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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Last time Grayven made contact with Orion he asked/taunted him so he would appear in the way of the original Grayven to delay his incoming assault.

I guess Orion and his pals are coming to beat the crap out of Grayven without knowing they are a couple months late and that the Grayven they are going to beat up isn't the evil one anymore.

Wow, considering they have the fastest way to travel in the universe; what took them so freaking long?
Wow, considering they have the fastest way to travel in the universe; what took them so freaking long?

Maybe they were preparing themselves or when they saw the two different Grayvens fighting they became confused and decided not to attack until now.
That would be very out of character for Paul, he usually gives people a chance to explain themselves first.

EDIT: Even with Zeus I imagine he's going to let him speak First and the preparations are just in case.
That would be out of character for Light contaminated Paul's, but we've never actually met one that was running on all seven cylinders like normal people do. And I don't know about you, but if I found out my alternate selves were going around doing stuff that LePaul and Renagade were I would certainly attack first, permanently de-power second, and then and only then let them talk.

As to Zeus, this preparation isn't something that can be reversed if he goes up to Zeus and Zeus is all "Oh, man, didn't mean it like that, sorry bro." while a powered up Hephaestus is sitting in the wings ready to attack. Mind you, that won't happen because LePaul is almost certain to go to Zeus in the most antagonist manner possible thus poking his pride and putting any idea of making amends off the table.
That would be out of character for Light contaminated Paul's, but we've never actually met one that was running on all seven cylinders like normal people do. And I don't know about you, but if I found out my alternate selves were going around doing stuff that LePaul and Renagade were I would certainly attack first, permanently de-power second, and then and only then let them talk.

As to Zeus, this preparation isn't something that can be reversed if he goes up to Zeus and Zeus is all "Oh, man, didn't mean it like that, sorry bro." while a powered up Hephaestus is sitting in the wings ready to attack. Mind you, that won't happen because LePaul is almost certain to go to Zeus in the most antagonist manner possible thus poking his pride and putting any idea of making amends off the table.

Yeah this exactly. I really hope we get a reasonable reaction out of Diana and the others, as in not a reaction that just accepts what Paul's doing.

We have a really nice opportunity for some character growth for Paul and I hope that Zoat doesn't waste it. His reaction to Zeus being petty is pretty crazy so I hope they have a proper intervention or something after Zeus gets removed from his position as king of Olympus.

This arc I'm definitely supporting Heph way more than Paul. Getting a scene with Heph divorcing Aphrodite and kicking Ares' ass would be so satisfying.
Coup Data (supplementary, Renegade Option)
27th October 2012
19:03 GMT

I raise a shield screen, reinforcing it with a duplicate of Raquel's kinetic barrier. The… Mass stops, the leading spines striking and-.

Lantern, it's-.

Shoggothing, yes.

Strands are passing through my barrier as the thing twists to expand around, its movement limited only slightly by the kinetic energy absorption effect.

Shoggoths aren't real. Lovecraft based his description-.

There's a flash of purple and my construct is gone, the durlan -because I do know what durlans are, Sinestro- turns to vapour that I suspect will be quite good at penetrating environmental shields.

In the background, I see one of the space elevators is enveloped in flames.


I pull back, generating a powerful magnetic flux in the area in front of me. Durlans don't exactly have weaknesses, but they have vulnerabilities depending on what form they're occupying. Disturbing as the forms they manifest can be, they're ultimately expressions of their control of their physical form rather than anything magical.

My construct causes electricity to dance and the air to energise, the durlan turning into something a little more solid to tough it out. Which means that when Geoffrey's blood plasma hits it, it's forced to soak the hit.

Lysis, durlan, qwa-matter.

And that stuff burns anything, but-.

"Geoff, back up. It-."


I'm yanked off the ground, dragged into the air and sent spinning by-. Ow! Fucking Lightray shot me again, and the knobbler in blue and yellow next to him is doing something to make me float.

Pre-civil war durlan.

Thank you Sinestro.

"What do you want?!" Imperious Overlord Exigency!

"What do you think, Gray-face!?" Lightray has a very punchable face himself. "We're here to stop you taking over this planet!" "I'm the good guy!"

Better late than never. "No."

A wave of orange passes through my armour, disrupting… Ah..? The Knobbler's grip and I form a fusion cannon on my left arm as I draw my daiklave with my right hand.

"You come here." Lightray fires his electric wanking hands at me again and I block his shot. "To my place of power." I raise my left arm and he frantically evades, the surprised Bananaman watching him go. "And expect to best me?"

I feel him lose his grip on me as a glowing plasma shield appears in front of him. Bend To My Will!

"Hard luck."


The beam howls through the intervening space, dissipates his shield and burns his armour!


He reels in the sky, cloth flaking off his burns. Those are hardly crippling wounds, and a New God of any power would regrow that skin but someone blew up my space elevator and I don't feel like-

Watch your-.


A stream of ferrofluid roars into me, battering my shield before retreating to orbit around-.

"Vykin. Leave Uncle Drax's magic robot at home today?" Dismissal of Trivialities.

He's standing on a small platform of the stuff as it undulates and ripples around him. Looks like his armour has been upgraded since our first meeting.

"Do not mock me, monster! I have seen the worlds your insane followers wiped clean of life, the-."

"Are you implying that you consider life to be dirty? Unclean?"

Ferrofluid claws leap at me, twisting around my hastily interposed constructs in an attempt to stab me-.

Before swiftly being pulled back as my laser constructs start taking shots at him. Sure, we both have bare faces, but I have construct armour and he's got a stupid 'unique' weapon. In fact-.


Lobo-. No, wait, just a velorpian; the psions' partially successful attempt to resurrect the czarians in a slightly more controllable form. They look similar, but the velorpians aren't anything like as bizarre. I honestly thought that the psions killed them off when they terminated the project, but here one is at least.

Purple light leaps from his mouth, which isn't something that they're usually able to do. I evade, but the shot follows me. It's-. Is that a power ring effect? That colour's off but-. You Will Not Defy Me!

I slash the stream of energy with my daiklave, batting it off towards Lightray for a moment before the velorpian decides to save his shot. He closes, drawing two cleavers from the harness on his back.

"You know what they're payin' me for your head, bastlick?!"

"Not enough to get your lines-" A construct grapple grabs him from behind, slowing his flight and causing him to misjudge his swing. "-right, Faux'bo."

"Fag you!"

I fire, hitting him in the head at point blank range and blasting the skin off his face. Got his eyes too, but those will grow back pretty quickly. Must remember not to let him bleed anywhere.

Or… Quail The Vanquished.

The tip of my daiklave punches into his neck, piercing his windpipe and spine without hitting his carotid artery. The smaller blood vessels don't dare-

I cough.

-bleed in my presence. Wait, I don't cough. I'm a New God wearing an environmental shield. Something… Wants me dead. Looks like I'm the durlan's main target, though its efforts are impeded by the fact that I don't work like a normal living creature.

But did they brief it in orange ring abilities? Master Of My Own Domain.


Durlan presence detected. Identity theft in progress.

There's a shimmer in the air, though I don't know if it's trying to get away or to bring in more of its mass. Just in case, I create a larger shield all around us to prevent it escaping. I don't know exactly how it's getting around my shield but hopefully this will disrupt its efforts a little.

Ten percent.

"Grayven!" Koriand'r swoops in, leading a small squad of tamaranean Orange Lanterns who swiftly assail the other New Gods. "What is happening?"

I puke, orange light and organic durlan forcefully evacuated from my interior.

"Someehgh. Someone decided to be stupid. Let's round them up and ask them some polite questions."
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I raise a shield screen, reinforcing it with a duplicate of Rachel's kinetic barrier

'Raquel's kinetic'

There's a flash of purple and my construct is gone, the durlan

Maybe the Legion of Superheroes?

I'm yanked off the ground, dragged into the air and sent spinning by-. Ow! Fucking Lightray shot me again, and the knobbler in blue and yellow next to him is doing something to make me float

Ahh, so it was the New Genesians.

Vykin. Leave Uncle Drax's magic robot at home today?"

So the Forever People are back.

successful to resurrect the czarians in a slightly

'successful attempt to'
Quite a few little incidental bits of Godspeech today...
"What do you want?!" Imperious Overlord Exigency!

"What do you think, Gray-face!" Lightray has a very punchable face himself. "We're here to stop you taking over this planet!" "I'm the good guy!"

Better late than never. "No."
(Note the link in Lightray's speech!)

"You come here." Lightray fires his electric wanking hands at me again and I block his shot. "To my place of power." I raise my left arm and he frantically evades, the surprised Bananaman watching him go. "And expect to best me?"

I feel him lose his grip on me as a glowing plasma shield appears in front of him. Bend To My Will!

A stream of ferrofluid roars into me, battering my shield before retreating to orbit around-.

"Vykin. Leave Uncle Drax's magic robot at home today?" Dismissal of Trivialities.

Purple light leaps from his mouth, which isn't something that they're usually able to do. I evade, but the shot follows me. It's-. Is that a power ring effect? That colour's off but-. You Will Not Defy Me!

I slash the stream of energy with my daiklave, batting it off towards Lightray for a moment before the velorpian decides to save his shot. He closes, drawing two cleavers from the harness on his back.

I fire, hitting him in the head at point blank range and blasting the skin off his face. Got his eyes too, but those will grow back pretty quickly. Must remember not to let him bleed anywhere.

Or… Quail The Vanquished.

-bleed in my presence. Wait, I don't cough. I'm a New God wearing an environmental shield. Something… Wants me dead. Looks like I'm the durlan's main target, though its efforts are impeded by the fact that I don't work like a normal living creature.

But did they brief it in orange ring abilities? Master Of My Own Domain.
Oh right... I almost forgot this isn't actually Renegade but Grayven who was mind fucked into thinking they are Renegade.

No? That's Renegade who was fatherboxed into being Grayven when he decided that impersonating said New God through the use of an Apokolips fatherbox was a good idea.

I admit that the end products seem to be functionally identical, though.
27th October 2012
19:03 GMT

I raise a shield screen, reinforcing it with a duplicate of Rachel's kinetic barrier. The… Mass stops, the leading spines striking and-.

Lantern, it's-.

Shoggothing, yes.
Well, good thing you aren't a Japanese Schoolgirl. :px3 Or that Misa's not here, she'd go postal. ("Naughty tentacles? NONONONONO!") But an aggressive move like that definitely doesn't suggest any kind of polite reasons for their presence.

Strands are passing thought my barrier as the thing twists to expand around, it's movement limited only slightly by the kinetic energy absorption effect.

Shoggoth's aren't real. Lovecraft based his description-.
No doubt there are actual DC equivalents to all of the various gribbly things Lovecraft dreamed up. Not the time, Ringnestro.

There's a flash of purple and my construct is gone, the durlan -because I do know what durlans are, Sinestro- turns to vapour that I suspect will be quite good at penetrating environmental shields.

In the background, I see one of the space elevators is enveloped in flames.
Okay, they've just jumped from minor annoyance to significant annoyance, haven't they? Hopefully the material can take that heat without too much damage.


I pull back, generating a powerful magnetic flux in the area in front of me. Durlans don't exactly have weaknesses, but they have vulnerabilities depending on what form they're occupying. Disturbing as the forms they manifest can be, they're ultimately expressions of their control of their physical form rather than anything magical.
And no matter where you keep your squishy bits, you'll instinctively move to protect them.

My construct causes electricity to dance and the air to energise, the durlan turning into something a little more solid to tough it out. Which means that when Geoffrey's blood plasma hits it, it's forced to soak the hit.

Lysis, durlan, qwa-matter.
Perfect. Something she can take her frustrations out on without much concern.

And that stuff burns anything, but-.

"Geoff, back up. It-."
It's fought Lanterns before, yes. Which raises questions as to who it might be. And why they're working with New genesis.


I'm yanked off the ground, dragged into the air and sent spinning by-. Ow! Fucking Lightray shot me again, and the knobbler in blue and yellow next to him is doing something to make me float.
With the amount of metal, and metal-adjacent, stuff you're wearing, Renegade, of course you're vulnerable to magnetic attacks.

Pre-civil war durlan.

Thank you Sinestro.

"What do you want?!" Imperious Overlord Exigency!

"What do you think, Gray-face!" Lightray has a very punchable face himself. "We're here to stop you taking over this planet!" "I'm the good guy!"
<Sigh> And of course they've jumped to entirely the wrong conclusion. Oh, I'm sure it made perfect sense to them, since they haven't exactly been keeping up to speed, after all...

Better late than never. "No."

A waves of orange passes through my armour, disrupting… Ah..? The Knobbler's grip and I form a fusion cannon on my left arm as I draw my daiklave with my right hand.
Now, to give them a good spanking with the flat side...

"You come here." Lightray fires his electric wanking hands at me again and I block his shot. "To my place of power." I raise my left arm and he frantically evades, the surprised Bananaman watching him go. "And expect to best me?"

I feel him lose his grip on me as a glowing plasma shield appears in front of him. Bend To My Will!
...Yeah, I suspect this is not going to be fun for the dummies.

...Sure, I suppose they won't be amenable to listening to you anytime soon, but try not to kill them, Renegade? :rolleyes:

The beam howls through the intervening space, dissipates his shield and burns his armour!


He reels in the sky, cloth flaking off his burns. Those are hardly crippling wounds, and a New God of any power would regrow that skin but someone blew up my space elevator and I don't feel like-

Watch your-.
More than one opponent, remember?


A stream of ferrofluid roars into me, battering my shield before retreating to orbit around-.
I doubt bucket-head there has that sort of fine magnetokinetic control...

"Vykin. Leave Uncle Drax's magic robot at home today?" Dismissal of Trivialities.

He's standing on a small platform of the stuff as it undulates and ripples around him. Looks like his armour has been upgraded since our first meeting.
Vykin. Been a while since he's shown his face, hasn't it? Where're his buddies?

"Do not mock me, monster! I have seen the worlds your insane followers wiped clean of life, the-."

"Are you implying that you consider life to be dirty? Unclean?"
Dangit, Renegade, stop sounding like a supervillain! This is not helping calm them down. I thought Talbot was supposed to be the angry Lantern, not you... And of course the Citizenry is biting him in the ass.

Ferrofluid claws leap at me, twisting around my hastily interposed constructs in an attempt to stab me-.

Before swiftly being pulled back as my laser constructs start taking shots at him. Sure, we both have bare faces, but I have construct armour and he's got a stupid 'unique' weapon. In fact-.
Unfortunately, he has to choose between attack and defense with his little trick. You don't...


Lobo-. No, wait, just a velorpian; the psions' partially successful to resurrect the czarians in a slightly more controllable form. They look similar, but the velorpians aren't anything like as bizarre. I honestly thought that the psions killed them off when they terminated the project, but here one is at least.
...Okay, why can't I help but picture this as New 52 Lobo?

Purple light leaps from his mouth, which isn't something that they're usually able to do. I evade, but the shot follows me. It's-. Is that a power ring effect? That colour's off but-. You Will Not Defy Me!

I slash the stream of energy with my daiklave, batting it off towards Lightray for a moment before the velorpian decides to save his shot. He closes, drawing two cleavers from the harness on his back.
Hmm... Odd. Empowered like the Durlan is? I doubt he's a New God (but you never know...)

"You know what they're payin' me for your head, bastlick?!"

"Not enough to get your lines-" A construct grabble grabs him from behind, slowing his flight and causing him to misjudge his swing. "-right, Faux'bo."
Geez, can't even match the Main Man's classic talent for swearing. :D Okay, as far as I'm concerned, this is fake Lobo.

"Fag you!"

I fire, hitting him in the head at point blank range and blasting the skin off his face. Got his eyes too, but those will grow back pretty quickly. Must remember not to let him bleed anywhere.
Admittedly, the real Lobo had that problem fixed, if unwillingly (since every drop of his blood would regenerate into an entire Czarnian...) Even if it sometimes came back.

Or… Quail The Vanquished.

The tip of my daiklave punches into his neck, piercing his windpipe and spine without hitting his carotid artery. The smaller blood vessels don't dare-
Ha, using Godspeech to cow his regeneration into surrender?

I cough.

-bleed in my presence. Wait, I don't cough. I'm a New God wearing an environmental shield. Something… Wants me dead. Looks like I'm the durlan's main target, though its efforts are impeded by the fact that I don't work like a normal living creature.
Boy, he/she/they isn't giving up, are they?

But did they brief it in orange ring abilities? Master Of My Own Domain.

Really not helping your case. I mean, sure, they threw the first punch, but lethal force? Then again, you can stop it before it finishes and let the threat of it give them pause...

Durlan presence detected. Identity theft in progress.

There's a shimmer in the air, though I don't know if it's trying to get away or to bring in more of its mass. Just in case, I create a larger shield all around us to prevent it escaping. I don't know exactly how it's getting around my shield but hopefully this will disrupt its efforts a little.
I bet it's taking the form of some kind of sentient molecule. Like that one Yellow Lantern. Which says something about it's metamorphic skills...

Ten percent.

"Grayven!" Koriand'r swoops in, leading a small squad of tamaranean Orange Lanterns who swiftly assail the other New Gods. "What is happening?"
Ah, finally backup arrives. I assume more are helping at the space elevator.

I puke, orange light and organic durlan forcefully evacuated from my interior.

"Someehgh. Someone decided to be stupid. Let's round them up and ask them some polite questions."
Beatings may be applied if their answers are less than polite in return.

Boy, New Genesis really made a mess of things this time. I wonder, did they even try to gather any intelligence, or was that expecting too much of them? :p So, how long until the Renegade hauls the attackers back to Supertown, dumps them at Highfather's feet and suggests that maybe next time, they try looking before they leap to conclusions?

Strands are passing thought my barrier...
Strands are passing through my barrier...
Boy, New Genesis really made a mess of things this time. I wonder, did they even try to gather any intelligence, or was that expecting too much of them? :p So, how long until the Renegade hauls the attackers back to Supertown, dumps them at Highfather's feet and suggests that maybe next time, they try looking before they leap to conclusions?

In their defense, Renegrayven recently fused/ate original Grayven and, IIRC, was keeping information about winning that fight on the down low to fool original Grayven's highly armed followers until they could get taken care of.
No? That's Renegade who was fatherboxed into being Grayven when he decided that impersonating said New God through the use of an Apokolips fatherbox was a good idea.

I admit that the end products seem to be functionally identical, though.
No, that Renegade was exploded by Grayven.

Then Artemis shot Grayven with magical arrows till he started thinking he was Renegade.
No, that Renegade was exploded by Grayven.

Then Artemis shot Grayven with magical arrows till he started thinking he was Renegade.
Absorbed, though some exploding may have occurred to facilitate said absorption. OrigGrayven went Highlander, and unfortunately won, but ReneGrayven still existed as part of the essence/spirit/soul that OGrayven took in. Then Artemis played magic arrow acupuncture, which brought out ReneGrayven from the... I almost want to call it a gestalt, but it doesn't quite fit. Either way, saying that he only thinks he's ReneGrayven implies that there's nothing of Reneg left, whereas this is a rare positive case of split personality takeover/demonicnew god possession.
I'm not planning to include a Keeper of Secrets in this story.
... I doubt PM Talbot would be able to work with a Keeper of Secrets at all...

EDIT: Oh yeah I should probably say 'Replying to Vaermina' I forgot about that, probably looked a bit weird to some of you.
That would be out of character for Light contaminated Paul's, but we've never actually met one that was running on all seven cylinders like normal people do. And I don't know about you, but if I found out my alternate selves were going around doing stuff that LePaul and Renagade were I would certainly attack first, permanently de-power second, and then and only then let them talk.

Honestly, I'd probably give them information and weaponry.

As to Zeus, this preparation isn't something that can be reversed if he goes up to Zeus and Zeus is all "Oh, man, didn't mean it like that, sorry bro." while a powered up Hephaestus is sitting in the wings ready to attack. Mind you, that won't happen because LePaul is almost certain to go to Zeus in the most antagonist manner possible thus poking his pride and putting any idea of making amends off the table.
I mean he made John Constantine a Lord of Chaos as was willing to back down if Nabu had accepted his deal.

"No. I was not prepared to tolerate his continued presence. I would have kept my end of any agreement, but I was not prepared to continue to let him get away with that obscenity like you all were."

Absorbed, though some exploding may have occurred to facilitate said absorption. OrigGrayven went Highlander, and unfortunately won, but ReneGrayven still existed as part of the essence/spirit/soul that OGrayven took in. Then Artemis played magic arrow acupuncture, which brought out ReneGrayven from the... I almost want to call it a gestalt, but it doesn't quite fit. Either way, saying that he only thinks he's ReneGrayven implies that there's nothing of Reneg left, whereas this is a rare positive case of split personality takeover/demonicnew god possession.

The way I see it, if renegade was actually dead then the renegade storyline would have stopped there.
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<Sigh> And of course they've jumped to entirely the wrong conclusion. Oh, I'm sure it made perfect sense to them, since they haven't exactly been keeping up to speed, after all...

You can't exactly blame them, seeing as aside from renegade and Artemis, no one else saw what happened there with Actually Grayven, so they wouldn't exactly be able to gather any intelligence.

Okay, why can't I help but picture this as New 52 Lobo?

Because it is the New 52 Lobo.

Boy, New Genesis really made a mess of things this time. I wonder, did they even try to gather any intelligence, or was that expecting too much of them

See my post above.

So, how long until the Renegade hauls the attackers back to Supertown, dumps them at Highfather's feet and suggests that maybe next time, they try looking before they leap to conclusions?

Assuming he doesn't just imprison them at his own facility, since if he goes to New Genesis then Highfather may attack him and potentially even kill him.
Boy, New Genesis really made a mess of things this time. I wonder, did they even try to gather any intelligence, or was that expecting too much of them?

They arrived MONTHS LATER, when they have the fastest way to travel in the universe. Yes not even a Flash can go from one side or the universe to the other in minutes.

He is New God of Conquest and they go after him when he has been ruling the planet for a while and were his Tamarean Orange Lanterns are.

Oh and they didn't even know about how the Orange Light works.
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They arrived MONTHS LATER, when they have the fastest way to travel in the universe. Yes not even a Flash can go from one side or the universe to the other in minutes.

He is New God of Conquest and they go after him when he has been ruling the planet for a while and were his Tamarean Orange Lanterns are.

Oh and they didn't even know about how the Orange Light works.

This could suggest that this isn't an official attack by New Genesis, but just some of their nimber choosing to attack without thinking.

And it isn't that unusual for New Gods to apparently engage in these types of attacks, since they seem to be primarily concerned with one on one combat rather than just sending a bunch of ships to blow everything up.

Though that does leave me with the feeling that some ships may be coming.

I mean, it may have the same chance of happening as George R. R. Martin finally releasing a new book, but it could still happen.

If Grayven can't kill someone with his normal weaponry a sun is unlikely to do the job. He carries some really serious weapons of person unmaking.

While that's true, it would still be funny. Plus just because a sun can't kill them doesn't mean they can just fly out of it. The sun has a very strong gravitational force.

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