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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Especially when Lex holds the patents for the energy tech involved.
Patents aren't some magical ward...

If the US wants that tech and he actually filed the patents they can just eminent domain said patents and start building their own.

Which isn't going to be that hard given it took Luthor a month or two to retool his existing factories to start producing it.
It was revealed that the patents office has a fax machine for sending Project M copies of all supertech that gets patented.

So the Creature Commandos play SG-1: Visit exotic alien planets, meet new people, and then shoot them in the face for trying to conquer the Earth.

Maybe it's the Stargate fan in me, but I quite like that.
So has the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 been rescinded? One of the major principles of that treaty, to which the US was a signatory, was that no state could place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in space.
It probably should be in a parallel where Mars is inhabited, and there are other aliens who might invade.
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Especially when Lex holds the patents for the energy tech involved.

As I understand US law, that means that anyone who wants to use it can use it, but they have to pay him for the privilege

Not quite. There isn't a fixed price that has to be paid, you have to negotiate a contract, and the patent holder is within their rights to demand royalties of $100 billion per ship.

However, there is an exception for the government itself, particularly the military. For military purposes, the government can start using it immediately and work out a price the courts will declare "fair" later. And there's no chance of holding out for extortionate royalties like $100 billion per that way; Lex is lucky to get $1 million per at that point.
So the removal of the ban on weapons in space doesn't have a proper replacement but a 'please don't put it over our heads' suggestion?

The launch and ascent stages of conventional rockets would have whatever doomsday weapons over just about everyone's heads, and assuming that 'not over other people' refers to a geostationary orbit over a specific country despite no nations able to claim that airspace....oh boy the legal and political nightmares that would lead to....wow. Not to mention the problems with existing orbital infrastructure.

Getting a proper united nations space fleet to seed orbital defenses to would almost look good vs the utter shitshow trying to piece meal such things together would be like. The Sheeda invasion must have made a hell of an impact to get the world heading in such a direction.
What happened with the King of Tears? I remember that bit with Johnny Sorrow on Themyscira was really neat, but then it didn't seem to go anywhere. Was it because Klarion died, and he was the only one crazy enough to try a plan like that?
What happened with the King of Tears? I remember that bit with Johnny Sorrow on Themyscira was really neat, but then it didn't seem to go anywhere. Was it because Klarion died, and he was the only one crazy enough to try a plan like that?

Just reread that bit of archive. Klarion was involved in the initial approach but he was long dead on Renegade side by the time they were ready to summon it. Everyone in the Light but Lex voted for the summoning plan - Mordru, his replacement, included. I think the same happened on Paragon's side, with Satanus instead of Mordru.
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Coup Data (part 16)
27th October 2012
07:16 GMT +3

"Paul!" Hera smiles broadly, looking me over for… Reasons I'm not entirely certain about. "I understand that my ex-husband has a rapidly shortening life-expectancy. Will it hurt a lot?"

I drop onto her patio, then walk over to her breakfast table. She's wearing a 'conservative with an edge' nightdress with an open dressing gown, and without wanting to be crude-

"It's okay. You can think it."

-I've started playing 'Stacy's Mom' in my head.

"Sit." She points to the chair opposite. "Sit!"

"Thank you." I pull out the wooden chair and sit down opposite her. "Things have not yet reached that stage. How did..? You know-"

She's rolling her eyes.

"-what I was thinking? Because I'm warded and I'm trained to resist telepathic intrusion."

She looks at me like a mildly disappointed primary school reception teacher, and shakes her head.

"You should have thought of that before you started worshipping Olympians. You've moved in with your lover, haven't you?"

…whose domain is marriage and the family.

"I thought so. The other thing was obvious; I know perfectly well what effect I have on men who like women. So?"

"So.. Jade or so Zeus?"

"Both, of course."

"Yes, we're co-habiting, and it's… We're not on the same schedule and it's a bit awkward, but I-" I nod. "-prefer it. Prefer her being there andBeing there myself."

"And how does she feel about it?"

"A bit like she's intruding in her own house sometimes. And other times she just sort of relaxes-. I guess it's like a cat, where you know it's decided that it likes you when it jumps on your lap and goes to sleep. Jade's the sleep-with-one-eye-open type, and sometimes she'll do this whole… Alert-and-check-for-threats thing, but she instinctively doesn't include me, which is-. I know how big a deal that is for her."

"A little unusual, but promising, considering the circumstances. And the other thing?"

"Zeus 'asked' Diana to go to Tartarus 'coincidentally' after she turned down his offer of marriage-."


"I imagine it's less funny for me."

"Come now! He's gone from being able to seduce princesses while in the form of a swan-" She pulls a face. "-of all things, to having this princess refuse his offer to become queen!"

"Oh, I'd be fine with laughing at Zeus if it wasn't for the fact that I'm going to have to deal with it. Look… You don't have any leverage with-?"

"No. Not. One. Bit. He has no shame, so there are no stories, foibles or failings that I can threaten to share. Everyone already knows his true nature, so I can't threaten to reveal it. And I'm sure that an enterprising young man like yourself has already worked out the thing with the titans."

"Yes. Can-?"

"Why didn't I mention it when you first raised the matter with Hephaestus? Well, I didn't see how it was relevant. And Zeus hadn't gotten around to cutting me off then."

"And he has now."

"And he has now. Of course he has. Oh, don't look like that. I had no idea he was going to try to spread his slime all over Diana. I have no use for the extra power, so why would I mention it?"

"But you're familiar with power transfers from titan to god, having used it yourself for quite a while."

"It's not really that interesting."

"It is to me."

She fixes her eyes on me, mouth grinning. "Young man, are you doing something duplicitous?"

"Duplicitous? No. I'm fairly open and direct. Apropos of nothing, might I suggest that now is a good time to visit Hecate?"


"She's having a pool party with a few interested parties. Could be fun."

"A pool party in the Styx?"

"They've found a way to purify it and extract some sort of horrifying poison from the now-safe water."

Hera frowns. "And you think I should pay her a visit?"


"Alright then. We're between filming sessions so I can spare the time. Let me just go and-" She pushes her chair back and stands up. "-throw something on."

"Do you require transportation?"

"No, I can find my way quite well, thank you. Off you go. I'm sure that you're busy working on this whole situation."

I stand, and give her a shallow bow. "Thank you. Oh, and in the event that something unfortunate happened to Zeus, would you be interested in returning to your former station?"

She opens her mouth to respond, then suddenly a thoughtful look comes over her face and she closes it again, frowning.

"Do you know, I don't think I am. Even with everything that's happened lately, it's a fairly empty title. And I'd have to give up this." She looks around at her house, a little distractedly. "And that nice Mister Blake would hardly be able to interact with me at all."

"Glad to hear that you're getting on so well."

"It's nice to spend time with a man who is so emotionally mature. Now, be off with you."

I nod,

disappearing from her garden and

27th October 2012
12:20 GMT +8

reappearing in a workshop in China, a disturbingly short distance from their prison for uncooperative metahumans. Sensor dampening equipment covers the interior wall while war robot production facilities fill the rest of the space. All automated, and… Minimal warding.

Back on Earth Prime, the idea that 'Nationalist China' could ever take back the rest of the country is ludicrous. I'm not sure who didn't get the message in Taiwan Sixteen, but once I've shut this place down quietly then Batman can take as long as he needs to find out. Without starting World War Three.
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"Paul!" Hera smiles broadly, looking me over for… Reasons I'm not entirely certain about. "I understand that my ex-husband has a rapidly shortening life-expectancy. Will it hurt a lot?"

I drop onto her patio, then walk over to her breakfast table. She's wearing a 'conservative with an edge' nightdress with an open dressing gown, and without wanting to be crude-

"It's okay. You can think it."

-I've started playing 'Stacey's Mom' in my head.

"Sit." She points to the chair opposite. "Sit!"

"Thank you." I pull out the wooden chair and sit down opposite her. "Things have not yet reached that stage. How did..? You know-"

She's rolling her eyes.

"-what I was thinking? Because I'm warded and I'm trained to resist telepathic intrusion."

She looks at me like a mildly disappointed primary school reception teacher, and shakes her head.

"You should have thought of that before you started worshipping Olympians. You've moved in with your lover, haven't you?"

…whose domain is marriage and the family.

"I thought so. The other thing was obvious; I know perfectly well what affect I have on men who like women. So?"
I'm actually enjoying seeing Paul interact with Hera. I wish we could see her give Paul more advice or have him make small talk like this more often.

I stand, and give her a shallow bow. "Thank you. Oh, and in the event that something unfortunate happened to Zeus, would you be interested in returning to your former station?"

She opens her mouth to respond, then suddenly a thoughtful look comes over her face and she closes it again, frowning.

"Do you know, I don't think I am. Even with everything that's happened lately, it's a fairly empty title. And I'd have to give up this." She looks around at her house, a little distractedly. "And that nice Mister Blake would hardly be able to interact with me at all."

"Glad to hear that you're getting on so well."

"It's nice to spend time with a man who is so emotionally mature. Now, be off with you."
How is Captain Comet taking the whole dating a goddess thing? Is he genuinely interested, or just thinking of seeing how this all plays out?
What happened with the King of Tears? I remember that bit with Johnny Sorrow on Themyscira was really neat, but then it didn't seem to go anywhere. Was it because Klarion died, and he was the only one crazy enough to try a plan like that?
The King of Tears is still out there somewhere, but without Johnny Sorrow it doesn't have easy access to Earth.
27th October 2012
07:16 GMT +3

"Paul!" Hera smiles broadly, looking me over for… Reasons I'm not entirely certain about. "I understand that my ex-husband has a rapidly shortening life-expectancy. Will it hurt a lot?"

I drop onto her patio, then walk over to her breakfast table. She's wearing a 'conservative with an edge' nightdress with an open dressing gown, and without wanting to be crude-
Still feeling a little vindictive towards her brother and former husband, eh? I suppose that's a little useful in this situation. Though it's unlikely she'll want anything to do with the throne. The smart ones know that's a poisoned chalice...

"It's okay. You can think it."

-I've started playing 'Stacey's Mom' in my head.
Heh. Bet she's well aware when her guests are undressing her in their heads. Never mind the naughtier side of her fandom.

"Sit." She points to the chair opposite. "Sit!"

"Thank you." I pull out the wooden chair and sit down opposite her. "Things have not yet reached that stage. How did..? You know-"
Goddess, remember. And someone in a committed relationship, heading for marriage? Definitely well within her divine wheelhouse.

She's rolling her eyes.

"-what I was thinking? Because I'm warded and I'm trained to resist telepathic intrusion."
Sometimes, OL, you can do so dense.

She looks at me like a mildly disappointed primary school reception teacher, and shakes her head.

"You should have thought of that before you started worshipping Olympians. You've moved in with your lover, haven't you?"
Which apparently counts enough as 'marriage' for her domain to kick in.

…whose domain is marriage and the family.

"I thought so. The other thing was obvious; I know perfectly well what affect I have on men who like women. So?"
Useful for pegging the fellows who might have wandering eyes, eh? And she'll no doubt let them know her opinion of them.

"So.. Jade or so Zeus?"

"Both, of course."
After all, your pleasure is her business... But not that kind of pleasure. :oops: That's Aphrodite's field.

"Yes, we're co-habiting, and it's… We're not on the same schedule and it's a bit awkward, but I-" I nod. "-prefer it. Prefer her being there andBeing there myself."

"And how does she feel about it?"
And quite the commute for work, even if he can teleport.

"A bit like she's intruding in her own house sometimes. And other times she just sort of relaxes-. I guess it's like a cat, where you know it's decided that it likes you when it jumps on your lap and goes to sleep. Jade's the sleep-with-one-eye-open type, and sometimes she'll do this whole… Alert-and-check-for-threats thing, but she instinctively doesn't include me, which is-. I know how big a deal that is for her."

"A little unusual, but promising, considering the circumstances. And the other thing?"
You and your catgirls, even if it's only behavioural. Good to see Hera approves, though. Her blessing is bound to be helpful.

"Zeus 'asked' Diana to go to Tartarus 'coincidentally' after he turned down his offer of marriage-."

Yeah, he dun goofed. In so many ways this time.

"I imagine it's less funny for me."

"Come now! He's gone from being able to seduce princesses while in the form of a swan-" She pulls a face. "-of all things, to having this princess refuse his offer to become queen!"
Don't forget the not-even-mammalian 'Shower of Gold'. It's like the god has a transformation fetish...

"Oh, I'd be fine with laughing at Zeus if it wasn't for the fact that I'm going to have to deal with it. Look… You don't have any leverage with-?"

"No. Not. One. Bit. He has no shame, so there are no stories foibles or failings that I can threaten to share. Everyone already knows his true nature, so I can't threaten to reveal it. And I'm sure that an enterprising young man like yourself has already worked out the thing with the titans."
Props to him for not giving a fuck about anyone's opinion, at least. Pity he's such a bastard otherwise.

"Yes. Can-?"

"Why didn't I mention it when you first raised the matter with Hephaestus? Well, I didn't see how it was relevant. And Zeus hadn't gotten around to cutting me off then."
Oh, that's petty. He probably told her 'If you're not my wife, you're not Queen. So you don't need the power of a queen, do you?'

"And he has now."

"And he has now. Of course he has. Oh, don't look like that. I had no idea he was going to try to spread his slime all over Diana. I have no use for the extra power, so why would I mention it?"
And she's still got plenty of 'worshippers' now. Even if it isn't quite the same, or that worship plays that much part in their power...

"But you're familiar with power transfers from titan to god, having used it yourself for quite a while."

"It's not really that interesting."
But it's not like you wouldn't have it back if you could manage it, right?

"It is to me."

She fixes her eyes on me, mouth grinning. "Young man, are you doing something duplicitous?"
...Do you know who you're talking to, Missus? :p

"Duplicitous? No. I'm fairly open and direct. Apropos of nothing, might I suggest that now is a good time to visit Hecate?"

Heheh. Subtle as a brick to the face, eh, OL?

"She's having a pool party with a few interested parties. Could be fun."

"A pool party in the Styx?"
The Lethe, actually.

"They've found a way to purify it and extract some sort of horrifying poison from the now-safe water."

Hera frowns. "And you think I should pay her a visit?"
Never know when you might need some mystical potency.


"Alright then. We're between filming sessions so I can spare the time. Let me just go and-" She pushes her chair back and stands up. "-throw something on."
And I'm picturing... A sling bikini. (May not be entirely safe for work, some nipples in another pic...)

"Do you require transportation?"

"No, I can find my way quite well, thank you. Off you go. I'm sure that you're busy working on this whole situation."
That's putting it mildly.

I stand, and give her a shallow bow. "Thank you. Oh, and in the event that something unfortunate happened to Zeus, would you be interested in returning to your former station?"

She opens her mouth to respond, then suddenly a thoughtful look comes over her face and she closes it again, frowning.
Poisoned. Chalice. No sane god would want the throne of Olympus.

"Do you know, I don't think I am. Even with everything that's happened lately, it's a fairly empty title. And I'd have to give up this." She looks around at her house, a little distractedly. "And that nice Mister Blake would hardly be able to interact with me at all."

"Glad to hear that you're getting on so well."
Though a little concerning about Captain Comet, unless she's just exaggerating for dramatic effect...

"It's nice to spend time with a man who is so emotionally mature. Now, be off with you."

I nod,
As noted, she can probably pick every man on her staff with wandering eyes.

disappearing from her garden and

27th October 2012
12:20 GMT +8
Oooh, the eastern hemisphere?

reappearing in a workshop in China, a disturbingly short distance from their prison for uncooperative metahumans. Sensor dampening equipment covers the interior wall while war robot production facilities fill the rest of the space. All automated, and… Minimal warding.

Back on Earth Prime, the idea that 'Nationalist China' could ever take back the rest of the country is ludicrous. I'm not sure who didn't get the message in Taiwan Sixteen, but once I've shut this place down quietly then Batman can take as long as he needs to find out. Without starting World War Three.
Good luck with that. Perhaps disguise it as a simple industrial accident? Hardly a shortage of them, if 'Rekt' video threads are anything to go by.

Interesting choice to touch base with Hera. But if Zeus is likely to lose his throne out of all this, she would have been a logical choice to take it. Glad she's smart enough not to put that kind of target on her back. Seriously, I bet the only reason the children of Zeus haven't started a war yet is fear of him... :confused: And if he's de-powered, that threat is gone...
Still feeling a little vindictive towards her brother and former husband, eh

Wouldn't you be after everything Zeus has done.

You and your catgirls, even if it's only behavioural

Some Paul's are dating literal catgirls.

Though a little concerning about Captain Comet, unless she's just exaggerating for dramatic effect...

Not necessarily.

Olympians can kill humans with their true forms, so maybe Hera doesn't want that extra power since she could accidentally harm him.
"Thank you. Oh, and in the event that something unfortunate happened to Zeus, would you be interested in returning to your former station?"
Uhhh... Correct me if i'm wrong, but Paul is currently planning on empowering Hephaestus so that he can overthrow/kill Zeus, at which point he could take over as King of the Greek Pantheon. Wouldn't asking Hera, Hephaestus' sole parent, if she wants to be Queen again be a little... awkward?
Uhhh... Correct me if i'm wrong, but Paul is currently planning on empowering Hephaestus so that he can overthrow/kill Zeus, at which point he could take over as King of the Greek Pantheon. Wouldn't asking Hera, Hephaestus' sole parent, if she wants to be Queen again be a little... awkward?

They're the Greek gods.

It wouldn't be the weirdest thing they've done.

Hephaestus is married to a woman that can be considered either as his sister or as his great aunt.
Uhhh... Correct me if i'm wrong, but Paul is currently planning on empowering Hephaestus so that he can overthrow/kill Zeus, at which point he could take over as King of the Greek Pantheon. Wouldn't asking Hera, Hephaestus' sole parent, if she wants to be Queen again be a little... awkward?
That's just ONE plan.
There's even a minor chance that Zeus gets to keep his position in a reduced capacity. I mean, he's not, because this is a story, and Zeus's fall even makes a nice greek-style fable about pride, hubris and vengeance.
Uhhh... Correct me if i'm wrong, but Paul is currently planning on empowering Hephaestus so that he can overthrow/kill Zeus, at which point he could take over as King of the Greek Pantheon. Wouldn't asking Hera, Hephaestus' sole parent, if she wants to be Queen again be a little... awkward?
No, he's empowering Hephaestus so he can defeat Zeus. What happens after that is up in the air.

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