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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

This could suggest that this isn't an official attack by New Genesis, but just some of their nimber choosing to attack without thinking.

And it isn't that unusual for New Gods to apparently engage in these types of attacks, since they seem to be primarily concerned with one on one combat rather than just sending a bunch of ships to blow everything up.

Though that does leave me with the feeling that some ships may be coming.

I mean, it may have the same chance of happening as George R. R. Martin finally releasing a new book, but it could still happen.

That's sort of a given given if it was actually New Genesis the first Grayven would know of the attack would be the planet exploding with him on it.
Purple light leaps from his mouth, which isn't something that they're usually able to do. I evade, but the shot follows me. It's-. Is that a power ring effect? That colour's off but-. You Will Not Defy Me!

Purple looking Lantern Effect but no ring, no staff?

I smell The Corpse is involved.....which might explain the Durlan as well. Figure they're responding to things without making it look like the Guardians are going to war with a New God.

The fallout of this mess is gonna rattle some power structures down the road.
Purple looking Lantern Effect but no ring, no staff?

I smell The Corpse is involved.....which might explain the Durlan as well. Figure they're responding to things without making it look like the Guardians are going to war with a New God.

The fallout of this mess is gonna rattle some power structures down the road.
Since this is most likely the Corpse, is there a chance that they could also appear in the Paragon timeline Mr Zoat?
Since this is most likely the Corpse, is there a chance that they could also appear in the Paragon timeline Mr Zoat?
Not much of one. Someone associated with the Anti-Life and Omega Force conquering a significant area of space including the place they put the Life Entity and showing an inclination towards expansionism is a more Corpse-worthy target than someone under the thumb of their cousins fighting against the Reach.
Not much of one. Someone associated with the Anti-Life and Omega Force conquering a significant area of space including the place they put the Life Entity and showing an inclination towards expansionism is a more Corpse-worthy target than someone under the thumb of their cousins fighting against the Reach.

Wow they are late.

They literally needed SIGrayven taunting Orion months ago. And that was months ago.
Absorbed, though some exploding may have occurred to facilitate said absorption. OrigGrayven went Highlander, and unfortunately won, but ReneGrayven still existed as part of the essence/spirit/soul that OGrayven took in. Then Artemis played magic arrow acupuncture, which brought out ReneGrayven from the... I almost want to call it a gestalt, but it doesn't quite fit. Either way, saying that he only thinks he's ReneGrayven implies that there's nothing of Reneg left, whereas this is a rare positive case of split personality takeover/demonicnew god possession.

That is a little unclear. Artemis notes the fusión result was mostly wearing Renegades armor and equipment, he just looked a lot more like OG Grayven than the Renegade and clearly he thought he was OGGrayven. Who absorbed who and whose body got possessed and rewritten is a tad unclear. Who won the metaphysical struggle after the fusion happened was clearly OG Grayven, but Artemis fixed that shit quite quickly.
Not much of one. Someone associated with the Anti-Life and Omega Force conquering a significant area of space including the place they put the Life Entity and showing an inclination towards expansionism is a more Corpse-worthy target than someone under the thumb of their cousins fighting against the Reach.
I don't buy it.

If the Corpse wanted Grayven dead his planet would have been bisected by a dozen singularity projectors before he even realized an attack was occurring.
I don't buy it.

If the Corpse wanted Grayven dead his planet would have been bisected by a dozen singularity projectors before he even realized an attack was occurring.
The Corpse is the GLC's black ops division. They would never go for a frontal assault. However, manipulating a group who already dislikes their target into attacking would probably be more up their alley.
The Corpse is the GLC's black ops division. They would never go for a frontal assault. However, manipulating a group who already dislikes their target into attacking would probably be more up their alley.
The Corpse is who the GLC send in when they deem something or someone too dangerous to exist so authorize any and all collateral damage to destroy them.

And you're right. They don't do frontal assaults. They would deliver a ring proof bomb that instantly destroys the planet and everything on it. Or snipe the planet from orbit with some instant death effect powered by all 500% of their disc charge.

Yet what we saw here was a frontal assault... Ergo it can't be the Corpse.
Coup Data (supplementary, Renegade Option)
27th October 2012
19:06 GMT

Twenty percent.

The durlan's doing something inside me, and it feels like a combination of stomach ache and a chesty cough. But it's not radion, and my armour is fortifying my entire body, not just my outer surface. I think it's realising that it's on to a loser there, but my shield-bubble prevents it escaping fast enough to evade me.

In the distance I see an orange glow surround the damaged space elevator as the Lanterns on duty move to prevent a catastrophe. Good lads.

"Gunna cut 'n gut yah!"

Ah, his vocal cords have regrown. Two Lanterns-.

"Not blades, ladies. Don't pierce the skin. Blunt and burning weapons only."

They go to work with a mace and a maser. Nice to see that they're making use of those adult education seminars.

"Koriand'r, do you have any use for a velorpian Construct-Lantern?"

She shakes her head vehemently. "I will not use my ring to enslave another being."

"Fair enough. I'm stuck here until I've finished with this-"

Thirty percent.

"-durlan, but as far as I can tell I'm being targetted for elimination by both the New Gods of New Genesis-"

I smile as a magnet construct tears away Vykin's ferrofluid and the other Lanterns start clamping chain constructs on his extremities.

"-and… These people."

I scan the velorpian in detail, trying to-. Oh, that's interesting. There's some sort of… Thing embedded in his chest. Reads a little like a power ring, only… Not. It's purple? That doesn't correspond to-.

"You with the mace? There's an object in his stomach. Please remove it while spilling as little fluid as possible."

The tamaranean woman nods her hair. "Yes, Lord-" A strike to the back to the neck cracks the velorpian's spine and paralyses him for at least a few seconds. "-Grayven."

She generates an auto-chirurgeon construct, all whirring drills and flensing blades, and presses it to his abdomen. At least it's quiet.

"Princess." The leader of the squad handling Vykin floats closer, the chain running from his bracer to the construct collar around Vykin's neck pulling the New God closer. "What should we do with our prisoners?"

She considers for a moment. "Are these your people, Grayven?"

"Same species, different culture. I've met Vykin before, but the rest are new."

Lightray laughs as he rapidly evades the squad sent after him, completely missing the destroyers descending through the atmosphere with their flak turrets pointing downwards. The Lanterns back off and raise barriers as the ships fire and Lightray falls burning from the sky.


Forty percent.

In the air and on the ground around the Central Power Battery building I see the same scene repeated: two factions being pinned down by Orange Lanterns.

"Vykin, did my brother put you up to this?"

"We do not need orders from Orion to know that evil must be opposed."

I look down at his waist. Yes, there it is. "Koriand'r, could you please take that device on his hip and pass it to me?"

She spots the Mother Box, blinks, glances down at my own Mother Box, then sends out a grapple construct to pull it from his harness.


"Well, then you should have thought of that before coming here." I-.

Bluergh! GuH!


I think that's all of the durlan finally out of me. It appears to be trying to bring itself back together into a corporeal whole just in front of me. Maybe it wants to communicate? I certainly feel better for having it out of me.

I dismiss the bubble shield and grab Vykin's Mother Box, attaching it to my belt. Now, how to-?

"Lord Grayven!" The Lantern working away at the velorpian pulls her construct free, a small black disk in her construct forceps. "I have it!"

"Oh, that is interesting. Pass it here?"

She throws it to me and I catch it in my right hand. "Sinestro, is this what I think it is?"

"I can't feel any particular emotional resonance."

"It seems that I've done something to earn the ire of the Green Lantern Corpse, the Guardians' team of black operations assassins. Which makes you-"

The durlan in front of me is shifting back into their blank humanoid mode, and clutching his head as he tries and fails to fight my influence.

Fifty percent.

"-Von Daggle."

He glows purple for an instant, but my orange swiftly overpowers it.

"Let's see how this goes. Vykin's Mother Box, connect me to Highfather Izaya the Inheritor."


"Yes, really."


There's a moment of delay, then a large translucent image of his head appears in the air above us.

"Grayven of Apokolips."

"Highfather. Do these people belong to you?"

The floating head looks around, and I think I see him sigh. "They are of New Genesis."

"Did you send them after me?"

"I did not. But they are my people, and I will bear the burden of their actions. What do you want in exchange for their lives?"

"You can owe me."

"I.. see. And what surety do you want?"

"None. You can take them back in a few minutes. You seem like the trustworthy sort." I turn my head away from the apparition and smile at Vykin, who looks crushed at his failure. "What a nice man. You hear that? You'll be heading home shortly. Now."

Sixty percent.

Von Daggle collapses in the air.

"Ring, contact the Guardians."

"By your command."

The delay is longer, but after a moment the head of a Guardian appears over my ring.

"Apokoliptian. What do you want?"

"You just tried to murder me. I have what's left of your 'Corpse' as my prisoners, and I was wondering-."

"No such organisation exists. Do not contact us like this again."

The head vanishes, and I shrug at Von Daggle.

"Bad news for you, chum. But I guess they wouldn't be deniable operations if they weren't deniable. Finish the assimilation."

"By your command."
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And this is why the Guardians suck.
Yeah that was kinda stupid. If they negotiated his release they could at least keep him quiet and keep their secrets. Now that he's been assimilated Grayven will now every mission Daggle has ever been on and all that entails. It's very short sighted.
Can't blame them too much for not acknowledging black ops. Now, having the black ops in the first place, however...

No, can't really blame them either. Grayven himself has plenty of hidden operations with the Light etc.

And it seems New Genesis hasn't twigged to the fact OtherGrayven was/is a thing?
As I understand it, joining the Corpse is voluntary, and comes with forewarning they will disavow your actions. It's on Daggle's head.

True but in this case they lose LESS by negotiating a release. They don't have to acknowledge Von Daggle as a Corpse member just have help placed under their jurisdiction and probably grant a favor to Grayven for playing along. Now they have lost a key Corpse agent AND all the info he had on other corpse members and missions. That could be very bad.
Yeah that was kinda stupid. If they negotiated his release they could at least keep him quiet and keep their secrets. Now that he's been assimilated Grayven will now every mission Daggle has ever been on and all that entails. It's very short sighted.

Unless they wiped his memory after every mission or something. Is that something they'd do?

I don't know anything about this Green Lantern Black Ops thing, but if they are unconcerned with his capture, then he must not know anything important.
So Zoat decided to make the Corpse lanterns utter incompetents and nerf the Corpse Discs, which are supposed to be five times stronger then a Power Ring, to nothing...

Didn't Larfreeze assimilate a Guardian? That knew he was coming? Grayven with and Orange and a Yellow ring is above their weight class.
27th October 2012
19:06 GMT

Twenty percent.

The durlan's doing something inside me, and it feels like a combination of stomach ache and a chesty cough. But it's not radion, and my armour is fortifying my entire body, not just my outer surface. I think it's realising that it's on to a loser there, but my shield-bubble prevents it escaping fast enough to evade me.
They really erred here, didn't they? Someone didn't think to locate weaknesses before they made the play. It is impressive that he's resisting Assimilation so well. Even if the Renegade is going easy, it's normally done in a few moments. That's significant.

In the distance I see an orange glow surround the damaged space elevator as the Lanterns on duty more to prevent a catastrophe. Good lads.

"Gunna cut 'n gut yah!"
:rolleyes: Honestly, if you hadn't opened your big mouth, Faux-Bo, that might almost have worked...

Ah, his vocal cords have regrown. Two Lanterns-.

"Not blades, ladies. Don't pierce the skin. Blunt and burning weapons only."
...Pity the Renegade is not without backup. Unlike you.

They go to work with a mace and a maser. Nice to see that they're making use of those adult education seminars.

"Koriand'r, do you have any use for a velorpian Construct-Lantern?"
...Do you really want to stick her with his chuunibyo wanna-be tomfoolery?

She shakes her head vehemently. "I will not use my ring to enslave another being."

"Fair enough. I'm stuck here until I've finished with this-"
A not unreasonable belief, given her history. Though her sister is likely not so restrained.

Thirty percent.

"-durlan, but as far as I can tell I'm being targetted for elimination by both the New Gods of New Genesis-"
Who seem to have made a very foolish move. Perhaps not with the blessing of Highfather.

I smile as a magnet construct tears away Vykin's ferrofluid and the other Lanterns start clamping chain constructs on his extremities.

"-and… These people."
Now, see, kid, if you'd thought to have more than one trick under your codpiece...

I scan the velorpian in detail, trying to-. Oh, that's interesting. There's some sort of… Thing embedded in his chest. Reads a little like a power ring, only… Not. It's purple? That doesn't correspond to-.

"You with the mace? There's an object in his stomach. Please remove it while spilling as little fluid as possible."
Oh-ho. Fans of Green lantern will recognise that detail.

The tamaranean woman nods her hair. "Yes, Lord-" A strike to the back to the neck cracks the velorpian's spine and paralyses him for at least a few seconds. "-Grayven."

She generates an auto-chirurgeon construct, all whirring drills and flensing blades, and presses it to his abdomen. At least it's quiet.
...I half-get the feeling she'd be just as skilled a Yellow Lantern with that kind of theatricality.

"Princess." The leader of the squad handling Vykin floats closer, the chain running from his bracer to the construct collar around Vykin's neck pulling the New God closer. "What should we do with our prisoners?"

She considers for a moment. "Are these your people, Grayven?"
As much as he'd like to deny it...

"Same species, different culture. I've met Vykin before, but the rest are new."

Lightray laughs as he rapidly evades the squad sent after him, completely missing the destroyers descending through the atmosphere with their flack turrets pointing downwards. The Lanterns back off and raise barriers as the ships fire and Lightray falls burning from the sky.
There's always a bigger fish. Or in this case, a bigger gun.

Yes, it is taking quite a while there... Rather noteworthy.

In the air and on the ground around the Central Power Battery building I see the same scene repeated; two factions being pinned down by Orange Lanterns.

"Vykin, did my brother put you up to this?"
I doubt Orion would have been so subtle. Nor leave the work to any lesser warrior. Not for a Prince of Apokalips.

"We do not need orders from Orion to know that evil must be opposed."

I look down at his waist. Yes, there it is. "Koriand'r, could you please take that device on his hip and pass it to me?"
So, it's just youthful stupidity. Still, I don't envy them...

She spots the Mother Box, blinks, glances down at my own Mother Box, then sends out a grapple construct to pull it from his harness.

"Oh, dear... I swear, this was not my idea."

"Well, then you should have thought of that before coming here." I-.

Bluergh! GuH!

Better out than in, at least.

I think that's all of the durlan finally out of me. It appears to be trying to bring itself back together into a corporeal whole just in front of me. Maybe it wants to communicate? I certainly feel better for having it out of me.

I dismiss the bubble shield and grab Vykin's Mother Box, attaching it to my belt. Now, how to-?
Yoink! I bet those two will be having an interesting discussion in private any moment.

"Lord Grayven!" The Lantern working away at the velorpian pulls her construct free, a small black disk in her construct forceps. "I have it!"

"Oh, that in interesting. Pass it here?"
A disposable, bio-degradable Power Ring-like device. Perfect for places where the Ring might get you noticed. Also tuned so that the colour of the Light is deepened way down. Like, 1% luminosity. o_O Because the Emotional Spectrum can work that way...

She throws it to me and I catch it in my right hand. "Sinestro, is this what I think it is?"

"I can't feel any particular emotional resonance."
It'd be a pretty poor covert tool if its' Spectrum energies could be detected, after all.

"It seems that I've done something to earn the ire of the Green Lantern Corpse, the Guardians' team of black operations assassins. Which makes you-"

The durlan in front of me is shifting back into their blank humanoid mode, and clutching his head as he tries and fails to fight my influence.
And that's why Assimilation is taking so long. he has no shortage of Will to resist it. But that reserve will run dry eventually.

What better species for a covert assassin than a Durlan Lantern?

He glows purple for an instant, but my orange swiftly overpowers it.

"Let's see how this goes. Vykin's Mother Box, connect me to Highfather Izaya the Inheritor."
Since the Renegade's Mother Box doesn't have his number...


"Yes, really."
No need to translate that response. I wonder if a Box can swear?


There's a moment of delay, then a large translucent image of his head appears in the air above us.
At least the Mother Box has style. Let's hope he wasn't in the shower or something. :p

"Grayven of Apokolips."

"Highfather. Do these people belong to you?"
I suppose having the Original Grayven's body makes him feel all too blatantly evil...

The floating head looks around, and I think I see him sigh. "They are of New Genesis."

"Did you send them after me?"
Yeah, they are not going to enjoy what happens when they return home.

"I did not. But they are my people, and I will bear the burden of their actions. What do you want in exchange for their lives?"

"You can owe me."
Ooof, a Boon. That's a meaty penalty. Especially an open-ended one.

"I.. see. And what surety do you want?"

"None. You can take them back in a few minutes. You seem like the trustworthy sort." I turn my head away from the apparition and smile at Vykin, who looks crushed at his failure. "What a nice man. You hear that? You'll be heading home shortly. Now."
I foresee spankings in the child's future. Or perhaps some discipline at Orion's hands.

Fifty percent.

Von Daggle collapses in the air.
Now, for the other half of this little coalition of foolishness...

"Ring, contact the Guardians."

"By your command."
Going straight to the top, eh?

The delay is longer, but after a moment the head of a Guardian appears over my ring.

"Apokoliptian. What do you want?"
No love lost there. Probably still a little sting over their defeat way back when.

"You just tried to murder me. I have what's left of yours 'Corpse' as my prisoners, and I was wondering-."

"No such organisation exists. Do not contact us like this again."
Well, how rude. Sucks to be the Lanterns, though.

The head vanishes, and I shrug at Von Daggle.

"Bad news for you, chum. But I guess they wouldn't be deniable operations if they weren't deniable. Finish the assimilation."

"By your command."
Last chance to offer him something to stop the process, assassin. Not that your bargaining position is very good.

Well, it was the Corpse after all. Kudos to he who called it, Someguy Somewhere. Though I foresee something concealed in their abandonment. I certainly can't believe the Guardians wouldn't know about Assimilation, either from encounters with Larfleeze or from the Sector 2814 Lantern's reports. A kill-switch, or a hidden sniper executing them, perhaps... Too bad for New Genesis, though, having to give Renegade a big concession in that unspecified favour.

"Oh, that in interesting. Pass it here?"
"Oh, that is interesting. Pass it here?"
I have what's left of yours 'Corpse' as my prisoners, and I was wondering-."
I have what's left of your 'Corpse' as my prisoners, and I was wondering-."
Unless they wiped his memory after every mission or something. Is that something they'd do?
It's literally named as something they do as a standard in the comics.

Didn't Larfreeze assimilate a Guardian? That knew he was coming? Grayven with and Orange and a Yellow ring is above their weight class.
It's all but stated in the comics that Larfleeze can't turn Guardians into constructs.

A not unreasonable belief, given her history. Though her sister is likely not so restrained.

No she is not.

I think she even has a Citadelian assimilated.

Though that could be her Paragon version.

Because the Emotional Spectrum can work that way...

We're talking about a universal emotional force that has embodiments that are shaped like animals and the love embodiment is shaped almost like a xenomorph.

Logic doesn't apply here.

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