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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

In the Mandated universe, Paul went into a relationship with Jade, who is neither a criminal, nor has a cat theme. But that was only after encouragement from Jade, who while not a criminal in that universe, still probably has a cat theme. But even ignoring criminals and cats, they are both still dangerous, which seems to be a third factor.
In the Mandated universe, Paul went into a relationship with Jade, who is neither a criminal, nor has a cat theme. But that was only after encouragement from Jade, who while not a criminal in that universe, still probably has a cat theme. But even ignoring criminals and cats, they are both still dangerous, which seems to be a third factor.

I'm not so sure about that version of Jade Nguyen.

Lawrence Crock Jr. was apparently still a criminal there, albeit he now works for the Chinese in their version of Suicide Squad, so it's possible his daughter also started out as a criminal.
I'm not so sure about that version of Jade Nguyen.

Lawrence Crock Jr. was apparently still a criminal there, albeit he now works for the Chinese in their version of Suicide Squad, so it's possible his daughter also started out as a criminal.
Perhaps. But he would have gone straight before Paul's arrival. And after he went straight, I'd expect him to drag Jade with him on that path, even if she had started as a criminal. And if Jade had ever committed a truly serious crime, I doubt the government would have given her a pardon simply because her father had earned one for himself.
Paul is bisexual right? Have we see any version of him dating a man?
In the Mandated universe, Paul went into a relationship with Jade, who is neither a criminal, nor has a cat theme. But that was only after encouragement from Jade, who while not a criminal in that universe, still probably has a cat theme. But even ignoring criminals and cats, they are both still dangerous, which seems to be a third factor.
That version of Jade neither has a cat theme nor a criminal record.
Paul is bisexual right? Have we see any version of him dating a man?
I think it's more of a sexual preference thing. As in, he finds certain male physiques to be pleasing, and it wouldn't be a barrier when it comes to starting a relationship. Probably the same for any traditionally male traits. But Pauls seem to not want to pursue sexual interest without a corresponding romantic interest. And they very much have a type. So, I guess the requirement for a Paul to actually enter into a relationship with another man would be to find a man matching his preference (cat, criminal, strong, or some combination), who is pleasing to the eye, and actually expresses a reciprocal interest. And all this before he is able to meet up with a woman who he decides he wants to pursue. Because when presented with multiple options like that, Paul seems to want to stick with his first choice for as long as he reasonably can.
Well, of course not. I just said that. She has a green lantern theme, and if she had a criminal record, the Guardians probably wouldn't have given her a ring.

I think Zoat was talking about Jade Nguyen.

I think it's more of a sexual preference thing. As in, he finds certain male physiques to be pleasing, and it wouldn't be a barrier when it comes to starting a relationship. Probably the same for any traditionally male traits. But Pauls seem to not want to pursue sexual interest without a corresponding romantic interest. And they very much have a type. So, I guess the requirement for a Paul to actually enter into a relationship with another man would be to find a man matching his preference (cat, criminal, strong, or some combination), who is pleasing to the eye, and actually expresses a reciprocal interest. And all this before he is able to meet up with a woman who he decides he wants to pursue. Because when presented with multiple options like that, Paul seems to want to stick with his first choice for as long as he reasonably can.

So Catman may be a good match for Paul.

Granted I think he's straight, so he may be out.

Though he does fulfill all of the other traits Paul apparently finds attractive.
Paul is bisexual right? Have we see any version of him dating a man?

Kind of depends on how you view Paragon's interactions with Lex, maybe?

I mean, it didn't go as far as an explicitly romantic relationship, but their relationship always read to me like someone who's making excuses for a person they're attracted to, and deeply in denial about that person's ability to actually change.
Kind of depends on how you view Paragon's interactions with Lex, maybe?

I mean, it didn't go as far as an explicitly romantic relationship, but their relationship always read to me like someone who's making excuses for a person they're attracted to, and deeply in denial about that person's ability to actually change.

Paul really fulfills a lot of characteristics we would typically see in an abusive/toxic relationship, like trying to "fix" a person and being in denial about their character.
Well, of course not. I just said that. She has a green lantern theme, and if she had a criminal record, the Guardians probably wouldn't have given her a ring.
Vantavendi (part 10)
20th October 2012
19:56 GMT -5

"Oh." Hartley Rathaway looks decidedly surprised on the small screen attached to his workplace's front door intercom. "Orange Lantern. Ah. What brings you here?"

New Kara floats up behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. "And Supergirl!"

"Yeah. Ah, hi?"

"Three members of the Alliance of the Just have been murdered by a woman using possessed handguns, and we-. That is to say, the Justice League, have finally twigged that we don't know all that much about the way the organisation works. We-."

"Oh.. God, who? Who died?"

"Vigilante, White Dragon-"

That gets a frown.

"-and Black Orchid."

"I didn't really know any of them. White Dragon was the fire guy with the red and white power armour?"

"That's right."

"I met him once-. Do I.. need a lawyer?"

"Noo!" New Kara shakes her head. "We just wanna know background stuff about an organisation you're part of! You haven't done anything illegal!"

"Though… Given that that's probably what police would say before they tried to get you to incriminate yourself, I'd totally understand if you wanted one."

"But you're not investigating me?"

"I don't know, do we need to?" He looks decidedly-. "Sorry, sorry. I meant that as a joke, but it was-. Poor taste."

"Uh-huh." He glances at something off-camera. "I guess you might as well come in. Just the two of you?"


Kara's still beaming cheerfully at the monitor, and I'm just now remembering her response to a 'hippy' and I'm not sure if she has equivalent feelings about homosexuals. Kryptonians didn't have specific hang-ups about same sex relationships on Krypton 16, but as far as I remember only had fairly mild contempt for people like the Daxamites who opted out of technologically advanced society. I guess that her original parallel might be different?

There's a buzz, and the door before us unlocks. I push in with New Kara floating along behind me, looking around everywhere in apparent fascination. There's no reception area, just two ground level doors and a staircase up to the first floor.

Oh. I don't know if New Kara needs to do the slight squint thing that Kon and Kal-El need to in order to use alternate visual modes. She might well be staring through the building.

"Up here."

Mr. Rathaway's opened the upstairs door and is waving down to us. I walk up the staircase, while Kara skips the stairs and flies up to him.

"Hey there!"

"Hello." He looks at her for a moment, then a mild frown appears on his face. "Ah-. This is going to sound like a strange question, but… Is there more than one Supergirl?"

"Yes! Five of us so far!"

"That's… Confusing. Have you considered using a different name?"

"No! And we're aiming for six!"

"If it helps, there are hundreds of Orange Lanterns. And we call this one 'New Kara'."

She folds her arms across her chest. "Kara Six Six Six should be 'New Kara'! We found her after we found me!"

"She's been on Earth for longer than you."

Kara pouts. "Phooey! I'll just have to wait until Cir-El turns up! The she'll be New Supergirl and I'll be Old New Supergirl!"

"Do you-? Do you want to come in my workshop?"

"Thank you, yes."

We follow him into what appears to be half office and half high-tech workshop. I-.

"Is that a nanofabricator? I hadn't realised Doctor Roquette was ready for a commercial release yet."

"She's.. not. Lenny had to agree to keep the cold system in working order himself, it's.. really temperamental. But being able to fabricate nanoscale-accurate structures is invaluable in my work, and Doctor Roquette gets my maintenance log, so..."

I frown, taking another look around. "What are you working on? When Lenny told me you got a job as a sound engineer, I was.. sort of assuming he meant 'stage sound systems'."

"That's… That would be a complete waste of my time. Like.. asking him to work in freezer maintenance. Take a… Take a seat."

He gestures to a couple of low set seats near what I assume to be his main desk, and I sit down. Kara decides to sit in the air instead. Mr. Rathaway stares for a moment, then shakes his head and returns his attention to me.

"You wanted to know about the Alliance?"

"You gave me the impression that you knew White Dragon. I mean…" I hold up my hands in a 'stop' motion. "We already know who killed him, so I'm not-"

"No, I get it."

"-trying to interrogate you, but if I could get some idea…"

"He's… I don't know if he was actually a Nazi or not, but he was part of some sort of white nationalist group. He kept his mouth under control most of the time, but it was pretty clear that he thinks-. Thought, I mean, of immigrants and black people as criminals in waiting. He didn't like gays much either."

I raise my eyebrows.

"And the Alliance was alright with that?"

"The Alliance is about making vigilantes more effective." He shrugs. "They don't really care if he goes after ethnic minority criminals as long as they are criminals. And… It's not a command and control relationship. We don't work for the Alliance. It helps us get the tools we need to work, but that's about it. And vigilantism is usually a crime, it's just that the police don't bother enforcing the laws against it a lot of the time."

"What are you making!?"

"Huh?" Kara's floated over to a mostly-complete machine and is studying it in fascination. "Oh. It's an ultrasound emitter for cancer treatment. Purple healing rays and other magic healing work on disease and physical injuries better than surgery or conventional medicine, but neither of them do much to stop cancer. But it turns out that a lot of the time cancerous cells are just different enough to other cells that the right pitch of sound can destroy them while leaving the healthy cells untouched." He smiles happily. "I'll be able to help a lot of people once it gets approval."

"I'm glad to hear it. So how did you and White Dragon meet?"
Last edited:
Is there more than one Supergirl?"

"Yes! Five of us so far!"

"That's… Confusing.

No shit.

No! And we're aiming for six!

You gotta even the numbers out.

If it helps, there are hundreds of Orange Lanterns

Though only one who us an Illustres and Orange Lantern 2814.

She's been on Earth for longer than

'far longer'

Kara pouts. "Phooey! I'll just have to wait until Cir-El turns up! The she'll be New Supergirl and I'll be Old New Supergirl!"

I think she's in Tangseid's universe.

Well if we're gonna see New Kara splatter Tangseid over a wall then I'm all for it.

medicine, but either of them

'but neither'

"What are you making!?"

"Huh?" Kara's floated over to a mostly-complete machine and is studying it in fascination. "Oh. It's a ultrasound emitter for cancer treatment. Purple healing rays and other magic healing work on disease and physical injuries better than surgery or conventional medicine, but either of them do much to stop cancer. But it turns out that a lot of the time cancerous cells are just different enough to other cells that the right pitch of sound can destroy them while leaving the healthy cells untouched." He smiles happily. "I'll be able to help a lot of people once it gets approval

Nice to see him utilize his talents like this.
"He's… I don't know if he was actually a Nazi or not, but he was part of some sort of white nationalist group. He kept his mouth under control most of the time, but it was pretty clear that he thinks-. Though, I mean, of immigrants and black people as criminals in waiting. He didn't like gays much either."
That should say 'Thought'.

"And the Alliance was alright with that?"

"The Alliance is about making vigilantes more effective." He shrugs. "They don't really care if he goes after ethnic minority criminals as long as they are criminals. And… It's not a command and control relationship. We don't work for the Alliance. It helps us get the tools we need to work, but that's about it. And vigilantism is usually a crime, it's just that the police don't bother enforcing the laws against it a lot of the time."
This is a pragmatic but understandable reasoning. Is there any chance that members of the Alliance can "get promoted" or something to the Justice League?

"What are you making!?"

"Huh?" Kara's floated over to a mostly-complete machine and is studying it in fascination. "Oh. It's a ultrasound emitter for cancer treatment. Purple healing rays and other magic healing work on disease and physical injuries better than surgery or conventional medicine, but either of them do much to stop cancer. But it turns out that a lot of the time cancerous cells are just different enough to other cells that the right pitch of sound can destroy them while leaving the healthy cells untouched." He smiles happily. "I'll be able to help a lot of people once it gets approval."
Why was New Kara screaming when she asked Pied Piper this? Also, that should say 'neither'.
"Huh?" Kara's floated over to a mostly-complete machine and is studying it in fascination. "Oh. It's a ultrasound emitter for cancer treatment. Purple healing rays and other magic healing work on disease and physical injuries better than surgery or conventional medicine, but either of them do much to stop cancer. But it turns out that a lot of the time cancerous cells are just different enough to other cells that the right pitch of sound can destroy them while leaving the healthy cells untouched."
Sounds like something at least Accomplished Perfect Physician should also be able to do, plus any adepts in sound-based magic, though I can appreciate the possible difficulties that traditional arcane arts would have in operating on the cellular scale.

Can Physician teach others his techniques while alive? I always thought it would be a cool upgrade for Black Canary. What's the source/principles of Physicin's powers? Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, something similar? His singing was analogous to New God abilities as implied in the fight with the Key.

I forget exactly what it was, but Kordtech was testing some Dreaming-based object that granted perfect sleep to those who heard it, right? Will Hartley get involved with that stuff and/or play any role in dealing with the magic whistle that Sara Smart/Sally Sonic uses?

Also how old is he compared to, say, Aqualad? I think it'd be sweet to see the latter find a guy since Canis and his canon love interest are off the table. Studying marine echolocation spells together is a cute mental image.
The guy's cape name was White Dragon. Combined with the racism, that pretty much screams KKK.
No. I think their higher ups have fancier bedsheets.
Like the grand dragon uses only the finest and prettiest red ones. Like the top D&D evil dragons.

So if he was KKK, he should have had a different color to show he was above the rank and file.
Golden Dragon might equal KKK though.
20th October 2012
19:56 GMT -5

"Oh." Hartley Rathaway looks decidedly surprised on the small screen attached to his workplace's front door intercom. "Orange Lantern. Ah. What brings you here?"

New Kara floats up behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. "And Supergirl!"
Ah, the chirpy one. This promises to be entertaining. I'm not sure either OL or Hartley will be able to put up with her cheeriness for too long, but at least she'll bring a lighter mood to matters.

"Yeah. Ah, hi?"

"Three members of the Alliance of the Just have been murdered by a woman using possessed handguns, and we-. That is to say, the Justice League, have finally twigged that we don't know all that much about the way the organisation works. We-."
...Kara does know the Team isn't to be talked about, right? I mean, I doubt it's a secret that the Super-sidekicks have their own little group, but...

"Oh.. God, who? Who died?"

"Vigilante, White Dragon-"

That gets a frown.
Yes, I can't imagine he liked Piper much. Not at all.

"-and Black Orchid."

"I didn't really know any of them. White Dragon was the fire guy with the red and white power armour?"
Hardly the most subtle fellow. Honestly amazed he didn't just call himself Grand Dragon or the like. :rolleyes: Then again, Comics Code...

"That's right."

"I met him once-. Do I.. need a lawyer?"
Feeling guilty about something? Or just force of habit from your Rogue days?

"Noo!" New Kara shakes her head. "We just wanna know background stuff about an organisation you're part of! You haven't done anything illegal!"

"Though… Given that that's probably what police would say before they tried to get you to incriminate yourself, I'd totally understand if you wanted one."
...I don't think 'Smart cop, dumb cop' is going to work too well here. ...I leave it to the reader as to who's which. :p

"But you're not investigating me?"

"I don't know, do we need to?" He looks decidedly-. "Sorry, sorry. I meant that as a joke, but it was-. Poor taste."
Indeed. Unlike some of his fellow Rogues, Hartley is not proud of his criminal days...

"Uh-huh." He glances at something off-camera. "I guess you might as well come in. Just the two of you?"

Hmm... Experiment in progress, or a visitor he doesn't want them seeing?

Kara's still beaming cheerfully at the monitor, and I'm just now remembering her response to a 'hippy' and I'm not sure if she has equivalent feelings about homosexuals. Kryptonians didn't have specific hang-ups about same sex relationships on Krypton 16, but as far as I remember only had fairly mild contempt for people like the Daxamites who opted out of technologically advanced society. I guess that her original parallel might be different?

There's a buzz, and the door before us unlocks. I push in with New Kara floating along behind me, looking around everywhere in apparent fascination. There's no reception area, just two ground level doors and a staircase up to the first floor.
Let's hope she's more laissez-faire about sexuality. Who knows?

Oh. I don't know if New Kara needs to do the slight squint thing that Kon and Kal-El need to in order to use alternate visual modes. She might well be staring through the building.

"Up here."
Let's hope there's no sensitive equipment to be disrupted by that kind of scrutiny.

Mr. Rathaway's opened the upstairs door and is waving down to us. I walk up the staircase, while Kara skips the stairs and flies up to him.

"Hey there!"
...She's basically taking gravity as a suggestion, isn't she? Then again, if I could fly about like that, I probably would.

"Hello." He looks at her for a moment, then a mild frown appears on his face. "Ah-. This is going to sound like a strange question, but… Is there more than one Supergirl?"

"Yes! Five of us so far!"
Though thankfully not all sharing the same name. That would get really confusing.

"That's… Confusing. Have you considered using a different name?"

"No! And we're aiming for six!"
I still say she could probably claim Power Girl if she got in quick.

"If it helps, there are hundreds of Orange Lanterns. And we call this one 'New Kara'."

She folds her arms across her chest. "Kara Six Six Six should be 'New Kara'! We found her after we found me!"

"She's been on Earth for longer than you."
Ah, the debate of seniority amongst interdimensional refugees... The things you could only read in this fic...

Kara pouts. "Phooey! I'll just have to wait until Cir-El turns up! The she'll be New Supergirl and I'll be Old New Supergirl!"

"Do you-? Do you want to come in my workshop?"
...Remind me, how does she know about Cir-El? Did OL mention the possibility at some point or..?

"Thank you, yes."

We follow him into what appears to be half office and half high-tech workshop. I-.

"Is that a nanofabricator? I hadn't realised Doctor Roquette was ready for a commercial release yet."
Oooh, tasty. Well, I doubt it's rated for organic-safe foodstuffs, but the possibilities.

"She's.. not. Lenny had to agree to keep the cold system in working order himself, it's.. really temperamental. But being able to fabricate nanoscale-accurate structures is invaluable in my work, and Doctor Roquette gets my maintenance log, so..."

I frown, taking another look around. "What are you working on? When Lenny told me you got a job as a sound engineer, I was.. sort of assuming he meant 'stage sound systems'."
Since a huge issue with nano-tech would be managing waste heat. Remember the 'Extremis'-in-name-only from 'Iron Man 3'? Good example of the drawbacks.

"That's… That would be a complete waste of my time. Like.. asking him to work in freezer maintenance. Take a… Take a seat."

He gestures to a couple of low set seats near what I assume to be his main desk, and I sit down. Kara decides to sit in the air instead. Mr. Rathaway stares for a moment, then shakes his head and returns his attention to me.
...True, given what he can do with sound... Maybe he could create a safe ultrasonic stun-gun? That'd go over well with police forces world-wide.

"You wanted to know about the Alliance?"

"You gave me the impression that you knew White Dragon. I mean…" I hold up my hands in a 'stop' motion. "We already know who killed him, so I'm not-"
And no big loss on anyone's part, besides Dragon himself.

"No, I get it."

"-trying to interrogate you, but if I could get some idea…"
So awkward...

"He's… I don't know if he was actually a Nazi or not, but he was part of some sort of white nationalist group. He kept his mouth under control most of the time, but it was pretty clear that he thinks-. Thought, I mean, of immigrants and black people as criminals in waiting. He didn't like gays much either."

I raise my eyebrows.
;) Yeah, I can just picture the break-room discussions now...

"And the Alliance was alright with that?"

"The Alliance is about making vigilantes more effective." He shrugs. "They don't really care if he goes after ethnic minority criminals as long as they are criminals. And… It's not a command and control relationship. We don't work for the Alliance. It helps us get the tools we need to work, but that's about it. And vigilantism is usually a crime, it's just that the police don't bother enforcing the laws against it a lot of the time."
...So they're more of a support group than an actual team. Probably a good thing. Can you see White Dragon sharing a locker-room with Piper?

"What are you making!?"

"Huh?" Kara's floated over to a mostly-complete machine and is studying it in fascination. "Oh. It's a ultrasound emitter for cancer treatment. Purple healing rays and other magic healing work on disease and physical injuries better than surgery or conventional medicine, but either of them do much to stop cancer. But it turns out that a lot of the time cancerous cells are just different enough to other cells that the right pitch of sound can destroy them while leaving the healthy cells untouched." He smiles happily. "I'll be able to help a lot of people once it gets approval."

"I'm glad to hear it. So how did you and White Dragon meet?"
Okay, now this is a good use of schizo-tech advances. He stands to make a lot of money if he can make it work, and patent/license it for production. I wonder if the Renegade-verse version was working on this.

Finally, we see someone choosing to take the smart route by themselves. 'Cut Lex Luthor a Check' in action! I bet some part of OL is jumping for joy, deep down. Still, worrying information about the Alliance. Letting assholes like White Dragon go about their business without proper oversight sounds like a recipe for trouble. I can't imagine this isn't ringing alarm bells in OL's head.

I forget exactly what it was, but Kordtech was testing some Dreaming-based object that granted perfect sleep to those who heard it, right? Will Hartley get involved with that stuff and/or play any role in dealing with the magic whistle that Sara Smart/Sally Sonic uses?
It was a whistle used by those two Dreaming residents that kidnapped Melinoe.
Glob and Brute, from the Sandman series.

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