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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

July 3rd 2012, 08:32 GMT -7

I didn't see a lota nature growing up in Gotham. Poison Ivy hadn't taken over Robinson Park yet, but the Falcones already owned the mayor's office and the city council. Money for parks and recreation wasn't exactly high on their priority list. And trips with Dad out to the forest weren't exactly nature walks.
:rolleyes: Yes, Gotham is a shithole, this is well-known... But hey, it's getting better. ...In Paragon-verse at least. :confused: After all, Doctor Gotham's still lurking in Renegade-verse, isn't he?

I don't know if it's because they're ponies or because they haven't industrialised yet, but the ponies have a lot more nature around their towns. Canterlot.. just.. stops once you get off the mountain. And then there's miles of moorland before you get to… This place.

It's called Ponyville. I know I'm just getting a translation from Sunset's spell, but that's not even a pun. It's just 'pony' with 'ville' stuck on the end. We don't have towns called 'Humanville'. Yeah, Grayven said there's a place in England called 'Manchester', and apparently there's some place in Vietnam called 'Hue', but it's not literally every town on the planet.
They do make up for the puns of just about every other community in Equestria. I guess the Apple family were feeling a bit burnt out on puns when they founded Ponyville...

"Bit for you thoughts?"

The pink… Ah… Pinkie Pie? I'm guessing this is the local one, but I don't know how Grayven tells them apart. It's probably something to do with him starting to reorganise their government and so counting them as his 'subjects', but arrows don't really have personalities. If I wanted to work out the differences I'd probably need to go hunting with them or something.
I mean, I'm sure a Boxing Glove arrow has a very gregarious character. And Flare arrows like it hot? Grapple arrows are clingy? :p Maybe she should focus on them more.

I look around the apple orchard.

"How do you pick these without hands?"
Oh, are you in for a treat, honey... And a bit of a headache...

Pinkie Probably Pie grins, shaking her head, her mane flopping back and forward like its made of rubber. "We don't, silly. How would we pick things without hands?"

"I-. With your mouths? That's how most ponies I've seen move stuff."
Ah, she hasn't learnt the art of communicating with Pinkies yet. Think of your worst Dad jokes. Those will be your basic level of comedy...

Pinkie Pie frowns. "I think that would bruise the skin. And it would take a really long time. And it would probably make a lot of ponies strain their necks. And have you tried to go up a ladder as a pony? We're really not designed for ladders."

"I guess… Okay, how do you get the apples off the trees?"
Makes me honestly wonder what Pony scaffolding looks like... Long spiral ramps?

Pinkie Pie perks up. "I'll show you!" And then she perks down. "Well, okay, I won't show you, because last time I tried to do it… It didn't go too well. But my friend Applejack can show you!"

"Let's go find Applejack, then."
Most ponies don't do too great at it either, do they? The Apple family are kind of masters of certain Earth Pony skills, though...

Pinkie Pie… Bounces, all four legs acting like springs. Is that something ponies can do? Ponies like Wilson-ponies. I haven't seen any of the others do it, but maybe they just think it looks silly? Or maybe it's really hard? I've gotten the hang of walking with four hooves, but I can't run-. Or.. trot? Yet.

"Hey, do you have deer around here?"
For reference, that motion is called Pronking (or Stotting, depending on region.) Something many prey quadrupeds do, especially when young. Why? Who knows. Why does Pinkie do it? Because it's fun and cute, duh. :D

"Of course not. This is an apple orchard, not a deer orchard." Pinke Pie gasps, then her head twists around like an owl's neck while she keeps bouncing. "Unless they're in disguise!"

"Ah, yeah, no, I meant; can deer talk on this planet? Are they intelligent, like ponies?"
...That is a good question. Don't the local cows talk, or am I misremembering?

"Wouldn't they be intelligent like deer?"

"That's a tautology. Look, I know gryphons and dragons are as intelligent as ponies, but regular dogs and cats aren't"
Maybe only quadrupeds of a certain size? Which suggests larger dogs might be capable of it... Someday. And Diamond Dogs don't count, they're basically Kobolds.

Pinkie's having fun messing with her, isn't she? Artemis must make a great straight-pony...

"Are deer intelligent like gryphons, dragons and ponies are?"

"I don't know. I've never met a deer. But the only zebra I've met is super-nice, so, maybe?"
I bet Deer would be proud assholes... Wild Deer can be dicks, I hear.

"How about giraffes?"

"What are those?"
There's a scary thought. Imagine Giraffe soldiers, with neck, slung weapons, like huge maces and guillotine blades... Seriously, Giraffes are nasty...

Right. Pre-industrial, in the middle of a continent. They probably didn't even have a map of their planet until Grayven gave them one.

"They look sorta like ponies, but a lot bigger and with really long necks. And they've got two little-" I go cross-eyed for a second trying to look at my horn. "-horns on their heads."
Like trying to describe an elephant to a blind pony... Sort of.

"Huh. I dunno, but now I really wanna meet one! They probably could pick apples without a ladder!"

"Yeah, probably."
They're probably more nomadic, though... Man, this line of thought spawns whole reams of fan-species concepts.

I don't… I mean, yeah, this place is about as far from the Land of Summer's End as you can get, and I guess Grayven wanted to spend some time with Princess Luna, but I don't.. really…

I don't know why I'm here. I think Grayven wants to put me in a relaxing environment, without all of the people and places I keep thinking I should remember but don't. But I think that's just… Putting it off? If he was just trying to break me out of a 'downward spiral' or something-.
Oh, he has a plan. ;) Just like Celestia, really. Just roll with it, gurl.

"Hey, AJ!"

A pale orange pony with a.. cowboy hat. Huh? Why would a pony wear a hat to keep the sun off when they're not wearing clothes and they're covered in fur? That-. Anyway, the orange pony with the apple butt tattoo looks up from taken buckets off a cart.
Hey, when you walk around nude, accessories can make your look distinctive and marketable memorable!

"Well hey there Pinkie Pie! Who's yer friend?"

"This is Artey! She came through the magic mirror like Grayven did!"
And that's why she wears the cowboy hat. It finishes off that perfect down-home western aesthetic... Surprised Artemis had no comment on the accent.

'AJ' starts looking decidedly less welcoming. "That right."

"Uh-huh! And she wants to know how we get apples off the trees!"
Ah, she wasn't overly fond of Grayven, was she? Still, she doesn't judge people based on friendships.

"Well, that's easy. We buck 'em."

I frown, and I feel the pull as my horn stops the skin over my forehead moving.
Heh, she's not settling into equine form at all, is she? Not like Grayven, who leapt at the chance to pony it up... :D Once he could stand unaided.

"You.. buck them?"

"Why, we surely do! I'll show ya!"
Brace yourself, Arty, this is gonna be fun.

Applejack grabs one bucket after another, rapidly tossing them into a rough circle around one of the apple trees. Weird they all stay upright, but I guess the bases are weighted or something?

"Watch real careful, y'all."
...You know, she could probably learn something from Applejack's ability to eyeball the landing spots of every apple on a tree.

Applejack backs up towards the tree, and it looks like she's carefully judging the distance. So, what, she kicks the tree and the apples fall off? How can that wo-

Next to me, Pinkie Pie inhales deeply, her lungs swelling.

-rk..? Oh, is this one of those song th-?
<Prepares to Squee>

"Apple's a yummy, tree-growing fruit!
Bucking them is a bucker's strong suit!
Because you see it's really a breeze!
Pull your legs back and buck all the trees!"
I'm picturing this as a real drinking song tempo. Easy for a bunch of drunks to sing along to, easy-to-remember chorus and all that.

Applejack kinda leans forward, lifts her back legs up and thrusts then into the tree. The tree vibrates, the apples shake, then… Fall… Perfectly into the buckets?

Toldja, Arrow-girl. Get her to teach you that, you'll enjoy yourself.

"You can buck peaches and you can buck limes!
And you can buck figs if you've got the time!
And if you want to buck down some sloes!
Swing yours legs hard and see how it goes!"
Now I wish I had a tankard of mead to thump on the table... And a good log table to thump it on...

Pinkie Pie prances around as Applejack continues buck-.

"Apple's a yummy, tree-growing fruit!
Bucking them is a bucker's strong suit!
Because you see it's really a breeze!
Lift your tail up and buck all the trees!"
Oh, my. [/takei] Definitely a bawdy drinking song... One for the stallions who like a nice firm flank, eh?

Wait. Wait. Lift your-? What's she saying?

"If fruit-bearing trees aren't how you swing!
You can buck just about anything!
Buck on a wood plank to drive in the nails!
Or buck a ship-mast to open the sails!"
Pretty sure they've shown ponies do all of those things in the series, haven't they?

Is she..?

"Apple's a yummy, tree-growing fruit!
Bucking them is a bucker's strong suit!
Because you see it's really a breeze!
Spread your legs wide and buck all the trees!"
Enjoy the nice, cool wind betwixt your nethers, and all that.

Hah, no bad mood survives exposure to Pinkie Pie. :p You just know she planned this!

"Buck on a mountain to knock down a rock!
Buck on a tower to start up a clock!
Buck on a stuck pipe to start up a flow!
You can try bucking wherever you go!"
x3 Can you buck in front of other people, I ask? Or is it just a thing between consenting adults? :p

"Apple's a yummy, tree-growing fruit!
Bucking them is a bucker's strong suit!
Because you see it's really a breeze!
Stretch your haunches and buck all the trees!"
I wonder if an expert Earth pony mage or Alicorn with earth-focused magic could do an entire orchard in one stomp?

And Pinkie discreetly hoof-pumps with a grin, because of course she meant for that to happen.

Well, looks like Artemis is finally starting to relax. While she's not fixed yet, whether you think she's broken or not, at least she's started down the road to recovery. I bet regular trips to Equestria will help her mood a lot...

I didn't see a lota nature growing up in Gotham.
Would 'lotta' fit better here? It's the more common usage.
"Bit for you thoughts?"
"Bit for your thoughts?"
...forward like its made of rubber.
...forward like it's made of rubber.
...and thrusts then into the tree.
...and thrusts them into the tree.
Swing yours legs hard and see how it goes!"
Swing your legs hard and see how it goes!"
:rolleyes: Yes, Gotham is a shithole, this is well-known... But hey, it's getting better. ...In Paragon-verse at least. :confused: After all, Doctor Gotham's still lurking in Renegade-verse, isn't he?

Also Poison Ivy still has her powers and because renegade doesn't live there people may be more inclined to commit crimes, unlike in the paragon side where Paul's presence has become a deterrent.

Ah, she wasn't overly fond of Grayven, was she?

He did try to take away her family's farm.

Would you be fond of someone if they did that?

Edit: Sorry, misremembered the last part there, he didn't try to take her farm away. Though he did try to get her friend in legal trouble and emotionally hurt another friend, so not a lot of reason to be fond of him.
Last edited:
Also Poison Ivy still has her powers and because renegade doesn't live there people may be more inclined to commit crimes, unlike in the paragon side where Paul's presence has become a deterrent.

However Grayven will happily crush the limbs/murder any supervillians who go too far, so supervillianary is likely down with petty criminality(all the rest) remaining unchanged.

Cause, you know, permanently hobbling the Joker is bound to drop Gotham down a tier on the absolute shithole list.
Would 'lotta' fit better here? It's the more common usage.
"Bit for your thoughts?"
...forward like it's made of rubber.
...and thrusts them into the tree.
Swing your legs hard and see how it goes!"
Thank you, corrected.
He did try to take away her family's farm.

Would you be fond of someone if they did that?
Did he? I don't remember that.
Mr Zoat How did the debriefing with Batman end up going?
They communicated a summary of what happened with a minimum of difficulty.
Did he? I don't remember that.

I tried to find it, but all I got was Rarity and her stealing from Diamond Dog territory.

Guess I misremembered that bit where Applejack said the land was her family's and thought that's what renegade tried to do.

"I figured you was a fake too.

'were a fake'

Guess I was wrowng."


Unless this is just her way of speaking.
I was pretty excited when I saw it was another Artemis chapter, I enjoyed the others more than even the Paragon story, but... sadly there's only like a paragraph of stuff I actually care about here.

I don't… I mean, yeah, this place is about as far from the Land of Summer's End as you can get, and I guess Grayven wanted to spend some time with Princess Luna, but I don't.. really…

I don't know why I'm here. I think Grayven wants to put me in a relaxing environment, without all of the people and places I keep thinking I should remember but don't. But I think that's just… Putting it off? If he was just trying to break me out of a 'downward spiral' or something-.
Yeah, Artemis, why are you here?

The novelty of the nonsensicality of ponyworld wore off pretty early into Gravyen stomping around in it, and it doesn't really have anything else to give, as a setting.
That's like... the entire draw, as far as I can tell.
Atleast the previous one with Luna in it had a mildly interesting character dynamic involving luna thinking she was being introduced to Grayven's new wife.
That sort of interpersonal drama has some impact to it.

Aside from the quotation paragraph above, the whole chapter is basically "Which animals can talk?" + "How do thing without hands?" + "Random Pony Song"
So... basically the same as every other pony chapter.

I can't really complain, what with the daily updates.
If you're pumping out a chapter a day, it's no surprise that they can't all be bangers, but I'd have much rather seen the debriefing with batman that Grayven barged in on, or at least a flashback or reference to how he reacted. Not just to Grayen posturing, but to what he was actually being told.
Maybe some interaction and reaction (sympathy, worry, ect) from other members of the league. Wonder-woman, maybe?
Plus, the debriefing itself could give us a closer look into how Artemis coped in the Land of Summer's End.
We didn't really see her being the warrior-queen that we're told that she became. Giving orders, commanding armies or even really interacting with the Sheeda at all.
Yeah, Artemis, why are you here?

To get away from a stressful environment for a bit.

You did read the previous chapters where she was withdrawn and seemed stressed and conflicted with everything, didn't you?

And before you say she should just interact with her former friends and just do that with no therapy or anything else like you previously did, try to remember that when she tried to do that it didn't exactly lead to a lot of positive interaction, so some time away from them may do her some good.

And this chapter wasn't just ponies singing and explaining how they do things without hands.

It also included Artemis laughing and enjoying herself for what appears to be the first time since she got back from the future.

This chapter basically showed us that Artemis may recover from her experience.
And before you say she should just interact with her former friends and just do that with no therapy or anything else like you previously did, try to remember that when she tried to do that it didn't exactly lead to a lot of positive interaction, so some time away from them may do her some good.
"Some time away"?
I think she's had quite enough time away, or did you somehow miss that entire story arc?
Spending 'time away' from her home and her family and all of her friends is the entire cause of the problem to begin with.
It is not the solution.
At best it's a stalling tactic, at worst it might actually make things worse as she comes to associate more closely with Ponyville aliens than her own people.

Artemis says it herself in this chapter, taking her away from the world that she needs to refamiliarize herself with is only delaying the inevitable, and the only reason she can think of to do so would be if she was on some sort of downward spiral and needed a break.
... except, we haven't seen that, because we haven't seen much of her at all while she reacclimatises.

Yeah, things were pretty uncomfortable for her meeting with Wally and before the debriefing with batman, but that's a single day.
We don't know how indicative that is of a larger trend, or of whether she actually did begin a downward spiral because we've timeskipped from the start of May to the start of July.

Anyway, reacclimatization isn't going to become less uncomfortable by avoiding it. The only solution is to get stuck in there, sit down with your former friends and talk, bring up old missions or events and see if they can get her to remember.
Do memory association.

If she can remember going to Atlantis (which seems like a fairly safe pick, since it's an underwater city that's probably nothing like anything else she's ever seen on either planet) then that might jog her memory about Kaldur, which could lead to his actions during team events, which could trigger memories of the rest of her friends.

Leaving right away as soon as things get tough isn't any kind of solution. You've gotta get stuck in there and talk to people.
Fucking off to an alien planet far away from everyone you know isn't a solution, That's what caused the problem to begin with.

And no, I didn't say "No Therapy" Therapy would be very helpful.
I said no pony-therapy, because they're obviously going ot be useless for that.
Most of them have the mental complexity of small children, and those that don't are still total aliens.
They don't know shit about humans, or human psychology, or new god psychology, for that matter.
Their actions and minds are pretty alien, and they don't know anything about her or her friend-group, which makes them totally useless for her purposes.

Sitting down with Black Canary (even tho she's just a florist) could be more helpful because atleast she's aware of who the people Artemis is trying to remember ARE, and she knows some of the missions and events that they undertook together.
Artemis might remember who Black Canary is at some point, and that will be a measurable step forwards.

That's way more than any therapy-horse can provide.
"Some time away"?
I think she's had quite enough time away, or did you somehow miss that entire story arc?
Spending 'time away' from her home and her family and all of her friends is the entire cause of the problem to begin with.
It is not the solution.
At best it's a stalling tactic, at worst it might actually make things worse as she comes to associate more closely with Ponyville aliens than her own people.

Artemis says it herself in this chapter, taking her away from the world that she needs to refamiliarize herself with is only delaying the inevitable, and the only reason she can think of to do so would be if she was on some sort of downward spiral and needed a break.
... except, we haven't seen that, because we haven't seen much of her at all while she reacclimatises.

Yeah, things were pretty uncomfortable for her meeting with Wally and before the debriefing with batman, but that's a single day.
We don't know how indicative that is of a larger trend, or of whether she actually did begin a downward spiral because we've timeskipped from the start of May to the start of July.

Anyway, reacclimatization isn't going to become less uncomfortable by avoiding it. The only solution is to get stuck in there, sit down with your former friends and talk, bring up old missions or events and see if they can get her to remember.
Do memory association.

If she can remember going to Atlantis (which seems like a fairly safe pick, since it's an underwater city that's probably nothing like anything else she's ever seen on either planet) then that might jog her memory about Kaldur, which could lead to his actions during team events, which could trigger memories of the rest of her friends.

Leaving right away as soon as things get tough isn't any kind of solution. You've gotta get stuck in there and talk to people.
Fucking off to an alien planet far away from everyone you know isn't a solution, That's what caused the problem to begin with.

And no, I didn't say "No Therapy" Therapy would be very helpful.
I said no pony-therapy, because they're obviously going ot be useless for that.
Most of them have the mental complexity of small children, and those that don't are still total aliens.
They don't know shit about humans, or human psychology, or new god psychology, for that matter.
Their actions and minds are pretty alien, and they don't know anything about her or her friend-group, which makes them totally useless for her purposes.

Sitting down with Black Canary (even tho she's just a florist) could be more helpful because atleast she's aware of who the people Artemis is trying to remember ARE, and she knows some of the missions and events that they undertook together.
Artemis might remember who Black Canary is at some point, and that will be a measurable step forwards.

That's way more than any therapy-horse can provide.
And it's not supposed to. The Renegade has no interest in her going back to being teenager Artemis, and would regard it as a massive backwards step. He's putting her in a friendly but alien environment in the hope that she'll start feeling better about who she is now.
I think she's had quite enough time away, or did you somehow miss that entire story arc?

No I didn't.

Did you miss the part where she was laughing in joy in this chapter because they visited Equestria, while previously she was emotionally withdrawn?

It is not the solution.

Never said it was. I only said that going to a nice place where there isn't so much stress can be a good thing from time to time, but she shouldn't rely on it completely.

Anyway, reacclimatization isn't going to become less uncomfortable by avoiding it. The only solution is to get stuck in there, sit down with your former friends and talk, bring up old missions or events and see if they can get her to remember.

Leaving right away as soon as things get tough isn't any kind of solution. You've gotta get stuck in there and talk to people.

See sometimes a person may actually need a safe place to go to if they are feeling too stressed, and just staying in said stressful place all the time is not exactly a good thing.

It would be like telling someone to either learn to swim or sink, and then when it looks like they're sinking just leaving them to sink.

She'll eventually have to learn to swim, but it's a good idea to get her on dry land if it looks like she's going to sink.

And no, I didn't say "No Therapy"

Yeah, you kinda did.

They don't need therapy,

I said no pony-therapy, because they're obviously going ot be useless for that.
Most of them have the mental complexity of small children, and those that don't are still total aliens.
They don't know shit about humans, or human psychology, or new god psychology, for that matter.
Their actions and minds are pretty alien, and they don't know anything about her or her friend-group, which makes them totally useless for her purposes.

Firstly we've been shown ponies in this story that are mentally complex and have the mentality of adults.

There also isn't anyone on Earth that knows a whole lot about New God psychology.

However the ponies live on a planet with multiple sapient species, so they can most likely adapt to the psychology of another one, unlike humans who mostly deal with other humans.

Also friendship is kinda their forte.

And while they aren't completely like humans, they are still incredibly close to being like humans in the mental department.

Also there's Luna.

You know Luna right, the demigoddess who was imprisoned away from her home for centuries and is also having difficulties adjusting to the world, but who most likely has more experience than either renegade or Artemis in the readjustment department?

What do you think the chances are of her helping Artemis through her situation?

I think they are very high.

That's way more than any therapy-horse can provide.

Not really.

A fully trained therapist, whose special talent is being a therapist, is probably going to be more helpful than a florist who may not have ever trained as a therapist, and even if she did then she hasn't finished her training.

Said pony therapist can just try to get Artemis to reconnect with her friends by doing a group meeting.
Also, in retrospect, Peter Wynne was another clue. Appropriating part of his last name in a way that he could speak, but to us (and Batman), just sounded like he was having a bit of fun with the Rich Capitalist Archetype, and maybe poking fun at Batman/Wayne
Way off base. "Wynne" is a respelling of "Nguyen," because he'd made a point about how weird it was that a name pronounced "win" would be spelled like that. (Obviously he gets that it's a particular romanization scheme, but why would you design a romanization scheme that doesn't produce words that are pronounced how they're spelled?)

"That's a tautology. Look, I know gryphons and dragons are as intelligent as ponies, but regular dogs and cats aren't"
Missing full stop.

Stretch your haunches
Unless this is quoting some existing material, I think "Stretch out your haunches" would fit the meter better.[/QUOTE]

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