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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Veganism (part 24)
1st September 2012
16:23 GMT

"Good." I nod to Artemis as Queen Clryssa signs the paper that we'll be tearing up as soon as I've had time to re-crew the Absolute Dominion. "Convey this to the pretender's followers. If they will abide by it, the truce will begin as soon as knowledge of it can be communicated to my captains."

"Yes, Lord Grayven."
It feels so wrong to hear her say it like that. I know it's just a scheme but it shouldn't be happening!
The hush tube makes no noise as it opens, and Sinthia looks mildly curious as Artemis appears to vanish into thin air. Right. Grayven wouldn't-.

A flash of memory, the techniques he used for gathering information. Advanced scouts in ships designed to fit in with mercenary crowds more or less just asking around. Asking governments about work in what appears to have effectively been an upgraded phishing scam, telling them where there might be bribable defenders or weak points. Looking around in a mildly suspicious but in-character sort of way. Beyond that, he relied on the astonishingly good sensors on the Absolute Dominion and boom tubed commandoes.

Not a master of covert operations. In fact, I'd rate-.

For one horrible moment I can't distinguish between the two sets of memories. Like there aren't two distinct sets, and I'm forced to think about every single one before I know whether it started as mine or not. I don't let it show on my face, not with his allies present. But I'm going to need to talk to someone about that.

From what Grayven learned, the Orrery was created by angelic-looking creatures as a tool for controlling the Vega Systems. Supposedly, they hid it here when Larfleeze started fighting them, which… Might explain why he thought it was a good idea to bring the Orange Central Power Battery here when on the run from the Guardians. They might consider a thief to be beneath their notice, but an intrusion from creatures like the Guardians would be more likely to provoke a response.

Its very existence is an existential threat to everything in Vega. I'd like to move it, but I don't know if I can risk it. Leaving it here -particularly when the queen is likely to be quite angry with me- isn't something I really want to do.

But here's the problem. Grayven kept Sinthia around him most of the time. He wouldn't leave her to guard something like this. Ovula and Muliebria would be treated like that, but they lack the discipline to make good guards and neither of them were the brains of the outfit. They might play with it, or be distracted if Gavyn broke in and did something regrettable to it.

Hang on, didn't Komand'r say something about Thanagarian mercenaries..? Yes, from both sets of memories. The Blades of Alstair. Floraphiles then, but it's not like I wanted good relations with Thanagar. Ring, send them a message.

By your command.

"Ace." Again, I don't visibly wince. "Remain here until relieved. Study the artefact but take no chances. I would not have my prize destroyed."

"Yes, Lord Grayven." **You can do this, Daddy.**

**I hope you're right.**

Because I'm going to be surrounded by people with no reason to wish me well. If Grayven had had the time to turn Sinthia into a New God, or if his relations with Father were good enough-. With Darkseid were good enough to ask for an assistant, this would… Not be going well.

And that's without worrying about what he's going to make of this.

Mother Box.


"With me, all of you."

I walk through the hush tube, appearing on the bridge of the Absolute Dominion. No one took my s-. His station… My station during my absence, but the ranking officer makes a gesture of acquiescence as he sees me. Sinthia follows as I resume my station, the ship easily accepting my return as it feeds information to my metaphysique. I don't say anything out loud, I merely will it so and the transmission systems ready themselves to relay the queen's message.

Sinthia comes through the hush tube next, followed by the queen and the zamarons. I smile as I point to the spot the queen will be using to make the broadcast, while Sinthia resumes the executive officer station and the other two take something approximating guard stations. I wait until the queen is standing exactly where I told her to before entering the area and activating the privacy screen.


There are limits to what I can do where New God technology is concerned. But I believe that the screen is functioning as directed.

Thank you.

You're welcome. It is… Good to have you back.

I position myself so that the bulk of my body blocks the view of the queen's mouth from the rest of the bridge.

"Okay, it should be safe-."

"I am not happy about this."

"No one's happy about this. If you've got a better idea for resolving this with fewer casualties, then I'm all ears. I'm the one giving up worlds that would have been colonised by the tamaraneans."

"You're obliging me to let my enemies go, to let them destroy our ships and military instillations without recompense!"

Her body posture doesn't change, and her facial expression only changes as much as it needs to in order to add proper vehemence to her words.

"Without Grayven they can't use this ship at anything like full effectiveness, but I'm running on fumes myself and their fleet is more than powerful enough to destroy every city on Kranaltine. This isn't a surrender; this is manipulating an enemy into giving up an advantageous position." I give her a moment to think. "We can try fighting it out if you really want, but your people will suffer a lot more."

"He came here for you."

"Actually, no. I mean, he wanted me dead, but his plan was to marry you and use the Crown Imperium as the starting point for his galactic empire. It being far easier to usurp an existing power hierarchy than to create a new one."

Queen Clryssa is not an attractive woman, physically, mentally or spiritually. Given that her sole claim to power is being the oldest child of the previous monarch I imagine that Grayven's god powers would have reduced her to an ornamental heir factory before too long. I actually feel-. Sympathy. Not for her -if you can't make something of your life with all of the advantage she had, there's really no hope for you- but for him. I'd hate being married to someone like that, and I think at this point I'm half him.

"Also, he had a reserve fleet of cannibals ready to depopulate the region in case his plan didn't work out. I went and dealt with them first, but we're going to be settling them too."

"What will you tell them?"

"That you surrendered and that we're going to be building our population and industrial base before we do anything else. And that since everyone's swearing allegiance to me there's no point in further fighting. That'll maintain the peace until I've sounded a few people out about the truth." I pause. I'd like to shrug, but that's an un-Grayven-like gesture. "Or I use my telepathic servants and innate magics to change how they feel about it and then tell them. Once the shooting stops a plethora of options become available." I pause again. "Or we can try fighting. Mother Box, casualty projections?"


"Quite. Well?"

She hesitates, then nods. "I am ready."

"Go ahead." Hear Us.

"Nobles and soldiers of the Crown Imperium. We have peace."
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Yes, Lord Grayven."
It feels so wrong to hear her say it like that. I know it's just a scheme but it shouldn't be happening !

Nice to see that you're douchiness hasn't increased with the extra Grayven you took in.

For one horrible moment I can't distinguish between the two sets of memories. Like there aren't two distinct sets, and I'm forced to think about every single one before I know whether it started as mine or not. I don't let it show on my face, not with his allies present. But I'm going to need to talk to someone about that.

So paragon wasn't the only one that is mind whammied anymore.

From what Grayven learned, the Orrery was created angelic-looking creatures

'by angelic'

Supposedly, they hid it here when Larfleeze started fighting them,

Oh yeah, Larfleeze ripped off Invictus's wings.

If Grayven had had the time to turn Sinthia into a New God

I don't think that would have been possible, what with her being Tamaranean.

Though he apparently gave her a power ring.

And that's without worry about what he's going to make of this.


Thank you.

You're welcome. It is… Good to have you

Ohh, Sinestro.

I walk to that the bulk of my

'so that'

"He came here for you."

"Actually, no. I mean, he wanted me dead, but his plan was to marry you and use the Crown Imperium as the starting point for his galactic empire. It being far easier to usurp an existing power hierarchy than to create a new one

I think he came for you first and only later on chose to do everything else.
1st September 2012
16:23 GMT

"Good." I nod to Artemis as Queen Clryssa signs the paper that we'll be tearing up as soon as I've had time to re-crew the Absolute Dominion. "Convey this to the pretender's followers. If they will abide by it, the truce will begin as soon as knowledge of it can be communicated to my captains."
And, ideally, she'll let them know the real plan, so as to head off the League haring off to punch 'Grayven' into submission. That would be quite the monkey wrench thrown into the works, certainly.

"Yes, Lord Grayven."
It feels so wrong to hear her say it like that. I know it's just a scheme but it shouldn't be happening!
The hush tube makes no noise as it opens, and Sinthia looks mildly curious as Artemis appears to vanish into thin air. Right. Grayven wouldn't-.
Just claim you took access codes for it from the 'pretender' upon his defeat. She's blindly loyal enough to swallow that, hopefully.

A flash of memory, the techniques he used for gathering information. Advanced scouts in ships designed to fit in with mercenary crowds more or less just asking around. Asking governments about work in what appears to have effectively been an upgraded phishing scam; telling them where there might be bribable defenders or weak points. Looking around in a mildly suspicious but in-character sort of way. Beyond that, he relied on the astonishingly good sensors on the Absolute Dominion and boom tubed commandoes.
Surprisingly sneaky, but then, it is intelligence gathering, not the full-frontal assault that would follow. And digging out potential collaborators is always a good idea. Once you've taken over, you can have them killed for 'disloyalty'.

Not a master of covert operations. In fact, I'd rate-.

For one horrible moment I can't distinguish between the two sets of memories. Like there aren't two distinct sets, and I'm forced to think about every single one before I know whether it started as mine or not. I don't let it show on my face, not with his allies present. But I'm going to need to talk to someone about that.
Yes, you should. This is something you really don't want to let go on for long.

From what Grayven learned, the Orrery was created angelic-looking creatures as a tool for controlling the Vega System. Supposedly, they hid it here when Larfleeze started fighting them, which… Might explain why he thought it was a good idea to bring the Orange Central Power Battery here when on the run from the Guardians. They might consider a thief to be beneath their notice, but an intrusion from creatures like the Guardians would be more likely to provoke a response.
As a reminder: Invictus. A surprising use of New 52 ideas for Mr Zoat. Still, it does make for a useful canon-welding option.

It's very existence is an existential threat to everything in Vega. I'd like to move it, but I don't know if I can risk it. Leaving it here -particularly when the queen is likely to be quite angry with me- isn't something I really want to do.

But here's the problem. Grayven kept Sinthia around him most of the time. He wouldn't leave her to guard something like this. Ovula and Muliebria would be treated like that, but they lack the discipline to make good guards and neither of them were the brains of the outfit. They might play with it, or be distracted if Gavyn broke in and did something regrettable to it.
Since there's still a few stars that need to be put back where they rightfully should be, after all. Assuming they aren't broken beyond repair.

Hang on, didn't Komand'r say something about Thanagarian mercenaries..? Yes, from both sets of memories. The Blades of Alstair. Floraphiles then, but it's not like I wanted good relations with Thanagar. Ring, send them a message.

By your command.
Which would be Paragonverse's Lantern Dul's group, yes? Doubt they'll be quite as congenial as they were there, though.

"Ace." Again, I don't visibly wince. "Remain here until relieved. Study the artefact but take no chances. I would not have my prize destroyed."

"Yes, Lord Grayven." **You can do this, Daddy.**
At least Grayven had few if any telepaths in his service. That'll make it easier for him to re-educate the invading forces.

**I hope you're right.**

Because I'm going to be surrounded by people with no reason to wish me well. If Grayven had had the time to turn Sinthia into a New God, or if his relations with Father were good enough-. With Darkseid were good enough to ask for an assistant, this would… Not be going well.
Well, be thankful they're not, then. Perhaps you had a hand in that, with your whole distraction.

And that's without worry about what he's going to make of this.

Mother Box.

"That's a bridge to cross when we come to it." Indeed, He may well decide you've earned another piece of Anti-Life. At least this time you've got an easy way to remove it quickly.

"With me, all of you."

I walk through the hush tube, appearing on the bridge of the Absolute Dominion. No one took my s-. His station… My station during my absence, but the ranking officer makes a gesture of acquiescence as he sees me. Sinthia follows as I resume my station, the ship easily accepting my return as it feeds information to my metaphysique. I don't say anything out loud, I merely will it so and the transmission systems ready themselves to relay the queen's message.
Excellent. Once he cleans things out, he'll have a nice, shiny new toy to fool around with. And an even bigger stick to perform Diplomancy with.

Sinthia comes through the hush tube next, followed by the queen and the zamarons. I smile as I point to the spot the queen will be using to make the broadcast, while Sinthia resumes the executive officer station and the other two take something approximating guard stations. I wait until the queen is standing exactly where I told her to before entering the area and activating the privacy screen.


There are limits to what I can do where New God technology is concerned. But I believe that the screen is functioning as directed.
Ah, Ringnestro, you devil, you. Smart enough to keep quiet when you have to. Wonder what he thinks of Sinthia's ring existing?

Thank you.

You're welcome. It is… Good to have you back.
A feeling much echoed by many among us. Brief as his absence was...

I walk to that the bulk of my body blocks the view of the queen's mouth from the rest of the bridge.

"Okay, it should be safe-."

"I am not happy about this."
You don't have to be happy, dear. Indeed, it'll make your performance all the more convincing. Worry about having your ruffled feathers soothed when you're not standing in the heart of the enemy's power.

"No one's happy about this. If you've got a better idea for resolving this with fewer casualties, then I'm all ears. I'm the one giving up worlds that would have been colonised by the tamaraneans."

"You're obliging me to let my enemies go, to let them destroy our ships and military instillations without recompense!"
Ships and buildings can be rebuilt. People are just a bit harder to put back together. And the gordanians won't be getting off scot free, if the Renegade has any say in matters.

Her body posture doesn't change, and her facial expression only changes as much as it needs to in order to add proper vehemence to her words.

"Without Grayven they can't use this ship at anything like full effectiveness, but I'm running on fumes myself and their fleet is more than powerful enough to destroy every city on Kranaltine. This isn't a surrender; this is manipulating an enemy into giving up an advantageous position." I give her a moment to think. "We can try fighting it out if you really want, but your people will suffer a lot more."
Exactly. Better to bow and live briefly under the boot, than to have it stomp down until you break...

"He came here for you."

"Actually, no. I mean, he wanted me dead, but his plan was to marry you and use the Crown Imperium as the starting point for his galactic empire. It being far easier to usurp an existing power hierarchy than to create a new one."
And lessen his dependence on the less-than-reliable gordanians, eh?

Queen Clryssa is not an attractive woman, physically, mentally or spiritually. Given that her sole claim to power is being the oldest child of the previous monarch I imagine that Grayven's god powers would have reduced her to an ornamental heir factory before too long. I actually feel-. Sympathy. Not for her -if you can't make something of your life with all of the advantage she had, there's really no hope for you- but for him. I'd hate being married to someone like that, and I think at this point I'm half him.
Yes, she's no Luna. Though I doubt the thing with the alicorn is all that serious yet. Heh. Imagine what Grayven-16 would have thought if he'd learned of it?

"Also, he had a reserve fleet of cannibals ready to depopulate the region in case his plan didn't work out. I went and dealt with them first, but we're going to be settling them too."

"What will you tell them?"
Why tell them anything? Let Diana handle it. Assuming she doesn't do what she did in the comics and leave them unsupervised... But then, Orange Lanterns as neighbours might convince them to play nice.

"That you surrendered and that we're going to be building our population and industrial base before we do anything else. And that since everyone's swearing allegiance to me there's no point in further fighting. That'll maintain the peace until I've sounded a few people out about the truth." I pause. I'd like to shrug, but that's an un-Grayven-like gesture. "Or I use my telepathic servants and innate magics to change how they feel about it and then tell them. Once the shooting stops a plethora of options become available." I pause again. "Or we can try fighting. Mother Box, casualty projections?"
At least you don't have to meet the 'agreement' Grayven came to with Astarte. I doubt anyone would want you and her... :confused: Nope.


"Quite. Well?"
"Yes, it would be messy for all involved..." At least Clyrssa is smart enough to realise that herself...

She hesitates, then nods. "I am ready."

"Go ahead." Hear Us.

"Nobles and soldiers of the Crown Imperium. We have peace."
Something I suspect they're thankful for, given the drubbing the gordanians were giving them...

Well, then. Looks like it's all over bar the talking. Wonder how the Crown Imperium will remember this day? Not fondly, I suspect... And the Renegade didn't come out too badly, despite being blown to smithereens, or absorbed by Grayven, or whatever the hell happened. He might want to get that looked at by the Controllers, or try to make peaceful contact with New Genesis and let their experts get a look at things. No telling what side-effects the mixture of Human and Apokaliptian souls will have...
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Yes, you should. This is something you really don't want to let go on for long.

And let's hope he's learned his lesson and stopped letting things go on for too long.

As a reminder: Invictus. A surprising use of New 52 ideas for Mr Zoat. Still, it does make for a useful canon-welding option.

He has used characters from the n52 from time to time, mostly Lanterns.

The ones he recruited, like Ratchet and that blind woman showed up in the n52 Lantern comics, as well as Nax.

Along with the othe occasional mention or link to a n52 character.

Which would be Paragonverse's Lantern Dul's group, yes? Doubt they'll be quite as congenial as they were there, though.

Not this is a mercenary team working for Alstair.

Paragon met them in a bar and later on contracted them to help kn Tamaran's defences.

Dul showed up much much later.

Ah, Ringnestro, you devil, you. Smart enough to keep quiet when you have to. Wonder what he thinks of Sinthia's ring existing?

Though seriously, what is up with that ring?

Did Grayven kill Sinestro and gave his ring to his second in command, did Sinestro or some Weaponer make it for or what?

The only known powers Sinthia displayed in the comics and in the Earth 50 episode was to create purple energy claws.

try to make peaceful contact with New Genesis and let their experts get a look at things.

I don't think this'll work.
We know that the starting point for the Qwardians is a leader that's trying to shift them to a more mercantile culture than a comqueror. In Paragon's parallel they're arming the Reach with qwa weapons. Here the Reach aren't arming but MulletGrayven was so Synthia getting a ring from the weaponers would fit.
We know that the starting point for the Qwardians is a leader that's trying to shift them to a more mercantile culture than a comqueror.
Actually Varnathon wants his people to be both merchants and conquerors. Traditional Qwardians like Kalmin want to kill everything in the name of the Anti-Monitor, not rule everything.
The G-Gnomes have experience with...sculpting minds, don't they? They should be able to ensure a clear seperation between minds and memories.

I'm not sure if another Harmony blast might help, but worth a try?

Luna can do mind magic as well...
A blast of Harmony could very well destroy the tacked on bits of Renegade.

So I doubt he's going to want to try it.
Zoat, this just now occurred to me but back when Renegade-Artemis came back from the future, shouldn't KF have felt the the difference in her since he's also a New God? It wouldn't have been a big thing but the way the scene plays out makes it look like you forgot that. With multiple storylines going, I think you need an additional beta or something to keep track of all that stuff.
Zoat, this just now occurred to me but back when Renegade-Artemis came back from the future, shouldn't KF have felt the the difference in her since he's also a New God? It wouldn't have been a big thing but the way the scene plays out makes it look like you forgot that. With multiple storylines going, I think you need an additional beta or something to keep track of all that stuff.

Kid Flash may have just not developed his God Powers to a great degree.
Zoat, this just now occurred to me but back when Renegade-Artemis came back from the future, shouldn't KF have felt the the difference in her since he's also a New God? It wouldn't have been a big thing but the way the scene plays out makes it look like you forgot that. With multiple storylines going, I think you need an additional beta or something to keep track of all that stuff.
When was this?
I think he's referring to the Gothamghast parts of Episode 105: Over Reaching.
[Does a quick reread]

Wallace hasn't really gotten in to the whole 'god' part. While he's not totally in denial, he mostly treats it as a fix for his prior problem and his metaphysical bond with Artemis is nothing like as strong as hers with Grayven. That 'did you get taller' thing is him feeling her greater presence but not really understand what he's feeling.
"You're obliging me to let my enemies go, to let them destroy our ships and military instillations without recompense!"
There's an enemy fleet in orbit of your capital world and you were captured by the enemy.

Let's be clear Queenie, he's allowing you to surrender with no further casualties, but with none of the down sides or consequences that normally come from being defeated by an invading force. You're in no position to "let them go."

Stop being a brat and just play your part in the farce, and the war can (hopefully) end without another shot being fired.
Mr Zoat, is there a list of Artemis' New God abilities? I know she can use the rainbow bridge and phasing arrow tricks of Celestial Archer. We recently saw her imbue traits analogous to the Elements of Harmony to her arrows, possibly due to her time in Equestria. She can also sense the magical and/or divine aura of others. Is there anything else?
I don't know if it was mentioned but where are the Tamaraneanians/Orange Lantern core during this fight with Grayven-16?
Sympathy. Not for her -if you can't make something of your life with all of the advantage she had, there's really no hope for you- but for him. I'd hate being married to someone like that, and I think at this point I'm half him.

Don't know anything about her beyond her existence. Can care to share?

Wonder what Wonder Woman is gonna do?
Huh, actually I'd say there's nothing wrong with Clryssa's looks.

And that "her only qualification is being the eldest" makes her both better and worse than in the comics.

She was chosen by the Senate as the preferrable heir, and so by a thousand years of tradition Prince Gavyn was thrown out the airlock.

You can't have your siblings starting a civil war to claim the throne if they're all dead, yes?

Note that Gayvn, aka the future Starman, would have spared his sister if he had been chosen by the Senate.

Fortunately for Prince Gayvn, he's a mutant who can metabolize solar energy which allowed him to survive in space without oxygen. Although considering he's an alien with solar powers, I don't know how everyone resisted some canon wielding and revealing that somewhere in time someone from the Emperial line bonked a Kryptonian.

Mn'Torr found him, saved him from space, and then gave him those bracelets to channel his internal solar energy reservr into flight and energy blasts. Which is why it made no sense that Gayvn's buddy could use his bracelets after his death in the Jack Knight series. What, did he inherit the mutation in Gavyn's will?

So Prince Gayvn became the superhero of an empire that considered him more convenient dead than alive.

Later it was revealed that Mn'Torr's people built the crown that allows the Emperor/Empress blow up planets, so Emperor Gavyn figured Mn'Torr always intended for him to destroy the crown and undo the wrong that Mn'Torr's people committed by giving that device to the first Emperor.
Yes, she's no Luna. Though I doubt the thing with the alicorn is all that serious yet. Heh. Imagine what Grayven-16 would have thought if he'd learned of it?
Luna, the half-ruler of a world that wields a force that can directly interact with and destroy anti-life fragments? Probably be impressed
Random question how tall are the Controllers? In my head, Hinon Hee Hannahn is taller than Paul but shorter than Grayven. I know they can fluctuate their appearance and height at will (pun intended) because the Guardians choose to look like smurfs and the Zamarons are around human height.
Random question how tall are the Controllers? In my head, Hinon Hee Hannahn is taller than Paul but shorter than Grayven. I know they can fluctuate their appearance and height at will (pun intended) because the Guardians choose to look like smurfs and the Zamarons are around human height.
Gosh, no. Hinon looks like a Guardian. The top of her head just about reaches his belly button. Some of the other Controllers are taller.
Gosh, no. Hinon looks like a Guardian. The top of her head just about reaches his belly button. Some of the other Controllers are taller.
By his do you mean Paul? and why the low height is it a choice or is she just short and saw no reason to change it?

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