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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I'm trying to remember- does Wor-Ul know that Kal's Father tried to talk reason into the council, is she in denial/projecting her issues with other members of the House, or does she just not care at this point?
justifiable bitterness or not, she continues to give a pretty poor impression- gotta love the irony of the only member of the admiralty with the guts to tell the SC no being a gutless coward trembling in the shadow of someone decades her junior...
I'm trying to remember- does Wor-Ul know that Kal's Father tried to talk reason into the council, is she in denial/projecting her issues with other members of the House, or does she just not care at this point?
justifiable bitterness or not, she continues to give a pretty poor impression- gotta love the irony of the only member of the admiralty with the guts to tell the SC no being a gutless coward trembling in the shadow of someone decades her junior...
The wonders of collective responsibility.

In Kryptonian society, it was completely normal to hold people accountable for the behaviour of other members of their house. Karsta Wor-Ul holding the behaviour of the vast majority of House El again Kal-El is pretty normal by their standards.

Karsta Wor-Ul is not afraid of Kal-El. She's hiding out because she knows that someone killed everyone she went AWOL with and she's now an old woman.
The wonders of collective responsibility.

In Kryptonian society, it was completely normal to hold people accountable for the behaviour of other members of their house. Karsta Wor-Ul holding the behaviour of the vast majority of House El again Kal-El is pretty normal by their standards.

Karsta Wor-Ul is not afraid of Kal-El. She's hiding out because she knows that someone killed everyone she went AWOL with and she's now an old woman.
Not quite what I meant- I meant she's explicitly hiding and using Kal-El as a living shield/decoy,after getting everyone under her command killed (and responding by running for decades when she wasn't a senior)not that she seemed afraid of him
- which is a little jarring/eyebrow-raising considering she had the courage to defy one of Krypton's biggest Taboo's and refuse to follow what she saw as a suicidally stupid order- an arc/couple of chapters covering what caused that change could be very intresting, and give a better picture of just how hated the children of Krypton were at the point... I'm quite curious if it was a single devistating blow that shattered
her confidence, or essentially attrition with no resupply or homebase...

And it arguably makes it (feel)even worse given that near-unquestioning obedience of orders from a superior was an even bigger cultural imperative from memory- her clinging to that convention feels hypocritical, to say the least...

oh. Should clarify, was criticising the charicter/her actions/personality in-universe, not the writing-
would be more then interested in seeing her more frequently
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I feel you're putting a little much responsibility on her. Once they left the navy they weren't under her command any longer.

She didn't defy a taboo. She accepted that the Science Council had the authority to shut down the navy down and didn't resist. At the time there wasn't a taboo against foreign travel.
Karsta Wor-Ul is not afraid of Kal-El. She's hiding out because she knows that someone killed everyone she went AWOL with and she's now an old woman.

This is Amalak right? If so, I wonder if Paragon knows.

I also wonder what the title of the episode refers to; superficially it indicates we're seeing the aftermath of the Silver City incursion, or something related to Blaze more personally (has she or anyone made an effort to get in contact with her mother? Could be a useful witness for Satanus's ongoing court case, besides the personal aspect- both mother and daughter are remorseful ex-demons after all).

Some random questions I also had in the back of my mind (mostly about Awakening since I really like that idea) include:
-What are the differences between a New God speedster (like Iname and Renegade Wally) and a more conventional one like the previous Flashes? Paragon Kid Flash and Max Mercury can both manipulate the speed of others, so I'd imagine a proper New God of speed could do something similar, but do they also have any uniquely esoteric capabilities?
-In the same vein, if Renegade Jade did end up becoming a New God of teleportation, what could she do that was different from/better than a 'typical' teleporter?
-Would any non-pureblood Atlantean become pureblood if divinely Awakened, no matter how divergent they were from the humanoid form? That seems like it could have potential complications.
-Is anyone doing research on divine Awakening in the Paragon timeline after encountering the Key? (I might have asked this already).
-Could Genomorphs be Awakened since their souls, weak as they are, developed on Earth? And if it's possible, could it spread from one member to the entire hive consciousness?
This is Amalak right? If so, I wonder if Paragon knows.
Technically, no, but Amalak made it clear how he felt about the place and it wouldn't surprise him.
Some random questions I also had in the back of my mind (mostly about Awakening since I really like that idea) include:
-What are the differences between a New God speedster (like Iname and Renegade Wally) and a more conventional one like the previous Flashes? Paragon Kid Flash and Max Mercury can both manipulate the speed of others, so I'd imagine a proper New God of speed could do something similar, but do they also have any uniquely esoteric capabilities?
In terms of pure speed, not a lot. Standard New God bonuses include agelessness and enhanced special defence, and they also get a slightly greater instinct for novel uses of their powers.
-In the same vein, if Renegade Jade did end up becoming a New God of teleportation, what could she do that was different from/better than a 'typical' teleporter?
Star Trek teleporters versus Oni Lee.
-Would any non-pureblood Atlantean become pureblood if divinely Awakened, no matter how divergent they were from the humanoid form? That seems like it could have potential complications.
No. Kaldur got a knock-off version of Ahri-ahn's spell. Other aquatic adaptation spells would respond differently.
-Is anyone doing research on divine Awakening in the Paragon timeline after encountering the Key? (I might have asked this already).
-Could Genomorphs be Awakened since their souls, weak as they are, developed on Earth? And if it's possible, could it spread from one member to the entire hive consciousness?
Not at present. As their forebears were kryptonian they don't have enough of a history of association with the Life Entity. That said, there are almost certainly ways around that.
Not at present. As their forebears were kryptonian they don't have enough of a history of association with the Life Entity. That said, there are almost certainly ways around that.

Wait what? Genomorphs are from Krypton?
Wait what? Genomorphs are from Krypton?
IIRC, the Renegade found out from Luthor that he basically cloned them from the remains of... I think it was Doomsday? Some kind of probably-Kryptonian monster that hitched a ride on a meteor.
IIRC, the Renegade found out from Luthor that he basically cloned them from the remains of... I think it was Doomsday? Some kind of probably-Kryptonian monster that hitched a ride on a meteor.

No, it was going to be Doomsday before Zoat found out someone else did a story with that idea, so he made them developed from Nam-Ek the immortal kryptonian unicorn man.
Angelic (part 5)
28th January
09:27 GMT -5

Kara can barely stop herself giggling as we head towards the training room.

"…sound conceited about this, but last time I helped a young woman out like this… Things got a bit-"

"It's okay."

"-awkward, and while you're a perfectly pleasant-."

"You're not my type either."

I stop, regarding her curiously. She comes to a halt a moment later. "What?"

"What is your type? Because I know a lot of people-."

"Ah-. Look. I'm.. not really-" She shakes her head. "-looking for a relationship right now."

"Glad to hear it." Artemis walks out of an adjacent corridor, eyebrows raised in my direction.

"I was offering to act as a matchmaker. Or at least do some vetting."

I get a mild eye-roll as Artemis steps up to Kara, right hand extended. "Hi, I'm Artemis. You're Supergirl, right?"

"No, I'm Kara Zor-El." Kara cautiously takes Artemis's hand-.

"You don't need to be that careful. I've used the Danner Formula. You don't have to worry about accidentally hurting me by squeezing too hard."

Kara smiles, slightly reassured, as the two of them shake hands. "I'm not a superhero. I don't intend to fly around calling myself 'Supergirl'."

"Oh. Ah, okay." Artemis turns to lead the way towards the training room and we follow on behind her. "How did the thing with Match go?"

"As well as could be expected. He was a little.. 'spaced out', but he wasn't violent or aggressive."

"Kon and M'gann are off the active list for at least a week while they help him settle in."

Artemis glances back. "Is he.. gunna be living here?"

I nod. "Yes, though Kal-El's going to be mentoring him rather than Diana."

Kara frowns uncomfortably. "You're not… Going to make him a 'super hero', are you?"

"No. Being a superhero takes training. We can't just… Throw people out there, whatever super powers they've got."

"And he's effectively new-born, and doesn't have the same programming Kon-El did making him want to fight people. It would make sense for him to take part in some of our training, but only in the same way you are. If he wants to join up later, that's his decision."

"And he's going to be educated in the same school that Kon and M'gann attend?"

Artemis frowns. "I thought they were just gunna use the g-gnomes?"

"Probably, and that's Match's decision. It might work out better if he started school next autumn, give him a chance to acclimatise a bit first."

Artemis doesn't look entirely happy with my answer. "But he's physically a teenager. If he doesn't want people to know where he really came from, it's gunna look kinda weird if he doesn't know-"

We walk out into the training room, where Kal-El is waiting for us with the rest of the active team. Richard and Kaldur look around as we come in, while Wallace-.

"-basic stuff."

Wallace dashes up and halts in front of Artemis. "Hey babe!"

"Hey Wally."

I press on as they embrace and Kara flies over to talk to Kal-El. Robert and Beryl are here, as are Raquel, Tula, Garth and Leonid. Canis-.

"Orange Lantern." Kaldur heads my way. "Canis Minor has not returned from Ungara."

"Still?" I would have thought that he would have come back by now. "Is that.. critical?"

"No, but it is difficult to plan for team exercises if I do not know who will make an appearance."

I nod. "I'll head over to Ungara after we finish whatever Superman has for us. See what the hold up is."

He nods. "Thank you. It is most likely that he has merely been struck by inspiration and is spending his time painting or sculpting, but he has not returned to the Mountain for several days."

Roy walks in from the direction of the showers, Wolf and the Sphere close behind. Looks like a full house, then.

Kal-El looks around. "Aqualad, is this everyone?"

"Yes, Superman."

"Alright then." Kal-El calls up a holographic screen as all of us -including Kara- fall in to our accustomed arc. "Last year the Justice League became aware of a effort by a group of demons to sell-" He hesitates, his eyes rest on me for a moment. "-a narcotic based on demon alchemy on Earth." Screenshots from our first encounter with the jizzers appear on the screen. "Since then, police worldwide have been fighting to shut down production and distribution facilities. Unfortunately, the alchemical potions they use can grant the people using them short term superpowers, meaning that they're often more than capable of fighting back."

Footage from a fight in Mexico which occurred while I was off founding the Orange Lantern Corps. A vaguely wolf-like jizzer tears first through members of a rival drug gang and then through a police blockade, bullets… Hitting, but failing to stop it.

"The substance in question was created by a demon lord named Satanus, known to the world as the media tycoon Collin Thornton."

An image of him in both forms appears on screen.

"With his arrest and imprisonment last year-"

And after what happened with The Demon Constantine, Waller quadrupled down on the magic defences and convinced the committee overseeing Belle Reve to authorise a round the clock presence of Atlantean mages. Constantine's alter-ego is cunning, but as far as I could tell he doesn't have much more raw power than the regular version. Or… Less, now, I suppose. So I don't think there's anyone with a strong motive to attempt to liberate Collin Thornton, and I'm reasonably sure that he can't escape by himself.

"-we hoped that the supply would be cut off, or at least reduced. Unfortunately, he had already passed responsibility for that over to one of his allies, a demon named Rosacarnis."

The picture of Satanus vanishes, replaced by one of the ones I took over New Year of the woman herself.

"Usually, a demon lord would play his cards close to his chest. The fact that Satanus was willing to share his knowledge with other demons means that we might not be dealing with a single supply chain any longer."

Which isn't exactly a novel problem. If only one person knew how to make heroin or cocaine the War on Drugs might actually be winnable.

The picture of Rosacarnis disappears, and is replaced a map of Virginia.

"State police in Virginia have uncovered what they think is a distribution network. They've made a series of arrests-"

Images appear on the screen, police leading various people away in handcuffs and in one case standing on guard in the aftermath of their SWAT team shooting a transformed Jizzer dead.

"-but they're a little concerned that they're going to run into harder resistance when they close in on the ringleaders. They've asked the Justice League for help, and that's where you come in. You'll be assisting police departments in Richmond, Midvale and Leesburg with detecting users and suppliers." He turns his attention to the team's magic users. "They've already been granted the warrants they need for using magic-detection spells, so you won't need to worry about whether your tests are admissible in court or not."

A minor grimace from Tula and Garth. They were called to testify on a case a few months ago, and the uncomfortable place magic occupies in the American judicial system gave the defence lawyer an avenue for trying to get their testimony thrown out.

"Your mission is to aid them in the detection and apprehension of anyone associated with the network. Your secondary objective is to see what you can find out about who in Hell is in charge of the supply side, so that the Justice League can try and do something about that side of things."

"Does anyone have any questions?"
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Screenshots from our first encounter with the jizzers appear on the screen.
This sentence is funny without context.

Midvale is apparently Supergirl's stomping grounds, while Leesburg... a different version of Supergirl. Given the target...

Are there any versions of Supergirl that get demonically possessed, or otherwise influenced?
Wait, asking this now: is the War on Drugs recent politics? I mean, it's kinda still going, but it's been a while, right?
I get a mild eye-roll as Artemis steps up to Kara, right hand extended. "Hi, I'm Artemis. You're Supergirl, right?"
Ah, the basic assumption of hero-dom...

Kara smiles, slightly reassured, as the two of them shake hands. "I'm not a superhero. I don't intend to fly around calling myself 'Supergirl'."
I see Kara's more comfortable around people she can't accidentally break.

I nod. "Yes, though Kal-El's going to be mentoring him rather than Diana."
Superboy and Wonderboy on the same team :D

"No. Being a superhero takes training. We can't just… Throw people out there, whatever super powers they've got."
Usually, anyway. Some people go out in costumes as soon as they get powers...

"Probably, and that's Match's decision. It might work out better if he started school next autumn, give him a chance to acclimatise a bit first."
...And see whether he needs more esoteric aid.

"Orange Lantern." Kaldur heads my way. "Canis Minor has not returned from Ungara."

He nods. "Thank you. It is most likely that he has merely been struck by inspiration and is spending his time painting or sculpting, but he has not returned to the Mountain for several days."
Could be worse, he could be partying...

"Alright then." Kal-El calls up a holographic screen as all of us -including Kara- fall in to our accustomed arc. "Last year the Justice League became aware of a effort by a group of demons to sell-" He hesitates, his eyes rest on me for a moment. "-a narcotic based on demon alchemy on Earth."
Hmm... Who coined the term Devil JIzz again? Or did OL make use of it in formal reports?

Screenshots from our first encounter with the jizzers appear on the screen. "Since then, police worldwide have been fighting to shut down production and distribution facilities. Unfortunately, the alchemical potions they use can grant the people using them short term superpowers, meaning that they're often more than capable of fighting back."
I'm wondering what Kara's reaction to this is. I expect she's heard of stranger things since arriving on Earth.

Footage from a fight in Mexico which occurred while I was off founding the Orange Lantern Corps. A vaguely wolf-like jizzer tears first through members of a rival drug gang and then through a police blockade, bullets… Hitting, but failing to stop it.
The sort of thing usually blurred out on TV, or accompianied by "Viewer discretion is advised."

"The substance in question was created by a demon lord named Satanus, known to the world as the media tycoon Collin Thornton."

An image of him in both forms replaces the images of his forms.
Something funny about this sentence...

And after what happened with The Demon Constantine, Waller quadrupled down on the magic defences and convinced the committee overseeing Belle Reve to authorise a round the clock presence of Atlantean mages.
I'm impressed. Impressed that she'd be that open to adjusting her methods...

So I don't think there's anyone with a strong motive to attempt to liberate Collin Thornton, and I'm reasonably sure that he can't escape by himself.
But that's not a non-zero chance...

The picture of Rosacarnis disappears, and is replaced a map of Virginia
Missing Full Stop.

Images appear on the screen, police leading various people away in handcuffs and in one case standing on guard in the aftermath of their SWAT team shooting a transformed Jizzer dead.
Must have been a weak dose, or early in the transformation...

You'll be assisting police departments in Richmond, Midvale and Leesburg with detecting users and suppliers."
Ooh, locations sigificant to the Supergirl mythos.

A minor grimace from Tula and Garth. They were called to testify on a case a few months ago, and the uncomfortable place magic occupies in the American judicial system gave the defence lawyer an avenue for trying to get their testimony thrown out.
Ugh, seriously? You'd think the law would be more flexible in a world of jetpack gorillas and raygun crooks.

"Does anyone have any questions?"
"So, Should I make some calls 'Downstairs', sir?"

Briefing scenes, gotta love 'em.
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This sentence is funny without context.

Midvale is apparently Supergirl's stomping grounds, while Leesburg... a different version of Supergirl. Given the target...

Are there any versions of Supergirl that get demonically possessed, or otherwise influenced?


Nightflame is the sorceress from Supergirl's Innerverse, who possessed Kara and sought to consume her soul. More a demon as in "inner demon" though.

And the Linda Danvers Earth Angel Supergirl series had demons all over the place.

Like Buzz, who is basically demon constantine, except he was a Roman priest who is still in love with his wife, who was reincarnated as Linda Danvers.

And last seen in War in Hell, Linda had fallen to the sin of wrath, although she was in denial about her corruption.
The League does know that Paragon is in contact with the current ruler of Hell right? Seems a bit strange that wasn't brought up but perhaps it's discussed in the next update. Mammon did use Devil Jizz while in disguise but I don't really see why he wouldn't still be doing so.

In terms of people wanting to break Colin Thornton out, I'd think the Light has pretty good motivation to do so, which Paragon should know, and they have the probable help of Circe, so I don't think Atlantean mages will cut it; shame that using the Tower of Fate didn't seem to work out but I can understand the political/social reasons for not giving up autonomy to that degree.

I suppose the War on Drugs references should imply that just militarily fighting Hell to get them to stop distributing drugs would be ineffective. I can see Paragon getting involved in infernal politics to influence the issue though; with Neron dead and Mammon allied I don't think there's really any force that could stand up to him, especially with Blaze, Doctor Fate and League support (it's a bit irritating that more progress has been done to neutralize literal Hell as a threat than the Light, who as I've mentioned should have way less mystic and regular firepower and resources than the protagonists).

Is Blaze working with Atlantean alchemists to help create a counteragent for Devil Jizz?
Anoher option is Paragon's initial plan to deal with Colin Thornton; getting Blaze to sanctify cities to prevent infernal influences. I remember discussion of whether that would be legal since demons are legally people now, but I think the idea does still have merit in dealing with Devil Jizz supply networks- perhaps the Church or the Congregation superheroes could help in this regard. I'd imagine Kahndaq has mystic defenses in place to prevent Hell getting a foothold, and possibly China (I don't know too much about Ghost Fox Killer and Thundermind but they seem useful in this regard, either inherently or as point of contact with magic-users).

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