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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"Great! Let's eradicate them together!"


But I'm also laughing my ass off because this was simultaneously set up perfectly and completely out of left field. I love it.

I'm just picturing Supergirl tearing through the New God fleet shouting "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE EX-TER-MIN-ATE!"
I'm just picturing Supergirl tearing through the New God fleet shouting "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE EX-TER-MIN-ATE!"

Might need to revise the supergirl uniform if things go down that line.

Veganism (part 3)
1st September 2012
14:34 GMT

"You know, Barda…" I glance around at her and then turn back towards the main view screen. "Dear sister-in-law,-"

I don't have to look around to feel her shudder.

"-you don't have to follow me everywhere. With the greatest respect to you, I haven't adapted the Tamaranean ships to take advantage of New God abilities and as far as I know you've never been involved in fleet actions."

"That's not why I'm here."

"Would you care to explain, then?"

"I'm here in case you're up to something." I turn my head to look directly at her, then pointedly continue turning my head to take in the marines and Lanterns in the command centre, then drop my eyes to indicate my own rings, then return my gaze to her. "It was supposed to be Superman, but you managed to get him distracted."

She's currently showing him around the Doomsday. While I was going to ask Mr. Near to command it, she's… Actually turned out to be a complete natural. She doesn't have any military experience as far as Karsta and I can tell, but I suppose that the control interfaces are quite similar to the civilian ones she would have been used to. And the Dru-Zod neural clone serving as the ship's main computer isn't complaining about having a kryptonian in command.

"He's not exactly hard to influence. Though you might want to talk to one of the Green Lanterns about not picking Kara up earlier."

"I could see the scars on her face."

"And if she'd been naked then you'd have seen scars on every other part of her body as well. Kryptonians don't just grow body parts back like we do."

"What are you up to?" "Tell me or I will beat you with words until you tell me."

"Stuff." "Hah!"

The Hitchhiker's quote is overused, but it's true; the thing about space is, it's big. Even sending out Lanterns in every direction -something I don't particularly want to do, as I don't exactly have an unending supply of those- we could only cover a relatively small area. Our intelligence gathering within Vega is reasonable, as there are only allies and primitive worlds with listening posts left. But that's in actual systems; virtually all of the internal volume of the region is near-empty space and we're relying on emission detection systems that are merely good.

And that's not even starting on the more sparsely systemed universe outside of the Vega Moat.

I'm taking a large portion of the fleet and Orange Lantern Corps to do reconnaissance in force in the direction of the depopulated planet Artemis and Kanto found. We're not just boom tubing there for a number of reasons: it's a big fleet and making boom tubes big enough isn't exactly easy, Other Grayven might well detect it and the fact that since we don't know where the attacking fleet is we're having to scan as we go. So far we're detecting all of the signals we're expecting to, but that could change at any time.

If I'm really lucky, we'll encounter him and it'll turn out that he only has a tiny fleet with him, we'll destroy it to deny him his sovereign authority bonus and then I'll jump in in person and finish him off. Otherwise-

My ring glimmers.

-things could get interesting.

"Grayven here. Go ahead."

A face… Ah, yes, that's probably something I should have sorted out. Nice thing about living in Vega is that you don't have to deal with -or 'deal with'- Green Lanterns. Apparently our Sector only has one rather than the usual two for some reason, and since I've spent virtually all my time in Vega I haven't bothered having any contact with him.

"You're moving a large fleet into Sector Two Eight Two Eight. Explain yourself."

I could refuse-. Actually that's not a bad plan. He is unlikely to attack unless I start something with someone, and refusing to explain would probably prompt him to follow us. Which could be useful. On the other hand I'd feel obliged to him if he did step in, and having the Green Lanterns keeping out of Vega has been pretty convenient. They don't necessarily stop empire-builders, but…

Mm. But… No. I mean, it's not like the Green Lantern Corps doesn't know what I'm doing. Green Man can watch from outside, and the Two Eight One Four Lanterns have at least a rough idea.

"Looking for another version of myself. He's got a gordanian warfleet and he's heading this way to deal with me. There's a good chance-"

I send him the contents of our investigation of the now-empty world.

"-that he had something to do with this."

"Your records show no evidence that a gordanian fleet was involved."

"Other than the fact it's in a straight line route. But does it matter? If we find the people who depopulated this planet then we'll ask them some polite questions, and if I find my doppelgänger then we'll politely ask him to turn around, and if they're the same people then… Not much changes."

"I will accompany you to ensure that you remain… Polite."

"Okay, well done for being the only member of your species who understands euphemisms, but I only intend to be polite up to a point. My casus belli is either defence of another or self defence. If those are dealt with then I have no further reason to engage in aggression, but I will have them dealt with."

"You have come a long way from your territory for 'self defence'."

"What sort of fool lets an aggressor enter his territory when he can see them coming? There's nothing else for him in this region of space. But if it turns out that this is an unfortunate misunderstanding and not an attempt to slay me for sharing his face, then that's fine. I make an effort to get on well with my brothers."

I make a gesture of appeal to Barda, and she reluctantly nods.

"Your expressed objectives are reasonable. I will take part in any discussions to ensure that is all that happens."

"Fill your boots. Grayven out."

The face vanishes, though ring scan says that he's keeping pace with us.

"Captain, time to next planet?"

Obviously I know, but you've got to make sure that they're awake every so often, haven't you?

"Screening vessels are already there. We will emerge in two, one-."

Normal space reappears, and-.

That's a lot of ships.

That's a lot of big ships.

The sensor officer pulls up a summary with commendable speed.

"One hundred and two ships of dreadnought class by mass and power output. Four hundred seventeen battleship class by mass and power output. One thousand two hundred fifty cruiser class by mass and power output, along with that many again… I'm not sure, civilian ships?"

I nod. "Any of them Apokoliptian?"

She shakes her head. "None match known Apokoliptian ship types."

"That's a mercy."

Now, the simple fact that there are a lot of ships doesn't necessarily mean that we're outmatched, though on the face of things we're epically outmatched. Building big ships with big reactors isn't that hard; if their weapons and sensors aren't good enough just our Lantern complement could kite them indefinitely. But I'm not going wall to wall with a fleet that big.

"Alright, interdiction-." Captain Karras nods, having already activated them. "Good man. We'll sit back and get a very good look at how they perform. Lanterns, get outside and prepare to intercept. I-."

"My Lord!" The sensor officer pulls up an image of the planet they're menacing. "Look!"
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"Dear sister-in-law,-"

I don't have to look around to feel her shudder.

Charming as always renegade.

I'm here in case you're up to something." I turn my head to look directly at her, then pointedly continue turning my head to take in the marines and Lanterns in the command centre, then drop my eyes to indicate my own rings, then return my gaze to her. "It was supposed to be Superman, but you managed to get him distracted."

She's currently showing him around the Doomsday.

Maybe mention that it's Kara.

While I was going to ask Mr. Near to command it, she's… Actually turned out to be a complete natural.

She is Kryptonian.

Plus with the Eradicator parts she may be an able combatant.

"What are you up on?" "Tell me or I will beat you with words until you tell me."

And New Gods can do that.

Maybe 'you up to'


I make an effort to get on well with my brothers."

I make a gesture of appeal to Barda, and she reluctantly nods.

Well with Scott.

The other two, not so much.

just out Lantern compliment

'just our'
She's currently showing him around the Doomsday. While I was going to ask Mr. Near to command it, she's… Actually turned out to be a complete natural. She doesn't have any military experience as far as Karsta and I can tell, but I suppose that the control interfaces are quite similar to the civilian ones she would have been used to. And the Dru-Zod neural clone serving as the ship's main computer isn't complaining about having a kryptonian in command.
Today on Renegade's long list of bad idea's...

Giving command of the most powerful battleship ever created to someone who's possessed by a genocidal energy computer...
1st September 2012
14:34 GMT

"You know, Barda…" I glance around at her and then turn back towards the main view screen. "Dear sister-in-law,-"

I don't have to look around to feel her shudder.
Ah, Renegade, you incorrigible troll. Even when you're trying to be nice, you can't help tweaking the nose of one of the few Justice League members capable of beating you up...

"-you don't have to follow me everywhere. With the greatest respect to you, I haven't adapted the Tamaranean ships to take advantage of New God abilities and as far as I know you've never been involved in fleet actions."

"That's not why I'm here."
Oh, really? I know it's not a personal visit, after all.

"Would you care to explain, then?"

"I'm here in case you're up to something." I turn my head to look directly at her, then pointedly continue turning my head to take in the marines and Lanterns in the command centre, then drop my eyes to indicate my own rings, then return my gaze to her. "It was supposed to be Superman, but you managed to get him distracted."
...To be fair, that probably would have complicated things.

She's currently showing him around the Doomsday. While I was going to ask Mr. Near to command it, she's… Actually turned out to be a complete natural. She doesn't have any military experience as far as Karsta and I can tell, but I suppose that the control interfaces are quite similar to the civilian ones she would have been used to. And the Dru-Zod neural clone serving as the ship's main computer isn't complaining about having a kryptonian in command.
She being Kara, of course. Another bit of worry for her mental state, though. Surprised virtual Dru-Zod isn't annoyed by having an El in charge though.

"He's not exactly hard to influence. Though you might want to talk to one of the Green Lanterns about not picking Kara up earlier."

"I could see the scars on her face."
He did tell them what she's been through, right?

"And if she'd been naked then you'd have seen scars on every other part of her body as well. Kryptonians don't just grow body parts back like we do."

"What are you up on?" "Tell me or I will beat you with words until you tell me."

"Stuff." "Hah!"
As skilled as you are, Barda, I don't think you can use words that way. Not as easily as someone like Highfather Izaya.

The Hitchhiker's quote is overused, but it's true; the thing about space is, it's big. Even sending out Lanterns in every direction -something I don't particularly want to do, as I don't exactly have an unending supply of those- we could only cover a relatively small area. Our intelligence gathering within Vega is reasonable, as there are only allies and primitive worlds with listening posts left. But that's in actual systems; virtually all of the internal volume of the region is near-empty space and we're relying on emission detection systems that are merely good.

And that's not even starting on the more sparsely systemed universe outside of the Vega Moat.
So he's pretty much flying on a lien between Vega and Grayven-16's last known sighting, hoping to run into him. Probably safer to encounter him in deep space, at least. Less collateral damage to cause...

I'm taking a large portion of the fleet and Orange Lantern Corps to do reconnaissance in force in the direction of the depopulated planet Artemis and Kanto found. We're not just boom tubing there for a number of reasons: it's a big fleet and making boom tubes big enough isn't exactly easy, Other Grayven might well detect it and the fact that since we don't know where the attacking fleet is we're having to scan as we go. So far we're detecting all of the signals we're expecting to, but that could change at any time.
Hard to be quiet when your travel method can make a sound even in space. On the upside, he'll likely favour the same flight method for the same reasons.

If I'm really lucky, we'll encounter him and it'll turn out that he only has a tiny fleet with him, we'll destroy it to deny him his sovereign authority bonus and then I'll jump in in person and finish him off. Otherwise-

My ring glimmers.
Oh, bother. What's going on now? Because the Renegade doesn't get ring calls that often...

-things could get interesting.

"Grayven here. Go ahead."

A face… Ah, yes, that's probably something I should have sorted out. Nice thing about living in Vega is that you don't have to deal with -or 'deal with'- Green Lanterns. Apparently our Sector only has one rather than the usual two for some reason, and since I've spent virtually all my time in Vega I haven't bothered having any contact with him.
Odd that he has no partner. Is 2828-B a rookie still in boot camp? Or is he just that damn good he can solo it 24-7?

"You're moving a large fleet into Sector Two Eight Two Eight. Explain yourself."

I could refuse-. Actually that's not a bad plan. He is unlikely to attack unless I start something with someone, and refusing to explain would probably prompt him to follow us. Which could be useful. On the other hand I'd feel obliged to him if he did step in, and having the Green Lanterns keeping out of Vega has been pretty convenient. They don't necessarily stop empire-builders, but…
Not until they break one of the Guardian's prohibitions... Still, having Green backup might be useful if only to legitimise your position.

Mm. But… No. I mean, it's not like the Green Lantern Corps doesn't know what I'm doing. Green Man can watch from outside, and the Two Eight One Four Lanterns have at least a rough idea.

"Looking for another version of myself. He's got a gordanian warfleet and he's heading this way to deal with me. There's a good chance-"
Odd that the Corps hasn't shown any sign of noticing. Sure, it could be because they're avoiding populated systems... But I can't see the Gordanians restraining themselves that well.

I send him the contents of our investigation of the now-empty world.

"-that he had something to do with this."

"Your records show no evidence that a gordanian fleet was involved."
True, it might have been pure coincidence. But it's still noteworthy. Safe bet Green Man will be starting an investigation of his own when he gets time, if it turns out not to have been Grayven-16.

"Other than the fact it's in a straight line route. But does it matter? If we find the people who depopulated this planet then we'll ask them some polite questions, and if I find my doppelgänger then we'll politely ask him to turn around, and if they're the same people then… Not much changes."

"I will accompany you to ensure that you remain… Polite."
Aw, come on. It's just a little Deicide.

"Okay, well done for being the only member of your species who understands euphemisms, but I only intend to be polite up to a point. My casus belli is either defence of another or self defence. If those are dealt with then I have no further reason to engage in aggression, but I will have them dealt with."

"You have come a long way from your territory for 'self defence'."
Well, besides 'the best defence is a good offence', Just consider how many other systems are between Grayven-16 and Vega? The deserted world might not be the only one, merely the first one noticed...

"What sort of fool lets an aggressor enter his territory when he can see them coming? There's nothing else for him in this region of space. But if it turns out that this is an unfortunate misunderstanding and not an attempt to slay me for sharing his face, then that's fine. I make an effort to get on well with my brothers."

I make a gesture of appeal to Barda, and she reluctantly nods.
Ah, the fine Early Roman tradition of pre-emptive self-defence. No, seriously, that was a thing they did.

"Your expressed objectives are reasonable. I will take part in any discussions to ensure that is all that happens."

"Fill your boots. Grayven out."
And he's probably obliged to try to stop Grayven-16's fleet from shooting if said git is the aggressor...

The face vanishes, though ring scan says that he's keeping pace with us.

"Captain, time to next planet?"

Obviously I know, but you've got to make sure that they're awake every so often, haven't you?
Not that any of them would be sleeping on the job. Not with their homeworld's safety at stake...

"Screening vessels are already there. We will emerge in two, one-."

Normal space reappears, and-.

That's a lot of ships.
Already? Well, that didn't take long.

That's a lot of big ships.

The sensor officer pulls up a summary with commendable speed.
How amusing that these two are here... I wonder, is Karras here to try to make a name for himself, and Tariya followed him because love...

"One hundred and two ships of dreadnaught class by mass and power output. Four hundred seventeen battleship class by mass and power output. One thousand two hundred fifty cruiser class by mass and power output, along with that many again… I'm not sure, civilian ships?"

I nod. "Any of them Apokoliptian?"
...Civilian ships? I doubt Grayven-16's fleet would have such a luxury...

She shakes her head. "None match known Apokoliptian ship types."

"That's a mercy."
Definitely not Grayven-16's fleet, then. But who, then?

Now, the simple fact that there are a lot of ships doesn't necessarily mean that we're outmatched, though on the face of things we're epically outmatched. Building big ships with big reactors isn't that hard; if their weapons and sensors aren't good enough just out Lantern compliment could kite them indefinitely. But I'm not going wall to wall with a fleet that big.

"Alright, interdiction-." Captain Karras nods, having already activated them. "Good man. We'll sit back and get a very good look at how they perform. Lanterns, get outside and prepare to intercept. I-."

"My Lord!" The sensor officer pulls up an image of the planet they're menacing. "Look!"
Hmm... What a nasty cliffhanger.

Alrighty then... Likelihood of this being a race displaced by Grayven-16's fleet? Some other raiding power? Just a random fluke? I guess we'll see in the next chapter. I'm sure it'll be lively.

Godspeech for our invisitext-challenged brethren
"You know, Barda…" I glance around at her and then turn back towards the main view screen. "Dear sister-in-law,-"

I don't have to look around to feel her shudder.
"And if she'd been naked then you'd have seen scars on every other part of her body as well. Kryptonians don't just grow body parts back like we do."

"What are you up on?" "Tell me or I will beat you with words until you tell me."

"Stuff." "Hah!"
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Ah, Renegade, you incorrigible troll. Even when you're trying to be nice, you can't help tweaking the nose of one of the few Justice League members capable of beating you up...

He's not very bright.

She being Kara, of course. Another bit of worry for her mental state, though. Surprised virtual Dru-Zod isn't annoyed by having an El in charge though.

Zod may be a bastard, but he may not have any prejudice against people based on their house or family.

Or he may not view Kara as an El due to the whole Eradicator thing.

As skilled as you are, Barda, I don't think you can use words that way

She just may.

Not as easily as someone like Highfather Himon.

Highfathers name is Izaya, not Himon.

Himon is one of the scientists behind the creation of the Mother and Father Boxes.

Odd that he has no partner. Is 2828-B a rookie still in boot camp? Or is he just that damn good he can solo it 24-7?

Green Man may be extremely skilled, seeing as he's next to Vega

Odd that the Corps hasn't shown any sign of noticing. Sure, it could be because they're avoiding populated systems... But I can't see the Gordanians restraining themselves that well.

Unless Actual Grayven is keeping a tight leash on them.

Civilian ships? I doubt Grayven-16's fleet would have such a luxury...

They may be carrying colonists for his new territories.

Definitely not Grayven-16's fleet, then. But who, then?

We know Grayven has an Apokaliptian ship, but the other ships may just be powerful but non Apokoliptian ships.
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Odd that he has no partner. Is 2828-B a rookie still in boot camp? Or is he just that damn good he can solo it 24-7?
His partner is Lantern Gretti, who refused to give up his nomadic lifestyle when he joined the Corps. That was why SI Guy Gardner called him a flake. In the comics, the Guardians eventually get annoyed by that and tell him to quit or stay in his lane.
They may be carrying colonists for his new territories.
Or be troop transports.
Thank you, corrected.
Great chapter but why do you have to tug on my heart by bringing poor Opportunity into it? When we send manned missions to Mars, they'll definitely be recovering Opportunity.

No no, that simply won't do.

Opportunity deserves more for their service to mankind then to be shoved into some museum, destined to be gather dust as onlookers point and gawk.

We shall build a great city, one to rival all the grandest of Earth a thousand time over, and at its center shall be Opportunity, upon the same Martian soil that one of our dearest mechanical children sent its last message. And one day, perhaps, we will bring them back to this mortal coil, uplifted to think as man does, free to bask in the world they helped make.

What do you mean that would only make sense in a sci-fi with copious amounts of suspension of disbelief? This is a perfectly practical plan that has absolutely no holes what-so-ever!
No no, that simply won't do.

Opportunity deserves more for their service to mankind then to be shoved into some museum, destined to be gather dust as onlookers point and gawk.

We shall build a great city, one to rival all the grandest of Earth a thousand time over, and at its center shall be Opportunity, upon the same Martian soil that one of our dearest mechanical children sent its last message. And one day, perhaps, we will bring them back to this mortal coil, uplifted to think as man does, free to bask in the world they helped make.

What do you mean that would only make sense in a sci-fi with copious amounts of suspension of disbelief? This is a perfectly practical plan that has absolutely no holes what-so-ever!
I am totally onboard with this!
Veganism (part 4)
1st September 2012
14:38 GMT

Some of the ships marked as 'probably not warships' have entered low orbit, which suggests that they're either troop transports or dedicated bombardment vessels. But instead of releasing drop pods, assault shuttles or kinetic harpoons they appear to be releasing…

Grey snakes?

They're about an inch long, and from the way they're squirming in the air it looks like they've got some sort of flight ability. Like Thread in the Pern series, they're cascading down-.

Scans of the parts of the planet which the snake deployment ships have already passed over show that the snakes have grown larger, metre long, ten metre long, hundred metre long monstrosities as they chase down and gorge themselves on the locals. A lucky shot from a battery of muzzle-loading cannons manages to down one of the larger ones, only for its fellows to swoop down and consume it, growing larger as they do so.

And where they pass… No living creatures remain.

Well then. Explains that.

"Grayven to fleet. We're going to prevent an extermination campaign."

Something I know the Tamaraneans can get behind. Though I'd try to stop it anyway.

"Boom tubes stand by to evacuate civilians on my signal. Lanterns Caeras, Cwn'r and Lovind'r will accompany me to the surface to cover the evacuation. Otherwise, standing orders remain in effect."

Three Lanterns who lost family to gordanian bombardments after the conquest and who would die before allowing further civilian casualties.

I deactivate fleetwide communications and look at Barda.

"I assume that you'll accompany me down."

She hefts her mega rod.

"Try to stop me."

"Captain Karras, keep me apprised. You have the ship. Mother Box, boom tube… " No.. No. "There."


Some locals nearby, plenty of medium sized snakes and a few giant ones a little further away. A pleasant escalation. And if an Olympian puts in an appearance, Diana's a boom tube away.


But I don't draw my sword. Not yet.

Instead I walk through, arms folded Darkseid-style behind my back and an expression of mild irritation on my face.

The change when I cross the threshold is immediate, the terror of a dying civilisation all around me.

It reminds me of what the Weaponer who forged me did to generate the requisite level of fear, Lantern Grayven.

Let me know if-

A fifty centimetre long snake slams into the environmental shield covering my left shoulder. I manifest a kingsnake construct and have the interloper consumed. Barda steps around me and charges.

-you detect anyone trying to repeat the feat.

Certainly, Lantern Grayven, though I suggest allowing them to finish and then taking it from them in their moment of triumph for greatest psychological effect.

Well duh.


Lanterns Cwn'r and Lovind'r fly through the boom tube, rings blazing as I make a point of intercepting the small snakes with constructs of my own.

"Maintain shields around the locals and call in boom tubes to evacuate them."

"Yes Lord!" / "Yes sir!"

Cwn'r flies upward, taking in the environment before generating a dome shield to ward the snakes off the general area. Lovind'r flies directly towards the locals huddled in a nearby building.

"This way! We have an escape route!"

The locals look like skinny minotaurs, humanoid bodies topped by elongated horn wreathed heads, and their fears are making intercepting the metallic air snakes far easier than would otherwise be the case. The mid-sized ones form up into a swarm, and I retaliate by creating a giant kingsnake and having it swallow them whole.

The snakes appear to have no ranged weapons and only basic mental abilities. Too simple-minded to feel fear themselves.


Lantern Lovind'r maintains a local barrier as the locals recover themselves sufficiently to hurry through the boom tube.

"Grayven to Karras. Any response from the fleet?"

"Additional warships have begun moving towards your location."

Barda activates her aero-discs and swoops to intercept a mid-sized snake poised to attack the would-be evacuees.

"Any direct communication?"

"No. Do you want to communicate with them?"

"I'd like information, but-" The big snake finishes munching on a panicking musket platoon and turns in my direction. "-I don't think there's anything I particularly want to say-"

A mid-sized snake rams Cwn'r's barrier and causes a small breach, wriggling through as he repairs it. The snake then zooms towards him-


-and is split in half by a beam of orange light from Caeras as she flies in.

"-to them at this juncture." I turn to Lantern Lovind'r. "Clear?"

He nods. "Yes, sir."

"Lantern Caeras, destroy incoming snakes. Lovind'r and Cwn'r, as you-"

A large snake explodes through a nearby hill, undulating through the air towards me!


I reach back and draw my daiklave.

"Proceed from the closest concentration of locals and evacuate them. Call me-"

The snake lunges at me, poison fangs longer than my entire body arching towards me as it turns its head sideways to bite me!


I swing my blade, slicing through both fangs before impaling its upper jaw upon the tip of my blade. With my left hand I catch the bottom jaw and hold as the beast writhes, trying and failing to close its jaw around me.

"-you encounter an obstacle that you cannot overcome."

I step back, shifting my grip to slam the two jaws shut and hold them closed. I then form a muzzle construct and bind its head and step back further as it writhes impotently in its bonds.

A construct guillotine blade puts it out of its misery a moment later.

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The locals look like skinny minotaurs, humanoid bodies topped by elongated horn wreathed heads, and their fears are making intercepting the metallic air snakes far easier than would otherwise be the case. The mid-sized ones form up into a swarm, and I retaliate by creating a giant kingsnake and [/color=yellow]having it swallow them whole[/color].
Broken tag

Grey snakes?

Bioweapons maybe?

Scans of the parts of the planet which the snake deployment ships have already passed over shows that the snakes have grown larger, metre long, ten metre long, hundred metre long monstrosities as they chase down and gorge themselves on the locals. A lucky shot from a battery of muzzle-loading cannons manage to down one of the larger ones, only for its fellows to swoop down and consume it, growing larger as they do so.

Yep, biopweapons.

And where they pass… No living creatures remain.

Well then. Explains that.

So this is how he killed that entire civilization.

Something I know the Tamaraneans can get behind. Though I'd try to stop it anyway.

They don't like evil people.

And nice to know you'd help these people either way.

and an expression of mildly irritation


It reminds me of what the Weaponer who forged me did to generate the requisite level of fear, Lantern Grayven

Yeah, Kalmin killed a civilization to make a ring.
1st September 2012
14:38 GMT

Some of the ships marked as 'probably not warships' have entered low orbit, which suggests that they're either troop transports or dedicated bombardment vessels. But instead of releasing drop pods, assault shuttles or kinetic harpoons they appear to be releasing…

Grey snakes?
Definitely some manner of bioweapon. No doubt the fleet has some manner of recalling them whenever they've finished... Whatever they're intending to do. Though given this planet's location relative to the deserted planet... That purpose seems clear.

They're about an inch long, and from the way they're squirming in the air it looks like they've got some sort of flight ability. Like Thread in the Pern series, they're cascading down-.

Scans of the parts of the planet which the snake deployment ships have already passed over shows that the snakes have grown larger, metre long, ten metre long, hundred metre long monstrosities as they chase down and gorge themselves on the locals. A lucky shot from a battery of muzzle-loading cannons manage to down one of the larger ones, only for its fellows to swoop down and consume it, growing larger as they do so.
...I'm reminded of Tyranid Ripper Swarms. Though they lack the size-changing properties. Either some manner of biological function powered by those they consume, or a magical equivalent.

And where they pass… No living creatures remain.

Well then. Explains that.
Gruesome as the concept is, yes, yes it does. Presumably they intend to cover the planet with them, then retrieve them later.

"Grayven to fleet. We're going to prevent an extermination campaign."

Something I know the Tamaraneans can get behind. Though I'd try to stop it anyway.
Indeed. Given they've already committed one at the Renegade's command...

"Boom tubes stand by to evacuate civilians on my signal. Lanterns Caeras, Cwn'r and Lovind'r will accompany me to the surface to cover the evacuation. Otherwise, standing orders remain in effect."

Three Lanterns who lost family to gordanian bombardments after the conquest and who would die before allowing further civilian casualties.
So plenty of desire to prevent it happening to others.

I deactivate fleetwide communications and look at Barda.

"I assume that you'll accompany me down."
As if she'd pass up a chance for a good scrap in the defence of innocents?

She hefts her mega rod.

"Try to stop me."
And she gets to take some frustrations over the Renegade out on things that she can feel perfectly justified in killing. Bonus!

"Captain Karras, keep me appraised. You have the ship. Mother Box, boom tube… " No.. No. "There."

Given how many places are under attack, I can't imagine how one spot is better than any other...

Some locals nearby, plenty of medium sized snakes and a few giant ones a little further away. A pleasant escalation. And if an Olympian puts in an appearance, Diana's a boom tube away.

Bets on said Amazon appearing in the next few chapters, folks?

But I don't draw my sword. Not yet.

Instead I walk through, arms folded Darkseid-style behind my back and an expression of mildly irritation on my face.
Ah, the 'I can't believe I had to come here personally. Someone is about to have a bad day.' pose.

The change when I cross the threshold is immediate, the terror of a dying civilisation all around me.

It reminds me of what the Weaponer who forged me did to generate the requisite level of fear, Lantern Grayven.
To wit: Causing an entire planet to feel overwhelming fear, via unknown means, thus allowing them to forge it into a Ring. Weaponers: Never doing things by halves.

Let me know if-

A fifty centimetre long snake slams into the environmental shield covering my left shoulder. I manifest a kingsnake construct and have the interloper consumed. Barda steps around me and charges.

-you detect anyone trying to repeat the feat.
I honestly doubt this is such a case. This whole snake thing seems too... Inefficient for a Weaponer plan, too uncontrolled.

Certainly, Lantern Grayven, though I suggest allowing them to finish and then taking it from them in their moment of triumph for greatest psychological effect.

Well duh.
Though that would likely condemn a world to dying of fear...


Lanterns Cwn'r and Lovind'r fly through the boom tube, rings blazing as I make a point of intercepting the small snakes with constructs of my own.
Depending on the technology of the natives, this must seem like Gods coming to their aid... Which it technically is. :D

"Maintain shields around the locals and call in boom tubes to evacuate them."

"Yes Lord!" / "Yes sir!"

Cwn'r flies upward, taking in the environment before generating a dome shield to ward the snakes off the general area. Lovind'r flies directly towards the locals huddled in a nearby building.
A pity he couldn't bring more than a handful down with him... But then, that's what Boom Tubes are for. And if a quartet of Lanterns, including the field commander, can't handle this, then things are up shit creek without a paddle.

"This way! We have an escape route!"

The locals look like skinny minotaurs, humanoid bodies topped by elongated horn wreathed heads, and their fears are making intercepting the metallic air snakes far easier than would otherwise be the case. The mid-sized ones form up into a swarm, and I retaliate by creating a giant kingsnake and having it swallow them whole.
No doubt the insides of the construct are a mass of grinding walls... At least he's getting boosted by the locals fears.

The snakes appear to have no ranged weapons and only basic mental abilities. Too simple-minded to feel fear themselves.


Lantern Lovind'r maintains a local barrier as the locals recover themselves sufficiently to hurry through the boom tube.
Any port in a storm, and all that. Better going with these strangers than dying.

"Grayven to Karras. Any response from the fleet?"

"Additional warships have begun moving towards your location."
Guess they're not happy about having company. On the upside, that means a good chance of taking prisoners to interrogate.

Barda activates her aero-discs and swoops to intercept a mid-sized snake poised to attack the would-be evacuees.

"Any direct communication?"

"No. Do you want to communicate with them?"
If they aren't talking, then there's little point in trying.

"I'd like information, but-" The big snake finishes munching on a panicking musket platoon and turns in my direction. "-I don't think there's anything I particularly want to say-"

A mid-sized snake rams Cwn'r's barrier and causes a small breach, wriggling through as he repairs it. The snake then zooms towards him-
Sloppy, Lantern!


-and is split in half by a beam of orange light from Caeras as she flies in.
Be thankful for the save. I doubt getting eaten by these things would be pleasant.

"-to them at this juncture." I turn to Lantern Lovind'r. "Clear?"

He nods. "Yes, sir."
So, all local survivors rescued. On to another area, or wait for the attackers...

"Lantern Caeras, destroy incoming snakes. Lovind'r and Cwn'r, as you-"

A large snake explodes through a nearby hill, undulating through the air towards me!
Meh, he can take it.


I reach back and draw my daiklave.

"Proceed from the closest concentration of locals and evacuate them. Call me-"
Ah, the Renegade's going to act as bait for the backup.

The snake lunges at me, poison fangs longer than my entire body arching towards me as it turns its head sideways to bite me!


I swing my blade, slicing through both fangs before impaling its upper jaw upon the tip of my blade. With my left hand I catch the bottom jaw and hold as the beast writhes, trying and failing to close its jaw around me.
The joy of super-strength.

"-you encounter an obstacle that you cannot overcome."

I step back, shifting my grip to slam the two jaws shut and hold them closed. I then form a muzzle construct and bind its head and step back further as it writhes impotently in its bonds.
Though I suspect they'd be loath to admit defeat like that, I take it they're wise enough to know when they're outclassed...

A construct guillotine blade puts it out of its misery a moment later.

Ah, Renegade. Stylish as ever.

So, the mystery of the depopulated planet is kind of solved. No doubt Lantern Green Man is taking his own defensive actions elsewhere to protect the natives. And with ships coming down to deal with the interlopers, there's plenty of opportunities to find out what's really going on.

A hint of Godspeech:
"Grayven to fleet. We're going to prevent an extermination campaign."

Something I know the Tamaraneans can get behind. Though I'd try to stop it anyway.
Bets on said Amazon appearing in the next few chapters, folks?

Suckers bet.

I honestly doubt this is such a case. This whole snake thing seems too... Inefficient for a Weaponer plan, too uncontrolled.

Ehh, it probably isn't a Weaponer, but New Gods do have some knowledge of power rings.

Renegade was able to modify his Lantern with help from Father Box.

No doubt Lantern Green Man is taking his own defensive actions elsewhere to protect the natives.

Je might still not be here.

He and renegade finished talking just a few moments ago in universe time.
I do love the stark contrast between Paragon comitting genocide by himself and the Renegade preventing one as part of a team that includes the Justice League.

I've been thinking for a while that the story Grayven gives about his origin ("I threw myself to the bleed to escape the Anti-Life") is so close to the actual zero state of Paul in outcome as to not matter if it's true or not.

Basically, I think Paul at the point he starts is a perfect vessel for New God ascension and the Renagade and the Paragon are the 2 extremes of that.

Grayven basically ascended thru the Father Box and is essentially to Darkseid as Athena is to Zeus: the son of his mind (and isn't it really interesting that Darkseid seems to want him to overcome the Anti Life). He's Conquest but really with a strong dose of civilization building.

Paragon path was thru the Tatoos, the orange light, eris and the Ophydian. And we know he can hear Godspeech so he's a god (and i think Hades also intimated it). So where Grayven is conquest, what's Paragon? He's the child of Need and Chaos so is he the god of Change? Given how his uplift program that tracks but he's also prone to causing dramatic violent upheaval so again also tracks.

And it's playing out in these Wars.

Makes me wonder what it's gonna look like when and if we get parallel versions of the Rock of Ages storyline (which given its Grant Morrison I'm guessing chances are good ).

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