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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Yeah, because having someone rooting around in your HEAD is something you really want.
It is.

Compress and obfuscate the bad and almost useless in the real world Sheeda memories while bringing forward and reinforcing the more important and useful Earth memories.

Bam, problem solved with the bonus of no more murderhobo trauma.
Don't mention the Kiss... Don't mention the Kiss... You will never live it down if the Team finds out...

Did she kiss him on the lips, or the cheek?

If ti was the latter then it wouldn't be so awkward.

So she hasn't been to see the ponies just yet?

Nope, this is et in may and she went to Equestria in June.

Kon is actually much better now and isn't angry.

<sucks in breath through teeth> :oops: Ah... The mountain-sized elephant in the room... Her boyfriend... That as far as we've seen, she hasn't even though about once. At all. The whole time.

I think she mentioned him before she and renegade went back, and she and he are still dating a month later it seems.

We suppose that it is better than the other tradition that could apply."

"Okay, first off, I already have a boyfriend."

I was right... It was Awkward... It was Sad... It was, if you don't mind black humour, a little funny... The scary thing is how much this lines up with some real-world soldiers' experiences returning home after long deployments. No matter the era, there's always that period of discomfort. That strangeness of your old, soft bed. Of not having to keep an ear out for nearby fighting. Of the trouble relating to those who haven't been there beside you, and the comfort of being around those who were... :( And now I'm feeling depressed, despite never having felt that myself...

Really hope she gets therapy like those soldiers do.
It is.

Compress and obfuscate the bad and almost useless in the real world Sheeda memories while bringing forward and reinforcing the more important and useful Earth memories.

Bam, problem solved with the bonus of no more murderhobo trauma.
Not everybody wants to edit their memories to optimize their life. I would, but maybe not Artemis.
Also most other immortals probably weren't separated from the people they knew for decades, centuries or even millenia

Scott and Barda's romance blossomed after an almost 200 years absence, actually.

Darkseid let Scott escape in 1802 (negating the treaty between New Genesis and Apokalips, as Darkseid planned from the beginning), Scott and Barda weren't reunited until Scott took on the Mister Miracle moniker from his circus mentor Thaddeus Brown aka Mister Miracle 1, this reunion published in 1971, so a 169 year absence plus whatever sliding timescale one applies.

Whether that backstory holds true in Zoat's WTR, I have no idea.
Scott and Barda's romance blossomed after an almost 200 years absence, actually.

Darkseid let Scott escape in 1802 (negating the treaty between New Genesis and Apokalips, as Darkseid planned from the beginning), Scott and Barda weren't reunited until Scott took on the Mister Miracle moniker from his circus mentor Thaddeus Brown aka Mister Miracle 1, this reunion published in 1971, so a 169 year absence plus whatever sliding timescale one applies.

Whether that backstory holds true in Zoat's WTR, I have no idea.

Very romantic, but I don't think Zoat mentioned how long Scott and Barda were married in this story.

Given this whole relationship thing New Gods have they may have stayed with each other since they got to Earth.
Not in the way you're thinking, Wally. Grayven would never have played that card. After all, Artemis was a junior to him. Not a subject to be exploited, but a resource to be developed.
Actually, he may have. If they spent centuries together, or even just decades, the age difference would have been negligible at that point. They'd have been peers with comparative months between them, not the 1.5 decades of someone in his early thirties, and a 15 year old.
And boy did I get it. Woo!

Wonder how the league is taking it? Especially the world-conquering part.

For Tao... He only showed up briefly and has barely been a character since then, so I don't really know what to say.
Over Reaching

May 7th 2012, 09:41 GMT -5
Always good to see non-Paul POVs.

On the one hand, the lack of invisitext is nice. On the other, the lack of god speech between a pair of new gods is a bit strange.
This is really sad and I want more

Yeah it is very sad. Sort of reminds me of a story I once read many many years ago about humans being granted immortality and how it is a bad thing. After a few centuries they start to develop conditions similar to Dementia or Alzheimer's where they begin to lose their mental faculties because the human brain basically doesn't have enough memory to store a millennia's worth of experiences.

I can't for the life of me remember the name of it. Which is fitting considering what it was about I guess.
As someone who skips Grayven, I have little to no idea of what is going on. I get the gist of it. Of course, as someone who doesn't read Grayven I really don't need answers and I'm more annoyed that this is here rather then OL, whatever happened with Malvolio, what's up with Flash and the like.

Arrow-girl now much older, can't remember things. Meh..
As someone who skips Grayven, I have little to no idea of what is going on. I get the gist of it. Of course, as someone who doesn't read Grayven I really don't need answers and I'm more annoyed that this is here rather then OL, whatever happened with Malvolio, what's up with Flash and the like.

Arrow-girl now much older, can't remember things. Meh..
As someone who reads Grayven, I have little to no idea of why you are writing this. I get the gist of it. Of course, as someone who does read Grayven I really don't see the point of complaining about it.

Another complaint about Grayven chapters. Meh..
I have little to no idea of why you are writing this.
Because I can. *Dramatic music plays in the background*

For once upon a time I was visited by a dying alien, who handed over to me his ring of power. Then, only seconds later, I was bitten by a radioactive bug, which had the consequence of causing me to fall into a deep chasm where I was bathed in cosmic rays!

Upon awakening, I stumbled across a strange artifact. It was covered in Eldritch symbols that I did not understand at first. But then, as if it were speaking in my very mind, the writing became clear to me.

"Whom so ever holds this keyboard, shall be granted the power to post on public forums!"

And I knew....I knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

Last edited:
It's the literate equivalent of pissing against a wall so the other dogs can smell you.
*Looks at avatar* Am Potat.

Besides...it was you Zoat. You who left us at juicy questions to be answered land. But then! Off we go, away from the delicious answers! Right into the frying pan to the face that is Grayven! We've been Gray-ved!

Hmm....Grayven themed frying pans.....It's so crazy...it just might work.
I think it's far too late to share my thoughts now, but I do feel my suspension of disbelief straining the more I actually think about this whole Renegade-Artemis situation, even though I do find it quite compelling as a storyline. Given New God's essentially infinite lifespan, I'd imagine they have some kind of better long-term memory than regular people; no other long-lived or immortal people throughout the story seem to have similar issues, in any case.
Did Artemis not try keeping a journal or memoir when she first realized she was forgetting things about Earth and her past life? I imagine the Vampire Sun does make that trickier, so was she just worried about the potential vulnerabilities/leaks of using whatever the Sheeda use for making records?
This update does solidify my opinion that she should break it off with Tao (I believe in a previous update she said she was trying to make things work). The gap in life experience and age is just too great for me to be comfortable with, at least for another decade or so on his part.
I was kind of under the impression the Sun eater ate everything, including emotions and memories. Even Sheeda lost anything beside a few acceptable traits, even the info they had was really spotty. they had no knowledge or history really. I felt like everyone in the future basically loses any good emotion/memory.

At least Grayven has a ring to backup his memory. He should get one for Arte.
Good point, Does'nt Grayven have two rings? The whole, expanding your herd thing has me wanting Artemis and Luna interactions.
The whole, expanding your herd thing has me wanting Artemis and Luna interactions.

I mean, even with a lack of any romantic involvement, Luna establishing a relationship with Grayven's close female friend seems like a good idea.

Plus, they both have that whole time-lost thing to bond over.
I was kind of under the impression the Sun eater ate everything, including emotions and memories. Even Sheeda lost anything beside a few acceptable traits, even the info they had was really spotty. they had no knowledge or history really. I felt like everyone in the future basically loses any good emotion/memory.

I don't think they lose memories in the future.

The reason their info was spotty was due to age, with some of those recording potentially being eons old, and them not caring to preserve it.

And the reason they lived like that was due to their rulers encouraging it.

Good point, Does'nt Grayven have two rings? The whole, expanding your herd thing has me wanting Artemis and Luna interactions.

He may have two rings, but they probably only preserve memories when they're worn and are at full power, and renegades were not during his time in the future.
Wouldn't Grayven be able to forge rings at this point?

I know it's been suggested that Para-Paul could make an orange ring if he really wanted to/had to.
I mean, even with a lack of any romantic involvement, Luna establishing a relationship with Grayven's close female friend seems like a good idea.

Plus, they both have that whole time-lost thing to bond over.
Romantically, as an adopted sister, or as friends with common experiances. I can see all three ways being really fun to explore.

I don't think they lose memories in the future.

The reason their info was spotty was due to age, with some of those recording potentially being eons old, and them not caring to preserve it.

And the reason they lived like that was due to their rulers encouraging it.

He may have two rings, but they probably only preserve memories when they're worn and are at full power, and renegades were not during his time in the future.
Not so much that they lose all memories, more that anything not tied to Sheeda emotional mindset degrades over time. "good" memories fade faster then bad i guess is how i see it.

Oh yeah i know his rings were dead in Sheeda land, i meant now that he is back and are charged he can give her one. Misunderstanding over giving her a ring ensue for laughs.

Wouldn't Grayven be able to forge rings at this point?

I know it's been suggested that Para-Paul could make an orange ring if he really wanted to/had to.
I'm pretty sure 1-2 months worth of charges is all he needs to make a new one.
Wouldn't Grayven be able to forge rings at this point?

I know it's been suggested that Para-Paul could make an orange ring if he really wanted to/had to.

He hasn't exactly focused all that much on his ring abilities as Paul has, so he may not be capable.

Still he could assimilate someone and order them to become a ring like Larfleeze did.

However after the AL Equation he hasn't really done it, aside from Klarion, because I think he compared it to being similar to the Equation.

Not so much that they lose all memories, more that anything not tied to Sheeda emotional mindset degrades over time. "good" memories fade faster then bad i guess is how i see it.

I think that was more their shitty life than Starbreaker eating their good memories.

Though he did feed on their pain during the war, so maybe he also munched on the positive emotions sometimes.

Oh yeah i know his rings were dead in Sheeda land, i meant now that he is back and are charged he can give her one. Misunderstanding over giving her a ring ensue for laughs.

It would be funny, but it still may not work.
He hasn't exactly focused all that much on his ring abilities as Paul has, so he may not be capable.

OL has really neglected his ring powers I feel. Like, he hasn't tried to really explore what his ring can do, or discover new things he didn't know about. Sometimes I almost forget that he is a Lantern. At times his ring feels more like a bag of holding.

Then again, OL is sorta confusing me more and more lately. I'm curious to see where he is going.

OL has really neglected his ring powers I feel. Like, he hasn't tried to really explore what his ring can do, or discover new things he didn't know about. Sometimes I almost forget that he is a Lantern. At times his ring feels more like a bag of holding.

Then again, OL is sorta confusing me more and more lately. I'm curious to see where he is going.

Ah, Paul hasn't been neglecting his ring abilities.

If you remember in the last several episodes he displayed a number of new techniques and abilities.
Ah, Paul hasn't been neglecting his ring abilities.

If you remember in the last several episodes he displayed a number of new techniques and abilities.
I did say that I feel that. It could very well just be me, as Zoat and I have two different outlooks on Power rings.

Though, that brings a thought.

Given that the Greek Gods can give literal blessings that grant powers. I wonder if people/countries will start entreating with them more and more now after the Sheeda invasion? It's got to be one hell of a rattle after the Hell attack and Pigeon of War attack.
Given that the Greek Gods can give literal blessings that grant powers. I wonder if people/countries will start entreating with them more and more now after the Sheeda invasion? It's got to be one hell of a rattle after the Hell attack and Pigeon of War attack.

If that priestess of Hades is still preaching then she may have new converts.
I wonder if people/countries will start entreating with them more and more now after the Sheeda invasion?

That sounds like a good idea so I'd say it has about as much chance of happening as humanity embracing magic and schizotech without Paul bribing and blackmailing them into it 24/7... So, around 1% chance on a good day.

Status Quo, an unbroken winning streak since mid-30s ;)
That sounds like a good idea so I'd say it has about as much chance of happening as humanity embracing magic and schizotech without Paul bribing and blackmailing them into it 24/7... So, around 1% chance on a good day.

Status Quo, an unbroken winning streak since mid-30s ;)
I mean, I get that OL wants to be hands off with this "uplift". But I think a time will come where, if he really cares about it, he's just going to have to do it himself. As I've said, at this point, OL seems so hands off with all his projects I'm not sure what he wants at this point.

I believe that's pretty much what Grayven has been doing.
I mean, I get that OL wants to be hands off with this "uplift". But I think a time will come where, if he really cares about it, he's just going to have to do it himself. As I've said, at this point, OL seems so hands off with all his projects I'm not sure what he wants at this point.

I believe that's pretty much what Grayven has been doing.
especially given the presence of malevolent forces actively trying to keep the status quo-
even without considering smily's metaphysical interference,there's a lot of inertia against change on E16 still-
i prettymuch agree- going hands-off is almost begging for someone else to snap like silvana...

..... one the subject of change, does the paragon timeline iteration of luthor still have an adult watching him? its been a while since he was involved/partially (willingly or not) involved in CAUSING a global disaster,and he's been..almost worryingly quiet for an megalomaniacal egomaniac...

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