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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

True. But it did mean he could fight less effectively, especially since the autobots were generally not as well-armed. The autobots did lose the war after all.

Megatron was the one who escalated the war despite getting his objective. He wanted to rule to satisfy his own ego. There is not a justificatiom for him destroying his civilization to satisfy his ego.

OK let's say Megatron actually tells his troops to stand down, the same troops that had their equivalent to brothers and sisters die in combat fighting the people that used to butcher them to sell their parts... How many would ACTUALLY obey and stand down? And that is if actually Megatron could even stop considering that he was forced to fight and kill those that would be equivalent to his family in the gladiator pits.

There were two options, either the war doesn't start or the war is so one sided that it ends in a blink.

None of the slaves that actually were suffering EXTREMELY twisted "living" conditions would accept option one so at least a purge of the worse offenders in the high class WAS required, and Optimus took option two off the table when he accepted the position as prime from the high council and took the middle class and the slaves that didn't have it as bad with him.

So it's fairly reasonable to absolutely blame Optimus for causing the war because he turned a one sided purge into a civil war, Megatron did absolutely fail to end the war on reasonable terms when it was clear the decepticons had the absolute upper hand, but he didn't want to and certainly neither did most of his troops that had lost family in the war.
With the whole Transformer war discussion that has been going on, is there any sort of path towards a peaceful resolution? No matter how convoluted it might be?
With the whole Transformer war discussion that has been going on, is there any sort of path towards a peaceful resolution? No matter how convoluted it might be?
In canon, the surviving Decepticons wind up surrendering to the Autobots after Megatron gets possessed by Unicron and was then defeated, and the Autobots restored Cybertron to life in the process. They all then go return to their planet peacefully.
What's a Unicron? Is it relavent to the surrender of the Decepticons? And I've seen people mention all the bad blood the long war has made between the two sides. Could things really end with a simple beheading of the leadership and a peaceful surrender?
So, Nazi World Paul is going to make the Common Sense decision to go with The SI to Earth-16, right? Not going to do the dumb, "I should stay here and try to fix this world." Shit, right?

Going to an actual regular-ish DC world with your 'brother' who's obviously very well off for himself and get a Ring and Lantern and get to use them with a version of you that was very successful is what you SHOULD do.

Not staying on Nazi World just because Not-Superman Sad.
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So, Nazi World Paul is going to make the Common Sense decision to go with The SI to Earth-16, right? Not going to do the dumb, "I should stay here and try to fix this world." Shit, right?

Going to an actual regular-ish DC world with your 'brother' who's obviously very well off for himself and get a Ring and Lantern and get to use them with a version of you that was very successful is what you SHOULD do.

Not staying on Nazi World just because Not-Superman Sad.
I support this because I think having another Paul could help Illustres Paul push forward with trying to uplift Earth and Earth-16 should be an Earth Paul Freeman can live with. The Nazi Earth just feels far too polluted and gone. Overman contributed to that, and now has the self reflection to see the German victory as a possible loss for the world.

Main SI Paul could use a kind of sounding board and alternate viewpoint and Freeman would be similar but differing in that he is not enlightened and would just be starting out on the Lantern skill tree. I could see an issue with Earth-16 characters seeing Freeman and kind of comparing him to Paul, but at the same time Freeman could maybe see angles Paul is not fully considering.

If the offer is made Freeman should grasp it with both hands and all his legs. Nazi Earth is just a lost cause or would take too long to create viewpoints that still probably would not be honest about the past genocide that built up Nazi Earth's history.

EDIT: Had an idea for how this could happen. At the end of this whole story arc, at the end Paul Freeman could be named by Superman as his representative to Earth-16.
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What's a Unicron? Is it relavent to the surrender of the Decepticons? And I've seen people mention all the bad blood the long war has made between the two sides. Could things really end with a simple beheading of the leadership and a peaceful surrender?

A quick run down (with my potentially somewhat wrong) layman's knowledge of the subject is:

Robot Satan from space.

G1 had him as a living planet that went around eating other planets, but in Prime he's the core of Earth. Not sure about any of the other continuities.

Most Cybertronians (depending on continuity) are born directly from The All-Spark (or whatever that universe decides to call it), which is literally the robo-soul of their creator god Primus. Unicron isn't exactly a fan of Primus and wants to corrupt and/or kill every Cybertronian because of it, or at the very least acts as a malignant force across the universe destroying everything that he doesn't like, which then puts him in conflict with the main cast of the show/comic/game.
What's a Unicron? Is it relavent to the surrender of the Decepticons? And I've seen people mention all the bad blood the long war has made between the two sides. Could things really end with a simple beheading of the leadership and a peaceful surrender?

As it happened in Canon? No. Too many issues were handwaved by bad writing.

A bad writer can write whatever he wants, that doesn't mean it makes sense or that it doesn't break established Canon.

Unicron is a multidimensional planet consuming, planet sized God transformer, that breaks the narrative cohesion of the verse in its knees because writers wanted cool shit that could be made into awesome toys not stuff that make thematic sense.
What's a Unicron? Is it relavent to the surrender of the Decepticons? And I've seen people mention all the bad blood the long war has made between the two sides.
Unicron is a planet-sized evil robot god.

Exactly what's going on with him depends on which Transformers setting you're talking about. Transformers Prime doesn't dwell on it. There, the significant thing is that the crust of the planet Earth built up around his recumbent body. Him starting to wake up causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and allows him to create avatars from rock to attack things. Him completely waking up... Well, the Earth shifts into the shape of a humanoid robot. That's not survivable.

In the series Autobots and Decepticons fight their way into his core and shoot it with the Matrix of Leadership, putting him back offline but wipes out Optimus Prime's memory of being Optimus Prime. Until the end of the show, where Unicron possesses Megatron, torturing his spirit while controlling his body. Right at the end Unicron gets exorcised and it looks like he's about to start the war back up, and he decides not to.
Could things really end with a simple beheading of the leadership and a peaceful surrender?
In G1 that pretty much happened after Unicron's attack. The Autobots surrendered and Bludgeon (who was in charge at the time) accepted it on the grounds that both sides had better things to do than fight each other over a pile of scrap.
So, Nazi World Paul is going to make the Common Sense decision to go with The SI to Earth-16, right? Not going to do the dumb, "I should stay here and try to fix this world." Shit, right?

Going to an actual regular-ish DC world with your 'brother' who's obviously very well off for himself and get a Ring and Lantern and get to use them with a version of you that was very successful is what you SHOULD do.

Not staying on Nazi World just because Not-Superman Sad.
It's a big galaxy, and the Nazis only have a couple of planets.
Who's the Green Lantern of Nazi-Earth again? (also what's the universe/Earth-code for it?).
I wonder if Paragon will repeat what he did on Demon Earth and ping the local Guardians for interdimensional assistance.
Generally it depends on continuity if the war can end.

In Prime they are basically just fighting out their grudges in exile since there is nothing better to do and they cant create new life. But whomever could reactivate the Well of Sparks could create new Transformers. Once that happens, they would gain a significant advantage.

The Earth-based Cybertronians basically managed a ceasefire after Unicron possessed Megatron and forced them to work together. So the remaining Decepticons didnt contest the Autobots rebuilding Cybertron.

So in the sense of Prime, the war could be ended aside from the fact that there are million-year blood feuds between various individuals. But those could continue in a ceasefire. The main conflict is largely driven by Megatron and those he has following him. If that was decapitated it would definitely end the war on a large scale since few could properly maintain order enough to keep the rest of the Decepticons united in their war. Especially if the Autobots offered an alternative. Even Starscream barely managed to maintain power over the course of S1, and that was with Megatron comatose. In the longterm it probably would have fallen apart if Megatron had died.

In G1, Cybertron was not a dead world and was in fact Decepticon-controlled. The Autobots had lost the war and retreated to Earth.

In the IDW comics, they teamed up against Unicron and then resettled a renewed Cybertron, plus neutral Cybertronians who also returned from the war. It was a very fascinating period that led to some interesting politics as they handled the post-war grudges.

In general Unicron as an existential threat is good at ending the war. And he isnt exactly Satan. That would be Liege Maximo. Unicron is more like the World Serpant or something.
Ah. The solution of having a bigger, scarier bad guy make everyone unite, and pave over past conflict out of necessity. I liked how they did it in OPM best. Despite that being a subversion of the trope.
To be fair to Prime and IDW, it didn't erase the old conflicts. IDW had a very unstable political situation in the new Cybertronian civilization and took a lot of work to stabilize.

And the war somewhat restarted in the sequel to Prime, Robots in Disguise.
Clearly this person recognises his face. Which is decidedly odd as Paul just got out of a combat situation and generally ridicules people who neglect proper head protection.

Although I do have to wonder if Paul ______ (seriously he needs to pick a last name) will bother helping Paul Freeman while he is in the area. A Ring, a Lantern and directions to the Controlers would be a good start-up package.
Or the Baroness heard his voice and paired it to the previous wielder of the Orange Lantern Ring that she knew of.
Generally it depends on continuity if the war can end.

In Prime they are basically just fighting out their grudges in exile since there is nothing better to do and they cant create new life. But whomever could reactivate the Well of Sparks could create new Transformers. Once that happens, they would gain a significant advantage.

The Earth-based Cybertronians basically managed a ceasefire after Unicron possessed Megatron and forced them to work together. So the remaining Decepticons didnt contest the Autobots rebuilding Cybertron.

So in the sense of Prime, the war could be ended aside from the fact that there are million-year blood feuds between various individuals. But those could continue in a ceasefire. The main conflict is largely driven by Megatron and those he has following him. If that was decapitated it would definitely end the war on a large scale since few could properly maintain order enough to keep the rest of the Decepticons united in their war. Especially if the Autobots offered an alternative. Even Starscream barely managed to maintain power over the course of S1, and that was with Megatron comatose. In the longterm it probably would have fallen apart if Megatron had died.

In G1, Cybertron was not a dead world and was in fact Decepticon-controlled. The Autobots had lost the war and retreated to Earth.

In the IDW comics, they teamed up against Unicron and then resettled a renewed Cybertron, plus neutral Cybertronians who also returned from the war. It was a very fascinating period that led to some interesting politics as they handled the post-war grudges.

In general Unicron as an existential threat is good at ending the war. And he isnt exactly Satan. That would be Liege Maximo. Unicron is more like the World Serpant or something.

I agree that peace is possible after aeons of fighting and most of the high class of suffering peddlers being already killed/destroyed, the Decepticons had achieved their goals so in a sense it its accurate to say Megatron was the leading reason why the war kept going. But it had to get there before peace could be feasible... Peace as Optimus wanted with the high class still being around in their same position of power but with the slaves now having some rights wouldn't have worked, too many slaves had been driven into a frenzy by Megatron speeches, their hopelessness was exchanged by rage, the high class getting away with it wasn't going to fly and Optimus was an idiot for trying.

Optimus turned the easy purge into a very destructive Civil War, and Megatron kept it going well past the point were both factions could negotiate a peace deal.
I agree that peace is possible after aeons of fighting and most of the high class of suffering peddlers being already killed/destroyed, the Decepticons had achieved their goals so in a sense it its accurate to say Megatron was the leading reason why the war kept going. But it had to get there before peace could be feasible... Peace as Optimus wanted with the high class still being around in their same position of power but with the slaves now having some rights wouldn't have worked, too many slaves had been driven into a frenzy by Megatron speeches, their hopelessness was exchanged by rage, the high class getting away with it wasn't going to fly and Optimus was an idiot for trying.

Optimus turned the easy purge into a very destructive Civil War, and Megatron kept it going well past the point were both factions could negotiate a peace deal.

Optimus didnt want to keep them in their high positions. It is also worth noting that many of Mrgatron's inner circle were leaders under the Functionism regime of Sentinel Prime. Shockwave was a senator and Starscream governed a city.

So it wasnt just former slaves vs elites. The Autobots also had many lower caste among them. The primary difference wasnt status, it was philosophy. Megatron believed in might making right. He actually has a lot in common with Vandal Savage imo.

Megatron didnt declare war because of anything Optimus did. He did it immediately after Optimus was declared Prime. Optimus was awarded the position because of his oratory skill and because he actually had a plan beyond simple revolution. He was a leader who was trying to fix their society, and had actially managed it. Megatron was simply jealous that he wasnt the one to do it.
Optimus didnt want to keep them in their high positions. It is also worth noting that many of Mrgatron's inner circle were leaders under the Functionism regime of Sentinel Prime. Shockwave was a senator and Starscream governed a city.

So it wasnt just former slaves vs elites. The Autobots also had many lower caste among them. The primary difference wasnt status, it was philosophy. Megatron believed in might making right. He actually has a lot in common with Vandal Savage imo.

Megatron didnt declare war because of anything Optimus did. He did it immediately after Optimus was declared Prime. Optimus was awarded the position because of his oratory skill and because he actually had a plan beyond simple revolution. He was a leader who was trying to fix their society, and had actially managed it. Megatron was simply jealous that he wasnt the one to do it.

Shockwave and Staracream aren't representative of the average Decepticon.

Second that was the point I made, the same speeches that inspired a bored librarian are the ones that made the slaves bloodlusted, there was only one road ahead and Optimus absolutely failed to see that most of the Decepticons wanted the elite to be scrab and wouldn't take any peaceful alternative as a replacement.

The ship for peaceful solutions sailed when Megatron became super popular, thus Optimus failed attempts at peace building was akin to sailing a broken ship that is full of holes during a massive storm IE destined to fail, either the elite was purged and turned to scrab, or the ranks of the proto Decepticons had to be purged of those that wouldn't accept peace... IE a lot of them.
Shockwave and Staracream aren't representative of the average Decepticon.

Second that was the point I made, the same speeches that inspired a bored librarian are the ones that made the slaves bloodlusted, there was only one road ahead and Optimus absolutely failed to see that most of the Decepticons wanted the elite to be scrab and wouldn't take any peaceful alternative as a replacement.

The ship for peaceful solutions sailed when Megatron became super popular, thus Optimus failed attempts at peace building was akin to sailing a broken ship that is full of holes during a massive storm.

Megatron was not that powerless. He himself was influential enough to keep enough in line to prevent war. At worst some would go crazy but would lack the proper leadership to be a threat. Especially as Megatron could direct his forces to put them down.

At the time of Optimus' ascension, they were not too far gone yet. After all, Megatron had wanted the title for himself. It was why they had gone to speak to the council. It was after that, that Megatron really went to bloody war.

To me it sounds like you are saying that Optimus should have submitted to a tyrant siezing power and creating an opressive, xenophobic, and expansionist regime that would opress billions and conquer the galaxy. Submitting to tyrants is not a proper solution just to avoid a civil war.
Megatron was not that powerless. He himself was influential enough to keep enough in line to prevent war. At worst some would go crazy but would lack the proper leadership to be a threat. Especially as Megatron could direct his forces to put them down.

At the time of Optimus' ascension, they were not too far gone yet. After all, Megatron had wanted the title for himself. It was why they had gone to speak to the council. It was after that, that Megatron really went to bloody war.

To me it sounds like you are saying that Optimus should have submitted to a tyrant siezing power and creating an opressive, xenophobic, and expansionist regime that would opress billions and conquer the galaxy. Submitting to tyrants is not a proper solution just to avoid a civil war.

The system had to be dismantled because it was abhorrent, what Optimus should have done was to reject the title of Primus when it was offered to him and use the shock of the rejection as a platform to highlight everything that was wrong with the system. If NotOptimusyet had dragged the offer through the mud as it deserved then there is absolutely no chance in hell anyone else in the proto Decepticons would have taken it including Megatron. That would have also earned him the respect of the entire faction and secured him enough of a power base to have them accept his ideas of a less destructive revolution with everything it entailed.

It has always been my belief that Optimus got played when he took the offer to be Primus, because it divided the reformation faction to a huge degree.

I mean what would have happened if Megatron took the title of Primus? He probably would have challenged them to combat as an equal and enacted change in the only way he knew it worked by fighting and killing them. Would he had declare himself God of cybertron afterwards (if he won) maybe, but there is a fair chance he would have also retired right there and there as there would be no enemy for him to fight.
So a thought's occurred to me about where the falling out between Batman and Paul could come from.

Zoat has confirmed that Jason won't be brained by the Joker and will consider Paul a true brother, therefore my theory is that Paul has to use meta-knowledge in some obvious way to save the kid from his fate and then has to explain said meta-knowledge to Batman.

Now, I can see two ways that Batman responds: if Zoat goes down Control-Freak Batman (my least favourite interpretation of the character) then Batman will get angry that Paul hasn't provided him with the information and paranoid about what Paul knows. Unlikely, but possible.

The second, more reasonable option, would be Batman not knowing what he could trust from Paul, which of his actions were true and honest and which ones came from him crafting a facade based on what he knows about the characters. He could also be, very understandably, DEEPLY hurt by the (at that point) actual YEARS of lies of omission that Paul had been telling everyone. And finally he could also question what Paul knew about events that had happened and whether or not he allowed some pretty awful shit to happen and for people to suffer for some unknowable goal.

As I'm sure you can tell by how much more fleshed out the second one is, it's my bet on the most likely option.

And, as always when we speculate on content to come, may the Word of God strike me down should I be wrong.
The system had to be dismantled because it was abhorrent, what Optimus should have done was to reject the title of Primus when it was offered to him and use the shock of the rejection as a platform to highlight everything that was wrong with the system. If NotOptimusyet had dragged the offer through the mud as it deserved then there is absolutely no chance in hell anyone else in the proto Decepticons would have taken it including Megatron. That would have also earned him the respect of the entire faction and secured him enough of a power base to have them accept his ideas of a less destructive revolution with everything it entailed.

It has always been my belief that Optimus got played when he took the offer to be Primus, because it divided the reformation faction to a huge degree.

I mean what would have happened if Megatron took the title of Primus? He probably would have challenged them to combat as an equal and enacted change in the only way he knew it worked by fighting and killing them. Would he had declare himself God of cybertron afterwards (if he won) maybe, but there is a fair chance he would have also retired right there and there as there would be no enemy for him to fight.

But Optimus already outlined what was wrong with thr system. That was the whole reason he was named Prime. The system was already going out the door. Not to mention that being Prime had nothing to do with Functionism and predated it. Functionism was instituted by Sentinel Prime I believe.

Megatron absolutely would not have retired. He was not simply an idealist. He planned to revive Nova Prime's "golden age" of conquest and colonization of alien worlds based on cybertronian supremacy. He was already a brutal tyrant.

The movement was not splintered by Optimus. It was splintered by Megatron seeking personal power at the expense of the greater good. Optimus wanted to work with Megatron. Megatron was the one who threw a tantrum because he didnt get to be God-King of Cybertron. And it was Megatron who tainted Cybertron with Dark Energon, which necessitated the shutdown.
Krummkreuz (part 2)
16th September 2012

"Baroness, I-."

She appears, pink light glowing around her eyes for an instant before the beam blasts out and strikes my construct armour on the left vambrace. My construct armour holds it off easily enough, then the beam vanishes as she evades again. Ah, I see. She knows my alternate here, and was assuming that she could take off my hand and disable me.

"Parallel universe. Angelika ended up on-"

She slows again, and I generate a construct shield as she puts a little more effort into it. Same target, and… Whatever psycho-energy is, it doesn't appear to be particularly good at penetrating constructs. Fortunately, it's not being deflected, because this region isn't that sparsely inhabited and that beam would easily punch through a brick building, let alone a normal person.

Given the all-around upgrades it appears to give the Reiters, I want to see if I can get a sample.

"-our Earth when she tried to save that train?"

The beam cuts off and she doesn't attempt to evade again. Instead she watches me with her arms folded across her chest.

"What happened to Angelika is common knowledge."

Hm. I can see the Kryptonian influences in the structure of her armour, though obviously she isn't using the sort of solar energy storing system they usually did. The design covers everything… Ah, she can manifest psycho-energy in front of her eyes, not literally inside them! So she can wear a solid visor and still use it.

"And you don't have any way to test whether I'm from a parallel universe or not."

"Not anywhere I am willing to take you."

"But… You have a radio in that armour, don't you? You can confirm the location of the version of me on this parallel?"


"Are you seriously trying to tell me that the National Socialists don't have a police state?"

"That doesn't mean we keep eyes on a single journalist all of the time."

I shake my head.

"Standards have fallen."

"It's nice that you agree with Leatherwing about something. Perhaps after a few years, he will only break one bone each day."

"Ah, well she told me plenty of things about her colleagues, but I imagine that you'd just think I was spying. She used to be really insecure about her infertility and the fact that she was only half as powerful as Karl, who came through earlier today-."

"He went-! What was he thinking!?"

"I could tell you, but I'm worried that it's a state secret. I wouldn't want to get you into trouble. But from the sound of it, leaping through portals to help people on parallel worlds is something he does quite-."


Because the knowledge that their superman sometimes just leaves the planet for extended periods probably isn't something they want passed around.


"I'm confirming."

"Please tell me that Leatherwing's not in command in his absence."

"That doesn't concern you."

"Do portals to parallel universes made by demon cultists concern you? Because that's where I found this chap."

"Are you trying to die?"

"Were you trying to kill me?"


She's silent for a few moments.

"Does your ring have long range communication abilities?"


"The Bat wishes to speak with you."

Ring… Ah. I see his desires, and as I make a little effort to correct for Kryptonian stealth techniques I see… I'm going to say 'Owlwing'? A highly advanced aircraft. It's moving fast but keeping its distance, and… As far as I can see, its weapons aren't deployed.

"Ring, open channel."

"Hello Orange Lantern!"

"Hello The Bat."

"Not going to use my name? Angelika knows my name."

"I know your name, but I assume that it's supposed to be secret or you wouldn't be The Bat."

"No, I keep my name The Bat to annoy Leatherwing. Last year, he wrote 'please die soon' on my birthday card."

"Ah. Okay. Isn't that really inappropriate?"

"Not as inappropriate as being on active service at my age. So, what's this about cultists?"

"There's a parallel universe where their version of Overman got possessed by a demon. He wrecked their civilisation and now the survivors live in self-sufficient enclaves or openly worship him. A wizard named Wolf Krieger has been opening portals to this parallel to spread the worship of his master, and according to him the ones you've caught so far are a distraction."

"Yes, I knew that."

"You knew that?"

Sounds like the Lady Baroness wasn't in the loop.

"What, you thought insane cultists who could only charge at visible enemies were intelligent enough to open gateways between parallel universes, but at the same time weren't intelligent enough to understand strategy? Of course there was a greater aim. But Wolf Krieger? The Thulist?"

"Their history is a little different. He called their Overman his Fuhrer now."

"And are you from there?"

"No. Some criminals on my parallel are trying to loot the place while everyone is distracted. I came across their Overgirl while attacking one of their warehouses. Overgirl, Overman and our Overman are currently staking out the Kryptonian fortress which he's working from, but that still leaves all of the cultists already over here. I came through to warn you."

"And your friend, there?"

"He was one of their superpowered cultists. What I did to him should have cleansed him, but I can't swear to it."

"Hm. Yes, that checks out."


"Come to Wewelsburg and we'll do a full debrief."
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I'm amused that the arrogant Nazi has had the carpet pulled under her feet from one of her superiors knowing about this and not telling her. Now we'll get to see Paul interact with competent super-Nazis. Hopefully they aren't trying to lure Paul to a trap or something.
This should probably go without saying but I really do not like what we've seen of nazi-earth barring Overman and Angelika, and I'm starting to worry that Paul is going to live and let live once this whole demon-earth thing is sorted out instead of doing anything or even helping his poor alternate who ended up stuck there.
is doesn't appear to

'it doesn't'

upgrades at appears to give the

'it appears'

"Are you seriously trying to tell me that the National Socialists don't have a police state?"

"That doesn't mean we keep eyes on a single journalist all of the time."

I shake my head.

"Standards have fallen

Yeah, what kind of Nazi/fascist/totalitarian government lacks a police state?

"It's nice that you agree with Leatherwing about something

That's not so nice.

Perhaps after a few years, he will only break one bone each day."

I think that this is genuinely the best we can expect from that asshole.

Please tell me that Leatherwing's not in command in his absence."

"That doesn't concern you

I'd say it does since if he is then Paul is going to have to cooperate with the Douchebag Supreme.

No, I keep my name The Bat to annoy Leatherwing

If this guy has the same reservations about Nazism that Karl and Angelika then he may have become my favorite Earth 10 character with the quote above.

Last year, he wrote 'please die soon' on my birthday card."

Of course he did, of course.

Ah. Okay. Isn't that really inappropriate?"

I think he's done a host of other things that are inappropriate.

What, you thought insane cultists who could only charge at visible enemies were intelligent enough to open gateways between parallel universes, but at the same time weren't intelligent enough to understand strategy? Of course there was a greater aim

To be fair, a person can be intelligent in one area but they may be a complete idiot in other areas.

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