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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

After he told me, I said that if the reporting didn't work out he could have a career as an actor. After he told me, and after I calmed down, I said that if reporting didn't work out he could have a career as an actor

Basically repeated sentence, I think only the second one was intended.
Mr Zoat
I looked Shelly Gaynor up. What is Nth Metal Addiction? Never heard of addiction to that stuff.
Which was a refuge in audacity. After he told me, I said that if the reporting didn't work out he could have a career as an actor. After he told me, and after I calmed down, I said that if reporting didn't work out he could have a career as an actor.

Was this a mental glitch, indicating the moment the anti-life hit, or a duplicate line (mostly)?
Ooh, I bet someone's likely to get a high heel planted right up somewhere sensitive, at this rate.
Dammit. Now I'm pondering Lois taking Darkseid to Dick Kick City, and getting that famous reaction face of when Ultraman kneed Superman in the balls in that one Batman/Superman Annual...

Was this a mental glitch, indicating the moment the anti-life hit, or a duplicate line (mostly)?
Pretty sure it's Lois correcting herself after remembering that her initial reaction was... rather less positive than that.
Huh, I wonder why Lois specifically is wanted... but souls in a machine does not sound great.
This is worldwide, so that means Boss Smiley is also getting anti-lifed.

Does anyone think Boss Smiley would even notice?

Also, I just realized that American Heartlands and American Wastelands and other places are manifestations of the population's collective consciousness, so how badly are those sorts of places going to be hit by every human on earth collectively broadcasting the ideals of Antilife into those places?
I'm more surprised they're not considering moving the machine off-earth.
Mr Zoat
I looked Shelly Gaynor up. What is Nth Metal Addiction? Never heard of addiction to that stuff.
I have no idea. What is it?
Basically repeated sentence, I think only the second one was intended.
No, that was Lois being a little more honest with herself.
Thank you, corrected.
In, In Praise of Eros, will Paul be trying it on with Paula?
Almost certainly not. Beautia, then Quinzel, then Felicity.
Well, things are looking just a smidge bad at the moment. Global ALE exposure is going to have all sorts of fun knock on effects, especially on a world that's just undergone a horrifying alien(ish) invasion ala the Sheeda relatively recently.

Lois' section does lend hope though. Holly was still capable of experiencing fear, though nothing else, but Lois managed to shuffle through a number of them, so exposure to weird crap and willpower seems to be an imperfect but atleast semieffective defense.

Of course there are probably atleast one or two heavy weights who are susceptible to it, and handling them will be tricky.
No idea that's why I asked I just was reading her wikis. This was in her Earth 27 version and it was stated as one of her weaknesses:


  • Whip of Suarez

  • Alcoholism
  • Mystical Dissonance
  • Nth Metal Addiction
I didn't even know you can get addicted to a metal.

Psychologically you can get addicted to a lot of things if you have an addictive personality. But uh, maybe Nth metal can have a weird effect when combined with magic?
Having never read the fanfic in question, my first guess would be dosing on Nth metal for the physical enhancement- strength, regeneration, etc, and getting a psychological addiction to those superpowers.

It was canon for the comics that Carter and Shiera had Nth metal in their systems, the Hawk Avatar Hawkman had Nth Metal wings, and since Carter could pass as a Thanagarians with Thanagarians it kind of implies that Thanagarians also incorporate Nth metal into their biology.

Thanagarians have superhuman smell. So when I type that Carter could pass as a Thanagarian I mean Thanagarians would smell him and he'd smell like a fellow Thanagarian.
Pete Tong (part 17)
31st December 2012
14:14 GMT -5

"Teleporters, huh?"

Yeah. Teleporters. Honestly, it feels like overkill. Between Batman, Gordon and Orange Lantern, crime in Gotham is as low as it's ever been. But it's not just them, it's… People. People not being prepared to take that shit any more. People being prepared to step up, to take a risk to do the right thing. I think that even if Batman disappeared tomorrow, things wouldn't ever get that bad again.

'course, the crazies would have a field day, but lots of cities had crazy theme criminals without turning into Gotham.

"Yeah. Teleporters."

Might be… Nice, though. I thought becoming Orpheus would… Put me in a hell of a lot of danger, but that I'd be fighting the good fight. And ever since I joined the Alliance, I've mostly just been training other people. I mean, that's not nothing. People should know how to handle themselves. But I thought there'd be more actual fighting against criminals, not just contact sparring with my students.

Onyx looks away from the teleporter and towards me, like she can hear what I'm thinking.


Or getting my ass whooped by Onyx.

But teleporters. Now we can do what the guys in the Congregation can do, except we won't drop them right into combat and can actually organize things.

"We didn't have teleporters in the League of Shadows."

"Did you have wizards?"

"There were a few wizards, but none of them could teleport people. We just used planes or ships to travel long distances."

"The League had its own ships?"

"Some of the League's front companies did. Otherwise we just stowed away, or replaced the crew."

And I can guess what she means by 'replaced'. No, I shouldn't assume. They might just have drugged them or something. Onyx… She's fine talking about the League in general terms, but she doesn't like talking about her record. I wasn't all that keen on her being here when I found out, but after I talked it over with Father Bruno I realised that she left before the mass arrests. She walked away knowing they'd probably kill her for it, because she couldn't stand living that life any more.

"You want to head over there now, or-?"

No. Not yet.

We look at each other and nod. We both feel his intent, and we live to fulfil it.

Or die to fulfil it.

Moving as one, our steps in synchronicity, we walk into the storage cupboard and pull out the crates marked 'helmets'. At the time I couldn't work out why Vincent sent them to us.

Now I no longer need to doubt.

Still worth checking that the people packing them did it right so we both flip open the lids. I'm too simple minded to understand the principles, but they all look like I instinctively know that they should. Onyx and I close the boxes and walk back into the training room.

Most people here aren't metahumans, and don't have any other kind of power. But a lot of them ran with gangs, though from the way they're cowering and weeping to themselves right now you'd never know it. Guess it was just a front.

Or maybe they're just not far enough along to just be honest with themselves about their place in the universe.

Soon fix that. And it's not that they'll be happy, but that they'll understand that their happiness doesn't matter.

"Listen up! Get over here and put these on! They'll help!"

Some walk, some crawl. Some clearly aren't seeing the world around them like it is, their minds snapped by the revelation.

"…pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death…"

And some picked the losing side. That mostly doesn't matter. Everyone will come to understand, before the end. But right now we have a part to play in his plan and this fool needs to get with the program.

"Hey. You gonna put this on?"

Onyx holds one out to the Lowlie, but he just shakes his head, fingers whitening as he grasps his crucifix tighter. It won't help in the long run, but he's clearly not on-side right now.

I walk over, grab it with one hand and throw it away.

"What-? What d'ya do that for, m-?"

"You will be free of the burden of free will soon."

I punch him in the nose, breaking it and knocking him to the floor. Then I kick him hard in the head. Probably not enough to kill him, even with my boots, but he's not going to get up in a hurry.


Onyx isn't accusing me of being wasteful. It's my decision. She just needs to hear it.

"We're justified." I look over to the rest of my squad, who with the help of their helmets are adjusting better to reality. "Beat him to death, then join us in Washington."

"Anti-Life justifies our actions."

They step up, and I feel a moment of prideful satisfaction. Perhaps I shouldn't, but I think that the Master will tolerate it so long as it's pride in obedience to Him.

Onyx and I fall back in step as they get back to work. The teleporter will pick us up when they're ready for us, and then we'll show the world that Mannheim Is.

31st December 2012
14:22 GMT -5

"Don't use the zeta tubes or the boom tube."

I nod as Dr. Balewa wrestles with whatever's inside the building's staff. It… It doesn't look like he's winning.

"I can fly us up to the Watchtower, or anywhere on Earth. Mister Miracle says that we need to find Mannheim to shut it down."

"We haven't found him yet, and most of the League is being affected too."

Most-? "Sir? Are you-?"

"Yes. I'm working through it."

Which is… Possible, Amon demonstrated that. But it won't stop him feeling like shit while he does it.

"Sir, if you're not at your best then I can bring Doctor Mist to you. He may be able to help."

"No. I don't m-. It's more important to get front line fighters back in action."


"Take your group to Kahndaq and make sure that Teth Adom is capable of fighting. Let me know when you're done. Batman out."
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31st December 2012
14:14 GMT -5

"Teleporters, huh?"

Yeah. Teleporters. Honestly, it feels like overkill. Between Batman, Gordon and Orange Lantern, crime in Gotham is as low as it's ever been. But it's not just them, it's… People. People not being prepared to take that shit any more. People being prepared to step up, to take a risk to do the right thing. I think that even if Batman disappeared tomorrow, things wouldn't ever get that bad again.
Ah, the Alliance's perspective, eh? Local heroes, about to become something far darker, if they're as badly affected as the guards last chapter were. Especially those who've been through the teleporters, or are in real close proximity...

'course, the crazies would have a field day, but lots of cities had crazy theme criminals without turning into Gotham.

"Yeah. Teleporters."
Hey, it could be worse, you could be working in Blüdhaven. It's basically Gotham without the Batman or his freaks. For good or ill. :oops: Mostly ill...

Might be… Nice, though. I thought becoming Orpheus would… Put me in a hell of a lot of danger, but that I'd be fighting the good fight. And ever since I joined the Alliance, I've mostly just been training other people. I mean, that's not nothing. People should know how to handle themselves. But I thought there'd be more actual fighting against criminals, not just contact sparring with my students.

Onyx looks away from the teleporter and towards me, like she can hear what I'm thinking.
Orpheus and Onyx, eh? There's some minor Gotham heroes, for you.


Or getting my ass whooped by Onyx.
Eh, at a certain level of martial arts skill in the DCU, you can basically be telepathic in all but name, as long as it's combat-related. :p

But teleporters. Now we can do what the guys in the Congregation can do, except we won't drop them right into combat and can actually organize things.

"We didn't have teleporters in the League of Shadows."
Probably a good thing, you know. Last thing anyone needed were teleporting ninja.

"Did you have wizards?"

"There were a few wizards, but none of them could teleport people. We just used planes or ships to travel long distances."
With all the commensurate risks involved, like getting caught up in superhero drama nearby.

"The League had its own ships?"

"Some of the League's front companies did. Otherwise we just stowed away, or replaced the crew."
...I'm guessing it did not end well for those you... 'Replaced'. :(

And I can guess what she means by 'replaced'. No, I shouldn't assume. They might just have drugged them or something. Onyx… She's fine talking about the League in general terms, but she doesn't like talking about her record. I wasn't all that keen on her being here when I found out, but after I talked it over with Father Bruno I realised that she left before the mass arrests. She walked away knowing they'd probably kill her for it, because she couldn't stand living that life any more.
Which is kind of a change from her comics origin (monastery trained, but not openly a League camp.)

"You want to head over there now, or-?"

No. Not yet.
And here comes the Anti-Life. How will they react, I wonder?

We look at each other and nod. We both feel his intent, and we live to fulfil it.

Or die to fulfil it.
...Ooof, right to drinking the kool-aid. I guess their orderly natures and lots of self-doubt made them easy pickings.

Moving as one, our steps in synchronicity, we walk into the storage cupboard and pull out the crates marked 'helmets'. At the time I couldn't work out why Vincent sent them to us.

Now I no longer need to doubt.
These helmets, I wonder?

Still worth checking that the people packing them did it right so we both flip open the lids. I'm too simple minded to understand the principles, but they all look like I instinctively know that they should. Onyx and I close the boxes and walk back into the training room.

Most people here aren't metahumans, and don't have any other kind of power. But a lot of them ran with gangs, though from the way they're cowering and weeping to themselves right now you'd never know it. Guess it was just a front.
The perfect foot soldiers of Justification, then. Hungry for more than their lot, and willing to serve for it...

Or maybe they're just not far enough along to just be honest with themselves about their place in the universe.

Soon fix that. And it's not that they'll be happy, but that they'll understand that their happiness doesn't matter.
Hoo-boy. That's going to leave a big black mark on their souls after all this is over...

"Listen up! Get over here and put these on! They'll help!"

Some walk, some crawl. Some clearly aren't seeing the world around them like it is, their minds snapped by the revelation.
And no doubt they will be forced to don the helmet, and see the Truth, huh? :rolleyes:

"…pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death…"

And some picked the losing side. That mostly doesn't matter. Everyone will come to understand, before the end. But right now we have a part to play in his plan and this fool needs to get with the program.
Honestly, that prayer may well be the only thing keeping that one out of the dark.

"Hey. You gonna put this on?"

Onyx holds one out to the Lowie, but he just shakes his head, fingers whitening as he grasps his crucifix tighter. It won't help in the long run, but he's clearly not on-side right now.
Amazing how fast they settled into their expected place, and their expected thoughts about those not willing to embrace it...

I walk over, grab it with one hand and throw it away.

"What-? What d'ya do that for, m-?"
And with every moment, the Anti-Life broadcast grows stronger...

"You will be free of the burden of free will soon."

I punch him in the nose, breaking it and knocking him to the floor. Then I kick him hard in the head. Probably not enough to kill him, even with my boots, but he's not going to get up in a hurry.
No doubt by the time he does, he'll happily put the helmet on, now that he's not resisting... :mad:


Onyx isn't accusing me of being wasteful. It's my decision. She just needs to hear it.
Slipping back into the role of follower, eh? She probably feels comfortable like this, at least while she's under the spell...

"We're justified." I look over to the rest of my squad, who with the help of their helmets are adjusting better to reality. "Beat him to death, then join us in Washington."

"Anti-Life justifies our actions."
...Welp, so much for him getting up. :confused:

They step up, and I feel a moment of prideful satisfaction. Perhaps I shouldn't, but I think that the Master will tolerate it so long as it's pride is obedience to Him.

Onyx and I fall back in step as they get back to work. The teleporter will pick us up when they're ready for us, and then we'll show the world that Mannheim Is.
Great. Bruno's going to have his own army to throw at the League. An army they can't even safely fight...

31st December 2012
14:22 GMT -5

"Don't use the zeta tubes or the boom tube."
Sounds like someone's concerned about cross-contamination from the Alliance teleportation broadcasters...

I nod as Dr. Balewa wrestles with whatever's inside the building's staff. It… It doesn't look like he's winning.

"I can fly us up to the Watchtower, or anywhere on Earth. Mister Miracle says that we needs to find Mannheim to shut it down."
I imagine that it's like trying to drain an ocean with a thimble. As soon as he removes a drop, it's replaced, fresh from the tap.

"We haven't found him yet, and most of the League is being effected too."

Most-? "Sir? Are you-?"
Honestly, Batman might be the greatest threat if he succumbs, if only for his planning ability. There's a reason he was done away with early in Final Crisis.

"Yes. I'm working through it."

Which is… Possible, Amon demonstrated that. But it won't stop him feeling like shit while he does it.
I'm sure Bruce is used to it. He's felt worse. And that one bad day lets him keep his perspective.

"Sir, if you're not at your best then I can bring Doctor Mist to you. He may be able to help."

"No. I don't m-. It's more important to get front line fighters back in action."
Yeah, he's struggling, but he's managing. If this effect is magical, you don't want Superman getting turned.


"Take your group to Kahndaq and make sure that Teth Adom is capable of fighting. Let me know when you're done. Batman out."
Interesting. Presumably core League members are handling themselves. So any powerful allies need to be checked on.

This is going to be a hard campaign for the League. Not only will they have to deal with ordinary people fighting them, they've got Anti-Life whispering into their souls, trying to make them fall in line. And one moment's weakness will give the Dark Side a powerful asset. But they can't afford to hang about, either, because Bruno has a plan, and if he pulls it off, all life is fucked...
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Yikes. I'm not sure how free Batman really is. Sending Paul after Teth instead of asking him to go full Ophidian seems like a distraction.

Also, Mannheim must realise he is one of the, if no THE, biggest obstacle for him.

What's his plan for taking out Paul?

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