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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

You've just described literally anyone who ever conceeded anything to him and everyone who followed his lead after he became a New God, along with everyone he ever turned into a new god. So sure, Artemis is mind controlled... in a same way most characters he interacted with are. If anything she'd be less mind controlled than most of the Team because she's far closer to him in 'metaphysical weight' than any of them.
None of those other characters have spent hundreds of years under the yoke of Renagades conquest aura.

And to be perfectly honest the others would be right to suspect at least some level of mind control going on with both how she's acting and her refusal to let Miss Martian go through her head.
I mean, can you really say sending Artemis in backfired? Wasn't she pretty important to Grayven actually being able to defeat the universe eater and get back home?

Sure, it wasn't planned for, but I got the impression Grayven would have remained trapped in the future without her coming along for the ride. Or even killed if that final fight had been 1 vs 1 instead of 2 vs 1.

Why, it was unintentionally brilliant.
Do you rule anything, bird-boy? No? Then shut up and come back in a millennium.

He rules the ability to make weird words.

Seriously, the DCEU (what an ugh name) got one thing right about Batman: The voice changer tech works so much better than a man basically destroying his vocal chords trying to speak in growls...

They also made the Aquaman suit actually look cool.

At this point, I bet Artemis is feeling more than a little frustrated here, I bet. There's a clear streak in her thoughts that they're treating her like the bad guy, if you look at it. Honestly... It's like Batman is trying to drive her into Grayven's camp.

They've only just started, so maybe don't judge them so soon.

They also probably never dealt with something like this before, a member being away for centuries and forming a god bond with someone else, so they may not know what to do.
I mean, can you really say sending Artemis in backfired? Wasn't she pretty important to Grayven actually being able to defeat the universe eater and get back home?

Sure, it wasn't planned for, but I got the impression Grayven would have remained trapped in the future without her coming along for the ride. Or even killed if that final fight had been 1 vs 1 instead of 2 vs 1.

Why, it was unintentionally brilliant.
Yup. Without Artemis Renagade would have died horribly.
...I wonder if this is going to be a lesser repeat of the post-Nabu fallout from Paragon?
Oh wow, that was so long ago and yet it feels like yesterday. I remember coming to that chapter, seeing where it was heading and then pausing to go grab a coke and a bag of crisps (I was reading through a 10 chapter backlog and that was like the 3rd or 4th one); it was a delicious treat watching that explosion.

That said, I am a bit surprised Batman didn't bring in Scott and Barda to check her for Mind Control given the circumstances.
The thing is, she might actually be mind controlled.
See, I actually don't think she is, and more importantly the fact that Bats didn't bring in Scott and Barda may mean that he also doesn't think so. Does he believe that Artemis might be compromised in other ways? Perhaps, but I don't think he believes it to be mind control. Not to say he won't be checking for it anyway, but still!
None of those other characters have spent hundreds of years under the yoke of Renagades conquest aura.

Ah but you're forgetting she had a few centuries of her own Grayven-free offscreen character development/metaphysical weightlifting. How could you Vaer! /s

And to be perfectly honest the others would be right to suspect at least some level of mind control going on with both how she's acting and her refusal to let Miss Martian go through her head.

I agree. Thou to be fair I don't think Arty would be super jazzed about letting a telepath into her head even before her Future AdventuresTM​ even if the telepath in question was a friend (which at this point most definitely isn't the case from Arty's perspective - she barely remembers M'gann).

I remember coming to that chapter, seeing where it was heading and then pausing to go grab a coke and a bag of crisps

"Cola or cocaine?" Inquiring mind must know! And considering the chapter both were excusable.
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The thing is, she might actually be mind controlled.

Remember, Renegade's whole New God thing involves a subtle type of mind control over those he's "conquered". So if Artemis in any way falls into that category, she actually could be and just wouldn't know it.

When Renegade monologues to himself when he and Blackfire are towing back the missing parts of the Doomsday to Tamarans orbit, he says New Gods are immune too or are atleast immensely resistant to being influenced by the auras of fellow New Gods.
Ah but you're forgetting she had a few centuries of her own Grayven-free offscreen character development/metaphysical weightlifting. How could you Vaer! /s
I am guessing you forgot that natural growth of that sort of thing requires ambient mana, which didn't really exist in Sheeda land until after they killed the Vampire Sun.

I agree. Thou to be fair I don't think Arty would be super jazzed about letting a telepath into her head even before her Future AdventuresTM even if the telepath in question was a friend (which at this point most definitely isn't the case from Arty's perspective - she barely remembers M'gann).
Well, the only other option would be to have Scott take her, without Renegade, to New Genesis for a full soul enema.

When Renegade monologues to himself when he and Blackfire are towing back the missing parts of the Doomsday to Tamarans orbit, he says New Gods are immune too or are atleast immensely resistant to being influenced by the auras of fellow New Gods.
Yes, that was him lying, we know this because there was a section further back where Scott and Barda explained the effect his aura could have on other New Gods.
Oh wow, that was so long ago and yet it feels like yesterday. I remember coming to that chapter, seeing where it was heading and then pausing to go grab a coke and a bag of crisps (I was reading through a 10 chapter backlog and that was like the 3rd or 4th one); it was a delicious treat watching that explosion.

See, I actually don't think she is, and more importantly the fact that Bats didn't bring in Scott and Barda may mean that he also doesn't think so. Does he believe that Artemis might be compromised in other ways? Perhaps, but I don't think he believes it to be mind control. Not to say he won't be checking for it anyway, but still!

I still go back and re-read that section when I need a smile. It's just so satisfying.
Speaking of New Gods, how many of them are there on the Team? I'm not sure if Arty counts as 'on the Team' any more so lets exclude her for the moment. Who else has been New God-ed? Wally (technically, thou he only uses it for the metabolism/Speed streamlining perk), M'gann ('once you go Red...'), I think I remember Aqualad losing his gills and... who else?
Speaking of New Gods, how many of them are there on the Team? I'm not sure if Arty counts as 'on the Team' any more so lets exclude her for the moment. Who else has been New God-ed? Wally (technically, thou he only uses it for the metabolism/Speed streamlining perk), M'gann ('once you go Red...'), I think I remember Aqualad losing his gills and... who else?

Aqualad, Wally, Zatanna, Artemis, Tao( but not by renegade ), the girl with the magnetic powers, were made into New Gods.

M'gann technically isn't a New God, just a powerful Martian
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Yes, that was him lying, we know this because there was a section further back where Scott and Barda explained the effect his aura could have on other New Gods.

No. Because he is saying that too himself. He certainly says Karsta and Tamarans are getting influenced by his Conquest aura as they have no metaphysical defense against it, but it either won't have any effect or will only have negligible affect on New Gods.
I step aside just before Grayven turns around and waves his ring at the ramp and its control station. The ramp starts to close and the control pad doesn't look quite the same as it did before, but I already know that he just did that to force Robin to take the whole thing apart and check all of it. He's probably put a load of random wires and stuff in it to try and drive him crazy working out what it all does.

Most days, I think spite is what actually makes world go 'round, not money.
Yeah, these days it seems like OL is really rather uninterested in Earth. That or he's completely exasperated to the point of near apathy.

He keeps trying to be that hands off parent who merely guides the child to knowledge, and then gets quietly frustrated when the child tosses that away to go back to porn and sportsball.

I wonder if OL will get to a point where he realizes that, if he truly wants change, he's going to have to make them.

The OL that cleaned up the ocean and yelled at Hippies understood. But does this new, enlightened OL?

Or is he truly that detached at this point?

Because, honestly? At this point he really does seem detached. From Kon, the team as a whole, being a super-hero, Alan, improving the various super-heroes he comes upon.

Where is the OL that acted as a drug dealer of super powers to ever "Badass" normal he came across gone? Where has the man of the danner formula, the super speed serum, the powered armor....where has he gone?

**for those who don't get it. I'm bored and this is all in good fun**

one wonders if the apathy/relative lack of active work on Earth barring suspiciously post-emptive rightous face-puncher-ish damage control might be him being subconciously nudged-even if he originally had/has resistance/immunity, he's on radar in a BIG way now...
i mean, you'd think you'd put a guy who's whole shtick is actively opposed to your goals near the top of your shitlist, not just....mentally file him away in the enhanced-memory equivalent of a filing cabinet in the basement of the regional council office...
one wonders if the apathy/relative lack of active work on Earth barring suspiciously post-emptive rightous face-puncher-ish damage control might be him being subconciously nudged-even if he originally had/has resistance/immunity, he's on radar in a BIG way now...
i mean, you'd think you'd put a guy who's whole shtick is actively opposed to your goals near the top of your shitlist, not just....mentally file him away in the enhanced-memory equivalent of a filing cabinet in the basement of the regional council office...

He did ask Georgia, a super genius social scientist, to figure out a way to solve the whole 'not adapting advanced tech thing' Earth seems to have, so he already has someone working on it, but they still haven't gotten any results yet due to the Sheeda invasion taking up some of their time.
Artemis has a lot more in common with Diana than she does with the team at this point. She has more experience(Sort of? Combat, kingdom building, and elf ruling life experience at the very least) than most the the actual league(and ain't that weird) at this point.
Artemis has a lot more in common with Diana than she does with the team at this point. She has more experience(Sort of? Combat, kingdom building, and elf ruling life experience at the very least) than most the the actual league(and ain't that weird) at this point.
Maybe Artemis should go ask her for advice and then she'll be Artemis' new "mentor", alongside Mister Miracle and Big Barda.
Artemis has a lot more in common with Diana than she does with the team at this point.

Does she? If anything she's Diana's senior (several times over). YJ Diana is in her mid to late 80s at this point. Artemis is... at least that old (if we take Grayven's most conservative 'decades' guesstimate at face value). She has every right to call Diana a 'whippersnapper'. Or maybe even a 'brat' depending on her 'tude.
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Even if it occasionally leads to long time-outs when you encounter out-of-context problems. Like big, fluffy white wolves,

Was that a reference to that Worm/Okami crossover where Taylor is Amaterasu's shrine maiden? And people keep petting Ammy without realizing it?
"Yeah, no." I fold my arms across my chest. "I barely remember any of you people. I'm not doing anything with you without the person I trust most being here. This happens with Grayven here, or I'm out. Completely."[/QUOTE]
Woop this is gonna be a great conversation
The ramp closes fully, and Grayven mimes tossing a coin before we both walk past him.

I don't get it. Miming some British idiom?

I mean, can you really say sending Artemis in backfired? Wasn't she pretty important to Grayven actually being able to defeat the universe eater and get back home?

Sure, it wasn't planned for, but I got the impression Grayven would have remained trapped in the future without her coming along for the ride. Or even killed if that final fight had been 1 vs 1 instead of 2 vs 1.

Why, it was unintentionally brilliant.

Grayven certainly appreciated having her there and was better off for her presence. Earth, and she herself? Much less certain. Had Diana been there instead, it would have been better for everyone involved (and probably set another ship sailing).
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I can feel Grayven thinking about making me queen of somewhere. I don't.. think that would be better.
I wonder how Bialya is getting on. That sexist layabout still on top or did she get lynched while Grayven wasn't paying attention?

"What do you mean she doesn't want to be separated from the person she spent centuries with while we interrogate her with people she barely remembers while being antagonistic to the aforementioned person?!"
In fairness Queen Arty has been playing things extremely close to the chest. I would not be at all surprised if that was the first time she actually told any of the team that she doesn't trust them.

Aqualad, Wally, Zatanna, Artemis, Tao( but not by renegade ), the girl with the magnetic powers, were made into NeNew Gods.
Also that Amazon who only appeared in two (possibly three?) updates. His pet Tiger who's name I can't recall at present.

Then of course there is Grayven's daughter, Lynne.
Plus his scythe minion, Iname. As well as Circe.
Not sure if Sunset Shimmer counts as she went through Alicornification rather than Awakening but the mirror suggests the two states are comparable. Not sure if she walks around on two feet or four but last we heard she was still on Earth.
I wonder how Bialya is getting on. That sexist layabout still on top or did she get lynched while Grayven wasn't paying attention?

She was more homophobic than sexist.

Also I think that Scandal Savage is running things there.

Also that Amazon who only appeared in two (possibly three?) updates. His pet Tiger who's name I can't recall at present.

Then of course there is Grayven's daughter, Lynne.
Plus his scythe minion, Iname. As well as Circe.
Not sure if Sunset Shimmer counts as she went through Alicornification rather than Awakening but the mirror suggests the two states are comparable. Not sure if she walks around on two feet or four but last we heard she was still on Earth.

I know he Awakened them, but Agent Orange asked about New Gods on the Team, and the ones you mentioned are not on the Team.

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