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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

We're in position. They've dug a shaft going deep under the mountain. It's heavily guarded and the priest is shouting praises to someone called-"

"Onimar Synn."

"-Onim-. If you knew, why am I down here?"
Interrupting your girlfriend just to show how knowledgeable you are OL? If that was important you shoulda said that before she went. Don't be surprised if she says "mansplaining" later.

Are we gonna meet Hephaestus The Smith god on this trip? I'd like to see how he's doing after he moved to Thanagar.
Interrupting your girlfriend just to show how knowledgeable you are OL? If that was important you shoulda said that before she went.
He didn't know. It was reasonable to suspect, but there are six other Devils who are just as evil.
Are we gonna meet Hephaestus The Smith god on this trip? I'd like to see how he's doing after he moved to Thanagar.
What makes you think that he's moved?
He didn't know. It was reasonable to suspect, but there are six other Devils who are just as evil.
Which doesn't change the fact that he waited till the exact moment she was about to say the name to say it ahead of her. Instead of, you know, letting her say it. Maybe followed by him saying "Yes I was starting to think so with (insert whatever off-screen clues he put together here while she was gone). And we saw nothing to indicate that Paul was clued in to the particular demon between the beginning and now. Only that she went off to find the leader and determine the demon only to find Paul of course knew the latter already.
Edit: It undercuts her efforts a bit And that's just rude see?
Imagine how much egg be on Paul's face if this was the moment he actually said the wrong name for once in his life!
What makes you think that he's moved?
Because there was a scene way back when of the god getting a job offer and asking Paul about what he could expect from Thanagarian society?
And I think Vulcan was the one that was going to move there.
Was it? Been awhile. Either way are we gonna meet him? I'd like to.
Because there was a scene way back when of the god getting a job offer and asking Paul about what he could expect from Thanagarian society?

This happened, yes.

Though Vulcan is still probably finishing things up on Earth before he leaves.

Heck, he was even trying to change his face so he looks prettier.

Was it? Been awhile. Either way are we gonna meet him? I'd like to.

We probably won't meet him yet on Thanagar.
I'm not sure if that term existed in 2012.

It's origins lie in ancient times of.... 2008.

A woman wrote an essay about a time a man tried to explain a book (that she wrote) to her, and the term mansplaining was born a month later on LiveJournal in response.

When it actually entered the zeitgeist, I dunno, but the New York Times included it in its "words of the year" in 2010.
Mr Zoat, I was rereading and found a broken picture.
"There are real outliers like Granny Goodness, but I assume that her current appearance is something to do with her divine nature. Or possibly Father blasting her with the Omega Effect until she looked like that." I create a construct in the image of the New Goddess of Child Abuse. So glad I didn't actually grow up on Apokolips.
The one linked to Granny doesn't work, but the one linked to Goodness does. I assume the first link is to a picture of a young Goodness?
I wonder how Barry has been since killing the Sheeda Queen. If word's gotten around, odds are his Rogues Gallery are probably a little more wary of how far they can go with their actions nowadays.

Probably won't stop Reverse Flash though.
How feasible would a controlled descent/fall of the city be? Seems like it would be a bit easier than constantly holding it up. Paragon doesn't seem to be using any Ophidian-merger power-up here either, unless I forgot orange text somewhere. He's the one who can eat magic, so hopefully he gets a chance to look over the ritual site soon- he may even be able to depower the priests by sucking on their magic or something (RIP Praexis Demons, I actually miss having them around now).

When did the real/ex-Grayven ally with the Citizenry in the Renegade timeline? Since the Paragon version is focused on Reach space I assume he hasn't done the same thing, but I'm not sure. I was just thinking about it and wondering if taking down Astarte will be more challenging or different in some way in the Paragon timeline (hopefully that's in the cards). Could be interesting to have the New Titans be involved, as allies or the victims of the attack or both.
Workhorse (part 22)
14th October 2012
14:24 GMT

Jade and I watch as the prison transport lifts off, a hold full of non-mortally injured cultists for the Ravens to 'process'.

"We're really bad at this."

"That's about as well as it could have gone."

"I meant taking a holiday. Do thanagarians do parades?"

"Yes. Not for aliens, but yes. Why?"

"Some of us haven't given themselves a tickertape parade while singing 'New York New York' and flying down Central Avenue."

"I'm pretty sure that the government of Vietnam would have given you a parade, back when you undid every congenital deformity in the country."

"It's not really the same."

"Good work on that, by the way. Having reviewed the performance of a lot more Lanterns since then, motivating yourself that much -even during an overload- isn't something a lot of people can do. Especially not without experience."

"I didn't want to disappoint you."


"Not like that. You basically got me out of prison years early with a clear record."

"Not 'clear'."

"As close to clear as will ever matter. I can still fly on airplanes under my own name." She breathes in deeply, then snorts the air out of her nose. "You were giving me an opportunity to prove myself, in the same way Ra's did when he let me join the League of Shadows. I wasn't loyal to him because I knew anything about his ideology. I was loyal to him because he gave me that opportunity."


"And I appreciate you not pushing the issue, because I didn't like how it made me act one little bit."

"Consider it dropped."

A squad of thanagarian soldiers equipped for riot control flap lazily up from one of the access points to Enndupar's Downside, landing the moment they emerge into sunlight. Their armour has burns, cuts and a little blood on it, but from the looks of it the blood isn't theirs.

"What do they do for aliens who do them a big favour?"

"Make them queen, then depose them and kill all their friends once their back is turned."

She smiles faintly. "You should try that joke with them."

"That's sure to make Hawkwoman like me."

We sit there quietly for a moment, watching the thanagarian military continue working to put the city to rights. I don't know how many of the cultists were hardcore devotees and how many just wanted to tear down the existing order that did so little for them, but… When you're trying to resurrect a being like Onimar Synn, it honestly doesn't matter.

"What did you see down there?"

"The ritual was focused around a statue. I didn't want to risk killing the priest, but using incendiaries on the altar worked."

"How big was this statue?"

"About fifteen feet high." I suck in air through my lips. "What?"

"That was probably one of Onimar Synn's avatar bodies. Inactive, since-" You're still alive. "-they were still trying to wake it up. I assume that it wasn't damaged?"

"It was Nth metal." Her face goes completely serious. "Do we need to get back down there and deal with it?"

"I honestly don't know how to deal with something like that. Chuck it in a black hole would be my best guess, but I don't know for certain that he can't feed on those."

We sit in silence for a few minutes, watching one of the cruisers which relieved the city drift past, military engineers flying to and from its open cargo hold.

"How many of them do you think were agents?"

"Informants, or actual infiltrators under orders from the government?"

"Either. Both."

"I doubt they did all this for our benefit. But the timing is very convenient."

"I'm pretty sure that the head of the garrison didn't know. Wrong patterns of emotion."

Jade nods without looking at me.

"The mining equipment was… Simple to sabotage. It wasn't set to break down at a particular time, but it would have been very easy for someone to walk up to it and do what I did."

"You didn't spot anyone doing that?"

"No. Does it matter?"

"Not for another week. But I'm very serious about making sure that the Seven Devils don't return. It's-." I tilt my head back, looking at the sky where I can just about make out the ships at the edge of the atmosphere as tiny specks. "When I was… In primary school? I read a science fiction book. In the opening chapter the main character was in a space flight simulator. His ship flew too close to a black hole and he had to get free. He performed the manoeuvre correctly and left the scenario, expecting his teacher to congratulate him on his skill. Instead he got a D, because he wasn't supposed to get that close to the black hole in the first place."

She nods. "We might be able to beat the Seven Devils, but we shouldn't ever have to."

"But I don't think that Thanagar will do anything this week. They've got plenty of prisoners to process for information."

"What do they want to know?"

"About their own history, perhaps? Or magic? The capacity to use magic strikes me as something that they'd be eager to get their hands on."

"Is that a problem?"

"It might be a problem for Hyathis, but I can't see them gaining sufficient mastery to cause a problem for Earth. Not more of a problem than their fleets could already cause."

I slump slightly.

"Sorry we ended up working again. I doubt that the amusement centres will reopen until they've run loyalty checks on everyone."

She smiles faintly. "Is there anywhere we could go where we wouldn't end up working?"

15th October 2012
17:02 GMT

I look up from my sunbathing spot as Jade walks into the clearing, dead… Future dinner animal, in her hands. She nods at me before recovering a knife from her pack and starting to remove the fur.


"Odym really is a great place to get away from everything."
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Some of us haven't given themselves a tickertape parade while singing 'New York New York' and flying down Central Avenue."

Ahh, the Cake Incident.

I had almost forgotten about it.

He ship flew too close

'His ship'

She smiles faintly. "Is there anywhere we could go where we wouldn't end up working?"

15th October 2012
17:02 GMT

I look up from my sunbathing spot as Jade walks into the clearing, dead… Future dinner animal, in her hands. She nods at me before recovering a knife from her pack and starting to remove the fur.


"Odym really is a great place to get away from everything

They hoped for a quiet vacation and they got it on the planet of hope.
14th October 2012
14:24 GMT

Jade and I watch as the prison transport lifts off, a hold full of non-mortally injured cultists for the Ravens to 'process'.

"We're really bad at this."
Well, I'm sure the Thanagarian population would say you did very well, saving the city and all... ;) Oh, wait, you mean 'having a holiday', don't you? Yeah, that's pretty accurate. It's like.. either you stumble across trouble and have to deal with it, or trouble comes looking for you. Not conducive to relaxing in peace and quiet...

"That's about as well as it could have gone."

"I meant taking a holiday. Do thanagarians do parades?"
I would expect something more akin to a fly-by. With those who can't fly, or the guests of honour, riding in hover chariots or something traditional like that...

"Yes. Not for aliens, but yes. Why?"

"Some of us haven't given themselves a tickertape parade while singing 'New York New York' and flying down Central Avenue."
Hey, now, that was while he was under the influence of the Ophidian... Or it was under the influence of OL... It's complicated!

"I'm pretty sure that the government of Vietnam would have given you a parade, back when you undid every congenital deformity in the country."

"It's not really the same."
Though unless OL announced it to the world, I doubt anyone would have known she did it. A giant wave of orange sweeping across the country cleaning the environment and healing people? More likely to be assumed to be OL's work than anything else.
EDIT: Right, then... People do know someone other than OL did it, but not by name...

"Good work on that, by the way. Having reviewed the performance of a lot more Lanterns since then, motivating yourself that much -even during an overload- isn't something a lot of people can do. Especially not without experience."

"I didn't want to disappoint you."
Well, isn't that cute.


"Not like that. You basically got me out of prison years early with a clear record."
Hey, Enlightened self-interest in the name of others is still Avarice. How do you think he got by in the early months?

"Not 'clear'."

"As close to clear as will ever matter. I can still fly on airplanes under my own name." She breathes in deeply, then snorts the air out of her nose. "You were giving me an opportunity to prove myself, in the same way Ra's did when he let me join the League of Shadows. I wasn't loyal to him because I knew anything about his ideology. I was loyal to him because he gave me that opportunity."
Too bad he wasn't the sort of person who should deserve that kind of loyalty...


"And I appreciate you not pushing the issue, because I didn't like how it made me act one little bit."
Danger, OL, Danger! Girlfriend warning detected!

"Consider it dropped."

A squad of thanagarian soldiers equipped for riot control flap lazily up from one of the access points to Enndupar's Downside, landing the moment they emerge into sunlight. Their armour has burns, cuts and a little blood on it, but from the looks of it the blood isn't theirs.
No doubt the pacification is not proving to be gentle.

"What do they do for aliens who do them a big favour?"

"Make them queen, then depose them and kill all their friends once their back is turned."
He's talking about the former ruler of the planet, Queen Hyathis, if it wasn't clear. Right place, right time, huh?

She smiles faintly. "You should try that joke with them."

"That's sure to make Hawkwoman like me."
That probably depends on how she feels about Hyathis. She'd probably feel obliged to chastise him about it, even if she was chuckling inside.
EDIT: :oops: No, definitely not chuckling. If anything, then, the chastisement would be done with her mace...

We sit there quietly for a moment, watching the thanagarian military continue working to put the city to rights. I don't know how many of the cultists were hardcore devotees and how many just wanted to tear down the existing order that did so little for them, but… When you're trying to resurrect a being like Onimar Synn, it honestly doesn't matter.

"What did you see down there?"
The joy of having an entire disenfranchised underclass like that. Offer them the slightest chance to get even, and, well...

"The ritual was focused around a statue. I didn't want to risk killing the priest, but using incendiaries on the altar worked."

"How big was this statue?"
And did it survive? Because if the government intends to melt it down for re-use, that could be awkward.

"About fifteen feet high." I suck in air through my lips. "What?"

"That was probably one of Onimar Synn's avatar bodies. Inactive, since-" You're still alive. "-they were still trying to wake it up. I assume that it wasn't damaged?"
Which is basically how they interacted with their followers and subjects. Having a body made of near-indestructible metal makes it that much tougher to stop them...

"It was Nth metal." Her face goes completely serious. "Do we need to get back down there and deal with it?"

"I honestly don't know how to deal with something like that. Chuck it in a black hole would be my best guess, but I don't know for certain that he can't feed on those."
Given how hax Nth metal can be, I would not doubt the possibility.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, watching one of the cruisers which relieved the city drift past, military engineers flying to and from its open cargo hold.

"How many of them do you think were agents?"
The cultists? I would bet one or two in just the right place could nudge them into violent action. Kills two birds with one stone, too: Takes out the cult, and scare people into toeing the party line.

"Informants, or actual infiltrators under orders from the government?"

"Either. Both."
Because why wouldn't you have agents who could play both sides against each other?

"I doubt they did all this for our benefit. But the timing is very convenient."

"I'm pretty sure that the head of the garrison didn't know. Wrong patterns of emotion."
Emily did sound a bit put out about the whole situation. Probably would have been a bit calmer if she'd been expecting it.

Jade nods without looking at me.

"The mining equipment was… Simple to sabotage. It wasn't set to break down at a particular time, but it would have been very easy for someone to walk up to it and do what I did."
So... an operation planned in case aliens showed up with the right skills, or planned in case OL's 'holiday' brought him here? ¿por qué no los dos?

"You didn't spot anyone doing that?"

"No. Does it matter?"
And if she could spot them, they would have had to have been very bad at their jobs...

"Not for another week. But I'm very serious about making sure that the Seven Devils don't return. It's-." I tilt my head back, looking at the sky where I can just about make out the ships at the edge of the atmosphere as tiny specks. "When I was… In primary school? I read a science fiction book. In the opening chapter the main character was in a space flight simulator. He ship flew too close to a black hole and he had to get free. He performed the manoeuvre correctly and left the scenario, expecting his teacher to congratulate him on his skill. Instead he got a D, because he wasn't supposed to get that close to the black hole in the first place."
The man would have a point. Taking that sort of risk, even in a combat situation, would never fly in any military. One mistake and you're the one getting spaghettified, not the enemy.

She nods. "We might be able to beat the Seven Devils, but we shouldn't ever have to."

"But I don't think that Thanagar will do anything this week. They've got plenty of prisoners to process for information."
How many of them will survive that process... That's not really his concern.

"What do they want to know?"

"About their own history, perhaps? Or magic? The capacity to use magic strikes me as something that they'd be eager to get their hands on."
Especially since Nth Metal lends itself to magic very nicely.

"Is that a problem?"

"It might be a problem for Hyathis, but I can't see them gaining sufficient mastery to cause a problem for Earth. Not more of a problem than their fleets could already cause."
Really need to work on that whole 'minimal protection from outside attack' thing, OL. A L.E.G.I.O.N fleet on watch doesn't count.

I slump slightly.

"Sorry we ended up working again. I doubt that the amusement centres will reopen until they've run loyalty checks on everyone."

She smiles faintly. "Is there anywhere we could go where we wouldn't end up working?"
Well, he did suggest one place, way back when...

15th October 2012
17:02 GMT

I look up from my sunbathing spot as Jade walks into the clearing, dead… Future dinner animal, in her hands. She nods at me before recovering a knife from her pack and starting to remove the fur.
...And I she she's in enough of a mood to put up with 'roughing it' for a while, if nothing else turns up.


"Odym really is a great place to get away from everything."
And elsewhere, Ganthet is raising an eyebrow at the trace of Orange Light showing up on his secret laboratory planet. :D

Well, let's hope nothing else shows up to ruin what little vacation time they have left. Because by now, I suspect they'd happily beat it down with a metaphorical baseball bat for upsetting their holiday. If nothing else, now's a good time to find out what other Pauls are up to, hmm? I'm sure one of them must have something hilarious going on.
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Though unless OL announced it to the world, I doubt anyone would have known she did it. A giant wave of orange sweeping across the country cleaning the environment and healing people? More likely to be assumed to be OL's work than anything else.
It was caught on video, and Jade's extended family saw it when they were having a get together. Though I'm not sure if her name was actually put on record. I remember the news just called her OL's sidekick.
Zoat, the link in the spoiler box for this chapter isn't working.

When I click on it it just says Error.
Thank you, corrected.
Is the next episode SI focused or renegade focused?
You'll know about two days after I do.
Though unless OL announced it to the world, I doubt anyone would have known she did it. A giant wave of orange sweeping across the country cleaning the environment and healing people? More likely to be assumed to be OL's work than anything else.
He did. Remeber 'whitemailing'.
That probably depends on how she feels about Hyathis. She'd probably feel obliged to chastise him about it, even if she was chuckling inside.
A British comedian named Jimmy Carr recently got in troublel for making a joke related to the holocaust. I don't think I can put it here, though a simple internet search should bring it up.

That's roughly what she'd think of the SI's comment.
Mr Zoat, I think you missed this, so I'm posting it again. I was rereading and found a broken picture.
"There are real outliers like Granny Goodness, but I assume that her current appearance is something to do with her divine nature. Or possibly Father blasting her with the Omega Effect until she looked like that." I create a construct in the image of the New Goddess of Child Abuse. So glad I didn't actually grow up on Apokolips.
The one linked to Granny doesn't work, but the one linked to Goodness does. I assume the first link is to a picture of a young Goodness?
Mr Zoat, I think you missed this, so I'm posting it again. I was rereading and found a broken picture.

The one linked to Granny doesn't work, but the one linked to Goodness does. I assume the first link is to a picture of a young Goodness?
I didn't miss it, I just didn't have time to fix it between getting up and going to work. I'll fix it this evening.
During this whole workhorse arc it became clear that at least Renegade do knows how to relax and take a break while Oh El doesn't.
Paul find his job fulfilling and enjoyable. When he grows bored or stressed he just shifts over to a dissimilar project. He doesn't need to take breaks. This whole convoluted mess was for Jade's benefit. And by all indications it was a dismal failure from start to finish.

Well… for Jade anyway. Paul managed to get some productive work in.

My Gods...!

Paul learned how to relax! :eek:o_O
Just because he can perform the action of sunbathing doesn't mean he finds it relaxing.
He is pleased because he achieved his current objective of 'avoid work while with Jade'. Not because he is doing something he finds relaxing.
How long have Jade and Paul been on vacation it has to have been a few days by now?
"Odym really is a great place to get away from everything."
I thought so.
Make them queen, then depose them and kill all their friends once their back is turned."
I honestly don't know how to deal with something like that. Chuck it in a black hole would be my best guess, but I don't know for certain that he can't feed on those."
Electrify till it explodes and Crumble it!
Ahh, the Cake Incident.

I had almost forgotten about it.
Paul:Dang it all! I nearly had 1 person! 1!

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