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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

DC Ares is a bloodthirsty asshole even in his best comic/animated incarnations. He would fuck them over. Especially if WW's coming along.

Yup! The Greek war god you want on your side is always going to be Athena if not Nike, just be sure to wear the right shoes when invoking the latter.
The only good version of Ares I can remember from DC Comics is the n52 one, who mentored Diana and was an ally.

Which makes sense given that the ancient Amazons supposedly worshiped him.
just be sure to wear the right shoes when invoking the latter.

If all of the Leaguers on the assault team wore Nike sneakers (granting +2 to Sneak Attacks) someone would accuse Zoat of product placement :D

I remember something about a mentor who's a lesbian in this universe

Err... Sure. That too. But I was talking about the Intense Friendship she and OL have allegedly built up almost entirely offscreen after her introduction episode. I remember just having a Headscrather moment when the Crisis episode started and OL started talking about her as if they are old comrades.

In any case, she's on Earth 16 right now. And probably a part of the Team (which is a bit weird considering she has decades of "superheroing" experience on all of them).
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Wait is John a clone or something of Constintine? I've always been confused about that

Current bet is on this john being the 'golden boy' version. Alternate universe version of john, or rather john's twin whom in the womb he strangled to death. In the comics this alternate version of his twin did the strangling, got all the good luck and 'our' john got all his bad luck. It's a bit more disturbing then just that, but that's to be expected given the origins. Basically he's the reason for everything being utter Shit in John's life, and in his universe is seen as a great hero and chosen one.
Ah, yes. Now I remember something about a mentor who's a lesbian in this universe and, to Angelika's surprise, actually a nice person.

That would be her adoptive aunt.

She was someone that had the Danner formula given to her before she was born.

She's apparently one of the Nazi superheroes on Angelika's world, but keeps her sexuality hidden for obvious reasons, while her Earth 16 counterpart is happily married to an Asian speedster.

Rocket is technically the one helping her out with her rehab, but it would make sense for the other woman to help her out since she may have been raised by Nazi parents herself before she stopped believing what they were preaching.
Thank you, corrected.
Why is Mammon still around? Why do they even let him see their preparations, let alone consider taking him with them? Reformation or not, he's still a demon.
Because they needed the gear the SI let him take to home in on the Csatle Revolving.
'His general'
'have actually'
Thank you, corrected.
maybe add a comma there 'were the only items, other than Aeres herself, that.
No, I think that's okay.
So did these Thanagarians die on Earth, or did Mammon go to another planet to collect them?
On Earth.
Okay, are we ever going to find out who this John is?
Yup! The Greek war god you want on your side is always going to be Athena if not Nike, just be sure to wear the right shoes when invoking the latter.

"We're going into this place and killing everybody there, before blowing it up. Want to come?"

There's a fair few monsters in DC who'd leap at the chance, and Ares is one of them. Better than the literal Demon Lord.
Wait is John a clone or something of Constintine? I've always been confused about that

The common theory is that Quinn was Golden Boy but what with this "original talk," I think Quinn might be another golem like Demon Constantine.

So he might be Order Constantine.

Johnny couldn't handle both order and chaos, didn't have anyone he felt he could trust with that power, so he made one.
The common theory is that Quinn was Golden Boy but what with this "original talk," I think Quinn might be another golem like Demon Constantine.

I do hope the Quinn/Golden Boy thing gets resolved soon. The Hugo Danner reveal was bad enough but if Constantine has locked up somewhere all this time or something, it would just make Paragon look (even more) sloppy. Though I'd also be fine with the League being proactive and investigating him too (between Mist, Zatara and Angelica, I'm sure they can figure out something).

I wonder where Demon Constantine is now; I don't think Paragon's discussed him with Mammon yet. Also, can we get an image reference for what Mammon's supposed to look like now?
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I do hope the Quinn/Golden Boy thing gets resolved soon. The Hugo Danner reveal was bad enough but if Constantine is locked up somewhere all this time or something, it would just make Paragon look sloppy. Though I'd also be fine with the League being proactive and investigating him too (between Mist, Zatara and Angelica, I'm sure they can figure out something).

I wonder where Demon Constantine is now; I don't think Paragon's discussed him with Mammon yet. Also, can we get an image reference for what Mammon's supposed to look like now?

I'm picturing Mammon looking like South Park Satan, he has muscles but he does look a bit round.

That or a demonic looking Wilson Fisk.
So, what people call Strongfat.
Take a look at the body of your average powerlifter. Bloated up bodybuilders are actually weak in comparison to how they look. Built for show, not for go.

I once watched a 6'3 360 pound Mongolian Sumo wrestler chunk around a roided up bodybuilder so badly it went beyond embarrassing. The power in a body like this tends to shock those who don't know better.

I wish they'd asked Ares.
DC Ares is an asshole and a coward, who'd care more about fucking with Wonder Woman.

Mythological Ares was also a coward, who tended to flee back to Olympus if he was wounded.
DC Ares is an asshole and a coward, who'd care more about fucking with Wonder Woman.

Mythological Ares was also a coward, who tended to flee back to Olympus if he was wounded.

To be fair, Mythic Ares doesn't always have the best track record with...much of anything.

Cold Iron (part 11)
26th June 2012
15:47 GMT -5

This is the first time I've seen Batman in power armour.

I saw suits like this in the comics from time to time, when he absolutely had to fight someone out of his weight class directly. But it wasn't how he generally liked to handle things. He and Nightwing fought an early Amazo without anything beyond their standard loadouts by outthinking it and covering it with C4 rather than splitting up, running, and coming back with specialised equipment. I even remember one comic where he used a 'Bat-boat' and reflected that he didn't want to get distracted with weaponry, perfect being the enemy of good enough.

And I suppose there's only so much he can misappropriate from Wayne Enterprise's research and development division without an auditor noticing.

Looks like… Looks like a rip off of one of LexCorp's designs, actually. With added bat detailing and I strongly suspect an entirely new computer system.

Major Adams is wearing a helmet the same colour as his skin, with a built in air scrubber. Diana's faceplate has a similar function, though in its case the purification system is magical rather than technological. Arnus has a smaller Terminan device which serves a similar purpose, and he's been kind enough to hand Mr. Allen a spare.

It all looks just a little more rational, a little more standardised, than a normal superhero outing. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that.

Dr. Balewa takes a deep, slow breath. He… Doesn't look… Entirely there, as if he's partially transubstantiated, so much magic being channelled through his body that his flesh just wasn't sufficient to contain it.

"We are… Ready. They are almost certainly aware thet someone is probing them, and they will try to shut down the portal as soon as it opens. I cannot promise thet it will still exist when you wish to return."

Major Adams nods. "Won't be a problem. When we win, we can just take out the jammer. Or fly the ship back."

"We may not be able to sustain the portal long enough to send all of you. We will try, but we do not know what skills the magicians amongst the Sheeda possess. Should it close, we will of course try to reopen it."

Batman nods. "Understood. Orange Lantern, you're on point. Go through the second Doctor Mist gives you the signal."

I nod. I'm probably the most resilient person taking part. And least likely to hold back. I float slightly off the ground, construct armour manifesting around me as I mirror Dr. Balewa's partial etherealisation. We're not trying to take prisoners here, so I'm going to be shredding the desire-systems of any Sheeda I encounter just as hard as I try to shred their bodies.

Angelica spreads her wings and…

And… Sings.

Oh. Um.

The-. The air in the designated space ripples in green and purple as the magic of the League's most skilled magicians clashes with the defensive spells bound to the Castle Revol-.



For an instant the portal appears to stabilise and I dart through, appearing-. Wall. Scan and get out of the way. Pinging humanoid shapes. Not Sheeda. Undead? Armed and armoured. Mageslayers and shred.

The… Wights? Barely have time to move before being torn apart.

Black blur, then Mister Allen stops in front of a wall closest to the portal, arms buried up to the elbows and vibrating. I get a fraction of a second of the wall shaking and then it explodes, wards gone, targets located. Construct ropes fire x-ionised kunai into Sheeda soldiers, down. Slice, decapitate, confirm deaths.


Green pool. Time goo. Hold up rune stone find conduits fire.

"This is what they use, huh?"

Jordan's construct armour looks like a steam punk take on a medieval knight, but it covers his entire body and from the faint irregularity it looks like he's layering it properly. No power armour, but at least his costume is armoured.

"Not any more."

"Can you destroy it?"

"Don't kn-."

The portal behind us flickers, Diana stepping through an instant before it fails.

"Don't know. Better to destroy the Sheeda."

Mister Allen appears. "We even trying to take this thing intact?"

Diana nods. "We don't know what destroying it would do to whatever era it's moored in. Or to time itself."

"Shouldn't there be more guards?"

I generate a temporal flux monitor. Not entirely reliable, but…

"I think we're in our time."

Jordan frowns. "I thought they couldn't leave Earth."

"They haven't wanted to. There's no obvious reason why they couldn't. Maybe the Queen left the Harvest Dreadnoughts as a distraction while she established a colony?"

He generates a satellite dish construct, then shakes his head. "Can't scan through the walls. Sivana tell you anything about the layout?"

"No. Pick a wall, tear it down."

Diana points her sword at the doorway. "Tear down a door. We all know that the Sheeda take prisoners, but we don't know where they're keeping them."

A heartbeat later the door is gone, and so is Mr. Allen. I generate a crumbler construct, set it for large area and low depth and press it against the side wall. Various runic arrays around the room begin to glitch as their feed lines are severed, and I feel the moment I get all the way through. My construct splits, eating the wall in both directions without risking anyone on the-.

Some sort of acid hits my construct armour and my response is automatic: a sheet of ultra-tough ceramics appears just under my construct armour and shoots forward, throwing the acid off even as it's destroyed. I surge after it, construct blades swinging at the Sheeda soldiers and-. A wizard, and what looks like a sacrificial victim. Diana comes through next, crossing the room in the blink of an eye and stabbing the wizard through the head. Jordan's beams shoot out the soldiers' guns, rendering them useless as my follow up sees them dead.

I take out a purple healing ray as Diana checks the victim, a human female… Adolescent? I've had half an eye out for Ystin since this whole thing started, and… Maybe? She doesn't have the musculature that I'd think a knight would have, but I seem to remember that Ystin worked as a scribe before her last-minute elevation and she's got the physique for that.

"She appears unwounded. I-."

The young woman's eyes flutter open and Diana makes an effort to smiles reassuringly at her.

"We are the Justice League. We're here to rescue you. Do you know where the other prisoners are?"

"N-no. They just-. I don't even-."

Body language is good, but the fear isn't there. So either she's covering up for us, which seems unlikely, or she's-.

As Diana steps closer the woman shifts, flesh rippling as she dives for Diana, claws shimmering-!

Jordan and I put ring-bolts through her head as Diana stabs her through the chest, her claws failing to penetrate Diana's armour.

"Changelings. We'll have to check all prisoners."

Jordan raises his ring. "Barry, come in."

"Guys, get here now."
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Looks like a rip of one of

'rip off'

is magic rather than technological

'magical rather'

Dr. Balewa takes a deep slow breath

'deep, slow' add a comma.

"We are… Ready. They are almost certainly aware thet someone is probing them, and they will try to shut down the portal as soon as it opens. I cannot promise thet it will still exist when you wish to return."

"We may not be able to sustain the portal long enough to send all of you. We will try, but we do not know what skills the magicians amongst the Sheeda possess. Should it close, we will of course try to reopen it."

Need white quote marks for Mist here.

Was that girl Ystin altered to be a Sheeda monster, or was she someone else?
Didn't he see Batman in power armour when Scott and Barda needed the League's help to do something on Apokolips? I remember him even offering his own power armour as it was a bit better than Batman's own and he couldn't leave 'cause of his oath.

"I will be part of the reconnaissance group. I have my own power armor for when combat starts."

"Mine's better sir. And I can make it use the same control scheme." He nods.

Found it! Good lord, that took forever. It happens just after they encounter Canis and Dreamer. Technically he never actually saw Batman in his power armour so this is his first time seeing him in one.
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Jordan's beams shoot out the soldiers' guns, rending them useless as my follow up sees them dead.

As expected.

Jordan and I put ring-bolts through her head as Diana stabs her through the chest

Not as expected! Can Jordan kill or not? Because if he can this really isn't the time to hold back.

Otherwise good start :)

Was that girl Ystin altered to be a Sheeda monster, or was she someone else?

He called her a 'Changeling'. Considering the whole bug/fae thing the Sheeda have going on I think it's safe to go with 'MLP-style Changelings'. i.e. Sheeda disguised as prisoners / hostages making things even harder for their would be rescuers.
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I've had half an eye out for Ystin since this whole thing started,

Speaking of Ystin(a) of the Round Table. Does anyone know why is DC take on Camelot set in 8000 BC? Did they just pick a date out of a hat or was there some plot point about it?

I wonder what this exactly does. Make him more resistant to magic?

Just guessing here but in Dr Strange's Balewa's case I think it actually makes him more receptive to magic. He's trying to lock on / connect to the Castle Revolving on a conceptual level so he could open a portal there. *shrug*
26th June 2012
15:47 GMT -5

This is the first time I've seen Batman in power armour.
That answers that question I had. Good to see he's sensible enough to match his gear to the probable threat he's headed into.

I saw suits like this in the comics from time to time, when he absolutely had to fight someone out of his weight class directly. But it wasn't how he generally liked to handle things. He and Nightwing fought an early Amazo without anything beyond their standard loadouts by outthinking it and covering it with C4 rather than splitting up, running, and coming back with specialised equipment. I even remember one comic where he used a 'Bat-boat' and reflected that he didn't want to get distracted with weaponry, perfect being the enemy of good enough.
So something more Earth-tech than the Hellbat suit. I hope he's at least got some magical warding set up on it. Because he's headed into amgic weapon central, and common White gear ain't going to cut it.

And I suppose there's only so much he can misappropriate from Wayne Enterprise's research and development division without an auditor noticing.

Looks like… Looks like a rip of one of LexCorp's designs, actually. With added bat detailing and I strongly suspect an entirely new computer system.
Heh, stealing from the best, huh? He'll need every bit of advantage he can get, being the most normal person in here, in terms of physique.

Major Adams is wearing a helmet the same colour as his skin, with a built in air scrubber. Diana's faceplate has a similar function, though in its case the purification system is magic rather than technological. Arnus has a smaller Terminan device which serves a similar purpose, and he's been kind enough to hand Mr. Allen a spare.

It all looks just a little more rational, a little more standardised, than a normal superhero outing. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that.
No pride that they've learnt to up-gear themselves? Because this is jsut the sort of thing you've been pressing them on, hasn't it?

Dr. Balewa takes a deep slow breath. He… Doesn't look… Entirely there, as if he's partially transubstantiated, so much magic being channelled through his body that his flesh just wasn't sufficient to contain it.

"We are… Ready. They are almost certainly aware thet someone is probing them, and they will try to shut down the portal as soon as it opens. I cannot promise thet it will still exist when you wish to return."
So this is going to have to be fast and hard. Just about what the Sheeda deserve. Let's hope they can avoid getting bogged down with grunts.

Major Adams nods. "Won't be a problem. When we win, we can just take out the jammer. Or fly the ship back."

"We may not be able to sustain the portal long enough to send all of you. We will try, but we do not know what skills the magicians amongst the Sheeda possess. Should it close, we will of course try to reopen it."
So this is basically a one-way trip. Not quite a suicide mission, most of them are too tough for that, but very much depending on them winning...

Batman nods. "Understood. Orange Lantern, you're on point. Go through the second Doctor Mist gives you the signal."

I nod. I'm probably the most resilient person taking part. And least likely to hold back. I float slightly off the ground, construct armour manifesting around me as I mirror Dr. Balewa's partial etherealisation. We're not trying to take prisoners here, so I'm going to be shredding the desire-systems of any Sheeda I encounter just as hard as I try to shred their bodies.
As the Doomguy once said: Rip and Tear. Just watch out for the tough ones, because you're bearding the enemy in their lair. They're bound to have the heaviest defences possible...

Angelica spreads her wings and…

And… Sings.
First time he's been this close to her in action, or just struck by the beauty of the sound?

Oh. Um.

The-. The air in the designated space ripples in green and purple as the magic of the League's most skilled magicians clashes with the defensive spells bound to the Castle Revol-.
Strike Team, the light is green. Go, go, go!

Best way to get the stealth strike going on: be faster than they are. Though I don't doubt there's Highborn with superspeed...

For an instant the portal appears to stabilise and I dart through, appearing-. Wall. Scan and get out of the way. Pinging humanoid shapes. Not Sheeda. Undead? Armed and armoured. Mageslayers and shred.

The… Wights? Barely have time to move before being torn apart.
And the first blood of the strike has been shed. And that's one hero in.

Black blur, then Mister Allen stops in front of a wall closest to the portal, arms buried up to the elbows and vibrating. I get a fraction of a second of the wall shaking and then it explodes, wards gone, targets located. Construct ropes fire x-ionised kunai into Sheeda soldiers, down. Slice, decapitate, confirm deaths.

Flash using his vibration ability to the limit. That's two soldiers...

Green pool. Time goo. Hold up rune stone find conduits fire.

"This is what they use, huh?"
Better hope he's got his kill restriction temporarily lifted for this... Three in.

Jordan's construct armour looks like a steam punk take on a medieval knight, but it covers his entire body and from the faint irregularity it looks like he's layering it properly. No power armour, but at least his costume is armoured.
Honestly, Hal, would it kill you to pay attention to OL's recommendations? Because it might kill you if you don't.

"Not any more."

"Can you destroy it?"
And would it stick, what with the goo's odd causal footprint.

"Don't kn-."

The portal behind us flickers, Diana stepping through an instant before it fails.
And that makes four. Not a good omen, unless they can find three aliies aboard. Four is death, after all, while seven is victory...

"Don't know. Better to destroy the Sheeda."

Mister Allen appears. "We even trying to take this thing intact?"
Do you want to risk blowing it up and ripping a wedgie in the fabric of space and time in the skies above Earth?

Diana nods. "We don't know what destroying it would do to whatever era it's moored in. Or to time itself."

"Shouldn't there be more guards?"
Assuming this is the main pool. It may be a tributary of a larger source. Who knows how the Castle is set up with regards to the flow of the time-juice?

I generate a temporal flux monitor. Not entirely reliable, but…

"I think we're in our time."
Still, until they can find a window, keep any specs for a time machine close at hand...

Jordan frowns. "I thought they couldn't leave Earth."

"They haven't wanted to. There's no obvious reason why they couldn't. Maybe the Queen left the Harvest Dreadnoughts as a distraction while she established a colony?"
Pfft, as if. She's so confident in her untouchability, she'd damn her entire race rather than see it survive her...

He generates a satellite dish construct, then shakes his head. "Can't scan through the walls. Sivana tell you anything about the layout?"

"No. Pick a wall, tear it down."
Ah, the direct route. Works fine, up until they hit an outer bulkhead.

Diana points her sword at the doorway. "Tear down a door. We all know that the Sheeda take prisoners, but we don't know where they're keeping them."

A heartbeat later the door is gone, and so is Mr. Allen. I generate a crumbler construct, set it for large area and low depth and press it against the side wall. Various runic arrays around the room begin to glitch as their feed lines are severed, and I feel the moment I get all the way through. My construct splits, eating the wall in both directions without risking anyone on the-.
Heh, safe, if slow. I can expect an occasional spray of enemy weapons fire now and then as they go...

Some sort of acid hits my construct armour and my response is automatic: a sheet of ultra-tough ceramics appears just under my construct armour and shoots forward, throwing the acid off even as it's destroyed. I surge after it, construct blades swinging at the Sheeda soldiers and-. A wizard, and what looks like a sacrificial victim. Diana comes through next, crossing the room in the blink of an eye and stabbing the wizard through the head. Jordan's beams shoot out the soldiers' guns, rending them useless as my follow up sees them dead.
Oh look, there's some mooks now. And Hal going for the disarm? Still not allowed to kill, or trying to put that moment off?

I take out a purple healing ray as Diana checks the victim, a human female… Adolescent? I've had half an eye out for Ystin since this whole thing started, and… Maybe? She doesn't have the musculature that I'd think a knight would have, but I seem to remember that Ystin worked as a scribe before her last-minute elevation and she's got the physique for that.
Press [X] to Doubt. No guarantee that anyone in here isn't a Sheeda... Check that first, OL.

"She appears unwounded. I-."

The young woman's eyes flutter open and Diana makes an effort to smiles reassuringly at her.
A position many of her fans, both male and female, would enjoy being in...

"We are the Justice League. We're here to rescue you. Do you know where the other prisoners are?"

"N-no. They just-. I don't even-."
That's soem deep compassion. Diana playing both the warrior and the protector today. Nice to see.

Body language is good, but the fear isn't there. So either she's covering up for us, which seems unlikely, or she's-.

As Diana steps closer the woman shifts, flesh rippling as she dives for Diana, claws shimmering-!
No human wouldn't be afraid in this situation. He's going to have to rely on Empathic vision a lot in here, isn't he?

Jordan and I put ring-bolts through her head as Diana stabs her through the chest, her claws failing to penetrate Diana's armour.

"Changelings. We'll have to check all prisoners."
Well, I guess that answers the lethal restriction question. The ring would have flat out refused to fire if he'd been on 'police' mode. Part of being an Honour Guard, though, or special dispensation like I said earlier?

Jordan raises his ring. "Barry, come in."

"Guys, get here now."
Uh-oh, sounds like Barry did find prisoners. Let's hope they're going to be useful in the fight, and not a dead weight escort mission...

And the raid begins. I honestly do hope they find aid within, if only to fit the theme of Seven Soldiers. That prophecy probably holds a lot of weight in this situation...
I hope he's at least got some magical warding set up on it. Because he's headed into amgic weapon central, and common White gear ain't going to cut it

"Magic isn't rational/is just a superstitious nonsense. Now excuse me while I talk to the bat my parents ghosts must've sent to me and use the power of fear to dominate this superstitious and cowardly lot."

Uh-oh, sounds like Barry did find prisoners.

Ah. But are they the prisoners or are they the "prisoners" *taps nose and winks for good measure*
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