting lost in PTSD flashbacks he cannot control mid-sentence, not acting like a mildly embarrassed college kid visiting his family farm on spring break.
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How are they "handling Jaune carefully" now, when his backstory is full of them absolutely failing to do that for his entire childhood?

My main problem is that he seems to just be submitting himself to them with no friction as if he never left home.

Isabel and Nick have not changed (because they had no reason to) but Jaune HAS. He ran away from home, stole a family relic, forged (or paid a criminal to forge) fake transcripts to get himself into Beacon, and then found out his best friend was in love with him two seconds before she locked him in a locker and committed glorified suicide because of the martyr/hero complex he never even realized she had.

The closest we've gotten to what SHOULD be their new relationship was in the first chapter when Jaune and Nick were butting heads over how long Jaune had been working and again a few chapters ago when Isabel started having a character appropriate freak out that her cripple-baby actually asserted himself and is training to be a warrior behind her back.

Is not about everything being solved. I'm talking about the opposite. There should be ragged edges in every sentence of this story, but they aren't there. In this very chapter Jaune was acting buddy-buddy with his father as if he was visiting home with his wife Phyrra and their three children, instead of having every single interaction with him drown in the self-hatred and resentment he SHOULD be feeling for his parents basically 24/7 at this point.

He hasn't "concealed his pain," his pain has disappeared from the story. He should be forcing smiles, gritting his teeth, clenching his fists until his nails bite into his palms, getting lost in PTSD flashbacks he cannot control mid-sentence, not acting like a mildly embarrassed college kid visiting his family farm on spring break.

I've been trying to portray it as Jaune is holding himself back for his team. For everyone. It's leading to a slow burn. If you want Jaune to explode it will happen because he can't do that forever. But at no point has Jaune been buddy buddy with his parents. He has gone along with them for now due to them being busy, but if they're at home more then the tension will rise.

As for Yang? The fuck or fight moment is also coming. But it has to be built up to naturally. So again all I can ask is patience.
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Jaune SI BS 15: Breakfast Woes New
Jaune and Yang met in a nightclub downtown one night. They danced and had fun... But Yang's mind was elsewhere.

So they took a break and sat down at a table to talk.

Jaune's Brain: Weird, I'm not deafened. I can actually listen to dialogue in a loud place. Huh!

Yang: "Man... Didn't know you had good footwork on the dance floor too!"

Jaune: "Seven sisters. Endless dancing lessons when they needed a partner."

Yang: "Heh! It shows!" She beams

Jaune: "You self-taught?"

Yang: "I mean I got some lessons from Sister Lavender at the church."

Jaune: "Really? You're a Table Breaker?"

Yang: "I mean... Sort of? Mom... Summer... Was devout. Dad? Not so much. We went when he was... Not well. Free meals every Sunday and Ruby loved her little dresses."

Jaune: nods

Yang: "You?"

Jaune: "My dad is a Paladin in the church. Mom goes and encouraged us to join too but she's less devout. Comes from being a doctor, I suspect."

Yang: "Heh... Does it bother you?"

Jaune: "Nah. And relax, I'm not gonna try to convert you or anything."

Yang: "I know."

They sip their drinks.

Yang: "Hey... Uh... Ruby wanted me to apologize."

Jaune: "For what?"

Yang: sighs "I uh... Well, when she mentioned you two were baking I uh... I got a little..."

Jaune: "Come on Yang. You being shy is cute sometimes but I also like my gal to be her fiery self."

Yang: sighs "I was a little jealous of my little sister. So, you know... She said I should sort my shit out." Glares "She didn't cuss until she met you, Sergeant Sewermouth."

Jaune: "I learned from my father that it's the only way to command. A leader who doesn't curse isn't fit to run a burger joint according to him."

Yang: "He's a Paladin of the Church?"

Jaune: "Well he never takes the Lord's name in vain, everything else just requires some penance and prayer. It's how he became a Paladin!"

Yang: giggles "You know... I am sorry if I've been a little, uh... What's the word Blake used?"

Jaune: "Yandere?"

Yang: "Yeah, that."

Jaune: "Nah. Weiss and Blake's heads aren't in a trash bin, you're okay. Still... Am I doing anything to make you worry so much, Yang?"

Yang: "No! ... Well..." grimace "I mean, I've... Gone out with boys before. Some real jerks who changed their tune the second I hit puberty. Some sleazebags who made friends with Ruby just to get a chance with me. But the second I didn't want to go all the way because of Ruby, well... They just ran off. You... You're just... Different."

Jaune: "Good different?"

Yang: grins "You're like... Well... A man."

Jaune: "Good start."

Yang: "Heh. You know what I mean. You don't strut like Neptune or try hard like Sun. You keep your cool in a fight and... I dunno... Do dad stuff. Or what a dad is supposed to do."

Jaune: "Well... Thank you?"

Yang: "You really need to learn how to take a compliment. But yeah... I just saw how the others started to eye you. Blake started sniffing around. Weiss, well... She's in denial but she clearly likes you. And Pyrrha..."

Jaune: "Yeah, she's... It's complicated."

Yang: "And well... One's a rich heiress. Another is a Faunus princess. Pyrrha's a celebrity champion-"

Jaune: "And you're you, Yang. You're a kickass fighter and biker chick who loves her little sister and is a great cook! You can be feminine, soft and warm and fiery and smashy! I mean... I love that you don't fit into a box. You're you, Yang. And I'm an old-fashioned guy: You don't have to worry about me straying."

Yang blushes deeply. She looks deeply into his eyes.

Yang: "I know. I'm... Not so worried about you."

Jaune: "Listen. We've just started dating." He squeezes her hands "All right? I care for you."

Yang: "You also love the others."

Jaune: sighs "I'm never living that down, am I? I mean philia, friendship or family love. Though..."

Yang: "Though?"

Jaune: sighs "I mean... It's not like I haven't noticed. I swear, there isn't a single bad looking woman here. And well... Urgh... Headmaster Ozpin's got me schmoozing with female transfer students... And Pyrrha well. She kind of confessed to me."

Yang: tenses

Jaune: "I made it clear we're together, and she accepted it. I just want you to know so we don't have any stupid misunderstandings. You are my girlfriend, Yang, and I'm your boyfriend. That's not going to change unless we decide to break up or..."

Yang: "Or?"

Jaune: smiles "Or we get married."

Yang: flush "Heh... With a dozen kids?"

Jaune: blush "Er, it's... An Arc thing... Only if we get that far. I'm not in a hurry and... And I want to build a future together. With someone who wants that with me, too."

Yang: "G-Geez... You know... If anyone else said that, I'd say it was corny as hell."

Jaune: "And... So?"

Yang: "It's still corny as hell..." She slides up against him and nuzzles him "But it works for you."

Jaune: "Heh, thanks." He nuzzles her back

Yang: "Still... You know, with all this female attention, another guy might be tempted to try and make a harem."

Jaune: "One, that kind of shit works ONLY if everyone is in the know and agrees to it and even then, it would be hard. Two? Only an idiot would cheat on women who could beat the shit out of him with superpowers."

Yang: giggles "I'm not hearing a no to the harem part though."

Jaune: "You're also not hearing a yes."

Yang: "Heheh... Like I said. Dad energy."

Jaune: "I have only just begun to tap into it. For instance: I tried to date two women named Kate and Edith. They found out and we broke up. Which just proves you can't have your Kate and Edith too."

Yang: "HAHAHA! Did you hear about the new dating site that matches women up with construction workers?"

Jaune: "Nope!"

Yang: "It's called Studfinder."

Jaune: "Hahahaha!"

Militia and Melanie stare over at them.

Militia: "Can we kick them out?"

Melanie: "They aren't starting trouble."

Militia: "But those puns!"

Melanie: "I don't know... Her boyfriend's kind of cute. Maybe we could steal him from her?"

Militia: "I like my teeth where they are, thank you very much."

Jaune did have more cooking skills than me, but I had more experience. So together, we-I mean, I-was able to cook breakfast for the teams pretty successfully almost every day.

Bonding with food was a great way to help solidify bonds, and hopefully it would help Ruby out with her team, too. Especially since I invited her to help me cook a lot.

Today's breakfast was crepes... And at Ruby's insistence, we made some of them into dessert crepes.

Nora: gasp "You made like... A thin pancake and transformed it into a burrito for fruit, ice cream, and chocolate?!"

Jaune: "Yes."

Nora: eyes shining "What is your church so I may worship the creator of this amazingness?!"

Jaune: "One step at a time, Nora."

Nora: "Oh, so there's an initiation thing?"

Jaune: "Something like that..."

Weiss: "I think I'll take one with yogurt, fruit and nuts please? My teeth hurt just looking at them."

Jaune: "Sure thing, Weiss."

Ruby: "That's how you know it's tasty!"

Weiss: "Do you know the LD50 for sugar, Ruby?"

Ruby: "Ugh, no! And why do people keep asking me that?!"

Nora devours the crepe eagerly. She looks to Jaune.

Nora: "Can I have seconds, Jaune? Please? Pretty please?"

Jaune: "Sure!" He prepares another... And notices that Ren is a bit tense.

Jaune's Brain: Shit... I've got to be a bro to Ren. I'm not some NTR protagonist, no thank you!

Jaune: "And I'll teach Ren how to do it for you too."

Nora: gasp "REALLY?!"

Jaune: "Sure will!" smiles "He's your number one guy for breakfast, after all."

Nora: "In general!" hugs Ren "Will you learn how to make these fancy pancake tacos for me, Renny? Will you?"

Ren: ghost of a smile "I will."

Nora: "YAY!"

Nora eats happily. Ren takes his own crepe and nods gratefully to Jaune. Jaune just smiles back.

Jaune's Brain: Screw those ArcNora shippers. This is too precious to ever want to break up...

Yang: "Hey! Your beautiful girlfriend wants breakfast, Jaune~!"

Blake: "Mmph..."

Pyrrha: "Please don't forget me either?"

Jaune: "Hang on, hang on..." He gives Yang and Pyrrha crepes with some ham, eggs and fried veggies "There you go, perfect protein starter pack for my beautiful girlfriend and partner, and..." Blake perks up at her crepe "A salmon egg and potato hash for our resident cat ninja."

Ruby: "Should have put in more syrup!"

Jaune: "I didn't put in any."

Ruby: "Exactly!" pouts

Jaune: "Easy Ruby. You're starting to sound like Nora."

Nora: "What's wrong with that?"

Jaune: "Nothing... But it would get confusing."

Nora: "How? I mean, I'm an actual ginger and she's just a pretend redhead!"

Ruby: "WHAT?! I am too a redhead! Just... Um... A dark one!"

Nora: "Nuh uh! I'm gingeriffic! I have gingervitis!"

Ruby: "That's not a real thing! Just like LD50 or whatever!"

Weiss sighs. She eats her breakfast and looks at Jaune.

Weiss: "You know... It's actually pretty good."

Jaune: "Thanks."

Weiss: huffs a little "My father would have a conniption if he saw me eating this fare."

Jaune: "So... Seconds?"

Weiss: small smile "If you please?"

Jaune turns to the stove... And Mint is standing there.

Jaune: "GAH! How'd you get in here?!"

Mint: points at Ruby's ice cream laden crepe, then at herself

Jaune: "Oh... You want some?"

The disguised Neo nods. Jaune sighs and switches to sign language.

Jaune: "<Just give me a minute. What toppings do you want?>"

Mint blinks, then signs back:

Mint: "<All of them.>"

Jaune: "Makes it easy..."

Ruby: "Oh! Hey new friend! Welcome! Do you like crepes too?"

Mint: smiles

Jaune: "Nuts about them."

Weiss: "You can't just come in here uninvited-!"

Jaune: "It's cool Weiss. I take it as a compliment when random people come in to ask for my cooking."

Ruby: "Ooh, me too!"

Pyrrha has a wary look on her face. Yang scowls as Mint seems to hover all over Jaune.

Jaune finally finishes the crepes with icecream and toppings, and hands it to Mint.

Jaune: "Here you go."

Mint takes a few licks... Bites... Then finishes it all with gusto. She beams at him.

Jaune: "Another?"

Mint nods.

Jaune: "Sure..." Jaune prepares another, and his own crepe. He then finally sits at the table across from Yang... And Mint slides into his lap. "Uh..."

Mint smirks and takes her time eating her crepe, as Yang, Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, and Blake scowl. Nora and Ren are busy with their breakfast.

Jaune: "Um... There's another chair over there."

Mint: "<I'm fine here. Aren't you?>"

She winked. Jaune sighed.

Jaune: "No."

Mint: "<Tough.>"

Jaune's Brain: Goddamnit... I had to get the universe with the flirty Neo, didn't I?

Sun: "Hey! What smells so good?"

Neptune: "Yeah, we were stopping by and..." He gapes at Jaune "GODSDAMNIT! I TOLD YOU! HE'S A DAMN HAREM PROTAGONIST!"

Jaune: rolls his eyes "Shut up Neptune."

Neptune: "But-But-!"

Jaune: "Don't hate me for your lack of skill."

Neptune gapes like a dying fish.

Mint waves her hand in front of her face with a smirk.

Yang smirks a bit... But her eyes are still red as she glares at Neo.

Jaune's Brain: Hoo boy... Gotta nip this in the bud quick... Freaking chaotic shortstacks...
In some places in europe they put things like ham and cheese on crêpesm, and sometimes even includes an egg, which seems much more fitting for breakfast.
And yes thats molten cheese because it's put on while it's still baking.
In some places in europe they put things like ham and cheese on crêpesm, and sometimes even includes an egg, which seems much more fitting for breakfast.
And yes thats molten cheese because it's put on while it's still baking.
Damn it now I'm hungry.

And I know what I want but don't have it

Damn it I want Gyoza.
Cowboys of Remnant: "Now That I Found You..." New
Cowboys of Remnant: "Now That I've Found You..."

- - -

Pyrrha knew many different kinds of smiles. Soft and warm smiles for television interviews, indulgent smiles for private meetings with bigwigs, politely uninterested smiles for pushy fans. They all came with a certain level of detachment, and so she always felt so very... Plastic. Like a hollow mannequin.

She exited out of the warm building into the crisp evening air, the sights and sounds of Vale's late afternoon filling her senses. She was in a classic incognito outfit: A long blue skirt, cream white blouse with a blue jacket, a blue and red headscarf and sunglasses. Her mother and agent flanked either side of her, and Pyrrha did her best to not look like she was tuning out their conversation.

"I just don't see the need for her to be a singer too," her agent Teucer Salamis said, "Sure it's a great look but she's not going to outsell Weiss Schnee any time soon-"

"Come now, she's wonderful at it!" Athena insisted with a smile, "She's raw clay, just needing to be molded!"

Yes. Molded. Like a plastic doll, into whatever form needed or required.

"She's got a great voice, Athena," Teucer sighed, scratching the back of his curly head of hair, "But you heard the recording guy: She's all technique, no passion. I just don't see a break out. Plus, crossing over from athletics into the arts is tough. And after that movie-"

"We're not bringing that up again," Athena growled. Pyrrha's smile was slightly more genuine. That movie had been utter hell and frankly? She was glad it had been a box office bomb so she didn't have to do it again. Getting yelled at by a director to manipulate her emotions and having to put up with her mother's manipulations at the same time for months on end...? Ugh.

She did feel bad for the cast and crew though. At the very least they did get paid before the movie premiered.

She heard a guitar strumming nearby. A song she recalled... One that Jaune liked to play... She wondered what he would think of her movie. Maybe he'd laugh at it with her...

Jaune! She needed to train with him again! She checked her watch: It was so late, she was late!

"Pyrrha? What's wrong?" Athena asked, concerned. "Do you need more rest?"

"Yes!" Pyrrha immediately said, a bit too loud. Athena's stare intensified. "I-I mean um... I do need to focus on the Vytal Tournament, Mother. Maybe we should keep side projects to a minimum until that is concluded?"

Athena and Teucer both stared at her as though she had grown a second head. Pyrrha's eyes widened in disbelief.

Did... Did I just say that out loud?

That song... It had reminded her of Jaune. It had reminded her of who she wanted to be.

Teucer recovered first, smiling wryly.

"She's got a good point, Athena," he pointed out, "She's got enough pressure on her as it is."

"I..." Athena hummed. "I suppose... That said, it's something to consider..."

The guitar music was getting louder. Pyrrha zeroed in on the source. Her green eyes widened again.


Athena sniffed as she saw the young blond man in a poncho and Stetson, playing his guitar up against one of the columns of the building.

"I thought security cleared this place? I don't want a vagabond around my daughter!" She growled. She turned to Teucer. "You should call them to escort him away at once and-"

"N-No! No, I know him!" Pyrrha insisted. Athena gaped.

"What? You know him?!"

"Jaune!" She called out.

The cowboy looked over and smiled brightly. He walked over to her, tucking his guitar under his arm.

"Howdy Pyr! You were running a bit late so I decided I'd wait for you," he said, "Hope you don't mind? Oh, howdy ma'am." He took his hat off and smiled kindly, holding out his hand.

"Mrs. Nikos, right? Name's Jaune Arc, I'm Pyrrha's partner at Beacon."

Athena glared. She slowly held out her hand and took his. She shook it once before pulling her hand back with a hint of disdain.

"Charmed," she stated flatly. Anger swelled in Pyrrha's chest.

How dare you look down on him! Pyrrha raged. How dare you...!

"Do you make it a habit to wander around like a vagabond, Mister Arc?" Athena asked dryly. Jaune shrugged.

"There are my work clothes, ma'am. I'm just used to them," he said.

"R-Right, um, we need to get to our training," Pyrrha said urgently.

"Wait, you can't just-!" Athena insisted, but Pyrrha shot Jaune the most desperate look she could manage.


Jaune nodded, and whistled.

Moments later, Orleans galloped up, making Athena shriek and Teucer yelp as she landed right beside Jaune. Jaune mounted her, and held out his hand to Pyrrha. She leaped on with him, and Jaune grabbed the reins of his noble steed.

"Sorry Mother, Teucer. We'll have to meet again some other time!" Pyrrha cried out. Jaune pulled on the reins and Orleans neighed loudly before she galloped off like a shot. Pyrrha held onto Jaune's waist tightly, and didn't let go until the skyscrapers of Vale had receded into the distance.

Jaune brought Orleans to a halt on a plateau with a beautiful view of the city, the mountains, and Beacon gleaming like a giant pearl. Some old white ruins and trees were their own companions, as Pyrrha lit off Orleans and took some deep breaths.

Jaune slid off next, and after patting Orleans, walked up to the redhead.

"Pyr? You all right?" He asked softly.

"Y-Yeah, just..." She smiled at him in a mixture of worry and gratitude, "I just... My mother is... Difficult."

Jaune slowly nodded, letting out an uncomfortable grunt.

"I figured," he said quietly. "You want to talk about it?"

Pyrrha opened her mouth. She wanted to explain. She wanted to just spill everything. She wanted to bare her soul...

Yet still she hesitated. She looked away, clenching her fists.

"Hey," Jaune said softly, "If you don't want to, that's fine. Ain't gonna pry-"

"I-I wish you would!"

She grimaced. She hadn't meant to get that loud, that angry...

She turned back and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry," she murmured. Jaune stared back at her, and adjusted his hat.

"It's all right," he said softly. "Ain't nothing to be sorry for."

Pyrrha sniffled and nodded.

"... Thank you," she murmured.

Silence fell, save for Orleans munching on some grass. Jaune clearly searched for something, anything to say... He sighed.

"So uh... What was the meeting about?" He asked.

Pyrrha grimaced.

"They uh... My mother wanted me to try singing," she said, "Professionally."

"Oh?" Jaune smiled. "I reckon you'd be good at that."

"I..." Pyrrha shook her head. "I've been trained for it. But well... The recording man said I..."


"... That I lacked passion," Pyrrha admitted quietly. How strange: She felt ashamed admitting it to Jaune.

He just smiled, pulled his guitar around, and sat down on a rock. He tuned his instrument up a bit.

"Well... Maybe you just need to find your passion," he said. "What were they having you sing?"

"Some pop standards," Pyrrha said with a shake of her head, "I... I mean, they're okay but not... Not the kind of music I like."

"Well, what would you like to sing?" Jaune asked with a soft smile. Pyrrha smiled back.

"... That... You were playing it while waiting for me," she said.

"Well then... Let's give it a try," he said. "I would hate it if you grew to hate music cause of all this."

Pyrrha smiled. All her negative feelings this entire day being in a recording studio, gawked at, directed to do whatever... And here was Jaune. A bright light in her life.

"If you could... Please...?"

Jaune's smile grew. He began to strum his guitar, and tap his boot on the ground in time. Pyrrha nodded along, letting the beautiful scenery, the music, and the young man she loved. She closed her eyes and sucked in a breath. Her voice was tired. She was tired. Yet... The music came as though from her very heart.

"Baby, now that I've found you
I won't let you go~
I build my world around you
I need you so, baby even though
You don't need me now~..."

"Baby, now that I've found you
I won't let you go~
I build my world around you
I need you so, baby even though
You don't need me
You don't need me no no~..."

Tears fell from her eyes as the song just filled her from head to toe. Because Jaune was seeing her. His smile burning with love and care. It was just... Just too much...!

"Baby, baby, when first we met
I knew in this heart of mine~
That you were someone I couldn't forget
I said right and abide my time..."

"Spent my life looking for that somebody
To make me feel like you~
Now you tell me that you want to leave me
But darling, I-I just can't... let you...!"

Jaune stopped and looked at her in concern. He got up as she continued to sob softly.

"Pyrrha?! Pyrrha, you-you okay?" He asked desperately. She sniffled and smiled at him.

"I... I'm fine," she whispered. "Just, um..."

Say it.


Say it...!


I love you. I want to be everything to you. I can't say it. I just can't say it. What would Mother do? What would happen if she wanted to destroy you? What if you didn't feel the same way? I'm only one girl. You could have so many others, so many braver ones. Why would you want me?! The cowardly Invincible Doll who hides behind a plastic smile and even when she's singing her heart out she can't even be honest why why why-?!

Jaune hugged her tightly. She sank into his embrace, and sighed softly.

"I'm just... Tired," she murmured in defeat. "Sorry."

He stroked her back.

"It's been a long day," he agreed. He smiled. "Come on. Let's get you home, huh?"

"Yes," she nodded.

Coward, she thought to herself as they remounted Orleans, That was the perfect moment... The perfect moment...!

Jaune twisted around in the saddle and held her tightly.

"It's all right," he said softly, "When you wanna tell me? I'll listen. You never have to be afraid of bein' honest with me. I promise."

She melted. She leaned into his back and held him as he got Orleans galloping towards the school.

One day, she promised herself, one day... I'll find it in myself to be honest with him.

One day.

- - -

A bit of Arkos. It came out as a stream of consciousness and maybe not as well put together as I would like. But here it is.

Originally I thought this song would fit Weiss better, and I do intend to do a musical interlude with Weiss as well. Music has always been a key part of Westerns for me: See The Dollars Trilogy and that fantastic score. But ultimately I realized this would be better as Pyrrha's song to Jaune. Her trying desperately to express something she's just too afraid to through music rather than words.
......How many of you have realized that if we combine the teams RWBY (Ruby) and JNPR (Juniper), we get Squad JWNPRBRY (Juniper Berry)...

....where Jaune's talents as commander finally get to shine in full; whereas Ruby is praising the Great Tree for the fact that she no longer has to bear the weight of Leadership anymore.

Jaune: (deadpan) yeah sure, just chuck it all on me. Because fuck Jaune, am I right?
Last edited:
......How many of you have realized that if we combine the teams RWBY (Ruby) and JNPR (Juniper), we get Squad JWNPRBRY (Juniper Berry)...

....where Jaune's talents as commander finally get to shine in full; whereas Ruby is praising the Great Tree for the fact that she no longer has to bear the weight of Leadership anymore.

Jaune: (deadpan) yeah sure, just chuck it all on me. Because fuck Jaune, am I right?

That would be… interesting. But could be fun to explore.
Jaune SI BS 16: Meet the Belladonnas New
Jaune did have more cooking skills than me, but I had more experience. So together, we-I mean, I-was able to cook breakfast for the teams pretty successfully almost every day.

Bonding with food was a great way to help solidify bonds, and hopefully it would help Ruby out with her team, too. Especially since I invited her to help me cook a lot.

Today's breakfast was crepes... And at Ruby's insistence, we made some of them into dessert crepes.

Nora: gasp "You made like... A thin pancake and transformed it into a burrito for fruit, ice cream, and chocolate?!"

Jaune: "Yes."

Nora: eyes shining "What is your church so I may worship the creator of this amazingness?!"

Jaune: "One step at a time, Nora."

Nora: "Oh, so there's an initiation thing?"

Jaune: "Something like that..."

Weiss: "I think I'll take one with yogurt, fruit and nuts please? My teeth hurt just looking at them."

Jaune: "Sure thing, Weiss."

Ruby: "That's how you know it's tasty!"

Weiss: "Do you know the LD50 for sugar, Ruby?"

Ruby: "Ugh, no! And why do people keep asking me that?!"

Nora devours the crepe eagerly. She looks to Jaune.

Nora: "Can I have seconds, Jaune? Please? Pretty please?"

Jaune: "Sure!" He prepares another... And notices that Ren is a bit tense.

Jaune's Brain: Shit... I've got to be a bro to Ren. I'm not some NTR protagonist, no thank you!

Jaune: "And I'll teach Ren how to do it for you too."

Nora: gasp "REALLY?!"

Jaune: "Sure will!" smiles "He's your number one guy for breakfast, after all."

Nora: "In general!" hugs Ren "Will you learn how to make these fancy pancake tacos for me, Renny? Will you?"

Ren: ghost of a smile "I will."

Nora: "YAY!"

Nora eats happily. Ren takes his own crepe and nods gratefully to Jaune. Jaune just smiles back.

Jaune's Brain: Screw those ArcNora shippers. This is too precious to ever want to break up...

Yang: "Hey! Your beautiful girlfriend wants breakfast, Jaune~!"

Blake: "Mmph..."

Pyrrha: "Please don't forget me either?"

Jaune: "Hang on, hang on..." He gives Yang and Pyrrha crepes with some ham, eggs and fried veggies "There you go, perfect protein starter pack for my beautiful girlfriend and partner, and..." Blake perks up at her crepe "A salmon egg and potato hash for our resident cat ninja."

Ruby: "Should have put in more syrup!"

Jaune: "I didn't put in any."

Ruby: "Exactly!" pouts

Jaune: "Easy Ruby. You're starting to sound like Nora."

Nora: "What's wrong with that?"

Jaune: "Nothing... But it would get confusing."

Nora: "How? I mean, I'm an actual ginger and she's just a pretend redhead!"

Ruby: "WHAT?! I am too a redhead! Just... Um... A dark one!"

Nora: "Nuh uh! I'm gingeriffic! I have gingervitis!"

Ruby: "That's not a real thing! Just like LD50 or whatever!"

Weiss sighs. She eats her breakfast and looks at Jaune.

Weiss: "You know... It's actually pretty good."

Jaune: "Thanks."

Weiss: huffs a little "My father would have a conniption if he saw me eating this fare."

Jaune: "So... Seconds?"

Weiss: small smile "If you please?"

Jaune turns to the stove... And Mint is standing there.

Jaune: "GAH! How'd you get in here?!"

Mint: points at Ruby's ice cream laden crepe, then at herself

Jaune: "Oh... You want some?"

The disguised Neo nods. Jaune sighs and switches to sign language.

Jaune: "<Just give me a minute. What toppings do you want?>"

Mint blinks, then signs back:

Mint: "<All of them.>"

Jaune: "Makes it easy..."

Ruby: "Oh! Hey new friend! Welcome! Do you like crepes too?"

Mint: smiles

Jaune: "Nuts about them."

Weiss: "You can't just come in here uninvited-!"

Jaune: "It's cool Weiss. I take it as a compliment when random people come in to ask for my cooking."

Ruby: "Ooh, me too!"

Pyrrha has a wary look on her face. Yang scowls as Mint seems to hover all over Jaune.

Jaune finally finishes the crepes with icecream and toppings, and hands it to Mint.

Jaune: "Here you go."

Mint takes a few licks... Bites... Then finishes it all with gusto. She beams at him.

Jaune: "Another?"

Mint nods.

Jaune: "Sure..." Jaune prepares another, and his own crepe. He then finally sits at the table across from Yang... And Mint slides into his lap. "Uh..."

Mint smirks and takes her time eating her crepe, as Yang, Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, and Blake scowl. Nora and Ren are busy with their breakfast.

Jaune: "Um... There's another chair over there."

Mint: "<I'm fine here. Aren't you?>"

She winked. Jaune sighed.

Jaune: "No."

Mint: "<Tough.>"

Jaune's Brain: Goddamnit... I had to get the universe with the flirty Neo, didn't I?

Sun: "Hey! What smells so good?"

Neptune: "Yeah, we were stopping by and..." He gapes at Jaune "GODSDAMNIT! I TOLD YOU! HE'S A DAMN HAREM PROTAGONIST!"

Jaune: rolls his eyes "Shut up Neptune."

Neptune: "But-But-!"

Jaune: "Don't hate me for your lack of skill."

Neptune gapes like a dying fish.

Mint waves her hand in front of her face with a smirk.

Yang smirks a bit... But her eyes are still red as she glares at Neo.

Jaune's Brain: Hoo boy... Gotta nip this in the bud quick... Freaking chaotic shortstacks...

Jaune sighs. Blake is holding his hand tightly as they sit in a nice restaurant.

Jaune: "Why am I here?"

Blake: "You promised. On your word as an Arc."

Jaune: "FUCK! Why did I do that?"

Blake: "Because you're a good person despite you trying to pretend otherwise? Hiding your pain behind sarcasm and almost fatherly quips..." leans in "A caring soul who knows the pain of this world and wants to protect others from it-OW OW OW!"

Jaune grabs one of her cat ears and tweaks it.

Jaune: "No. Bad kitty. None of that erotica stuff."

Blake: "It's porn-I mean-Ugh... When I called my parents, you promised to be here with me."

Jaune: "I know, I know... Just... What have you told them about me?"

Blake: "What? Nothing!"

Jaune: scowl "Blake..."

Blake: "I just told them you're my friend. That's all. A very good friend."

Jaune: scowls harder

Blake: "Honest!"

Jaune: "Okay."

Blake: "What? Did you think I told them you were my fiance and that we had a baby on the way?"

Jaune: "I... That's weirdly specific. Wait, you didn't tell them that, right?"

Blake: side eyes "Of... Course not!"

Jaune: "Blaaaake..."

Blake: "I did not use those words... Specifically..."

Ghira and Kali Belladonna enter the restaurant. Kali pounces like a panther on her daughter and hugs her tightly.

Kali: "Blake dear! You look wonderful! And such a healthy glow! How far along is the baby?"

Ghira: growls "You Jaune?"

Jaune: "Y-yessir?"

Ghira: hugs him "HAHAHA! Welcome to the family!"

Jaune: "URK! What?!"

Ghira: "You're not Adam so that means you're instantly acceptable as a son-in-law!"

Jaune: "BLAKE!"

Blake: "I PANICKED!"

Some time later, after they got mozzarella sticks and fried brussel sprouts...

Jaune: "Yes, Blake and I are just friends. We're not dating. I have a girlfriend I care for very much. I do care about Blake, despite how much of a pain in the ass she can be." glares

Blake: "I said I was sorry?"

Jaune: "What if Yang had heard all this?! Are you trying to mess things up for us?!"

Blake: "I'm very sorry?"

Kali: "Oh, it's quite all right! I did train her to get people's hopes up and dash them. I can only blame myself for how good she is at that."

Blake: ears droop

Jaune: "Hey... Look. Blake's made a LOT of mistakes. She's impulsive and overthinks things and somehow doesn't think enough. But she's really, REALLY sorry about everything and I know she loves you two very much."

Blake: "I... I do... I'm so sorry, Mom, Dad... I really screwed up..."

Ghira: "We all make mistakes, Blake. Your mother and I have made several when it comes to the White Fang and you... But we still love you, Blake."

Kali: "And we forgive you."

Blake: sniffles "Are... Are you sure... I did so many terrible things-"

Ghira: "Our own hands aren't free of blood, Blake. That's why we understand the need for forgiveness." sighs "While you make your own decisions... We influenced them. We could have been more clear, more supportive, done more for you. We are sorry."

Kali: "But we love you so much we'll do what it takes to work this out." She smiles and squeezes her daughter's hands

Blake: "M-Mom... Dad..." sniffles

Jaune's Brain: Aw... Oh man... I feel like I should go... This isn't a place for me-

Ghira: "Jaune?"

Jaune: "Uh, yes sir?"

Ghira: "You are a good friend to our daughter."

Jaune: "I... Thank you sir."

Jaune's Brain: I'm mainly doing it to keep her from fucking up everyone's lives and becoming the Shitty Kitty but hey...

Ghira: smiles "Also... Since she is technically a Princess of Menagerie-"

Blake: pouts "Dad, I'm not a princess! That's a backwards archaic term-!"

Ghira: "-There's nothing stopping her from having a husband and wife."

Jaune: "Wha...?"

Kali: "Ooh, is this Yang?" Holds up a Scroll with a picture of Yang on it "Oooh, she looks amazing! What do you say, Blake? If you marry her and Jaune, twice the grandkittens!"

Blake: "MOTHER!"

Kali: "But it would be wonderful! ... So I'd absolutely forbid you to do it!"

Blake: "Wha-You can't tell me what to do!"

Kali: "I just did!"

Jaune: "Um, that's really not necessary-"

Ghira: low voice "Sorry son, but we're not losing our chance to get a stable son-in-law and grandkittens. Just uh... Keep an open mind?"

Jaune: "Sir, I love my girlfriend-!"

Ghira: "What, my daughter's not good enough?"

Jaune: "No! No I didn't say that but-!"

Ghira: "Then maybe just think about it for the future, hmm? I know some ways to convince your girlfriend, as does Kali."

Jaune: "Sir, your daughter told you that we were engaged and she was pregnant with my child. Without telling me!"

Ghira: sighs happily "Just like her mother!"

Jaune: "Is every feline faunus in this world insane?!"

Ghira: "The world is already mad, so why fight against the current?"
Ghira: "What, my daughter's not good enough?"
Jaune: You're damn right! Yang is the fire in my soul, she is the reason why I shall not fall to the temptation of this homewrecker, She is the sun that lights my sky while Blake is the moon that tries to steals her light and warmth but fails at both.
Tftc. Blake kove so fast lol, and Yang will definitely need to beat her insecurity and start picking who should be in Jaune's harem lol. She is gonna need helps shielding Jaune from undeserving jealous harpies aiming for her man, with how Jaune keeps behaving.

Ghira: "The world is already mad, so why fight against the current?"
A sane person to an insane society must appear insane - Kurt Vonnegut
For Cowboys of Remnant, I'm working on when Rooster Duke visits but some of the pieces just aren't there yet. However...

Rooster: "Runt! You ain't dead yet?"

Jaune: scowls "That's my line, you old geezer!"

Rooster: "Heh! Just means I outlived everything that tried to get me!"

Jaune: "Or the Grimm couldn't bare to kill such a source of misery!"

Rooster: "They only didn't kill you out of pity! Since we had to carry you everywhere you rucksack!"

Jaune: "Old bastard!"

Rooster: "Weakling!"

The two laugh and then hug.

Jaune: "Sure is great to see you, Mister Duke!"

Rooster: "You too, Runt. Since you ain't dead yet, I'm guessing you're doing well?"

Jaune: "Well enough. They made me team leader."

Rooster: "Your crew ain't dead yet?"

Jaune: "No."

Rooster: "Then you're not totally incompetent, eh?"

Jaune: "Looks like."

Rooster: "Yeah."

Jaune's friends soon arrive.

Jaune: "Hey guys! This old bastard is Mister Duke! My first boss!"

Rooster: "And you're familiar with this little runt."

Pyrrha: "It is a pleasure to meet you, sir!"

Weiss: "Yes, likewise!"

Ren: nods "As well, sir."

Nora: "Did you bring a pony?"

Rooster: "I brought some to market."

Nora: "HEE!"

Ruby: "Oh wow... Is that a Winchester Model 1892 with Full Dust Conversion?!"

Rooster: "Good eye, kid! You the Runt's girlfriend?"

Ruby: bright red "M-Me?! Me?! His girlfriend?! I um, I mean, if he asked-I-I just-!"

Jaune: "She's my best gal friend, Mister Duke."

Yang: "Yeah. She's more like a little sister!" Puts Ruby in a headlock "Of course if the girlfriend role is open I'm the front runner!"

Jaune: "Ah, no, she ain't-!"

Pyrrha: "N-Naturally! Jaune is single! I as his partner know him better than anyone else!"

Weiss: "Oh please! You don't know the first thing about him! I researched his family!"

Yang: "Like a creepy stalker?"

Blake: "Very thorough, isn't she? I should have thought of that."

Nora: "HI! I'm not Jaune's girlfriend! I'm taken!" hugs Ren

Rooster: "... You seem to be doing well, huh Runt?"

Jaune: sighs "They're just roughhousing, Mister Duke. Don't mean anything by it, it's all just for fun."

Rooster: "... You're just as dense as your pa, Runt."

Jaune: "I am not!"
Jaune SI BS 17: Meet the Belladonnas 2 New
Jaune sighs. Blake is holding his hand tightly as they sit in a nice restaurant.

Jaune: "Why am I here?"

Blake: "You promised. On your word as an Arc."

Jaune: "FUCK! Why did I do that?"

Blake: "Because you're a good person despite you trying to pretend otherwise? Hiding your pain behind sarcasm and almost fatherly quips..." leans in "A caring soul who knows the pain of this world and wants to protect others from it-OW OW OW!"

Jaune grabs one of her cat ears and tweaks it.

Jaune: "No. Bad kitty. None of that erotica stuff."

Blake: "It's porn-I mean-Ugh... When I called my parents, you promised to be here with me."

Jaune: "I know, I know... Just... What have you told them about me?"

Blake: "What? Nothing!"

Jaune: scowl "Blake..."

Blake: "I just told them you're my friend. That's all. A very good friend."

Jaune: scowls harder

Blake: "Honest!"

Jaune: "Okay."

Blake: "What? Did you think I told them you were my fiance and that we had a baby on the way?"

Jaune: "I... That's weirdly specific. Wait, you didn't tell them that, right?"

Blake: side eyes "Of... Course not!"

Jaune: "Blaaaake..."

Blake: "I did not use those words... Specifically..."

Ghira and Kali Belladonna enter the restaurant. Kali pounces like a panther on her daughter and hugs her tightly.

Kali: "Blake dear! You look wonderful! And such a healthy glow! How far along is the baby?"

Ghira: growls "You Jaune?"

Jaune: "Y-yessir?"

Ghira: hugs him "HAHAHA! Welcome to the family!"

Jaune: "URK! What?!"

Ghira: "You're not Adam so that means you're instantly acceptable as a son-in-law!"

Jaune: "BLAKE!"

Blake: "I PANICKED!"

Some time later, after they got mozzarella sticks and fried brussel sprouts...

Jaune: "Yes, Blake and I are just friends. We're not dating. I have a girlfriend I care for very much. I do care about Blake, despite how much of a pain in the ass she can be." glares

Blake: "I said I was sorry?"

Jaune: "What if Yang had heard all this?! Are you trying to mess things up for us?!"

Blake: "I'm very sorry?"

Kali: "Oh, it's quite all right! I did train her to get people's hopes up and dash them. I can only blame myself for how good she is at that."

Blake: ears droop

Jaune: "Hey... Look. Blake's made a LOT of mistakes. She's impulsive and overthinks things and somehow doesn't think enough. But she's really, REALLY sorry about everything and I know she loves you two very much."

Blake: "I... I do... I'm so sorry, Mom, Dad... I really screwed up..."

Ghira: "We all make mistakes, Blake. Your mother and I have made several when it comes to the White Fang and you... But we still love you, Blake."

Kali: "And we forgive you."

Blake: sniffles "Are... Are you sure... I did so many terrible things-"

Ghira: "Our own hands aren't free of blood, Blake. That's why we understand the need for forgiveness." sighs "While you make your own decisions... We influenced them. We could have been more clear, more supportive, done more for you. We are sorry."

Kali: "But we love you so much we'll do what it takes to work this out." She smiles and squeezes her daughter's hands

Blake: "M-Mom... Dad..." sniffles

Jaune's Brain: Aw... Oh man... I feel like I should go... This isn't a place for me-

Ghira: "Jaune?"

Jaune: "Uh, yes sir?"

Ghira: "You are a good friend to our daughter."

Jaune: "I... Thank you sir."

Jaune's Brain: I'm mainly doing it to keep her from fucking up everyone's lives and becoming the Shitty Kitty but hey...

Ghira: smiles "Also... Since she is technically a Princess of Menagerie-"

Blake: pouts "Dad, I'm not a princess! That's a backwards archaic term-!"

Ghira: "-There's nothing stopping her from having a husband and wife."

Jaune: "Wha...?"

Kali: "Ooh, is this Yang?" Holds up a Scroll with a picture of Yang on it "Oooh, she looks amazing! What do you say, Blake? If you marry her and Jaune, twice the grandkittens!"

Blake: "MOTHER!"

Kali: "But it would be wonderful! ... So I absolutely forbid you to do it!"

Blake: "Wha-You can't tell me what to do!"

Kali: "I just did!"

Jaune: "Um, that's really not necessary-"

Ghira: low voice "Sorry son, but we're not losing our chance to get a stable son-in-law and grandkittens. Just uh... Keep an open mind?"

Jaune: "Sir, I love my girlfriend-!"

Ghira: "What, my daughter's not good enough?"

Jaune: "No! No I didn't say that but-!"

Ghira: "Then maybe just think about it for the future, hmm? I know some ways to convince your girlfriend, as does Kali."

Jaune: "Sir, your daughter told you that we were engaged and she was pregnant with my child. Without telling me!"

Ghira: sighs happily "Just like her mother!"

Jaune: "Is every feline faunus in this world insane?!"

Ghira: "The world is already mad, so why fight against the current?"

Afterwards... Jaune, Blake, Kali and Ghira walk in a Valean Park.

Ghira: "Honestly? This is the best thing that's happened to us for a long time. You're no longer a hostage of White Fang-"

Blake: "Wait, I was a hostage?!"

Kali: "They strongly implied that you were with us, and if we tried to interfere..."

Blake: sniffles "I'm... I'm so sorry...!"

Kali hugs her.

Kali: "It's all right, Blake. It's all right..."

Blake: "I feel so stupid... I trusted them...!"

Ghira: grumbles "We trusted Sienna Khan and Adam Taurus once, too." He hugged his daughter

Jaune stands there a bit awkwardly.

Kali: "Jaune... It's much safer for Blake here than in Menagerie. Can we trust you to look after our daughter?"

Jaune: "She can kick my ass. Regularly does, too."

Blake: "We're a bad match-up. He's a close range Tank fighter, I'm stealthy and agile-When he gets a hit on me it's like I'm being pounded by the fist of God. A few hits like that and I'm just finished. I can barely keep up! I only finish him off with my full skill and even then I'm left mindbroken-"

Jaune: "You are doing that on purpose!"

Blake: blush "... Maybe a little...?"

Kali: "Aw. She did learn from my kunoichi teachings!"

Jaune: "And anyway, she has a team that looks after her-"

Ghira: "But we are asking you, Jaune."

Jaune: "I..." sighs "I will. I will keep your daughter safe."

Kali: "Wonderful!" She cuddles Blake "We're gonna talk with Ozpin about some diplomatic things. We'll leave you and your knight alone for now~!"

Jaune: "Have a girlfriend! Cannot emphasize that enough. Have a girlfriend whom I love!"

Kali: "So do I~. Later!"

Kali and Ghira head off after a few more hugs, leaving Jaune and Blake alone. Jaune sighed.

Jaune: "... Parents, huh?"

Blake: "Y-yeah."


Blake: "I'm sorry Jaune. I... I still messed up and I'm sorry! I just-When I'm scared I... I overthink and underthink...!"

Jaune: "Hey, hey..." He hugs her "I get it. Okay? You feel so much, you want to do so much... And you feel so guilty for every mistake you ever made. And... They're some big ones. But I know you care so hard about everything. That's your strength, Blake. It's also a weakness... But you can learn to make it your full strength. Or... Something like that. My dad says stuff like that all the time..."

Blake: "... Can you help protect me... From myself?"

Jaune: "Until you can do it yourself? Yeah."

Blake: "That... That's going to be a long time."

Jaune: "I'm not going anywhere... As a friend. Again. A friend."

Blake: "... Are you sure-?"

Jaune: "Blake!" He pushes her away "I'm with YANG. All right? I know your parents are desperate for you to have a boyfriend other than Adam Taurus. Again, I get it. But I'm not some... Some harem protagonist!"

Blake: flush "... You could be."

Jaune: "What."

Blake: "It's not illegal. It's not very common but there are polygamous relationships. And your great-grandfather-!"

Jaune: "I just got a girlfriend, okay? Slow down! Besides, she's your partner! And I will NOT let you betray her! Got it?!"

Blake: "... You're right." ears droop "I'm sorry Jaune. I just... It's been so long since I felt cared for. Safe. You make me feel safe!"

Jaune: "So will your teammates. Develop your friendships more with them."

Blake: "What about the harem?"

Jaune: "NO! N! O! I! LOVE! YANG! Okay? And so should you!" Sighs, turns... Sees Yang standing there "YANG!"

Yang is bright red... Though not out of anger.

Yang: "... You love me...?"

Jaune: "Y-Yeah..."

Yang: "Like that filia stuff or...?"

Jaune: "Um... More the other kind... Eros."

Yang: "Oh... I get that now!"

Jaune: "Yeah. It's all connected and-"

Yang kisses him possessively.

Jaune: Oh wow... Kissing. Kissing is amazing. So amazing... And she's grabbing my-Brain? BRAIN!

Jaune's Brain: Howa... Humwha... Boobies... Groping...!

Jaune: "Mwah... Haa..." He breaks the kiss "Haa... Haa... W-Wow..."

Yang: "Y-yeah..."

Blake stares with a red face. Yang turns and glares at her.

Blake: "Yang? I'm sorry. I just... I'm a little starved for affection, I suppose. And Jaune is... Well..." blush "He's like Prince Naofumi~! He loves and cares for his wives and fights to right the wrongs of a world that hates him!"

Jaune: "When did the world hate me? Also wait you've read Shield Hero?"

Blake: "You mean Shield Saint."

Jaune: "Oh, of course. Like Spruce Willis."

Blake: "What does that have to do with him?"

Jaune: "I... Nevermind."

Blake: "The point is, Yang... I-I care deeply for him. I also respect that you care for him. And we're friends, so... So I want to do right by you."

Yang: "Good... So... Stop sniffing around my man?"

Blake: "... I can't promise that."

Yang: "What?"

Blake: "I can promise that I will find a solution for all of us to be happy though." smiles

Jaune: "That sounds ominous."

Yang: "What kind of solution?!"

Blake: smiles "You'll find out." She vanishes

Jaune: sighs "... Yang, I'm sorry. Look, I don't do this on purpose-!"

Yang: "I know! I know... You care. I bet you nursed wounded animals back to health all the time on your farm!"

Jaune: "It was a farm, I kind of had to..." At Yang's look "But yes. I did. I just... I became a Hunter to help people. To protect people. To... Give people hope. And I can't just ignore someone who needs help. Even if they are a perverted catgirl princess with major psychological issues."

Yang: "Heh... Or a juvenile delinquent with some issues being abandoned?"

Jaune: smiles "Yeah..." He hugs her "I swear, Yang. I will never abandon you."

Yang: blush "Just... Coming right out with that?"

Jaune: "Yeah. You like it when I'm sincere, right?"

Yang: "Dorky was the word."

Jaune: "You still like it though."

Yang: "Yeah..."

She kisses him again.

Yang: "Mmm... But you really need to stop making girls fall for you. I'm not into girls... I mean... I don't think so?"

Jaune: bright red

Yang: glare "... Okay, who are you imagining me with?"

Jaune: "Pyrrha."

Yang: "Not Blake?"

Jaune: "She basically hits every one of your trauma buttons right now."

Yang: "But if she didn't... You wouldn't mind me getting it from the cats meow~?"

Jaune: bright red "Damnit woman!"

Yang: "Heheheh~!

Jaune's Brain: She's just joking... She's getting over her anxiety, which is good. She would never want a harem, and... Neither would I! ... Oaky I would but I'd be stupid to want that. And insane. And I'm definitely neither of those things...
A new prompt idea:

-I was heavily inspired by Tsunade from Naruto for Isabel Arc. So I think it's only fair to give her an antithesis, and a failure: A student of hers who turned to evil. An Aura medical practitioner who learned her arts but used them for evil. He or she may even be working for Salem.

So! What would this person be like? What would be their name? Their goals? Etc?
Kek keep telling yourself that jaune.

A new prompt idea:

-I was heavily inspired by Tsunade from Naruto for Isabel Arc. So I think it's only fair to give her an antithesis, and a failure: A student of hers who turned to evil. An Aura medical practitioner who learned her arts but used them for evil. He or she may even be working for Salem.

So! What would this person be like? What would be their name? Their goals? Etc?
Someone whos Yandere for Nick but not in the fun way.

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