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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Also I am disappointed that Artemis didn't try anything like Canis did. Given that the Artemis we're more familiar with is in Renegade!Paul's timeline this makes sense, but it means that the Artemis on the Paragon side is a little lacking

Lacking in what?


Paragon Artemis wasn't given godhood, only super strength, so she wouldn't have any divine powers.

Did Zatanna ever join the Paragon juniors team? Pretty sure she did not

She is a member of the Team.
Good morning Mr.Zoat. Thank you for your work.I start read it on SB then i see what happened on SF and i end on this site. Bcs of you i find this place,and thank you for this. You work help me to relax in this tough time. I am Ukrainian, and today i was waking up bcs of explosions so it could be last chapter that i read before russians will arrive. Thank you for all fun and inspiration.
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Good morning Mr.Zoat. Thank you for your work.I start read it on SB then i see what happened on SF and i end on this site. Bcs of you i find this place,and thank you for this. You work help me to relax in this tough time. I am Ukrainian, and today i was waking up bcs of explosions so it could be last chapter that i read before russians will arrive. Thank you for all fun and inspiration.
Be safe, man.
Versus the Rake Men (part 3)
21st year of the reign of King Randor I
Season of Chill
307th day, 16th bell


I look down at the figure staring at the pillars of glowing blue crystal that make up the core of Castle Grayskull's interior. She's standing on one of the platforms that Zodak and King Hiss damaged during their fight, and seems to be just… Staring around at the place. Which makes it relatively easy for my probe construct to stay out of sight.

"I.. was under the impression that Hordak was a man?"

Evelyn stares at the image on the screen which Sir Duncan was able to acquire for me. A simple sheet of smart crystal, this was probably the equivalent of an e-reader before Hordak arrived, and now it's probably irreplaceable. I only have it because without the technology that supported its function no one else can use it.

"On both of the occasions I saw his face, he seemed to be. His voice was certainly masculine. But I suppose it's not that hard to change a voice with magic."

"Show yourselves!"

Evelyn frowns. "It did not sound like that."

"Do you think Hordak would be arrogant enough to make people wear helmets oh dear."

"What have you seen?"

"That sword she's holding. Look familiar?"

Evelyn looks carefully. "It's similar to the swords wielded by Prince Adam and by He-Man. Perhaps they use the same smith. A little concerning, if that smith is working for Hordak and his admirers as well."

Right, that does make it seem less special. "Evelyn Powers, I bind you against repeating what I am about to say to anyone other than myself, Sir Duncan, Teela Na or Prince Adam." Her eyes shimmer with blue-white light as the binding takes effect.

"Why did you-?"

"He-Man is Prince Adam. When he taps into the power of Grayskull using the Sword of Power-."

Her eyes widen. "The power expresses itself as physical might rather than arcane power, of course! I'd assumed that the prince was simply being coddled, when in fact he's been throwing himself into every engagement."

"Prince Adam's sword is the one King D'Vann Grayskull used in his final fight with Hordak, that was recovered afterwards and kept inside Grayskull. Assuming that the histories I've been reading were even vaguely accurate… That's his original sword. The one he lost during the battle that cost Hordak most of his surviving army. That's how she got in; as far as the castle's concerned she has every right to be here."

"Hordak captured it in the aftermath."

"Looks like. I haven't been able to find any records on exactly what happened to it, and that's as good an explanation as any."

"Then why didn't he use it in their final confrontation?"

"The power came from King D'Vann. The sword was a convenient conduit. It wouldn't have added anything to Hordak's abilities, since from the things I've read it seems like he was primarily a caster. All… This, he created as he died, and bound his sword-." Oh. "He bound his sword to it. But he'd done something similar to that to use his original sword. It wouldn't have done anything while he was alive-."

"But he could use it to draw on Grayskull's power now. Can you turn it off?"


She rolls her eyes. "You're the Sorcerer."

"Yes. Technically. I even know how to turn the lights on and off. I don't know how to precisely sever a person from the power of Grayskull. Though…"

I hold out the staff. I can feel the expectant magic of this chamber, the various magics in the structure of the Castle itself, the wards… Even Evelyn's binding geas. But I can't feel anything from the figure down on the platform.

"I don't think that she's using it at the moment. So it's just a clumsy sword."

"I don't recognise her from my previous encounters."

"And I don't recognise her from my research. That's clearly not Shadow Weaver."


I look away from the screen to give Evelyn my full attention. "Really?"

"Yes. And no, it's not her. She has a fixation with red robes and hoods. I'm certain that Hordak's recruited other women, but I've had no contact with them."



"I hadn't really thought about it in a holistic way before, but you were with Keldor for a long time, weren't you? You joined up before his revolt-."

"I met him when I was exploring the world outside of Zalesia for the first time. A few months of preparation, and then sixteen long years stuck behind the Mystic Wall. "

"Oh no, trapped on half the planet. But… You don't think it's Adora, do you?"

"Hordak wouldn't have ordered her abduction if he simply intended to kill her. Her frame is relatively slight, so it's possible that she isn't full grown. She's a little taller than Prince Adam."

"Girls start their growth spurt earlier than boys. He'll end up taller. So, okay, Adora's probably back, and ordinarily that would be cause for a celebration."

"But she's been in Hordak's hands for her entire life. And Beatrix is skilled at manipulating minds. I doubt that she will be willing to turn from him simply because you ask nicely."

"But she hasn't drawn on the power of Grayskull. Which means that she's a well trained fifteen year old."

"Unless she can transform as Prince Adam can. Fighting She-Woman would be difficult."

I shake my head. "There's an activation phrase, and I can't think of any way for her to know it. She'll just be a well trained teenager in good armour."

"You think we can take her? I'm forbidden access to my staff, and from touching the power of Grayskull without the Sorceress's personal supervision." She realises. "Or yours."

"Do you actually know how to-?"

"I've known that for longer than Keldor has. My.. father, fought beside King Grayskull, and told me of his power. I simply didn't realise that Castle Grayskull still existed."

Darn. Ah, so the choice is, take a chance of Evelyn actually being reformed so that giving her a little power isn't a risk, or ask her to fight against Adora without her preferred weapon. If she is trustworthy, then showing trust will improve our relationship. If she isn't, then I risk everything.

I can't do that. I just can't risk it.

And she can see my decision in my face.

"I see. I thought that you struggled with fighting Eternians directly."

"I do. I'll have to evade a lot. Hopefully, having the Castle backing me means that I-."

There's a crash from the ground just in front of us, and we look up-

My eyes passing over the screen and realising that probably-Adora is no longer where she was.

-and see the original Sword of Power pointing at me as the Hordak-mask glowers down at us.

"You. Caitiff. What is this place?"
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I look down at the figure staring at the pillars of glowing blue crystal that makes up the core of Castle Grayskull's interior. She's standing on one of the platforms that Zodak and King Hiss damaged during their fight, and seems to be just… Staring around at the place. Which makes is relatively easy for my probe construct to stay out of sight.
I think there's something wrong with the pictures, because they won't load.
Whelp, I'm now imagining all this in the art style of the She Ra cartoon.
21st year of the reign of King Randor I
Season of Chill
307th day, 16th bell


I look down at the figure staring at the pillars of glowing blue crystal that makes up the core of Castle Grayskull's interior. She's standing on one of the platforms that Zodak and King Hiss damaged during their fight, and seems to be just… Staring around at the place. Which makes is relatively easy for my probe construct to stay out of sight.
While the pictures won't load, from context... This is the future She-Ra, still in her Horde-flunkie phase, and we are looking at a 2002 version of The Secret of the Sword. And oh, boy, does that ever mean Lantern is in way over his head.

"I.. was under the impression that Hordak was a man?"

Evelyn stares at the image on the screen which Sir Duncan was able to acquire for me. A simple sheet of smart crystal, this was probably the equivalent of an e-reader before Hordak arrived, and now it's probably irreplaceable. I only have it because without the technology that supported its function no one else can use it.
I suppose it saves on Ring charge to not have to create active imaging constructs.

"On both of the occasions I saw his face, he seemed to be. His voice was certainly masculine. But I suppose it's not that hard to change a voice with magic."

"Show yourselves!"
The young lady seems a little confused. This was clearly not an intentional trip, then.

Evelyn frowns. "It did not sound like that."

"Do you think Hordak would be arrogant enough to make people wear helmets oh dear."
Are you even listening to yourself, Lantern? Of course he is!

"What have you seen?"

"That sword she's holding. Look familiar?"
While there's no good image of a theoretical 2002 Sword of Protection, I'm picturing a more slender version of He-man's Sword of Power. Possibly with a less spiky guard...

Evelyn looks carefully. "It's similar to the swords wielded by Prince Adam and by He-Man. Perhaps they use the same smith. A little concerning, if that smith is working for Hordak and his admirers as well."

Right, that does make it seem less special. "Evelyn Powers, I bind you against repeating what I am about to say to anyone other that myself, Sir Duncan, Teela Na or Prince Adam." Her eyes shimmer with blue-white light as the binding takes effect.
Ah, reading the lady in on the big secret, huh? Necessary, if risky.

"Why did you-?"

"He-Man is Prince Adam. When he taps into the power of Grayskull using the Sword of Power-."
And if Skeletor had ever learned that little tidbit, everyone would have been royally fucked.

Her eyes widen. "The power expresses itself as physical might rather than arcane power, of course! I'd assumed that the prince was simply being coddled, when in fact he's been throwing himself into every engagement."

"Prince Adam's sword is the one King D'Vann Grayskull used in his final fight with Hordak, that was recovered afterwards and kept inside Grayskull. Assuming that the histories I've been reading were even vaguely accurate… That's his original sword. The one he lost during the battle that cost Hordak most of his surviving army. That's how she got in; as far as the castle's concerned she has every right to be here."
To be fair, it's a lot easier for 2002 Adam to Clark-Kent his way through things, since He-man gains about six inches of height and a good hundred pounds of muscle on him, never mind the hairstyle and clothing changes.

"Hordak captured it in the aftermath."

"Looks like. I haven't been able to find any records on exactly what happened to it, and that's as good an explanation as any."
Given that the events involved took place something like a thousand years ago, I'm not surprised no-one's ever given the matter any thought.

"Then why didn't he use it in their final confrontation?"

"The power came from King D'Vann. The sword was a convenient conduit. It wouldn't have added anything to Hordak's abilities, since from the things I've read it seems like he was primarily a caster. All… This, he created as he died, and bound his sword-." Oh. "He bound his sword to it. But he'd done something similar to that to use his original sword. It wouldn't have done anything while he was alive-."
In other words, she's carrying the back-up key to Castle Grayskull, without knowing it. Presumably Hordak gave it to her in hopes of just this happening.

"But he could use it to draw on Grayskull's power now. Can you turn it off?"


She rolls her eyes. "You're the Sorcerer."
No, he's more like a teenage boy with his aunt's car, and little idea of how to use it beyond 'this pedal makes it go, this makes it stop. Don't mix them up.'

"Yes. Technically. I even know how to turn the lights on and off. I don't know how to precisely sever a person from the power of Grayskull. Though…"

I hold out the staff. I can feel the expectant magic of this chamber, the various magics in the structure of the Castle itself, the wards… Even Evelyn's binding geas. But I can't feel anything from the figure down on the platform.
Which could mean anything from 'the sword is broken' to 'She hasn't re-synched it up to the castle yet.'

"I don't think that she's using it at the moment. So it's just a clumsy sword."

"I don't recognise her from my previous encounters."
If I remember right, she was largely a junior officer in a minor branch of the Horde's service. Hardly likely to be involved in meeting Hordak's agents, except maybe as a security guard...

"And I don't recognise her from my research. That's clearly not Shadow Weaver."

Because of course she wasn't named Shadow Weaver by her parents. And I have to say, that robe must be magic to be that figure-hugging yet loose at the same time. :p

I look away from the screen to give Evelyn my full attention. "Really?"

"Yes. And no, it's not her. She has a fixation with red robes and hoods. I'm certain that Hordak's recruited other women, but I've had no contact with them."
To be fair, most of the hench-folk we see are freaks and geeks (in the carnival sense.) But it's not like he didn't have female officers. They just showed up more in the She-Ra show.



"I hadn't really thought about it in a holistic way before, but you were with Keldor for a long time, weren't you? You joined up before his revolt-."
She's also technically older than she seems. Given her backstory involved time-travel courtesy of the Faceless One.

"I met him when I was exploring the world outside of Zalesia for the first time. A few months of preparation, and then sixteen long years stuck behind the Mystic Wall. "

"Oh no, trapped on half the planet. But… You don't think it's Adora, do you?"
Honestly, it'd be a hell of a coincidence given they were just discussing her earlier... But Eternia seems to run on narrative convenience.

"Hordak wouldn't have ordered her abduction if he simply intended to kill her. Her frame is relatively slight, so it's possible that she isn't full grown. She's a little taller than Prince Adam."

"Girls start their growth spurt earlier than boys. He'll end up taller. So, okay, Adora's probably back, and ordinarily that would be cause for a celebration."
Admittedly, if her She-Ra forms remain consistent, he'll only have an inch or so on her, and her armour can make up for that.

"But she's been in Hordak's hands for her entire life. And Beatrix is skilled at manipulating minds. I doubt that she will be willing to turn from him simply because you ask nicely."

"But she hasn't drawn on the power of Grayskull. Which means that she's a well trained fifteen year old."
Don't underestimate her just because of her age, either of you.

"Unless she can transform as Prince Adam can. Fighting She-Woman would be difficult."

I shake my head. "There's an activation phrase, and I can't think of any way for her to know it. She'll just be a well trained teenager in good armour."
Ah, Filmation, and their sparkly, sparkly transformation sequences.

"You think we can take her? I'm forbidden access to my staff, and from touching the power of Grayskull without the Sorceress's personal supervision." She realises. "Or yours."

"Do you actually know how to-?"
And here's the dilemma. Let her have a little power, which with her skills, she could easily upgrade into a lot, or let her battle at a handicap, when she's primarily a caster, not a warrior.

"I've know that for longer than Keldor has. My.. father, fought besides King Grayskull, and told me of his power. I simply didn't realise that Castle Grayskull still existed."

Darn. Ah, so the choice is, take a chance of Evelyn actually being reformed so that giving her a little power isn't a risk, or ask her to fight against Adora without her preferred weapon. If she is trustworthy, then showing trust will improve our relationship. If she isn't, then I risk everything.
Like I just said. Let's hope she'll understand if you can't take that risk.

I can't do that. I just can't risk it.
:( Welp, there goes some of that friendship rating with her, then. Understandable, though.

And she can see my decision in my face.

"I see. I thought that you struggled with fighting Eternians directly."
...As an Orange Lantern? I guess he has major issues with recharging, then. So no direct application of constructs.

"I do. I'll have to evade a lot. Hopefully, having the Castle backing me means that I-."

There's a crash from the ground just in front of us, and we look up-

My eyes passing over the screen and realising that probably-Adora is no longer where she was.
Whoops. Someone failed their Spot check... And someone else passed theirs.

-and see the original Sword of Power pointing at me as the Hordak-mask glowers down at us.

"You. Caitiff. What is this place?"
Well, leading off with an insult. This is off to a fine start.

Let's hope we get to see more of this, alternating with the search for the Crimson Avenger on Earth-16. I'm honestly not sure which I find more interesting. Still amusing to think that this is happening on Eternia's equivalent to Valentine's Day, while the Sorceress is off bedding her sweetheart, Duncan. Boy, is coming back to this going to ruin that afterglow. :D
You. Caitiff. What is this place?"
I didn't know what this word was till today.
But even though I can tell it's an insult by the context, if it was me? I'd still open up with a joke about nit being this Mr. Caitiff.
"I hadn't really thought about it in a holistic way before, but you were with Keldor for a long time, weren't you? You joined up before his revolt-."
What does he mean a Holistic way?
Thank you, corrected.
What does he mean a Holistic way?
As a coherent series of events. It's like how you can't understand the histroy of a place by only looking at one moment in time. 'Evelyn works for Keldor now' rather than 'she left Zalesia here, she was seen working with Keldor here and was with him when the barrier went down here, which means that she was with him for this long'.
Female Hordak? Didn't see that coming. Now it's implied that this Hordak is actually Adora but there's nothing certain yet. I'm sure that Paul and Evelyn will figure something out but I will repeat that I am hopping that we will get a sort of timeline for each alternate Paul that will go over their stories including everything we didn't see.
Mr Zoat, since the Sorceress is spoken for, who would Orange Lantern of Eternia go for when it comes to a romantic partner?
Good question. But while there are roadblocks, it does seem pretty obvious if they move past them.
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Mr Zoat, if we consider all of the romantic partners that we are aware of for Paul and his counterparts, a majority of them are either reformed criminals, have a cat theme somehow, or both. Do they all just have that as their type? If so, I want someone who's met various versions of the SI to make a comment about that, possibly to the Team so they can all look at Paul afterwards.
Mr Zoat, if we consider all of the romantic partners that we are aware of for Paul and his counterparts, a majority of them are either reformed criminals, have a cat theme somehow, or both. Do they all just have that as their type? If so, I want someone who's met various versions of the SI to make a comment about that, possibly to the Team so they can all look at Paul afterwards.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Paul is the gender-swapped version of the Nice Girl that tries to fix the Bad Boy and falls in love with him.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Paul is the gender-swapped version of the Nice Girl that tries to fix the Bad Boy and falls in love with him.
If someone were to say this in-universe, who would it be? Right now, I'm thinking Kid Flash or Robin. This kind of joke seems like something they'd say.

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