Chojin Patriarch
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I guess the choices of colour are just cultural, then. Maybe with local dyes, red was a more difficult colour than purple, so it became the colour of royalty or rulership? Maybe the combination he has isn't culturally aligned with horror mythos like their equivalent to Dracule? Or just maybe he likes the colour.5th July 2012
02:27 GMT
Regent Alonzo Dulak steeples his hands on the other side of the desk, which combined with his red clothing/albino physiology colour scheme makes him look so totally evil that I scan for vampirism. No. Do Euphorians see on different wavelengths to humans? Not significantly.
It's fun? What, OL can't have a little fun while he works?Guess it's cultural, then.
He glances at the opened letter on the desk next to him
"The only thing I don't understand is why -having broken through our shield- you're pretending to be an ignorant courier."
Presumably he's professional to keep that sort of thing in more private offices, where he gets the real work done, instead of his 'receiving' office...I straighten my stance slightly, prompting my escort to tighten their grips on the weapons slightly. His office is pretty plain, considering he's spent a decade or so as the ruler of all he surveys. There's an oil painting of a group… A young Kalista and a few other people I assume are her immediate family. No Pren, but it could well have been before they met. No pictures of his family, and the stone statue in the corner has been in place long enough to have faded where the ceiling light shines on it.
Still concerned it's an enemy plot? He certainly hasn't heard of Orange lanterns, of course, given the lack of communication. Properly paranoid, at least."Because while I'm obviously not what I appear, no one knows what I am."
"You're biological. More creative than the vat-creatures the psions usually make… No, I can't see them allowing someone this amount of independence. The Crown Imperium, perhaps? I'd be surprised if they had teleportation technology advanced enough to bypass the shield, but it's not impossible."
"May I ask if you've read the letter?"
"Yes. And I have." He moves his hands apart, laying his left flat on the table and drumming the fingers of his right on the letter itself. "Did you?"
I know, it sounds like fiction. But with so many signs of it being genuine, well..."Not the letter, no."
"The Gordanian Empire and the Wombworld have been destroyed, and we are to lower the shield and resume contact with the wider universe. The seal is accurate, the writing matching both Queen Kalista's penmanship and lexicon and the letter is composed as a royal dictum." He moves his left hand, picking up a small scanner and waving it over the letter. "Finger prints and genetic traces from both Queen Kalista and Lord Pren-. Is he still calling himself Primus?"
He shakes his head dismissively. "Nonsense like that is why the late Queen never approved Queen Kalista's marriage. What sort of person starts out on a quest for justice by changing their name? The man's a complete chuuni."
I bet OL never thought he'd find a kindred spirit here of all places.
Including info on the new powers in the sector, I hope. Like Orange Lanterns. It won't take long for Alonzo to make the obvious connection..."I couldn't possibly comment."
I take a data stick containing the rest of their messages -as well as a summary of the situation in the Vega Systems- out of my pocket and-.
Well, she's either twitchy as fuck, or really keen about her duty. Hell, why not both? Commendation for reaction time, if nothing else.And roll my eyes at a guard who was a little ahead of the game and pointed her gun at me the moment I moved, then offer it to her.
"The rest of the messages. To be released or not as you see fit."
He's not working for Kallista. He's just a messenger. I doubt he much cares if the shield drops or not, beyond the obvious interference with his goals...Alonzo looks puzzled.
"I doubt that your instructions included 'as you see fit'."
But it's so obvious, my dear Regent. I bet if he could ever read the Discworld novels, he'd feel an immense kinship with Lord Vetinari..."I offered to convey the letter. I'm not here to make sure that someone with no obvious incentive to remove themselves from office obeys the content."
"I don't appreciate your tone."
Heh. Being able to get some off-world contracts even before the shield goes down would be quite a feat..."But you do appreciate the content?" He moues and I shrug. "I'd like to employ Euphorians from specialist professions, but it's hardly the end of the universe if I can't."
"What professions are those?"
Too small a scale, my good man. Just wait until you hear this..."At the moment, telepathic specialists. I've got a job to do that requires a great deal of telepathic involvement, and even if my other negotiations go very well I'm going go need more. And I can't get them unless the shield comes down."
"If you want to access the contents of a person's mind, there are far easier ways to do so. I can build…"
Yeah, I don't think anyone's got that kind of technological grunt. Even Earth!I shake my head.
"I need to move sixty billion consciousnesses from a radio telepathic network. Do you have a device that can-?"
That won't be a problem. I rather suspect they'll have to adjust their spells to reduce the energy intake, depending on the saturation difference between Euphorix and Mars..."I'd also like to employ a necromancer."
"We.. have those, but why? They can't operate on a thaumically dead world."
'Perfectly sophisticated', eh? So, not dressing in the chuuni-worthy stereotypical outfits, then? And I see he's smart enough to consider the public's reaction to something like the Shield dropping."I know. My homeworld and our immediate neighbour are both thaumically active. We've just never really developed a tradition of sophisticated necromancy."
"It's a minority interest amongst a small segment of our population, but I assure you that those who master the subject are perfectly sophisticated." He looks away, signing. "No, there's no getting around this. If the fighting is over, I'll have to lower the shield. I'll need a few days to go over the data and come up with a form of words to use to convey what's.. happened to the general population."
You're really liking this fellow, aren't you, OL? He actually thinks!
I suspect Kallista won't be happy with things, either. I foresee some trouble as they settle back in.I can see perfectly well that he didn't wanted them to return. As far as I can tell he'd rather assumed that they were gone permanently the moment the shield went up, something he regarded as a good thing. As far as I can see he hasn't done a terrible job of running the planet in Kalista's absence, and… How disconnected from the goings on in the rest of Vega are the Euphorians? Will they care about a Queen who left them for a decade, when set against the man who kept them safe and ruled them wisely?
Until it escalates into something you have to come over and deal with personally.
Oh, yes, that's the tone of a man who sees his career about to descend into the shitter by way of stupidly childish royalty."Would you like to send a message back?"
"Yes, I probably should."
Estimated delivery time: two seconds. Would you like a reply too?He pulls a sheet of paper out of his desk drawer and picks up a.. fountain pen analogue, then writes a hurried reply. I wait while he finishes, then lowers the pen and waves a device over the paper to dry the ink. Then he folds it and then applies his seal to the join. Lastly, he picks it up and holds it out to me.
"Fine. Deliver this into Queen Kalista's hand.
Ah, at least he's able to look past his imminent demotion to more useful business."Certainly." I lean forwards and take it from him.
"And-." Something occurs to him. "Since the shield will most likely come down in a few days, would you like to speak to one of our necromancers before you leave?"
Which is probably really bright at this point. Easy to navigate by, this close."No need. Back in a second."
I raise my right hand to my forehead,
head towards Kalista and Pren's shared desire to return home and then
No time, business calls, gottago!return to the material universe.
"Here." I jab at her with the letter, and she instinctively takes it. "He wants a few days to prepare."
Haha! I bet that gets the old Spock eyebrow as Alonzo takes it in. And he's sharp enough to note that OL could have done that from the start, yet was polite enough to play along with the whole security escort drill.And then it's
back to Euphorix.
"But I would appreciate it if I could speak to one now."
...Is it just me or is anyone else getting a strong Vetinari vibe from Regent Dulak here? I mean, he's got things running smoothly, comfortably stable in his position, and then along comes the absent rulers looking to just step back in like it was yesterday?
If Kallista's got even half a brain, she'll realise Alonzo's got things well in hand and decides to take the figurehead route, living a life of leisure and relaxation. Or maybe she'll let him get on with it and go back to space?