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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

He could be an alternate John Constantine - the Golden Boy to the current John Constantine. However, the current one isn't weak enough or evil enough for Golden Boy to be that strong or "good" - so to equalize them, he's less powerful than normal and fucked up about as normal. Maybe they symbolize chaos and order instead of good and evil.

Or or he could be a version of himself current John found in another universe. Have to wonder what, say, Earth 3 morality swapped John would be like.
Oh this is ironically funny. Because if you wanted to talk about inherently evil races, humanity is a behavior. Lot of 'nature, red in tooth and claw' hardwired into our monkey brains. In group vs out group behavior, group think, dominance games, aggressive predilections. Humanity is basically racially evil, and we still manage to make due. That basic pattern recognition is wrong all the fucking time. Why do you think people seeing a giant face on Mars and Jesus on toast?

Fixed it for you. Because once again, have you met humanity?
I can't speak for Simonbob, but I agree with you here fully; humans are fucking awful, and demons are only somewhat worse by comparison.
The only reason I'm not vehemently arguing that in addition to demons, all humans should also be excluded from civilized society is:

A: That wasn't really immediately relevant to the argument, and is a much tougher point to argue for.

B: The only societies that we know of are made entirely of humans, so trying to exclude them would be a moot point. And in DC, most aliens are basically humans with bad makeup, so they're just as bad or worse.

I assure you, were I ever to meet aliens, I would sincerely recommend that they have nothing to do with our planet. Unless somehow they're like us, but that would just be depressing.
Or maybe at some point power is just power. Ultimately, if it's not going to be explained in greater detail in-story or in a WoZ, we won't know.

In the comics, the power of chaos and order can definitely be combined.

I don't recall any statements about how easy or hard it is, but I have noticed a pattern of the combination being done through rather physical means.

Back when Power Girl was an Atlantean survivor and not a Kryptonian, her grandfather, Arion, the one who imbued her with Order magic to give her her powers in the first place, implanted a child within her that was fathered by a chaos demon, from that she gave birth to Equinox, inheritor of both Order and Chaos.

The Lords that are the patrons of Hawk and Dove empowered them to create a child that would embody both. In Armageddon 2001, that child was a daughter, Unity, who could take on Monarch by herself. In standard continuity, however, that ended up being a son, the reincarnated Hector Hall, Dr Fate.

Jarred Stevens was injured by chaos and had the Amulet of Anubis blow up in his face, from those injuries he was infected with both the magic of Order and Chaos.

Now in this fic, however, Mordru was a user of order magic despite being a Lord of Chaos, which he did to balance out the personality altering effects of tying one's soul to chaos.
Fixed it for you. Because once again, have you met humanity?
When was the last time you were beaten up, anyway?


This Humanity=Evil stuff is crap.


That didn't come out right.

We're surrounded by thousands of people, and there is very little viloence.

Not so evil.
Is the production and trade of DMN centralized under Mammon's authority as current ruler of Hell, or is it just different factions adopting the knowledge and technology and having multiple independent operations with Earth? I'm not entirely sure what Hell's political structure is like now, but Mammon should be the most powerful demon around since he has access to the First of the Fallen/Silver City theurgical system (I don't remember it being destroyed or anything, unless Karrien Excalibris did that off-screen). While he does use DMN as shown by that one intern hilariously being arrested, I believe that was when he was still masquerading as Satanus, and while it might be lucrative, he does still value his alliance with Paragon, right? Helping him crack down on production, etc. seems like an effective strategy, and not one traditional superheroes would think of or enact. I'm obviously aware that drug trafficking isn't so simply eradicated, but this is Hell we're talking about, demons fighting each other, consequently hampering interactions with Earth, is basically a good thing (I don't really have much faith in Paragon's planned rehabilitation of Hell, or at least don't see that happening without one centralized ultimate power enacting policy).
When was the last time you were beaten up, anyway?


This Humanity=Evil stuff is crap.


That didn't come out right.

We're surrounded by thousands of people, and there is very little viloence.

Not so evil.
Evil... evil isn't the right word. Evil is murder, rape, pillage, that sort of thing. Humanity does evil a lot of the time, but that's not the problem. The problem is that humanity is fucked in the head.

There are a thousand fucking terms for it. Biases you could fill a book with, stupidity by the ton. We don't think, when we do think we think badly, and when we don't think badly we're hopelessly bad at it anyway.

Cells formed from glorified random chemistry, became simple 'animals', evolved greater and greater capability to respond to the enviroment and to other animals... and then we came along, and passed a barrier of complexity that resulted in a massive paradigm shift, and now basically all of the old instincts are wrong. We're built for swinging in a fucking jungle and we've had to re-purpose those instincts for something completely different; we're hammering nails with wine glasses, cutting wood with sponges, and starting fires with ice. And it fucking shows.

But fine. Adaption is perfectly possible. All of that can change, we can change into something a bit less stupid, a bit more suited for our new place in the universe. Brains are chemical potentials built up into networks, bodies are masses of simple replicators. Nothing that can't changed, fixed.

Except almost no one BLOODY REALIZES IT.

No one even realizes they're broken! Quite the opposite, actually! We think we're fine and dandy! Everything is constantly burning down around us we just keep running around with a bucket of water, fixing things up a bit as we go, thinking that every little tweak is just what we need to finally put everything out once and for all.

In short, humans are awful because we're literally this guy:
Glad I don't live in fucking Australia. I'd drop a nuke on it if I could but..that'd probably just make it angry.

FUCK Yeah 'Murica! Land of the Free! Free to fap to fanfic of three 15yr old girls having an incest filled orgy with their own fathers.

We are so going to hell.
Evil... evil isn't the right word. Evil is murder, rape, pillage, that sort of thing. Humanity does evil a lot of the time, but that's not the problem. The problem is that humanity is fucked in the head.

There are a thousand fucking terms for it. Biases you could fill a book with, stupidity by the ton. We don't think, when we do think we think badly, and when we don't think badly we're hopelessly bad at it anyway.

Cells formed from glorified random chemistry, became simple 'animals', evolved greater and greater capability to respond to the enviroment and to other animals... and then we came along, and passed a barrier of complexity that resulted in a massive paradigm shift, and now basically all of the old instincts are wrong. We're built for swinging in a fucking jungle and we've had to re-purpose those instincts for something completely different; we're hammering nails with wine glasses, cutting wood with sponges, and starting fires with ice. And it fucking shows.

But fine. Adaption is perfectly possible. All of that can change, we can change into something a bit less stupid, a bit more suited for our new place in the universe. Brains are chemical potentials built up into networks, bodies are masses of simple replicators. Nothing that can't changed, fixed.

Except almost no one BLOODY REALIZES IT.

No one even realizes they're broken! Quite the opposite, actually! We think we're fine and dandy! Everything is constantly burning down around us we just keep running around with a bucket of water, fixing things up a bit as we go, thinking that every little tweak is just what we need to finally put everything out once and for all.

In short, humans are awful because we're literally this guy:
More than that, we elect leaders who say things like "This is a very nice house, best house ever". Or "There was never a fire in the first place. It's getting a little chilly in here, how about I light a fire?" And then everyone applauds for demonstrating caveman skills.
I think the angels like him more than the Greek God of Law(Zeus),

Oh come on. Just cuz he convinced Hera to divorce the philandering asshole.

Actually, thinking of it (by which I mean it literally just now occured to me) OL really should come face to face with Zeus one of these days. That could be interesting.

I'm not sure any angels really like him now, except in that generic all-loving way some of them seem to have

I dunno. He exposed Boss Smiley and the whole conspiracy that one of them had go

Yeah, but race and country of origin are on the forms. You can't be "white" or "black", etc... if you are not "human"

Most of those forms have an "other" option. A lot of them also have a "prefer not to answer" option. As for country of origin, a previously-human demon could perfectly honestly answer with their actual country of origin and be within the letter of the law. Or, failing that, their most recent country of residence.

Well, there would be an interesting question. Living in a dangerous shithole and trying to leave makes you a refugee. But being unjustly punished by an inhumane state would instead require a claim for political asylum. Those processes are, IIUC, not all that similar. So, which is Hell?

It depends upon the exact criteria for getting there. If it were actually "you're not a Christian, you go to Hell" then it would be political asylum. No human law would recognize that as justice. If, on the other hand, you actually have to do something to get sent there, then it would be refuge. Though some - including OL I think - would argue that eternal torture is unjust punishment for ANY crime.

Honestly, I'm surprised none of you fine chaps over there have tea makers. None of us have kettles because we prefer coffee, and coffee machines are everywhere.

Speak for yourself. I do indeed have a kettle residing on my kitchen counter. Though I prefer my stove-top teapot, which - as mentioned in the article Zoat linked - is both faster and less expensive to use (assuming you have a gas stove) than a 120v kettle. And I also have an espresso machine and Keurig and percolator and French press on the same counter but that's beside the point.

Holy fuck... Americans are barbarians confirmed.

No, really. Try boiling water at 120v sometime and you'll very quickly understand why we don't use the things.

It's not like any individual circuit in your house is going to use anywhere close to the rated current maximum; you'd trip a breaker if you did anyway.

*Whistles innocently and turns the breaker back on for the third time this week*

This Humanity=Evil stuff is crap.

I dunno. One of the few constants about humanity is that on large scales we're absolute dicks to each other.
No, really. Try boiling water at 120v sometime and you'll very quickly understand why we don't use the things.

Kettles are enshrined in human rights. Hell, the penny pinching military makes sure kettles are available in most military vehicles to keep the grunts supplied with essential bevereges. To do otherwise is inhumane, and we're the people who invented concentration camps.

The poor state of the american people brings a tear to my eye.
Oh come on. Just cuz he convinced Hera to divorce the philandering asshole.
Zeus and Hera apparently had a loving relation ship with nobody aware that he was still cheating on her, then Paul not only revealed that(which he could forgive) he also convinced Hera to leave him. I think he also wouldn't be happy about Pauls allegiance to Chaos and murder of Nabu, considering that Zeus is also the greek god of Order. And we know that Zeus hates him he ignored Paul's offerings to him, literally hit him with lighting and tried to ensure that he gets a negative afterlife(probably Tartarus, but could also be the punishment field)
FUCK Yeah 'Murica! Land of the Free! Free to fap to fanfic of three 15yr old girls having an incest filled orgy with their own fathers.

Eh, the Internet has an exaggerated view of the First Amendment.

You can, theoretically, go to jail in the U.S. for emailing someone a link to stories of underaged sex that are deemed to not have literary value or for having nude pictures of Lisa Simpson on your computer.

You probably won't, as all the prosecutions for that kind of thing are on the pretty egregious end of the spectrum (e.g., stories involving raping and killing toddlers; instances where there's evidentiary issues about the metric fuckton of actual child porn they know the person had, so they'll settle for a plea agreement about cartoon porn).

The idea, however, that QQ--or, for that matter, an awful lot of the Internet--is in the realm of "Absolutely 100% legal under U.S. law" as opposed to "You probably wouldn't ever be arrested over it (but not impossible), and you'd probably win (but not guaranteed) after spending your life's savings defending yourself" is somewhat misplaced.
The idea, however, that QQ--or, for that matter, an awful lot of the Internet--is in the realm of "Absolutely 100% legal under U.S. law" as opposed to "You probably wouldn't ever be arrested over it (but not impossible), and you'd probably win (but not guaranteed) after spending your life's savings defending yourself" is somewhat misplaced.

Well now that really depends upon what parts of QQ you visit. As I understand the law, visiting QQ to read WTR is 100% legal. Straying over into the NSFW section is...apparently more questionable than I realized before today (I come here for this thread specifically). But the operators of QQ would be held liable for distributing pedo literature.
I have to wonder what kind of person would see instructions for a pact with the queen of Succubi and go "Yeah, that sounds like the perfect thing for my first demon pact. No way that can backfire".
Someone who grew up in a modern, secular or semi-secular Western nation, only recently learned that magic wasn't bogus, and really hadn't internalized this whole 'selling your soul means something serious' thing until just now.

It's not surprising to me, just sad. Also worrisome, because there are probably a lot more people unknowingly damning themselves that way, and potentially building up to much bigger messes than this.
Someone who grew up in a modern, secular or semi-secular Western nation, only recently learned that magic wasn't bogus, and really hadn't internalized this whole 'selling your soul means something serious' thing until just now.

It's not surprising to me, just sad. Also worrisome, because there are probably a lot more people unknowingly damning themselves that way, and potentially building up to much bigger messes than this.
Sounds like Paul has a public service announcement in his future.
Short version re: legality, in the interest of making a simple conclusive statement instead of risking a derailment (rule 5) into the background of current laws (rule 8):

(1) In US law, fictional depictions of "obscene" material are handled at the state and local level. The relevant laws that reached the Supreme Court in the past were indeed struck down as being in violation of the First Amendment. Some state/local laws may be unconstitutional but they're still in force until they're overturned.
(2) Let the staff deal with the legal issues surrounding hosting. You can't get in trouble just for being on the same site as "illegal" material, so there's no point in discussing that here.
(3) Intent and constructive knowledge both matter in pretty much every first-world jurisdiction I know of. If you're not TRYING to find "illegal" material, then stumbling across it won't get you in trouble if you nope out.
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Humanity isn't evil. Humanity is Neutral. We're very nice to each other unless there's a cost to ourselves, or we're stressed or hurt or have dehumanized the targets enough. Even then, trained and propagandized humans only actually shoot toward the enemy soldiers instead of over their heads about one shot in five.

We're not saints. But give us all abundance and we're close enough. In the surprisingly-wise words of Bob Salvatore, you can tell the difference between evil societies and non- just by watching how their children spend their days.
Humanity isn't evil, it's... Ever heard the phrase "Everyone's the hero of their own story, and the villain of someone else's?"

Consider, for a moment, how many of those stories invoke Protagonist-Centered Morality.

Now put all those stories in a massive crossover round robin.

Things get weird.
The problem is that some people are selfless, and some people always put themselves first - they consider themselves to be the one and only good.

More than that, there's bound to be a reason we put pathological liars and idiots in government positions. Charisma and self-centerness (as opposed to the ability to have good, working ideas, and to consider the masses(a lack of self-centerness)) should no longer be advantageous personality traits for leadership, since we moved past the need for war-time leaders, and yet they very much are.
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More than that, there's bound to be a reason we put pathological liars and idiots in government positions. Charisma and self-centerness (as opposed to the ability to have good, working ideas, and to consider the masses(a lack of self-centerness)) should no longer be advantageous personality traits for leadership, since we moved past the need for war-time leaders, and yet they very much are.

People are stupid and have irrational instincts which believe every political fight is a struggle for leadership inside a tribe of hunter-gatherers. And the less abundance they have the stronger those instincts get. Democracy before radio got a measure of immunity from the instincts being illiterate but then the President started showing up at the Fireside, then in the living room, and then moreso. We're a bunch of monkeys with monkey instincts and up to the moment the Glorious Transhumanist Future™ arrives that is not changing. But it's not evil.
When was the last time you were beaten up, anyway?
This Humanity=Evil stuff is crap.
That didn't come out right.
We're surrounded by thousands of people, and there is very little violence.
Not so evil.

Very little violence?! LMAO!! There is plenty of violence in the USA at least, you just have too look for it and scratch the surface some. A lot of that violence isn't physical, on the other hand they don't cover mass shooting much anymore because they have become so common place. There is a saying about how civilization is three skipped meals away from violent murderous savagery.
Very little violence?! LMAO!! There is plenty of violence in the USA at least, you just have too look for it and scratch the surface some. A lot of that violence isn't physical, on the other hand they don't cover mass shooting much anymore because they have become so common place. There is a saying about how civilization is three skipped meals away from violent murderous savagery.
By historical standards there is less violence in a month than is normal in a day. We are shockingly peaceful per capita, especially the city-dwellers; it's just gotten very easy to hear about a whole lot of capitae.
Been using electric kettles on 120v since I was knee high to a gnat. Won't touch Coffee or Tea, as I'm not plumbed and wired for caffeine, but I'm a minority in the frozen north for that. Still make the stuff for others all the time. Freeze dried instant coffee and cheap bagged tea, and yes I know the 'Heresy' of not using fresh ground or loose tea.

Generally use an electric range rather then gas up here too, same with home heating. That Last one is a real pain come the months of -40 C.
By historical standards there is less violence in a month than is normal in a day. We are shockingly peaceful per capita, especially the city-dwellers; it's just gotten very easy to hear about a whole lot of capitae.

I don't exactly disagree, it's just that most of the violence isn't physical or direct, at least in first world nations. Though i'm America still qualifies as one, in fact i'm pretty sure good sized parts of it (such as Flint, Michigan) don't anymore.

In any case, more on topic. Has anyone thought of what a version of OL that found him self in the world the New Frontier mini series would do?
Angelic (supplementary, Renegade option)
28th January
12:20 GMT -7

Queen Morgan and Circe regard each other awkwardly for a moment. And it's like… The air is thickening as they both reach out to the world's magics, to feel one another's actions and to prepare their own spells to activate at a moment's notice. The world stops flowing as it should and begins increasingly to flow in accordance with their designs. Circe's done a good deal to make up for the power she lost, and from what I feel it would appear that Morgan is in the same weight class as her.

"Circe. You're looking well."

Circe smiles. "Yes, I am. Escaping that infernal prophecy has taken years off." She makes a small gesture with her right hand in the direction of Morgan's face. "Is that mask really necessary? Forgive me if I'm being presumptuous, but I rather assume that if you're talking to me that it's because you require my assistance with an arcane matter?"

Morgan turns her head towards myself and Geoff. "I'm not comfortable parading myself before an audience."

"Then at least remove your wards, so that I can take a closer took without having to overpower them-" Morgan's head snaps back to her. "-first."

"As if you had that power."

I hold up my hands. "I don't believe that this avenue of conversation is particularly helpful."

Circe raises her eyebrows. "And what do you mean by that?"

"While I understand why you're being so… Catty, surely you can appreciate why Queen Morgan is reluctant to reveal her weaknesses to us?"


"And Queen Morgan, Circe has invited you into her place of work in the spirit of cooperation. Asking a little openness in return is hardly unreasonable."

"It has been… A considerable time since I dealt with an equal in power so openly."

"Then.. you are free to leave. As arousing as I'm finding this grandstanding, there's only so much time in the day."

Circe's eyes narrow. "How, precisely, is this arousing to you?"

I shrug. "What can I say, power and the will to use it are signs of a good mate on Apokolips. I can feel you both reaching out to local mana fields, dominating them, twisting them in accordance with your natures, turning them to your ends. It's… Somewhat distracting." I smile. "But not in a bad way. By all means, keep going."

And then I feel it as they both ease off.

I look down at my crotch. "Sorry, chum."

Circe sighs quietly. "Perhaps if I take the lead?" Morgan cautiously inclines her head. "Though my knowledge has been hard-won over the course of the centuries, my power and vitality were gifts from Hecate. One she could take back at a moment's notice. Grayven advised me to simply renounce her gift, and offered to aid me in getting a replacement for both."

"I thought that you felt weaker."

Circe's face tightens very slightly, but she decides to let the implied slight go. She nods. "It will be some considerable time before I gain in my own right the ability to project the level of arcane force which Hecate's gift provided to me, but when I finally do it will be my power."

Hmm. Oh, that might explain the attitude. I.. think that the two of them have cooperated before, but with Hecate's blessing Circe would have been the more powerful of the two by some considerable margin. And two to three times as old. I don't image that Morgan is the sort to be happy about being overshadowed. Although… As Circe said, her power now is her own. If they actually fought and Morgan lost, it would be a matter of superior skill and not of who had persuaded the Goddess of Magic to give whom a massive unearned boost. That would be a critical blow to the ego.

Morgan tilts her head back slightly. "If you are so glad to be rid of Hecate's boon now, why did you cling to it so tightly for so long?"

"A past suitor of mine granted me immortality without youth as a.. gift. I was desperate to escape from being a frail old woman, and at the time I… Didn't know how to perform the vitality draining spell which you employ. Hecate's boon granted me that escape, and the power to defend myself should my decidedly ex-suitor return."

"I see." Morgan turns her head to take in the room. "And what is… This.. place?"

I smile. "Soft power."

Circe nods. "Indirect control. There's so little knowledge of magic in the world that governments are falling over themselves to benefit from my teaching. My rise will be slow… But I have no need to hurry."

"Why show me this?"

"Because of your insistence that you are the rightful ruler of Britain."

Morgan turns to face Geoff. "Do you feel threatened? Is your grip on power less solid than you hoped it would be?"

"The Conservative and Labour parties are facing total annihilation at the forthcoming General Election. All reliable polling says that we'll have a Reform landslide. I'll be Prime Minister within a month." Geoff smiles faintly. "God help me."

"But not king."

"I still can't grasp why you're so fixated on that title."

"Because it was denied to me by a usurper. Regardless of what you tell me of the changes Britain has undergone-." She stops.

"Have you any idea how often royal dynasties have been overthrown since you retreated into Albion?"

"No." She looks around at us. "That is not what this is about. You wish to make me an offer. You wish for me to renounce my claim."

"You don't have a claim. There are multiple acts of parliament covering the royal succession and none of them mention you. Yes, at one time you could have argued your case, but that time was a very long time ago. That said, I would rather that you pursued whatever outcome which you think that you deserve peacefully than make assaults upon the country."

"What manner of nation is it that gives a claimant the freedom to call for the overthrow of their monarch?"

"The fact that you don't know is an ample demonstration of why you're unsuited to the office." Geoff pauses for a moment. "We've.. settled things with Buckingham Palace. The succession is being altered so that the people involved with the Caligula club won't inherit. In exchange, the people who were involved won't be prosecuted. The press aren't happy, but they learn to live with it."

"And the new Crown Prince is unwed?"

"No, he's married. But his son isn't. We don't arrange marriages for royals these days. Whether or not he weds your daughter is up to him."

Circe nods. "And even if that option is unappealing, we can arrange for both you and Morgana to gain additional exposure to modern customs. You will have a far better chance of convincing the people of Britain to follow you if you understand how they live in this era."

I nod. "And how to govern a modern country. I'm not convinced that either of you could do the job at present." Carve the Keystone.

"And I assume that you would all resist any attempt at taking the crown by force majeure."

I incline my head. "Naturally. My preference is to resolve disputes peacefully, but I consider resolving them permanently to be a decent consolation prize. No sense letting things fester."

Morgan remains still for a moment.

"You implied that you had a solution to ageing."

I nod again. "One I could share with an ally. Not one I could share with a potentially hostile power. That would simply be foolish."

"I see." She turns her head to face Circe. "Perhaps you could show me the rest of your school?"
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Queen Morgan and Circe regard each other awkwardly for a moment. And it's like… The air is thickening as they both reach out to the world's magics, to feel one another's actions and to prepare their own spells to activate at a moment's notice. The world stops flowing as it should and begins increasingly to flow in accordance with their designs. Circe's done a good deal to make up for the power she lost, and from what I feel it would appear that Morgan is in the same weight class as her.
My, it's been a while since we saw Godspeech or an equivalent...

Circe smiles. "Yes, I am. Escaping that infernal prophecy has taken years off." She makes a small gesture with her right hand in the direction of Morgan's face. "Is that mask really necessary? Forgive me if I'm being presumptuous, but I rather assume that if you're talking to me I assume that it's because you require my assistance with an arcane matter?"
Circe and Morgan le Fey. A fine pair.

I hold up my hands. "I don't believe that this avenue of conversation is particularly helpful."
Ladies, keep it civil.

"Then.. you are free to leave. As arousing as I'm finding this grandstanding, there's only so much time in the day."
Grayven, New God of Trolling in action :D

...twisting then in accordance with your natured, turning them to your ends.
...twisting then in accordance with your natures, turning them to your ends.

I look down at my crotch. "Sorry, chum."
Oh, good thing we're on the naughtier forum...

"If you so glad to be rid of Hecate's boon now...
"If you are so glad to be rid of Hecate's boon now...

"A past suitor of mine granted me immortality without youth as a.. gift. I was desperate to escape from being a frail old woman, and at the time I… Didn't know how to perform the vitality draining spell which you employ. Hecate's boon granted me that escape, and the power to defend myself should my decidedly ex-suitor return."
Definitely not an amicable separation.

Circe nods. "Indirect control. There's so little knowledge of magic in the world that governments are falling over themselves to benefit from my teaching. My rise will be slow… But I have no need to hurry."
Still thinking like a supervillian...

"Because of your insistence that you are the rightful ruler of Britain."
Ah, our erstwhile Red Lantern.

I'll be Prime Minister within a month." Geoff smiles faint. "God help me."
I'll be Prime Minister within a month." Geoff smiles faintly. "God help me."

"Because it was denied to me by a usurper.
Hmm... grammar rules would suggest 'an' but pronunciation is 'you-surp-er'...

"Have you any idea how often royal dynasties have been overthrown since you retreated into Albion?"
It's quite a few, in case you haven't looked it up.

...That is a big shift...

Circe nods. "And even if that option is unappealing, we can arrange for both you and Morgana to gain additional exposure to modern customs. You will have a far better chance of convincing the people of Britain to follow you if you understand how they live in this era."
Oh boy, I wanna see the mother-daughter clashes as Morgana adopts 'modern' culture. "What is this 'instant-gram' and why are you so obsessed with it?"

"And I assume that you would all resist any attempt at taking the crown by force majeure."
No duh, your highness.

I incline my head. "Naturally. My preference is to resolve disputes peacefully, but I consider resolving them permanently to be a decent consolation prize. No sense letting things fester."
Whether you get to keep that pretty head or not is up to you.

Ah, skullduggery afoot. Or at least an attempt to prevent it.

Invisitext, for those who haven't a way to see it!
Queen Morgan and Circe regard each other awkwardly for a moment. And it's like… The air is thickening as they both reach out to the world's magics, to feel one another's actions and to prepare their own spells to activate at a moment's notice. The world stops flowing as it should and begins increasingly to flow in accordance with their designs. Circe's done a good deal to make up for the power she lost, and from what I feel it would appear that Morgan is in the same weight class as her.
And then I feel it as they both ease off.

I look down at my crotch. "Sorry, chum."
I nod. "And how to govern a modern country. I'm not convinced that either of you could do the job at present." Carve the Keystone.[/quote]
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