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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

This universe contains seven galaxies.
That is

What a knowable universe! Does that mean the reason night skies are similar to ours is because people can see lights from the source wall? Because nights would be significantly darker otherwise.

We do not know how large our universe is, just that the observable area is about 13 billion and change light years in diameter.
An odd question Mr Zoat but is Grayven ever going to run into Grail? I'm curious because it would be interesting given his mission in regards to Apokolips and distaste for the Amazons in general. Additionally, the complications of the Omega Effect and Anti-Life and how it relates to them both.

I'm imagining Grail and Grayven sitting around talking post spar/duel and Grayven introducing her to Diana as "our mutual sister."
An odd question Mr Zoat but is Grayven ever going to run into Grail? I'm curious because it would be interesting given his mission in regards to Apokolips and distaste for the Amazons in general. Additionally, the complications of the Omega Effect and Anti-Life and how it relates to them both.

I'm imagining Grail and Grayven sitting around talking post spar/duel and Grayven introducing her to Diana as "our mutual sister."

Unlikely, since Grail is from the n52 and Zoat dislikes that.

He has used occasional elements from it, but not that many and they're usually connected to Lanterns.
Grayven, what's Mageddon?"

"Oh, an ancient.. sun.. weapon system.. thing. It's supposed to have been made by the people… The people before the New Gods who manifested Source attributes. We usually call them 'Old Gods', for… Obvious reasons, though that term also gets used for gods who emerge from the Dream."

"And that's… Around in our time?"

"Yes, but it's anchored outside of our galactic cluster and extremely well guarded. Last time Darkseid tried taking a fleet there to study it, he was one of sixteen survivors out of a total crew of two million. No recoverable ships. I'm led to believe that one of the defenders was mildly bruised." I shrug. "Anyway, that was the only thing I could think of that came under the category of 'evil sun'."

Does Paul mean seven galaxies in the galactic cluster? Or did Krona destroy most of the universe during the Crisis of Infinite Pauls?
Oh hell.
They are here for Paul's Tattoos.
They want to find a weakness!!!
To decipher why Anti-Life has no power over him!!!
Some of his tattoos are actually brands. And seeing as his tattoos feed energies into his soul… I wonder if such a thing could be applied offensively in order to pierce through the defenses of anyone antilife-resistant. Imagine that, simply using a heated brand to make Highfather devoted to Darkseid with one strike.

I'm emphasizing the brands because applying tattoos mid battle is impractical.
Zoat gave New Gods healing factors, so a brand would be temporary.

He's seemingly tied healing rate with power level, so I doubt a brand on High Father would last long at all.

Now the schmucks that Catwoman could beat up, that would be another matter.
Can they call New Genisis for help? Is communication with them not possible or is there some kind of treaty bullshit that prevents them from helping Earth.
An odd question Mr Zoat but is Grayven ever going to run into Grail? I'm curious because it would be interesting given his mission in regards to Apokolips and distaste for the Amazons in general. Additionally, the complications of the Omega Effect and Anti-Life and how it relates to them both.

I'm imagining Grail and Grayven sitting around talking post spar/duel and Grayven introducing her to Diana as "our mutual sister."
Depends. Is she a Nu52 character?
Does Paul mean seven galaxies in the galactic cluster? Or did Krona destroy most of the universe during the Crisis of Infinite Pauls?
Technically, he didn't destroy it. He just vanished most of the energy that would have gone into forming it.
Zoat gave New Gods healing factors, so a brand would be temporary.
More than that. Hellblazer established that wounds made to the soul eventually heal. That's why John couldn't keep control of the Fuckpig. The SI got around that by starting without a soul, but his tattoos wouldn't be anything like as effective on anyone else.
Can they call New Genisis for help? Is communication with them not possible or is there some kind of treaty bullshit that prevents them from helping Earth.
You know how in Victoria 3 anyone can join in any way anywhere with no logistical problems at all? Earth would like to avoid that.
"This universe contains seven galaxies. Each contains about a hundred billion stars. The Reach are trying to conquer them reasonably conventionally, subverting their neighbors before annexing and exterminating them. By N.E.M.O.'s calculations, they might just about finish before the universe runs out of energy.
Ok. One, that is either very very small, or very, very wrong. Like Carl Sagan rolling in his grave wrong.

And also, something I haven't heard you mention before now in the story.
And seem to contradict the many, many "Guardians of the Galaxy" jabs OL made at the bobbleheads at the beginning of the story. Because if there are two trillion galaxies in the universe, policing one and parts of a couple others is a joke. If there are only seven, then that is both a large proportional amount of coverage, and possibly the largest coverage area of anyone. Which would make the "Guardians of the Universe" title much more legitimate, on account of there being no one with a better claim (larger coverage area)

So, maybe either change that number there, or edit out the old jokes that suddenly became much less valid.
Ok. One, that is either very very small, or very, very wrong. Like Carl Sagan rolling in his grave wrong.

word of zoat says it's Krona's fault from the crisis of infinite pauls:

Technically, he didn't destroy it. He just vanished most of the energy that would have gone into forming it.

So yeah, thanks to Krona, the Big Bang was sapped of 99.9999999% of it's energy, leaving only enough for 7 full galaxies to form, and countless rogue stars wandering the dark space between galaxies and the extra galactic voids, or rather now one singular Universal Void.

Yes, this does means the edge of the observable universe is a great deal closer than it should be, meaning the Source Wall is also closer than it should be.
Ok. One, that is either very very small, or very, very wrong. Like Carl Sagan rolling in his grave wrong.

I don't think the small number of galaxies is the weirdest thing in a DC universe.

And also, something I haven't heard you mention before now in the story.
And seem to contradict the many, many "Guardians of the Galaxy" jabs OL made at the bobbleheads at the beginning of the story. Because if there are two trillion galaxies in the universe, policing one and parts of a couple others is a joke. If there are only seven, then that is both a large proportional amount of coverage, and possibly the largest coverage area of anyone. Which would make the "Guardians of the Universe" title much more legitimate, on account of there being no one with a better claim (larger coverage area)

So, maybe either change that number there, or edit out the old jokes that suddenly became much less valid

But they're still not guardiang the entire universe, just one galaxy and some parts of some others, so their title isn't accurate.
word of zoat says it's Krona's fault from the crisis of infinite pauls:

So yeah, thanks to Krona, the Big Bang was sapped of 99.9999999% of it's energy, leaving only enough for 7 full galaxies to form, and countless rogue stars wandering the dark space between galaxies and the extra galactic voids, or rather now one singular Universal Void.

Yes, this does means the edge of the observable universe is a great deal closer than it should be, meaning the Source Wall is also closer than it should be.
Yeah, that is what is called in comics a badly done recon.

You see, the universe only having seven galaxies is something that would be really, really easy to notice by astronomers on Earth.
Even easier if you have a magic lantern ring and can gallivant around space and shit.

That specific detail somehow never came up before now, even with Krona fucking up the universe was mentioned, or when he was shit talking the Guardians and doing casual info drops of secret classified info to Granny Controller, that the universe he came from didn't have Malthusans fucking up the universe, and was several billion times bigger.

It comes of as something he decided recently to have 'always been' that way. But actually fit well with the actual story as written for the past several years, where the size may have never have been mentioned explicitly, but OL very much seemed to be acting like it was as large as the one he came from was assumed to be.

Thus, it is a fucking pointlessly bad and unnecessary retcon.
That Zoat could have just not used, on account of not using it for the past how many years.
Something that should have either been part of the story from the beginning, or ignored.
Not retroactively added now, like some hack author.
I mean this with no offense, but it seems a bit silly to get your immersion broken by WTR-verse being a microcosm of a real universe in spatial size when it already is much smaller than it should dimensionally, no? At least many character motivations start to look a lot less silly when you think their universe is a trillion times smaller than ours.
#Bramble Thorn

The nature of major temporal alterations is that they are retroactively "has always been that way" from the perspective of those within the loop, so there wouldn't be anything to notice. Until it became relevant to a discussion that we the readers are privy to, it would be general background knowledge for those within the setting.

More than that, the total size of the universe is generally deeply irrelevant information, so it wouldn't organically come up in conversation. Even with the current dramatically smaller universe size, the galactic scale is still so mind bogglingly enormous that within practicality it doesn't alter prior story events (our universe alone has 100-400 billion stars). Everything the Maltusians have ever done of any story relevance has been local (on the intergalactic scale) .

As an aside, the Renegade story could still have a full size universe since it didn't take part in the crisis event.
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Well I think it's a tad weird myself, but honestly DC universes do have different universes than our own.

Our universe is infinite.

A definitive center requires a finite shape. An infinite shape is either all center or no center, depending on one's point of view.

Yet in DC Oa is in the center and the DC universes have Source Walls, definitive edges of the universe.

Now on the Doylist level I blame the writers sleeping through high school science or being drunk and/or high, but on the Watsonian level DC universes are smaller than ours.
Jet Fighter (part 13)
1st January 2013
00:06 GMT +2

"Did they just..? I don't know, destroy them? If they're going to try and kill you, they wouldn't want you coming back."

"They took all the equipment required to keep them in suspended animation."

"Are you.. saying, they're alive?"

"Living tissue. There's no activity in their brains. They're really no physically different to how I'd be if I died and was immediately frozen. Only with less of an arcane presence."

"You're sure they can't just… I don't know, wake them up?"

"Depending on what technology they've got access to, probably. The machines I had them plugged into weren't designed to do anything like that." I check, and-. Yes, they removed the rune-inscribed plates that were supposed to ease my entry into them. "There's a resurrection protocol programmed into the system, but that's only supposed to trigger if it detects me in them."

"What would happen if someone triggered it when you weren't… Ah, 'in there'?"

"It would be like taking a brain dead coma patient off life support. They'd lie there, and eventually die."

"So they can't just… Wake up as you."

"No, Alan, that would be slavery and murder."

"Alright, but you understand how it sounds, don't you?"

"Would it help if you thought of them as cloned organs for transplant?"

"No, not really. Back in the fifties, I ran into some space pirates who said the same thing about some people they abducted."

"Could those people talk? Did they have actively functioning brains?"

"Yeah, they did."

"Mine don't. And can't, without the sort of work that you'd need to do in order to make a body fresh from the cemetery get up and walk around again."

"Okay, that's… That makes me feel a little better about the whole thing. Is that common, out in space?"

"Clone-doning does happen in some places, but it's exactly the sort of lazy-evil that I despise. If you have the technology to clone an adult, then you have the technology to clone individual organs and keep them alive. The only place I know of where it was common was Krypton, but they didn't allow the clones to develop mentally-. Meaning they were brain dead not that they were children."

"I don't remember Superman talking about it."

"They stopped a long time ago. After a major war. The trigger was a really messed up case where a woman called Nyra Vor-Z tried to marry her son to a clone of herself and he murdered them both and then tried to kill himself… Krypton abandoned cloning but decided that memory-dubbing was still fine. I'd have gone the other way…"

"So what can they do with them?"

"I'm not sure. There are some magic rituals that require parts of a person's body, but they barely count, thaumically. I don't taste any better than most people, so I doubt that it's for consumption."

Alan makes an awkward-sounding cough-laugh.

"That's a little dark."

"Who's growing crops right now? Rearing animals? Who's transporting them to cities that don't produce any of their own food? Every society is only three meals away from chaos. And I'd have to destroy them now, anyway."

Ah, who am I kidding?

"I mean, obviously Mannheim's going to animate them and make me fight them in such a way that he gains whichever of us wins, but I've got no idea what the mechanism he's going to use is and since I don't know where they are there isn't much I can do about it." I sigh, calling Lantern Thornton back to my ring. "Alright, there's nothing else for me to do here. Any new orders?"

"Just a moment.""Batman wants you to try talking to Euanthe or Poison Ivy. If one of them gets infected by the Anti-Life, we're in… A lot more trouble than we are already."

I fly out of the wreck of my home and turn west, accelerating across the scrubland on the edge of Adrianna's regreened area.

"I can check on them, but I don't really have any way to keep them Anti-Life free. Unless we have something?"

"Mist thinks he might be able to put something together, but we need to know it's safe first. He's going to have to work it out as he goes."

"Which he can't do if every bit of plant matter in his body is trying to kill him. Has Batman said anything about that thing in Hub City?"

"He thinks there's more than one, probably hidden all around the world. We're going to need to hit all of them. I… I think you made the right decision."

"I expected. I'm not sure."

"It's like you said, about virtue ethics. You don't act virtuously because that's guaranteed to give you the outcome you want. You act virtuously because it usually does. Because it generally does. Yeah, if that was the only place like it that Mannheim had, you might have fixed the whole thing by taking a shot. Do you think someone who pulled off something like this would just have one site?"

"Possible, but unlikely."

"Right, so you'd have killed them for no good. But if they're alive and we can free them, we could… I don't know, build something like the machine they were plugged into so we can… Reverse the Anti-Life, or shield people and places from it. I… I do see the usefulness of being able to kill people without hesitating. I don't like it, but I… I do understand. But I'm glad you didn't. And-. And don't say 'we'll find out if I was right later', because that's not how it works."

"Yeah. Thanks, Alan. Okay, coming up on the coast now. I'll get back in touch if anything significant happens."

"Blue Lantern out."

31st December 2012
19:09 GMT -3

And there's Rio de Janeiro, not looking much worse than normal. Interesting fact that with the money and drugs more or less gone, large criminal gangs are more or less a thing of the past. Plenty of small gangs, and I can hear gunfire from here, but the Accala have almost completely cut off drug production in South America. And the reduced size of the government gives far less opportunity for corruption.

"Orange Lantern to Accalacan. Literally anyone, please come in."

Scans of the jungle are confused, as per normal. The Accala had nothing to do with the Alliance of the Just, due to not needing external help in policing themselves and having a barely measurable crime rate. Also, a healthy dislike of foreigners and no infrastructure. Point is, I'm not expecting any Justifiers out here-.

"Lantern. What the Hell is happening to us?"
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"I mean, obviously Mannheim's going to animated them and make me fight them in such a way that he gains whichever of us wins, but I've got no idea what the mechanism he's going to use is and since I don't know where they are there isn't much I can do about it." I sigh, calling Lantern Thornton back to my ring. "Alright, there's nothing else for me to do here. Any new orders?"
That should say 'animate'.

"Lantern. What the Hell is happening to us?"
Depending on who's saying this, this could be very bad. And I'm assuming that this is what Black Orchid is for. Apokolips would have known about a country that is deeply connected to the Green and could probably resist regular Anti-Life infection existed on Earth, so they wanted her, and possibly others, to act as an infection point through which the Anti-Life could spread.
Just to be clear, Krona wrecking the infant universe happened way before he encountered the SI. It's the reason why he was banished in the first place.
So when Renegade was talking about "galactic cluster", he was meaning the Milky Way and a couple of dwarf galaxies near it, not the Local Group as we would understand it?
Also, the Green, Red and Grey are bascially the very opposite of Anti-Life. If anything, shouldn't Euanthe, Swampthing and the rest be safer than most?
I wouldn't be surprised if part of the experiment is to find ways to have the Anti-Life control all of the forces of nature just as easily as it controls regular sapients. After all, even the Maltusians, for all their power, can't claim to be immune to it.
1st January 2013
00:06 GMT +2

"Did they just..? I don't know, destroy them? If they're going to try and kill you, they wouldn't want you coming back."

"They took all the equipment required to keep them in suspended animation."
So the clones are still functional. Not great. Not that anyone knows why they took them. One more mystery to set aside in the fight to survive this whole situation. And every minute spent worrying is one OL can't afford...

"Are you.. saying, they're alive?"

"Living tissue. There's no activity in their brains. They're really no physically different to how I'd be if I died and was immediately frozen. Only with less of an arcane presence."
Since a normal human body would have an imprint of its mind and soul etched into the flesh. With traces of that soul still lingering. That's how Necromancy allows contact via a fragment of said body, I expect.

"You're sure they can't just… I don't know, wake them up?"

"Depending on what technology they've got access to, probably. The machines I had them plugged into weren't designed to do anything like that." I check, and-. Yes, they removed the rune-inscribed plates that were supposed to ease my entry into them. "There's a resurrection protocol programmed into the system, but that's only supposed to trigger if it detects me in them."
So, for all intents and purposes, all they have is a trio of not-quite-corpses that look like OL.

"What would happen if someone triggered it when you weren't… Ah, 'in there'?"

"It would be like taking a brain dead coma patient off life support. They'd lie there, and eventually die."
Since there's no 'software' installed in the brain to maintain the autonomous systems, basically.

"So they can't just… Wake up as you."

"No, Alan, that would be slavery and murder."
Yeah, I can see wanting to be morally and ethically proper about the whole process.

"Alright, but you understand how it sounds, don't you?"

"Would it help if you thought of them as cloned organs for transplant?"
Not that you'd need spare parts in that sense, what with your Ring's self-repair capabilities...

"No, not really. Back in the fifties, I ran into some space pirates who said the same thing about some people they abducted."

"Could those people talk? Did they have actively functioning brains?"
I bet the space pirates didn't, once Alan was done. :p

"Yeah, they did."

"Mine don't. And can't, without the sort of work that you'd need to do in order to make a body fresh from the cemetery get up and walk around again."
There's an amusing image: a trio of OLs, staggering about like cinematic zombies, complete with brainless groaning.

"Okay, that's… That makes me feel a little better about the whole thing. Is that common, out in space?"

"Clone-doning does happen in some places, but it's exactly the sort of lazy-evil that I despise. If you have the technology to clone an adult, then you have the technology to clone individual organs and keep them alive. The only place I know of where it was common was Krypton, but they didn't allow the clones to develop mentally-. Meaning they were brain dead not that they were children."
And that's dismissing cultures that can literally print organs out of raw materials, though I suspect there's more chance of mishaps with that.

"I don't remember Superman talking about it."

"They stopped a long time ago. After a major war. The trigger was a really messed up case where a woman called Nyra Vor-Z tried to marry her son to a clone of herself and he murdered them both and then tried to kill himself… Krypton abandoned cloning but decided that memory-dubbing was still fine. I'd have gone the other way…"
:confused: ...Old Krypton was all kinds of weird. And not just in their technological ethics... Look at that fashion! The front guy in red there is basically wearing a thong. :oops:

"So what can they do with them?"

"I'm not sure. There are some magic rituals that require parts of a person's body, but they barely count, thaumically. I don't taste any better than most people, so I doubt that it's for consumption."
...And it's just a little disturbing that you know that. o_O No doubt cribbed from the desires of that Yellow Lantern Spider-guilder you fed a leg to...

Alan makes an awkward-sounding cough-laugh.

"That's a little dark."
Yeah, OL's space adventures are... Decidedly on the weirder side.

"Who's growing crops right now? Rearing animals? Who's transporting them to cities that don't produce any of their own food? Every society is only three meals away from chaos. And I'd have to destroy them now, anyway."

Ah, who am I kidding?
That's not really the kind of Humanitarian we want people being, OL... :confused:

"I mean, obviously Mannheim's going to animated them and make me fight them in such a way that he gains whichever of us wins, but I've got no idea what the mechanism he's going to use is and since I don't know where they are there isn't much I can do about it." I sigh, calling Lantern Thornton back to my ring. "Alright, there's nothing else for me to do here. Any new orders?"

"Just a moment.""Batman wants you to try talking to Euanthe or Poison Ivy. If one of them gets infected by the Anti-Life, we're in… A lot more trouble than we are already."
Oh, yes. That's rather a concern, given that the two of them are probably very strong in the Green. I bet the actual Parliament doesn't give a damn about the meat's issues, though. So Swamp Thing showing up is unlikely unless his wife and daughter are hurt.

I fly out of the wreck of my home and turn west, accelerating across the scrubland on the edge of Adrianna's regreened area.

"I can check on them, but I don't really have any way to keep them Anti-Life free. Unless we have something?"
I mean, what did come of that whole 'infuse Earth's plants with divine energy' plan? Surely that would offer some protection to them...

"Mist thinks he might be able to put something together, but we need to know it's safe first. He's going to have to work it out as he goes."

"Which he can't do if every bit of plant matter in his body is trying to kill him. Has Batman said anything about that thing in Hub City?"
Yeah, if Euanthe is in full defensive posture right now, things would be bad. And she may well be having flashbacks to the imprisonment thing...

"He thinks there's more than one, probably hidden all around the world. We're going to need to hit all of them. I… I think you made the right decision."

"I expected. I'm not sure."
Ugh. And who knows who's plugged into those ones? Assuming that the Hub City site was a typical loadout.

"It's like you said, about virtue ethics. You don't act virtuously because that's guaranteed to give you the outcome you want. You act virtuously because it usually does. Because it generally does. Yeah, if that was the only place like it that Mannheim had, you might have fixed the whole thing by taking a shot. Do you think someone who pulled off something like this would just have one site?"

"Possible, but unlikely."
It would be a typical super-villain plot, putting all their eggs in one basket with no backups. Sadly, I suspect the Dark Side's masters are smarter than that.

"Right, so you've have killed them for no good. But if they're alive and we can free them, we could… I don't know, build something like the machine they were plugged into so we can… Reverse the Anti-Life, or shield people and places from it. I… I do see the usefulness of being able to kill people without hesitating. I don't like it, but I… I do understand. But I'm glad you didn't. And-. And don't say 'we'll find out if I was right later', because that's not how it works."

"Yeah. Thanks, Alan. Okay, coming up on the coast now. I'll get back in touch if anything significant happens."

"Over and out."
And honestly, that little pep talk is just what OL needed, even if he doesn't realise it.

31st November 2012
19:09 GMT -3

And there's Rio de Janeiro, not looking much worse than normal. Interesting fact that with the money and drugs more or less gone, large criminal gangs are more or less a thing of the past. Plenty of small gangs, and I can hear gunfire from here, but the Accala have almost completely cut off drug production in South America. And the reduced size of the government gives far less opportunity for corruption.
I suppose that's one beneficial thing to come out of the whole South America thing...

"Orange Lantern to Accalacan. Literally anyone, please come in."

Scans of the jungle are confused, as per normal. The Accala had nothing to do with the Alliance of the Just, due to not needing external help in policing themselves and having a barely measurable crime rate. Also, a healthy dislike of foreigners and no infrastructure. Point is, I'm not expecting any Justifiers out here-.

"Lantern. What the Hell is happening to us?"
...Oh, boy. That's not great.

So, things are... Stable in a strange way down south, it seems? Let's hope that Euanthe's non-human nature makes Anti-Life less effective upon her than it should be. Hopefully, the Accala tribes have avoided the kind of violence hitting other parts of the world. Between their increased durability and cultural differences, they'd probably hold up better...

On the topic of the Small Universe: Remember, those same changes to the nature of the universe allow it to have multiple simultaneous timelines (Including Mandated and OL-Paragon at least, if not other Earth-16 variants like Tangseid or the demon-eating Sybarite) which no doubt requires vast amounts of energy. DC Cosmology is weird any way you look at it.

Meanwhile, Galaxies, despite what comic-book writers often think, are much, much larger than you understand. The Milky Way is almost 90,000 Light years across, and houses millions of stars. If even a tenth of them are home to advanced cultures, that's a lot of places to police, conquer or just adventure in...
Old Krypton was all kinds of weird. And not just in their technological ethics... Look at that fashion! The front guy in red there is basically wearing a thong. :oops:

Superman's weird underpants over pants now seem perfectly sensible and not at all weird.

mean, what did come of that whole 'infuse Earth's plants with divine energy' plan? Surely that would offer some protection to them.

We know that Zauriel isn't immune, so it may not give them that much resistance.

Hopefully, the Accala tribes have avoided the kind of violence hitting other parts of the world. Between their increased durability and cultural differences, they'd probably hold up better...

Paul did say that people that had to live with despair were handling the Equation a little better, and the Accala could have potentially been dealing with it.

Sadly, their strength may protect them, but they're surrounded by people that lack it, so those people are surrounded by super strong threats.

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