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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

What the heck does Japan look like in this world? Did… did they conquer China or something if the US stayed out of that part of WWII? Regardless, I figure Japan on Earth 16 is likely to have more thaumaturges than wizards, but… if the same is true for this earth, they might be able to help.

Zoat mentioned things not really... going so well for East Asian in general. Biological warfare is a bit indiscriminate, even with Kryptonian tech you see.
"Understood. In other news, Angelika is in good health."

"Should we expect her to want to return?

Hmm, does he suspect that she stopped believing in Nazism.

"The only place we might be able to procure one would be Africa, and that would be… Awkward

No shit.

Though what about Atlantis?

I know they hate the Nazis, but they're likely to get more competent help from there.

Find the local Doctor Mist?

Or another magic user living there.

Zoat mentioned things not really... going so well for East Asian in general. Biological warfare is a bit indiscriminate, even with Kryptonian tech you see.

China and India have apparently suffered, though Japan may be thriving since Angelika called it a world power.
I remember Mr Zoat mentioning that he's been keeping his head down. I bet he regrets not taking a more active hand in helping others but can't do anything about it now.

It could depend if he has the same morality as his Earth 16 counterpart.

If he thinks that he shouldn't interfere if the situation is not magic related then he may be at peace with what happened.

Though the possibility of him regretting not interfering still exists.

Still, even he may not have been able to do much if this world had a Nabu or a Dr Fate.

Mist is powerful, sure, but he's not a Lord of Order levels of powerful, and if Fate was beaten then he could also probably be beaten.

And he may potentially be able to do something now, like mind control the government or covertly kill them, depending if his morals and ethics would allow him to do that, or if his magic can't be detected by Kryptonian tech.
His skin is surprisingly good. Ring-?

Kryptonian cloning technology. That skin is cloned. They'd have to have flayed him and stuck it on. Kryptonians used to do that for all their body tissues, but if his hair looks like that… Do they not have the ability, or is it a matter of personal choice?
Beauty is pain.
16th September 2012
21:29 GMT +1

I visited Wewelsburg 16 with Angelika, after she got over her initial shock. The core building is definitely recognisable as being the same, but beyond that…

It's a military base. I can see the force field generators, though they're of the type that need to be raised and lowered. I can see bunkers with anti-infantry, anti-tank and anti-air guns. I can see the expanded barracks and civil accommodation for all of the people needed in order to keep Greater Germany's superhuman defenders informed and equipped.
So, with the European theatre won, they actually went through with the plans the SS had to upgrade the castle. And then some, in the subsequent seventy tears, by the sound of it. Probably not a patch on some of the military stations OL's seen in the Reach conflict.

Can't see the League getting away with putting something like this in Washington DC.

The Bat moves the owlwing into position to land on the landing pad, and I see the man inside look up towards me.
Yeah, I can see people having issues with that. But honestly, the League is run more like a social club than a military force. Right down to members voting on recruitment.


"It certainly makes an impact, but… Honestly? I'm a man of extremes. The fortress-builder in me doesn't like the stone castle, while the classicist doesn't like the military base carbuncle build onto the classical castle. It's got two jobs and doesn't do either as well as it could."
Then again, OL's ideal fortress would probably be some brutalist-styled bunker built to soak orbital bombardments...

"What do you have?"

"Me personally? An upgraded Cluster trade post in Bir Tawil, and a secure apartment in Gotham City. I used to have a flying fortress armed with freeze rays, but some angels destroyed it and it wasn't efficient enough for me to want to rebuild it."
To be fair, a flying anything is just asking to be knocked out of the sky for narrative drama anyway...

"What about your team?"

"Depends which team you're referring to. The Justice League has a big classical building in the middle of Washington DC, the last team I was actually a member of has a fortified mountain base and the Orange Lantern Corps's command centre is a sentient starship yard with a power ring."
No reaction to him mentioning fighting angels, Fledermaus? Then again, he might think it hyperbole...

"One which actually looks nice-" He climbs a little awkwardly out of the cockpit and walks into an open part of the landing pad. "-and two that are actually functional. Are the Justice League your world's paragons?"

"They are generally regarded as our greatest superheroes."
:D I note you said nothing about your personal opinion, OL... I also note he skipped mentioning the orbital base. But then, I could see them sending space missions out to see if they could find it. Which might tick off the original owners.

"Carefully phrased, there."

Ring, what language is he speaking?

Trying to make OL feel more at ease? Certainly, he'd recognise the English accent, and figure OL's not as fluent in German.

I've gotten used to Angelika speaking English, and there are… Certain turns of phrase she avoids due to them not making sense in German. 'Apostrophe there' is something she wouldn't say. Of course, if he actually is the same The Bat as Nazi Germany had in my timeline then he was infiltrating America in the late thirties as a child with his father, so he's had plenty of time to absorb the language.

"We have certain philosophical disagreements. I can command a fleet of warships." I land next to him, the ritualist's stretcher coming in alongside me. "It would be nice to be able to justify focusing on something as small as a planet."
He's probably enjoying the chance to dust off his old skills in it, since England-10 and America-10 now use German as the national language, wouldn't they? There'd be very few natural speakers of it in any position of power, after seventy-odd years...

The Bat pulls off his helmet, and… He looks healthy for an eighty year old. He retains the blue and grey colour scheme I remember from Alan's archival descriptions, as well as the crescent moon logo. Most of his hair has gone white and it's much thinner than it was back then, but his gaze is sharp and his skin is…

His skin is surprisingly good. Ring-?
...Lowballing his age, there, OL? I mean, it's been 76 years since the end of the war in our world. I guess he does have some manner of rejuvenation technology.

Kryptonian cloning technology. That skin is cloned. They'd have to have flayed him and stuck it on. Kryptonians used to do that for all their body tissues, but if his hair looks like that… Do they not have the ability, or is it a matter of personal choice?

I dismiss my construct armour, earning a small nod of appreciation.
:confused:... Well, can't say he's not tough. But seriously, I hope they gave him the really good anaesthetics for that. Seriously, imagine waking up in the middle. :eek:

"Will the Baroness be joining us?"

"No, she's on active duty. With the attacks we have been having, people need to see us on the job."
Flying the flag, so to speak, which kind of explains why the local folks were so calm about OL popping up.

"Fair enough."

He leads the way inside the castle, which… I didn't want to use this comparison, but I've getting strong Castle Wolfenstein vibes. Paintings of notable Nazis and scenes from history decorates the walls, busts and sculptures in the classical style decorate wooden hall tables or stand freely on the floor.
What, like Wolfenstein 3D? At least it's not like every portrait being Adolf Hitler in profile, or every tapestry featuring a swastika. :p And yes, that is basically what the textures were like...

"What happened to me in your universe? I assume that I existed."

"You were killed in a fight with Fury in nineteen forty three."

He stops for a moment. "Forty th-?"
Which would put him at about.. maybe fourteen? If you're being generous? Ouch.

A small shake of the head and he resumes his walk. Helena considered killing The Bat to be the most shameful thing she ever did. It made her flat out hate the furies who empowered her. She never succumbed to the berserk rage after that, even if that meant that she couldn't use her powers at full force.
That would be Helena Kosmatos, a Hellenic teenager. Yes, one of the best (or worst) examples of powers with a drawback.

"Angelika told me that you don't employ wizards."


"That's going to make this difficult."
Well, not like you've gone into things without decent support before. I'm sure you'll work something out.

"Why can't we use the one you captured?"

"We might be able to, but we don't know if he's going to remember how to do it. Or if he's ever going to wake up."
Given the state Supergirl-Hell was in? Don't hold out hopes of him being sane...

"We have excellent physicians here."

"Are any of them magicians?"
...I would laugh if one actually was, and was keeping it on the down-low because of what happened to the Thule Society.

He stops and gives me a serious look.

"Are you certain that we need one?"
Not quite a, "Don't try to scare us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader..." But then, he has lived his life without dealing with anything magical since.. at least the fifties?

"Technically, no, but it's going to be easier to backtrack their spell to reach their home parallel than to find it using the sort of technology that needed a Kryptonian in order to avoid killing whoever used it."

"It's being refined."
...Overman had to pull the gateway open with his bare hands. I'd say you need a few more decades in development, but...

"So the choice is whether or not you think you've got the time."

"Two Overmen, plus Overgirl?" He chuckles. "I suspect that we're just opening the portal to give them a way home."
Ah, a firm believer in the efficacy of a bit of Righteous Face-Punching, eh? :p

"If it were just Wolf Krieger and his followers, I would agree with you. The problem is that the possessed Overman is a lot stronger than both of them, and that neither like the idea of killing nearly all of the people on that planet to prevent future incursions."

"Overman will do what he needs to."

"Superman would leave it as a last resort. Which means that Overman will as well."
Let's hope it doesn't come to that, then... Most Supermen don't deal with moral crises that well.

He glances back at me with narrowed eyes.

"Speak only through flowers."
Ah, German has such a subtle collection of idioms... In case you were wondering: "Durch die Blume Gesprochen", as Mr Zoat noted, is a reminder to be nice. He's telling OL off for being so blunt. Which, honestly, is like telling water not to be so wet... :p

Surprised it took this long.

"Understood. In other news, Angelika is in good health."
Indeed, Herr Fledermaus is being remarkably accepting of OL's behaviour. Guess he really must be worried.

"Should we expect her to want to return?"

"Depends on whether she'll need to be hospitalised to use the portal." I frown. "I know the Thulists were cast out, but are you sure you don't have a few minor magicians around-."
...Oh, he's a sharp one. I wonder what clued him in to the likelihood of Angelika becoming a little less enamoured of the way things are?



"The only place we might be able to procure one would be Africa, and that would be… Awkward." He pushes open a door and we walk into a well equipped medical bay. "Let's see if we can heal this young man before we discuss extreme measures."
Nor sure what would be more embarrassing for them: Going hat in hand to Africa looking for wizards, or the fact they'd like be native.

Well, looks like the Earth-10 heroes are in for a bit of a moral quandary, in some respects. The joy of trying to 'cast off superstition' and 'step into a rational future'... Hopefully OL can smooth down those rough edges without offending anyone too badly. Though there's probably a few whose ruffled feathers can be dealt with, others might get.. obstructive.
It's a German expression meaning 'only say nice things'.

Not quite. It's more: speak indirectly, in metaphors, especially when it's critique of someone.

Which fits even better here: OL is supposed to watch what he is saying.

An example would be your chef telling you you're to slow by saying "I'm sure you'll find ways to optimise your workflow" or something

Beauty is kryptonian pain suppression tech plus cloning
:D I note you said nothing about your personal opinion, OL... I also note he skipped mentioning the orbital base. But then, I could see them sending space missions out to see if they could find it. Which might tick off the original owners

The Watchtower is probably no where near the Nazi's territory, so they may not be able to find it.

They can also probably build their own space bases.

Also, he may not have told them since if they become enemies in the future, it would be best if the Nazis don't know where their actual base is.

Hopefully OL can smooth down those rough edges without offending anyone too badly

But offending people is kinda his thing!

Though there's probably a few whose ruffled feathers can be dealt with, others might get.. obstructive

Like a certain leathery chap.
I would think Japan would keep their occult traditions.

They might have told the Nazis they dumped it all, but really how many Nazis do you think would know the difference?
'but I'm'
'carbuncle built'
Thank you, corrected.
He's probably enjoying the chance to dust off his old skills in it, since England-10 and America-10 now use German as the national language, wouldn't they? There'd be very few natural speakers of it in any position of power, after seventy-odd years...
I know that was implied in the comic but I'm going to say 'no', because it's stupid. It's taught in most schools but it hasn't replaced English.
Which would put him at about.. maybe fourteen? If you're being generous? Ouch.
Now imagine if they had decided to cover their bases and embraced both Kryptonian technology and the Thule Society's magic.

A Nazi Magi-Kryptonian-tech empire.

That aside, how much longer do people on Earth-10 live when they have access to "we'll just flay your old skin and stick on shiny new cloned skin" levels of medical technology?
He's refreshingly rational but giving me serious "retired monster" vibes. Not like he's retired from working but more willing to do horrible things when the situation calls for them in his eyes, but that was all 60+ years ago.

It could go any which way with him, really. I'd almost prefer Leatherwing, really. I could more easily just write him off and either sideline or kill him. The Bat seems more dangerously competent.
Does getting a full-body skin graft actually increase your life span? I don't see how it can but I'm not a doctor.

If they can do that so casually, there's also probably cloned organs, stem cells, a whole host of treatments for things we don't even have responses to, and so on.

Cloning tech is the start of of some truly stupidly strong medical advancement.
Does getting a full-body skin graft actually increase your life span? I don't see how it can but I'm not a doctor.

Probably not.

Tgough I guess if the skin was special in some way, like genetically altering the body to age more slowly, then it may be possible.

He's also probably had other operations done on him aside from the skin.
If they can do that so casually, there's also probably cloned organs, stem cells, a whole host of treatments for things we don't even have responses to, and so on.

Cloning tech is the start of of some truly stupidly strong medical advancement.
So I guess Leatherwing's birthday wish won't come true anytime soon.
So I guess Leatherwing's birthday wish won't come true anytime soon.

Who knows, it just may come true.

Medical technology, even super advanced alien tech, isn't perfect, so he may still get sick and die.

Also he's in a dangerous line of work, so there's that.

Though he's probably no longer a field agent and may be more involved in command, but that doesn't mean that he can't be killed, either by the Freedom Fighters, or the Demon Earth invasion.
Of course, in some versions of comics Kryptonian cloning technology isn't up to doing partial body parts (at least not growing them and keeping them alive and in good shape) and instead they would just clone whole people and "raid them for parts" as needed. Which led to having a civil war about it, banning cloning, etc., since they also had to grow intact brains to keep the bodies regulated and conditioned.

So you have to wonder, did they grow The Bat new skin, or did they grow the Bat a few extra bodies, one of which is floating skinless in a tank for when he wants the other organs? Now before you answer, consider this is Nazi-world.
Of course, in some versions of comics Kryptonian cloning technology isn't up to doing partial body parts (at least not growing them and keeping them alive and in good shape) and instead they would just clone whole people and "raid them for parts" as needed. Which led to having a civil war about it, banning cloning, etc., since they also had to grow intact brains to keep the bodies regulated and conditioned.
Intact brains, yes, but they didn't have to give them higher reasoning. The problem was that they could.
So Mr Zoat said that Diana died young in the Nazi-Earth timeline iirc, but given that the Axis wasn't big on mysticism (so no Spear of Destiny or national embodiment Captain Nazi) and even while young, Diana is inherently basically a Titan, I have a hard time imagining it properly- and even if they did kill/'kill' her, I have to wonder if she can reform or come back somehow eventually.

What's the status of Starman tech in the Nazi-Earth timeline? Was it ever developed or was Ted Knight killed or something before it became a thing?

On Earth-16Z, did Jack Knight try to get in touch with Paragon, Kord, Alan or anyone else who was a superhero acquaintance of him or his father, or part of the arcantotech revolution, about the starship he just has lying around? I assume Paragon's complaining about Starman to Lois Lane back when the Bleed generator in New York went online made it into the final article and it would be nice to see people be more proactive about pursuing their desires/goals without Paragon's direct intervention. Or is Boss Smiley subconsciously brainwashing him not to bring it up or something?
Does getting a full-body skin graft actually increase your life span? I don't see how it can but I'm not a doctor.

Being able to just replace the largest organ of the human body is no small feat. It is the first defense from disease after all.

since they also had to grow intact brains to keep the bodies regulated and conditioned.

Anyone remember the movie The Island? Yikes.
So Mr Zoat said that Diana died young in the Nazi-Earth timeline iirc, but given that the Axis wasn't big on mysticism (so no Spear of Destiny or national embodiment Captain Nazi) and even while young, Diana is inherently basically a Titan, I have a hard time imagining it properly- and even if they did kill/'kill' her, I have to wonder if she can reform or come back somehow eventually.
I haven't really thought about it.
What's the status of Starman tech in the Nazi-Earth timeline? Was it ever developed or was Ted Knight killed or something before it became a thing?
He destroyed it and all records to prevent it falling into Nazi hands.
On Earth-16Z, did Jack Knight try to get in touch with Paragon, Kord, Alan or anyone else who was a superhero acquaintance of him or his father, or part of the arcantotech revolution, about the starship he just has lying around?
No. He's out of that life.
I assume Paragon's complaining about Starman to Lois Lane back when the Bleed generator in New York went online made it into the final article and it would be nice to see people be more proactive about pursuing their desires/goals without Paragon's direct intervention. Or is Boss Smiley subconsciously brainwashing him not to bring it up or something?
They don't read The Planet in Opal City.
So Mr Zoat said that Diana died young in the Nazi-Earth timeline iirc, but given that the Axis wasn't big on mysticism (so no Spear of Destiny or national embodiment Captain Nazi) and even while young, Diana is inherently basically a Titan, I have a hard time imagining it properly- and even if they did kill/'kill' her, I have to wonder if she can reform or come back somehow eventually.

They may have lacked magic, but Diana can still be harmed by more mundane non-magical means, and Kryptonian tech is very powerful.

And the subject of Diana potentially reforming herself, or coming back as a goddess can be up for debate since she may not have used her divine powers all that much for them to be developed so she may not be able to ascend.

And Hades may not do resurrections.

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