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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"Reading? Oh. Ah, not really. I mean, I used to read science fiction and fantasy, and now…"

I shrug, and she nods

Now you practically live in a sci fi and fantasy world.

understand not wanted to alter your mind like that."

'wanting to'

"Teach me how to play Warhammer Forty Thousand."

I nod. "Which edit-?" I blink. "What?"

"It has different editions? How long as it been out for?"

My face involuntarily relaxes, my mouth falling slightly open.

"What? I don't have any better ideas. I'm interested in what a 'perfectly balanced' game looks like."

"Get thee behind me, foul temptress


She crosses her arms, looking at me incredulously

You're dating him, Jade.
"They've already started editing the perfectly balanced version I created. Did they simulate billions of games while temporarily a god? I don't think so."
i am quite sure the player of that edition would have some complain about everything being too perfectly balance (like all thing should be)

it kinda sap the fun out of it
I think this update is the most I've liked Paragon and Jade's relationship. There've been other nice ones like when he picked her up from prison, and the drama post-accidentally going to Hell had a lot of pathos, but this update showcases their not immediately apparent similarities as people whose jobs and 'lives' are tied together so strongly that distinguishing between them isn't even an accurate action.

If this gets all the Darkstars to adopt Space Marine and Sisters of Battle aesthetics, that could be fun (though I like non-human factions better as a default- what's the closest DC has to Eldar/space elves?). A ceremonial version for diplomatic functions, if nothing else. I'm not sure if the Imperium's Assassin aesthetics are actually functional enough for Darkstar uniforms.
The more I see of Paul's vacation, the more I get the feeling that the most exotic thing he could do is to just spend it sitting around, doing nothing of any importance or note, playing games or watching crappy TV. Maybe even doing chores or yardwork.
Paul: "What is: Actual Torture?"
10th October 2012
06:21 GMT

Should I apologise, or not?

I don't know enough about-.
No, you don't. So go learn first, then talk to her before you go blabbering off some 'apology' that she'd likely take as a new insult. Seriously, you need to do better on that front. ;) Perhaps this will prove a useful reminder to do so.

"Are you still-" Jade walks in, towelling her hair dry. "-wondering whether you should apologise or not?"

Ah, she knows him well.

"Don't. She's spent more time living around humans than you have thanagarians. She has far more reason to know about human culture than you do to know thanagarian culture. And I'm sure that the League-"

She sits down on the bed, putting the towel down and picking up a brush.

"-spent more time talking about you than you did Thanagar."
That is one thing we do know is true. Even for the meetings we didn't get to see, I'm sure 'Orange Lantern's latest Thing' was a frequent topic of discussion.

"Probably true. But, Batman told me to fix my relationships with the League members. And I.. tend to feel that as a superhero I-. It's not about doing the least I could do, or what I'm expected to do."

"I know."
A conscience is a painful thing, sometimes. But it's also what stops you from becoming another Larfleeze...

I look down at the duvet for a moment.

"I.. know. Everywhere we go, I try working. Um. I just-. It's a habit I've gotten into, and basically everywhere I've gone is a place where I've had work to do. I don't really… I don't really know other places."
...Yeah, when you think about it, that's actually true. How often do we see OL go somewhere for a reason other than 'checking up on an asset' or on a mission for God N.E.M.O'?

"You like being a superhero."

"I like doing what I do. I like… Some kind of problem-of-the-week television series, you know? Go to somewhere strange and new, fix the underlying problems that they -for some reason- can't fix using my 'outsider powers'."
And sometimes, that's what's needed to overcome the ingrained genre blindness of DC natives... But I bet it gets reeeeal tiring.

She gives me a small but curious frown.

"Is there really nothing else you do?"
The downside of doing what you enjoy for a job: finding out that sometimes, you don't enjoy it as much.

I… Shrug, awkwardly. "I did… Design an entire edition of Warhammer Forty Thousand?"

"That's the.. wargame you and Zatanna cosplay, isn't it? With the-" She points her right forefinger at her dressing gown covered left breast. "-piercing."

"You'd have to point your hand in a lot more places than that. Yeah-yes, that's the one."
And knowing OL, he really did have all of the appropriate piercings... Never does things by half, he does.


"Because I didn't like the rules as they were. It wasn't balanced, the costs didn't reflect the utility of different unit and weapon choices, they didn't even bother balancing things between Codices, which is the entire point of even having point values, Games Workshop uses effectiveness as a tool to get existing players to buy the new stuff, rather than properly balancing the game to encourage new players to take it up."
Sadly, that's still a thing. Not only in Warhammer circles, though. How many games have you seen add a new set of gear that's ludicrously stronger early on, then gets nerfed once a lot have paid for it?

I slump a little.

"They've already started editing the perfectly balanced version I created. Did they simulate billions of games while temporarily a god? I don't think so."
Alas, Games Workshop is not known for being sensible in any universe. I bet it's the development team going all sour grapes that their pet army doesn't curbstomp have some edge over all others... :rolleyes:


"How-? How about you? Your newfound love of ballroom dancing notwithstanding?"
For instance, what would you do on time off between Shadows missions, hmm?

"I… Usually spend the first part of any assignment learning about local culture. I go to their hangouts, shopping precincts, bars and clubs, museums and theatres, trying to get a feel for how they think."

"How their society works."
...And ways to break it? That would probably be a focus given her typical missions.

She nods. "When I was a Shadow, it was basic reconnaissance. Now, it's… More of a habit."

"Do you..? Like it?"
Travelling? Or doing what she used to do for better reasons now?


"Strange, alien-."
Exploring strange new worlds, meeting new life, new civilisations? It's an old saw, sure, but it became that way because it's a good sentiment.

"-don't-" She shakes her head. "-know. I wouldn't like not doing it, because it's part of the system-." She looks away for a moment, thinking about how to phrase it. "It's part of how I make sure that a place is safe. With aliens, I doubt I'm learning as much as my instincts tell me I am, but it… Works. I still can't pass as native, but I could pass as someone who's been in the area for a while. And sometimes I pick up information related to our job."
It's too ingrained to feel comfortable not doing. Everybody has things like that.

"But it's still work. Or work-adjacent."

"When I started with the Shadows, I used to pick up a small doll whenever I went somewhere. At one point I had a small collection. But then we had to get out of a safe house in a hurry and they all got left behind. I didn't bother getting any more after that. It wasn't really a lifestyle that lent itself to materialism. How about reading?"
Why not start doing that again? It might help if you have something to help you remember what good you did for a place.

"Reading? Oh. Ah, not really. I mean, I used to read science fiction and fantasy, and now…"

I shrug, and she nods.
:D Now you live it. Fiction kinda pales before doing the things you used to read about, huh?

"I read his-. No, I have my ring shove the contents of history books into my brain. That's not really the same."

"I read briefing documents. They've offered me cybernetic implants to do what your ring does, but that always sounds like a bad idea."
I remember a description something like 'having an encyclopedia turned into juice and poured into your skull'... Maybe not in this story, but the sentiment is probably applicable. Simply knowing something all of a sudden isn't as satisfying as doing it the slow way...

"If the Director's cleared them, then they're almost certainly safe for humanoids. But I can understand not wanted to alter your mind like that."

She nods. "Exactly."
No, Jade, that hint might be just a bit too subtle for him...

"Again. I-."

"It's fine." She looks me directly in the eyes. "If anything, it makes it easier for me to see who's had their mind altered by the Reach and who hasn't. There's no amount of empathy that would stop me killing someone who's been twisted like that. They're not themselves any more."
Ooh, do I detect a hint of a deep-down fear of her own? Thoughts of what she might have become one day without someone to break her out of the League of Shadows mindset?

"I am. I may be a little nicer, but I'm still me."
And at the end of the day, that's the best thing to be.

"Good show."

She thinks for a moment.

"So far this hasn't worked. We're doing different work, but that wasn't what we're trying to do."
You need something entirely unlike what you do for work. Something that you can sink yourself into without being reminded of your day job...

"I'm open to ideas."

Jade puts down her brush.

"Teach me how to play Warhammer Forty Thousand."
I don't know... Wouldn't 'Warhammer: Fantasy Battles' be more pleasantly different to your day job?

I nod. "Which edit-?" I blink. "What?"

"It has different editions? How long as it been out for?"
Debuted 1987, in its earliest form, as Rogue Trader, more of an RPG-lite skirmish game... Which makes it 35 years old this year. In their time, it'd be in it's fifth edition.

My face involuntarily relaxes, my mouth falling slightly open.

"What? I don't have any better ideas. I'm interested in what a 'perfectly balanced' game looks like."
Hmm... What army would she play, I wonder? Overwhelmingly powerful? Sneaky? Characterful? It's an odd statistic, but anecdotal evidence says most female players enjoy Tyranids, :confused: for some reason...

"Get thee behind me, foul temptress."

She crosses her arms, looking at me incredulously.
:VHaha, yes. That's about the reaction I'd expect from an old grognard like OL who's been caught on the hop like that...

"Is this what gate keeping feels like? 'No girls allowed'?"

Just... Don't ask why all Space marines are male, all right? :rolleyes: It's just one of those things.

I stand up and take a display table that I haven't meticulously prepared to display the iconic elements of each faction along with a selection of properly scaled titans. I walk around behind it like a salesman displaying his wears as she gets up off the bed and walks over to look at the Black Templars.

"Space gothic knights?"
Yes, those are walking war machines taller than skyscrapers. For reference, a Gundam, at an average of 19m (59 feet, or 10 times a human's size) would be knee-high to that Warlord Titan. A jet fighter would be about the size of one gun.

...I knew exactly what pic that was before I clicked on it. And yes, I did see the models first... Because they're in focus and in the foreground. ;) The background, however, is quite pleasant too.

"You're not wearing a shirt and I'm looking at the models."

I smile warmly.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way."
True, the setting of 40k has its appeals. Just consider all the pin-up art people have done over the years. :D

Well, then. At least it won't cost her an arm and a leg to acquire an army, what with OL's ability to provide figures and terrain at any scale and pose she wants. Seriously, if I had a Power Ring, :oops: that's one of the things I'd use it for... So, is the next couple of chapters (and pages of discussion) going to involve what army she'd likely pick? Because I'm up for that! :p

I like… Some kind of problem-of-the-week television series, you know?
Perhaps 'I feel like...' or 'I'm like...' might flow better here?
... like a salesman displaying his wears...
... like a salesman displaying his wares...
That is one thing we do know is true. Even for the meetings we didn't get to see, I'm sure 'Orange Lantern's latest Thing' was a frequent topic of discussion

And I'm betting they all groan at that and someone brings out either booze or aspirin.

And knowing OL, he really did have all of the appropriate piercings... Never does things by half, he does.

He even altered his body.

Alas, Games Workshop is not known for being sensible in any universe

We will never forget TTS.
Hmm... What army would she play, I wonder? Overwhelmingly powerful? Sneaky? Characterful? It's an odd statistic, but anecdotal evidence says most female players enjoy Tyranids, :confused: for some reason...
My first army, also. The codex came out just as I was getting into it. A bad idea, as it turned out. Big lead models are not easy to assemble.
Perhaps 'I feel like...' or 'I'm like...' might flow better here?
It would, but it's deliberately wrong. He hasn't quote got his thoughts in order.
... like a salesman displaying his wares...
Thank you, corrected.
We will never forget TTS.
Or Astartes.
TTS truly got me into 40K :(
Same man. If it was for TTS I would never have gotten into it. TTS did what 6 years of Nerd Osmosis couldn't, make me a fan.

This is a really good time for 40k Paul (Paol?) to fall out of a portal.
This chapter is reminding me of the one Episode of Big Bang. The Guys come back from a failed convention road trip and find all of their girlfriends are know super into superhero comics. They assume that they've gone into another dimension.
Oh! It hasn't been said for a while, but those future-humans that invaded Earth are a lot like Dark Eldar! Games Workshop in this setting could run a bunch of events about invading Drukhari strongholds and preparing invasions against their nonsense capital.
i am quite sure the player of that edition would have some complain about everything being too perfectly balance (like all thing should be)

it kinda sap the fun out of it
Most likely xeno players complaining about no new models so those factions get a buff from DW.

Or something about lore.
Last edited:
It never ceases to amuse me that Paragon missed recruiting Lex Luthor solely because he was too stupid to read between the lines of what Luthor was telling him.
I asked Zoat about that a few weeks ago, actually, and it isn't what happened.

Luthor was tempted, but was too worried about this being a sign that the SI was influencing his desires, so he declined. The SI's failure was giving a choice to a man suffering from paranoia. Renegade managed because he forced Luthor to work with him, and eventually Lex came to realise that his fears were unfounded.
This lucky fucking bastard!
I mean, unlimited power Plus infinite life, a perfect body at a young age, it's easy enough to be jealous of the dude to begin with... But no, he has to have friends and women who are willing to talk to him and are nice to him and are actually really interested and potentially exploring relationships...

You know this is ignoring that side story where two lesbians try being bisexual for a while with the main character? I mean, I don't know about everybody else, but I was already super jealous when he had a girlfriend that was willing to spend time with him just cuddling. The fact that he has enough funding to not need a daily grinding life working for corporations that just don't give a shit... Well he actually has time to enjoy all the things he has.

Man, whatever. I think it's the side effect of his abilities that he keeps running into things that somehow block infinite power all the damn time. I could do whatever I want thanks to the orange power ring! Oh no orange power rangers don't work now for some reason on this particular guy!

The whole time I'm going, suck it up! You're going to somehow win by learning how to make cheesecake or something anyway, just enjoy being all powerful and don't complain about it.
You're going to somehow win by learning how to make cheesecake or something anyway, just enjoy being all powerful and don't complain about it.
Ah, cheescake. My greatest enemy.

When I was a small child, I was quite a fussy eater. I didn't eat eggs, I'd spend however long it took picking onion out of anything with onion in it, and I did not eat cheese. Not just the strong cheeses that the elder members of the family liked, but even the simple chedder that my younger sister liked. I could stomach it if I had to, but I would avoid it if I could.

My mother believed that I would grow out of it. So confident was she that she bet the princely sun of £5 that by... I think it was my 18th birthday -may have been 21st- I would be happy to consume cheese.

As the years past, my palet matured. Or perhaps deadened. I abandoned my vendetta against onions and became merely indifferent to eggs. But cheese? Milk's more plastic cousin? That I would not accept.

The day before my birthday, my mother made a chocolate cheesecake.

We had had cheesecakes before that, of course. Strange things, made with a packet mix that I can only hope was safe for human consumption. But this was the first time that actual cheese was involved. Not all that much, compared to the volume of chocolate and cream. But enough to lose me the wager.

As I handed her the money, my mother claimed that she had long since forgotten. I was simply in awe of her cunning.
i am quite sure the player of that edition would have some complain about everything being too perfectly balance (like all thing should be)

it kinda sap the fun out of it

How dare victory depend more on strategy, tactics, and working around the luck of the tice, as opposed to "do you own the currently OP stuff"?
I mean, unlimited power Plus infinite life, a perfect body at a young age, it's easy enough to be jealous of the dude to begin with... But no, he has to have friends and women who are willing to talk to him and are nice to him and are actually really interested and potentially exploring relationships...

You know this is ignoring that side story where two lesbians try being bisexual for a while with the main character? I mean, I don't know about everybody else, but I was already super jealous when he had a girlfriend that was willing to spend time with him just cuddling. The fact that he has enough funding to not need a daily grinding life working for corporations that just don't give a shit... Well he actually has time to enjoy all the things he has.

Man, whatever. I think it's the side effect of his abilities that he keeps running into things that somehow block infinite power all the damn time. I could do whatever I want thanks to the orange power ring! Oh no orange power rangers don't work now for some reason on this particular guy!

The whole time I'm going, suck it up! You're going to somehow win by learning how to make cheesecake or something anyway, just enjoy being all powerful and don't complain about it.
The insanity's not worth it.
She nods. "Nth metal doesn't usually do much to phased targets. If you add a big enough generator it'll damage just about anything, but the kind of power you'd need to-." Her face twists into a rictus of rage. "He nearly blew up my mace!"

Flash winces. "How bad would that be?"

"I don't think that Thanagar will give me another one!"
This is the Justice League from the Unlimited cartoon right? Is this before or after Hawkgirl was revealed to be a secret agent working for Thangar?

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