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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Not much of one. Someone associated with the Anti-Life and Omega Force conquering a significant area of space including the place they put the Life Entity and showing an inclination towards expansionism is a more Corpse-worthy target than someone under the thumb of their cousins fighting against the Reach.
Does Renegade have any plans to fight The Reach? I can't imagine Hinon and The Controllers won't try to strongarm Grayven into helping considering that's their main goal, but I don't think anyone has actually brought it up as a problem to him.
That was back when power rings worked a bit differently.

How so?

A sun eater was shown consuming the charge out of green lantern rings in 2018, so DC is still treating green lantern energy as light.

While also treating it as the energy of willpower, what with Hal forging his own ring out of his own willpower.

But DC has been doing that forever, Hammond once used his psychic powers to steal the energy straight out of Hal's ring and he's known for telepathy and telekinesis, which suggests he used his telepathy for that feat, back in 1980.
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That's an actual construct.

Not a living construct.

Really Vaermina?

If you click on the link that you quote it says she is an unliving avatar. If you read the description at the top it says she is the orange lantern of sector 3001.

Her description says, "A Guardian of the Universe who fell while trying to retrieve the box of Parallax from Larfleeze and his guild of thieves while in the presence of the Orange Light of Avarice. She now serves as an Orange Lantern avatar."

If you click on "Orange lantern avatar" it takes you to the page for the orange lantern corps.

So not only are you wrong but you are ignoring the facts you quote in order to be wrong.

Now if you can show me an actual page in a comic, where in universe they say she is just a construct I will accept that.
Now if you can show me an actual page in a comic, where in universe they say she is just a construct I will accept that.

I've actually seen a wikipedia that makes the same claim, I don't remember it having a citation.

I thought it was pointless bullshit Maltusian wank even if the comics do in fact make that claim "Oh they are constructs based on people who were assimilated, but their souls escaped because they are too evolved for that, so they aren't the same thing even though on every practical level they are in fact the very same thing."

They're doing a similar pointless stupidity in Green Lantern with it being stated that the green light of the GLC is not actually part of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum.

It's not getting rid of the skittle corps, because with the GLC imploding again the Sinestro corps has risen in prominence on the Doylist and Watsonian level, nor does this revelation retcon the existence of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum, no apparently the writer thinks they can convince people that the GLC is too cool for the Electromagnetic Emotional Spectrum

So far it's convinced me that DC is still paying writers largely in booze and drugs because that's the Occam's razor explanation for someone having a thought process that nonsensical.
Really Vaermina?

If you click on the link that you quote it says she is an unliving avatar. If you read the description at the top it says she is the orange lantern of sector 3001.

Her description says, "A Guardian of the Universe who fell while trying to retrieve the box of Parallax from Larfleeze and his guild of thieves while in the presence of the Orange Light of Avarice. She now serves as an Orange Lantern avatar."

If you click on "Orange lantern avatar" it takes you to the page for the orange lantern corps.

So not only are you wrong but you are ignoring the facts you quote in order to be wrong.

Now if you can show me an actual page in a comic, where in universe they say she is just a construct I will accept that.
Um... You do know Comic Vine isn't an official site right?

The actual comic shows that Guardian dying.

And of course the comic I posted earlier showing a Guardian directly stating Larfleez doesn't have the power to turn Guardian's into construct lanterns.
Just caught back up so please forgive the long post.

This is why I love this story. Every one of these items has been set up before hand, they were a plot point that moved their own story forward and now that OL knows about them he pulls them back into the story in a way that we can see the logic of how each bit of information leads to the current solution.

"You're as much a part of my project as Hephaestus or Ploutos, and you're the one I chose as my patron. This is the same as getting Hephaestus to work with arcane engineering or Ploutos to review my economic plans. You're my first choice adviser."

"A flash of brilliance from Zeus, believe it or not. We were bound to the titans by the magic that made us. But could we not learn to manipulate that link, even reverse it?"

"No. It's… More complicated. You know how Hades draws power from Erebos?"

"Already done. I also spoke to a demon who was trying to make himself into something… Big, by merging with a newly emergent titan."

"That-." He frowns, his eyes growing distant. "Titan of what?"


He regards me impassively for a moment. I regard him right back for a moment, then raise my eyebrows. He looks down and shakes his head.

"Is this that… God of Technology you were talking about? Because-."

"Merging would risk you losing your personality. We're talking about drawing power into your current fram

22nd July 2012
13:02 GMT -5
Talking to not Constantine about using a titan for power

24th July 2012
14:31 GMT
Talking to Hephaestus about gaining the titan's power

20th August 2012
08:12 GMT
Discussion about the prototype

"So going back to my question, you wanted something that connected to the collective unconscious of the human species?"

Given the direct question, Hecate recovers first. "Yes, though a powerful relic of the Dream may suffice. I doubt that such a thing-."

16th September 2012
19:31 GMT
Technically this is the spear from daemon world.

With OL using what we know he has it feels, to me, more like a mystery right now, each bit building to the big reveal.

Now, having said that I don't think the big reveal is going to be Zeus getting defeated, we have already had that reveal as many people both in story and out of the story have pointed out. We already saw OL take down two powerful otherworldly entities, so this feels more like a moment of hubris. One of the things stated at the beginning of this current quest was concept of nemesis, OL was flippant saying he was going to be the retribution on Zeus but I expect instead we will see the reason for Batman to become the nemesis of OL.

Now I am not sure about this but apparently Mr Zoat has said that Batman will come to hate or blame or resent OL for some reason? I had to skip a lot of non-story posts so this is second hand not sure if its true. But what if, OL and crew perform this merging, confront Zeus and something goes wrong and Diana gets hit when Zeus fights back. (Like Zeuses power gets disrupted or he gets killed or some other terrible fate that snaps all the power back to the titans while Diana is still in Tartarus.) So she gets injured or killed or has to suddenly take in all that power and becomes a god but its two much so she gets destroyed like Hephaestus is worried will happen to him. That would turn most of the heroes against him. And it would be a big enough mistake that it would possibly reorder how he enacts his desires.

Considering how well things have been going for the protagonist, having some sort of intervention would be useful I think. Character development wise, I mean. Paul's reactions and his ability to interact with people has noticeably gotten worse over the past couple of arcs. So I'm hoping that Zoat leads this up to an intervention of some sort.

The problem is, as far as I understand enlightenment, OL can't change anymore. He knows his desires and can't not do what he wants to do, he can prioritize which wants he will act on, but he doesn't have conflicting wants that he can overcome. It's one of the reasons everyone around him changes how they act when he is around, they are literally interacting with an alien thought process. You can't change his mind you can just bargain with how he will go about acquiring his desires. Show him you are working towards his final need and he will assist you, attempt to stop him and he will ignore you at best, remove you at worst.

Now I might be completely wrong.
It's all but stated in the comics that Larfleeze can't turn Guardians into constructs.

All but stated, heavily implied sure, a logical leap based on them having made the rings yep.

But all I see in that picture is Larfleeze threatened to assimilate, a blue baby saying he can't and Larfleeze getting distracted.

And yes all wikis are only as accurate as the dumbest person using it so again, if you can show me a page that says they can't be assimilated or one of them breaking assimilation I'll accept it.
Coup Data (part 20)
28th October 2012
09:52 GMT +3

"So…" I raise my eyebrows at Hephaestus. "Made a decision yet?"

He regards me testily. "Come up with a new argument to persuade me, have you?"

"Honestly? No. But if you aren't prepared to take the risk, we'll need more time to work on your equipment, and delaying is only dragging this out."

"You want me to take the risk."

"Eh… I… Yes, but-! I don't understand the thaumaturgy involved and it isn't me going through it. It's you. If, having heard all of the information that we have, you decide that it's not worth the risk, that's your decision. I'll just nod and carry on. We'll still be closer to our goal."

And I mean that. I really don't understand the explanation that Hecate started with, not in any detail. It turns out that Hephaestus's concern about dissolving in the power was entirely valid. Using the default version of the binding spell that could actually happen. However, with the ring and the Spear, Hecate had other options.

At the safest level, we have the 'constant gradual drain' option. Using the ring as a moderating influence, Hephaestus would literally just use it as a booster when he needed it. He would actually have to use spells to expand his abilities and insight, not just to increase his power output.

At the mid-level, we can directly empower him up to his maximum… 'Stretch' level. That could go wrong, but it almost certainly wouldn't. Once he acclimatised to his new size, we could repeat the process up to his new 'stretch' level, and so on until… Well, most likely until the titan embryo loses coherency and we have to wait for it to re-emerge. The upside is that it would increase Hephaestus's innate power. He'd be able to just do stuff, and his instinct for modern technology would increase. Not to the level of an actual God of Technology, but somewhat. Getting to full power would probably take… A few months, though, and might take even longer. And it might well not ever get him to the point where he could fight Zeus.

And then there's option three. Conceptual unbinding. On the up side, it would result in him becoming a full-on God of Technology, far more powerful than even the most optimistic result of option two. It would be faster too; we could be out of here this afternoon. It's also… Technically safer than option two, in the sense that it's virtually impossible that it would kill him.


But it essentially involved chirurgically pulling his brain apart, sticking more brain in between the parts and sewing the whole thing back up and hoping that his mind still functions.

Maybe. Hecate was losing patience with me when she came up with that explanation.

"When you fought the Lord of Order, Nabu." I nod. "Did you consider using the Ophidian's power?"

"Considered and dismissed. Too much risk to Mister Zatara."

"When you first bonded with her, then. The illusion world. If it had been real, would you have done it?"

"I did do it. Remember, I thought that it was real. And I didn't think I'd still exist afterwards."

"Would you do it again?"

"It's not really the same thing."

"So, yes."

"But look how my social skills have improved. Uh?" I sigh. "Look… If it were me, I wouldn't be-. I'm not sure whether I'd go for two or three. I put on this ring in the knowledge that it would probably change my character, but I always could take it off. I let the Ophidian in, but that was in a desperate situation and I don't live like that most of the time. The one time I absorbed a lot of demon magic and became ruthlessly utilitarian, I didn't like the person I became. But I can't make that kind of decision for you."


I shrug. "I want you to take this power to smack Zeus down, free Diana and advance the cause of the technological revolution with your new power. But those are my goals. What do you want?"

"The same. To smack Zeus down. Ares too. To walk without limping for the first time in more years than I care to think about."

"But you want to be the one walking."

"That I do."

"Well… Is there any more information you need in order to make a decision?"

"Yes, and I'm waiting for a response from the person I asked."


"Because you, Orange Lantern, are the last person to go to for the voice of moderation."

"Thought I was… Fairly moderate just there…"

"I know. Ah." He stands up as… An owl swoops down, landing on the top of a nearby low diving board. "Here she is."

I'm bowing even as Athena sort of.. blurs back into a humanoid form.



"My Lady."

"And my champion's headache. I have learned something of your nature from her prayers. Rise."

I straighten up. There's… Actually a fairly strong resemblance between Diana and-. Well, this avatar of Athena. I suppose that it's not really too surprising that a people as militant as the Amazons would base their ideal of youthful beauty on their war goddess, but her statues on the surface make it a good deal less obvious.

"Do you intend to pay Hecate's price?"

"Not up to me."

Hephaestus raises his right hand. "If this is about your mother, we were already planning on freeing her."

Athena nods. "Then I will use my own magic to ensure that your mind remains whole during the process of elevating you."

He nods. "You think the third choice is best, then? Complete unbinding?"

"I think that if we want any relevancy as a pantheon that we will need to be led by a god who is both interested in the world and appealing to mortals. A God of Technology is certainly relevant; your holy day is being observed by mortal artificers even though their skills are outside of your domain. And you have remained better connected to the world than most. Tell me that this is not what you want."

"I can't, because it is."

"Then embrace this opportunity. Become something greater than you are."

He nods, then turns back towards Hecate's house.

"Then let's do this."
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It, having heard all of the information that we have, you decide that

'If, having'

we have to wait for it to re-emerged. The upside is that it would


It's also… Technically after than option two, in the sense that it's virtually

'safer than option'

the voice of moderation."

"Thought I was… Fairly moderate just there…

You were, but that's not saying much.



"My Lady."

"And my champion's headache

And what holy day are people observing?
One of the earlier times Paul worked with Hephaestus he started showing the word that praying to Greek gods can get actual supernatural aid. There's been a lot of pagan revolution in this story due to a combination of active old gods and Angels turning people off of Christianity.
Really Vaermina?

If you click on the link that you quote it says she is an unliving avatar. If you read the description at the top it says she is the orange lantern of sector 3001.

Her description says, "A Guardian of the Universe who fell while trying to retrieve the box of Parallax from Larfleeze and his guild of thieves while in the presence of the Orange Light of Avarice. She now serves as an Orange Lantern avatar."

If you click on "Orange lantern avatar" it takes you to the page for the orange lantern corps.

So not only are you wrong but you are ignoring the facts you quote in order to be wrong.

Now if you can show me an actual page in a comic, where in universe they say she is just a construct I will accept that.

You're trying to get Vaermina to use and listen to logic and evidence.


Seriously, at this points we all know that Vaermina either doesn't care about logic or evidence, or is literally incapable if using them on a fundamental level.

Nothing has worked in changing Vaermina's mind on these topics.

We've asked them to change politely, we've insulted them, we've kept showing evidence that disproves their beliefs, but none of it has worked.

Don't try to get Vaermina to see reason. It's a waste of time.

The problem is, as far as I understand enlightenment, OL can't change anymore. He knows his desires and can't not do what he wants to do, he can prioritize which wants he will act on, but he doesn't have conflicting wants that he can overcome. It's one of the reasons everyone around him changes how they act when he is around, they are literally interacting with an alien thought process. You can't change his mind you can just bargain with how he will go about acquiring his desires. Show him you are working towards his final need and he will assist you, attempt to stop him and he will ignore you at best, remove you at worst.

Now I might be completely wrong

This sounds like a good explanation.
28th October 2012
09:52 GMT +3

"So…" I raise my eyebrows at Hephaestus. "Made a decision yet?"

He regards me testily. "Come up with a new argument to persuade me, have you?"
I hope you haven't been pestering him about this the whole time, OL. He'll decide when he's good and ready, not when you want him to. Your.. unique.. kind of encouragement isn't going to be all that helpful here.

"Honestly? No. But if you aren't prepared to take the risk, we'll need more time to work on your equipment, and delaying is only dragging this out."

"You want me to take the risk."
To be fair, more time to prepare and recheck your workings is probably a good idea. This is not something you want to go off half-cocked.

"Eh… I… Yes, but-! I don't understand the thaumaturgy involved and it isn't me going through it. It's you. It, having heard all of the information that we have, you decide that it's not worth the risk, that's your decision. I'll just nod and carry on. We'll still be closer to our goal."

And I mean that. I really don't understand the explanation that Hecate started with, not in any detail. It turns out that Hephaestus's concern about dissolving in the power were entirely valid. Using the default version of the binding spell that could actually happen. However, with the ring and the Spear, Hecate had other options.
OL doesn't need to be the expert in everything, after all. That's what his vast list of contacts is for. :p

At the safest level, we have the 'constant gradual drain' option. Using the ring as a moderating influence, Hephaestus would literally just use it as a booster when he needed it. He would actually have to use spells to expand his abilities and insight, not just to increase his power output.
Not great, and not likely to allow him to challenge the stronger Olympians.

At the mid-level, we can directly empower him up to his maximum… 'Stretch' level. That could go wrong, but it almost certainly wouldn't. Once he acclimatised to his new size, we could repeat the process up to his new 'stretch' level, and so on until… Well, most likely until the titan embryo loses coherency and we have to wait for it to re-emerged. The upside is that it would increase Hephaestus's innate power. He'd be able to just do stuff, and his instinct for modern technology would increase. Not to the level of an actual God of Technology, but somewhat. Getting to full power would probably take… A few months, though, and might take even longer. And it might well not ever get him to the point where he could fight Zeus.
Safer, but it would leave the world without Wonder Woman for that long... Unless Zeus has a change of heart.

And then there's option three. Conceptual unbinding. On the up side, it would result in him becoming a full-on God of Technology, far more powerful than even the most optimistic result of option two. It would be faster too; we could be out of here this afternoon. It's also… Technically after than option two, in the sense that it's virtually impossible that it would kill him.

Effectively, disconnecting him from his portfolio of smithery and metal-crafting, then reconnecting to the larger spread of all technology (which would include his prior place...)

But it essentially involved chirurgically pulling his brain apart, sticking more brain in between the parts and sewing the whole thing back up and hoping that his mind still functions.

Maybe. Hecate was losing patience with me when she came up with that explanation.
I suspect it would mean a more metaphysical dismantling, than an entirely physical one... But who knows with Olympians?

"When you fought the Lord of Order, Nabu." I nod. "Did you consider using the Ophidian's power?"

"Considered and dismissed. Too much risk to Mister Zatara."
Wouldn't do to free him from Nabu... By turning him into orange crush.

"When you first bonded with her, then. The illusion world. If it had been real, would you have done it?"

"I did do it. Remember, I thought that it was real. And I didn't think I'd still exist afterwards."
And that wasn't even his worst-possible plan, remember? I believe the doomsday plan was 'summon ALL the demons'?

"Would you do it again?"

"It's not really the same thing."

"So, yes."
He's technically half-bonded with her a few times. But given chunks of her are woven into his soul... That's hardly surprising.

"But look how my social skills have improved. Uh?" I sigh. "Look… If it were me, I wouldn't be-. I'm not sure whether I'd go for two or three. I put on this ring in the knowledge that it would probably change my character, but I always could take it off. I let the Ophidian in, but that was in a desperate situation and I don't live like that most of the time. The one time I absorbed a lot of demon magic and became ruthlessly utilitarian, I didn't like the person I became. But I can't make that kind of decision for you."
Though it was hard for you to recognise that dislike at the time... What with the 'soaked in demonic energies' bit.


I shrug. "I want you to take this power to smack Zeus down, free Diana and advance the cause of the technological revolution with your new power. But those are my goals. What do you want?"
And in the process stealing a jump on most of the other Gods of metalcraft and sciences.

"The same. To smack Zeus down. Ares too. To walk without limping for the first time in more years than I care to think about."

"But you want to be the one walking."
You should find that worry familiar, OL. Remember your early thanatophoia, before you got a working soul and a guaranteed afterlife placement? And your concerns about the Orange Light altering your mind? (Which seem to have faded after Enlightenment, I'll note...)

"That I do."

"Well… Is there any more information you need in order to make a decision?"
But does he want to hear that information from you, OL?

"Yes, and I'm waiting for a response from the person I asked."


"Because you, Orange Lantern, are the last person to go to for the voice of moderation."
:V Ha! He's got you there, mister 'Planning to empower a friendly god to battle an unfriendly one for spurious reasons'.

"Thought I was… Fairly moderate just there…"
No, OL. Just... No. :rolleyes:

"I know. Ah." He stands up as… An owl swoops down, landing on the top of a nearby low diving board. "Here she is."

I'm bowing even as Athena sort of.. blurs back into a humanoid form.
And what better source of Wisdom than the Goddess of it?

Ah, the joy of being younger siblings. United against the elders.

"My Lady."

"And my champion's headache. I have learned something of your nature from her prayers. Rise."
I'm sure the reality will blow away all expectations you might have, Grey-eyed Athena.

I straighten up. There's… Actually a fairly strong resemblance between Diana and-. Well, this avatar of Athena. I suppose that it's not really too surprising that a people as militant as the Amazons would base their ideal of youthful beauty on their war goddess, but her statues on the surface make it a good deal less obvious.

"Do you intend to pay Hecate's price?"
Pain and peril. Quite a heavy cost for the power he wants.

"Not up to me."

Hephaestus raises his right hand. "If this is about your mother, we were already planning on freeing her."
Hah. Bet when that happens, the first thing she does is smack Zeus right in the little thunderbolt...

Athena nods. "Then I will use my own magic to ensure that your mind remains whole during the process of elevating you."

He nods. "You think the third choice is best, then? Complete unbinding?"
I'm sure you have the will and the focus to endure it.

"I think that if we want any relevancy as a pantheon that we will need to be led by a god who is both interested in the world and appealing to mortals. A God of Technology is certainly relevant; your holy day is being observed by mortal artificers even though their skills are outside of your domain. And you have remained better connected to the world than most. Tell me that this is not what you want."

"I can't, because it is."
Yeah. People aren't really cowed by storms anymore. Zeus is... Much depreciated in the eyes of mankind, between his jackassery and his fading relevance.

"Then embrace this opportunity. Become something greater than you are."

He nods, then turns back towards Hecate's house.

"Then let's do this."
Cue the heroic gearing-up montage theme!

So, Operation: Reforging is a go. It was nice to see him choose to hear his sibling's advice on the risk, even if she did little more than help him align his intentions. I expect if we see anything of the process, it'll be all light and sound beyond mortal comprehension. Still, there's no turning back now, even if Zeus picks up on this and comes crashing in...
And what holy day are people observing?

I would guess he is referencing this:

"We want to know. On the twenty third of August KordTech will be sponsoring a technology demo to show off its latest developments. Most notable amongst these are the arcane metals that Hephaestus taught Io how to forge. We're calling it the Hephaesteia, and we're going to make it an annual thing. To start with, it'll probably just be us and the Atlanteans, but in future we hope that other companies will get involved. Diana will be leading opening and closing prayers and Io's going to be there to field questions."

It might not have been his holy day before, but it might as well be now. It might be the largest regular show of piety any of the Greeks are getting nowadays.
Just thinking ahead to the removal of Zeus, there are some other knock on effects.

Anyone or thing that taps into him may have reduced or lost powers. While his children have their own god hood to sustain them, someone like Captain Marvel (remember the Z in Shazam is for him) or Dana Dearden (one of her magical coin's is her link) might have issues down the line.

Any powers sustained by him directly, or linked to be powered by the titan's through him might weaken or be disrupted.

Things that you can't likely plan around are the ones you don't know about. And he's had a lot of years to get involved with this kinda thing.

On a distantly related idea, anyone else been wondering what Zeus's opinion of Gotham's Maximillian Zeus is ?
Just thinking ahead to the removal of Zeus, there are some other knock on effects.

Anyone or thing that taps into him may have reduced or lost powers. While his children have their own god hood to sustain them, someone like Captain Marvel (remember the Z in Shazam is for him) or Dana Dearden (one of her magical coin's is her link) might have issues down the line.

Any powers sustained by him directly, or linked to be powered by the titan's through him might weaken or be disrupted.

Things that you can't likely plan around are the ones you don't know about. And he's had a lot of years to get involved with this kinda thing.

On a distantly related idea, anyone else been wondering what Zeus's opinion of Gotham's Maximillian Zeus is ?
I am sure that captain marvel can find some other powerful being who's name starts with a Z to parishion.
Just thinking ahead to the removal of Zeus, there are some other knock on effects.

Anyone or thing that taps into him may have reduced or lost powers. While his children have their own god hood to sustain them, someone like Captain Marvel (remember the Z in Shazam is for him) or Dana Dearden (one of her magical coin's is her link) might have issues down the line.

Any powers sustained by him directly, or linked to be powered by the titan's through him might weaken or be disrupted.

Things that you can't likely plan around are the ones you don't know about. And he's had a lot of years to get involved with this kinda thing.

On a distantly related idea, anyone else been wondering what Zeus's opinion of Gotham's Maximillian Zeus is ?
There's also the high possibility of "fuck you"'s Zeus would have arranged to screw over anyone who overthrew him.

And of course the fact that LePaul is completely ignoring the potential WMD level collateral damage to Earth from Zeus and Hephaestus fighting.

Which includes the very real possibility that if Zeus starts loosing he will go "If I'm going down I will take a billion people with me".
Except it's 100% up to you...

And every innocent who dies because of this is on your head.
Expand? I suppose he could withhold the Spear and training ring, but Hephaestus has last say on whether or not they do the ritual itself, and afterwards he'd be the one who decides what happens to the Titans in Tartarus. OL certainly bears a certain amount of responsibility, but not 100%.
And what holy day are people observing?
The Hephaestia, which is basically a big trade show.
'If, having'
'safer than option'
Thank you, corrected.
Just thinking ahead to the removal of Zeus, there are some other knock on effects.

Anyone or thing that taps into him may have reduced or lost powers. While his children have their own god hood to sustain them, someone like Captain Marvel (remember the Z in Shazam is for him)

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