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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

...any sort of precise cover-up. Certainly, he was never seen with a paramour or offspring afterwards. So I can't depict-.
Quadruple space here, in the reply box. Shows normal in the post.

Obviously I can't wash or anoint his body, and… I never thought to ask what the alternative was when a physical body wasn't available. A wreath I can do, though exposure to vacuum swiftly leaves it brittle. Two Themysciran coins-."
It's interesting to see OL showing this kind of respect for the dead, though the reasoning is made clear later.

So he missed the whole.. debacle at Christmas. Good to know.

"Dude, there's no body. You can't bury anything. And no way's anyone mourning that psycho."
I expect if the word went public, there'd be celebrations in the streets.

The coins and wreath go into the urn, the wreath crumbling to dust as it brushes the rim of the opening. And I add the handful of organic Tartarathian calls I found in the wreckage of the station. They might not be his, but… I mean… If.. the rest died here… This can be for them as well.

"Souls exist. Ghosts exist. The performance of proper funeral rites prevents the formation of angry ghosts by promptly sending souls to an afterlife."
"Do you want this guy coming after you as a ghost? Because not doing this is how you get that."

"Oh, you're making sure he goes to Hell." He shrugs, and I note that the damage to his face has mostly knitted itself back together. "I didn't think you did that sort of thing."
There's a lot you don't know, kid. You make that clear every time you open your mouth...

"Something was controlling him. Or… Messing with his head."
Amazing, he actually can think for himself!

Assuming this works. I don't want Mother of Mercy coming near that… Device.
Good plan.

"I will probably suggest to Lantern Xor that he remain on semi-independent anti-piracy duties. If you have made yourself useful, I would invite you to join him. Your heart appears to be in the right place, but your lack of basic training is going to impede your effectiveness."
Heh, buddy-cop comedy spin-off hook. He's an Honourable Man with a power ring. He's a high-powered telekinetic with an attitude. Together, they fight Space Crime!

"What have you done now?"
Aw, Best Granny, you know him so well.

Thirty metres in front of me space explodes in a surge of orange light as Hinon warps to my location, looking around in alarm. She raises her arms and the broken pieces of space station float away to give her a clear path to the device.
That's a lot of Fear, to show through the Avarice. Goes to show just how big a thing this is.

"If I knew what it was, then I wouldn't have called you."
Okay, OL, there's playing dumb, and then there's this...

She wheels to scowl at me. "Do you not-?" She stops herself. "No, no, of course you don't."
Remind me, she does know of his meta-knowledge? Is she realising the likelyhood that seeing it in a comic book is a lot less intense than living it?

"It's not the armour. None of him is supposed to exist any longer. I thought we were-." She takes a moment to calm herself. "We should destroy this fragment, before the Qwardians hear about it."
Okay, that makes sense. He was underestimating the armour chunk's importance.. which is extremely high level.

A decent denouement and plot hooks for the future. Let's just hope we don't get a Crisis up in this fic...
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No, they need the help of a Black Lantern if they actually want to kill him since that's the only thing that ever has.
Well, it might be worthwhile for Paul to bring up that he has run into Black Light, what would you call them, shamans I guess, on Earth. Might be slightly safer than one of the Maltusians getting it into their head to try to build a Black Ring as a stopgap measure.
Not necessarily in Zoat's universe:

And I seem to remember a line that went something like "do you know how many of us died trying to stop it?!" but I'm not having any luck finding it.

Well that's what her memories of people in Earth-16 say, anyway.

Since the memories of everyone in Earth-16 concerning anything that happened before 2006 are in fact a retcon according to the 52 event, one could hardly be blamed for being unconvinced.

Before 52, Earth-16 was identical to New Earth. Superboy was telekinetic. Wonder Woman was too young to fight in WW2, Mars was dead, Superman had adventures with the Legion of Superheroes as Superboy, etc, etc.

Then Mr Mind took a bite out of Earth-16 and now Mars has life, Wonder Woman was a WW2 vet, and kryptonian human hybrids don't seem to have psychic powers.
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Thirty metres in front of me space explodes in a surge of orange light as Hinon warps to my location, looking around in alarm. She raises her arms and the broken pieces of space station float away to give her a clear path to the device.

She hesitantly lowers her hands. "No…"


"Do you know what this is?"
I was expecting a bigger reaction, but honestly, kicking in the door through a few thousand light years and showing a non aligned emotion? That's bloody screaming for a Guardian or Controller.

"No, I need other Malthusians. Go, go and.. check the other sites. I'll call you back to watch once we're ready."

Did she just shoo him away so he wouldn't annoy anyone? Cause that's how I read that. After all, OL has a long tract record of pissing off the Skittle Lords.
Is this enough of a problem to warrant cooperation between the Controllers, Guardians, and Zamarons?
I would assume so, if Hinon's quotes imply that all Malthusians remember fighting the Anti-Monitor. The question I have is if they are willing to drop everything and work together with no fuss, or of they'll use this as a excuse to politic.

And, of course, if this will blow up in their faces.

Also, as a bonus, how this land mine will blow up in the Renegade's face. I suppose Effigy will eventually stumble upon the station on his own?
Is this enough of a problem to warrant cooperation between the Controllers, Guardians, and Zamarons?

Something to keep in mind-

If Anti-Monitor is alive, then a universe eating cosmic entity is a potential threat.

If the Anti-Monitor is dead, then Nekron can use him to make the Central Black Lantern Battery to start Blackest Night, so a zombie apocalypse out to snuff out the very concept of life from the universe is a potential threat.

So it's a pick your poison situation.
Something to keep in mind-

If Anti-Monitor is alive, then a universe eating cosmic entity is a potential threat.

If the Anti-Monitor is dead, then Nekron can use him to make the Central Black Lantern Battery to start Blackest Night, so a zombie apocalypse out to snuff out the very concept of life from the universe is a potential threat.

So it's a pick your poison situation.
In that one story Uchiha Sasuke and Power of Lies it was called I think, Sasuke thinks about how some people die so hard they never existed in the first place. Like people that betray Konoha since nobody ever betrays Konoha.

I think anti-monitor is set for same treatment.
Something to keep in mind-

If Anti-Monitor is alive, then a universe eating cosmic entity is a potential threat.

If the Anti-Monitor is dead, then Nekron can use him to make the Central Black Lantern Battery to start Blackest Night, so a zombie apocalypse out to snuff out the very concept of life from the universe is a potential threat.

So it's a pick your poison situation.

Huh, if that started Blackest Night (I never finished reading that event...), then might be possible for Hinon's solution to inadvertently start the Orangest Night Truggs was worried about?
Something to keep in mind-

If Anti-Monitor is alive, then a universe eating cosmic entity is a potential threat.

If the Anti-Monitor is dead, then Nekron can use him to make the Central Black Lantern Battery to start Blackest Night, so a zombie apocalypse out to snuff out the very concept of life from the universe is a potential threat.

So it's a pick your poison situation.
That or Nekron can resurrect the Anti Monitor as a Black Lantern.
organic Tartarathian calls I found
Did you mean "cells"?

what my rings thinks is

Quadruple space here, in the reply box. Shows normal in the post.
Is this really worth commenting on? HTML is explicitly a whitespace-agnostic format, and QQ's stylesheet doesn't change that (unlike some sites), so that shouldn't cause any issues. Unless it causes problems for the epub conversions I don't see it being a good use of time to find these OR to fix these.
Is this really worth commenting on? HTML is explicitly a whitespace-agnostic format, and QQ's stylesheet doesn't change that (unlike some sites), so that shouldn't cause any issues. Unless it causes problems for the epub conversions I don't see it being a good use of time to find these OR to fix these.
Eh, I just call any wrong-looking spacing I see, same as spelling errors or off grammar. Since I'm going line-by-line, it's no hassle to mark them. Mr Zoat's free to fix them or not as he pleases.
Just glad others are catching things I miss. Seriously, how'd I miss those two you spotted...
No, they need the help of a Black Lantern if they actually want to kill him since that's the only thing that ever has.
An Indigo Lantern channeling the Black Light of Death might also be able to accomplish it (we at least know that ILs can channel/emulate/whatever that light, because John managed it when he had an Indigo ring that time when the green rings were being possessed or something).
An Indigo Lantern channeling the Black Light of Death might also be able to accomplish it (we at least know that ILs can channel/emulate/whatever that light, because John managed it when he had an Indigo ring that time when the green rings were being possessed or something).
Normally I'd say "not necessarily on Earth 16" but in this case the story FAQ actually explicitly says that indigo has some access to the other colors.
Did you mean "cells"?
Thank you, corrected.
Eh, I just call any wrong-looking spacing I see, same as spelling errors or off grammar. Since I'm going line-by-line, it's no hassle to mark them. Mr Zoat's free to fix them or not as he pleases.
Just glad others are catching things I miss. Seriously, how'd I miss those two you spotted...
I do actually prefer to have them pointed out, as they still exist on my Word copy.
Normally I'd say "not necessarily on Earth 16" but in this case the story FAQ actually explicitly says that indigo has some access to the other colors.
Essentially, an Indigo's ability to use other colours is dependent on the penitants emotions before they were handed over to the Corps for rehabilitation. If they rejoiced in causing fear, then they can use yellow light. If they were raging bezerkers, red light. William Hand would be able to use black light if thye took him, but he's an... Unusual case and might have ended up breaking the system.
Well, it might be worthwhile for Paul to bring up that he has run into Black Light, what would you call them, shamans I guess, on Earth. Might be slightly safer than one of the Maltusians getting it into their head to try to build a Black Ring as a stopgap measure.
An Indigo Lantern channeling the Black Light of Death might also be able to accomplish it (we at least know that ILs can channel/emulate/whatever that light, because John managed it when he had an Indigo ring that time when the green rings were being possessed or something).
No... I mean it required an actual Black Lantern imprisoning him inside the Black Central Power Battery.
So confirmed then.

Once more OL runs into a threat that tanks everything he's got. Some other character is brought in who has just the (Far superior) ability for the job, with the added pip of the threat basically being forced to hurt himself.

Maybe Kid Flash IS some sort of future seer. He did state the belief that OL was the weakest person in the room.
So confirmed then.

Once more OL runs into a threat that tanks everything he's got. Some other character is brought in who has just the (Far superior) ability for the job, with the added pip of the threat basically being forced to hurt himself.

Maybe Kid Flash IS some sort of future seer. He did state the belief that OL was the weakest person in the room.
That's missing the point. OL did kill the guy Devlos Ungara I think the name was. Hinton was contacted for a consultation then freaked and came herself upon confirmation of Anti Monitor fuckery. The problem has been kicked upstairs like it should be.
That's missing the point.

No, the point was that OL hasn't been able to actually just WIN a fight (Unless it's against a fellow hero) for quite a long time now. The peak being when the Silver city bitch smacked him down like a small toddler, while the forces of Hell were actually able to do something.

At this point, not even his crumbler rounds (as godlike as anything "crumbler" stated has been till now) are working. Laser attacks, plasma attacks, extreme heat and cold, X-ionized sharper than sharp blades, explosives and anti-psychic attacks. Net gain? Zero.

Hell, he's pounding on threats with weaponized BLACK HOLES and beams of pure destruction and they just look at him like "Yeah, what-butt?"

Compared to his effectiveness right at the start, he's basically entered into the job guy phase of his career.

I also made a crack about OL pounding on someone with everything he's got, only to end up calling some random character that he knows about, who basically shows up and solves the problem.

And...that's kinda what just happened. Again.
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No, the point was that OL hasn't been able to actually just WIN a fight (Unless it's against a fellow hero) for quite a long time now. The peak is when the Silver city bitch smacked him down like a small toddler, while the forces of Hell were actually able to do something.

I also made a crack about OL pounding on someone with everything he's got, only to end up calling some random character.

To be fair he was fighting effectively God 'capital G' and hell was getting ready up for a war with heaven anyway.

I'd look at it was Paul has entered the late game as a generalist so he's trying to solo late game bosses and needs to pick party members to hard-counter them.

Edit: typo
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To be fair he was fighting effectively God 'capital G' and hell was getting ready up for a war with heaven anyway.
It was a jacked up Pidgeon of war, and by the end it was questionable whether the leadership above whoever Boss Smiley was impersonating even knew what was going on. Or cared for that matter.

OL has already poked the Greek and Norse Gods, and Gravyen took a Zeus bolt to the skull. I will not ascribe any more power or importance to the abrahamic deity then they get.

The fact remains that NOTHING OL did that entire arc mattered. Meanwhile, Harm, a guy he actually beat once, was flattening Silver City forces left and right.

I'd look at it was Paul has entered the last game as a generalist so he's trying to solo late game bosses and needs to pick party members to hard-counter them.
I barely understand why OL bothers with having a power ring any longer. Minus it's ease of use. I do take solace in his armor actually mattering.

I so loathe the "armor is useless" trope.

Magic has been shown to be the most powerful force in the universe, and even something as mundane as Telekinesis has consistently outperformed him. Being the thing that actually won the day in this very fight.
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That or Nekron can resurrect the Anti Monitor as a Black Lantern.

When Anti-Monitor broke out of the Central Black Lantern Battery, the seven lantern corps got to fight a Black Lantern Anti-Monitor who could tank all their attacks at the same time.

Whether because his armor was just that tough, or because the Anti-Monitor is an energy vampire, I don't know.
It was a jacked up Pidgeon of war, and by the end it was questionable whether the leadership above whoever Boss Smiley was impersonating even knew what was going on. Or cared for that matter.

OL has already poked the Greek and Norse Gods, and Gravyen took a Zeus bolt to the skull. I will not ascribe any more power or importance to the abrahamic deity then they get.

The fact remains that NOTHING OL did that entire arc mattered. Meanwhile, Harm, a guy he actually beat once, was flattening Silver City forces left and right.

I barely understand why OL bothers with having a power ring any longer. Minus it's ease of use. I do take solace in his armor actually mattering.

I so loathe the "armor is useless" trope.

Magic has been shown to be the most powerful force in the universe, and even something as mundane as Telekinesis has consistently outperformed him. Being the thing that actually won the day in this very fight.

Eh...... TK with enough points put into it for FTL. That's a different beast.
Eh...... TK with enough points put into it for FTL. That's a different beast.
While I wont disagree, I do consider "moving things with my mind with some...undefined force" to be far more mundane then Ring of Power, fueled by an universal emotional force.

I recall reading somewhere that next to super strength, telekinesis was the next most common super power.

After her powerup with the Star conqueror form, I'd state Ms. Martian to be the most powerful member of the team, especially if Zatanna has lost the staff. Only being beaten out in raw power terms by Kon, if he decides to fully open up with his Helios vision.

Thing is, everyone and their brother that shows up now utterly tanks everything OL throws at them. Then he contacts someone, and then that person shows up and with Mind power or Magic power...their shit actually WORKS.

Why? What makes whatever the hell they are doing better then what OL is doing?

Furthermore, after being slapped down like a toddler (something I can't stress enough with how helpless he was) one would think that OL would be quite concerned with it happening again, and thus moving to up his own personal might. But as it stands....he doesn't even seem to care. Like, death and revival were less impactful then a trip to the grocery store.

I'm not kidding when I say that, were I OL, I would actively be looking to replace my ring with one of the demonstrably most powerful/useful forces out there. I'd basically only keep the ring for backup/scanning purposes at this point.

His ring is less a source of power at this point, and more the drawer that he keeps all his actual useful shit in.

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