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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Getting some of those Sally Sonic vibes
It's going to be fascinating to find out what black kryptonite does if it's not just making her "evil."
So far the impression I'm getting of black Kryptonite is definitely giving me the Sally Sonic/'evil' serum vibes of Tangseid, yeah.

Do dies Noriel have access to theurgy even if she is human?

I thought her magic fire was mortal magi.
Yeah, that's what I seem to remember too. But maybe hanging out with Zauriel helped her connect with the Source?
13th September 2012
09:39 GMT -5

I study the sarcophagus for a few moments. As far as I can tell it's not actually all that interesting. It's a tool for confining people tainted with demon magic. Optimistically, I would guess that it might originally have been intended for holding them until an exorcist could be called in. But if whoever they were holding was that dangerous, how would they get them in there in the first place? The next possibility would be sample collection, and… I'm not sure when this would be a superior option to binding chains of some sort. They would even use the same sort of runes.
Perhaps it was intended to be used in conjunction with other restraints? Or it was intended to hold something summoned into the bed of the sarcophagus... Like, an over-complicated summoning circle.

"Was there a lot of kryptonite?"

"Not much. Just a few small stones."
That's all it takes to fuck up a Kryptonian. Post-Crisis Lex Luthor could hold Superman at bay with a piece the size of his fingernail, set into a ring. Admittedly, it gave Lex cancer, but it worked on Superman.

"And you're sure that you're alright?"

Kara smiles.

"Better than ever. Dana's cataloguing it now."
Probably the best idea. Dana is immune to Kryptonite after all, but would know what each kind did thanks to historical records... Of course, that assumes Kara-16 hasn't done something to her while no-one was looking... :confused:

"She probably doesn't need to bother. I'm just going to destroy it all anyway."

"Oh? You aren't interested in what it does?"
I doubt there's any need to keep the original material around when he can produce synthetic emissions of it. That's just asking for some criminal to get their hands on it... Like, oh, what Truggs was keeping it for, no doubt.

"I know what it does. I took samples from your asteroid. But aside from gold or green they don't have any useful applications, and they only do anything to kryptonians anyway. Noriel, your opinion?"

"Kryptonite does nothing to members of the Host. However, since this human body is vulnerable to cancer I would prefer to avoid it."
...There's an image. But then, she is basically walking about in a human body, no matter how reinforced it is by angelic energies.

"I meant about the sarcophagus. Though I thought that you were resistant to things like that?"

"'Resistant' is not 'immune'." Her flame aura flares. "The sarcophagus was made with demon magic. I will be glad to destroy it."
Well, wait until the others are out of the blast radius, will you? Bad enough you tagged OL once today...

"Why would they make something to contain one of their own?"

"I see little gain in speculating. The hellspawn fight amongst themselves. One might wish to imprison a rival, or contain a feral demon to use as a weapon. Have you not heard of such things?"
...Something like that, yes. What with, you know, him having a Demon Lord working for him.

"The demon Rosacarnis dealt with her invulnerable uncle by tricking him into drinking poison, then keeping his body submerged in more of the same poison. Sticking someone in something with a door and no other defences seems like asking for trouble."

Old Kara smiles. "Sounds like my kind of woman. Have you met her?"
Well, that's an atypical reaction. She'd normally have been disgusted or horrified at the uncle's fate, surely? If only because that's not a fate you'd wish on just anyone...

"Yes, but only briefly. We didn't talk much."

Noriel's eyes narrow as she turns to glare at Old Kara. "Do not be to quick to praise the fiends of Hell."
Hmm. Evidently whatever the Black Kryptonite did, it isn't directly pinging her angelic senses...

"It was pretty clever. She wasn't very old when she came up with it." Hm. "Actually, I know that I said I wanted to destroy this, but the longer I look at it the more I consider possible trading-."

Golden fire blasts out of Noriel's eyes, washing over the sarcophagus. Some of the runes briefly light up but the unholy magic cannot stand before the wrath of Heaven's local contractor. The maybe-ceramic material gets hotter and hotter as the metal melts until-
Welp, looks like Loriel's not happy. Not surprised, what with all the kind of villainous talk she's hearing...


-it explodes! Red hot ceramic sprays across the warehouse, shattering against Kara's skin and stopping and dropping as it hits my kinetic shield.
...What did I just say about blast radii? I know, basically invulnerable, but still! At least give a little warning.

Kara's eyes glow red. "Be careful!"

"I destroyed the magic; all that hit you was mundane matter."
:rolleyes: It still stings! And can you imagine how annoying catching a splinter of that under an eyelid would be?

"It would have taken me all of half a second to put up a shield. A little consideration wouldn't hurt."

"It was demon magic."
Unless it was broadcasting a low-level corrupting aura, I'd say 'so what?' And no, OL deciding 'maybe it'll be useful' doesn't count, he's a packrat. :p

"And it being demon magic for an extra half-second would have hurt how?"

"If a piece of high purity uranium were in a reservoir, would you hesitate to remove it for fear that someone might be splashed?"
There's a big difference between brute-forcing matters...

"I'd probably be making an umbrella construct at the same time as I made a fishing rod construct, Linda."

Noriel starts, then takes a deep breath. She looks away, nodding.
...And what OL would do. Still, she's going to be grumpy for a bit, I think...

"That.. is not unreasonable."

Well, at least she can recognise she may have been hasty. Most angels would probably just be all "1. It was Needful, so cease your complaining."

Noriel faces Kara. "I apologise."

Kara's eyes dim slightly. "Don't do it again."
And there's the temper that got the New 52 Kara a Red Ring for a while...

"Noriel, perhaps you could check this place for other demonic artefacts. And -please?- document before destroying. We will need to present what we find in court in order to convict Truggs."

She nods, then turns and flies away down the corridor.
That's another point to consider. He wants Truggs locked away, after all. And the last thing he needs is the eel getting off on a technicality...

"So; what now?"

"Now the clumsy bitch has gone? Why don't we talk about Jade?"
Yes, there's definitely some mental effects.

"I'd rather talk about that black kryptonite you're holding."

"This?" She lifts it up slightly, smiling at she stares into its depths. "What about it?"
Besides the fact that you seem to be acting just a little out of character?

"I'm not really clear what it does."

"I thought you tested them all."

"I tested them on cell cultures. Some things are only apparent on the macro scale. They're not healthy for kryptonians, but I've only got an approximate idea what this one does."
What about Pink Kryptonite? :p Or weren't there any chunks of that one?

"Oh, and what does it do?"

"The description I heard is that it makes you evil. But I don't believe in evil."
:rolleyes: OL, just because you don't believe in something does not mean it does not exist.

"So you don't think it does anything?"

"It's clearly effecting your mind; you wouldn't normally get so angry about Noriel's poor judgement."
Though I can understand that you don't want to give the clearly short-tempered mind-whammied Kryptonian reason to attack...

"You said I was right."

"You were, but as I said, you usually would have brushed it off. Would you say that you're feeling shorter tempered?"
Right now, I suspect she wouldn't... The Kryptonite effect usually does only persist as long as it's in their presence.

"Would that make me evil?"

"No, but it might be associated. You know, poor impulse control. And what looks like increased self-confidence could just be the kryptonite making you blind to certain social conventions, like… 'Don't heat vision off this woman's face because she blew dust at me'."
Clear signs of reduced inhibitions and moral restraint, too. It's like a temporary madness version of the Evil Serum. At least it didn't make an evil duplicate... I hope.

She smiles pleasantly. "Are you worried about me?"

"I'm torn between worried and fascinated."
OL, this is not the time for scientific research. Better to be rid of the Black Kryptonite...

"But you want me to get rid of it."

"I think it's probably for the best."
Yes, please!

"Alright. On one condition."

"I'm.. a little surprised that you're willing to agree. What is it that you want?"

"I want you to fuck me."
...Even if he wasn't attached, I doubt he would go for it, given that she's clearly mentally impaired. No, she's not falling down wobbly or giggling at nothing, but she's still not in her right mind.

Yeah, that's a definite 'Nope' moment for anyone, even OL. Let's just hope that she doesn't feel like getting insistent. OL better have some Gold Kryptonite radiation at the ready. And I doubt he's looking forwards to Superman finding out about this (well, other than warning him about Black Kryptonite...) Since you know Kal-El would be able to give one hell of a shovel speech. :V

"It's clearly effecting your mind;
"It's clearly affecting your mind;
There was also that alien lady who Paul was interviewing while he was also shapeshifted into the same species as her (horned different colored humanoid).

Oh, yeah, forgot about her.

Also I think Soranik was attracted to him, or at least a colleague of hers thought that they were dating.
Something like that, yes. What with, you know, him having a Demon Lord working for him.

I think Mammon would say that he works with Paul rather than for him.

Hmm. Evidently whatever the Black Kryptonite did, it isn't directly pinging her angelic senses...

It's not magical in nature so maybe that's why it isn't registering.

And there's the temper that got the New 52 Kara a Red Ring for a while...

Don't forget the loss of her home and people, the manipulation etc.

Yeah, that's a definite 'Nope' moment for anyone, even OL. Let's just hope that she doesn't feel like getting insistent. OL better have some Gold Kryptonite radiation at the ready. And I doubt he's looking forwards to Superman finding out about this (well, other than warning him about Black Kryptonite...) Since you know Kal-El would be able to give one hell of a shovel speech. :V

And if Clark says that he'll find you no matter where you hide and that no one will find the body, well, he can actually do those things.
Saying he doesn't believe in evil is honestly one of the single most ridiculous things Paul has ever said when he's, you know, in the DC universe. Where there are beings who would qualify as the physical embodiment of various evils and Hell is an actual location he has visited. When Apokalypse and the New Gods associated with it exist. Other DC stuff of that nature.
It could take years of exposure before you develop cancer.
From the point of view of a being her age, a few decades is near instant.
While it may be technically incorrect, that's how a lot of people say it.
Just take the kryptonite you idiot.

Paul, stop being stupid for a few moments and take it away before you do something that will make Superman want to punch you.
Thing about kryptonians is, they're bloody fast when they decide to move.
"It's clearly affecting your mind;
Thank you, corrected.
At least I now understand why you liked my comment about wanting Evil!Kara to kiss Paul. Is this some sort of secret desire that she knows is wrong and no longer caring about how wrong it is due to the black kryptonite?

I can't wait for the conversation Kara and Paul will have about this after this mess is cleared up.

Also, can someone make a list of all the females who've expressed an interest in Paul in the order that they did? And maybe add why as well if possible?

Depends on your criteria of what level of interest counts.

Megan, Artemis and Zatanna have shown interest at one point or another.

Holly and her slightly bi curious girlfriend, Harleen, Jade, Dana Dearden, Star Fire and Black Fire were both also interested one for political reasons and the other because what is a little sex between friends?
There have been a bunch of minor characters too, the Spider Queen was fascinated by Paul, but I don't know if that counts as attraction, the Thanagarian that becomes a red lantern in standard DC also demonstrated some level of interest, but her government was pushing her in that direction so we can't be sure how much of that was her and how much were her bosses telling her to be a honey pot trap (Paul probably knows), Sally Sonic wanted to fuck Paul as soon as she learned he was in a relationship (to ruin it).

Paul mentioned a few Amazons wanted to get his seed during one of their fertility festivals, but that may have been more about the alcohol and the creed of bagging a heroic demigod and getting to be the mother of his children, as none of them would have been interested in a relationship.

The Dryad he saved also wanted to get fucked by Paul, but probably because she asked her older sisters how she could repay him for saving her and then they probably told her all men want to bury their meat.

Both Sivanna girl's showed some interest even if it was mostly physical. Also the female of the terror twins was also dealing with uncertain feelings towards Paul.

Also Kara has been struggling for a while with some sort of feelings, but nothing as obvious as what she said in this chapter.

Of the entire list my favorites are arranged based on what I deem more interesting and Dana, Kara and Zatanna are on the top of my list because of who they are and how they are technically on the same power scale as Paul, while Jade is crap tier. Jade is probably near the bottom of my list next to most of the mundanes and under Harleen.
Hey gang, I realize we're on QQ, but Paul is still Paul. Mind alteration is a fetish for roleplay, not gasoline for the average person's fiery libido. Nine out of ten Pauls we've seen would not indulge Evil Kara here. Paragon Paul certainly won't- and he wouldn't rile her up while he is in a closed relationship.
Also Kara has been struggling for a while with some sort of feelings, but nothing as obvious as what she said in this chapter.

I don't really remember Kara showing any romantic feelings towards Paul or being attracted to him.

I know he and she once talked about her dating life but she said that she's not really looking for something like that.

Aside from that there's not a lot to point to her having feelings towards Paul, and even in the above mentioned example she didn't really show much or any interest in Paul.
I don't really remember Kara showing any romantic feelings towards Paul or being attracted to him.

I know he and she once talked about her dating life but she said that she's not really looking for something like that.

Aside from that there's not a lot to point to her having feelings towards Paul, and even in the above mentioned example she didn't really show much or any interest in Paul.
Maybe she kept it quiet. Or maybe the black kryptonite is pushing her to be more impulsive, and Paul just so happens to be the closest attractive male around.
Definitely reduced impulse control. That said, I could see her being a bit "pent up," depending on how far into the "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" problem she falls. Or I guess, Woman of Steel, Man of Silly Putty? Point is, muscles that can crumple a tungsten rod like a stress ball could make finding a suitable partner difficult, especially when you remove everyone related to her (including clones of relatives), and assume she has some minimum standards about attractiveness. Reenforced constructs from a power ring are a reasonable solution.
Kara being attracted to Paul makes a certain amount of sense. He is perfectly good-looking by human and Kryptonian standards and he is one of the few men she spends a good deal of time with who isn't related to her or reminds her that her whole family and planet are gone.
:rolleyes: It still stings! And can you imagine how annoying catching a splinter of that under an eyelid would be?

Especially depending on the size of it! Sure you're not going to get damaged but it's still where it shouldn't be! Of course you can always laser the inside of your eyelids but then you either dust or metal slag all over your eyes!
Would the invulnerability shield even work for something over your eye but under your eyelids?

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