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The one big difference is that they all like and get along with each other.- Due to many drunk gambling nights, Nick Arc has won multiple engagements of daughters for the many future sons he will have (or he bet his future sons hands in marriage and lost), like Yang, Ruby, Pyrrha, Weiss, Glynda, May, Blake, Velvet, and Neo (and maybe more).
One small problem, he only had one son, and the other parents have already invested too much time, effort and/or money into it to take no for an answer, so Jaune is now engaged to a bunch of girls (or two problems, because there are more engagements than he has kids).
Just go full Ranma 1/2 with it.
This has several consequences, though all kinds of shenanigans still happen due to all the wild, different and zany personalities they all have.
All of them get different things out of the poly relationship, which amongst be benefits are.
- Everyone helps each other out achieving their dreams and further each other's romantic relationships, both with Jaune and the others.
- Yang and Blake both live the Bisexual (perverted) dream, with a bunch of hot girls and a nice, cute, dorky but still muscular and hot guy.
- Ruby, May and Velvet have a bunch of buddies all in one turn, who don't care about their eccentricities and/or shyness.
- Pyrrha and Weiss get a bunch of friends who aren't there just for their fame, money and titles.
- Pyrrha, Glynda, May and Neo are in a relationship with a hunk who literally hits all of their buttons at all times.
- Yang wants to live a life of adventure and have fun, and here's always something interesting going on with this group.
- Glynda and Weiss suddenly have a whole new information and support network that solves so many of their problems (Weiss can ask friends and family of her "sisters" to hinder her father from doing horrible things without risking retaliation, and Glynda can just ask what's going on amongst the students).
- Ruby and Blake want to help people, and now they have a whole bunch of support and help to do it (the power of friendship is meta, just like IRL).
- Jaune gets to have relationships with all these amazing women, and with all of them combined, he won't destroy them by accident with his near-impossible endurance and virility.
If Roman was Taiyang Xiao-Long's childhood friend and Ruby and Yang know him on friendly terms, then they would also have to know Neo, probably also of friendly terms, maybe even being childhood friends and them learning sign language.-Roman Torchwick was Taiyang Xiao-Long's childhood friend. As a result, while Roman tries to keep his criminal life out of things, he, Ruby, Yang, and Tai do have a friendly relationship. How would that change things?
This would also mean that Neo would not be so antagonistic when she fights with them, and would try quite hard to hide any of her involvement in the schemes of the villains.