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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I'd get a feeling of resolution/closure if Paul (or Renegade Paul/Grayven) tore into Black for his mass-murder. I respect Paul, Blue-Paul (based on his role pre-honeymoon), and Renegade-Paul for their talks with governments compared to Professor Black's pseudo-rationalist breakdown

I don't think that would work all that well.

Both paragon and renegade have not always stuck to their talking to governments policy and have on occasion advocated for people to take action into their own hands, like this version just did.

And Black has read WTR, so he would probably know that they're being hypocritical.

He also has very good knowledge of Young Justice, unlike paragon or renegade, so he would know about all the shit the Light commited, is committing and will commit in the future if they're left alive.

You can't exactly say that the ones he killed didn't have it coming, excluding the ones he killed to get emotions you don't typically find in psychopaths and criminals. Though he did make sure to compensate the families of those people and only killed them if they agreed to it.

And talking to governments would have probably tipped them off and let them go into hiding, thus leaving them to do more stupid evil shit.

Though he did leave Orm for Aquaman and Atlantis to take care off.
What even possessed you to bring us this? :p I'm not complaining, it's great to be reminded of it (the thread is long dead, alas.) Are... Are we going to see OL visiting other Lantern SI's in future? How deep will the Fanfic recursion go? Is a meeting with Professor Black in the cards, given that they've actually mentioned a certain Orange Lantern in passing?

This looks like one of the 'post-continuity' bits, like Paragon visiting the MLP world, and the like. My guess is this is setup for Crisis of Infinite Lantern SIs.

Honestly though, this has given me some serious thoughts on making another shot at the entire Lantern SI thing. I wrote myself into a burned out corner the last time I touched it (though I did complete the main story arc I wanted to write, so everything after was gravy).

Hope, uh, finds a way.

And before anyone asks: Yes, Viera can do that. Bizarrely, they can leap great heights, yet cannot stand upright without support. :cool: Go Evolution! Vanilla here literally cannot stand on her own two feet without the twelve-inch-plus heels she wears.
I recall the author mentioning that when I read the fic. She didn't seem very happy about it. Understandable, as I don't think I can enumerate every fetish that aspect of the Viera alone hits (much less any other aspects), since it might hit some that I've never heard of. Also, enumerating the fetishes might not be appropriate for the SFW subforum.
I recall the author mentioning that when I read the fic. She didn't seem very happy about it. Understandable, as I don't think I can enumerate every fetish that aspect of the Viera alone hits (much less any other aspects), since it might hit some that I've never heard of. Also, enumerating the fetishes might not be appropriate for the SFW subforum.
Oh, no argument there. I was giving the 'evolution' thing a sarcastic callout (And have changed the smiley to 'eyeroll' to make that clearer.)
Honestly, the best part about the way Harvey got improved? He was told that every word uttered would add half an inch to his package, and he was confident enough in himself to only utter the one word instead of getting multiple inches added on.
Main OL is on good terms with the Bullock in his universe, so this is apparently a different OL hopping to a different universe.
I find the idea of a handsome Bullock hillarious. I wanna see where that goes.
I Smile To See You Want (part 4a)
Paul has never before acted so much like a god.
Poor Bullock. He will be lucky to not get arrested for identity theft after that transformation.

While the update was entertaining the fact it comes out of nowhere and has a horrible-to-read colour rather detracts from it.
I kinda want to see more of this. Does it say 4a have we seen this timeline before?
I don't speak up very often. Zoat, if you're willing to indulge me, what are the other seven colors and what do they represent?

This is surprisingly important to me but I'm not quite willing to explain why out in the open. It has nothing to do with writing or anything like that, just something personal.
This seems to be a cross over with a fanfic called I just want to see you Smile.
A very fun fic with a OC SI character.
If I recall correctly there is Teal-Joy Gold-Pride then Brown which I think was boredom then selfishness and I am not sure what else.

Lovin this chapter Mr Zoat.
I have never seen force majeure used in this context. Is it correct?

Yes. If if recall correctly, it's a codified legal definition that started in the 1860's in England, and was shortly thereafter (in legal terms) adopted by the USA.

See https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=4150d305-9064-431f-97e2-21502528234b for further information.

Edit: As for why it's named in French, historically the English have a love/hate relationship with the French which someone else who may understand it better should probably explain.
Then I can only suggest that you write it.

I actually... Put a link to it in the story segment.
Then Bless and curse you as well.



and then SB goes down for maintenance right when I was getting to another good part........ that is just a curse, they get the blessing after the site is back up.
I caught this story about three years ago and I've been following it every day ever since; WTR has a dedicated, pinned tab in my browser and has for awhile now. I like stories. I've read hundreds of books by now (Granted, mostly sci-fi and fantasy but other stuff here and there as well) and few have engaged me consistently for as long as this one has.

With that said, I've considered writing something about a character with a ring but I've been at odds about it for several months now, unable to decide whether or not to do it since this is kind of Zoat's thing. If I were to take a stab at it I think I would do it in a non-DC based universe, though not necessarily a canon franchise as seems to be the theme in this story. Also I'm bad at consistently updating things, haha.

So, it's an open question to all; think I should go for it, or would it come across as just a ripoff or something?
I caught this story about three years ago and I've been following it every day ever since; WTR has a dedicated, pinned tab in my browser and has for awhile now. I like stories. I've read hundreds of books by now (Granted, mostly sci-fi and fantasy but other stuff here and there as well) and few have engaged me consistently for as long as this one has.

With that said, I've considered writing something about a character with a ring but I've been at odds about it for several months now, unable to decide whether or not to do it since this is kind of Zoat's thing. If I were to take a stab at it I think I would do it in a non-DC based universe, though not necessarily a canon franchise as seems to be the theme in this story. Also I'm bad at consistently updating things, haha.

So, it's an open question to all; think I should go for it, or would it come across as just a ripoff or something?
Go for it
To amswer the questions that may exist about my own SI that is apparently now guest staring here.

1) She has no idea about his SI because of lack of setting knowledge. She has general DC knowledge, not YJ specific.

2) She is a very Neutral Good character. She won't break the law if she doesn't have to, as that causes more problems and issues than needed and just isn't an efficient way to go about making things better in the long run.

3) She very very much disagrees with him, and when she said "you're not as crazy as I expected" it was not a compliment. The crazy amount is higher.

4) I was not consulted about this at all and so haven't had any imput on how this version of Vanilla will act but I'm sharing original creator insight.
I caught this story about three years ago and I've been following it every day ever since; WTR has a dedicated, pinned tab in my browser and has for awhile now. I like stories. I've read hundreds of books by now (Granted, mostly sci-fi and fantasy but other stuff here and there as well) and few have engaged me consistently for as long as this one has.

With that said, I've considered writing something about a character with a ring but I've been at odds about it for several months now, unable to decide whether or not to do it since this is kind of Zoat's thing. If I were to take a stab at it I think I would do it in a non-DC based universe, though not necessarily a canon franchise as seems to be the theme in this story. Also I'm bad at consistently updating things, haha.

So, it's an open question to all; think I should go for it, or would it come across as just a ripoff or something?

Go ahead, plenty of people have done exactly the same and all of the ones I've read have been at least entertaining, and if you really want to do it no one's stopping you.

Hell, Zoat's actually fallowed at least some of 'em in the past, so I don't think he minds all that much.

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