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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Star Wars Legends has way too many dumb elements and terrible writing to be of actual use as a basis of a serious story.

I would keep what was written by Timothy Zahn and stuff from the x-wing series, and trash pretty much anything else.
Vantavendi (part 9)
20th October 2012
17:34 GMT -5

I look up at the long list of superheroes who've died recently from bullets matching the ones Miss Carlyle was firing. The police had already linked the murders, but she doesn't appear inclined to leave witnesses alive to identify her personally.

Batman looks along the line of youth team members.

"Almost all of the dead were newly active superheroes unaffiliated with any larger group. A few had partners, but there were no groups larger than two. It's the three who were members of the Alliance of the Just that interest me."

He expands their records and dismisses the others.

"Adrian Chase. Vigilante. Noted for using firearms. He had killed alleged criminals on several occasions, but the police ruled those instances justified on the grounds of defense of another. He joined the Alliance shortly after the Manhattan chapter opened, and there was a noticeable drop in his lethality."

Unlike Marvel, Earth 16 doesn't actually have hundreds of superpeople in New York. I remember that in the Justice League/Avengers crossover they noted that DC's New York was actually considerably smaller, but as far as I could see it just sort of merges into the surrounding urban area so I don't know exactly what that would look like. Neither Diana nor Alan are grade-A criminal investigators, so there's a space for a street level superhero ecosystem to develop. I haven't spent enough time there to bother finding out much about them.

"He was found dead two weeks ago from close-range gunshot wounds. Evidence at the scene suggests that his body was moved before it was found, but the police haven't been able to find out where from. They also haven't been able to track his movements in the two hours prior to his most likely time of death."

He walks along to the next image.

"Daniel William Ducannon. White Dragon."

A short way down the line I see M'gann cringe slightly at the flames in his image. New Kara spots me looking and waves, smiling broadly.

"He joined the Chicago branch of the Alliance after several confrontations with local police over his use of his flame control powers during his arrests and his apparent racism. Before he died, he had significantly improved his self-discipline to the point that even officers who'd been critical of his actions spoke of him favorably in the press."

"Lastly, Susan Linden. Black Orchid. Unlike the other two she had no record of excess violence. I haven't yet had time to go through her entire repository of case files, but they appear to be extensive. She also joined the Alliance of the Just recently, and according to their reports did so primarily to gain access to their intelligence-sharing apparatus."

"The Justice League will be pursuing the new Crimson Avenger. I want the team to focus on these three cases. Find out what made them special that she chose to deviate from her usual victim profile. Aqualad, I leave the mission planning to you."

He turns and stalks towards the zeta tubes, leaving us looking at the three holograms.

Kaldur takes a step forward, then turns to face the… Class.

"Orange Lantern, can you brief us on Crimson Avenger's abilities?"

"Recognised, Batman, Zero Two."

I nod, walking out of line until I'm in the middle of the room and then turn, connecting my ring to the hologram projectors and creating an image of Miss Carlyle.

"Miss Carlyle appeared at all times to be surrounded by a cloud of red mist. I can't tell you if that's just because she emits it all the time or because she needs to put it somewhere first in order to teleport there. She can make herself selectively intangible, not sure whether it's at-will or automatic."

"Oh El?"

"Kid Flash?"

"You've got plenty of anti-magic weapons. How come you didn't take her down?"

"My priority was getting Mister Grant to safety, and my anti-magic attacks can be a bit lethal. I didn't know quite how big her kill count was at the time. I'd probably have been able to square an amputation with myself if I did."

Canis leaves the line to walk right up to the hologram, staring into its eyes. Birth of the Author.

"Based on what we've learned, removing her desires probably wouldn't do anything. The guns are talking to her inside her head and she's obeying. With no desires of her own she'd be less able to resist than she is now. Returning to Kaldur's original question, her aim is supernaturally good. She was able to hit me with a round from a Colt nineteen eleven at a range of approximately one and a half miles, her bullet punching through my environmental shield and armour when it hit. There's no way she could have known the wind speed in the intervening space when she fired."

Canis steps back from the hologram. "It is hollow artistry."

Kaldur takes a step closer to him. "What do you mean?"

"Her shots. Her nature. A simple machine can create an image, but art requires a direction of passion. She has none, alive but possessing nothing of life."

"Do you believe that she is completely under the control of the guns?"

"No. If the spirits bound to the guns provided purpose, I would see it." He shakes his head. "I have seen more spirit from Lowlies."

"And you can tell all that for sure from a hologram?"

"The ability lies in me, not in the subject. I can tell."

Richard approaches the hologram, apparently trying to see what Canis saw. "Oh El, can you play it through?"


We all move a little further away and I play the whole encounter through. Richard studies it closely while Canis is far less interested, having formed his opinion already.

Richard shakes his head as it reaches the point where I left the room and the image freezes. "I want to say that she's not moving right, but I don't know if that's true. She's not moving right for a gunfighter, but the guns could be moving around on their own. Or just working the muscles they need."

Artemis shakes her head. "She doesn't think anyone can hurt her. Wonder Woman couldn't. She doesn't need to minimise her profile if no one can attack her."

Wallace looks curiously at her guns. "I didn't think it was possible to dual wield pistols accurately like that."

Raquel shakes her head. "It's not. You can spray a load of lead if you're using automatics, but the recoil means that it won't stay on target."

A few people look curiously in her direction, prompting her to shift awkwardly.

"I hung out with some bad people."

"I tried that at a range, and she's right. Nothing about how she moved suggested to me that she had super strength, and even with super strength the gun would move a bit. She's moving and changing where she's aiming… Something else is going on."

"Hm." Zatanna looks at me. "Did you know his guns were possessed?"

"Not for certain. And I really didn't know where they were."

Richard looks at me. "Where were they?"

"Pass. Though if no one was using them, that suggests that the voices are fairly quiet."

Kaldur nods. "We have three people to investigate. Batman will investigate the other aspects of the case."

"Ah… Do you think that it's worth finding out about the Alliance of the Just more generally? What they're saying to superheroes who come to them with a body count? I know some people who are involved."

Kaldur considers, then nods. "I believe that may be useful."
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Umm... I'm not sure precisely which part says it's a common view of dragons, but since at least 2005's Old World Bestiary for 2nd Edition Fantasy Roleplay, they could talk (Quote at the start and reference 2c). Although IDK if there's anything earlier and given Storm of chaos is before 2005 it might not have been made canon from before the cutoff point Zoats using?

(Responding to Vaermina)
In 5th edition, the death of a dragon's rider resulted in a role on the Monster Reaction Table, to see how the dumb animal reacted to the death of it's master/mother figure.

One of the best characters to come out of Peacemaker.

Another character from Peacemaker.

know quite her big her kill count was at the time.

'how big her'

She not moving right for a gunfighter, but the guns could be


lead if you're using automatics, but the recoil means that it won't stay on target."

A few people look curiously in her direction, prompting her to shift awkwardly.

"I hung out with some bad people

Before you met Icon.
"Adrian Chase. Vigilante. Noted for using firearms. He had killed alleged criminals on several occasions, but the police ruled those instances justified on the grounds of defense of another. He joined the Alliance shortly after the Manhattan chapter opened, and there was a noticeable drop in his lethality."
He was probably targeted because he killed some bad guys that the police doesn't know about. Either that or some of those alleged criminals wanted payback.

"Daniel William Ducannon. White Dragon."

A short way down the line I see M'gann cringe slightly at the flames in his image. New Kara spots me looking and waves, smiling broadly.

"He joined the Chicago branch of the Alliance after several confrontations with local police over his use of his flame control powers during his arrests and his apparent racism. Before he died, he had significantly improved his self-discipline to the point that even officers who'd been critical of his actions spoke of him favorably in the press."
After reading this guy's history, I can only say good riddance. Too bad Crimson Avenger II doesn't bother to investigate and make his true intentions known.

"Lastly, Susan Linden. Black Orchid. Unlike the other two she had no record of excess violence. I haven't yet had time to go through her entire repository of case files, but they appear to be extensive. She also joined the Alliance of the Just recently, and according to their reports did so primarily to gain access to their intelligence-sharing apparatus."
I'm drawing a blank as to why she was killed. Although based on her history, her successor should make an appearance after a few months or years.

Wallace looks curiously at her guns. "I didn't think it was possible to dual wield pistols accurately like that."

Raquel shakes her head. "It's not. You can spray a load of lead if you're using automatics, but the recoil means that it won't stay on target."

A few people look curiously in her direction, prompting her to shift awkwardly.

"I hung out with some bad people."
I'm guessing she's referring to members of the Shadow Cabinet. How is Batman going to react to learning of their existence?

Kaldur nods. "We have three people to investigate. Batman will investigate the other aspects of the case."

"Ah… Do you think that it's worth finding out about the Alliance of the Just more generally? What they're saying to superheroes who come to them with a body count? I know some people who are involved."

Kaldur considers, then nods. "I believe that may be useful."
I'm actually excited to see more of the Alliance of the Just. It just seems interesting to me to see a team of lower levelled superheroes who aren't affiliated with the Justice League being so active and proactive.
He was probably targeted because he killed some bad guys that the police doesn't know about. Either that or some of those alleged criminals wanted payback.

Or maybe one of the people he killed was guilty but there was a lack of proof, so legally they were innocent, even if they did it.

I'm guessing she's referring to members of the Shadow Cabinet. How is Batman going to react to learning of their existence


Before she became Icon's sidekick, Raquel was part of some gang that tried to rob a place he owned.

Icon stopped them and Raquel convinced him to become a superhero, with her as his sidekick.
20th October 2012
17:34 GMT -5

I look up at the long list of superheroes who've died recently from bullets matching the ones Miss Carlyle was firing. The police had already linked the murders, but she doesn't appear inclined to leave witnesses alive to identify her personally.

Batman looks along the line of youth team members.
Getting the Team involved in the hunt? Risky, since some of them might be considered to have blood on their hands. Still, the more eyes on this thing the better. Too bad she's already got a few hero kills to her name thus far...

"Almost all of the dead were newly active superheroes unaffiliated with any larger group. A few had partners, but there were no groups larger than two. It's the three who were members of the Alliance of the Just that interest me."

He expands their records and dismisses the others.
She's been busy, I see. Frustrating that she's been able to do that much undetected, but if they were rookies without allies, it explains why no-one noticed.

"Adrian Chase. Vigilante. Noted for using firearms. He had killed alleged criminals on several occasions, but the police ruled those instances justified on the grounds of defense of another. He joined the Alliance shortly after the Manhattan chapter opened, and there was a noticeable drop in his lethality."
Not a total Punisher ripoff, like his bio makes him sound to be.

Unlike Marvel, Earth 16 doesn't actually have hundreds of superpeople in New York. I remember that in the Justice League/Avengers crossover they noted that DC's New York was actually considerably smaller, but as far as I could see it just sort of merges into the surrounding urban area so I don't know exactly what that would look like. Neither Diana nor Alan are grade-A criminal investigators, so there's a space for a street level superhero ecosystem to develop. I haven't spent enough time there to bother finding out much about them.
To be fair, Marvel's thing about New York is because they were based there, and the Authors probably didn't want to 'cheat' by making up random city names like DC did for their heroes to defend.

"He was found dead two weeks ago from close-ranged gunshot wounds. Evidence at the scene suggests that his body was moved before it was found, but the police haven't been able to find out where from. They also haven't been able to track his movements in the two hours prior to his most likely time of death."

He walks along to the next image.
Sounds like someone was trying to make a point. Though it seems odd that she'd do so... Sounds like at least one of his kills was looking for vengeance from beyond.

"Daniel William Ducannon. White Dragon."

A short way down the line I see M'gann cringe slightly at the flames in his image. New Kara spots me looking and waves, smiling broadly.
Oh, right, the extra-dimensional Supergirl is still here. I assume if Overgirl was here, she'd instantly recognise the name (We saw his Earth-10 counterpart a couple of episodes back, remember?)

"He joined the Chicago branch of the Alliance after several confrontations with local police over his use of his flame control powers during his arrests and his apparent racism. Before he died, he had significantly improved his self-discipline to the point that even officers who'd been critical of his actions spoke of him favorably in the press."
...Sounds suspicious. Either they put him through one hell of a boot camp, or someone involved put the whammy on him. Either way, we can guess why he was targetted.

"Lastly, Susan Linden. Black Orchid. Unlike the other two she had no record of excess violence. I haven't yet had time to go through her entire repository of case files, but they appear to be extensive. She also joined the Alliance of the Just recently, and according to their reports did so primarily to gain access to their intelligence-sharing apparatus."

"The Justice League will be pursuing the new Crimson Avenger. I want the team to focus on these three cases. Find out what made them special that she chose to deviate from her usual victim profile. Aqualad, I leave the mission planning to you."
Interesting. Mayhaps the Guns found something in her time on the streets to hunt her down for...

He turns and stalks towards the zeta tubes, leaving us looking at the three holograms.

Kaldur takes a step forward, then turns to face the… Class.
Even though a lot of the team are in their late teens already... Still quite a few of them under sixteen.

"Orange Lantern, can you brief us on Crimson Avenger's abilities?"

"Recognised, Batman, Zero Two."

I nod, walking out of line until I'm in the middle of the room and then turn, connecting my ring to the hologram projectors and creating an image of Miss Carlyle.
Now, to see what the Team makes of her. It's hardly the most stylish 'costume', after all: Streetclothes and a red blindfold...

"Miss Carlyle appeared at all times to be surrounded by a cloud of red mist. I can't tell you if that's just because she emits it all the time or because she needs to put it somewhere first in order to teleport there. She can make herself selectively intangible, not sure whether it's at-will or automatic."

"Oh El?"
Ah, the obvious question: "Why didn't you catch her?"

"Kid Flash?"

"You've got plenty of anti-magic weapons. How come you didn't take her down?"
Priorities, Wally. Fragile old man to protect, multiple bystanders...

"My priority was getting Mister Grant to safety, and my anti-magic attacks can be a bit lethal. I didn't know quite her big her kill count was at the time. I'd probably have been able to square an amputation with myself if I did."

Canis leaves the line to walk right up to the hologram, staring into its eyes. Birth of the Author.
Ooh, wonder if OL felt that? He has been improving his sensitivity towards Godspeech lately, after all. Or does he only notice when he's actually focusing on listening for it...

"Based on what we've learned, removing her desires probably wouldn't do anything. The guns are talking to her inside her head and she's obeying. With no desires of her own she'd be less able to resist than she is now. Returning to Kaldur's original question, her aim is supernaturally good. She was able to hit me with a round from a Colt nineteen eleven at a range of approximately one and a half miles, her bullet punching through my environmental shield and armour when it hit. There's no way she could have known the wind speed in the intervening space when she fired."
And enkindling desires might be just as bad as stilling them, depending on how into the Guns' cause she is...

Canis steps back from the hologram. "It is hollow artistry."

Kaldur takes a step closer to him. "What do you mean?"
Interesting perspective.

"Her shots. Her nature. A simple machine can create an image, but art requires a direction passion. She has none, alive but possessing nothing of life."

"Do you believe that she is completely under the control of the guns?"
Very interesting. OL didn't see any Black in her... But perhaps there's the title link ('A little amount of black.' if I remember right)

"No. If the spirits bound to the guns provided purpose, I would see it." He shakes his head. "I have seen more spirit from Lowlies."

"And you can tell all that for sure from a hologram?"

"The ability lies in me, not in the subject. I can tell."
That puts a different spin on things. I don't know what, but it's interesting...

Richard approaches the hologram, apparently trying to see what Canis saw. "Oh El, can you play it through?"


We all move a little further away and I play the whole encounter through. Richard studies it closely while Canis is far less interested, having formed his opinion already.
I wonder how the bullets would interact with his Danner-enhanced physique? In the comics, they tore up a Kryptonian (Power Girl) just as badly as they did a human (Wildcat.)

Richard shakes his head as it reaches the point where I left the room and the image freezes. "I want to say that she's not moving right, but I don't know if that's true. She not moving right for a gunfighter, but the guns could be moving around on their own. Or just working the muscles they need."

Artemis shakes her head. "She doesn't think anyone can hurt her. Wonder Woman couldn't. She doesn't need to minimise her profile if no one can attack her."
Which means that when someone does manage to, it'll be a crippling shock to her (or whatever's manipulating her.)

Wallace looks curiously at her guns. "I didn't think it was possible to dual wield pistols accurately like that."

Raquel shakes her head. "It's not. You can spray a load of lead if you're using automatics, but the recoil means that it won't stay on target."
Yeah, Guns Akimbo looks pretty, but without superhuman powers, it don't work so well...

A few people look curiously in her direction, prompting her to shift awkwardly.

"I hung out with some bad people."
At least she's not any more.

"I tried that at a range, and she's right. Nothing about how she moved suggested to me that she had super strength, and even with super strength the gun would move a bit. She's moving and changing where she's aiming… Something else is going on."

"Hm." Zatanna looks at me. "Did you know his guns were possessed?"
Given the Guns seem to create their ammunition on the fly, I wouldn't put it past them to be reducing recoil for her.

"Not for certain. And I really didn't know where they were."

Richard looks at me. "Where were they?"
...Dick, if he knew, he'd have acquired them for safety's sake.

"Pass. Though if no one was using them, that suggests that the voices are fairly quiet."

Kaldur nods. "We have three people to investigate. Batman will investigate the other aspects of the case."
Evidently the Alliance has piqued the Bat's curiosity. Presumably a safer target than letting them go after the trigger-happy supernatural vigilante with no sense of restraint or concern for collateral damage...

"Ah… Do you think that it's worth finding out about the Alliance of the Just more generally? What they're saying to superheroes who come to them with a body count? I know some people who are involved."

Kaldur considers, then nods. "I believe that may be useful."
More intel is always good. Knowledge is power, after all.

It'll be interesting to get more of a look at the Alliance, then. Pretty sure it's not something from the comics, from a quick look at the DC Wiki. But given the larger push towards heroic organisation OL has been causing, I'm not surprised something like it popped up. Very few traditional superhero groups go in for that kind of legitimate accountability, so I wonder what benefits they offer such habitual loners.
Risky, since some of them might be considered to have blood on their hands

Canis especially.

Loriel too.

The others may also have even if they never killed anyone directly.

Them just arresting people could have lead to them being executed or being killed in prison.

Not a total Punisher ripoff, like his bio makes him sound to be.

Though the fact the creators of the Peacemaker show practically made him into DC's Deadpool was just perfect.

assume if Overgirl was here, she'd instantly recognise the name (We saw his Earth-10 counterpart a couple of episodes back, remember

Yep, he insulted a Latino guy and called Paul several homophobic slurs.
True. And if Hordak hasn't raised up anyone competent and loyal enough to send thru with enough start up resources and personel to develop local resources for immediate needs to conquer the planet and still plant Hordaks flag by the end of it the Hordak is an idiot that only thinks he can conquer more than 1 world he's on at any one time. 2 is a pipe dream.

Which version of He-Man media is this universe?

Was this Jordan showing up?
e command geas, there's no reason why you could not return tom-.
What was she gonna say? Tomorrow?
I haven't gone through everything in the Legends Timeline either but I agree that it is much better than Disney's works in general, while it did a good job in some cases it failed too badly in others. I'm sure if you were too look you would find videos or articles like wiki pages that might jog your memories like Luke's wife and son but while I am holding out hope it is still your decision.
Legends also has dumb crap like kids going darkside and killing their parents, so... But there's also good stuff, for sure.
"Was a rapist and a mass murderer, and a few years ago the Angels had a good go at removing our species' capacity for free will. The 'End of History' they called it. John'll be able to give you the details if you want them." I take a breath. "Neither Law nor Chaos are inherently good or bad. The Angels I've heard about are pretty much Lawful Neutral. Raise the dead or kill the firstborn son of every Kahndaqi household, whatever they're told to do goes. And I'll remind you that we'd be obliged to defend the Kahndaqi children if that happened now."
Mr Zoat, I was rereading and found a broken picture. The second picture doesn't work, but I believe it was the scene of Gabriel at Sodom and Gomorrah.
Be neat to see how Alliance of the Just operates since seems like they are making big effort to unite lots of the street level heroes around the country in general, along with upcoming heroes.

On a whole its a good idea, doing the kinda low level stuff that League shouldn't be focusing on, but considering their trend of recruiting more lethal heroes and apparently easily turning them around... makes it feel kinda sus.
The one that ended too soon.
That it did, sadly like most cartoons targeted at kids its existence was too tied up in toy sales which people messed up.
Mr Zoat, I was rereading and found a broken picture. The second picture doesn't work, but I believe it was the scene of Gabriel at Sodom and Gomorrah.
The second picture worked for me, I just had to tell my broswer to ignore the entirely imagined security risk. Anyone else?
That it did, sadly like most cartoons targeted at kids its existence was too tied up in toy sales which people messed up.

Unfortunately what they messed up with was with the toys, they did way too many He-Man and Skeletor toys and not enough of the rest and the Skeletor toy wasn't even show accurate. They forgot kids won't buy more that one of each.
The second picture worked for me, I just had to tell my broswer to ignore the entirely imagined security risk. Anyone else?
Also had to ignore the security risk, but it worked for me. (Win10/Chrome/Edge/Firefox/IE) Might be that peoples security just won't display from a website with errors in their security cert's.
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Does Paragon!Paul still wear an inertia belt with his armor? I assume it was on and did nothing against the bullets?

Also I am disappointed that Artemis didn't try anything like Canis did. Given that the Artemis we're more familiar with is in Renegade!Paul's timeline this makes sense, but it means that the Artemis on the Paragon side is a little lacking. Even with super strength. Did Zatanna ever join the Paragon juniors team? Pretty sure she did not. I wonder if mister Zatara would be vulnerable to these bullets after killing someone while Nabu was possessing him.

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