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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Supervillains aren't renowned for making good decisions, even when doing so is incredibly simple.

You cannot have a society of supervillains let alone a race of supervillains. Stupid Chaotic Evil races only exist in tabletop games, any realistic representation would never get to be anything remotely resembling a society for any amount of time.

Supervillain leadership I could see but again not actually functioning for any notable amount of time (we saw how "well" such a thing works in Earth -14)
You cannot have a society of supervillains let alone a race of supervillains. Stupid Chaotic Evil races only exist in tabletop games, any realistic representation would never get to be anything remotely resembling a society for any amount of time.

Supervillain leadership I could see but again not actually functioning for any notable amount of time (we saw how "well" such a thing works in Earth -14)

Zoat already showed us the Citadelians and Psions, both evil races down to the last member.

If Hinon was involved in making them then they could potentially be billions of years old.

And the Apokaliptians, which are ruled by some of the most evil beings in the universe and the average person may not be exactly all that good on that planet.

And they've probably done that for billions of years, which is a long time.

There are also the demons in Hell, which are made of evil, even though they're on some kind of rehabilitation thing right now they did have a society before that, and one that has lasted for at least thousands of years if not longer.

Societies made up of evil people do exist in this story.

Yeah they can be taken down and it's difficult for them to put themselves back together after that, plus there is a lot of infighting in them, but they do exist.

The leadership on Earth -14 was mostly taken down by an outside force rather than one from within, aside from that time Talon tried to destroy it.
Yep he did.

I think he also killed the Bane construct.

This was maybe some time after they built the cage for his Anti Life fragment, but I'm not completely sure.
Huh. It's an interesting question. When I last saw it the Vandal Savage construct was in a storage vault in Challenger Mountain working on the fifth volume of his autobiography. But constructs don't age. And if I wasn't around… He'd just have stayed there until… What? Whatever it was that drained my rings started up and he faded away? I don't think there's any way to turn a construct back into a person… Have to experiment with the Sword some time.

doesn't he just have to see if they where reborn then?
You cannot have a society of supervillains let alone a race of supervillains. Stupid Chaotic Evil races only exist in tabletop games, any realistic representation would never get to be anything remotely resembling a society for any amount of time.

Supervillain leadership I could see but again not actually functioning for any notable amount of time (we saw how "well" such a thing works in Earth -14)
It can work if the society is at a post-scarcity tech level like the psions are. All the survival basics are handled by automation. I'd almost consider it a likely outcome since in a post-scarcity society there isn't anything stopping the population from acting like those idle rich assholes who do nothing but compete against each other for meaningless status.
You cannot have a society of supervillains let alone a race of supervillains. Stupid Chaotic Evil races only exist in tabletop games, any realistic representation would never get to be anything remotely resembling a society for any amount of time.

Supervillain leadership I could see but again not actually functioning for any notable amount of time (we saw how "well" such a thing works in Earth -14)

i mean, the drow are canonically only still existent because every-time they're hit with a crisis, Lolth violates her alignment/her own preaching and orders them to stop murdering each other for the duration (and she made some incredibly fucked-up changes to their reproductive biology-they full-on get off on their babies murdering each other in the womb as a motivator, coupled with extreme virility/fertiltiy by elven standards)- id say its more like....
such a society cant exist "naturally" without something in-universe actively propping the entire thing up via force of violence/power-
given that their fucking sun is trying to eat them in a metaphysical/literal sense, the noble's running this abortion of a civiliseation have to have one fucking HELL of a big stick/boot on their species's throat....
"There's still just two of us."

We each spend a few moments looking at each other.

"I'm a Goddess of Archery."

"And your rainbow arrows are a decent stand-in for boom tubes. And I won't have a ranged weapon until I take one from someone."
And Grayven hatches yet another audacious 'plan' hoping to improvise his way through the inevitable almost-fatal injuries. Admittedly, he's got a very good track-record.
It can work if the society is at a post-scarcity tech level like the psions are.

O-kay. But Sheeda most definitely aren't a post-scarcity society. In fact they are the exact opposite of it. Even fucking vikings farmed and fished and stuff between raids. Sheeda subsist on nothing but raids. And zombie kudzu/coral thing covering the planet I guess.
You cannot have a society of supervillains let alone a race of supervillains. Stupid Chaotic Evil races only exist in tabletop games, any realistic representation would never get to be anything remotely resembling a society for any amount of time.

Supervillain leadership I could see but again not actually functioning for any notable amount of time (we saw how "well" such a thing works in Earth -14)
It might work with copious usage of mind control and compulsions, even if the society isn't post scarcity.
hmm, maybe the Sheeda rulers keep their subjects under some kind of spell that ensures they don't betray them and rise up.
and we have a precedent with the psions and their indoctrination/brainwashing creche's, i suppose- maybe surgical/chemical brain alteration on a species-wide scale to nudge/force each generation (assuming they're even breeding) into the same tendencies/thought patterns?

...though the other big question i have given their use/abuse of TT/temporal tech is how well established/OLD the sheeda as we know them are/is-
it makes me think of a half-serious theory i have about the Terran's in Star trek online's badlands battle zone-given the casualty/asset destruction rates there, its actually reasonable to suspect that they're save-scumming with their stolen/gifted temporal manipulation tech to remain viable, on a ship by ship basis-
given that the Sheeda are seemingly going all-in with each Harrowing, how much use/abuse of time manipulation are they using to ensure they keep rolling results given that they're going all-in, win or die out, every time?

...there was something that happened a while back in a warhammer 40k (set between 30 and m40 actually)fic ive been following that crippled shi-who-thirsts that ive been thinking about-
due to the warp twisting spacetime into a pretzel, the CG in question was essentially running a metaphysical ponzi scheme where as long as there was a effective chance of claiming eldar souls in the future, they could essentially get away with preemptively using the power gained from devouring it before the event (and partly use it to ensure the claiming when they died)-

until something..extremely traumatic happened to a certain, festering pit in the webway that massively reduced the present (and future) dark eldar population,the suffering said psychotic bastards caused AND the power gained from said suffering..... and their powerbase/strength outright started imploding-

given the Sheeda just had one of their time machines destroyed, IF they'd been using it and the (others?) they posses to avert failed harrowings using future knowledge to maintain their rickety grip on power/existance.........
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Summer's End (part 6)


The wall around the city outskirts isn't all that impressive, but I can just about make out the shape of humanoids patrolling the wall-walk behind the battlements. They could be Sheeda or zombies; at this distance I can't really tell. From the outlines it looks like their weapons are bows and spears, but that doesn't mean that there aren't more sophisticated ranged weapons up there as well.

We could blitz it, but smashing through it or jumping over it would attract attention. Unless we killed everyone, but that would draw even more attention just a little later. From behind a coral outcrop Artemis and I watch what looks like a minor gate into the city, just in case there are travellers we could bushwhack or a clue we could gather about the structure of this civilisation. Are there other cities? Do they trade with one another? Are there other peoples around such that we could claim to be from elsewhere on this world?

At the moment the universe is not obliging us.

"I could bridge up onto those walls."

"With a bright, rainbow-coloured bridge." I nod my head to the side. "They might appreciate the lightshow so much that they agree not to report us, but I don't want to count on it."

"Can your Mother Box make hush tubes?"

"No." Hm. "I could throw you over. If I got enough height the watchers on the walls wouldn't see you-."

"I could throw you."

I turn my head her way and raise my left eyebrow.

"Could you?"

"Maybe you wouldn't go all the way over…"

I shake my head. "Let's make our way around-."

The gate opens from within. A couple of the people on the top of the wall look down over the inner edge, then go back to their patrol. Artemis and I lean into our cover as… A figure shrouded in robes walks out. They have a… Pole arm? No, a staff, with a ghostly glowing symbol floating just above the uppermost end. Doesn't look like any glyph I recognise. The entryway opens a little wider and… More of the zombie children follow the figure, marching in neat ranks just behind them.

"What are they?"

"Don't… Know."

Four columns of six, neatly marching and staring ahead of them. Not glancing left or right. Tame? Or-. No, the symbol, almost certainly. Control authorisation for a larger spell, whatever's animating them.

The zombherd turns away to our right, but is definitely heading away from the walls. It won't be particularly difficult for us to arrange an ambush…

"I don't suppose that you brought a New God communicator."

"No. You?"

I shake my head. Could use God-speech, but I don't know how good Artemis is with it and there are ways to detect it that don't require the detector to be a New God.

"You sneak better than me."

She nods. "I'll take the lead. You follow."

I nod and she moves laterally relative to the wall, her movements mirroring those of the zombherd while maintaining distance. A True, True Friend-.

I put my right hand over my mouth as I nearly start singing. Confound These Ponies.

I follow Artemis slowly, using the vague 'ping' from my God-senses rather than sight. Can't see much in the murk, though I imagine that the zombherd's staff makes tracking them easier for Artemis. And makes a mess of her night vision, but she's been trained in this since early childhood. Instead of paying too much attention to her, I turn my eyes in the direction of the city, both the walls and higher up where I've seen the shadows of flying creatures pass between me and the lights. If they're Sheeda soldiers mounted on flies they are actually a threat worth paying attention to, lightly equipped as we are. Nothing heading our way just yet, as far as I can see…

I give her… I've never been good at estimating time. Or weight, actually. But she's gotten a decent distance away from me and I assume that the zombherd is further. Carefully making sure to keep myself as concealed from the city as I can I walk carefully down the opposite side of the slope and walk slowly through the murk in her direction. Interesting that between the coral and the… Stuff which appears to grow on its surface there's basically no loose material. Also… Not much wind. That implies… Some sort of windbreak? There would always be patches of ground that would be hotter than others, so differences in air pressure and so air movement. Could the..? Energy draining effect be taking energy from the air? But I'm breathing just fine, so…

I don't know.

Another 'ping' from Artemis as she moves further away, faster than I'm moving as I follow her. I suppose we could send messages like this. Have one party move closer or further in patterns like Morse code. Which she almost certainly knows but which I don't.

I'm a twentieth century man fighting with a huge sword. I shouldn't be surprised about out-of-date skills suddenly becoming relevant again.

A faint.. tremor shakes the ground and has me looking about me for a source. I don't see anything of note and Artemis doesn't appear to be running, so… I don't know. An earthquake wouldn't be a surprise. The Earth's interior should still be at least somewhat dynamic in the future, and while I haven't seen anything man-made that would have made such an impact it could have been an impact from a catapult or.. something along those lines.

Another tremor, this one carrying on for a little while. Okay, my nightmare scenario is a giant charging out of the mists but this shaking doesn't feel right for giant footsteps. I accelerate from a slow walk to a slow stride, still keeping up my awareness of my surroundings while also feeling as strongly as I can for Artemis.

The land begins to descend somewhat, and the surface is… Uneven. Like cracks formed and have partially… Scabbed over. The size of my feet means that I don't have to worry about turning my ankles, but it's the first interesting geological feature I've seen since getting here. Perhaps earthquakes… Are common in this area? Not like we've been here for long enough to know.

I come to the edge of a-.

Oh my.

I'm standing on the edge of a crater. Off to my right I can see Artemis sneaking down into the basin, presumably to get closer to the zombherd. In the centre of the basin, surrounded by piles of displaced rock and earth is a giant… Millipede? Worm? Spider? It's long, thin, and has legs in all directions, though the 'thin' is relative. Its multi-jawed mouth is as least as tall as I am, and I can get a sense of scale because the zombherd is standing just in front of it with… Her staff raised and a different sigil glowing from the head. The creature's eyes are transfixed, and it completely ignores the zombie children as they gnaw at its sides. Is this a… Hunting party? Lure the thing to the surface and then hypnotise it while the children feed? But how are they controlling the children? Are they just locked on to a food source now that they've started eating?

The zombherd steps back and the creature follows, more of its vast body pulling itself out of the ground. That must be the source of the tremors, though obviously if one such creature exists there may well be others. Other than the staff there's no source of light down there so with the zombherd, creature and children all focusing on things Artemis is making good time. In fact, she's-.

She slips in behind the zombherd, presses a coral arrow to their throat and says.. something. The zombherd twitches but the sigil doesn't move. There's no change I can see for a moment, then Artemis pulls the zombherd's hood back and…

Female Sheeda. At least now we know roughly when we are.

Artemis looks around and then makes a beckoning gesture towards me. I nod, draw my daiklave, and with a wary eye on the beast begin my approach.
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sophisticated range weapons
range -> ranged
These -> Those (? Not sure, it's probably a reference I don't get.)
mounted on flies they
flies -> fliers (? Again, not sure. I don't really know sheeda.)
Energy graining effect
graining -> draining
I'm a twentieth century man
Nice to know that 'Grayven' still remembers his actual origin.
Having fun with the timestamps, if nothing else. At least he's trying to keep his spirits up.

The wall around the city outskirts isn't all that impressive, but I can just about make out the shape of humanoids patrolling the wall-walk behind the battlements. They could be Sheeda or zombies: at this distance I can't really tell. From the outlines it looks like their weapons are bows and spears, but that doesn't mean that there aren't more sophisticated range weapons up there as well.
At first glance, it looks like a society just above the medieval. Maybe they have cannons hidden, but I suspect such advanced metallurgy might be prone to suffering the same degradation their gear is showing.

We could blitz it, but smashing through it or jumping over it would attract attention. Unless we killed everyone, but that would draw even more attention just a little later. From behind a coral outcrop Artemis and I watch what looks like a minor gate into the city, just in case there are travellers we could bushwhack or a clue we could gather about the structure of this civilisation. Are there other cities? Do they trade with one another? Are there other peoples around such that we could claim to be from elsewhere on this world?
I don't think there's anywhere you can claim to be from, Grayven. I doubt Sheeda come in eight-feet-tall, grey and brick-wall-like. If they're time-travelling yet, you could claim to be a slave, but that has its' own problems.

At the moment the universe is not obliging us.

"I could bridge up onto those walls."
Just one minor, teeny-weeny detail about that, Artemis...

"With a bright, rainbow-coloured bridge." I nod my head to the side. "They might appreciate the lightshow so much that they agree not to report us, but I don't want to count on it."

"Can your Mother Box make hush tubes?"
At this point, Mother Box is barely capable of talking. I don't think she's up to it.

"No." Hm. "I could throw you over. If I got enough height the watchers on the walls wouldn't see you-."

"I could throw you."
:rolleyes: Not unless you somehow got Danner Formula'd while we weren't looking.

I turn my head her way and raise my left eyebrow.

"Could you?"
What he said. Seriously...

"Maybe you wouldn't go all the way over…"

I shake my head. "Let's make our way around-."
Maybe find a waterway you could swim along? I mean, they have to get water from somewhere. A city this size can't subsist on aquifer wells alone.

The gate opens from within. A couple of the people on the top of the wall look down over the inner edge, then go back to their patrol. Artemis and I lean into our cover as… A figure shrouded in robes walks out. They have a… Pole arm? No, a staff, with a ghostly glowing symbol floating just above the uppermost end. Doesn't look like any glyph I recognise. The entryway opens a little wider and… More of the zombie children follow the figure, marching in neat ranks just behind them.
A Witch-sign? Looks like one of the guard-dogs' trainers, heading out to replace casualties. So the dogs are likely Grundymen of some kind.

"What are they?"

"Don't… Know."
Ah, for some Ring charge. Always fun to see someone shorn of their usual tools. Then you get to see the crafty side of them.

Four columns of six, neatly marching and staring ahead of them. Not glancing left or right. Tame? Or-. No, the symbol, almost certainly. Control authorisation for a larger spell, whatever's animating them.

The zombherd turns away to our right, but is definitely heading away from the walls. It won't be particularly difficult for us to arrange an ambush…
Problem is, there's only one cloak. And I don't think you'll fit under it, Grayven...

"I don't suppose that you brought a New God communicator."

"No. You?"
"Sorry, I left my universal translator in my other utility belt."

I shake my head. Could use God-speech, but I don't know how good Artemis is with it and there are ways to detect it that don't require the detector to be a New God.

"You sneak better than me."
Not hard, given she's not eight feet tall and three feet wide.

She nods. "I'll take the lead. You follow."

I nod and she moves laterally relative to the wall, her movements mirroring those of the zombherd while maintaining distance. A True, True Friend-.

I put my right hand over my mouth as I nearly start singing. Confound These Ponies.
Heheh. I see the Harmonising is still having a few after effects... Would be funny if you could just dance-number your way inside...

I follow Artemis slowly, using the vague 'ping' from my God-senses rather than sight. Can't see much in the murk, though I imagine that the zombherd's staff makes tracking them easier for Artemis. And makes a mess of her night vision, but she's been trained in this since early childhood. Instead of paying too much attention to her, I turn my eyes in the direction of the city, both the walls and higher up where I've seen the shadows of flying creatures pass between me and the lights. If they're Sheeda soldiers mounted on flies they are actually a threat worth paying attention to, lightly equipped as we are. Nothing heading our way just yet, as far as I can see…
On the upside, they make one mistake, get too close and you end up with a gun and a mount. They're likely too smart for that, but you can hope...

I give her… I've never been good at estimating time. Or weight, actually. But she's gotten a decent distance away from me and I assume that the zombherd is further. Carefully making sure to keep myself as concealed from the city as I can I walk carefully down the opposite side of the slope and walk slowly through the murk in her direction. Interesting that between the coral and the… Stuff which appears to grow on its surface there's basically no loose material. Also… Not much wind. That implies… Some sort of windbreak? There would always be patches of ground that would be hotter than others, so differences in pressure and so air movement. Could the..? Energy graining effect be taking energy from the air? But I'm breathing just fine, so…
It is noticably colder than you'd expect it to be. Not quite a nuclear winter, but it could be something close.

I don't know.

Another 'ping' from Artemis as she moves further away, faster than I'm moving as I follow her. I suppose we could send messages like this. Have one party move closer or further in patterns like Morse code. Which she almost certainly knows but which I don't.
Something else you'd rely on your ring for, I suppose. Really, you'd think you'd have at least prepared for a situation like this: No rings, no Mother Box, no backup... Bat-Dad would be disappointed.

I'm a twentieth century man fighting with a huge sword. I shouldn't be surprised about out-of-date skills suddenly becoming relevant again.

A faint.. tremor shakes the ground and has me looking about me for a source. I don't see anything of note and Artemis doesn't appear to be running, so… I don't know. An earthquake wouldn't be a surprise. The Earth's interior should still be at least somewhat dynamic in the future, and while I haven't seen anything man-made that would have made such an impact it could have been an impact from a catapult or.. something along those lines.
"Do we have wormsign, Stilgar?"

Another tremor, this one carrying on for a little while. Okay, my nightmare scenario is a giant charging out of the mists but this shaking doesn't feel right for giant footsteps. I accelerate from a slow walk to a slow stride, still keeping up my awareness of my surroundings while also feeling as strongly as I can for Artemis.
The New God equivalent of Sonar, yay. Only works for empowered Nobility, but, hey...

The land begins to descend somewhat, and the surface is… Uneven. Like cracks formed and have partially… Scabbed over. The size of my feet means that I don't have to worry about turning my ankles, but it's the first interesting geological features I've seen since getting here. Perhaps earthquakes… Are common in this area? Not like we've been here for long enough to know.

I come to the edge of a-.

Oh my.
Eh, not naughty enough to deserve a </takei>. Might want to walk without rythym, though. It ain't the sands of Arrakis, but you never know...

I'm standing on the edge of a crater. Off to my right I can see Artemis sneaking down into the basin, presumably to get closer to the zombherd. In the centre of the basin, surrounded by piles of displaced rock and earth is a giant… Millipede? Worm? Spider? It's long, thin, and has legs in all directions, though the 'thin' is relative. Its multi-jawed mouth is as least as tall as I am, and I can get a sense of scale because the zombherd is standing just in front of it with… Her staff raised and a different sigil glowing from the head. The creature's eyes are transfixed, and it completely ignores the zombie children and they gnaw at its sides. Is this a… Hunting party? Lure the thing to the surface and then hypnotise it while the children feed? But how are they controlling the children? Are they just locked on to a food source now that they've started eating?
"Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which God has never seen!" Also, fascinating ecology, artificial as it is.

The zombherd steps back and the creature follows, more of its vast body pulling itself out of the ground. That must be the source of the tremors, though obviously if one such creature exists they may well be others. Other than the staff there's no source of light down there so with the zombherd, creature and children all focusing on things Artemis is making good time. In fact, she's-.

She slips in behind the zombherd, presses a coral arrow to their throat and says.. something. The zombherd twitches but the sigil doesn't move. There's no change I can see for a moment, then Artemis pulls the zombherd's hood back and…
Ah, sneaking skills for the win. Sometimes, charging in greatsword first isn't the best way... A lesson some murderhobos adventurers never learn.

Female Sheeda. At least now we know roughly when we are.

Artemis looks around and then makes a beckoning gesture towards me. I nod, draw my daiklave, and with a wary eye on the beast begin my approach.
I hope she can understand English. Otherwise this interrogation is going to be very awkward.

Now, to see what she has to say, if she can say anything at all. If nothing else, you have a disguise for Artemis. Though I find myself wondering how easy it'll be to bluff her way inside, especially if she can't control the guard dogs...

Godspeech, with some links!
I nod and she moves laterally relative to the wall, her movements mirroring those of the zombherd while maintaining distance. A True, True Friend-.

I put my right hand over my mouth as I nearly start singing. Confound These Ponies.
Another tremor, this one carrying on for a little while. Okay, my nightmare scenario is a giant charging out of the mists but this shaking doesn't feel right for giant footsteps. I accelerate from a slow walk to a slow stride, still keeping up my awareness of my surroundings while also feeling as strongly as I can for Artemis.
At first glance, it looks like a society just above the medieval. Maybe they have cannons hidden, but I suspect such advanced metallurgy might be prone to suffering the same degradation their gear is showing.

Ehh, they did have a Box that they stole so their equipment may be able to withstand the degradation around them.

And even if their equipment seems primitive remember that they do have advanced tech and magic, so the spears and swords might be able to make metal seem like butter and they coul be used for casting spells.

:rolleyes: Not unless you somehow got Danner Formula'd while we weren't looking.

Enhanced strength may come with all Awakenings, but I don't know if it's all that much.

"Sorry, I left my universal translator in my other utility belt."

If only New Gods had the Allspeak that gods in Marvel have.

Not hard, given she's not eight feet tall and three feet wide.

Astartes in 40k apparently would go undercover sometimes and used stealth successfully.

Seriously people that were at least eight feet tall would go undercover and do spy work.

And I thought that setting couldn't be stupid enough.
maybe remove 'so' and just be 'and air'
Technically twenty first century man.
Born in 1983. Twentieth.
'there may well'
Thank you, corrected.
Thank you, corrected.
These -> Those (? Not sure, it's probably a reference I don't get.)
Yes. Yes it is.
flies -> fliers (? Again, not sure. I don't really know sheeda.)
No, they're literally giant flies.
graining -> draining
Thank you, corrected.
Female Sheeda. At least now we know roughly when we are.

Why would zombieherd's gender tell you when you are? Did Sheeda lose all of their (fe)males at some point in their history? Is that why they raid the past? Some 'They Want Our Women' deal going on?
Why would zombieherd's gender tell you when you are? Did Sheeda lose all of their (fe)males at some point in their history? Is that why they raid the past? Some 'They Want Our Women' deal going on?
It's probably more that it's a Sheeda rather than its gender
Why would zombieherd's gender tell you when you are? Did Sheeda lose all of their (fe)males at some point in their history? Is that why they raid the past? Some 'They Want Our Women' deal going on?

No it just tells them that they're in an era where the Sheeda exist.

As far as they knew they could have come to an era before the Sheeda existed, or after the Sheeda era.

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