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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

10th September 2012
09:05 GMT

"Orange Lantern Paul. Or should I say, Lord Illustres?"

The room in which Lord Malvolio is receiving me is a smaller version of his audience chamber/throne room back on his space station. The throne is absent, the smaller space not requiring the same gallantry to dominate. It's replaced with a heavy curved stool which both supports him and subtly emphasises his huge size.
Though hardly simple or undecorated, no doubt. Still, good to see him not flaunting rank here. I guess having taken some time to reflect, his anger has cooled off a lot. So, we're not looking at a punitive expedition...

"Either is accurate. I am an Orange Lantern and my rank is Illustres. In some cultures that warrants the appellation 'lord', but the Orange Lantern Corps has no such title structure. Either are preferable to 'wyrmling'."

"Lord Illustres, then. Why have you come here?"
Well, when someone as... Potent as you goes a-travelling, those in his path naturally feel some concern...

"I wish to improve my abilities as a trainer. The records on Karax are excellent, and I hope to learn from them."

"There are other men such as you, who wield orange light as I wield green?"
Surprised that comes as a surprise. The term Illustres does convey a measure of rank and command. And one as well-read as Malvolio presumably was would have heard of the usage in later Roman times.

"There are a large number of other Orange Lanterns, yes. I have a particular relationship with the orange light which none have entirely been able to replicate, much as I have not seen any Green Lanterns who have… Developed their abilities quite as you have."

"None at all? The thought vexes me and leaves me discomported."
The thought that he might be unique amongst those who wield Will? I suppose after this long, he has some desire for peers.

"Humans appear to have a natural affinity for certain types of exotic energy. It may be due to our world being naturally rich in magic; my studies on the subject are incomplete."

"Other than Harold Jordan, who amongst our people serves the Guardians of Oa?"
Probably a good idea to keep mum about the White Entity, after all. Since most of Earth's uniqueness stems from that.

"May I ask why you wish to know?"

He frowns mildly, staring directly at me.

"If I meant them ill, I would have acted upon my intent long before this day. I wish to learn of them that I may learn of myself."
Yes, definitely looking for more men like himself. Brothers in the Green Light who share the same gifts and burdens.

"I apologise. The true names of certain empowered heroes is not usually public knowledge; you are asking me for privileged information that I am not necessarily at liberty to share."

The stare decreases in intensity, but the frown does not fade.
Probably a measure of confusion at the concept of a secret identity. Since such things - concealing the identity of an executioner, for example - would have rare in his Earthly days.

"Their names are secret? Is that a measure to ward off witchcraft?"

"Ah, might do, actually. It's more that… There was a certain… I'm sorry, I don't know much about the politics of the era in which you grew up."
Well, at least you have someone to ask about it now. Imagine the things you could learn about history, if only as anecdotal stories, from someone who was there...

"I am disposed to assume that matters of disestablishment and limits of parliamentary authority have been resolved; intractable as they did seem, it has been the passing of four centuries as the Earth measures time."

I frown. "I'm sorry; when exactly did you leave?"

"Shortly after the news of the decapitation of King Charles reached mine home in Salford."
So sometime in 1649, going by that. Yes, quite a bit has changed in that time. I hope OL isn't going to...

"Oh, the English Civil War! Yes! Ah, England still has an established church but attendance is not mandatory and individuals are free to practice whatever faith they like or none at all. And after the parliamentary government collapsed, and after Cromwell reigned as a tyrant and eventually died, Charles the Second was invited back into the country to take the throne. He did alright, but he was succeeded by his brother who was so unpopular that parliament invited his daughter and her husband to take over which more or less established parliamentary supremacy, though the eventual shift in power from the House of Lords to the House of Commons wasn't completed for another two hundred years."
...Ah. Please, OL, try to contain your urge to exposit. You can discuss history later.

"Doth that bear any relation to the true name of Earth's other Lanterns?"

"Ah. No, I suppose not. I just thought that you might find it interesting. Essentially, the masked vigilante tradition arose in America, where those involved would wear masks to protect themselves against prosecution for their unlawful activity by the authorities they shamed with their superlative achievements. It also served to protect their friends and families from retaliation by the criminals they fought. And while some of Earth's Lanterns have their names in the public domain, not all do."
Heh, even Malvolio's not that interested in English history. Still, I suppose he might be curious as to the fate of some of those he knew back in the day. And a good way to frame the Cape Culture to someone not used to the modern age.

"Tis a strange thing, but I will not require you to betray their confidence."

"Thank you. Alan Scott picked up a green power ring in the nineteen thirties, and… Various things happened and he has a blue one now. Guy Gardner and Anya Savenlovich have green rings and public identities, while Green Lantern Two Eight One Four A's identity is not public knowledge."
"They come in blue, too? Are there ones for all the colours of the rainbow, then?" Surprised Malvolio didn't comment about that. Though unless OL was popping up images of each Lantern, I doubt names alone will mean much.

"Then there are four human Green Lanterns at present."

"Yes. Oh, and Carol Ferris has a violet ring. That's it at the moment. Aside from you, obviously."
Admittedly, she's not from this Earth, but I suspect dropping 'Oh, there's multiple universes' on him might be a bit much.

"I do not know the habits of the Guardians of Oa well, but that number strikes me an uncommonly high. Wallace, bring refreshment."

"At once, my lord."
:D Yes, you'd think there was something atypical about Earth, wouldn't you? Imagine, having four serving Green Lanterns all at once. On one planet! Even if his ring had a severely truncated database (as Alan's did) he'd surely have heard about the two-per-sector rule...

He turns and leaves the audience chamber, presumably to head in the direction of the kitchens.

"Would you like a seat? As sovereign lord of all I survey I seldom play host to those who are my peers, but it seems that you are more in the manner of a near-equal."
Indeed he is. Not quite the exact same manner of near-elemental as Malvolio, but he does have the ear (and Heart) of an Embodiment of Light... Though I wonder if Malvolio knows of such things... And now I wonder how Ion would get along with Malvolio.

"Thank you."

I float a little way into the air, then generate a construct stool in the same style as the one he's sitting on, but a little smaller and plainer.
A necessity to keep at the same eye-level, eh? Since Malvolio is quite the big guy.

"What brings you to Karax, Lord Malvolio? The local Green Lantern is concerned, given that you were on poor terms with the Guardians."

"I mean the man no malice. It would not be proper to blame every knight for the conduct of their king. My purpose here is peaceful pilgrimage, that I may learn the lore of the light I wield with my will."
Ah, so it is a friendly visit. Presumably the fleet accompanying him is an honour guard of sorts. Not that he needs it, but a man of his rank, well...

"That… Might be difficult. The abbot of the order with one of the better libraries recently betrayed them, and a replacement hasn't been appointed yet. I suspect that the local Green Lantern is under orders not to aid you, and he's considered to be the authority around here. A lot of what they record is publically accessible, but a lot isn't."

"I would not wage war while peaceful paths are available. But what of you, Lord Illustres?"
Ah. So the Orange Lanterns might find themselves evicted if the new Abbot of the temple hosting them bears a grudge over his predecessor's retirement. That could be awkward.

"I'm happy to share with you. I'm curious about how a human becomes.. something like you. Blue Lantern Alan Scott is a good friend of mine, and he's.. not entirely a corporeal human any longer."

"His nature is now akin to mine own?"
Not quite as advanced, I think. But then, he is only a century old, and spent less time with the Green Light. Still, given the healing nature of Blue Light use, he's going to have plenty of time to see what happens.

"That would be my guess. The Atlanteans have a good understanding of the mechanics of the human soul, but their knowledge of alien technology is much worse. Magicians have always been able to bind themselves to power beyond themselves, but that wouldn't explain why some Lanterns undergo such a change and others don't."

"The mortal soul is a thing to be weighed and measured?"
Science has come a long way since your time, Malvolio. Especially the sciences of magic.

"I have personally been to both Heaven and Hell. I don't recommend either, though Hell's the more honest."

"You have sojourned as Dante led by Virgil to the realms of the blessed and blighted dead?"
Not quite as long and storied a trip as the Divine Comedy, but yes, you might say that.

"Earth is a strange place filled with strange people. Would you like the full tale?"

He manages a small smile, though his missized lips make it look a little off.
A measure of Uncanny Valley at seeing a normal person of such size, eh? Given that sizes beyond six feet tend to have quirks of proportion, I can see it. On the other hand, OL is familiar with more exotic humanoid forms, so it's not going to creep him out much.


"Then I should probably start with the reason for my first visit…"
Ah, sharing stories. Quite the pleasant pastime of Malvolio's day, eh? Might want to let Lantern Dul know all is well so far, though?

Okay, that went much better than expected. Once OL lets everyone know Malvolio's not here to make trouble, I expect things will be a bit calmer. Perhaps he can even be persuaded to visit Maltus one day, so Hinon can look over his enhancements. But that's for the future, methinks. At this point, though, this sounds like a good chance for a time-skip and a cutaway back to Renegade or another alternate.
I love the whole 'peacful resolution' thing going on here, it's nice and enjoyable.

Paul and Marv, just a pair of bro's shootin' the breeze.

Can't wait for the local greenie to get ideas and fuck it up because the guardians don't like the idea of a Green/Orange 'Alliance'/Friendship. :V
I love the whole 'peacful resolution' thing going on here, it's nice and enjoyable.

Paul and Marv, just a pair of bro's shootin' the breeze.

Can't wait for the local greenie to get ideas and fuck it up because the guardians don't like the idea of a Green/Orange 'Alliance'/Friendship. :V

Or Paul will fuck this up himself.

Or Malvolio has alternative motives for coming here and is now just acting friendly.
Ah. Please, OL, try to contain your urge to exposit. You can discuss history later.

This is Paul.

Showing off is a pretty big characteristic.

Heh, even Malvolio's not that interested in English history

To be fair I don't think a lot of people are.

I think most know things like Shakespeare, Victoria and Churchill, but aside from that nothing.

Ah. So the Orange Lanterns might find themselves evicted if the new Abbot of the temple hosting them bears a grudge over his predecessor's retirement. That could be awkward.

Or they may be thanked since they exposed a very deep corruption.

Science has come a long way since your time, Malvolio. Especially the sciences of magic.

In places like Atlantis maybe, but I doubt Malvolio went there, and the magic on the surface world may not have advanced all that much.

Not quite as long and storied a trip as the Divine Comedy, but yes, you might say that.

Funny thing, the Divine Comedy is basically a self insert story.

A guy goes on an adventure and meets his heroes and a bunch of people he hates.
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I imagine that the local GL is screaming internally as Paul sits down for a nice tea with the scary uber lantern.

Also the guardians are screaming internally at the thought of those two co-operating.
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Funny thing, the Divine Comedy is basically a self insert story.

A guy goes on an adventure and meets his heroes and a bunch of people he hates.
IIRC, it's widely believed by scholars that the origin of the story was Dante fantasizing about people being put where he thought they belonged, and then he decided to show others (the story being so well-known would greatly please him for that reason, methinks). So, both a Bible fanfic and a revenge fic.
Well, he is human. From Earth, no less. It was a long time ago, but there's still a history there.

Half human who grew up on Earth. What his father was has never been revealed.

Marvollo winding up as an ally would fit Paragon's MO lol.

Priest had the intention of having him form a team of Freedom Fighters with him, Ray, Black Condor, Phantom Lady, the Hawks (Hawkman and woman, or Hawkman and girl? He didn't elaborate), Starman, and Arion of Atlantis.

DC passed on the idea.
A thing that seems interesting to me is that this guy says "our people" when talking about humans, so he sees a degree of kinship to them

Humanity, in works of fiction, often is shown as a state of mind rather than a state of being.

We have yet to see if reality will follow suit, but I would like to believe that it shall.
A Waltz in Orange and Green (supplementary, Renegade Option)
10th September 2012
09:05 GMT

"…to people. Assess the mood of the place. This would be a frustrating time for them to turn on us."

"Yes, lord." Sinthia nods, then turns away to get in touch with whatever contacts she has amongst the Citizenry's citizens.

Gone? Good. I find myself relaxing a little. With the various factions of Vega awkwardly co-existing with as little contact with possible it's been possible for me to perform flying visits by hush tube to reassure my allies that I'm me and that this is just a scheme to avoid further bloodshed. Myand'r got Blake to check me over, but he seemed willing to go along with it. The Tamaranean navy did… Okay. Frankly, it's not yet big enough to have a large impact separate from the Orange Lantern Corps, but Dox wasn't complaining and that's practically a ringing endorsement.

I can feel how much less happy with me Tamaran is. They are more willing to bleed for victory than not bleed for a negotiated settlement. I understand and to a degree sympathise, but it's a foolish impulse. I hope that we'll be able to drum that mindset out of the fleet at least.

The Citizenry doesn't really have guards, but some soldiers make a point of getting out of my way as I walk towards the doors to what used to be Astarte's quarters. The door opens as I reach my destination, and I spend a moment watching over Donna and Diana's shoulders as the giant silver snake on the wall monitor eats its way through yet another population.

I bite down my initial thought, and toss a noise-canceller down as the door closes.


Diana remains entranced by the spectacle, but Donna turns to me. She's clearly not taking this well. I'm-.


I don't really know what I am. But becoming half Apokoliptian in fact hasn't made me more sensitive to slaughter.

"Why did they..? Do any of this?"

"How would I know?"

She's clearly not happy about that. "I thought you had the other Grayven's memories."

"Yes, but he only made contact with Astarte a decade or so ago. And they only started fighting alongside one another a little over a year ago. Grayven-. He's old, but the galaxy is a big place. And the memories I got don't really have a common point of reference so I can't even tell you how old." I nod at the monitor. "Look, I get it's horrific, but there's nothing much to be gained at this juncture by watching all of the worlds they murdered get murdered. Are any of them suitable for habitation in the short term?"

"They are all heavily picketed." Diana shakes her head, her eyes remaining transfixed on the screen. "And I doubt that the Green Lantern Corps would be willing to leave the Citizenry their spacecraft."

"I can use the Orrery to create new small rocky worlds in Vega, but they wouldn't really be liveable for a while. Even if we use cold guns to speed up the solidification process, you've still got the atmosphere... Or rather, they wouldn't. Or soil."

I shrug.

"Hinon… Controller Hinon had another option."

"If it is better than the nothing I have, I will hear it."

"The Controllers are fighting the Reach. They're a pretty evil empire on the other side of the galaxy. The Controllers can always use more ships and soldiers, and they're willing to build a planet for the Citizenry if they agree to provide both. The Reach are who Grayven was fighting before he heard about me, so the Citizenry are already familiar with them."

"That would mean encouraging their warlike ways."

"Yes. This is what ruling somewhere that isn't an isolated island in the Aegean is like. This is what it means to leave your enemies alive. You will be constantly choosing between things you don't really want to do. Learn to enjoy it, or else you'll be miserable for a very long time."

Diana turns off the screen and then turns around to face me.

"I never expected to rule Themyscira. And now that I must rule a people I find I am unprepared for it."

I shrug.

"Technically, I can help with that. But you'd need to pledge yourself to me for me to be able to share my insight, and I don't think that's desirable. Of course, you… Could ask Queen Hippolyta to handle it. It's not like Themyscira really needs her."

"When things are more settled I will be discussing the situation with her at length. Including your suggestion that we simply wipe my aunt's memory."

"Do you have any plans for your cousin?"

"We are currently weaning her off all of the chemicals they were using to allow her to fight at our level. I do not even know if she will survive."

"Knockout managed to knock some sense into Persuader. You could just hand Theana over to me. She won't enjoy it much and I doubt that she'll reform, but I'll make sure that she's better directed and controlled."

"I believe that she.. can be made whole."

"Oh, I do too. I'm just not sure that spending all the time that would be required to do that on a single individual while the future of the Citizenry is in your hands is efficient." My eyes dip as I shake my head. "I didn't mean for that to sound like I'm enjoying your discomfort. It's just-."

She nods. "These are the decisions that a person must make when they are a ruler."

"Or not make them, and bear the responsibility for the outcome with none of the control. Alright, time for me to get checked out by Scott again. Donna, do you want a lift back to Earth?"

"No, I'm-. I'm going to stay. College will still be there in a year, and I-. You're right. I'm going to take some of that responsibility."

"Welcome to godhood. The hours are constant and the work is hard, but after a while you feel like a round peg finally being slotted into a round hole. Mother Box, hush tube."


I step out into the all too familiar New God diagnosis room in Scott's basement. Barda's gone back into mid-level hostile from the barely catty level we had managed to achieve, while Scott…

"Grayven. Sit down." "I'll never believe that people shouldn't have freedom, but maybe in your case you should exercise it a little less."

I sit down.

"So how badly have I messed up this time?" "I can no more defy my nature than you can."

"It's not how badly you messed up, it's how badly you're messed up."


He glances down at his Mother Box and nods.

"It's definitely the Omega Force. Have you actually tried using it?"

"No, I'm not that stupid." "I don't like unmaking things."

Barda regards Scott with a stony face. "How is that possible? Darkseid absorbed the Omega Force to become Darkseid."

"I don't know. How does it feel?"

I shrug. "It doesn't feel like anything much. Though whether that's because I have so many memories of it being there that it doesn't feel strange, or because it's not as active as Life Equals Pain I don't know."

He shakes his head. "That doesn't sound right."

No. It doesn't. "Or it's because it conflicts less with my nature. Eliminating my enemies is perfectly in tune with Conquest where being miserable all the time isn't. Any idea how we can store it outside of me?"

"Why not just get the ponies to shoot it again?"

"Just keeping my options open. This isn't crippling me and I might need it."

"I…" He shrugs. "I don't know how to do that, and I think if Himon did then he'd have said something by now."

"So we can't do it?"

"So we'll have to ask Metron."

Oh bother.
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