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Trials of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Diller said:
Off topic for a moment


That link doesn't work for me, just sends me to a "Not Found" page. I don't think an ellipsis is even valid in a web address.

Smuthunter said:

>Dat Koneko
>Dat Juggernaut Drive
>Dat Oppai Dragon Song


Shame on you for not mentioning the likes of Kuroka,,Tannin,Sai, Biligunal, amd the Gremory vs Sitiri fight..

The Slumbering Crocodile said:
That link doesn't work for me, just sends me to a "Not Found" page. I don't think an ellipsis is even valid in a web address.


That's strange it worked on the Animesuki page I copied it from. Anyways changed it to the right link.
Smuthunter said:
Especially when I for one am going to vote hard against any actions that lead to us going to Creation. Fuck Creation and fuck what Bright wants.
May I ask why?
BFldyq said:
By the time we get there we're probably going to be elder essence. Elder essence means we're at the point where we can wave our hands and make entire plots disappear faster than a vampire at high noon, particularly if we've spent any time investing in socialize charms or other grand-scale effects. At that point the plot would most likely involve steamrolling over anything that isn't a deathlord, a yozi, or Chejop Kejack simply because we're so fucking broken that nobody else can meaningfully oppose us; eliminating slavery is a good goal for us just to start with for example, but it's not going to get the exposure it deserves if we can whip out a socialize charm and make whole nations renounce the practice overnight. Meanwhile on Earth we still have enemies who can whip out shonen power levels and other abilities that Exalts were not designed to deal with, at least until we hit late essence 5 or so.
Well my idea was about mecha armed and funded by the Church to fight the supernatural. I had ideas of vampires made by virgin blood being spilled on magical rock but I don't know if that makes sense. There was also supposed to be a Kaiju-esque hydra monster sealed beneath the Vatican because they haven't figured out how to kill it yet.
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Smuthunter said:
By the time we get there we're probably going to be elder essence. Elder essence means we're at the point where we can wave our hands and make entire plots disappear faster than a vampire at high noon, particularly if we've spent any time investing in socialize charms or other grand-scale effects. At that point the plot would most likely involve steamrolling over anything that isn't a deathlord, a yozi, or Chejop Kejack simply because we're so fucking broken that nobody else can meaningfully oppose us; eliminating slavery is a good goal for us just to start with for example, but it's not going to get the exposure it deserves if we can whip out a socialize charm and make whole nations renounce the practice overnight. Meanwhile on Earth we still have enemies who can whip out shonen power levels and other abilities that Exalts were not designed to deal with, at least until we hit late essence 5 or so.
In short you're worried about the lack of narrative conflict?

I predicted that. Nothing is set in stone, but I am prepared for everything 8)
Introspective Tinkerer said:
Well my idea was about mecha armed and funded by the Church to fight the supernatural.
Mecha. Always a good thing.
I had ideas of vampires made by virgin blood being spilled on magical rock but I don't know if that makes sense.
You spill the blood of a virgin on a magical rock and POOF!, vampire? Fifty.

There was also supposed to be a Kaiju-esque hydra monster sealed beneath the Vatican because they haven't figured out how to kill it yet.
Dragon. Dragons explain everything :))
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Alexander said:
In short you're worried about the lack of narrative conflict?

I predicted that. Nothing is set in stone, but I am prepared for everything 8)Mecha. Always a good thing. You spill the blood of a virgin on a magical rock and POOF!, vampire? Fifty.
Dragon. Dragons explain everything :))

Yeah the more significant the rock is to magic on Earth the more dangerous a vampire is created. A bunch nutjob cultists actuall did a virgin sacrifice at Stonehenge, and well... think of the God Hand when comes to power for that coven of vampires.
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Alexander said:
In short you're worried about the lack of narrative conflict?

I predicted that. Nothing is set in stone, but I am prepared for everything 8)
Not a lack of narrative conflict, a lack in what kinds of conflicts we get into. You talk a lot about how we're enemies of the yozis and bros with the Unconquered Sun but what about Bob the Farmer and his ranching compound out in Marukan? Conflict shouldn't occur only on the highest possible level; that's the Thousand Dooms issue writ large. Who cares about anything else that's going on in the West when the Silver Prince's First Age Doom Fleet is guaranteed to pop out of the sea and conquer everything in about five years or so? Volcano god cults? Lintha pirates? Fuck 'em, they're not important and/or we can curbstomp them all so trivially that we don't even need to waste time writing the fight scene.
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Introspective Tinkerer said:
Yeah the more significant the rock is to magic on Earth the more dangerous a vampire is created. A bunch nutjob cultists actuall did a virgin sacrifice at Stonehenge, and well... think of the God Hand when comes to power for that coven of vampires.
Uh. Is that a known thing? Because in that case there is no way anyone would allow virgins near Stonehenge.
Smuthunter said:
Not a lack of narrative conflict, a lack in what kinds of conflicts we get into. You talk a lot about how we're enemies of the yozis and bros with the Unconquered Sun but what about Bob the Farmer and his ranching compound out in Marukan? Conflict shouldn't occur only on the highest possible level; that's the Thousand Dooms issue writ large. Who cares about anything else that's going on in the West when the Silver Prince's First Age Doom Fleet is guaranteed to pop out of the sea and conquer everything in about five years or so? Volcano god cults? Lintha pirates? Fuck 'em, they're not important and/or we can curbstomp them all so trivially that we don't even need to waste time writing the fight scene.
In that case...

The quest would come to a end? *troll mode initiated*

Then we skip some decades forward, and now we tell the tale of a newly born Exalt who is granted access to the Radiant Dragon's Charms :p

Jokes aside, I understand your arguments. I suppose at that point there is really no point continuing.
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Some of us would find it intresting, but I think most of us are happy staying as far away from Creation as we can get for as long as we can ^^
Smuthunter said:
Who cares about anything else that's going on in the West when the Silver Prince's First Age Doom Fleet is guaranteed to pop out of the sea and conquer everything in about five years or so? Volcano god cults? Lintha pirates? Fuck 'em, they're not important and/or we can curbstomp them all so trivially that we don't even need to waste time writing the fight scene.
Do you read Solar Quest on /tg/?
Alexander said:
Uh. Is that a known thing? Because in that case there is no way anyone would allow virgins near Stonehenge.

It happened when the Impaler was in office. So people didn't really know where they came from. There's also the fact the stone ceases to exist after its hatched a vampire. The Stone Henge in modern times is a fake.
Introspective Tinkerer said:
It happened when the Impaler was in office. So people didn't really know where they came from. There's also the fact the stone ceases to exist after its hatched a vampire. The Stone Henge in modern times is a fake.
You mean Vlad? THE Vlad the Impaler?

So, that Coven of Super-Vampires is still alive? What is doing now?
Alexander said:
You mean Vlad? THE Vlad the Impaler?

So, that Coven of Super-Vampires is still alive? What is doing now?

Coming up with a way to turn all of humanity into mindless blood cows. They don't really want to destroy humanity since that would mean they would starve, so brainwashing works just as well. But, yes I do mean Vlad. In this world he actually was a pious man, sure he still impaled people but he was a leader in the fight against the forces of darkness.
Introspective Tinkerer said:
Coming up with a way to turn all of humanity into mindless blood cows. They don't really want to destroy humanity since that would mean they would starve, so brainwashing works just as well. But, yes I do mean Vlad. In this world he actually was a pious man, sure he still impaled people but he was a leader in the fight against the forces of darkness.
Relation with DxD canon vampires?
I dunno, maybe? I mean I came up with it myself, don't know if I'm copying anything so just let me know if I have.
Introspective Tinkerer said:
I dunno, maybe? I mean I came up with it myself, don't know if I'm copying anything so just let me know if I have.

This is the official wiki page. It should contain everything.
From what I've read the vampires I'm thinking of would still try to eat the vampires from DxD since they weren't born of virgin blood and mystic stone. They feel complete antipathy for anything that isn't them, and if it was feasible they would destroy the entire planet with them on it if it means everyone else dies too.
Alexander said:
(who he(Issei) helped with his(Autochthon's) robocancer problem).
This had better not involve curing it.
*deep breath*

Sorry for that. I'll explain myself.

Remember how I said that all Primordials are living concepts? That applies to Autobot, but no in the manner that most people think. An initial glance at him would suggest that his base concept is crafting. This is more the lens that his real theme is expressed through, like She Who Lives in Her Name's crystals or The Ebon Dragon's shadows.

Autocthton's real theme is Violating Boundaries.

Autocthton's whole basis is doing things that everyone, even the other Primordials, believe to be impossible. Why do you think that they kept nicking his stuff? Before they made Creation[1],when the Primordials were travelling through the Wyld, they feared that they were going nowhere. So Autocthton made a bridge to Nowhere and said that as long as they travelled away from it, they would go Sonwhere. He built the Exaltations which could do the impossible, kill the Primordials, who could not die or know death.

Autocthtion was again the exception.

His core concept unintentionally allowed him to violate the boundary that meant that Primordials could not die or get ill. He could. Thus, his robocancer is a core part of his very being, an unintentional expression of his capacity to do what all others claim is impossible. To cure it would be to excise this from his very being, and the result would not be Autocthton any more. It has likely managed to infest his Excellency, Mythos Exultant and Sorcerious Initiation. Hence why Alchemical Exalted cannot learn Sorcery, as that would require using a robocancer infestation vector.

Hence, I am opposed to 'curing' Autokun. That said, he had it under control when he was awake and healthy. But he is .... er .... neither awake nor in the best of health. He could cure himself if he woke up, but his Third Circles are in a deadlock in the debate over this, and none of the Great Nations are willing to wake the Great Maker without the approval of his souls, so that's a problem.

Also, we need to seduce a female Alchemical, preferably Oricalicum caste. Two reasons. One; and Oricalicum caste Alchemicals reduce the Limit that Solars accumulate just by being around them/having a positive intimacy. Two, a Metropolis would make for a fantastic base/home for us. :))

[1] By way of lesbian, underage, incestuous sex between Gaia and Cytheria. Natch
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I would think that would be the implication, curing him being removing the sickness, not removing the part of him that makes it possible for him to get sick, that's like going, this person keeps getting sick, lets kill him so he never gets sick anymore /laugh
Noctum said:
Also, we need to seduce a female Alchemical, preferably Oricalicum caste. Two reasons. One; and Oricalicum caste Alchemicals reduce the Limit that Solars accumulate just by being around them/having a positive intimacy. Two, a Metropolis would make for a fantastic base/home for us. :))
Three, Thousandfold Courtesan Calculations.

You're right that you can't completely cure his robocancer, but you can force it into remission. As long as he has a steady flow of resources, Autochthon can keep himself healthy.
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EternitynChaos said:
I would think that would be the implication, curing him being removing the sickness, not removing the part of him that makes it possible for him to get sick, that's like going, this person keeps getting sick, lets kill him so he never gets sick anymore /laugh
It gets a little trickier if you think of Autobot's robocancer as being something genetic. You might be able to send it into remission or alleviate the symptoms but you can't cure it or remove it without stripping out his genes or whatever the primordial equivalent is.
Smuthunter said:
It gets a little trickier if you think of Autobot's robocancer as being something genetic. You might be able to send it into remission or alleviate the symptoms but you can't cure it or remove it without stripping out his genes or whatever the primordial equivalent is.
Basically, in order to "cure" Autobot's robocancer you'd need to change his entire nature from base principles. That's more than just fetich death, that's basically creating a new Primordial from scratch.
Noctum said:
This had better not involve curing it.
*deep breath*

Sorry for that. I'll explain myself.

Remember how I said that all Primordials are living concepts? That applies to Autobot, but no in the manner that most people think. An initial glance at him would suggest that his base concept is crafting. This is more the lens that his real theme is expressed through, like She Who Lives in Her Name's crystals or The Ebon Dragon's shadows.

Autocthton's real theme is Violating Boundaries.

Autocthton's whole basis is doing things that everyone, even the other Primordials, believe to be impossible. Why do you think that they kept nicking his stuff? Before they made Creation[1],when the Primordials were travelling through the Wyld, they feared that they were going nowhere. So Autocthton made a bridge to Nowhere and said that as long as they travelled away from it, they would go Sonwhere. He built the Exaltations which could do the impossible, kill the Primordials, who could not die or know death.

Autocthtion was again the exception.

His core concept unintentionally allowed him to violate the boundary that meant that Primordials could not die or get ill. He could. Thus, his robocancer is a core part of his very being, an unintentional expression of his capacity to do what all others claim is impossible. To cure it would be to excise this from his very being, and the result would not be Autocthton any more. It has likely managed to infest his Excellency, Mythos Exultant and Sorcerious Initiation. Hence why Alchemical Exalted cannot learn Sorcery, as that would require using a robocancer infestation vector.

Hence, I am opposed to 'curing' Autokun. That said, he had it under control when he was awake and healthy. But he is .... er .... neither awake nor in the best of health. He could cure himself if he woke up, but his Third Circles are in a deadlock in the debate over this, and none of the Great Nations are willing to wake the Great Maker without the approval of his souls, so that's a problem.

Also, we need to seduce a female Alchemical, preferably Oricalicum caste. Two reasons. One; and Oricalicum caste Alchemicals reduce the Limit that Solars accumulate just by being around them/having a positive intimacy. Two, a Metropolis would make for a fantastic base/home for us. :))

[1] By way of lesbian, underage, incestuous sex between Gaia and Cytheria. Natch
Auto-kun is best Primordial :D

No, it doesn't involve curing it. Oh, Issei tried at the beginning (after convincing the Alchemical he was not a monster from the Nowhere). It didn't work. Luckily he didn't keep stubbornly trying and instead decided to wake Autocthton up, thinking that guy must be the one who know his body best. Once Auto-kun told him what he needed Issei went to gather the necessary resources from the Asteroid's Belt and other places.

Wait. An Orichalcum caste can reduce the Limit? How? Where it is described? I need to read it myself!

(Wait. Violating Boundaries? Oh, poor Yukari)
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Alexander said:
Wait. An Orichalcum caste can reduce the Limit? How? Where it is described? I need to read it myself!
Alchemical Synergy, page 42 of Manual: Alchemicals.

Exposure of Creation's Chosen to Alchemicals of the proper caste produces a number of minor side-effects. Alchemicals have no knowledge nor sense of their impact on other Exalted, and most Exalts are able to easily dismiss any strange feelings engendered by an encounter with the Machine God's Chosen. Still, the return of the Alchemicals in some way completes the alignment of the Exalted. This influence is real, and over time, it could work to shift the destiny of both Autochthonia and Creation.

Solars: A Solar facing one of the Orichalcum Caste feels a stirring in his heart and becomes keenly aware that the Lord of Heaven Chose him to be a Lawgiver. In particular, the words spoken to a Zenith by the Unconquered Sun at the time of his Exaltation might quietly echo in the back of his mind. The next time the Solar sleeps, he is likely to experience vivid dream-memories of the First Age due to resonant agitation of his Exaltation. While their characters are in the presence of an Orichalcum Caste, the players of Solars who meet their Limit Break condition (see Exalted, p. 103) ignore one success on the associated Virtue roll. This effect can reduce a character's Limit gain to zero points.
Just baseless speculation, but if one cannot "cure" the robocancer, could one instead redefine the effect of the symptoms? I.e. conceptually alter it to be a helpful effect without altering the disease? Is that not possible with Glorious Solar Bullshit?
HypoSoc said:
Just baseless speculation, but if one cannot "cure" the robocancer, could one instead redefine the effect of the symptoms? I.e. conceptually alter it to be a helpful effect without altering the disease? Is that not possible with Glorious Solar Bullshit?
That is doable. But it would require an alteration of the very core of his being, and would likely require a controlled fetich death. Fetich deaths tend to not turn out very well for the Primordial in question, often either lessening them or changing them for the worse. Good luck convincing him to do that; better that he just wake up and keep it under control.
Smuthunter said:
Alchemical Synergy, page 42 of Manual: Alchemicals.

Exposure of Creation's Chosen to Alchemicals of the proper caste produces a number of minor side-effects. Alchemicals have no knowledge nor sense of their impact on other Exalted, and most Exalts are able to easily dismiss any strange feelings engendered by an encounter with the Machine God's Chosen. Still, the return of the Alchemicals in some way completes the alignment of the Exalted. This influence is real, and over time, it could work to shift the destiny of both Autochthonia and Creation.

Solars: A Solar facing one of the Orichalcum Caste feels a stirring in his heart and becomes keenly aware that the Lord of Heaven Chose him to be a Lawgiver. In particular, the words spoken to a Zenith by the Unconquered Sun at the time of his Exaltation might quietly echo in the back of his mind. The next time the Solar sleeps, he is likely to experience vivid dream-memories of the First Age due to resonant agitation of his Exaltation. While their characters are in the presence of an Orichalcum Caste, the players of Solars who meet their Limit Break condition (see Exalted, p. 103) ignore one success on the associated Virtue roll. This effect can reduce a character's Limit gain to zero points.
Niiice. Is the effect cumulative (probably not, but one can hope)?

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