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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I'm just sayin, if there were ever a time for the jumped up elementals of earth to be actually helpful, it's when someone new is trying to muscle in on the "god" schtick.

Have some payoff for OL's diplomancing.
But LePaul isn't actually well liked by most of the gods.

Remember all the Fuck You's he got trying to find a replacement for Ares?
But LePaul isn't actually well liked by most of the gods.

Remember all the Fuck You's he got trying to find a replacement for Ares?

This is a response to Vaermina:

None of those were because they didn't like Paul you halfwit, it was because they didn't want the job.
This is a response to Vaermina:
None of those were because they didn't like Paul you halfwit, it was because they didn't want the job.

Also, Paul did help replace Zeus with his son. Eris loves the way he is disrupting things and Hera is kind of fond of him for helping her reconcile leaving her husband with her role as goddess of marriage.
Her face is really off putting to me. I wonder if that's deliberate, what with her being an alien, or if it's just me.
Onyx holds one out to the Lowie, but he just shakes his head
I think that the Master will tolerate it so long as it's pride is obedience to Him
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I don't think that she's features in the main timeline.
In the Paragon timeline, she showed up as one of the members of the League of Shadows that was able to avoid the arrests caused by Paulphidian's actions. She also replaced Cheshire in both the Rhelasia peace talks and the ambush that canonically was led by the Riddler. The latter has her captured by the Team.
and then we'll show the world that Mannheim Is.
Oh boy, Bruno is going to get his keeth ticked in by Darkseid for this presumption.

...this may be a good thing twice-over: this may mean Mannheim has weakened the Anti-life effect by usurping Darkseid's gift (somehow?????), and it may mean that Darkseid was genuinely afraid of sending a personal avatar to Earth due to OL or his changes.

Actually, considering Paul brought up the Sword Of The Fallen, it may be that this plot was green-lit because Darkseid received confirmation the Sword was taken out of commission by the Silver City, meaning OL's genuine threat to his potency was neutered.

Hopefully it shows up again, I don't like Paul's chances trying kaahuite railguns against Darkseid.

No image, and no article, at that address. I'm on android mobile. Try linking to a previous edit version of the wiki page? I don't know how to do myself.
Mr Zoat, will you need to change Onyx's appearance in the latest part of the episode, or is there an explanation that you can give as to how she was released from prison and was able to join the Alliance of the Just?
No image, and no article, at that address. I'm on android mobile. Try linking to a previous edit version of the wiki page? I don't know how to do myself.
Thanks, corrected the link. I accidentally messed it up when I deleted an unneeded 'so=search' element. :rolleyes:Because Fandom.com is 'quirky'...
(For anyone tried it before, it's a pic of the Justifier helmet as seen in FInal Crisis.)
Mr Zoat, will you need to change Onyx's appearance in the latest part of the episode, or is there an explanation that you can give as to how she was released from prison and was able to join the Alliance of the Just?
It's not really important to the story, but I imagine that it was either 1) she got a plea deal when they were rounding up the League or 2) she escaped, the League fell apart and no one thought that chasing her up was worthwhile.
Why would Darkseid show up and slap his own right pinky fingernail for pushing the button he wanted pushed?
Because Mannheim's name is coming from the lips of Darkseid's worshipers.
It may be entirely according to Darkseid's plan, but once in person Darkseid will strike down Mannheim regardless for the sake of his image as a tyrant, and because Darkseid will gladly insist on lying to Mannheim's face that their utterance of his name is proof of Mannheim's non-existing intent to betray Darkseid, just as a petty excuse to Justify Darkseid's Justice.

Darkseid is just like that, it's his whole character.
Ok, I'm confused. I thought Dr. Balewa WAS Dr. Mist, according to the wiki. So why do they seem to be different people here?
So the next incarnation of Dream of the endless got justified... Well that is a problem.
I vaguely recall Zoat using her as a fill in for Cheshire when covering that peace summit with Lex. But it was off screen for the Red Arrow side of things, right before the missile launch.


Waaaay Back here
Pete Tong (part 18)
31st December 2012
22:14 GMT +3

When I started trying to learn magic, a lot of the stuff I read looked like a load of bollocks to me. Which is how I ended up making my father shrivel up like a raisin without meaning to, which taught me the valuable lesson that just because something looks like bollocks that doesn't mean that it is bollocks. And that following instructions without knowing what's going on is a bloody stupid thing to do.

And a while later, I learned that while a lot of stuff that gets written about magic is bollocks from people who knew something was happening but didn't understand it, some of it isn't.

And a while later than that, I learned that the whole thing is a mess and pretty much anything has the meaning you think it has. The meaning you give it.

Which is why I've been picking up handfuls of sand and dropping them all day.

Amynta and the other girls have been staring at me like they think I've gone off the deep end. The way Paul says it, they're treating me like I've been touched by the gods. Like I've been given wisdom and madness and they shouldn't expect me to make sense to people who haven't. Fact is, as long as my seals on my own powers keep working I'm not much different from how I was before that mess on Roanoke.

Much different.

Because there's something wrong with this sand.

Which probably means there's nothing wrong with the sand, and what I'm actually picking up is something else via a kind of magical self-hypnosis, part of my cosmic awareness trickling past my seals and banging on my brain until I let it in. Or something so bad that it's actually bad down to the level of sand on a beach off the coast of Themyscira.

Which would be pretty bad.

So what I need to think about is whether I let it happen and assume that someone else has got it, or dust off the Helmet and deal with it myself.

Surprised I lasted this long, to be honest.

I stand up, which makes the guards actually start paying attention again. But more in a 'stare at the freak' way than in a 'get ready for a fight' way. Can't really hold that against them. I doubt they're really keen on having a man around and there's only so many jokes I can make about opening jars.

I take a deep breath, and release the first stage of the seal.

And breathe in, and breathe out.

Immediately I feel jittery. There's a weight on the world that wasn't there before Hyde Park. Don't know how long it's been there but neither of the magics running through me like it. Chaos doesn't like it because it's stifling. Order… Order doesn't like it because it's overriding existing systems.

Breathe in.

Systems. Order doesn't usually react to systems changing. Why is it-?

I toss the gold-glowing sand, grains flying out and blowing in conjured wind to do a circuit of the island. Not enough time to do all of Themyscira but it'll at least-.


It's like a… Film. Oily, spread just between the physical and the magic running throughout the world. My counter is rushed and sloppy, drawing on what I learned from Themyscira's wards and what Rama Khan used on Jarhanpur.

Severing a part of the world with magic. Amazing how he just won't see that's why it grabbed a replacement as soon as it could.

Mine's not quite that brutal. More of a translation network. As the sand drifts to the ground on the far side of the island I've set up a bubble of normal, with the relationships and structures both set and moving in relation to each other according to how they were before. And it's connected to the magics of the rest of the world but only on terms of what was before. It's bad: nothing truly new can be added on one side and diffuse across to the other, and I feel the world resist the unnatural set-up.

The world will have to deal with it.

Sand grains land.

Spell comes alive.

Oil hits but can't cross.

Breathe out.

The new oily-order from the far sides revolts and complains, alternately begging and demanding that the old order complies. But the border is chaos and is unmoved, delighting in the disquiet.

That should hold. Until whoever did that gets a few wizards over here to kick holes in it.


I need to talk to the guv'nor.

31st December 2012
21:22 GMT +2

I'm flying with Dr. Balewa and Zauriel in tow, because we can't risk anything exotic. Mr. Free is flying with us under his own power.

America is in chaos. And that's the good parts.

Around Alliance of the Just centres there is a great deal of organisation. People who joined up early appear to be directing things, while the rest are wearing some sort of New God tech helmet which is probably helping keep them… Going. Functioning.

Atlantis has deployed heavy duty magic shields on all of the cities I could even detect. Not sure if that's going to help, but best of luck to them. As a result I can't really tell how they're doing. They didn't have any Alliance of the Just outposts, but… But this isn't just about that.

Not a lot going on in northwest Africa. As far as I can tell they're being affected, but… The psychological affront to the ego is the difference between expectation and reality. If your expectations are low enough you can take almost anything. People appear to be… Staggering through life.

"I can't…"


He's kneeling in the same position he had when I first put him on my construct platform for support.

"I cannot hear the Kingdom of Heaven. I cannot hear the great celestial chorus that is the manifestation of the Most High's eternal presence."

"And I know that you're used to being able to feel that, but over ninety nine percent of humans who've ever lived haven't been able to hear that either. It isn't gone; you're just suffering from the effects of Anti-Life exposure."

"Anti-Life should not have such power!"

I blink in surprise at his vehemence.

"We're a clever lot, us mortals. And it clearly does. Alternately, it's powerful enough to entirely subvert the Source, which I do not believe. Why is your faith so weak that you believe that?"

"My faith-. It-."

Mr. Free nods. "Anti-Life. It makes a lot of things you wouldn't believe when you were in a normal frame of mind seem a whole lot more believable." "But we'll free ourselves from it."

Zauriel looks at him like he's grasping a lifeline.

"You are still..?"

"Yes. So it's just another lie, and we'll work through it in time."

Zauriel nods slowly. "Thank you. I will… I will adapt."

"Good, because from the looks of things, Kahndaq needs our help again."
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It's like a… Film. Oily, spread just between the physical and the magic running throughout the world. My counter is rushed and sloppy, drawing on what I learned from Themyscira's wards and what Rama Khan used on Jarhanpur.

Severing a part of the world with magic. Amazing how he just won't see that's why it grabbed a replacement as soon as it could.

Mine's not quite that brutal. More of a translation network. As the sand drifts to the ground on the far side of the island I've set up a bubble of normal, with the relationships and structures both set and moving in relation to each other according to how they were before. And it's connected to the magics of the rest of the world but only on terms of what was before. It's bad: nothing truly new can be added on one side and diffuse across to the other, and I feel the world resist the unnatural set-up.

The world will have to deal with it.

One of the things I most enjoy about this particular story is when you include scenes like this. When you take the time to flesh out things like magic or the emotional spectrum, and try to interpret the metaphysics of the setting in your own way.

The conversation about Godhood and the Titan Ritual was another example with Hecate. They're thought provoking and incredibly interesting to read about.

So yeah, I enjoyed the chapter, and would definitely like to see more of the aforementioned elements.

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