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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Disclaimer: I have fairly limited knowledge of Warhammer Fantasy, but I haven't seen Zoat answer this himself; I can see why Teclis would want to meet with Paul, but not why they mustered an entire dragonship for it, since those things are apparently irreplaceable and dedicated solely to war, which feels a bit premature when they haven't even met Paul and gotten a clearer sense of the strategy, even if they already know the gist.
Disclaimer: I have fairly limited knowledge of Warhammer Fantasy, but I haven't seen Zoat answer this himself; I can see why Teclis would want to meet with Paul, but not why they mustered an entire dragonship for it, since those things are apparently irreplaceable and dedicated solely to war, which feels a bit premature when they haven't even met Paul and gotten a clearer sense of the strategy, even if they already know the gist.
Because information on Ulthuanian birth rates is really sensitive. It impacts not just their ability to survive invasions but to maintain their farming and industry, and keep up the defence of their colonial possessions. The various places Teclis was able to persuade to share that information weren't exactly eager to do so, and even the Dark Elves don't have that level of detail assembled in one place.

It also requires huge amounts of space to hold enough records to cover the subject in any detail.
"But what if they're not! What if it's some hussy from the Tower of Hoeth here to offer herself to you? The political advantages would be considerable. I can't compete with that!"
PAUL: Just so you know, my elf girlfriend is worried that I might be stolen away by a "Tower of Hoeth Hussy", so I want to make it perfectly clear that I happen to be spoken for, okay?

TECLIS: ....I shall do my best to refrain from throwing myself off the dragonship out of grief for what could have been.

PAUL: If it makes you feel any better, I don't think it would have worked out between us. You're not exactly my type.

TECLIS: Favoring looks over personality? How typical.
"It should be possible, shouldn't it? I wrote to you because after the slann you are the person I thought would be best placed to actually plan the thing out. And when I visited, they… Weren't helpful."

"They usually don't appreciate surprise visitors."

"I just stood there for half an hour. The Mage-Priest didn't even react.
It's certainly possible that, Slann-lethargy aside, the Mage-Priest in question would have likely foreseen that the High Elves would help out with the Waystone Network plan, so it didn't see any pressing need to speak or act.
I am aware of the state of TTS and GW's legal choices, and while I'm sure there is a lot to say about Games Workshop and it's treatment of content creators using their IP, I don't think this is the venue for it, unless someone at GW happens to start targeting Mr Zoat for his use of WHFB and 40k universes.

I don't know if the mods would be treating current day corporate legal discussions under politics or not, but having just waded through threads elsewhere on the topic, it's not likely to be a polite or civil conversation.
Veganism (part 10)
1st September 2012
15:32 GMT

They've evacuated, Lantern Grayven.

I nod to myself as the arena stands begin to fill. The reconnaissance fleet I brought with me just got out of interdiction range, and those who could be saved from the planet below have been. The death toll was still hideous, but it wasn't one hundred percent and that's more than nothing.

I don't think that Diana has thought this through. I mean, I certainly haven't helped her gaining the necessary mental clarity, but she's pushing ninety. At this point if she hasn't got a better idea of her limits, then that's on her. And of all the people I know, with the exception of Artemis, she's probably best placed to actually pull this off. There's nothing… Other than the severe gastrointestinal distress that comes with a radical dietary change-

And for a strange moment I relive the distant memory of my return home from university, when I switched from a diet of curry and rice to a more balanced diet and spent a couple of days on the toilet. Huh. Haven't… Thought about that part of my life for a while.

-that can't be overcome with good planning and tyrannical leadership.

I walk closer to the balcony to get-

"Hey breeder, get back to-."

I pick the woman up by her neck, swing her upside down and then slam her legs against the railing hard enough to snap them sideways, then toss her behind me.


-a better look at proceedings. Ah, nothing special going on. Astarte's still got her armour and Barda's mega rod, and she's added some sort of bracer-mounted gun. Diana's going with her bracers and lasso. Which is stupid, but she doesn't want to actually kill her aunt…

Ugh, if she's dedicated to this foolishness, at least she's being true to herself.

Ah, some sort of blue woman with four ears is checking Astarte's equipment. Diana's just-. Oh, I was thinking of this as a gladiatorial thing, but if this is more like a formal duel…

I trigger my aero-discs and fly out over the arena, landing next to Diana.

"Need anything? Better armour? A sword."


"Shoulder rub? Luna doesn't have the right physiology, but Jade said that-."

She frowns. "No."

Four-ears stares at me for a moment before Astarte slaps her.

"That is not Grayven, merely someone who looks like him."

"Then what is it doing here? It has no standing. It cannot issue a challenge and it isn't a Citizen."

"Oh, I was planning on offering my service as Diana's second."

Astarte shakes her head. "You would have to be a Citizen to do that."

"And how does one become a Citizen? Because if it's single combat, there's an ex-Citizen back there-" I point my right thumb at the stands. "-who needs her leg bones set."

Diana closes her eyes for a moment. "Grayven."

"Becoming a Citizen requires that you be one of the hundred strongest women on a planet we recruit from, or to be born to a Citizen and survive to adulthood."

"Well, tell you what." It's a crude technique, but I walk past Astarte and loom over Ears. "If you don't want me to be her second, then make me leave." Scathing Contempt.

Her eyes widen slightly, but I don't feel any fear.

"That's exactly what the-. What Grayven said."

"We are very alike."

"It hardly matters." Astarte checks the straps on her armour before nodding. "Once Diana is dead I plan to kill you anyway. Whether you're recognised as her second or not makes no difference."

I step aside so that I can keep both of them in my field of view.

"Sure it does! If it's formal, I won't be able to just gun you down with drones again. I'll have to fight you personally, and between you and me?" I shrug. "I'm not that great a pugilist."

Better than I was before I spent time in the Land of Summer's End, mind-. Oh, that's right. Diana hasn't seen my current level of swordsmanship, has she?

"No, you will be cut down like the dog you are."

"You cut down dogs? Why?" I grin. "Do you consider them to be foes on your level?"

Ears shakes her head. "I take it back. Grayven is no jester."

"His loss. Diana, you got everything you need?"


"Alright then. Have fun."

Astarte waves off Ears, and she retreats towards the opposite end of the arena. I wait until she's gone a short way, then wave and mirror her action. Right, Diana will either win or she won't. I have to prepare for what happens next. This fleet is a lot bigger than anything that I want anywhere near Vega, even if they weren't going to eat the inhabitants. If Diana loses, I very much doubt that I can slaughter them all before the fleet arrives.

I land on my balcony, noting with pleasure that the other occupants back away. And Legs is trying to bind her own wounds. Makes sense, given their culture. If only I had an ally to help with these ships.

"Hey." "Fancy seeing you here."

I smile as Artemis takes position next to me, leaning against the railings.

"Hay is for horses, Artemis." "I'm slumming it. The ordnance?"

"Your girlfriend's a pony." "Ready. Where do you want it?"

"If you ever feed her, I want to watch." "Target the officers. I want them leaderless. Use whatever you've got left over on technically complex systems. They don't strike me as tech-savvy."

"Can I? 'cause I didn't exactly have a pony growing up. And those Sheeda-side things weren't really the same." "The fleet's too big."

"You can ask her. It's honestly never occurred to me to raise the subject." "I know. And I still don't know where Conquest Two is. Not much I can do about it until this farce is over."


A blonde woman with dreadlocks stands at the… Entrance to the otherwise-abandoned balcony, Legs having managed to crawl off somewhere.


Artemis vaults over the balcony and disappears in the lower level.

"And what do you want? Theana, right?"

"The right to kill you once my cousin falls."

"Think your mother has you pipped there. Though I'm honestly not fussy. If you're closest, you die first." I shrug and gesture to the arena as Diana throws the first punch. "Want to watch the fight before your world is destroyed?"

"I suppose I may as well."
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For the invisitext impaired, that hidden conversation:
"Becoming a Citizen requires that you be one of the hundred strongest women on a planet we recruit from, or to be born to a Citizen and survive to adulthood."

"Well, tell you what." It's a crude technique, but I walk past Astarte and loom over Ears. "If you don't want me to be her second, then make me leave." Scathing Contempt.

I land on my balcony, noting with pleasure that the other occupants back away. And Legs is trying to bind her own wounds. Makes sense, given their culture. If only I had an ally to help with these ships.

"Hey." "Fancy seeing you here."

I smile as Artemis takes position next to be leaning against the railings.

"Hay is for horses, Artemis." "I'm slumming it. The ordnance?"

"Your girlfriend's a pony." "Ready. Where do you want it?"

"If you ever feed her, I want to watch." "Target the officers. I want them leaderless. Use whatever you've got left over on technically complex systems. They don't strike me as tech-savvy."

"Can I? 'cause I didn't exactly have a pony growing up. And those Sheeda-side things weren't really the same." "The fleet's too big."

"You can ask her. It's honestly never occurred to me to raise the subject." "I know. And I still don't know where Conquest Two is. Not much I can do about it until this farce is over."

certainly haven't helped her gaining the

'in gaining' or 'gain'

There's nothing… Other than the severe gastrointestinal distress that comes with a radical dietary change-

They are a space faring society, so they may be able to deal with that.

And for a strange moment I relive the distant memory of my return home from university, when I switched from a diet of curry and rice to a more balanced diet and spent a couple of days on the toilet. Huh. Haven't… Thought about that part of my life for a while.

That was centuries ago.

that can't be overcome with good planning and tyrannical leadership.

Maybe 'can be'

walk closer to the balcony to get-

"Hey breeder, get back to-."

I pick the woman up by her neck, swing her upside down and then slam her legs against the railing hard enough to snap them sideways, then toss her behind me.


-a better look at proceedings.

This was kinda awesome.

Diana's going with her bracers and lasso. Which is stupid, but she doesn't want to actually kill her aunt…

Ugh, if she's dedicated to this foolishness, at least she's being true to herself.

There is also the possibility that killing her aunt will see her be killed.

The Kindly Ones may exist here, and they do not like kinslaying.

Four-ears stares at me for a moment before Astarte slaps her.

"That is not Grayven, merely someone who looks like him."


"Then what is it doing here? It has no standing. It cannot issue a challenge and it isn't a Citizen

Bitch try and stop him.

And how does one become a Citizen? Because if it's single combat, there's an ex-Citizen back there-" I point my right thumb at the stands. "-who needs her leg bones set."

Diana closes her eyes for a moment. "Grayven."

She started it!

Becoming a Citizen requires that you be one of the hundred strongest women on a planet we recruit from, or to be born to a Citizen and survive to adulthood."

And according to Stsword, it's an impressive feat to survive Citizen childhood.

Well, tell you what." It's a crude technique, but I walk past Astarte and loom over Ears. "If you don't want me to be her second, then make me leave." Scathing Contempt.

Her eyes widen slightly, but I don't feel any fear.

Showing fear is probably an invitation to be killed in this place.

That's exactly what the-. What Grayven said."

"We are very alike."

Even if you're not Grayven.

No, you will be cut down like the dog you are."

"You cut down dogs? Why?"

Because she's evil.

You can't be evil without harming puppies.

Do you consider them to be foes on your level?"

She is a bitch.

If Diana loses, I very much doubt that I can slaughter them all before the fleet arrives.

Have some faith in your killing abilities.

position next to be leaning

'to me, leaning'

"If you ever feed her, I want to watch


" "Target the officers. I want them leaderless. Use whatever you've got left over on technically complex systems. They don't strike me as tech-savvy."

Consequences of focusing on being evil.
1st September 2012
15:32 GMT

They've evacuated, Lantern Grayven.

I nod to myself as the arena stands begin to fill. The reconnaissance fleet I brought with me just got out of interdiction range, and those who could be saved from the planet below have been. The death toll was still hideous, but it wasn't one hundred percent and that's more than nothing.
Though I have to wonder what they'll do with the refugees they managed to save. Resettled on a planet somewhere in the Renegade's Vega demense? I doubt they can safely return to their world, if the Provider snakes go after all living things on it. Kind of hard to survive without a biosphere...

I don't think that Diana has thought this through. I mean, I certainly haven't helped her gaining the necessary mental clarity, but she's pushing ninety. At this point if she hasn't got a better idea of her limits, then that's on her. And of all the people I know, with the exception of Artemis, she's probably best placed to actually pull this off. There's nothing… Other than the severe gastrointestinal distress that comes with a radical dietary change-
And I doubt she'd deign to eat anything they'd offer her, knowing from where it came. Certainly, she's got a good chance, especially if she can handle Astarte's godspeech attacks.

And for a strange moment I relive the distant memory of my return home from university, when I switched from a diet of curry and rice to a more balanced diet and spent a couple of days on the toilet. Huh. Haven't… Thought about that part of my life for a while.

-that can't be overcome with good planning and tyrannical leadership.
Oof, I feel that pain. Whenever I try a food new to me, there's always that period of your stomach going 'why are you doing this to me, I don't know how to digest this!'

I walk closer to the balcony to get-

"Hey breeder, get back to-."
Ooh, bad idea, honey. I don't think the Renegade's in the mood for...

I pick the woman up by her neck, swing her upside down and then slam her legs against the railing hard enough to snap them sideways, then toss her behind me.

...Right, consider her chastised. Ow. Safe to assume the rest will keep a sensible distance.

-a better look at proceedings. Ah, nothing special going on. Astarte's still got her armour and Barda's mega rod, and she's added some sort of bracer-mounted gun. Diana's going with her bracers and lasso. Which is stupid, but she doesn't want to actually kill her aunt…

Ugh, if she's dedicated to this foolishness, at least she's being true to herself.
Plus, I don't think she's got time to go collect her good armour, anyway. never mind the whole kinslaying thing, as Darko mentioned. She knows quite well that the Furies, as she knows them, are real and no doubt quite happy to dole out punishment.

Ah, some sort of blue woman with four ears is checking Astarte's equipment. Diana's just-. Oh, I was thinking of this as a gladiatorial thing, but if this is more like a formal duel…

I trigger my aero-discs and fly out over the arena, landing next to Diana.
Renegade, I rather think she's got this handled. Last thing she needs is you sticking your nose into her business. Unless things go poorly. Then feel free to save her wondrous ass and gloat. You know you'll want to.

"Need anything? Better armour? A sword."


"Shoulder rub? Luna doesn't have the right physiology, but Jade said that-."
...I'm sure you could make a massager construct. Just watch what shape you make it in, Mister 'tentacle ogre'. Otherwise they may decide to keep you.

She frowns. "No."

Four-ears stares at me for a moment before Astarte slaps her.
Ah, I'm guessing she's seen Grayven-16 before, unlike the mouthy bitch in the stands.

"That is not Grayven, merely someone who looks like him."

"Then what is it doing here? It has no standing. It cannot issue a challenge and it isn't a Citizen."

"Oh, I was planning on offering my service as Diana's second."
I would expect four-ears to check Diana's gear too, as a sort of referee. Any subterfuge would likely invalidate the challenge in her favour.

Astarte shakes her head. "You would have to be a Citizen to do that."

"And how does one become a Citizen? Because if it's single combat, there's an ex-Citizen back there-" I point my right thumb at the stands. "-who needs her leg bones set."

Diana closes her eyes for a moment. "Grayven."
'Athena's grace, I can't take him anywhere, can I?' is probably what she's thinking. But hey, he's just trying to fit in with the locals. And doing a decent job of it, by their standards.

"Becoming a Citizen requires that you be one of the hundred strongest women on a planet we recruit from, or to be born to a Citizen and survive to adulthood."

"Well, tell you what." It's a crude technique, but I walk past Astarte and loom over Ears. "If you don't want me to be her second, then make me leave." Scathing Contempt.
Oof, turning the full force of his godly Ego on her? That's got to sting.

Her eyes widen slightly, but I don't feel any fear.

"That's exactly what the-. What Grayven said."
Definitely seen the other fellow up close and personal, then. o_O Fascinating.

"We are very alike."

"It hardly matters." Astarte checks the straps on her armour before nodding. "Once Diana is dead I plan to kill you anyway. Whether you're recognised as her second or not makes no difference."
...You can try. Now that he's prepared for your godspeech, I suspect things would go a littler more evenly.

I step aside so that I can keep both of them in my field of view.

"Sure it does! If it's formal, I won't be able to just gun you down with drones again. I'll have to fight you personally, and between you and me?" I shrug. "I'm not that great a pugilist."
Not that he uses his fists much, these days. Mostly the sword that on anyone else would be a compensation display, and the rings.

Better than I was before I spent time in the Land of Summer's End, mind-. Oh, that's right. Diana hasn't seen my current level of swordsmanship, has she?

"No, you will be cut down like the dog you are."
Hey, don't insult dogs like that. They're usually good puppers.

"You cut down dogs? Why?" I grin. "Do you consider them to be foes on your level?"

Ears shakes her head. "I take it back. Grayven is no jester."
I have to wonder, which one she prefers: Mr Edgelord Conquest, or Mr Comedian Conquest. Acquisition!​

"His loss. Diana, you got everything you need?"


"Alright then. Have fun."
And do try not to die? I'm sure Batman would be rather upset. Not that the Renegade cares that much about the opinion of a man dressed like a bat these days.

Astarte waves off Ears, and she retreats towards the opposite end of the arena. I wait until she's gone a short way, then wave and mirror her action. Right, Diana will either win or she won't. I have to prepare for what happens next. This fleet is a lot bigger than anything that I want anywhere near Vega, even if they weren't going to eat the inhabitants. If Diana loses, I very much doubt that I can slaughter them all before the fleet arrives.
Especially since they probably have some measure of anti-lantern countermeasures. They must have run across the Green Lanterns before sometime... On that note, what the hell is Green Man up to, since last we saw, he was trying to talk at them...

I land on my balcony, noting with pleasure that the other occupants back away. And Legs is trying to bind her own wounds. Makes sense, given their culture. If only I had an ally to help with these ships.

"Hey." "Fancy seeing you here."
Oh look, just what you asked for! :p Oh, I do wonder how she knew you needed something?

I smile as Artemis takes position next to be leaning against the railings.

"Hay is for horses, Artemis." "I'm slumming it. The ordnance?"
Ah, I see she's not been idle. Presumably something set in motion when they found the Citizenry's previous target.

"Your girlfriend's a pony." "Ready. Where do you want it?"

"If you ever feed her, I want to watch." "Target the officers. I want them leaderless. Use whatever you've got left over on technically complex systems. They don't strike me as tech-savvy."
To be fair, some forms of edible plant are appropriate gifts for Equestrians. Bouquets of tasty flowers in place of a box of chocolates, for example. Hay, though... Would that be the equivalent of giving her a sandwich? :p

"Can I? 'cause I didn't exactly have a pony growing up. And those Sheeda-side things weren't really the same." "The fleet's too big."

"You can ask her. It's honestly never occurred to me to raise the subject." "I know. And I still don't know where Conquest Two is. Not much I can do about it until this farce is over."
The joy of blundering into a sidequest in the middle of something important, and getting stuck in it because of circumstances.


A blonde woman with dreadlocks stands at the… Entrance to the otherwise-abandoned balcony, Legs having managed to crawl off somewhere.
My, she's a big one.


Artemis vaults over the balcony and disappears in the lower level.
Off to plant some discreet sabotage charges, eh? Handy that her usual green gear lets her blend in here...

"And what do you want? Theana, right?"

"The right to kill you once my cousin falls."
Boy, another one with a hate-on for Grayven's face. Given that she's basically their warrior princess and exemplar of their values, she's presumably read in on a lot of the leadership decisions...

"Think your mother has you pipped there. Though I'm honestly not fussy. If you're closest, you die first." I shrug and gesture to the arena as Diana throws the first punch. "Want to watch the fight before your world is destroyed?"

"I suppose I may as well."
If only so she can laugh at the challenger's displays of compassion? She seems the sort to underestimate Diana just because she's not a vicious murder-bitch...

Well, then. Tomorrow, we get to see Diana take on her auntie. Let's hope Diana's ready for the sheer viciousness Astarte is likely to display. On the other hand, she's likely to make a good showing of martial skills for the crowd, so if she wins, she can hopefully drive some reforms through without busting too many heads... ;) Probably not, though.
Diana is a daughter of Zeus right?

Godly heritage and legend wise, she's probably going to have the advantage.

Now if that were only enough to compensate for her desire to only do things that are socially acceptable in the USA.
I'm sorry, but I'm kind of lowkey rooting for Diana to lose. I enjoy seeing Grayven have to handle this kind of clusterfuck situations, it's when he shines the most. Besides, this duel reeks of having pride involved in it, one of Diana's few but major failings. Astarte technically wasn't Diana's prisoner, but Grayven's, since he defeated the evil monster and as was explained this isn't Earth, so he could have decided how to handle it and right now is being more like accommodating to Diana.

Since supposedly in the comics she won, maybe she will do so here as well, but who knows what the result of either outcome could be. Theana here isn't sunshine and who knows what the rest of the fleet will do? Not to mention, we haven't seen hair of Original Grayven and apparently he has been on the ship and nobody could remove him either. Who knows what the hell he's doing. Grayven needs to get this taken care of, this is looking more and more like a distraction. A terrible, disgusting, deserving of extermination, but distraction nonetheless; and accommodating Wonder Woman's sense of justice when she clearly doesn't have any concrete plan sounds bad. At least he's actually implementing something to take care of these locusts with Artemis.

Diana is a daughter of Zeus right?

Godly heritage and legend wise, she's probably going to have the advantage.

Now if that were only enough to compensate for her desire to only do things that are socially acceptable in the USA.

What? Where did that come from? Diana isn't Zeus' daughter at all. She's made from clay, with Gaia's blessing. So she's like an artificial child of Gaia, more close to a Titan generationally than to an Olympian aligned God. It's just that she also has the blessings of the Goddess that patron the Amazons and hasn't embraced her naturally divine nature and just considers herself daughter of Hyppolyta and another Amazon, just one with (maybe extra) superpowers.
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how would main-paul handle these people? i mean my god. are they even in main-paul's reality.
They probably are, but there's no guarantee they work for Grayven. Plus! It is possible Effigy, an Orange Lantern, or a random spaceship laser that flew off into the void killed them. Thoroughly.

Seriously guys, Effigy could take this group, right? Martian shapeshifting, pyrokinesis, mobility, a mildly enhanced brain… He could take this group, even if they have effective swords.
Though I have to wonder what they'll do with the refugees they managed to save. Resettled on a planet somewhere in the Renegade's Vega demense? I doubt they can safely return to their world, if the Provider snakes go after all living things on it. Kind of hard to survive without a biosphere...

The planet may still have plant life.

I think the previous one still did.

Ooh, bad idea, honey. I don't think the Renegade's in the mood for...

I don't think she's listening.

Right, consider her chastised. Ow. Safe to assume the rest will keep a sensible distance.

Psychopaths aren't exactly sensible.

Renegade, I rather think she's got this handled. Last thing she needs is you sticking your nose into her business

But he loves doing that.

Then feel free to save her wondrous ass and gloat. You know you'll want to

He really wants to.

I would expect four-ears to check Diana's gear too, as a sort of referee. Any subterfuge would likely invalidate the challenge in her favour.

I don't think fairness is a thing for these women.

Definitely seen the other fellow up close and personal, then. o_O Fascinating.

If he challenged them and won then she may have seen him.

Seeing as she's helping Astarte she may be something like an equerry and was there when Actually Grayven came.

I have to wonder, which one she prefers: Mr Edgelord Conquest, or Mr Comedian Conquest. Acquisition

Concerning renegade not embodying conquest but rather acquisition, Obloquy actually gave an explanation for how New Gods can have the same Domain, or Mantle as it was called in Life Ore Death.

Basically it's possible for them to have the same Mantle, but they would interpret it in different ways.

For example, Scott embodies Freedom, but the type of freedom that is free of imprisonment or similar things. A less moral or ethical New God may embody freedom from inhibitions or morality.

We may be able to view renegade as being Conquest through political and cultural means rather that Actually Grayven's more forceful approach.

Especially since they probably have some measure of anti-lantern countermeasures. They must have run across the Green Lanterns before sometime... On that note, what the hell is Green Man up to, since last we saw, he was trying to talk at them...

According to Zoat they managed to kill one and somehow figured out how to use the ring.

Though that was in the comics.

Boy, another one with a hate-on for Grayven's face.

It's an understandable emotion.

If only so she can laugh at the challenger's displays of compassion? She seems the sort to underestimate Diana just because she's not a vicious murder-bitch

To quote Rogal Dorn:

"This seems, accurate"


...TTS will not be making more videos....
Besides, this duel reeks of having pride involved in it, one of Diana's few but major failings.
This Diana didn't have the relatively recent humbling fight with the Shade that Paragon-Diana did, so that's a good point. Paragon's roasting of the League might have prompted some changes too.

I'd be worried Theana would pick up on the invisitext since she has divine heritage and presumably has spent some time around the real Grayven. Not sure if you can speak in code or encrypt invisitext somehow. Tao shows that people other than those Awakened via the Desaad process can speak in invisitext, though I think that only happened once. Diana learning it might be cool; she spends time around Scott, Barda, Green Arrow and presumably Orana (what's she doing now anyway?) who would all have the capability.

This reminds me that Mortalla's spiritual growth was stunted as a deliberate effect of Desaad's processes, so I'm wondering if the magic of Harmony can undo that damage. Renegade might not want to risk Darkseid's reaction at taking her to a place that's metaphysically antithetical to him, but it seems like something to consider. If the meeting on New Genesis had gone better then that might have been a viable alternative to help her.

While I'd like Diana to change her modus operandi at least slightly when it comes to things like this, I can admire her ethical principles as well. And staying true to herself is probably quite important as a nascent Goddess of Truth. I would like her to grow in power or unlock her Titanic potential, something that's different from her usual style of combat, to have some actual change in the characters and make the narrative more interesting.
Diana is a daughter of Zeus right?

No that's from the n52 and Zoat rarely uses things from there.

Godly heritage and legend wise, she's probably going to have the advantage.

Now if that were only enough to compensate for her desire to only do things that are socially acceptable in the USA.

There's also the fact that Astarte has had millenia to master her abilities compared to Diana's decades.

They probably are, but there's no guarantee they work for Grayven. Plus! It is possible Effigy, an Orange Lantern, or a random spaceship laser that flew off into the void killed them. Thoroughly.

Seriously guys, Effigy could take this group, right? Martian shapeshifting, pyrokinesis, mobility, a mildly enhanced brain… He could take this group, even if they have effective swords.

Effigy was stated to be able to potentially destroy a planet, but they may be able to take him on.

As for the Orange Lanterns, most of them are focused on the war with the Reach so they may not have the manpower to deal with this group.

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