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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Besides, who wants to be one of those Chads with their fancy ironic custom icons anyway.
Me, I do.
Anyway, I disagree with the everyone going Socialist if they understood the economy for a few reasons. The big one is that Socialism, and Communism, only works if everyone that can work, does work, and there's really no motivation to work aside from the joy of working.
I enjoy these speeches/segments but what I really want to see is his satirical election campaign in Britain.
Renegade Britain just had its government overthrown. The next election is going to be the height of seriousness. The election after that Grayven will stand for office for the Alien Supreme Overlord Domination party (ASOD), and champion their policy of removing humans from decision making as much as possible due to the species' inherent inadequacies.
A world should never be devoid of song.
Mine was a quote from The Last Ringbearer. What was yours from?
The election after that Grayven will stand for office for the Alien Supreme Overlord Domination party (ASOD), and champion their policy of removing humans from decision making as much as possible due to the species' inherent inadequacies.

For some reason I feel like the initials of his opposition will conveniently spell DSAD.
And what would that stand for?

Serious question, the second 'D' is throwing me.

I don't know. I just saw ASOD, and thought it would be funny if his opposition was DSAD. Which would be pronounced D-SAD or in other words..Desaad.

I was just going for a cheap pun is all. I'm not a chad like you man I can't write for shit.
This is actually a thing? This is why politics in America suck. You only have two choices; fatasses and jackasses. We need a smartass party!
Not that I know of.

But, s an Australian, we have some hilarious parties.

My first time voting? I voted for the Natural Law Party, who wanted to balance the books through Meditation and Levitation!
Angelic (part 6)
28th January
11:02 GMT -5

The Leesburg Chief of Police -a man named Noah Clayborne- looks a little sceptically at the four of us.

"I don't wanna come off as ungrateful or anything, but I was expecting…"

"Older? Taller? Actual Justice League members?"

"At the risk of sounding greedy… Yeah. I'm not sure I'm allowed to take kids near dangerous suspects. I feel like I should be notifying your parents or something."

Tula smiles brightly. "I'm a final year apprentice battlemage. This is part of my field experience placement."

"Apprentice.. battlemage?"

She activates her water armour, shimmering magic-infused liquid covering her body in an instant. "War machines like those used by surface nations do not work well under water." She clenches her fists, and a forty centimetre blade appears in each of her hands. An instant passes and one freezes solid while the other begins to emit steam as she magically enhances the water's conductive qualities to shift heat around. "When we wish to wage war, we use magic instead."

"So you're like an officer cadet.. or a second lieutenant? Something like that?"

Tula opens her hands, swords merging with the rest of the armour and the water flowing back from her head. "Those positions are… Nearly equivalent."

"Okay, I guess…"

Artemis rolls her eyes. "I can bench press a semi, I'm bullet-proof, and I've fought jizzers, like, seventeen times before. I think I can handle this."

"Seventeen times?"

She nods. "Some guys in Star City tried using it." She pulls an anti-magic arrow out of her quiver. "Had to get Aqualad to pick more of these up. Hey, do you think Angelica would-?"

I shake my head. "Not a good idea. We're trying to arrest people, not burn them alive in golden fire."

Chief Clayborne frowns. "Yes, please don't burn my suspects alive. The Mayor frowns on it."

Artemis-. I think she's frowning too but her mask gets in the way. "Wouldn't it just burn the demon magic out?"

"Not reliably, not if they're long-term users or cultists." I turn to Chief Clayborne. "Superman's briefing implied that we were looking for ringleaders at this stage?"

He looks sceptically at Raquel for a moment, who raises her right eyebrow and folds her arms across her chest. He gets the message.

"Sure hope so. We've had.. some kind of gang around town for a while. I thought it was just.. kids, until a local priest got attacked. A patrol managed to get on-site while the attacker was still in the victim's house, reported that they thought there was some kind of.. big cat inside. It charged them, they fired…" He shrugs. "Guess they got lucky."

"Not necessarily. Though jizzers who get doses empowered by a warrior demon can be extremely dangerous, a dose from a more average demon isn't necessarily going to make the one using it bullet resistant. How big was it?"

He types something on his keyboard, then turns his monitor around. Hm.

"This was taken from the officers' body cameras right after it stopped moving."

Looks… Like a humanoid tiger with horns. No, it's smaller than a tiger would be, and the fur is more brown than orange. Blood is streaming from wounds in its chest and-.

"They shot it in the heart?"

"Yeah, that's what the path report says."

"Missed the ribs, hit the heart-. Anything special about the gun?"

"P Two Two Nine, same as the rest of the force."

"Lucky. Very lucky. But not inexplicable. I assume that it then changed back?"

"It took a few minutes, but yeah." He presses a button on his keyboard and the image skips to a later timeframe. A child-? No, a dwarf, pale skin and black hair in a bowl cut. "We picked up a lot of the gang right away, but the leader slipped out."

"When you say 'slipped out'?"

"The building was surrounded and we had guys watching the roof. He was inside when I gave the 'go' order but he wasn't when we cleared the building."

"Are members of your force equipped with any sort of wards?"

He shakes his head. "No. Ah, well-." He reaches into his shirt and pulls out a crucifix.

My jaw tightens for a moment. "Unless you've had some very special training, that doesn't count."

"Then we don't." He slips it back inside his shirt. "Think I need to add something like that to the budget?"

"It depends on how widespread devil jizz remains. It would probably be worth getting at least a small number."

"A small number?" Tula frowns. "Do your police really not have any personal wards at all?"

"We don't run into magicians all that often."

"It is still a significant flaw in your defenses. How do you know that you do not have frequent encounters with magicians if they can easily cloud your minds?"

Chief Clayborne's face falls slightly. "How long does it take to learn to do something like that?"

"With a teacher, it could be learned within two years. Less than two years if the student had any knowledge of magic before they began studying."

"And you-? Atlantis sells devices to protect against that?"

"Yes, and the weaker versions are licensed for sale to surface world law enforcement organisations."

"Okay, I'll sort something out. But unless you've got something you can lend my guys now, I don't know how we can conduct any kind of operation until they arrive."

I take a small reinforced suitcase out of subspace and put it down on his desk. "This is what my team uses." I open it and show him a dozen latest generation spell eaters. "I'm happy to lend them to you for the duration of this operation."

He picks one up and gets a feel for the weight. "They need any special training, to use them?" I shake my head. "Thank you. Okay, so how do we go about finding these people?"

Tula shrugs, which is an interesting gesture as the armour doesn't move with the shoulders beneath it. "Demon magic isn't hard to find. I will need a quiet space, drawing implements and a map."

"We can sort that out for you."

"I should probably speak to the prisoners as well. I have a degree of familiarity with the demonic."

"That's a little trickier. We can hold them all, because until we get 'Buzz'-. That's their leader's name, Buzz." I nod. "Until we get him it's an ongoing enquiry. But we still need their lawyers here when we interview them."

I nod. "That's perfectly acceptable. If you could contact the representative of one of the more cooperative ones, I can convey them here."

"Okay, fine."

"Artemis, please assist Tula. Rocket, you're with me."

Two nods.

"Hey, look." Chief Clayborne looks at us uncertainly. "This isn't… Is this going to blow up in our faces? I remember what happened in Fawcett…" He shakes his head. "I don't want that happening here."

"Nah, shouldn't think so." Artemis shakes her head. "Most of the time, they've got a couple of fighters and that's it. And if there's anything else?" She nods, smiling. "We can handle that too."
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She nods. "Some guys in Star City tried using it." She pulls an anti-magic arrow out of her quiver. "Had to get the Kaldur to pick more of these up. Hey, do you think Angelica would-?"

I shake my head. "Not a good idea. We're trying to arrest people, not burn them alive in golden fire."

"Nah, shouldn't think so." Artemis shakes her head. "Most of the time, they've got a couple of fighters and that's it. And if there's anything else?" She nods, smiling. "We can handle that too."

Five minutes later

"Boy, It sure would be nice if we had some grenades angel feather arrows, don't you think?"
Tula smiles brightly. "I'm a final year apprentice battlemage. This is part of my field experience placement."
The joy of different cultural developmental standards.

...as she magically enhances water's conductive qualities to shift heat around.
...as she magically enhances the water's conductive qualities to shift heat around.

"Had to get the Kaldur to pick more of these up. Hey, do you think Angelica would-?"
Extraneous word.

Chief Clayborne frowns. "Yes, please don't burn my suspects alive. The Mayor frowns on it."
And the Paperwork. Dear god, the Paperwork!

...dangerous, a dose from a more average demons isn't necessarily...
Mismatch between singular and plural...

"The building was surrounded and we had guys watching the roof. He was inside when I gave the 'go' order but he wasn't when we cleared the building."
A bad sign.

He shakes his head. "No. Ah, well-." He reaches into his shirt and pulls out a crucifix.
Unless you're facing a deeply devout christian vampire, no.

"It is still a significant flaw in your defenses. How do you know that you do not have frequent encounters with magicians if they can easily cloud your minds?"
...Oh, good point.

I take a small reinforced suitcase out of subspace and put it down on his desk. "This is what my team use." I open it and show him a dozen latest generation spell eaters. "I'm happy to lend them to you for the duration of this operation."
Oooh, top-of-the-line toys. He's serious about this.

Tula shrugs, which is an interesting gesture as the armour doesn't move with the shoulders beneath it. "Demon magic isn't hard to find. I will need a quiet space, drawing implements and a map."
So her shoulders pop up through the armor? Might need some adjustments to the design...

"I should probably speak to the prisoners as well. I have a degree of familiarity with the demonic."
Understatement much? ;)

"That's a little trickier. We can hold them all, because until we get 'Buzz'-. That's their leader's name, Buzz." I nod. "Until we get him it's an ongoing enquiry. But we still need their lawyers here when we interview them."
Oooh, dear. This is bad. Very bad...
"Nah, shouldn't think so." Artemis shakes her head. "Most of the time, they've got a couple of fighters and that's it. And if there's anything else?" She nods, smiling. "We can handle that too."
Goddamit, Artemis, you just slapped Fate in the face with that. And I don't mean Tall, Gold and Magical!
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...as she magically enhances water's conductive qualities to shift heat around.
...as she magically enhances the water's conductive qualities to shift heat around.
"Had to get the Kaldur to pick more of these up. Hey, do you think Angelica would-?"
Extraneous word.
...dangerous, a dose from a more average demons isn't necessarily...
Mismatch between singular and plural..!
Thank you, corrected.
How does this guy not know who OL is?

A kid? All of earth was covered in golden fire because of him! An alien armada of Lanterns showed up to assist him!
He knows who the SI is. What he doesn't know is the specifics of the SI's work history.
"Lucky. Very lucky. But not inexplicable. I assume that it then changed back?"
Why hello there Silver City Angel, it's nice of you to drop by and lend those police officers an invisible helping hand.

I take a small reinforced suitcase out of subspace and put it down on his desk. "This is what my team use." I open it and show him a dozen latest generation spell eaters. "I'm happy to lend them to you for the duration of this operation."

He picks one up and gets a feel for the weight. "They need any special training, to use them?" I shake my head. "Thank you. Okay, so how do we go about finding these people?"
See... The point where someone asks "Do we need any special training to use them" is where a semi-intelligent person would say "Small warning, they could burn a hole in your chest if they absorb too much magic.".

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