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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Thank you, corrected.
It might be years before it's functioning anywhere near modern levels of society again. On the upside, they aren't going to be having too much trouble with overpopulation for a while?
Starvation is sort of local overpopulation, and while it's a self-correcting problem that generally doesn't make people feel better about it.
...Yet. Wonder what his JSI Codename would end up being? Kid Interceptor?
Interceptorboy, obviously.
"Ah… My Superman, yes. The rest were from Earth Ten, because demon cultists from here had opened portals to there and making attacks."
Thank you, corrected.
Agreed, might be better to say post-Nazi Earth or Axis Earth since most people (even most Germans) are exactly Nazi's anymore and they are slowly growing out of it with help from Overman as well as a few others.
Even though they're Nazis in name only, they really like the name.
"The don't really have the facilities to help you there, but if you're sure, I'll assemble a portal and check the connection."
It's head spins slowly for several rotations, then starts getting faster and faster until smoke starts pouring from its neck pivot.
Inconsistent apostrophes. I think both should have an apostrophe, but maybe neither should.
The robots eye stalks sag immediately, and the mad spinning slows to a stop.
'robot's', I think.
I've only ever seen it spelled 'matte'. Always interesting to learn that there are other valid spellings.
The thing about playing both sides against the middle so that you had the space to do you own thing was…
"I-. If.. the objective of the Decepticon organisation have been achieved-.
"Because the High Counsel programmed you not to.
And even if you are mistaken about what the High Counsel did to me
I think these should both be 'Council', given that was used earlier in the chapter and Google is giving me results for Council.
'a comic'
Dominion space, then perform reconnaissance operations in an attempt to locate exactly where our people were taken and by who.
'whom', I think, though I could be wrong and you might not care.
So I wave around a construct, drop it and transition and then rely on my armour's life support system, they don't know where I am.
'if I wave', maybe.

I'm still going through my backlog. I'm liking this parallel universe plot, even though it seems like we've had about a million of those by this point. It interested me that the Spider Guild was considered a priority, since they seemed like chumps given that Paragon pretty casually bombarded one of their planets.
Sorry, but is there a Grail War Paul wouldn't just rofflestomp at this point?
If he sat in orbit, used his ring to find the masters, and sniped them from space? Probably not. As I am reminded every time I read a Fate crossover fic,, there's some pretty serious bullshit in that universe, but some of OLs abilities are an OCP to the Grail Wars. I do recall that there are some reality warpers, and mystic eyes of death perception could conceivably kill even the Ophidian if OL actually bothers to touch down on the planet the war is takin place on?

Could be a fun sidestory, though, if OL got summoned as a Servant in a Grail War.
Huh, Interceptor was raised on Earth. That explains a few things.

OL interacted with a lot of aliens: Controllers, Queen of Alistair, the plant planet whose name escapes me at this moment. Heck, if he just points them towards Dox and says 'this guy hates the Dominators and is their prisoner' then having a 12th level intellect on their side isn't the worst.
Inconsistent apostrophes. I think both should have an apostrophe, but maybe neither should.
'robot's', I think.
I've only ever seen it spelled 'matte'. Always interesting to learn that there are other valid spellings.
I think these should both be 'Council', given that was used earlier in the chapter and Google is giving me results for Council.
'a comic'
'whom', I think, though I could be wrong and you might not care.
'if I wave', maybe.
Thank you, corrected.
I'm still going through my backlog. I'm liking this parallel universe plot, even though it seems like we've had about a million of those by this point. It interested me that the Spider Guild was considered a priority, since they seemed like chumps given that Paragon pretty casually bombarded one of their planets.
Oh, if the Dominion is going all out, the Spider Guild is far less dangerous. But the Spider Guild is ersponsible for far more evil on a day by day basis.
Did he say he was 'fine'? Besides, most of the atrocities are done and gone, and those who committed them old or dead...

Though they're still committing atrocities.

Agreed, might be better to say post-Nazi Earth or Axis Earth since most people (even most Germans) are exactly Nazi's anymore and they are slowly growing out of it with help from Overman as well as a few others.

Though they're still Nazis and few of them are growing out of it.
I don't think we ever did find out what happened to the Superman of 666 after he was freed, did we? Last sight of him was unconscious and alive. There was talk he might kill himself, but no confirmation he did so and no one has mentioned his actual fate. Maybe he put on bondage gear, called himself Penance, and is helping rebuild in disguise so no one knows who he is?
Maybe superman's soul collapsed on itself and that's why he is in a coma because his body is fine but his soul had a big chunk torn out of it.
The singularity beam sliced the ship-halves into quarters
'slices', I think.
having access to Vector Sigma's archives would allow us to regain untold amount of lost information.
The other dominators slowly turn to face us, the one with the slightly larger red blot opening his mouth is a sign of agreement.
'in', I think.
It flashes back around, then hovers in front of the cyborg's officer.
'cyborgs' ',I think.
The dominators will have backup of their research
Do any of the ones we got back know, or is Brainwave going to give them a one-over first?
'once-over', I think.

The Dominion have been raiding worlds for longer than the Green Lantern Corps has existed
Isn't that millions of years? Impressive that they've lasted so long while being so unabashedly evil.
Cybernetically augmented soldiers begin storming out
This made me think about whether the dominators use cybernetics or genetic enhancement for their troops. They're certainly advanced enough for it.

I've been liking the look at the dominators, since I always thought they were kind of neat. Despite it being kind of the most generic in some ways, I really like the people who just use 'standard' science rather than magic or bullshit like emotional tech. I like the idea of people harnessing meta humans, since meta humans kind of seem like one of the most bullshit sources of powers, even if most of them are pretty weak. I still remember Paragon (that guy who worked with SHADE, I mean).
I've been liking the Transformers chapters a lot, even though my only knowledge of the setting comes from the Michael Bay movies, an animated movie I watched where Optimus Prime died in the first half hour, a comic with zombie transformers that I read in a library, and this-
-game (which I loved).
This made me think about whether the dominators use cybernetics or genetic enhancement for their troops. They're certainly advanced enough for it.

Genetics is their goto.

They've created Dominator/Daxamite hybrids, implanted the metagene to make meta-dominators, and even created BION- They took the Computo operating system and installed it into a body genetically engineered with the abilities of the Legion of Superheroes.
Sorry, but is there a Grail War Paul wouldn't just rofflestomp at this point?
If he's summoned as a Servant, he'd be a weaker copy of some version of Paul, in a Class Container that limits his abilities to those that fit it. If he shows up with his current powers and equipment unrestricted, though, he'd stomp anything that isn't sufficiently weird conceptual stuff that's too different from the things he's already prepared for.
Maybe superman's soul collapsed on itself and that's why he is in a coma because his body is fine but his soul had a big chunk torn out of it.

Or he was just so traumatized that he went into the coma.

If he's summoned as a Servant, he'd be a weaker copy of some version of Paul, in a Class Container that limits his abilities to those that fit it. If he shows up with his current powers and equipment unrestricted, though, he'd stomp anything that isn't sufficiently weird conceptual stuff that's too different from the things he's already prepared for.

I'm now picturing him showing up as a loli girl.
Uncomplicated Good Works (part 2)
28th November 2012
11:41 GMT -5

Alan smiles at me as he sees me poring over hard copy SOPs on his dinner table.

"Going over the procedure documents from the Justice Society International?"

"No. These are yours."

"The Justice League?"

"The All-Star Squadron." I sit back slightly. "I'd have looked at the Justice Society's as well, but it turns out that you never wrote any."

"There weren't really enough of us to need them." He walks over and picks up a briefing paper from the US Marine Corps, defining the proper procedures for contacting the Squadron and defining lines of command. "I… I gotta tell yah, I don't remember this at all."

"I imagine that they just told you what you were supposed to do when you were supposed to do it." I frown. "I know you were working for Stars and Stripes as Alan Scott, but I still can't quite get my head around how you were able to maintain a secret identity for the whole thing."

He sits down opposite me. "Who's to say I did?"

"The House Committee on Un-American Activities?"

"Well, yeah, but let's say… Some people had some surprising memory lapses when they got called to testify." He puts it down, gazing into the middle distance. "Do you think they were all that different from us?"

"No idea."

He makes an amused hissing noise. "It's okay to speculate a little."



"I can see how you from the forties might be motivated to expand the Justice Society. And I can see how it could have grown from there. Seventy years on, a you who'd been constantly fighting and directing others to fight would naturally have become more ruthless." I shrug. "And he still had a green ring, which makes him more likely to push on rather than hold back and think things through."


"I can change my answer to 'yes' if you prefer?"

"No, no, it's…" A quiet huff. "So you think I should skip my turn as Justice League Chairman?"

"I don't know. You've got a blue ring, and it's influencing you in a different direction. And you've got the opportunity to define yourself in contrast to Commander Scott. I'd be happy for you to be Chairman."

He smirks. I…

I consider rolling my eyes, but don't do it. Instead, I flop back in my chair.

"I didn't get enough data to decide whether the JSI was a clear positive for the world or not. They do act more like… This is just from my conversations with Linda, but like a combination of the most overbearing aspects of the CIA and FBI. But we've had supervillains running countries, and… You were in charge. They weren't doing that thing of…"


"Of..? What?" There's a glint in his eyes as he realises where I was going. "Supporting third world dictators?"

"You said the thing with Danner was why you left the Squadron."

"So he did more thing like… That?"

"The JSI has removed governments, and they have performed extraordinary renditions be-."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Kidnapping suspects in foreign countries without following normal extradition procedures. Of course, they've got official permission to go just about anywhere they want now, and the places where they don't have permission to go aren't places that have any effective way of stopping them."

"Sounds like they've taken over the world."

"I've never really been clear what that would be like. Somewhere like America, if someone took over the Federal Government the rest of the country would just ignore it. If some idiot with a doomsday bomb managed to make the governments of the world bend their knees, so what? He wouldn't get a fat lot of compliance from their citizens."

"Is that a 'no'?"

"It's a 'they've taken control of the parts they want, and the rest is giving them the funding they need to operate'. After that, taking control of anything else would just mean being greedy and probably create more trouble than it's worth."

"Most people who might try and take over the world wouldn't worry about being greedy. That's how we used to beat them."

"'Used to'?"

"These days…" He exhales. "The people who want to take over the world don't come right out and say it. And the rest either aren't that ambitious or they flat out want to destroy it. Even Hitler didn't do what the Sheeda did."

"Like antibiotic-resistant bacteria, if you beat all the ones that aren't resistant, everyone left is."

"I guess that's what you found out with the scry wards." He sighs. "Ah, I need to ask. Rose. Rose… Canton. My Rose."

"I don't.. know if she was pregnant or not. I mean, there's just about enough time for her to have given birth, but I-" I shake my head. "-checked the records of every orphanage in America. None of the children handed in during the period match Miss Hayden and Mister Rice's description. I mean, Miss Hayden was green, that would be on record."

"Not to start with. That came as her powers got stronger. If her powers never activated, she'd look like a regular woman. She'd be.. in her sixties now. And.. I could have been a great grandfather by now."

I reach across the table and pat his left arm with my right hand. He nods absent-mindedly.

"I don't have any leads on Jennifer, but Todd had a connection to the Shadowlands. There are other people who know that place, and I… I need to know for sure."

"The Shade?" He nods, and I nod back. "Do you want me to come?"

"No, I think Richard will respond better if it's just me. No offense."

I nod. "None taken."

"You got any plans? Other than.. all this reading?"

"I'm going to give being a traditional superhero a go for a bit. I.. never really tried it; we were trainees taking orders from Batman and then I went Full Militant Utilitarian. I never really gave it a try and I want to know what it's like."

"You want some pointers?"

"Did you get pointers?"

"I talked to Crimson Avenger a few times, but I guess not." He nods, smiling. "You have fun with that."

"Doesn't seem likely, but who knows?"
Last edited:
The All-Star Squadron." I sit back slightly. "I'd have looked at the Justice Society's as well, but it turns out that you never wrote any."

"There weren't really enough of us to need them

Plus I think the place served more as a group for them to socialize.

briefing paper from US Marine Corps,

"from the"

He sits down opposite me. "Who's to say I did?"

"The House Committee on Un-American Activities?"

"Well, yeah, but let's say… Some people had some surprising memory lapses when they got called to testify

Nabu could have erased their memories.

directing other to fight would


yourself in contract to Commander

"in contrast"

the thing was Danner was

"thing with"

Quote marks should be orange.
*Looks at the whole Justice League Rogue Gallery that always come back for another round due to the Justice League following the classic superhero schtick*
I don't know OL, I would say that your way of doing things was better than what we had on Earth 16. Call me crazy, but this looks like *puts tinfoil hat* a insidious plot by Mr. Smile to make you become a normal superhero and not rock the boat anymore, making you preserve the status quo that he wants. For all we know, Constantine was affected by Smiley inside theTower of Fate, that close to.the Dream and outside the mortal realm. Will leave the tinfoil hat on for the time being
Will leave the tinfoil hat on for the time being
Is it made of aluminum foil or real tin? Tin foil blocks the mind reading machines while aluminum acts as an amplifier to make it even easier to read your mind.

And if it's made from aluminium foil then it's not safe for me to even talk to you. That stuff turns you into a signal booster so they can read the minds of everyone around you.
'slices', I think.
'in', I think.
'cyborgs' ',I think.
'once-over', I think.
Thank you, corrected.
Isn't that millions of years? Impressive that they've lasted so long while being so unabashedly evil.
If you watch the animated film about the start of the Corps, the brief view we see of the villain shows that it's the dominators.
Plus I think the place served more as a group for them to socialize.
"from the"
"in contrast"
"thing with"
Quote marks should be orange.
Thank you, corrected.
28th November 2012
11:41 GMT -5

Alan smiles at me as he sees me pouring over hard copy SOPs on his dinner table.

"Going over the procedure documents from the Justice Society International?"
Nah, he never got a copy of them, did he? unless Interceptor slipped him a copy while working with him on Earth 666. And I doubt there are enough, if any, metahuman military units in the world to have developed any sort of handbook.

"No. These are yours."

"The Justice League?"
Pfft, as if. The League are talented amateurs. Most of them are used to working solo, or with a like-minded sidekick. I suspect Batman is the only reason they have any rules about leadership and membership practices.

"The All-Star Squadron." I sit back slightly. "I'd have looked at the Justice Society's as well, but it turns out that you never wrote any."

"There weren't really enough of us to need them." He walks over and picks up a briefing paper from US Marine Corps, defining the proper procedures for contacting the Squadron and defining lines of command. "I… I gotta tell yah, I don't remember this at all."
True, the Society was more of a boy's club. Hell, their first real roster was all male (Hawkgirl wasn't even listed as a member at first...)

"I imagine that they just told you what you were supposed to do when you were supposed to do it." I frown. "I know you were working for Stars and Stripes as Alan Scott, but I still can't quite get my head around how you were able to maintain a secret identity for the whole thing."

He sits down opposite me. "Who's to say I did?"
Yeah, I doubt the men he served with were about to speak out about his real identity. And back before TV, his face would have been basically unknown anyway. If anything, people might have recognised his voice, after he became a radio star.

"The House Committee on Un-American Activities?"

"Well, yeah, but let's say… Some people had some surprising memory lapses when they got called to testify." He puts it down, gazing into the middle distance. "Do you think they were all that different from us?"
It's amazing what saving a man's life in combat will do to earn their loyalty.

"No idea."

He makes an amused hissing noise. "It's okay to speculate a little."
Well, I'm sure OL could, but it's all be guesswork.

No, there's too many variables in their history, never mind the lack of a Wonder Woman, Batman or Superman.

"I can see how you from the forties might be motivated to expand the Justice Society. And I can see how it could have grown from there. Seventy years on, a you who'd been constantly fighting and directing other to fight would naturally have become more ruthless." I shrug. "And he still had a green ring, which makes him more likely to push on rather than hold back and think things through."

Yeah, Green may have the least mental side-effects of the Spectrum, but it still has them. Increased steadfastness and determination, for a start.

"I can change my answer to 'yes' if you prefer?"

"No, no, it's…" A quiet huff. "So you think I should skip my turn as Justice League Chairman?"
...For fear of going the same way? Hardly. Different lives, different circumstances.

"I don't know. You've got a blue ring, and it's influencing you in a different direction. And you've got the opportunity to define yourself in contract to Commander Scott. I'd be happy for you to be Chairman."

He smirks. I…
And coming from OL, concerning the League, that says a lot.

I consider rolling my eyes, but don't do it. Instead, I flop back in my chair.

"I didn't get enough data to decide whether the JSI was a clear positive for the world or not. They do act more like… This is just from my conversations with Linda, but like a combination of the most overbearing aspects of the CIA and FBI. But we've had supervillains running countries, and… You were in charge. They weren't doing that thing of…"
Admittedly, some of that might be based solely on their reaction to an entirely accidental interdimensional arrival. They did threaten to arrest you, after all.


"Of..? What?" There's a glint in his eyes as he realises where I was going. "Supporting third world dictators?"
Hopefully, they only interfered with politics if said dictator was a super-human criminal elsewhere...

"You said the thing was Danner was why you left the Squadron."

"So he did more thing like… That?"
Much like the Marvel universe reluctantly putting up with Doom in Latveria, since anyone else might be worse.

"The JSI has removed governments, and they have performed extraordinary renditions be-."

"I'm sorry, what?"
Extraordinary Rendition. :oops: A not-entirely-legal form of extradition, without the permission of the arresting state... Not a pleasant affair.

"Kidnapping suspects in foreign countries without following normal extradition procedures. Of course, they've got official permission to go just about anywhere they want now, and the places where they don't have permission to go aren't places that have any effective way of stopping them."

"Sounds like they've taken over the world."
...In a kind-of benevolent way? I mean, if you weren't a powered jackass, you'd be fine?

"I've never really been clear what that would be like. Somewhere like America, if someone took over the Federal Government the rest of the country would just ignore it. If some idiot with a doomsday bomb managed to make the governments of the world bend their knees, so what? He wouldn't get a fat lot of compliance from their citizens."

"Is that a 'no'?"
...Let's not mention any recent names, shall we? :oops: Rule 8, and all that...

"It's a 'they've taken control of the parts they want, and the rest is giving them the funding they need to operate'. After that, taking control of anything else would just mean being greedy and probably create more trouble than it's worth."

"Most people who might try and take over the world wouldn't worry about being greedy. That's how we used to beat them."
The eyes proving bigger than the stomach. Consuming an energy field larger than your head. Uttering the immortal words 'There's no way I can lose now!'. That sort of thing? Yeah, pretty typical Golden Age stuff...

"'Used to'?"

"These days…" He exhales. "The people who want to take over the world don't come right out and say it. And the rest either aren't that ambitious or they flat out want to destroy it. Even Hitler didn't do what the Sheeda did."
Or they're the type who wants to own the world financially. Like Luthor.

"Like antibiotic-resistant bacteria, if you beat all the ones that aren't resistant, everyone left is."

"I guess that's what you found out with the scry wards." He sighs. "Ah, I need to ask. Rose. Rose… Canton. My Rose."
Curious as to whether Todd Rice and his sister existed here? Yeah, OL could find that out...

"I don't.. know if she was pregnant or not. I mean, there's just about enough time for her to have given birth, but I-" I shake my head. "-checked the records of every orphanage in America. None of the children handed in during the period match Miss Hayden and Mister Rice's description. I mean, Miss Hayden was green, that would be on record."

"Not to start with. That came as her powers got stronger. If her powers never activated, she'd look like a regular woman. She'd be.. in her sixties now. And.. I could have been a great grandfather by now."
Starting to realise what you might have missed out on all these years, Alan? At least now, you've got plenty of time to go out and gain that.

I reach across the table and pat his left arm with my right hand. He nods absent-mindedly.

"I don't have any leads on Jennifer, but Todd had a connection to the Shadowlands. There are other people who know that place, and I… I need to know for sure."
I suspect he'd have been noticed, yeah.

"The Shade?" He nods, and I nod back. "Do you want me to come?"

"No, I think Richard will respond better if it's just me. No offence."
Such a contrast to the Renegade and his Shade's relationship...

I nod. "None taken."

"You got any plans? Other than.. all this reading?"
Checking in on his trainees? Dates with Jade? Attending to business dealings? No doubt all those sorts of thing happen off-screen.

"I'm going to give being a traditional superhero a go for a bit. I.. never really tried it; we were trainees taking orders from Batman and then I went Full Militant Utilitarian. I never really gave it a try and I want to know what it's like."

"You want some pointers?"
You'll probably have to dial down the lethality quite a bit. Unless you want to earn that 'anti-hero' label. Might we see the return of shock-crowns?

"Did you get pointers?"

"I talked to Crimson Avenger a few times, but I guess not." He nods, smiling. "You have fun with that."

"Doesn't seem likely, but who knows?"
Murphy: :eek: Oh, the phone's ringing off the hook! Wonder who it is?

And you jinxed yourself, OL. What are the odds something absolutely gigantic blows up in the next few in-universe days, just to spite his intentions for a quiet time? The only question will be what, where and by who? Remember, there's more than a few beings out there with a grudge against OL, and this might be a great chance for them to get even...
Huh, Interceptor was raised on Earth. That explains a few things.

OL interacted with a lot of aliens: Controllers, Queen of Alistair, the plant planet whose name escapes me at this moment. Heck, if he just points them towards Dox and says 'this guy hates the Dominators and is their prisoner' then having a 12th level intellect on their side isn't the worst.

The Controllers Paul is familiar with apparently don't even have the resources to send a Darkstar to Earth to protect it, so busy are they with the Reach. Not until Paul handed them a lantern corps.

And it's Queen Hyathis of Alstair. The Alstair Paul is familiar with is in a perpetual war with all three of its neighbor planets and the Thanagarian Empire.

But potential allies with no resources to spare wouldn't be the top of my list.

Although admittedly the local situation might be different than what Paul has encountered.

But logically, if we assume that the local situation isn't more or less similar to what he's encountered before, than his suggestions would be as reliable as random guessing anyway.

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