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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I nod. And they didn't announce it to the public. And they certainly didn't include that part in the report to the Security Council. 'Negotiations broke down' is what made it into the final text, and Guy and Jordan returned to Oa for 'consultations' once things settled down a bit. I'm not sure if they'll tell me the results. I won't hold it against them if they don't, just so long as the Green Lantern Corps doesn't expect me to involve myself further.
Oh... I am pretty sure they are going to expect you to clean up the mess you just caused by breaking Malvolio out of prison...
Kind of makes me want to see a Justice League Dark analogue forming; a seventh of the current lineup are mages, and two more are magically empowered and quasi-divine (maybe Perfect Physician fits somewhere here too, I'm not sure of the nature of his powers).

It's not like the comics made it particularly clear.

My take, and Zoat might very well disagree with me, is that Physician's powers are occult, but not magic, a charles atlas superpower like a martial art based on singing.

So instead of making his fist like a piece of iron and punching through a wall, he can bisect people by singing.
And between Snart getting rehabilitated and McCulloch staying out of the country… Was that something to do with you?"

"I made him aware of certain opportunities for well paying near-legitimate employment. I don't know if he'll stick at it."
If they heard about Flash getting pissed off enough that he's willing to kill with no regrets, I'm pretty sure they'd want to stick with going legit for the foreseeable future...

CAPTAIN COLD: He did WHAT?! Holy F@#$!:eek:
Diana was not happy about what Mr. Allen did. I.. sort of understood that hospitality rules were a big deal in Amazon culture
It's kind of a HUGE deal, considering that the violation of Xenia was usually guaranteed to get the gods, (particularly Zeus), in a smiting mood in greek mythology.
It's not like the comics made it particularly clear.

My take, and Zoat might very well disagree with me, is that Physician's powers are occult, but not magic, a charles atlas superpower like a martial art based on singing.

So instead of making his fist like a piece of iron and punching through a wall, he can bisect people by singing.

His powers were transferred to him after he killed the previous user and his father punished him by making him the next Physician when he threw him into some kind of rug thing that gave him the powers and memories of the other Physicians before him.

That strongly suggests magic.

It's kind of a HUGE deal, considering that the violation of Xenia was usually guaranteed to get the gods, (particularly Zeus), in a smiting mood in greek mythology.

Luckily Flash isn't a Hellenist, though he may want to avoid going to Themyscira for a while.
If they heard about Flash getting pissed off enough that he's willing to kill with no regrets, I'm pretty sure they'd want to stick with going legit for the foreseeable future...

CAPTAIN COLD: He did WHAT?! Holy F@#$!:eek:
"Don't worry, Dr. Snart, as long as you don't provoke him too much, you'll be fine... probably."
"Don't worry, Dr. Snart, as long as you don't provoke him too much, you'll be fine... probably."
Flash's attack on Gloriana and her retinue seemed more spur-of-the-moment than coldly premeditated, so unless they do something to trigger him they should be fine? As long as they're forewarned?

Of course, with the way the League is keeping mum about it they couldn't be forewarned...
I like the little, pointless wrist slap. "He is going to take a break from the League."

Like what? You're banning him from the club house? So what? He's still the Flash. It's not like Barry is going to ignore crime or people in trouble if he sees it.

I guess you could say that he doesn't have access to the zeta tubes. But Barry is the one guy fast enough that such a thing doesn't matter. Even this speed force lacking Earth 16 Flash can lap the planet in what? 10-12 seconds? Maybe a minute at most?

Still, I hope he talks to an actual therapist. Not because I'm upset at what he did, but that I don't want what he witnesses continuing to eat at him.

Which makes me wonder what hell Plastic man must have unleashed.
"My lord Illustres." Lantern Coutara's head manifests above my ring. "My daughter and I are here to relieve you."

Ah, good. Someone reliable.
Illustres Paul is, at least on paper, in charge of training and recruitment. That he considers it noteworthy that a given Lantern is reliable should deeply concern him.
Though it's after the fact, the context helps see what was in Flash's head.
Most Central city rogues had a sort of code of conduct they stuck to, as opposed the kill-happy Gotham ones.
If he'd had to deal with Joker on a regular basis he might have been more prepared to handle that.
Then again, maybe not. He's generally written as a nice guy who does super-heroing to be nice.

He is also a lot more green that his comics counterpart. Comics Flashes had to deal with several monsters.

Number one being Doctor Zoom/Whatever name name DC decided to give his week.

The rest? Usually JLA villains.

But honesty I don't think even the JLAU Animated would have been holding back against Nazi Elves from the future. They did kill Nazis when they went back in time, it was just not shown cause kids cartoon. And they did kill Super Zombie Grundy.

When the threat is too big, the kid gloves come off.
Then again, maybe not. He's generally written as a nice guy who does super-heroing to be nice.
But you do know what they say: Beware the nice ones.

Was it Schlock Mercenary that had trying to use manual controls for flying cars carry an 'attempted murder' charge, because of all the intended and required safety features, and how many you'd have to disable or bypass to gain manual control being tantamount to deciding 'yeah, I want to have a chance of killing someone'?
Almost. It had using manual controls for DUI that was an 'attempted murder' charge, because first you had to install manual controls, then go and install a bypass for the safety features that disabled the manual controls if they detected you were drunk and then finally activate said bypass, a process that, if I recall correctly, was practically impossible to complete while drunk and indeed required that you were stone cold sober.
You don't toss coins where you come from?

The associations I have for that phrase are, in order:
  • the Witcher theme song
  • Shoe shining and other variants on the theme of "rich bastard is performative and demeaning about paying kid from $INSERT-STEREOTYPE-GROUP"
  • Maybe flipping a coin?
None of these make sense in context
I think it's more psych leave. Barry's not a soldier, killing people, ANYONE, no matter how deserving, is usually viewed as traumatic and giving him time to get his head on straight seems smart.
Well yes, I do understand that. But my point is, that temporarily removing him from his post on the Justice League doesn't change the fact that he's still The Flash.

It's not like he's suspended from his job or anything. As the Justice League is more a loose Association of super-powered individuals that work together, then it is a true organization.

Like, if this is something flash wants to do and agrees with that's one thing. But if it's not, they've basically done nothing but say you can't come into the clubhouse until you do what we want you to. Which as Orange Lantern himself as shown, not being a member of the Justice League doesn't really mean much.
The associations I have for that phrase are, in order:
  • the Witcher theme song
  • Shoe shining and other variants on the theme of "rich bastard is performative and demeaning about paying kid from $INSERT-STEREOTYPE-GROUP"
  • Maybe flipping a coin?
None of these make sense in context
Tossing a coin = flipping a coin.
Well yes, I do understand that. But my point is, that temporarily removing him from his post on the Justice League doesn't change the fact that he's still The Flash.

It's not like he's suspended from his job or anything. As the Justice League is more a loose Association of super-powered individuals that work together, then it is a true organization.

Like, if this is something flash wants to do and agrees with that's one thing. But if it's not, they've basically done nothing but say you can't come into the clubhouse until you do what we want you to. Which as Orange Lantern himself as shown, not being a member of the Justice League doesn't really mean much.

Though he does lose access to their facilities, tech, the Zeta Tubes and the ability to operate internationally with the permission of foreign governments.
The associations I have for that phrase are, in order:
  • the Witcher theme song
  • Shoe shining and other variants on the theme of "rich bastard is performative and demeaning about paying kid from $INSERT-STEREOTYPE-GROUP"
  • Maybe flipping a coin?
None of these make sense in context
Its flipping a coin, Robin was asking if he could be trusted to fix it, and grayven does and mimes the coin flip. He's implying you have a 50/50 chance he fixed it normally or not. Was head screwery.
To the coin thing...I took it as Grayven "paying" the toll like at a subway station. He went through the gate, and flipped the token in the machine to pay. I could be totally wrong here.

Moving on.

Rest assured, that if Flash's leave is totally something he wanted and agreed with, I have no issues. But if it was a "fuck you, fuck you" situation. Then all I can think is that the League needs Flash far more than he needs them. Which is honestly the case for most of the League. They are stronger together, but they don't really need the organization to do their own thing.

Granted, personal issues dissolving the League is exactly what a group like the Light would want.

Though he does lose access to their facilities
So....like the Mountain, the Hall of Justice, and the Watchtower? I'm not sure what else there would be.

What tech? I'm serious now. I don't really recall any of the League being issued "tech" beyond like...the communicator. OL is the one who was handed out all the tech, and honestly? I'm sure if Flash asked, OL wouldn't have much issue with providing him with, or helping him get, the good stuff. OL is always big on equipment after all.

And that's not even counting the contacts Flash has himself. I mean Hal and Barry are always shown to be good friends.

Flash, along with Superman and Captain Marvel, is someone to whom this doesn't really matter. I mean, Flash could probably leave his house, and run across the world faster than some of the Leaguers could leave theirs and get to a good Zeta tube location. Him using the tubes is more something they need then he does.

the ability to operate internationally with the permission of foreign governments.
I....question this. Beyond the fact that Flash tends to stay in his own city, they all do actually, if Flash runs over to Japan and saves a bunch of civilians while defeating...like Earthquake-man. I don't think they are going to pitch a fit.

Plus, let's not forget, typically all of the League are basically vigilanties at the end of the day. Telling any one of them that fighting crime in a certain area is illegal/forbidden, wouldn't stop any of them.

In the end, I'm struggling to think which of the League would really care about Flash's actions.

John and Hal are soldiers. The Hawks wield deadly weapons anyway. Not sure where J'onn would stand.

Batman and Billy are the two that I think would have the most issue. Though if I'm reading right, apparently Zoat's Superman has loads of issues?
To the coin thing...I took it as Grayven "paying" the toll like at a subway station. He went through the gate, and flipped the token in the machine to pay. I could be totally wrong here.
I'm afraid that you are. He was indicating that for him the decision on whether to rig the mechanism was something he tossed a coin to decide. He might have done, he might not have, it wasn't important to him.

Mr. Allen is taking some time away from being the Flash. That was why Jay mentioned Max taking over his local responsibilities for a while.
Heh, looking back I can't help but feel Paragon was overestimating his chances against Flash if things came to blows.

Like, at the speed's he described the first Paragon would ever know that Flash had even acted would be when Flash was on the other side of the room having already crushed every single one of his rings to dust.
Thinking about it, the main thing I would say is that the Flash needs therapy. Group Therapy would be best, but...... who else would be in that group that?

Alan and Jay could help, they are not in his age group (which would be more ideal).

But really, who else? He would have to go to therapy as the Flash (secret identity), and then the dirtbag papiratzi (sp? idiot psudo-journalists that stalk celebrities) would bug the place. Because no matter the Universe, some people are aholes like that.

In Grrl Power (webcomic), the joke was that if nudes of Max existed, then some villain would create a wormhole machine just to steal them because "these are so hot". My observation of human nature suggests that if it were possible to create something, then it is likely that someone will use it for nefarious purposes.
Thinking about it, the main thing I would say is that the Flash needs therapy. Group Therapy would be best, but...... who else would be in that group that?

Alan and Jay could help, they are not in his age group (which would be more ideal).

But really, who else? He would have to go to therapy as the Flash (secret identity), and then the dirtbag papiratzi (sp? idiot psudo-journalists that stalk celebrities) would bug the place. Because no matter the Universe, some people are aholes like that.

In Grrl Power (webcomic), the joke was that if nudes of Max existed, then some villain would create a wormhole machine just to steal them because "these are so hot". My observation of human nature suggests that if it were possible to create something, then it is likely that someone will use it for nefarious purposes.
Every hero who killed a Sheeda. Cops get mandatory time of and counseling for shooting the gun alot of the time(not to mention if they kill someone). the heros are cops not soldiers. they should all be in group counseling, but definitely any hero who killed a sheeda. grab an offworld therapist. GL/OL corps will have one. Or have a hero actually become one as a career. How many YJ kids are nearing college age and can consider becoming a therapist for heroes.

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