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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

It's probably just the name and the Nazi thing, but the semi-comedy in this update is reminding me of the Baroness villain from Wonderella- which is also a reminder that I haven't caught up on it in a while.

Thinking about magic and multidimensional travel, since Paragon's soul is kinda-sorta the Ophidian's, does that mean that his Ophidian is theoretically present wherever he is? I wonder if the Ophidians of the universes he goes to can sense that. I know they're all presumably still trapped by Larfleeze so it doesn't functionally matter, but I wonder how they'd react. Also, what happens to wholly immaterial beings like gods? they can travel to non/lower-thaumic worlds by creating material avatars, but I'm wondering if they'd be similarly powerless if they entered a different dimension's thaumosphere or they could theoretically fully cross over (not a good idea for Demon Earth without a ton of personal protection, of course).

I'm now wondering if Paragon can spread cooperation through enlightened self-interest to all Ophidians and end up with a giant (both in terms of number and individual size) metaphysical snake army (some would say harem).

I kind of want to see the awkwardness and tension of Paragon calling up Nazi Earth's Doctor Mist or Black Adam to help out with the magical invasion (Is Nabu's Helm around in some Nazi collection or still buried in Egypt/Kahndaq? Paragon would most likely avoid him, of course, but I'm curious. Not sure how the Nazis viewed ancient Egyptians and other Near Eastern civilizations).
This should probably go without saying but I really do not like what we've seen of nazi-earth barring Overman and Angelika, and I'm starting to worry that Paul is going to live and let live once this whole demon-earth thing is sorted out instead of doing anything or even helping his poor alternate who ended up stuck there.

Iirc, part of his reasoning for not going there and wrecking shit immediately was that the war is over.

All the purging and genocide is over and can't really be undone without mass necromancy.

The people living there are the descendants of the monsters and not really guilty of their crimes.

The best they can hope for is a gradual reform and realisation of what their ancestors did and Karl is already doing that.
This should probably go without saying but I really do not like what we've seen of nazi-earth barring Overman and Angelika, and I'm starting to worry that Paul is going to live and let live once this whole demon-earth thing is sorted out instead of doing anything or even helping his poor alternate who ended up stuck there.

He did leave the Crime Syndicate intact, even though he may have been able to destroy them himself, on Earth -14, so there is precedence of him just doing something like that.

Though he did manage to create a form of peace between the various sides, and seeing as in the previous episode some of the characters mentioned universe hopping, maybe he'd offer to take some people that want to leave back to his universe.

Was this supposed to be with Orange quotes? Or was this the Baroness?

I think it's the Baroness, who is confused about what the Bat just said about the cultists being cleansed.
Iirc, part of his reasoning for not going there and wrecking shit immediately was that the war is over.

All the purging and genocide is over and can't really be undone without mass necromancy.

The people living there are the descendants of the monsters and not really guilty of their crimes.

The best they can hope for is a gradual reform and realisation of what their ancestors did and Karl is already doing that.

True, though Karl's attempts at reform don't really seem to be going anywhere and while the current society didn't genocide millions of people, they are still engaging in the murder of people they deem to be 'subhuman', like homosexuals.
16th September 2012

"Baroness, I-."
...Are we going to need a Handsome Paul meme now? But seriously, Is she really so foolish to think the conventional journalist and the heavily armoured, clearly proficient Lantern in front of her are the same person?

She appears, pink light glowing around her eyes for an instant before the beam blast out and strikes my construct armour on the left vambrace. My construct armour holds it off easily enough, then the beam vanishes as she evades again. Ah, I see. She knows my alternate here, and was assuming that she could take off my hand and disable me.

"Parallel universe. Angelika ended up on-"
Remarkable. That's not in the bio for the usual Baroness Blitzkrieg. Doesn't seem too effective, though. I suppose it makes mincemeat out of regular humans... Guessing she has to pick between speed and energy blasts.

She slows again, and I generate a construct shield as she puts a little more effort into it. Same target, and… Whatever psycho-energy is, is doesn't appear to be particularly good at penetrating constructs. Fortunately, it's not being deflected, because this region isn't that sparsely inhabited and that beam would easily punch through a brick building, let alone a normal person.

Given the all-around upgrades at appears to give the Reiters, I want to see if I can get a sample.
Yes, any good energy projector would check their backstop. Still, I guess it's easier for them to cover up any accidental collateral damage.

"-our Earth when she tried to save that train?"

The beam cuts off and she doesn't attempt to evade again. Instead she watches me with her arms folded across her chest.
Well, that got her to start talking. Of course, she made a critical mistake there by stopping. Then again, she probably has backup en-route.

"What happened to Angelika is common knowledge."

Hm. I can see the Kryptonian influences in the structure of her armour, though obviously she isn't using the sort of solar energy storing system they usually did. The design covers everything… Ah, she can manifest psycho-energy in front of her eyes, not literally inside them! So she can wear a solid visor and still use it.
And yet still marvellously form-fitting. Though I doubt it's quite as body-paint-tier as the usual comic-book costume...

"And you don't have any way to test whether I'm from a parallel universe or not."

"Not anywhere I am willing to take you."
...Or could feasibly force him to go. Honestly, she's probably taking the best route she can considering his displayed level of power.

"But… You have a radio in that armour, don't you? You can confirm the location of the version of me on this parallel?"

Huh. So, Paul Freeman could be anywhere? I thought he'd be accompanied at all times, still.

"Are you seriously trying to tell me that the National Socialists don't have a police state?"

"That doesn't mean we keep eyes on a single journalist all of the time."
Evidently their surveillance technology is a bit behind other Earths... Or their willingness to abuse it.

I shake my head.

"Standards have fallen."
o_O Are you seriously taking the moral high ground on that hill, OL?

"It's nice that you agree with Leatherwing about something. Perhaps after a few years, he will only break one bone each day."

"Ah, well she told me plenty of things about her colleagues', but I imagine that you'd just think I was spying. She used to be really insecure about her infertility and the fact that she was only half as powerful as Karl, who came through earlier today-."
Seriously, I hope he tries to go after OL. That man needs his head pulled out of his arse.

"He went-! What was he thinking!?"

"I could tell you, but I'm worried that it's a state secret. I wouldn't want to get you into trouble. But from the sound of it, leaping through portals to help people on parallel worlds is something he does quite-."
Huh, so the other heroes knew of a way to go looking, but not that Overman had taken the plunge. Then again, it's not the first time he's done it, it seems.


Because the knowledge that their superman sometimes just leaves the planet for extended periods probably isn't something they want passed around.
Honestly, spin it the right way, people would applaud it. Claim he's... Spreading a shining example of the rightness of National Socialism to other worlds! :sneaky: Just for that extra irony...


"I'm confirming."
Presumably she'd had an open channel to her teammates the whole time.

"Please tell me that Leatherwing's not in command in his absence."

"That doesn't concern you."
Seriously, I get the feeling the only thing stopping him from going full Hitler is Overman...

"Do portals to parallel universes made by demon cultists concern you? Because that's where I found this chap."

"Are you trying to die?"
:rolleyes: Ah, OL. Rubbing new... acquaintances the wrong way as usual, just by being yourself...

"Were you trying to kill me?"

Because she wasn't doing a very good job of it. I'm guessing the local Green Lantern (the one wielding Alan Scott's old, AI-less ring) is not all that proficient at anything besides basic constructs and blasts... Could be quite the eye-opener for the Reichsmen to see a real Lantern in action.

She's silent for a few moments.

"Does your ring have long range communication abilities?"
Well, looks like someone higher up wants to chat.


"The Bat wishes to speak with you."
That would be young Fledermaus, I take it. Well, not so young now...

Ring… Ah. I see his desires, and as I make a little effort to correct for Kryptonian stealth techniques I see… I'm going to say 'Owlwing'? A highly advanced aircraft. It's moving fast but keeping its distance, and… As far as I can see, its weapons aren't deployed.

"Ring, open channel."
Good to see he's at least kept his gear up to scratch over the years.

"Hello Orange Lantern!"

"Hello The Bat."
Heh, surprisingly jolly for a Nazi. But then, he's old enough to not give a damn about propriety.

"Not going to use my name? Angelika knows my name."

"I know your name, but I assume that it's supposed to be secret or you wouldn't be The Bat."
...Still strange that a fascist world has superheroes. Given the focus on conforming to the norm, anyone who'd dress up in strange outfits to go out and fight evil would have to be a little unconventional... I mean, they could be a special forces branch of the military, since weird shit still happens, fascist state or not, and people will still get superpowers...

"No, I keep my name The Bat to annoy Leatherwing. Last year, he wrote 'please die soon' on my birthday card."

"Ah. Okay. Isn't that really inappropriate?"
Keep in mind, he was a teenager during World War II, putting him in his eighties at this point, at minimum. Either he's in real good shape, or he's got access to some good Kryptonian medical tech.

"Not as inappropriate as being on active service at my age. So, what's this about cultists?"

"There's a parallel universe where their version of Overman got possessed by a demon. He wrecked their civilisation and now the survivors live in self-sufficient enclaves or openly worship him. A wizard named Wolf Krieger has been opening portals to this parallel to spread the worship of his master, and according to him the ones you've caught so far are a distraction."
Neatly summed up. Of course, that took about thirty chapters to learn.

"Yes, I knew that."

"You knew that?"

Sounds like the Lady Baroness wasn't in the loop.
Huh. Well, without a proper Batman, someone has to step up and play 'World's Greatest Detective'...

"What, you thought insane cultists who could only charge at visible enemies were intelligent enough to open gateways between parallel universes, but at the same time weren't intelligent enough to understand strategy? Of course there was a greater aim. But Wolf Krieger? The Thulist?"

"Their history is a little different. He called their Overman his Fuhrer now."
And wildly understating the difference... Though if Overman gave reports on the alternate worlds he's visited, they know there are worlds where they lost.

"And are you from there?"

"No. Some criminals on my parallel are trying to loot the place while everyone is distracted. I came across their Overgirl while attacking one of their warehouses. Overgirl, Overman and our Overman are currently staking out the Kryptonian fortress which he's working from, but that still leaves all of the cultists already over here. I came through to warn you."
...And to dodge the aggressively hostile guards chasing you. Can't forget that.

"And your friend, there?"

"He was one of their superpowered cultists. What I did to him should have cleansed him, but I can't swear to it."
Fingers crossed he can be made use of, rather than just frothing at the mouth... Assuming he doesn't collapse into a puddle of regret when he realises what he did do.

"Hm. Yes, that checks out."


"Come to Wewelsburg and we'll do a full debrief."
...Wow, a reasonable ceasefire? This truly is a topsy-turvy world!

I suppose when you've lived as long as Der Fledermaus has, nothing surprises you. Still, quite a surprise to see such a sensible response to, "I'm from another universe, I'm here to help stop demons killing your world." At least we get to skip the whole 'OL beats everybody' scene.. for now. Seriously, I hope Leatherwing pulls some dumb-ass move on OL and gets slapped down. :p Fellow sounds like a right prat.

What I did to him should have cleansed him...
Double Space.
She probably thought it'd be an easy fight just because when the Earth-10 Paul showed up he got his ass beat pretty quickly and the idea that there'd be a Paul who can actually put up a fight is a novel one for her.
I can't help but picture this batman is an affable Nazi like Hans "The Jew Hunter" Landa from inglorious bastards.



Is Leatherwing Nazi Robin/Nightwing?
I'm amused that the arrogant Nazi has had the carpet pulled under her feet from one of her superiors knowing about this and not telling her. Now we'll get to see Paul interact with competent super-Nazis. Hopefully they aren't trying to lure Paul to a trap or something.

The only thing worse than a Nazi is a dickishly arrogant incompetent Nazi.

I kind of want to see the awkwardness and tension of Paragon calling up Nazi Earth's Doctor Mist or Black Adam to help out with the magical invasion (Is Nabu's Helm around in some Nazi collection or still buried in Egypt/Kahndaq? Paragon would most likely avoid him, of course, but I'm curious. Not sure how the Nazis viewed ancient Egyptians and other Near Eastern civilizations).

For the Near Eastern civilizations? It depends, some of them were the result of conquest Indo-Aryan peoples and could be painted by the Nazi's as being ruled by an Aryan upper class. Also, according to at least it seems that they were willing to view Iranians/Persians as "Aryans". So, it'd make sense for them to try to claim that most the great civilizations of the Near East are the result of Aryan conquest/migration/rulers.
But a lot of this labeling was political in nature so who knows.
Except the one time we see reproduction in the series, it's Starscream using 'protoforms' to make a load of copies of himself. When he did, they had his personality and knowledge.
Protoforms are created by the allspark. They're essentially "blanks" that haven't had a personality or final form imprinted. They usually turned them into vehicon drones to have a supply of obedient disposable mooks.
...Are we going to need a Handsome Paul meme now? But seriously, Is she really so foolish to think the conventional journalist and the heavily armoured, clearly proficient Lantern in front of her are the same person

Depends if she's seen Freeman in action.

Huh. So, Paul Freeman could be anywhere? I thought he'd be accompanied at all times, still.

Not necessarily.

They may be keeping a close eye on him due to his connection to Karl, but they may not be accompanying him everywhere.

o_O Are you seriously taking the moral high ground on that hill, OL?

Paragon's morality is...weird.

Seriously, I hope he tries to go after OL. That man needs his head pulled out of his arse.

If he pisses someone off enough then pulling his head out of his ass may be more literal.

:rolleyes: Ah, OL. Rubbing new... acquaintances the wrong way as usual, just by being yourself

He's very good at that.

Because she wasn't doing a very good job of it. I'm guessing the local Green Lantern (the one wielding Alan Scott's old, AI-less ring) is not all that proficient at anything besides basic constructs and blasts... Could be quite the eye-opener for the Reichsmen to see a real Lantern in action

Sentinel, the local GL, may be proficient but due to the lack of an AI he may not be able to use the more complex functions, kinda like Alan wasn't able to.

Ohh, and I have great news for everyone.

We all thought he was done and finished bringing us joy, but this December he graced us with new life that is sure to fill the hole that was left in our hearts.

Bruva Alfabusa has created a new series called Hunter: The Parenting, and it is GLORIOUS.

To give a wonderful quote from the blatant Big E ripoff.

"Learning to sublimate hate in place of fear is part of becoming a well-adjusted adult. Like me!!!"

Enjoy this early Christmas present.
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The thing is that Paragon is from a deathworld Earth and he decided to go look for a bigger challenge and picked a fight with the Reach. The "heroes" on Nazi Earth are not having to deal with Magic Nonsense or things like the Light or Planet Sized Starro fleets that fought the Guardians even up. Oh and they had Overman as the big stick.
I'd lay money on Paul and I'd expect it to be worse than when he beat up the JL from the JLAU.
'it doesn't'
'it appears'
Thank you, corrected.
If this guy has the same reservations about Nazism that Karl and Angelika then he may have become my favorite Earth 10 character with the quote above.
Ah. Um.
Yes, any good energy projector would check their backstop. Still, I guess it's easier for them to cover up any accidental collateral damage.
And if heroes don't, there's a villain origin story.
And yet still marvellously form-fitting. Though I doubt it's quite as body-paint-tier as the usual comic-book costume...
Yes, this character isn't dressed in quite the same way as her comic counterpart.
Seriously, I get the feeling the only thing stopping him from going full Hitler is Overman...
Honestly, he's not that alpha. He just wants to hurt people in the service of a greater good that doesn't challenge his idea of self.
...Still strange that a fascist world has superheroes. Given the focus on conforming to the norm, anyone who'd dress up in strange outfits to go out and fight evil would have to be a little unconventional... I mean, they could be a special forces branch of the military, since weird shit still happens, fascist state or not, and people will still get superpowers...
Thank you, corrected.
Is Leatherwing Nazi Robin/Nightwing?
He was that about sixty years ago. I can't think of a cheerful unpowered old person tech superhero.
o_O Are you seriously taking the moral high ground on that hill, OL?

I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm, which flew right over the Baroness' head at SR-71 altitude.

The beam seems to emit viable light. As such it should still effectively blind her while she is firing, visor or not visor.

1. Schizo-tech visor that instaneously dims when firing, like your car's rear-view mirror.

2. Required Secondary Powers.
I just hope Paul helps his counterpart get his ring and leave's some note's to help understand it's use
1. Schizo-tech visor that instaneously dims when firing, like your car's rear-view mirror.

2. Required Secondary Powers.

Or they get that light refraction effect you sometimes see in water or fog. Basically looking down the center of the beams, and the tunnel they see through is semi-transparent from inside.
I just hope Paul helps his counterpart get his ring and leave's some note's to help understand it's use

That would be pointless as the Nazis would probably beat him up and take it if he stays... And I don't support the idea of just giving the local Paul a Ring, a lantern and directions to Maltus, without the needed skills he isn't going to take the light fountain from the old lizard goat so that is setting him up for failure. Also I doubt the universe is going to be any better considering the thematic idea that the Nazis won, its the same reason I don't believe universe 666 is a good place to explore either.

If the local Paul will stay in this universe, then give him his ring back, a lantern, the training book OL made, all the data Paul has from his own universe and what he got from the other Paul's, the interdimentional coms equipment to call for help if he gets in trouble and our Paul should probably stick around to train him a little bit before he leaves him on his own.

The local Paul had his orange ring for a few days before he got defeated and his ring was taken from him... He is probably around the skill level of episode 1 Paul.
I mean, presumably an incompetent Nazi is better for everyone who doesn't conform to their ideals than one that's competent.

A competent Nazi follows orders/Laws and has restraint, an incompetent one causes more death and destruction because they are acting entirely on bigotry/assumptions. A lot of the most horrible things the Nazi's did IRL was because of bad science/pseudo science being used as an excuse for sadism and brutality. If Hans Landa had been incompetent, he would have burned down the farmhouse at the start of Inglourious Basterds as well as preventing Lieutenant Aldo Raine from completing his mission.
Also, I did say "dickishly arrogant" as well as incompetent.
A competent Nazi follows orders/Laws and has restraint, an incompetent one causes more death and destruction because they are acting entirely on bigotry/assumptions. A lot of the most horrible things the Nazi's did IRL was because of bad science/pseudo science being used as an excuse for sadism and brutality. If Hans Landa had been incompetent, he would have burned down the farmhouse at the start of Inglourious Basterds as well as preventing Lieutenant Aldo Raine from completing his mission.
Also, I did say "dickishly arrogant" as well as incompetent.
... Does that mean that the incompetent Nazi would be still alive
... Does that mean that the incompetent Nazi would be still alive

No, I'm quite certain Hans Landa survived to the end of the film. It's just he had a swastika carved into his forehead. An incompetent would have died much sooner either being caught in the crossfire after exposing Aldo or killed watching the propaganda film with the other top Nazis.
Krummkreuz (part 3)
16th September 2012
21:29 GMT +1

I visited Wewelsburg 16 with Angelika, after she got over her initial shock. The core building is definitely recognisable as being the same, but beyond that…

It's a military base. I can see the force field generators, though they're of the type that need to be raised and lowered. I can see bunkers with anti-infantry, anti-tank and anti-air guns. I can see the expanded barracks and civil accommodation for all of the people needed in order to keep Greater Germany's superhuman defenders informed and equipped.

Can't see the League getting away with putting something like this in Washington DC.

The Bat moves the owlwing into position to land on the landing pad, and I see the man inside look up towards me.


"It certainly makes an impact, but… Honestly? I'm a man of extremes. The fortress-builder in me doesn't like the stone castle, while the classicist doesn't like the military base carbuncle built onto the classical castle. It's got two jobs and doesn't do either as well as it could."

"What do you have?"

"Me personally? An upgraded Cluster trade post in Bir Tawil, and a secure apartment in Gotham City. I used to have a flying fortress armed with freeze rays, but some angels destroyed it and it wasn't efficient enough for me to want to rebuild it."

"What about your team?"

"Depends which team you're referring to. The Justice League has a big classical building in the middle of Washington DC, the last team I was actually a member of has a fortified mountain base and the Orange Lantern Corps' command centre is a sentient starship yard with a power ring."

"One which actually looks nice-" He climbs a little awkwardly out of the cockpit and walks into an open part of the landing pad. "-and two that are actually functional. Are the Justice League your world's paragons?"

"They are generally regarded as our greatest superheroes."

"Carefully phrased, there."

Ring, what language is he speaking?


I've gotten used to Angelika speaking English, and there are… Certain turns of phrase she avoids due to them not making sense in German. 'Apostrophe there' is something she wouldn't say. Of course, if he actually is the same The Bat as Nazi Germany had in my timeline then he was infiltrating America in the late thirties as a child with his father, so he's had plenty of time to absorb the language.

"We have certain philosophical disagreements. I can command a fleet of warships." I land next to him, the ritualist's stretcher coming in alongside me. "It would be nice to be able to justify focusing on something as small as a planet."

The Bat pulls off his helmet, and… He looks healthy for an eighty year old. He retains the blue and grey colour scheme I remember from Alan's archival descriptions, as well as the crescent moon logo. Most of his hair has gone white and it's much thinner than it was back then, but his gaze is sharp and his skin is…

His skin is surprisingly good. Ring-?

Kryptonian cloning technology. That skin is cloned. They'd have to have flayed him and stuck it on. Kryptonians used to do that for all their body tissues, but if his hair looks like that… Do they not have the ability, or is it a matter of personal choice?

I dismiss my construct armour, earning a small nod of appreciation.

"Will the Baroness be joining us?"

"No, she's on active duty. With the attacks we have been having, people need to see us on the job."

"Fair enough."

He leads the way inside the castle, which… I didn't want to use this comparison, but I'm getting strong Castle Wolfenstein vibes. Paintings of notable Nazis and scenes from history decorate the walls, busts and sculptures in the classical style decorate wooden hall tables or stand freely on the floor.

"What happened to me in your universe? I assume that I existed."

"You were killed in a fight with Fury in nineteen forty three."

He stops for a moment. "Forty th-?"

A small shake of the head and he resumes his walk. Helena considered killing The Bat to be the most shameful thing she ever did. It made her flat out hate the furies who empowered her. She never succumbed to the berserk rage after that, even if that meant that she couldn't use her powers at full force.

"Angelika told me that you don't employ wizards."


"That's going to make this difficult."

"Why can't we use the one you captured?"

"We might be able to, but we don't know if he's going to remember how to do it. Or if he's ever going to wake up."

"We have excellent physicians here."

"Are any of them magicians?"

He stops and gives me a serious look.

"Are you certain that we need one?"

"Technically, no, but it's going to be easier to backtrack their spell to reach their home parallel than to find it using the sort of technology that needed a Kryptonian in order to avoid killing whoever used it."

"It's being refined."

"So the choice is whether or not you think you've got the time."

"Two Overmen, plus Overgirl?" He chuckles. "I suspect that we're just opening the portal to give them a way home."

"If it were just Wolf Krieger and his followers, I would agree with you. The problem is that the possessed Overman is a lot stronger than both of them, and that neither like the idea of killing nearly all of the people on that planet to prevent future incursions."

"Overman will do what he needs to."

"Superman would leave it as a last resort. Which means that Overman will as well."

He glances back at me with narrowed eyes.

"Speak only through flowers."

Surprised it took this long.

"Understood. In other news, Angelika is in good health."

"Should we expect her to want to return?"

"Depends on whether she'll need to be hospitalised to use the portal." I frown. "I know the Thulists were cast out, but are you sure you don't have a few minor magicians around-."



"The only place we might be able to procure one would be Africa, and that would be… Awkward." He pushes open a door and we walk into a well equipped medical bay. "Let's see if we can heal this young man before we discuss extreme measures."
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