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Trials of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

kinglugia said:
...I want the 16 Magnus.

For Yang, Ruby, Weiss and Blake? if so agreed, I'm all for that, I just don't think we need any more Longinus, or Sacred Gears that have users ourselves, that's the sort of crap we almost killed people over after all, and its not like we are so weak we need a buff 8)

As a side point, what say, focus on getting Melee to 5 quick (12xp total, Bright is more then able to teach us), so we can train others there, plus get fun stuff like the scene long +DV charms and anti onslaught penalty charms? and if so, do we want to get my Sage Dragon Meditation charm before we do so?
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@Longinus hijacking

I'm against this, Longinus is delicate (okay with Solar Bullshit it would work for Issei), but remember that Longinus is a part of that human's soul, take it away from him and he died, and you can't just insert that Longinus to other human, they wouldn't be together and the Longinus might disappear while that human died, I'm very angry when I found out that shitty writer Naruto/DxD made Naruto took Boosted Gear out of Issei and revived him with just 1 Pawn, nope that never works in any cases, you can't revive someone without their completed soul, and then that author made Naruto gave Boosted Gear to Asia! That's so fucking stupid, there's no way a Longinus would accept a new body that apparently even weaker than Issei's crappy body. The only one managed to pull this out was Great Red, and because he's Dream.
touhou ranfuku said:
@Longinus hijacking

I'm against this, Longinus is delicate (okay with Solar Bullshit it would work for Issei), but remember that Longinus is a part of that human's soul, take it away from him and he died, and you can't just insert that Longinus to other human, they wouldn't be together and the Longinus might disappear while that human died, I'm very angry when I found out that shitty writer Naruto/DxD made Naruto took Boosted Gear out of Issei and revived him with just 1 Pawn, nope that never works in any cases, you can't revive someone without their completed soul, and then that author made Naruto gave Boosted Gear to Asia! That's so fucking stupid, there's no way a Longinus would accept a new body that apparently even weaker than Issei's crappy body. The only one managed to pull this out was Great Red, and because he's Dream.
We will not hijack any Sacred Gear, even if it is a Magnus. I'd prefer if we make them all our Allies/Followers.
Eh. Stealing a Sacred gear for our sue is dumb. We're a solar. Getting a Minion with assured loyalty and there own power track is of more use especially when we're not fully using the entirety of our own power track as it is.
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EternitynChaos said:
For Yang, Ruby, Weiss and Blake? if so agreed, I'm all for that, I just don't think we need any more Longinus, or Sacred Gears that have users ourselves, that's the sort of crap we almost killed people over after all, and its not like we are so weak we need a buff 8)

As a side point, what say, focus on getting Melee to 5 quick (12xp total, Bright is more then able to teach us), so we can train others there, plus get fun stuff like the scene long +DV charms and anti onslaught penalty charms? and if so, do we want to get my Sage Dragon Meditation charm before we do so?

Wait if the girls got all 16 Magnus wouldn't that basically make them the next generation of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalyse?

Imagine people's reaction at having to fight the Taioryutiei and the reborn 4 Horsemen of the Apocalyse.

Larekko12 said:
Eh. Stealing a Sacred gear for our sue is dumb. We're a solar. Getting a Minion with assured loyalty and there own power track is of more use especially when we're not fully using the entirety of our own power track as it is.

kinglugia said:
We will not hijack any Sacred Gear, even if it is a Magnus. I'd prefer if we make them all our Allies/Followers.

So much this.
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Getting Melee 5? Maybe. Going beyond?

Dude why would de dig into the other Close combat tree when we have martial arts and haven't even really scraped into the sheer potential of magic or bullshit power armor?

Can't we use that cheaty bullshit that Alexander was statting up so we can get bright to teach the bullshit solar hax. Hell if there's an ability for dream sharing we can solarize so that Bright could train them...
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I don't think they'd appreciate the finesse of brights training battle maniacs aside XD
noahgab1133 said:
I don't think they'd appreciate the finesse of brights training battle maniacs aside XD
Eh. Bright Shattered Ice can elcudiate them on the virtue of asceticism in training.

She has super human Charisma and Mainpulation. They'll enjoy their training, love, and feel it's only there proper due after what issei puts himself through for him.

Which might be a reason to not put them in contact. I mean our solar suite help protect our volition even if we are severely unoptimised for it. They're just mortal.
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EternitynChaos said:
Yeah, it says a lot when you consider that out Mentor, Bright Shatter Ice could be considered a model of restraint and temperance and sanity when compared to a good 95% of most Elder First Age Solars, for all she had her Issues with... punishment and such.
You mean the horrifying punishments she kept devising to punish any wrongdoers as Desus continued pushing her into Limit Break with his careless flirting?

Yeah, Bright is by no means a nice person. However, there are few more capable and dedicated to the wellbeing of Creation than her. You just have to keep her living in a place without people and free of stress.
BFldyq said:
It gets better. She was breeding an army of octopus/squid things to replace humanity, viewing her children as "superior". Despite looking like octopi, she deliberately engineered them so-as to still be compatible with Exaltation.

Oh, and she breed them with her Lunar mate, who was incidentally the very first Lunar Chimera, who she made that way. For those who don't know, Chimera's are mutated monstrous amalgams of various animals, stuck in a perpetual limit break. Oh, and doing this broke his Exaltation.
You mean his Exaltation left him? Because I was lead to believe nothing can damage or destroy an Exaltation.
MerelysSoul said:
-_- I knew the first age stuff was insane but this does take the cake and eat it.
Welcome to Exalted, where everything is EPIC, even the batshit crazy.
BFldyq said:
Also, not all Solars were corrupt monsters. There were many good Solars as well. Just so happened that most of the corrupt Solars were running the place.

Anyway, in case anyone thinks that Bright Shattered Ice was "good" in the First Age, read this:
Compared to the more batshit Solars? She was a better alternative for sure.
Diller said:
Actually on that note someone might think we're a descendant of Karna.

Think about"noble lineage but raised as a commoner(how people would see it), would rather die then betray our friends, Sun powers, "natural skill and talent", a really nice guy that helps basically anybody he can, and will fuck up your day if you screw with his friends.

Like you said some people are going to think there's no way "a human with no special lineage could get so strong and influential in such a short period."
Oh? That's a fantastic idea.
Man imaging the faces as people see our awesomeness is great.

Now I'm imaging people in Creation reacting to us.

He's been a solar for HOW LONG.

He has an artifact that does WHAT?








(Coincidently later that same day bars through creation get a lot more service and even run out of booze. :D)

You know I just realized something, dragon traits and war form thans to our scared gear. We're also working on a way to learn sidereal martial arts.

I just realized we've been taking unique traits of the other exalt types(Dragon powers from the DBs, Warfomr from the lunars, and Sidereal MA from the Siddies) and making them our own.

The other exalt types are going to cry BULLSHIT so loud if we ever hit creation.
A fitting revenge towards those that dared betray the rightful Kings of Creation 8) . This from Bright's perspective of course.
Diller said:
Wait if the girls got all 16 Magnus wouldn't that basically make them the next generation of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalyse?

Imagine people's reaction at having to fight the Taioryutiei and the reborn 4 Horsemen of the Apocalyse.
I did. When I decided to go on with this idea :))
Larekko12 said:
Eh. Bright Shattered Ice can elcudiate them on the virtue of asceticism in training.

She has super human Charisma and Mainpulation. They'll enjoy their training, love, and feel it's only there proper due after what issei puts himself through for him.

Which might be a reason to not put them in contact. I mean our solar suite help protect our volition even if we are severely unoptimised for it. They're just mortal.
Sadly it's a thing that can happen. Elder Solar Bullshit *laugh*

Okay, some have expressed some perplexities about Dragon Knacks and Charm raising Soak:

Natural Born Armor
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence 3, Stamina 4
Dragons don't wear armors or clothes—why should they? The scales covering their bodies are the mightiest material in existence, rivaling even the fabled Divine Artifacts. A Character manifesting the "Scales" mutation adds his Essence to Soak and acquire a Hardness rating equal to (Lethal Soak – 4).

Unconquerable Pride
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence 3, Strength 3
Pride is the most important thing for a Dragon: as long as he holds faith in his own strength, nothing can stop him. While the character enjoys the "Scales" mutation, add the Strength rating to Hardness and Soak. However, he loses a point of Soak for every point of Wound penalty he suffers.

Impervious Scales Legend
Cost: 1m per 2L/2B soak
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: "Dragon Body Hybrid", "Natural Born Armor"
Dragons laugh at the courage of heroes when they display a weapon capable of harming them. They laugh harder at their despair when the weapon utterly fail to harm them. Each mote spent increases the character's Bashing and Lethal soak by two. The number of motes spent cannot exceed the
character's Essence. This Charm is incompatible with any armor that isn't Dragon-Aspected.

Those three are the only Dragon effects available to Issei to raise his Soak. Normal Dragons add Epic Attributes to them, but Issei hasn't them (because his strength lies in skills, not attributes).

Now, I don't know if it is appropriate but I am considering an additional way to add Health levels, and maybe remove wound penalty. Or I leave it to Solar Charms?

Breath's Attack: I don't know if you players will take it in the future, but just in case I am considering a Charm/Knack Tree. Since a dragon's breath is said to destroy armies, would it be a bad idea to make a version that inflict Stamina + number of Health Level possessed by the user?
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was browsing around for a new ava and came across this?

would this be the more humanoid dragon buff that you were explaining?

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noahgab1133 said:
was browsing around for a new ava and came across this?

would this be the more humanoid dragon buff that you were explaining?

Holy...I already knew that image, but this is the first time I noticed how similar it is to Issei's Balance Breaker Scale Mail.

It's "Angra Mainyu", from the artist Gonzalo Ordóñez Arias.
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i think the only reason our shard hasn't buggered off yet is that Dragons aren't a creation species nor do they have any Geas on them.
Sacred Gear Magic

[Iron Golem Summoning Strategy] Range: 10 yards (3). Duration: Concentration, One hour (8). Area: Conjures target (0). Conjure: Superior Minion, Iron object, 2 cubic yards (97). Control: Compel Compulsion, Conjured being views caster as friend (21). Damage: 5 Bashing (5). Enhance: 1 to all physical stats, +10 natural armor hardness, 5 yards land movement enhancement (60). Metaspell: Covert, Antimagic, Speed 3 (18). New Power: Cosmetic Shapechanging, 10 Natural attacks (50). Protect: Natural Poison Immunity, +2 dice vs Knockback effect and Crippling effect, +2 to Soak (175). Components: 437. Rank 6 spell.

Description: The caster summons an iron golem on the same level of power as a low-class Devil of 2 cubic yards in volume, which can deal an additional 5 Bashing damage with its iron fists and is physically stronger, more durable and faster on land. It also has antimagic properties on itself, allowing it to soak more damage from spells, as well as immune towards natural poison effects. It can also alter the shape of its body (?) to form various natural weapons, of up to 10 different kinds, which the caster can choose as he/she sees fit. Lasts 1 hour.

Notes: I have no idea why the hell a mere Superior minion can kill off a god or destroy an army. It confuses me.
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1) Can we get Ox-body techniques as well as Dragon's Might Technique (not a mix that adds to 5, 5 EACH) as Dragon's Might Technique is a Knack, not a charm.

2) Can Solar Soak charms (those that add to base soak) or damage reducing charms stack with scale knacks?

3) Does our balance breaker count as armor with regards to martial arts and other charms?(obvious I know but just checking it doesn't count as natural armor as we basically become it)

4) If we somehow (DM fiat) learnt the five immaculate dragon styles (or at least the not Air or Fire ones) would we a) get the ability to manipulate that energy with our other abilities like dragon shout? b) gain the dragon-blood only weapon abilities? (note that by learning a immaculate style, dragon-blooded stop paying the surcharge for non-element charms that are the same as the style they mastered)

5) Can we get a omni-directional dragon shot like effect so we can do they whole "attack a wide area to prevent hiding" thing that rarely works but looks cool?

6) We will eventually need a super breath attack like "World Scaring Solar glory" that can do infinite damage (at really high essence) that is not attached to a melee weapon. Can we get one? Or do we have to wait for solar-devil tiger level?

last one
7)Can we augment our dragon breath with solar archery charms? (Lambert bolt of annihilation dragon shot!)

for reference

World-Scarring Solar Glory
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Melee 6, Essence 6; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Mirror (Creation-Slaying Holocaust Blade)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Rising Sun Slash
Required for Charms: None

The Solar's weapon surges with the limitless power of the wrathful sun god. An attack supplemented by this Charm adds (Essence) dice of raw damage in Step Seven. Should the dice of damage to be rolled after soak in Step Eight exceed the target's maximum total health levels, the Solar may instead inflict as many or as few automatic levels of damage as desired.

At Essence 7+, this Charm may be used to inflict whatever level of damage the Lawgiver desires to nonmagical objects and structures up to the size of a palace. Cutting passes through hills or smashing down stout fortress gates are trivial exercises for such mighty heroes. At Melee 9+ the character may pay a five-mote surcharge upon activation to inflict as many or as few automatic levels of damage as desired to targets regardless of his total dice in Step Eight.
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Alexander said:
You mean his Exaltation left him? Because I was lead to believe nothing can damage or destroy an Exaltation.
Actually, it can be changed. See: Abyssals and Akuma. It just can't be diminished.

Anyway, Lunar castes: in the First Age, the Lunar Exaltations didn't have a set caste, like Solar Exaltations do. Instead, the Exaltation will cycle through the different castes, before finally settling on the one that suits the bearer best.

However, as K'tula prematurely discovered, over-exposure to the energies of the Wyld over a long period of time causes this process to breakdown, and causes the shapeshifting abilities of the Lunars to develop errors, resulting in mutations. Not to mention the fact that it will lead to Chimera-ism if further exposed to Wyld energies, as they gain permanent Limit, eventually entering a perpetual Limit Break.

Of course, the reason why this can happen is the same reason why the Great Curse worked: it's technically an improvement. The mutations and Chimera-ism offers great power, and the unstable caste offers versatility. It just so happens that it comes with a negative side-effect: insanity.
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Alexander said:
That's a fantastic idea.

A fitting revenge towards those that dared betray the rightful Kings of Creation 8) . This from Bright's perspective of course.

I did. When I decided to go on with this idea :))

Sadly it's a thing that can happen. Elder Solar Bullshit *laugh

Wait you mean people might actually assume we're a descendant of Karna? Oh shit that's going to be hilarious.

Heh of course Bright sees it that way.I wonder if she'll ever mention that in the actual story.

Other exalt types: BULLSHIT.

Bright: Solar dragon bullshit to be precise. Troll face*

Alex your a good man. :)

Wait If I'm reading this right she could also train the others on her mentally? :eek:

If so then Elder Solar bullshit indeed.
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so exalted shards work on the logic that sanity is for the weak???

that...that makes sense XD I mean look at creation XD
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kinglugia said:
Sacred Gear Magic

[Iron Golem Summoning Strategy] Range: 10 yards (3). Duration: Concentration, One hour (8). Area: Conjures target (0). Conjure: Superior Minion, Iron object, 2 cubic yards (97). Control: Compel Compulsion, Conjured being views caster as friend (21). Damage: 5 Bashing (5). Enhance: 1 to all physical stats, +10 natural armor hardness, 5 yards land movement enhancement (60). Metaspell: Covert, Antimagic, Speed 3 (18). New Power: Cosmetic Shapechanging, 10 Natural attacks (50). Protect: Natural Poison Immunity, +2 dice vs Knockback effect and Crippling effect, +2 to Soak (175). Components: 437. Rank 6 spell.

Description: The caster summons an iron golem on the same level of power as a low-class Devil of 2 cubic yards in volume, which can deal an additional 5 Bashing damage with its iron fists and is physically stronger, more durable and faster on land. It also has antimagic properties on itself, allowing it to soak more damage from spells, as well as immune towards natural poison effects. It can also alter the shape of its body (?) to form various natural weapons, of up to 10 different kinds, which the caster can choose as he/she sees fit. Lasts 1 hour.

Notes: I have no idea why the hell a mere Superior minion can kill off a god or destroy an army. It confuses me.
Because of all the bonus you added of course. It measures its complexity.
rkbinder said:
1) Can we get Ox-body techniques as well as Dragon's Might Technique (not a mix that adds to 5, 5 EACH) as Dragon's Might Technique is a Knack, not a charm.
Of course.
2) Can Solar Soak charms (those that add to base soak) or damage reducing charms stack with scale knacks?
Of course.
3) Does our balance breaker count as armor with regards to martial arts and other charms?(obvious I know but just checking it doesn't count as natural armor as we basically become it)
Sadly yes, it counts as armor.

4) If we somehow (DM fiat) learnt the five immaculate dragon styles (or at least the not Air or Fire ones) would we a) get the ability to manipulate that energy with our other abilities like dragon shout? b) gain the dragon-blood only weapon abilities? (note that by learning a immaculate style, dragon-blooded stop paying the surcharge for non-element charms that are the same as the style they mastered)
a) yes. b) only weapon abilities?

5) Can we get a omni-directional dragon shot like effect so we can do they whole "attack a wide area to prevent hiding" thing that rarely works but looks cool?
6) We will eventually need a super breath attack like "World Scaring Solar glory" that can do infinite damage (at really high essence) that is not attached to a melee weapon. Can we get one? Or do we have to wait for solar-devil tiger level?
You can get one before that, but it's still high level.

last one
7)Can we augment our dragon breath with solar archery charms? (Lambert bolt of annihilation dragon shot!)
I don't see why not.
BFldyq said:
Actually, it can be changed. See: Abyssals and Akuma. It just can't be diminished.
Do you mean Infernal?

Anyway, Lunar castes: in the First Age, the Lunar Exaltations didn't have a set caste, like Solar Exaltations do. Instead, the Exaltation will cycle through the different castes, before finally settling on the one that suits the bearer best.

However, as K'tula prematurely discovered, over-exposure to the energies of the Wyld over a long period of time causes this process to breakdown, and causes the shapeshifting abilities of the Lunars to develop errors, resulting in mutations. Not to mention the fact that it will lead to Chimera-ism if further exposed to Wyld energies, as they gain permanent Limit, eventually entering a perpetual Limit Break.

Of course, the reason why this can happen is the same reason why the Great Curse worked: it's technically an improvement. The mutations and Chimera-ism offers great power, and the unstable caste offers versatility. It just so happens that it comes with a negative side-effect: insanity.
I see, so he still had his Exaltation but couldn't control the changes and the Great Curse?
Diller said:
Wait If I'm reading this right she could also train the others on her mentally? :eek:

If so then Elder Solar bullshit indeed.
If she manages to find a way to enter the dreams of others. Which is something you may want to avoid...for the other's sake and sanity.
noahgab1133 said:
so exalted shards work on the logic that sanity is for the weak???

that...that makes sense XD I mean look at creation XD
If you interpreter "insanity" as "removing social behaviors that prevent you from obtaining more power" then yes.

Exaltation are all about "power" and you actually using it instead of being restricted, no matter the reason.

Yeah, this is so "Lucifer" like (Freedom and all that) that I would not be surprised if Sirzechs in the future give Issei a Devil title.
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Alexander said:
a) yes. b) only weapon abilities?

The immaculate styles each give a bonus to the user when wielding the form weapon (like throw multiple weapons at once for air). In the errata it is clarified that it is only given when used by a dragon-blooded user as a enhancement effect alike too Solar Hero style used by a Solar, because they where designed to be used by the dragon-blooded especially. It is mentioned in the area of the form weapons for the styles.

So at essence 5, Stamina 5, Resistance 5 we can have 5 purchases of Ox-Bodied Technique and 5 purchases of Dragon's Might Technique to get mega health levels?

There is also a Resistance Charm known as Invincible Essence Reinforcement, which buffs our Soak. Permanently.
I tried it once, and found out that a mere Essence 5 character can get up to 18 Soak total.
kinglugia said:
There is also a Resistance Charm known as Invincible Essence Reinforcement, which buffs our Soak. Permanently.
I tried it once, and found out that a mere Essence 5 character can get up to 18 Soak total.

Yeah, and it gives natural hardness and soaks lethal with full stamina. It is really good, but after that fight I would like some more health levels as well. Double dipping is good.

(It means we can use the charm that give us a temporary hardness equal to the pre-soak damage of a attack for a few rounds without worrying to much with our regen)
rkbinder said:
The immaculate styles each give a bonus to the user when wielding the form weapon (like throw multiple weapons at once for air). In the errata it is clarified that it is only given when used by a dragon-blooded user as a enhancement effect alike too Solar Hero style used by a Solar, because they where designed to be used by the dragon-blooded especially. It is mentioned in the area of the form weapons for the styles.
I see. No, you aren't Dragon-blooded so no bonus.

So at essence 5, Stamina 5, Resistance 5 we can have 5 purchases of Ox-Bodied Technique and 5 purchases of Dragon's Might Technique to get mega health levels?
I can wait until the next update. It would be hilariously funny if we really do turn out to be Karna's descendant.
MerelysSoul said:
I can wait until the next update. It would be hilariously funny if we really do turn out to be Karna's descendant.

Evenour it was only a rumor this is just going to cause Indra to get very interested in us. He does want powerful warriors to help Shiva
Diller said:
Evenour it was only a rumor this is just going to cause Indra to get very interested in us. He does want powerful warriors to help Shiva

True, Indra would take an interest with us. Even without being "Karna's descendant", we have the BG and Solar Power. Both would help him against the destroyer of worlds.

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