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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Presumably, give a few more heartfelt speeches about Love or Hope
You know I once read this comic that I think is an one off obscure comic that was called The Bad Guys.
It was a world that seemed to be full swing in the superhero tropes to the point the characters didn't know why. Like to the point you could set your watch by what was going to happen.
Not going to spoil it unless asked, and it was pretty interesting.
But anyway there was this Superman expy who was abou5lt as dumb as a pile of rocks and was known for giving *clears throat* The Speech.
Which was never fully listened to. Always started and went the exact same way. Some changes only to the type of enemy and situation he was facing.
He'd start talking and it only serve to distract him while the bad guys did something. Then they hit him hard enough that he'd be forced to stop and fight. The citizen background characters actually considered The Speech expected but a groaner.

Bug aliens invade shortly after our bad luck female lead gets sent to a underground prison that's like Wildbow's Birdcage. All the heroes line up to fight them off. The President gives the expected "Good luck we will pray for you and hope you make a safe return to us despite doing this so many times we know it's pure bad luck if so much as one of you actually die" speech. The 2 sides approach Superman expy starts his speech. Then the heroes get completely wiped out. The alien leader gets an appointment with the President and reveals that they are humans all along and it's just one huge misunderstanding. Then the surviving world leaders get promises of life if they help rape the Earth of it's resources. Because that's what their company does. They are well practiced at wiping out heroes and taking the planets resources for their customers back home before shifting to a new Earth and doing it all over again while their last victims suffer a dead planet.
Any survivoring heroes are obligated to turn themselves in when they start nuking random cities.
That's the start. If you can't find a link, because I sure couldn't, ask my for more of what I remember. Or send me the link if you find it.
"Hey. I think Diana's on her third speech."
Well it's a way to get the Citizenry to do what she wants.
Well, I mean as long as she doesn't have anything more important she could be doing.
It's not like there are literal multitudes of much more innocent forces being slaughtered at that very moment while she is speechifying the cannibal worldkillers.

"You know that's not actually my name? I just faked it to steal stuff from the Forever People, and then this all happened."
Normally I'd 'die with the lie' but since I just consumed the original Grayven's soul, I now count as him under Apolyptian Law and Custom anyway, so it doesn't matter anymore. And I've been a better Grayven than the old one anyhow, so it's not like anyone who matters is going to complain!

And now renegade has meta physically eaten the other Grayven. Does anyone remember the 'no mantels or godheads in this story' zoat was declaring not so long ago? If this isn't that, WHAT THE HECK DO WE CALL THIS??? ;p
Tuesday. You should call it Tuesday. Because for Grayven, it was the most horrible moment of his life, that time he got eaten and devoured. But for Grayven, it was Tuesday.

Rule of acquisition 76!
Without looking it up, something something latinum something something profit?
A Waltz in Orange and Green (part 1)
A Waltz in Orange and Green

10th September 2012
08:54 GMT

"Warning! Will Detected!" / "Warning! Will Detected!" / "Green Alert!" / Incoming Green Lantern.

Lanterns Xor, Dul and Onik look to me for direction, but all I can do is shrug.

"I'm not expecting anyone. Ring, contact Lantern Toren."


Xor turns away and swings a giant hand construct, catching the outlaw transport ship around the middle of its hull and arresting its progress. Interestingly, it's Onik and not Dul who takes the lead in boarding operations. Dul is fully invested in realpolitik; the fact that the Guilders eat people only really bothers her because the people they eat might end up being thanagarians. Onik on the other hand is managing to internalise my 'ideal universe' ideology, and you don't have to be the Universe's Greatest Humanoidist to realise that the Guild isn't part of that.

My ring flickers, then Toren's face appears.

"Expecting company?"

"No. Are you?"

"Ah, I don't get alerts for Orange Lanterns but I'm not expecting anyone else, no. Why?"

"The ships' identification marks them as coming from Sector One Six Three Four."

Oh dear.

"Is it Lantern Priest?"


Oooooooooh sh-ugar.

"Has Lord Malvolio said what he wants?"

"As far as I could tell, he's here for tourism."

"That sounds astonishingly unlikely."

"I agree. How powerful is he?"

"If I'm not bonded to the Ophidian, he's more powerful than me. Given the period of history he's from I'd like to think that his understanding of science and technology is worse than mine, but he's had centuries to bring himself up to date and he struck me as being rather serious. And he has an entire Space Sector's worth of willing tutors who've hailed him as their god-king."

"I see."

"What have the Guardians told you about him?"

"That he's a murderous tyrant who killed a Green Lantern and stole his ring. Are you going to tell me that is untrue?"

"I'd be surprised if the Guardians told a direct lie I could easily disprove. It's incomplete, seeing as how his Sector was a war zone before I freed him. I haven't checked, how's it doing now?"

"I don't know. The Sector doesn't have a Green Lantern any longer."

"I would respectfully point out that that isn't true. It doesn't have a member of the Green Lantern Corps, but that doesn't mean the same thing."

Though… That probably means that Lantern Priest is dead. Either that or they promoted him to train up an Honour Guard taskforce. They might offer Malvolio the Larfleeze deal but I rather doubt that he'd take it. On the other hand… Beyond some measure of recompense for them imprisoning him, what does he actually want? Does he have something against me for Mr. Allen's breach of hospitality?

I suppose I should check…

"Is Lantern Priest dead?"

"I don't know. He isn't answering his ring, but ring communications can be blocked. Or he might have resigned."

Well, shazbot.

"Want me to go and talk to him?"

"Identity theft complete."

"I was going to suggest that you leave the Sector."

"We'll do that if that's what you want, but as far as I can tell he has more reason to hate you than me. I've got a slightly higher chance of finding out why he's here without violence."

"Identity theft complete."

"That statement is at odds with everything I know about you. Still, at least it will give me more time to prepare."

"I'll let you know how it goes. Illustres out."

"Identity theft complete."

I shut down the ring communication and look at my squadron. Xor is making the hull good for transport, while Onik is assimilating the crew. Dul on the other hand is giving me her full attention.

"More powerful than you?"

"Come and talk to me again in four hundred years."

"Humans don't live four hundred years."

"It's unusual, but it does happen. Vandal Savage is about forty eight thousand years old and Nommo Balewa is around eleven thousand."

She regards me with the scepticism of someone who fully expects to be wrong but who can't let that go unchallenged. "Forty eight thousand years."

"He doesn't have a lot to show for it, honestly. Other than the fact that most of my species is descended from him. But anyway, Lord Malvolio appears to have transcended his physiology by just being that good a Lantern. My friend Alan's done something similar with the blue light."

I turn back to our other colleagues.

"Can the two of you cope without us?"

"Yes, Illustres." / "Yes Illustres."

"Lantern Dul, you're on wingman duty. Both eyes open, speak only in response to direct questions. If things turn violent, run. Clear?"

"Run where?"

"Good question. Ah. Let's say 'Maltus'. Clearer?"

"Yes, Illustres."

"Right then. Warp in two, one, now."

Space bends and… I can see the brilliant green glow that marks Lord Malvolio's location. At least I hope that's Lord Malvolio, because otherwise there are two ludicrously powerful Green Lanterns around the place.

"Why do you think he's here?"

"This is the galaxy's centre for green light worship. I suspect he's here to pick up people interested in his heterodox version of the faith."
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Xor turns away and swings giant hand construct,

'a giant'

Has Lord Malvolio said what he wants?"

"As far as I could tell, he's here for tourism."

"That sounds astonishingly unlikely."

Probably, though seeing as this is basically Lantern Vatican he may be interested in learning what they know and seeing as he's basically something ike a Green Light Jesus he may be there for recruits.

It's been so long since we've seen these words be used.

Identity theft complete."

Some Lanterns are getting pet arachnids.

I've got a slightly higher chance of finding out why he's here without violence."

Yeah, I don't believe that at all.

That statement is at odds with everything I know about you.

This is true.

So fucking true.

Humans don't live four hundred years."

Did you forget about Vandal Savage?

Paul told you about him some time ago.
So he wants to form Jehova Witnesses from space? He needs to be stopped!
A Waltz in Orange and Green

10th September 2012
08:54 GMT

"Warning! Will Detected!" / "Warning! Will Detected!" / "Green Alert!" / Incoming Green Lantern.

Lanterns Xor, Dul and Onik look to me for direction, but all I can do is shrug.
Ah, we return to Paragon and his current associates, still doing much as they were when we left them about two in-universe weeks ago: Thrashing Spider Guild sites and putting the fear of Orange into them. And presumably continuing their studies into Enlightenment at the Temple of the Green Light... I guess the Abbot's replacement saw fit to continue to permit their presence...

"I'm not expecting anyone. Ring, contact Lantern Toren."

An unfamiliar Greenie turning up? That's likely an Honour Guard, as I doubt any local Lantern would object to their activities...

Xor turns away and swings giant hand construct, catching the outlaw transport ship around the middle of its hull and arresting its progress. Interestingly, it's Onik and not Dul who takes the lead in boarding operations. Dul is fully invested in realpolitik; the fact that the Guilders eat people only really bothers her because the people they eat might end up being thanagarians. Onik on the other hand is managing to internalise my 'ideal universe' ideology, and you don't have to be the Universe's Greatest Humanoidist to realise that the Guild isn't part of that.
And probably quietly rejoicing at each Evil he removes form existence...

My ring flickers, then Toren's face appears.

"Expecting company?"

"No. Are you?"
Ah... An unscheduled Honour Guard visit? Must be an emergency...

"Ah, I don't get alerts for Orange Lanterns but I'm not expecting anyone else, no. Why?"

"The ships' identification marks them as coming from Sector One Six Three Four."
Ah... For those who don't remember, he was last there at the end of Cold Iron. And didn't part on the best of terms with Lord Malvolio...

Oh dear.

"Is it Lantern Priest?"
Not an unreasonable guess, given that's the local Sector lantern. Could have been coming to make a pilgrimage, given his devout belief in the Green Light, as noted in his bio there.


Oooooooooh sh-ugar.
Yes, that is an entirely appropriate reaction. As is [SCREAMING INTERNALLY] or a 'Fuck!' audible on Maltus...

"Has Lord Malvolio said what he wants?"

"As far as I could tell, he's here for tourism."
...I mean, it could be true. As Darko noted, this is basically the centre of Lanternism in the galaxy. And given the era Malvolio comes from, religion would be a big part of day-to-day life.

"That sounds astonishingly unlikely."

"I agree. How powerful is he?"
Still, better to prepare for the worst, even if you're hoping for the best.

"If I'm not bonded to the Ophidian, he's more powerful than me. Given the period of history he's from I'd like to think that his understanding of science and technology is worse than mine, but he's had centuries to bring himself up to date and he struck me as being rather serious. And he has an entire Space Sector's worth of willing tutors who've hailed him as their god-king."

"I see."
Yeah, not an especially good thing. I mean, he's no Darkseid, at least. At worst, he might be looking to do a little conquering. How have his neighbours been getting along since he got freed?

"What have the Guardians told you about him?"

"That he's a murderous tyrant who killed a Green Lantern and stole his ring. Are you going to tell me that is untrue?"
Ah. Technically true, yes. But, as with any history, the nuance comes in the details.

"I'd be surprised if the Guardians told a direct lie I could easily disprove. It's incomplete, seeing as how his Sector was a war zone before I freed him. I haven't checked, how's it doing now?"

"I don't know. The Sector doesn't have a Green Lantern any longer."
:confused: ...Oh. And Priest's ring didn't go in search of a successor? Or maybe he was simply reassigned...

"I would respectfully point out that that isn't true. It doesn't have a member of the Green Lantern Corps, but that doesn't mean the same thing."

Though… That probably means that Lantern Priest is dead. Either that or they promoted him to train up an Honour Guard taskforce. They might offer Malvolio the Larfleeze deal but I rather doubt that he'd take it. On the other hand… Beyond some measure of recompense for them imprisoning him, what does he actually want? Does he have something against me for Mr. Allen's breach of hospitality?
Well, when you look at it the right way, Barry was serving under your command... I expect Malvolio would hold the actions of a subordinate against their leader...

I suppose I should check…

"Is Lantern Priest dead?"

"I don't know. He isn't answering his ring, but ring communications can be blocked. Or he might have resigned."
He did resign in canon, though not over the Malvolio affair alone... So it's not impossible that he did so here.

Well, shazbot.

"Want me to go and talk to him?"
o_O I'm sorry, how will that improve matters?

"Identity theft complete."

"I was going to suggest that you leave the Sector."
Yeah, probably a better idea. At least until they can determine just what Malvolio's here for.

"We'll do that if that's what you want, but as far as I can tell he has more reason to hate you than me. I've got a slightly higher chance of finding out why he's here without violence."

"Identity theft complete."

"That statement is at odds with everything I know about you. Still, at least it will give me more time to prepare."
For once, a rare moment of genre-savviness in a DC character. But then., he's probably been getting calls about OL and his group for the last two weeks now... That would try the patience of a saint.

"I'll let you know how it goes. Illustres out."

"Identity theft complete."

I shut down the ring communication and look at my squadron. Xor is making the hull good for transport, while Onik is assimilating the crew. Dul on the other hand is giving me her full attention.
Oh, boy. I get the feeling she's looking to 'prove herself'...

"More powerful than you?"

"Come and talk to me again in four hundred years."
Exactly 400, if the listed birthdate is right (1612).

"Humans don't live four hundred years."

"It's unusual, but it does happen. Vandal Savage is about forty eight thousand years old and Nommo Balewa is around eleven thousand."
And if she doesn't recognise the names, a quick database read will inform her easily enough. I bet the Maltusian database's summarised entry on Earth went from 'harmless' to 'mostly harmless, beware of atypical individuals'...

She regards me with the scepticism of someone who fully expects to be wrong but who can't let that go unchallenged. "Forty eight thousand years."

"He doesn't have a lot to show for it, honestly. Other than the fact that most of my species is descended from him. But anyway, Lord Malvolio appears to have transcended his physiology by just being that good a Lantern. My friend Alan's done something similar with the blue light."
How is Alan doing these days, anyway? I'm guessing it's not really sinking in about the whole 'proto-elemental' thing yet.

I turn back to our other colleagues.

"Can the two of you cope without us?"
Honestly, they're pretty well-adjusted, I think they got this.

"Yes, Illustres." / "Yes Illustres."

"Lantern Dul, you're on wingman duty. Both eyes open, speak only in response to direct questions. If things turn violent, run. Clear?"
I rather expect she'd hesitate at the 'run' part, until she sees just how powerful Malvolio is for herself...

"Run where?"

"Good question. Ah. Let's say 'Maltus'. Clearer?"
Yeah, sounds about right. A group of Maltusians is about the best option for cooling down a rampaging elemental...

"Yes, Illustres."

"Right then. Warp in two, one, now."

Space bends and… I can see the brilliant green glow that marks Lord Malvolio's location. At least I hope that's Lord Malvolio, because otherwise there are two ludicrously powerful Green Lanterns around the place.
Hmm... But is he alone, or has he brought a whole ship-full of a worthy retinue with him? Not that anything could be dangerous to him, but as a nobleman, he does have a certain expectation of lifestyle...

"Why do you think he's here?"

"This is the galaxy's centre for green light worship. I suspect he's here to pick up people interested in his heterodox version of the faith."
Heterodoxy, for clarification. In short: An opinion or doctrine that differs from the accepted norm. Usually applied in a religious context...

:rolleyes: Oooh, boy. And I thought the Renegade had a lot on his plate. I bet as soon as Dox hears about this, he's going to wish he had time to just put his head in his hands and groan. Could be noteworthy for Hinon, though: another Human-descended spectrum elemental. Might be an interesting data-point. We'll see tomorrow what happens... Ready the snacks, folks.
Ah... For those who don't remember, he was last there at the end of Cold Iron. And didn't part on the best of terms with Lord Malvolio...

That's Paul for ya.

He levels an impression as either someone you can like even though he's a massive weirdo, or you consider him a lunatic and hate him.

I don't think there's a middle ground.

Well, when you look at it the right way, Barry was serving under your command... I expect Malvolio would hold the actions of a subordinate against their leader...

Technically Paul may be his subordinate.

Or at least they're both teammates, but neither is the others superior.

Though Malvolio may view him responsible either way.

o_O I'm sorry, how will that improve matters

This is Paul.

If he didn't give a badly thought out suggestion he wouldn't be himself.

Yeah, probably a better idea. At least until they can determine just what Malvolio's here for.

As mentioned previously he could be here for recruits or he could be here to learn some new tricks.

Now that he's active again, he may want to increase his skill set.

For once, a rare moment of genre-savviness in a DC character. But then., he's probably been getting calls about OL and his group for the last two weeks now... That would try the patience of a saint.

The Angels can attest that Paul can annoy saints.

How is Alan doing these days, anyway? I'm guessing it's not really sinking in about the whole 'proto-elemental' thing yet.

I think he knows about it but just doesn't think about it too much.

Hmm... But is he alone, or has he brought a whole ship-full of a worthy retinue with him?

When Paul mentioned a potential second Lantern I thought he either figured out how to make rings himself or even potentially can do something similar like renegade, as in turn people know elementals.

. I bet as soon as Dox hears about this, he's going to wish he had time to just put his head in his hands and groan

I think whenever Paul comes up he prepares for this.
Lord Malvolio spends the next four hundred years going from door to door

"Hi, can I have a moment of your time to talk to you about Heresy against the Lantern Corps?"

"Do you never give up?!"

TBF you don't end up like him by being weak willed.
idk, Mormons at least say you can be saved; Jehovah's Witnesses think that everyone that's going to the best heaven have already gotten there and you're just trying to get a ticket for a seat in coach.
As I understand it Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 10,000 souls will get into Heaven and an "unknown number" already have, with the rest going to Hell if they don't get one of the remaining slots.

Which always makes me question why they are trying to get converts all the time if they think 1) it won't actually save them and 2) if it does save them they're taking a slot in Heaven away from you, lowering your chances of avoiding Hell. Also 10k is an insultingly low number that shows a failure of scale.
Dont this Renegate fusion mean that now when he says he is Grayven, he is actualy saying truth? He is no longer faking being DC Grayven from Apokolopis, he is is one. Hell the fact he could fuse like this means that even before as far as Source was concerned he already was a Grayven.
Dont this Renegate fusion mean that now when he says he is Grayven, he is actualy saying truth? He is no longer faking being DC Grayven from Apokolopis, he is is one. Hell the fact he could fuse like this means that even before as far as Source was concerned he already was a Grayven.

The SI doesn't know.
A Waltz in Orange and Green (part 2)
10th September 2012
08:59 GMT

The fleet he's brought -and I can feel the green from the other side of the system- is large, but it's 'escort important head of state' large, rather than 'you're now being invaded' large. There are a wide variety of ship configurations so I'm going to assume that they haven't settled on a doctrine-.

No, that's not what this is. Each species under his aegis has sent a small flotilla. He's showing that he rules a multi-species polity. Communicating that there's no reason why you couldn't be one of them. Most empires have a core species and then treat others better or worse depending on their philosophy. Krypton generally treated the worlds they dominated alright, though any active resistance was put down comprehensively as a reminder that it wasn't a negotiation. Controllers are excellent people to be ruled by, as the populations they've rehoused will attest. At the far opposite end of the spectrum, we have the Reach and their quicksand approach to empire building: looking relatively harmless until you're stuck and then pulling you under and drowning you.

He wants to be clear to everyone seeing this galaxy's centre of Lanternism that that isn't how he does things.

"Ring, contact… Squire Wallace."

"Communication request sent."

Because when Lord Malvolio ends a conversation with 'This is not the end', it's probably best to find out exactly what he meant by that first.

A construct holoprojector appears in front of me, and a moment later an image of Lord Malvolio's personal assistant shimmers into being.

"Lantern-." He starts in surprise. "Orange Lantern. This is… Unexpected. What brings you here?"

"Access to records concerning past Lanterns second only to those of Oa. I assume that your master is here for much the same reason?"

"I would not presume to answer such a question on his behalf."

"Fair enough. The locals are a little concerned about your fleet being here. Would you care to relay your master's intentions?"

"He has requested that any Lantern who makes contact be conveyed into his presence at the earliest opportunity."

"I wasn't certain if -given our past altercation- such a request would include me."

"He directly stated that it included Lantern Jordan. You weren't mentioned, but I have no reason to believe that he holds you in greater disfavour."

"Okay. I'm available now. Is there a queue?"

"No, you are invited immediately. Please come to the command cruiser at once."

"Certainly. I will be with you shortly."

I end the communication, glancing at Lantern Dul as I do so. I could bring her with me, even if she ended up having to wait outside during my meeting. On the other hand, if it came to a fight, she'd just be in the way. And it would be useful to have someone out here keeping an eye on things.

"Lantern Dul, monitor things from here. Let me know if the fleet makes any overtly aggressive action."

Her eyes are locked on the ship upon which I can feel Lord Malvolio's presence.

"That's a human?"


Hm. I'm not going to try stepping out anywhere near Lord Malvolio again and space warping seems… Dubiously wise. Instead, I make an inertia-suppression drive construct and use that to fly across the system, careful to avoid looking at my own sensor readings as I go.

These things are slow and require huge amounts of power when compared to other faster than light systems, to say nothing of the… Physics anomalies which can sometimes result from incautious use. But I've survived contact with an actual deliberate time machine, so I'm not too worried. And almost no one bothers trying to interdict them for much the same reasons that no one really uses them and because no one really uses them, which means that Lord Malvolio almost certainly won't. No one in Sector 1634 had the technology, so…

And I'm here, lights illuminating… I think that's a landing bay, though it doesn't appear to have a significant quantity of fighters or bombers inside. Visitor landing? Or perhaps Lord Malvolio's private landing area. I dismiss my construct and fly to it at a more sedate pace. Hm, multi-layer atmosphere shield. Usually ship builders consider that to be unnecessary, as it's easier to throw up an impermeable shield or actual armour if something goes wrong with the first one. Not sure what that says about Lord Malvolio or his ship builder. There's enough space in here for a shuttle or two, but it's empty at the moment. I wonder-?

A door in the side of the room opens, and Wallace walks in with an escort of two soldiers. Dreadnaughts wearing primitive looking power armour. Their species was one of the most active during the wars following Lord Malvolio's disappearance, and not as a unified faction. I'm glad for the neighbours that they've accepted his return, and nervous for their slightly more distant neighbours that they've accepted his return.

"Orange Lantern. Thank you for arriving so promptly."

"No trouble, Wallace. Is his lordship at home?"

"He is on the ship and eager to speak with you."

I fly closer and land just ahead of him, his bodyguards appearing not at all troubled.

"Lead the way, then."

He walks back between his bodyguards and through the door by which he entered, and I walk along beside him. The guards fall in behind us, their greater size making them take one step for every three of ours.

"Has Lord Malvolio given any indication of how he feels about our last encounter?"

"In what sense, sir?"

"The Flash's gross violation of Lord Malvolio's hospitality. I rather assumed that he would hold us all responsible."

"It is true, he was quite enraged. Since then, however, I have had the liberty to visit the Earth, and learn a little more of what the Sheeda did that so enraged your party."

"You've visited Earth?"

"Covertly. Lord Malvolio was mindful that his personal arrival would have been somewhat provocative, and I did not wish to draw undue attention unto myself." He frowns mildly. "Still, the behaviour of The Flash seemed to be somewhat at odds with his typical character."

"A normal war might last years, but individual soldiers won't spend more than a tiny proportion of that actually fighting. The Justice League fought multiple times each day for months on end, for the entire war. The Flash moves at supernatural speed, but for him the rest of the world slows down. For him, each fight wasn't minutes or hours, it was days or years. Or longer. He spent centuries of subjective time looking at all of the evils the Sheeda inflicted on humanity at close range."

"I see. Yes, his behaviour is a good deal more explicable when viewed in that light. What has become of him?"

"At the time, not a lot. With things how they were, we just couldn't spare him. Now, he's on a leave of absence and getting therapy. We can't risk someone with his abilities losing control of himself like that again."

"And the Sheeda? What of them?"

"Very few Sheeda were captured alive. In theory, those held by various Earth nations should have been handed over to the special tribunals that were set up by the agreement of Earth's governments to try and punish them for their actions during the war. Most were found guilty of capital crimes, though a few didn't meet the required threshold. Those are in prison."

"And so die the Sheeda."

"Not necessarily. I would be surprised if some of the more powerful countries didn't offer a few sanctuary in exchange for their knowledge of magic or biotechnology. And… The Sheeda are humans from the far future. In theory, our descendants will become like them. It's just a matter of time."

"A most disquieting thought."

"Possibly due to our studying the biological material they brought back with them."

"Why would anyone desire to become such as they?"

"One gene sequence to grant greater longevity, one for faster wound healing, another for visual acuity or intelligence. Immunity to cancer…" I shrug. "Improving yourself seems like a good idea, and then eventually you look back and wonder how you got where you are."

"A subject on which we could both opine."

I just nod.
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Krypton generally treated the worlds they dominated alright, though any active resistance was put down comprehensively as a reminder that it wasn't a negotiation.

Such as leaving one species endangered.

Okay. I've available now.

'I'm available'

That's a human?"


Half human.

Still, the behaviour of The Flash seemed to be somewhat at odds with his typical character."

The guy did spend months dealing with the Sheeda and their shit.

Seeing people be melted down so they could be turned into Sheeda materials.

Wouldn't surprise me if the process didn't kill the people since the Sheeda wanted them to be alive even after they're converted.

A normal war might last years, but individual soldiers won't spend more than a tiny proportion of that actually fighting. The Justice League fought multiple times each day for months on end, for the entire war. The Flash moves at supernatural speed, but for him the rest of the world slows down. For him, each fight wasn't minutes or hours, it was days or years. Or longer. He spend centuries of subjective time looking at all of the evils the Sheeda inflicted on humanity at close range."

Yeah, someone mentioned this the first time the Flash's actions came up.

"Very few Sheeda were captured alive. In theory, those held by various Earth nations should have been handed over to the special tribunals that were set up by the agreement of Earth's governments to try and punish them for their actions during the war. Most were found guilty of capital crimes, though a few didn't meet the required threshold. Those are in prison

And others I'm betting were just killed after being captured with no trial.

Not necessarily. I would be surprised if some of the more powerful countries didn't offer a few sanctuary in exchange for their knowledge of magic or biotechnology. And… The Sheeda are humans from the far future. In theory, our descendants will become like them. It's just a matter of time."

You do have Melmoth, so you can ask him how they came about and figure out about Starbreaker and stop him.
Earth has so many examples of enhancement technology, it seems very unlikely they would only settle on Sheeda genes.

Can someone remind me how ParaPaul dealt with the Sheeda? He went to the future too, right? But then traveled back?

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