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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Sure but the D'xe stuff confuses me. I'm not clear on what supposed revelation Paul had at the end.
That lantern K'ryssma is not here on a random whim, but investigating that possible anti-Lantern weapon. Hence her question whether any Green Lanterns decided to ditch their duties and start doing something else - like joining OLC. That's my understanding of it, at least.
Sure but the D'xe stuff confuses me. I'm not clear on what supposed revelation Paul had at the end.

My read on it is: Paul is looking at emotional reaction of Green Lantern Honour Guard to the mention of D'xe . This could tell him if the Green Lantern Corps suspects something about that unusual ship
Sure but the D'xe stuff confuses me. I'm not clear on what supposed revelation Paul had at the end.

The D'xe stuff implies there is an anti lantern weapon was in existence and the people in the red ship might have information at best, a functional version at worst. Paul was willing to write off the chance of this being so, until the matter of an honor guard member of the GLC showing up around the same time. The conversation about poaching GLC members for the OLC was something she used as a fishing question. It implies she is also aware of the possibility of such a weapon, and may suspect that he's here for it. Thus he understands she's worried enough about the possiblity that it might be a real threat. His response to that is to start looking for distortions to the emotional setup of the peoples of this world, as such a sudden shift in personality from 'upstanding ringslinger' to 'crazy megalomaniac' would stand out to him.
Sounds like one of the people Diana used to fight back in the forties.​
Ah, the forties. :rolleyes: Gods bless the Golden Age. Yes, they seem goofy to us, in our time of grim-derp heroes and psychopathic villains. But in their day, they were... o_O uh... Okay, they were a bit goofy, but they were made for kids.
I'm mostly amused at the inclusion of Giganta, Clea and Cheetah in that lineup. Its like they were chosen by a random number generator.
Presumably going looking for the emotions of the Red Ships' crew, poke around to see any motivations there. Probably a big old lump of 'Kaching! Pay-day!' among other things...
The D'xe stuff implies there is an anti lantern weapon was in existence and the people in the red ship might have information at best, a functional version at worst. Paul was willing to write off the chance of this being so, until the matter of an honor guard member of the GLC showing up around the same time. The conversation about poaching GLC members for the OLC was something she used as a fishing question. It implies she is also aware of the possibility of such a weapon, and may suspect that he's here for it. Thus he understands she's worried enough about the possiblity that it might be a real threat. His response to that is to start looking for distortions to the emotional setup of the peoples of this world, as such a sudden shift in personality from 'upstanding ringslinger' to 'crazy megalomaniac' would stand out to him.
My take on it was that he was targeting her with his empathic vision and used the whole recruitment thing as a way to annoy her and put her off her guard, in order to make it easier to read her when he brings up the D'xe thing by having her off balance.
Presumably going looking for the emotions of the Red Ships' crew, poke around to see any motivations there. Probably a big old lump of 'Kaching! Pay-day!' among other things... Though I find myself wondering what the Gyuanites (and Torvite) listening in have to say about this little discussion. :confused: Because they are sitting right there... Definitely a case of 'so much for neutrality' if the War can come to your doorstep like this...
My assumption was along completely different lines: he led the conversation to maximize the potential emotional reaction Lantern K'ryssma had to him bringing up the D'xe so that he can empathically monitor her reaction to judge whether or not he should be worried about the D'xe
My point is the contrast between Giganta, Cheetah and Clea on one hand and the silly non-entities that makes up the rest of the evil crew.

Yes, I suspect part of the reason Wonder Woman isn't as successful as her male iconic peers is that her rogues gallery just doesn't pop.

Batman has the Joker down to the "I've got a bottle of mustard and I know how to use it!" Condiment King.

Superman? Lex, Metallo, Bizarro, Parasite, Darkseid.

But Diana? I imagine the typical comic book fan if asked about Wonder Woman's enemies would go something like "Ares and erhm some Nazis, right?"

Part of making someone care about a hero is making them care about their villains.

Less people would have cared about John McClane if Hans Gruber wasn't there being an awesome villain.
Negetiations (part 13)
12th August 2012
18:12 GMT

And I get the tiniest trace of...

No, it's gone. I suppose it was unreasonable to assume that an Honour Guard Lantern wouldn't be able to keep me out.

"Because Jordan-."

"D'xe is a peaceful planet in a peaceful Sector. Lantern Cyan-"

I suppress a snort. A Green Lantern called Cyan. Good job there aren't any actual Cyan Lanterns or that could get really confusing.

"-has undone the damage caused during her predecessor's reign, and Kaylark is being rehabilitated."

"And you arriving in this system right behind a ship of known Reach acquisition agents is entirely coincidental?"

"The 'Free Lancers' are wanted for multiple crimes in several Sectors-."

"But you're an Honour Guard Lantern and they're one undergunned blockade runner. I'm not seeing anything a local Lantern couldn't deal with. Ex-cept I know perfectly well that Honour Guard Lanterns get to deal with classified tasks as well as high-difficulty tasks, so a little honesty might go a long way here."

"For multiple crimes in several Sectors, but I am here because it is possible that they have acquired the broken remains of a power ring."

I frown. Kalmin told me what usually happens when a Green Lantern dies and their ring can't get away: it completely disintegrates itself. But-.

Alan's ring. If a Lantern goes rogue and they cut them off, would that function still work? Possibly not. Could the Reach do anything with the broken remains of a power ring? I… Wouldn't have thought so. The Qwardians weren't able to create general-purpose power ring disruptors, and they could build actual power rings. But, hey, acting against the Reach is why I'm here.

"Naturally, we don't really want the Reach to get that. What can I do to help?"

"Why are you on Yuna?"

"Negotiations with their government. We want to maintain a normal trading relationship, they want us to hold their hand and tell them that we still think they're pretty."

"Yuna has a Reach trade mission."

"Yes, it does." I frown. "Are you allowed to be here?"

"The Reach haven't formally claimed this world. Are you allowed to be here?"

"As long as I don't start anything. Though… On Earth we have an expression. 'What do you do when you find a eight hundred pound gorilla asleep in your bed?'."

She waits for a moment.

"What is the answer?"

"Sleep somewhere else. I'm being polite for political reasons, not because I have to be. The problems that would be caused to N.E.M.O. by making a big deal of the Reach being here would outweigh the gains there'd be in destroying it. But if you really need our help, I rate maintaining a good relationship with the Green Lantern Corps as more important."

"Thank you for your offer. I will take it under advisement."

Her face vanishes, and I frown thoughtfully.

Lantern Drusa arches her left eyebrow.

"Is the Reach having access to a broken power ring a threat to us?"

"No idea. Honestly, I'm mildly astonished that they didn't pick up at least one during their war with the Green Lantern Corps. But it's not as if Jordan wrote his report under truth compulsion."

She nods. "His Corps has first claim to his loyalty. It would make sense that he would lie in a report to his local allies."

"I.. don't think he'd tell a direct lie. An incomplete truth, perhaps." I frown. "I don't think Jordan would leave a functioning power ring laying there; he's not that incompetent."

"Could it be Kaylark?"

"I doubt-."

Could it be? I actually don't know what the Green Lantern Corps does with insane Lanterns. Criminal Lanterns either get fired, get sent on a penance quest or get stuck in a sciencell, but if there's actually something wrong with how their brain works..? I mean, they didn't do anything to help Guy...

"I doubt it. Maybe. Keep as much of an eye on all three parties as you can without breaking local law. Worst comes to the worst we can just intercept their courier once they get back into the war zone."

She nods. "Do we inform the local government?"

"Inform them of what? We don't know anything. Some people the Reach trade with might have something to trade with them. That's not only not illegal, it's actively encouraged. They don't care about the war, so we can attack whoever we want as long as we do it outside of their system. And K'ryssma can look after herself."

"In six days."

"No, the Green Lantern Corps has a treaty which lets them fly right here. I suppose it's an advantage of having a strongly non-interventionist approach to civil society. She can be here in a few seconds. I imagine that she's taking her time to make it harder for the Reach to spot her."

I shrug.

"Anything else?"

"Nothing has come to my attention." … "Do you want me to continue wearing your face?"

"Might as well. I'm going to get a laugh out of this eventually." I raise my right hand to my forehead. "Carry on, Orange Lantern."

I reappear in the meeting room-

"…minister, because we-."

HCO clamps her mouth shut and loudly clears her throat.

"Sorry about that."

"Are you likely to be called away again?"

"I shouldn't be. These things… Crop up sometimes. So how are we doing on the 'Reach bad, N.E.M.O. good, friends?' thing?"

Trade smiles faintly and shakes his head. "We're not going to condemn a long-term trading partner for going to war with someone else. But nothing you've said would in principle precipitate the Yuna government changing its attitude towards N.E.M.O. member worlds."

"Great! So what else do you need from me before we discuss exactly what that means and sign something formal?"

DA leans forward slightly.

"I do have one further question."


"Will Maltus be trading with us directly?"

"Almost certainly not. You don't have anything they want, their efforts are focused on rebuilding recaptured worlds, and their economic output is so great that they'd wreck your economy."

Trade nods, shooting DA a dirty look. "I'm glad that you noticed that, thank you."
Last edited:
Good job there aren't any actual Cyan Lanterns or that could get really confusing.

This is because of the Teal Lantern arguments you had, I just know it.

undone the damage cause during her


has undone the damage cause during her predecessor's reign, and Kaylark is being rehabilitated.

Add a " at the end.

The 'Free Lancers' are wanted for multiple crimes in several Sectors-.

Add a " at the end.

But you're an Honour Guard Lantern and they're one undergunned blockade runner. I'm not seeing anything a local Lantern couldn't deal with. Ex-cept I know perfectly well that Honour Guard Lanterns get to deal with classified tasks as well as high-difficulty tasks, so a little honesty might go long way here."

I'm betting that if they do have a piece of tech that can drive Lanterns crazy then the Guardians may have fought a highly powerful and skilled Lantern was the best one to actually get it and resist any such manipulation.

I frown. Kalmin told me what usually happens when a Green Lantern dies and their ring can't get away: it completely disintegrates itself. But

Maybe the disintegration mechanism malfunctioned, or they used something to prevent it from happening.

Alan's ring. If a Lantern goes rogue and they cut them off, would that function still work? Possible not

'Possibly not'

"As long as I don't start anything. Though… On Earth we have an expression. 'What do you do when you find a eight hundred pound gorilla asleep in your bed?'."

Well if you're the Brain you give said gorilla human level intelligence and start fucking him.

The problem that would be caused to N.E.M.O. by making a big deal of the Reach being here would outweigh the gains

Maybe 'The problems'
12th August 2012
18:12 GMT

And I get the tiniest trace of...

No, it's gone. I suppose it was unreasonable to assume that an Honour Guard Lantern wouldn't be able to keep me out.
Well, then. Looks Like I got it wrong. Just OL being a nosy parker, looking for some dirt. Still, I doubt she missed that little spike of emotion from OL, even from that distance...

"Because Jordan-."

"D'xe is a peaceful planet in a peaceful Sector. Lantern Cyan-"

I suppress a snort. A Green Lantern called Cyan. Good job there aren't any actual Cyan Lanterns or that could get really confusing.
It could be worse. You could have an Orange Lantern named Greene. Or Plumm, or any other manner of colour names... And it may well not be pronounced 'sigh-ann' by natives (After all, the lady might be mispronouncing it...)

"-has undone the damage cause during her predecessor's reign, and Kaylark is being rehabilitated.

"And you arriving in this system right behind a ship of known Reach acquisition agents is entirely coincidental?"
Yes, that part is just a little suspicious. And I doubt the freelancers could have failed to notice her following them, in-system at least...

"The 'Free Lancers' are wanted for multiple crimes in several Sectors-.

"But you're an Honour Guard Lantern and they're one undergunned blockade runner. I'm not seeing anything a local Lantern couldn't deal with. Ex-cept I know perfectly well that Honour Guard Lanterns get to deal with classified tasks as well as high-difficulty tasks, so a little honesty might go long way here."
In other words: Busted.

"For multiple crimes in several Sectors, but I am here because it is possible that they have acquired the broken remains of a power ring."

I frown. Kalmin told me what usually happens when a Green Lantern dies and their ring can't get away: it completely disintegrates itself. But-.
I would presume any ring he designed would be far more proactive about its self-destruction... And that of any would-be thieves...

Alan's ring. If a Lantern goes rogue and they cut them off, would that function still work? Possible not. Could the Reach do anything with the broken remains of a power ring? I… Wouldn't have thought so. The Qwardians weren't able to create general-purpose power ring disruptors, and they could build actual power rings. But, hey, acting against the Reach is why I'm here.

"Naturally, we don't really want the Reach to get that. What can I do to help?"
True, the Reach being able to engineer in Spectrum usage into its Beetles would probably be bad. Especially if they set it up so less emotional focus is required.

"Why are you on Yuna?"

"Negotiations with their government. We want to maintain a normal trading relationship, they want us to hold their hand and tell them that we still think they're pretty."
And I have realised I missed the line yesterday about OL sitting in a cafe with his partner. Not going to edit my comments about the Gyuanites out, though. Just adjust them... Still, imagine if they were sitting there listening to this... Would have torpedoed any diplomacy after hearing that!

"Yuna has a Reach trade mission."

"Yes, it does." I frown. "Are you allowed to be here?"
I like the subtle unspoken "It does... For now."

"The Reach haven't formally claimed this world. Are you allowed to be here?"

"As long as I don't start anything. Though… On Earth we have an expression. 'What do you do when you find a eight hundred pound gorilla asleep in your bed?'."
She might take a moment to comprehend that, given her world may not have gorillas. Or pounds. But the implication is clear enough.

She waits for a moment.

"What is the answer?"
"Because clearly you are trying to make a point about something."

"Sleep somewhere else. I'm being polite for political reasons, not because I have to be. The problem that would be caused to N.E.M.O. by making a big deal of the Reach being here would outweigh the gains there'd be in destroying it. But if you really need our help, I rate maintaining a good relationship with the Green Lantern Corps as more important."

"Thank you for your offer. I will take it under advisement."
So, a definite, "Don't call me, I'll call you. Maybe." She'll probably change her tune is things go ploin-shaped.

Her face vanishes, and I frown thoughtfully.

Lantern Drusa arches her left eyebrow.

"Is the Reach having access to a broken power ring a threat to us?"
Depends on how different Orange Rings are to Green. Their technicians are no doubt eager to begin reverse-engineering both as best they can.

"No idea. Honestly, I'm mildly astonished that they didn't pick up at least one during their war with the Green Lantern Corps. But it's not as if Jordan wrote his report under truth compulsion."

She nods. "His Corps has first claim to his loyalty. It would make sense that he would lie in a report to his local allies."
Or, you know, there are things he can't tell the League, because Corps business.

"I.. don't think he'd tell a direct lie. An incomplete truth, perhaps." I frown. "I don't think Jordan would leave a functioning power ring laying there; he's not that incompetent."

"Could it be Kaylark?"
Wouldn't she be in a Sciencell by now? Would the Guardians have released her anytime soon?

"I doubt-."

Could it be? I actually don't know what the Green Lantern Corps does with insane Lanterns. Criminal Lanterns either get fired, get sent on a penance quest or get stuck in a sciencell, but if there's actually something wrong with how their brain works..? I mean, they didn't do anything to help Guy...
Why would they? They already had two perfectly fine Lanterns on duty. Guy was, at best, a candidate, in their eyes, even if he did briefly serve. And the Guardians probably don't worry too much about a secondary candidate getting into trouble, if they aren't an active Lantern...

"I doubt it. Maybe. Keep as much of an eye on all three parties as you can without breaking local law. Worst comes to the worst we can just intercept their courier once they get back into the war zone."

She nods. "Do we inform the local government?"
And tell them what? That maybe a rogue former Green Lantern may be in the system? Their response would probably be "The Green lantern will handle it, then."

"Inform them of what? We don't know anything. Some people the Reach trade with might have something to trade with them. That's not only not illegal, it's actively encouraged. They don't care about the war, so we can attack whoever we want as long as we do it outside of their system. And K'ryssma can look after herself."

"In six days."
Pfft, no. Greenies get to swing their figurative dicks and get privileged expedited transit, I bet.

"No, the Green Lantern Corps has a treaty which lets them fly right here. I suppose it's an advantage of having a strongly non-interventionist approach to civil society. She can be here in a few seconds. I imagine that she's taking her time to make it harder for the Reach to spot her."

I shrug.
Yep. Benefit of being seen as space cops. Rather than space soldiers.

"Anything else?"

"Nothing has come to my attention." … "Do you want me to continue wearing your face?"
Why not? It'll keep confusing the Reach, if nothing else.

"Might as well. I'm going to get a laugh out of this eventually." I raise my right hand to my forehead. "Carry on, Orange Lantern."

I reappear in the meeting room-

"…minister, because we-."
Ah, the joy of popping in unannounced... You get to hear snippets of all manner of fascinating conversations...

HCO clamps her mouth shut and loudly clears her throat.

"Sorry about that."
Really need to get a bell or something for those jaunts into 'friendly' locations, OL.

"Are you likely to be called away again?"

"I shouldn't be. These things… Crop up sometimes. So how are we doing on the 'Reach bad, N.E.M.O. good, friends?' thing?"
They've had plenty of time to talk about it amongst themselves, after all.

Trade smiles faintly and shakes his head. "We're not going to condemn a long-term trading partner for going to war with someone else. But nothing you've said would in principle precipitate the Yuna government changing its attitude towards N.E.M.O. member worlds."

"Great! So what else do you need from me before we discuss exactly what that means and sign something formal?"
Then he can get back to his enforced vacation they call a 'transit time'. Maybe he can hang around for a few days, buy some souvenirs.

DA leans forward slightly.

"I do have one further question."
Indeed? Ask away, uh... Whoever you are?


"Will Maltus be trading with us directly?"
So, are you trying to be funny, or...?

"Almost certainly not. You don't have anything they want, their efforts are focused on rebuilding recaptured worlds, and their economic output is so great that they'd wreck your economy."

Trade nods, shooting DA a dirty look. "I'm glad that you noticed that, thank you."
Wouldn't want to encourage anyone into flipping to the Reach, after all.

So, chances OL and Drusa will get dragged into K'ryssma's investigation-cum-pursuit? What about the possibility of the Reach panicking? I mean, they've probably got a few days to wait for their ride to finish their local business before the ride home can get underway. On the other hand, it might be a change for an OL mission to go entirely as planned...

...so a little honesty might go long way here."
...so a little honesty might go a long way here."
My take on it was that he was targeting her with his empathic vision and used the whole recruitment thing as a way to annoy her and put her off her guard, in order to make it easier to read her when he brings up the D'xe thing by having her off balance.

I had thought about that but discounted it because she was just using the ring to communicate rather then being there in person, thus not in Line of Sight for just using his eyes to pick out emotional context and flashes of related events.....Buuuuut as the text from the recent update implies he Has gotten good enough to get a sense of this indirectly.
Because clearly you are trying to make a point about something."

"Now if only you'd actually say what you meant to say instead of speaking in worthless riddles"

Wouldn't she be in a Sciencell by now? Would the Guardians have released her anytime soon?

Don't remember if it was mentioned that she was in a Sciencecell, but if not then they may have done something like Sinestro.

Banish her and now she's back.

Pfft, no. Greenies get to swing their figurative dicks and get privileged expedited transit, I bet.

They have done a lot of good for the universe.
And I have realised I missed the line yesterday about OL sitting in a cafe with his partner. Not going to edit my comments about the Gyuanites out, though. Just adjust them... Still, imagine if they were sitting there listening to this... Would have torpedoed any diplomacy after hearing that!
Going to put my hand up, here. I added that line when I realised it wasn't clear that the SI had left the room.
...so a little honesty might go a long way here."
Thank you, corrected.
Are hunting rifles cheaper than beds?
It depends, but I have guns I would trust against gorillas,* and they were cheaper than my bed. The problem is, even if you shoot the 800lb gorilla sleeping in your bed? You still have 800lbs of dead gorilla you have to move off your bed. You haven't solved your problem; you've just created a different problem.

*Calibers that have been successfully used against polar bears should be enough for a sleeping gorilla. Even one that weighs double what a normal gorilla does.
It depends, but I have guns I would trust against gorillas,* and they were cheaper than my bed. The problem is, even if you shoot the 800lb gorilla sleeping in your bed? You still have 800lbs of dead gorilla you have to move off your bed. You haven't solved your problem; you've just created a different problem.

*Calibers that have been successfully used against polar bears should be enough for a sleeping gorilla. Even one that weighs double what a normal gorilla does.
Right. The gorilla's death doesn't matter. I would have to get a new bed anyways.
The problem is, even if you shoot the 800lb gorilla sleeping in your bed? You still have 800lbs of dead gorilla you have to move off your bed. You haven't solved your problem; you've just created a different problem.
Come to think of it, a lot of beds probably couldn't handle the weight.
It depends, but I have guns I would trust against gorillas,* and they were cheaper than my bed. The problem is, even if you shoot the 800lb gorilla sleeping in your bed? You still have 800lbs of dead gorilla you have to move off your bed. You haven't solved your problem; you've just created a different problem

You have removed the potential problem of the gorilla waking up on the wrong side of your bed, at least.


Well, come to think of it, it is a DC universe. You might have removed that problem. Or you might have created the different problem of Solomon Gorillundy.
Right. The gorilla's death doesn't matter. I would have to get a new bed anyways.
I mean realistically I'd just quietly leave the house and call animal control. And probably tell them that there's a "huge animal in my bedroom, I'm not sure what it is, maybe a bear or large boar?" because calling about a gorilla in your house is liable to be dismissed as a prank call. But anyway, there are people whose job it is to deal with that; let it be their problem.

But there was a question about relative pricing, and that's pretty easy to answer. Like if you're looking at some fancy safari magnum, yeah the rifle is going to be pricier. But honestly a .30-06 or 12ga slugs will probably do the job. If you picked up a Mosin back when they were like $100 and have some of the old, surplus tuna can ammo, that'll definitely handle things.

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