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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I fire a construct into his neck, burning through enough of his spinal cord that even his regenerative abilities should struggle to restore his mobility anytime soon. Next I cut off his hands and feet and gouge out his eyes.

And that Nylor is why you have an emergency Teleporter on standby with both verbal and bio signs monitor triggers.
A remote destruct for your base is also advised so as to further inconvenience the people who crippled you and help cover your escape.

Seriously man Villain 101!

"I found Nylor Truggs' kryptonite locker."

I land and head towards her voice.

"Are you alright?"

Kara drifts out of the dark, a shimmering black crystal in her right hand.

"Never better."

I smile. "Glad to hear it. Where's the sarcophagus?"
Well this could end badly.

But Kara does look good in black
Hey Zoat, since Paul mentioned golden fire and the Source, does that mean that Noriel has access to theurgy now?

Since I thought she could only perform mortal magic.

Though Garth and Tula managed to summon some theurgy to fight a demon, so I guess she'd be better at it.

The dude didn't consume every bit of DC media in existence prior to getting Isekaied. And Black Kryptonite is extraordinarily rare setting wise.

Look even someone who doesn't even know who superman is would get "Found something in a vault" and "Feel better that ever" and "person is holding something she didn't have before".


Early fanfic Paul would call current fanfic Paul a complete moron for missing that.
"No. After that stunt, he gets a full telepathic trawl until we know everything he's been up to. I'm not assuming anything. Noriel, with me. I'm going to scan that sarcophagus and then you're going to burn it."
Feels like you are playing to the 'I hate Truggs' crowd here.
What 'stunt' did he pull here?
Because from what I was reading, OL called Truggs up on the emergency contact number he was given, committed an act of perfidy by using that to hunt him down, immediately stripped him and took him captive. Then we had a sudden demon interrupt caused by New Kara (who totally isn't a trojan horse) playing around with stuff, then OL uber crippling Truggs to make sure he can't get away.

Where all Truggs has done (or even had the opportunity to do) it talk. And everything else is team OL busting in like the Spanish Inquisition.

Why the hell is OL so pissed and pissy here?

Actually, if what you were afraid of was possible, it would've already happened. Since Native Kara has shielding, the kryptonite isn't affecting her. However, they should probably give Innocent Kara shielding too, just in case black kryptonite can affect her.
Who's to say it didn't already happen, and the reason she can hold it without splitting is because she already split?
Does a Evil twin holding it split again into Evil-light (Token Evil Teammate) and Evil-Dark (edgy edgelord) halves?
X-Kryptonite isn't dangerous to kryptonians or humans exposed to it. It's dangerous to the world at large I guess, but you don't really have to worry if a friend of yours is holding it regardless of species. White kryptonite is also not too bad.

Black Orchid and Queen Hyathis would be giving you dirty looks here. Being plant people.

Silver Kryptonite is basically weed for Kryptonians, so no great harm other than sudden cravings for TacoWhiz runs.

And Periwinkle will only apparently make one die of embarrassment from the spontaneous dancing.
Feels like you are playing to the 'I hate Truggs' crowd here.
What 'stunt' did he pull here?
Because from what I was reading, OL called Truggs up on the emergency contact number he was given, committed an act of perfidy by using that to hunt him down, immediately stripped him and took him captive. Then we had a sudden demon interrupt caused by New Kara (who totally isn't a trojan horse) playing around with stuff, then OL uber crippling Truggs to make sure he can't get away.

Where all Truggs has done (or even had the opportunity to do) it talk. And everything else is team OL busting in like the Spanish Inquisition.

Why the hell is OL so pissed and pissy here?

The stunt in question here is the attack by the demon possessed Supergirl.

The fact that she was in his facility and he seemed to know what to do in order to avoid being attacked by her suggests that he knew she was there and may have had some control over her.

Paul is not going to take a chance with Truggs and will have him scanned to make sure he knows everything.

He's kinda tired of Truggs getting away and causing shit.

This is also not mentioning the fact that Truggs has done a lot of horrible and illegal things before this and is still doing them, like killing innocent people, trying to kill Paul and his teammates more than twice, helping a group that wants to basically enslave the planet under some delusion of improving it.

So the questions isn't why Paul is so pissed, it's why shouldn't he be pissed?

And the whole 'Paul breaking some code by attacking Truggs when they were talking' kinda doesn't make sense.

That would be like saying the cops tracking a phone call with a criminal to determine their location and then arresting them isn't fair.

This isn't a game of cops and robbers.
I'm new to town. What this do?

In WtR Universe, we have yet to see it's observed effects on a Kryptonian, but we do know it, like most forms of Kryptonite, emits radiation.

In the greater DC Multiverse, generally it does bad things, such as driving someone insane, making them split into 'good and evil' halves, or things along those lines.
Future Tense (part 15)
13th September 2012
09:39 GMT -5

I study the sarcophagus for a few moments. As far as I can tell it's not actually all that interesting. It's a tool for confining people tainted with demon magic. Optimistically, I would guess that it might originally have been intended for holding them until an exorcist could be called in. But if whoever they were holding was that dangerous, how would they get them in there in the first place? The next possibility would be sample collection, and… I'm not sure when this would be a superior option to binding chains of some sort. They would even use the same sort of runes.

"Was there a lot of kryptonite?"

"Not much. Just a few small stones."

"And you're sure that you're alright?"

Kara smiles.

"Better than ever. Dana's cataloguing it now."

"She probably doesn't need to bother. I'm just going to destroy it all anyway."

"Oh? You aren't interested in what it does?"

"I know what it does. I took samples from your asteroid. But aside from gold or green they don't have any useful applications, and they only do anything to kryptonians anyway. Noriel, your opinion?"

"Kryptonite does nothing to members of the Host. However, since this human body is vulnerable to cancer I would prefer to avoid it."

"I meant about the sarcophagus. Though I thought that you were resistant to things like that?"

"'Resistant' is not 'immune'." Her flame aura flares. "The sarcophagus was made with demon magic. I will be glad to destroy it."

"Why would they make something to contain one of their own?"

"I see little gain in speculating. The hellspawn fight amongst themselves. One might wish to imprison a rival, or contain a feral demon to use as a weapon. Have you not heard of such things?"

"The demon Rosacarnis dealt with her invulnerable uncle by tricking him into drinking poison, then keeping his body submerged in more of the same poison. Sticking someone in something with a door and no other defences seems like asking for trouble."

Old Kara smiles. "Sounds like my kind of woman. Have you met her?"

"Yes, but only briefly. We didn't talk much."

Noriel's eyes narrow as she turns to glare at Old Kara. "Do not be too quick to praise the fiends of Hell."

"It was pretty clever. She wasn't very old when she came up with it." Hm. "Actually, I know that I said I wanted to destroy this, but the longer I look at it the more I consider possible trading-."

Golden fire blasts out of Noriel's eyes, washing over the sarcophagus. Some of the runes briefly light up but the unholy magic cannot stand before the wrath of Heaven's local contractor. The maybe-ceramic material gets hotter and hotter as the metal melts until-


-it explodes! Red hot ceramic sprays across the warehouse, shattering against Kara's skin and stopping and dropping as it hits my kinetic shield.

Kara's eyes glow red. "Be careful!"

"I destroyed the magic; all that hit you was mundane matter."

"It would have taken me all of half a second to put up a shield. A little consideration wouldn't hurt."

"It was demon magic."

"And it being demon magic for an extra half-second would have hurt how?"

"If a piece of high purity uranium were in a reservoir, would you hesitate to remove it for fear that someone might be splashed?"

"I'd probably be making an umbrella construct at the same time as I made a fishing rod construct, Linda."

Noriel starts, then takes a deep breath. She looks away, nodding.

"That.. is not unreasonable."


Noriel faces Kara. "I apologise."

Kara's eyes dim slightly. "Don't do it again."

"Noriel, perhaps you could check this place for other demonic artefacts. And -please?- document before destroying. We will need to present what we find in court in order to convict Truggs."

She nods, then turns and flies away down the corridor.

"So; what now?"

"Now the clumsy bitch has gone? Why don't we talk about Jade?"

"I'd rather talk about that black kryptonite you're holding."

"This?" She lifts it up slightly, smiling at she stares into its depths. "What about it?"

"I'm not really clear what it does."

"I thought you tested them all."

"I tested them on cell cultures. Some things are only apparent on the macro scale. They're not healthy for kryptonians, but I've only got an approximate idea what this one does."

"Oh, and what does it do?"

"The description I heard is that it makes you evil. But I don't believe in evil."

"So you don't think it does anything?"

"It's clearly affecting your mind; you wouldn't normally get so angry about Noriel's poor judgement."

"You said I was right."

"You were, but as I said, you usually would have brushed it off. Would you say that you're feeling shorter tempered?"

"Would that make me evil?"

"No, but it might be associated. You know, poor impulse control. And what looks like increased self-confidence could just be the kryptonite making you blind to certain social conventions, like… 'Don't heat vision off this woman's face because she blew dust at me'."

She smiles pleasantly. "Are you worried about me?"

"I'm torn between worried and fascinated."

"But you want me to get rid of it."

"I think it's probably for the best."

"Alright. On one condition."

"I'm.. a little surprised that you're willing to agree. What is it that you want?"

"I want you to fuck me."
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"Alright. On one condition."

"I'm.. a little surprised that you're willing to agree. What is it that you want?"

"I want you to fuck me."
At least I now understand why you liked my comment about wanting Evil!Kara to kiss Paul. Is this some sort of secret desire that she knows is wrong and no longer caring about how wrong it is due to the black kryptonite?

I can't wait for the conversation Kara and Paul will have about this after this mess is cleared up.

Also, can someone make a list of all the females who've expressed an interest in Paul in the order that they did? And maybe add why as well if possible?
if whoever they were holding was that dangerous, how would they get them in there in the first place

Magic spell maybe.

And you're sure that you're alright?"

Kara smiles.

"Better than ever

This is not good.

Kryptonite does nothing to members of the Host. However, since this human body is vulnerable to cancer I would prefer to avoid it."

It could take years of exposure before you develop cancer.

Resistant' is not 'immune'." Her flame aura flares. "The sarcophagus was made with demon magic. I will be glad to destroy it."

"Why would they make something to contain one of their own?

To imprison one of their own most likely.

"The demon Rosacarnis dealt with her invulnerable uncle by tricking him into drinking poison, then keeping his body submerged in more of the same poison. Sticking someone in something with a door and no other defences seems like asking for trouble

Unless it was the only way to contain a specific thing or individual.

Old Kara smiles. "Sounds like my kind of woman. Have you met her?

Ohh, this is not good.

Golden fire blasts out of Noriel's eyes, washing over the sarcophagus. Some of the runes briefly light up but the unholy magic cannot stand before the wrath of Heaven's local contractor. The maybe-ceramic material gets hotter and hotter as the metal melts until

Does Noriel have access to theurgy even if she is human?

I thought her magic fire was mortal magic.

"So; what now?"

"Now the clumsy bitch has gone? Why don't we talk about Jade

'that the clumsy'

And looks like that French kissing comment may have been right.

"Oh, and what does it do?"

"The description I heard is that it makes you evil. But I don't believe in evil

But evil still exists.

She smiles pleasantly. "Are you worried about me?"

"I'm torn between worried and fascinated

Just take the kryptonite you idiot.

"But you want me to get rid of it."

"I think it's probably for the best."

"Alright. On one condition."

"I'm.. a little surprised that you're willing to agree. What is it that you want?"

"I want you to fuck me

Paul, stop being stupid for a few moments and take it away before you do something that will make Superman want to punch you.
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At least I now understand why you liked my comment about wanting Evil!Kara to kiss Paul. Is this some sort of secret desire that she knows is wrong and no longer caring about how wrong it is due to the black kryptonite?
No, it's the return of the poisoned lipstick and a setup to an evil plot.
Also, can someone make a list of all the females who've expressed an interest in Paul in the order that they did? And maybe add why as well if possible

I can give you a list and maybe some reasons, but not the exact order.

There was Artemis and Zatanna, who found him hot at the start and later because he was helping Zatanna with Nabu, there was Holly, Harleen, who did not have the best history with men, Eutanthe, who seemed lost, an Amazon, who wanted to bang what she viewed as a demigod, the Spider Queen, Komand'r, who viewed him as a potential mate for political reasons.

These are the ones I can think of now.
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an Amazon, who wanted to bang what she viewed as a demigod
Thanks. I don't remember this one though. Also, there was that one alien from Malvolio's sector who fatasized about aliens doing things to her. Possibly Dana, since Zatanna pointing that out led to Paul no longer inhibiting his testosterone.
Thanks. I don't remember this one though


I step into the Temple of Hades and look around. "Anyone home?"

An Amazon I don't immediately recognise looks up from one of the icons along the walls, starting slightly in recognition. "Lord Pavlos. Are you looking for Thana?"

"Yes, is she around?"

She stands, then straightens her clothing. "She was heading into the inner parts of the Temple. If you like, I can show you-."

"No, that's… Fine." I head towards the stairs. "I'm sorry for disturbing your remembrance. I'll find her myself."


I turn around to face her. "Yes?"

"Have you..? Did you come to see the daughter of Iola and Tekla?"

I smile. "Naturally I visited them and little Elphida, but my business-purpose here is to see Thana. And… Yes, I appreciate that there's an odd symbolism in visiting the Priestess of the God of the Dead right after seeing a baby, but as I understand it Hades is the last God who'd be irritated about Amazons having children again."

"No, I…" She glances at the shrine and then back at me. "You… Helped them have her?"


"I mean… The women of the city say that you used some sort of… Ring.. science..? But-."

"No." I roll my eyes. "I know the rumours, but I assure you that the technique doesn't require me to have sex with the would-be mothers. And before you ask: no, that isn't where Io and Pallas have disappeared to. 'Studying under the Gods' isn't a sexual metaphor, it's a literal description of what they're doing under Mount Etna with Hephaestus and Vulcan. And while I'm taking it as a sideways compliment that the children are being referred to as the Pavlovas, I actually meant that as a joke and I didn't think anyone would actually do it."

"Oh. Um. I'm.. interested too?"

"Okay, um… You'd need to introduce me to your partner or partners, and we'd need to discuss what characteristics you want them to inherit from whom."

"Actually, I… Prefer men."

"Ah." I frown. "That shouldn't really be a problem. If you've met someone in New York-."

"That.. isn't what I meant. I was here in memory of my last lover, and I think.. I would like to feel a man's touch again."

"Okay, but-."

"Your touch." She comes a little closer. "You are a demigod of some sort, kind and virtuous. I think you would make a good father-."

I hold up my hands. "Um. Thank you, but… Much.. as I respect the direct approach-."

"Oh, I do not mind sharing you with Prince Kon. That was quite normal in the old days."

"That wasn't what I meant. I'm afraid that where I'm from romantic relationships are monogamous by default, and I'm currently involved with a woman. Siring children outside of that relationship would be completely inappropriate for me."

"Oh! Oh. Ah. I.. didn't know that."

"No reason you should have done. I haven't.. gotten around to bringing her to Themyscira yet."

"I'm so sorry."

I wave my right hand. "Perfectly fine. But if seeing new children is motivating you in that direction, I really would recommend visiting New York."

"I…" She shifts uncomfortably. "I'm not sure I.. would…"

"The other gate is in the embassy. It's perfectly safe, everyone who gets in there is already cleared by Princess Diana."

"I will give the matter some thought." She gives me a shallow bow. "Good evening, Lord Pavlos

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