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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Bioweapons maybe?

Yep, biopweapons.

So this is how he killed that entire civilization.

They don't like evil people.

And nice to know you'd help these people either way.


Yeah, Kalmin killed a civilization to make a ring.
I'm just super happy that it wasn't the flood!

Because if it was the gravemind, I'd have freaked.
Does anyone know if the snakes are from something cause I've never heard of them or anything like them
Veganism (part 5)
1st September 2012
14:41 GMT

"Thank you, Legate! Thank you!"

Unsurprisingly, the prospect of getting to live rather than be eaten by giant flying snakes promotes a sudden switch from fear to hope. And with my source of fear gone, my constructs-.

I wince slightly as one of the flying grey snakes erupts from the interior of my kingsnake construct.

With the aura of fear diminished locally, my constructs are proportionally weaker. There's still plenty of fear on the planet, but the fleets in orbit aren't afraid and… The planet's population is being rapidly reduced. Though that does make me think-.

I switch, serpentine yellow constructs fading and being replaced by orange flak cannons. There wasn't anyone here to be impressed by the fact that my snakes were beating their snakes, so what I have left is my desire to prevent this pointless destruction. Here I Stand.

Lantern Caeras appears next to me, eyes glowing as she searches for more targets. The snakes appear mindless and might just be an undirected terror weapon, but that just seems… Irrational. Inefficient. There are far easier ways to wipe out a planetary population than 'unleashing the snakes'. Something is going on here.

"Evacuation complete."

"Good show. Next refugee concentration is-."

I wince slightly as a city to the south of us is utterly enveloped by mid-sized snakes, their last bastions collapsing and the serpents gorging themselves.

"Is here."

I mark a city just ahead of the main mini-snake wave. We might well be able to get everyone out before they arrive, which will make it easier to establish a new community.

"Mother Box."


Lovind'r and Cwn'r fly through at once. I trigger my aero-discs to follow-.


"Fly and talk, Lantern Caeras."

I'm through the boom tube opening a moment later, a cannon construct forming on my left arm and pointing skywards. An Apokoliptian blaster this time, as it feels thematically appropriate. I can.. just about make out the ships as they approach, the dimming of the light caused by Threadfall making their progress even more obvious.


Lovind'r isn't bothering to discuss the matter with the local and is instead just picking them up and shoving them through. Reasonable enough given the time constraint we're under, and I haven't picked up a single local-created radio signal since we got here so there's not really any point trying to call ahead. Cwn'r is raising a shield and Caeras is following my lead and creating construct flak guns.

"Lord, why not call in more Lanterns?"

"Because of their fleet. This world is lost, and while I'm happy to save its residents I'm not prepared to impair our combat effectiveness to do it."

Adjust for light diffraction in an atmosphere and to-target time… Feel My Contempt!

A coruscating beam of energy lances out, shooting up into the atmosphere and then out of it. Can't really see the damage from here… Ring?

Outcome favourable.

I frown.

Define 'favourable outcome'?

They all died.

Ah, yes, the ship is drifting out of formation slightly. No, the wreckage in the approximate shape of a ship. Good.

"Karras to Gravyen. The ships will be over your position in two minutes."

"Thank you for keeping me-" I shift my aim slightly, targeting the next ship in sequence. "-informed. Any other fleet movements?"

"They're interdicting us and their heavy ships are formed up."

"Lantern Green Man?"

"He appears to be attempting to open communications with their admiral."

Good luck to him.

"Initial tech assessment of the enemy fleet?"

"I think we're slightly more advanced, but that's just an initial assessment. Until we start testing their weapons and shields we won't know for certain."

"Understood. Grayven-" I fire again. "-out. Ring, contact Weaponer Lysis."

"By your command."


I don't look at her as her face appears over my ring, but instead keep my eyes on the oncoming snakenado as Caeras opens fire.

"How much fear would you need to forge a new yellow power ring?"

"Kalmin refined his approach considerably after his initial efforts. Time is a more critical factor than intensity. So unless we had advanced warning or could slow the process without stopping it, a planet being consumed by serpents would not work. Do you want another ring?"

"It's not a priority at the moment, but I'll always have a use for new power rings."

"Understood. Weaponer Lysis out."

And there goes the second snake ship. Track the flight path… It'll hit the planet, but that area has already been depopulated and the environmental consequences don't matter in the short term and can be dealt with in the longer term.

Next objective, either make the attackers afraid of me to boost my yellow constructs, or make me more significant in their thoughts in order to boost my god powers. Of course, the nice thing about having a power ring is that I can bypass conventional jamming and speak to everyone. I can activate even manually disconnected speakers.

"Grayven to fleet." And Now I Will Taunt You.


Caeras looks around and then shifts her guns as Lovind'r moves the boom tube aperture. Looks like Barda's gotten a bit too focused on her beatings to keep up.

"Grayven to all the pirates and cannibals who are attacking this world. Grayven to all the miserable failures at civilisation up there. Bringing a fleet to exterminate a pre-industrial world? How weak-willed you must be that this is the limit of your ambition? How moronic must you be that you cannot build on the remains yourself? Did you even build those ships, or did someone take pity on you and make them a gift? Do they pat you on the head like a child with a full potty when you show them the death you have caused with the cowardly press of a button?"


I take a handful of Construct-Rings from a pouch and toss them to the ground, releasing the Construct-Lanterns contained therein. Without speaking I point upwards, and up they fly.

A pillar of brilliant white light flashes into being and then vanishes, leaving a strong-looking woman in green snake-themed armour. Gun, sword, and the unmistakable smell of Olympus.

She levels the gun at me. "It is written here, impostor."
Last edited:
Quite a bit of Godspeech today!
I switch, serpentine yellow constructs fading and being replaced by orange flak cannons. The wasn't anyone here to be impressed by the fact that my snakes were beating their snakes, so what I have left is my desire to prevent this pointless destruction. Here I Stand.

"Because of their fleet. This world is lost, and while I'm happy to save its residents I'm not prepared to impair our combat effectiveness to do it."

Adjust for light diffraction in an atmosphere and to-target time… Feel My Contempt!

Next objective, either make the attackers afraid of me to boost my yellow constructs, or make me more significant in their thoughts in order to boost my god powers. Of course, the nice thing about having a power ring is that I can bypass conventional jamming and speak to everyone. I can activate even manually disconnected speakers.

"Grayven to fleet." And Now I Will Taunt You.

"Grayven to all the pirates and cannibals who are attacking this world. Grayven to all the miserable failures at civilisation up there. Bringing a fleet to exterminate a pre-industrial world? How weak-willing you must be that this is the limit of your ambition? How moronic must you be that you cannot build on the remains yourself? Did you even build those ships, or did someone take pity on you and make them a gift? Do they pat you on the head like a child with a full potty when you show them the death you have caused with the cowardly press of a button?"


A pillar of brilliant white light flashes into being and then vanishes, leaving a strong-looking woman in green snake-themed armour. Gun, sword, and the unmistakable smell of Olympus.

She levels the gun at me. "It is written here, impostor."
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Next objective, either make the attackers afraid of me to boost my yellow constructs, or make me more significant in their thoughts in order to boost my god powers. Of course, the nice thing about having a power ring is that I can bypass conventional jamming and speak to everyone. I can activate even manually disconnected speakers.
So... How exactly are you manually activating things on an enemy ship without a filament in said ship to bridge the hardware gap?
Thank you, Legate! Thank you!"

Unsurprisingly, the prospect of getting to live rather than be eaten by giant flying snakes promotes a sudden switch from fear to hope. And with my source of fear gone, my constructs-.

I wince slightly as one of the flying grey snakes erupts from the interior of my kingsnake construct.

At least they're not afraid.

The wasn't anyone here to be impressed by the fact that my

'There wasn't'

Hello Jorah Mormont.

The snakes appear mindless and might just be an undirected terror weapon, but that just seems… Irrational. Inefficient. There are far easier ways to wipe out a planetary population than 'unleashing the snakes'. Something is going on here.

I think they're collecting the locals as food and fuel.

and Caeras is following my head

'my lead'


Now I'm reminded of a snippet from Life Ore Death.

Apparently Kaldur and Aquaman were responsible for the Sharknado franchise when an attempt to stop some criminals by trapping them in spinning water went wrong after a shark got in there.

Grayven to fleet." And Now I Will Taunt You.

You monster!

How weak-willing you must be that this is the limit of your ambition?


She levels the gun at me. "It is written here, impostor."

Hmm, Old God demigod God-Speech.

Seeing as she called him an impostor I'm guessing she knows Actual Grayven.
"How much fear would you need to force a new yellow power ring?"

Forge, probably?

And it's an interesting thought: have the Oans or Weaponers found a way to quantise emotions?

One milli-Sinestro being vague worry and a kilo-Sinestro being the fear of imminent death? That sort of thing?

(A milli-Khorneflake would be mild irritation, a milli-Aphrodite a gentle wish to spend more time together...)
Interesting that she can use Godspeech as well. Has Grayven found a way to Awaken his subordinates like the Renegade? Or did she develop it on her own?

Earth 50 Diana was able to sense renegade using his powers and renegade thought she could develop like a New God, and seeing as this chick is thousands of years old she may have developed it herself.

Old Gods can use something similar, like when Hera forced Paul to talk about his love life.

If she is working with Actually Grayven then maybe he gave her some pointers.
1st September 2012
14:41 GMT

"Thank you, Legate! Thank you!"

Unsurprisingly, the prospect of getting to live rather than be eaten by giant flying snakes promotes a sudden switch from fear to hope. And with my source of fear gone, my constructs-.
Whoops. Drawback of Anti-Universe Ring technology, with it's outwardly-focused reinforcement. If the source of your empowering light changes emotions... >Poof< goes the enhancement bonuses.

I wince slightly as one of the flying grey snakes erupts from the interior of my kingsnake construct.

With the aura of fear diminished locally, my constructs are proportionally weaker. There's still plenty of fear on the planet, but the fleets in orbit aren't afraid and… The planet's population is being rapidly reduced. Though that does make me think-.
Having awful, terrific ideas?

I switch, serpentine yellow constructs fading and being replaced by orange flak cannons. The wasn't anyone here to be impressed by the fact that my snakes were beating their snakes, so what I have left is my desire to prevent this pointless destruction. Here I Stand.

Lantern Caeras appears next to me, eyes glowing as she searches for more targets. The snakes appear mindless and might just be an undirected terror weapon, but that just seems… Irrational. Inefficient. There are far easier ways to wipe out a planetary population than 'unleashing the snakes'. Something is going on here.
Using Mr Zoat's post earlier as a clue, I found the storyline this stuff came from: Wrath of the Silver Serpents. And indeed, the snakes ('Providers') are gathering all useful organic matter as both food and fuel.

"Evacuation complete."

"Good show. Next refugee concentration is-."
Because there's no shortage of trouble spots. This is triage, unfortunate as it sounds. You have to pick your battles where you can.

I wince slightly as a city to the south of us is utterly enveloped by mid-sized snakes, their last bastions collapsing and the serpents gorging themselves.

"Is here."
...And that battle is a lost cause.

I mark a city just ahead of the main mini-snake wave. We might well be able to get everyone out before they arrive, which will make it easier to establish a new community.

"Mother Box."
At least the whole planet isn't being attacked at once. I wonder, do the Citizenry (our erstwhile villains of this piece) only attack planets with low levels of technology, ones that cannot mount a concerted defence against the Providers?


Lovind'r and Cwn'r fly through at once. I trigger my aero-discs to follow-.


"Fly and talk, Lantern Caeras."
No time to waste, after all. Sooner they save people the sooner they can foil the villains.

I'm through the boom tube opening a moment later, a cannon construct forming on my left arm and pointing skywards. An Apokoliptian blaster this time, as it feels thematically appropriate. I can.. just about make out the ships as they approach, the dimming of the light caused by Threadfall making their progress even more obvious.

Really enjoying the chance to lean on the Pern references, eh, Renegade?

Lovind'r isn't bothering to discuss the matter with the local and is instead just picking them up and shoving them through. Reasonable enough given the time constraint we're under, and I haven't picked up a single local-created radio signal since we got here so there's not really any point trying to call ahead. Cwn'r is raising a shield and Caeras is following my head and creating construct flak guns.

"Lord, why not call in more Lanterns?"
A good question. No time to summon them, given the rapidity with which the fleet is dropping their cargo?

"Because of their fleet. This world is lost, and while I'm happy to save its residents I'm not prepared to impair our combat effectiveness to do it."

Adjust for light diffraction in an atmosphere and to-target time… Feel My Contempt!
No telling when Grayven-16 might show up, after all.

A coruscating beam of energy lances out, shooting up into the atmosphere and then out of it. Can't really see the damage from here… Ring?

Outcome favourable.
Surface-to-orbit point defence? Now I'm picturing something like the Macross' main gun firing in episode one of 'Super-Dimensional Fortress Macross'... Big dakka.

I frown.

Define 'favourable outcome'?

They all died.
Can't get more favourable than that. Also, sassy, Ring, sassy. Been taking pointers from Ringnestro? :D

Ah, yes, the ship is drifting out of formation slightly. No, the wreckage in the approximate shape of a ship. Good.

"Karras to Gravyen. The ships will be over your position in two minutes."
Plenty of time to save lives. Get to it, Lanterns!

"Thank you for keeping me-" I shift my aim slightly, targeting the next ship in sequence. "-informed. Any other fleet movements?"

"They're interdicting us and their heavy ships are formed up."
Looking for a fight, eh? Which they'll probably pitch as 'self-defence against an unknown attacker'...

"Lantern Green Man?"

"He appears to be attempting to open communications with their admiral."

Good luck to him.
Heh. Yeah, I don't think these people care much for the Green Lantern Corps...

"Initial tech assessment of the enemy fleet?"

"I think we're slightly more advanced, but that's just an initial assessment. Until we start testing their weapons and shields we won't know for certain."
Hopefully not by getting in the way of said weapons. Not for too long, anyway.

"Understood. Grayven-" I fire again. "-out. Ring, contact Weaponer Lysis."

"By your command."

Ah, still thinking of the 'Forging a Yellow Ring' suspicion?

I don't look at her as her face appears over my ring, but instead keep my eyes on the oncoming snakenado as Caeras opens fire.

"How much fear would you need to force a new yellow power ring?"
Heh, there's a z-grade schlock name for you: Snakenado...

"Kalmin refined his approach considerably after his initial efforts. Time is a more critical factor than intensity. So unless we had advanced warning or could slow the process without stopping it, a planet being consumed by serpents would not work. Do you want another ring?"

"It's not a priority at the moment, but I'll always have a use for new power rings."
I see she's been monitoring the situation on her end. Impressive that Kalmin worked that out before his untimely demise here. Hmm... That would likely mean Varnathon is still in charge in this timeline... Good or bad? We'll see.

"Understood. Weaponer Lysis out."

And there goes the second snake ship. Track the flight path… It'll hit the planet, but that area has already been depopulated and the environmental consequences don't matter in the short term and can be dealt with in the longer term.
Yeah, you can put the planet back together easily enough. The people? Just a bit tougher. This day will likely enter their mythology as a cataclysm of divine proportions...

Next objective, either make the attackers afraid of me to boost my yellow constructs, or make me more significant in their thoughts in order to boost my god powers. Of course, the nice thing about having a power ring is that I can bypass conventional jamming and speak to everyone. I can activate even manually disconnected speakers.

"Grayven to fleet." And Now I Will Taunt You.
"You English son of a piggy dog! I blow my nose at you!" Though... Remotely activating disconnected speakers? Using your God Powers for that, I take it.


Caeras looks around and then sifts her guns as Lovind'r moves the boom tube aperture. Looks like Barda's gotten a bit too focused on her beatings to keep up.
"Reminds me of my honeymoon!" Would probably be her response. OR maybe her first date with Scott.

"Grayven to all the pirates and cannibals who are attacking this world. Grayven to all the miserable failures at civilisation up there. Bringing a fleet to exterminate a pre-industrial world? How weak-willing you must be that this is the limit of your ambition? How moronic must you be that you cannot build on the remains yourself? Did you even build those ships, or did someone take pity on you and make them a gift? Do they pat you on the head like a child with a full potty when you show them the death you have caused with the cowardly press of a button?"


I take a handful of Construct-Rings from a pouch and toss them to the ground, releasing the Construct-Lanterns contained therein. Without speaking I point upwards, and up they fly.
Dispatching some terror-troops, eh? Got to love the synergy of Orange and Yellow.

A pillar of brilliant white light flashes into being and then vanishes, leaving a strong-looking woman in green snake-themed armour. Gun, sword, and the unmistakable smell of Olympus.

She levels the gun at me. "It is written here, impostor."
Ah, Astarte. This will be interesting. I wonder if he'll call Diana in for this meeting before or after they duke it out?

Well, this is indeed fascinating. 'Imposter'? Did Grayven-16 press-gang the Citizenry into his service on his way here? I could see him doing so, if only to increase the size and number of his armies. But then, why would they still be raiding? Preparing their supplies for the journey? I'm sure Astarte will have plenty to say tomorrow, as she tries to lay a beat-down on the Renegade...
At least the whole planet isn't being attacked at once. I wonder, do the Citizenry (our erstwhile villains of this piece) only attack planets with low levels of technology, ones that cannot mount a concerted defence against the Providers?

I remember that in the comics they attacked Earth, which does have technology to defend itself.

Though they could have thought it was too primitive to pose an actual challenge.

Astarte also mentioned the Oans were vary of them, but she could have just been talking out of her ass.

That would likely mean Varnathon is still in charge in this timeline... Good or bad? We'll see.

Yep, he's still in charge.

Renegade spoke to him.

He did seem eager to get on renegades good side, so he may have scrubbed his plans for universal domination.
Interesting that she can use Godspeech as well. Has Grayven found a way to Awaken his subordinates like the Renegade? Or did she develop it on her own?

Astarte is Diana's aunt, her mother's sister, which makes her thousands of years old.

The KISS explanation is that Zoat is making use of the fact that Diana's mother is the daughter of Ares, which would make Astarte a demigoddess as well.
I'm sure Astarte will have plenty to say tomorrow, as she tries to lay a beat-down on the Renegade...
As much as I agree and look forward to this... I can't help but have the odd feeling of the next chapter being a "Supplementary, SI Option" or "Meanwhile in Universe #####" chapter just because. :p

Which I'll also happily read, of course, but the sensation is just there for some reason...
As much as I agree and look forward to this... I can't help but have the odd feeling of the next chapter being a "Supplementary, SI Option" or "Meanwhile in Universe #####" chapter just because. :p

Which I'll also happily read, of course, but the sensation is just there for some reason...



It was the Warhammer one, actually.
Interesting that she can use Godspeech as well. Has Grayven found a way to Awaken his subordinates like the Renegade? Or did she develop it on her own?
I vaguely remember something about how renegade mentioning Diana would be somewhat capable of it if she used her godly powers more. Or at the very least she would be significantly more in tune with how the New Gods work. Perhaps something from that? I could be misremembering though.

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