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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Xenopsychology (part 1)

6 558 937.M41


Tsua'm looks mildly concerned as we walk through the secure biological research facility. Given the nature of what's being studied here, there are a lot fewer members of the Fire Caste than would usually be the case. Instead, internal security is provided by stationary turrets and gun drones, though they're neatly slotted into charge stations or otherwise folded away at the moment. Similarly, the whole place is run by a A.I. with the personality engram of the lead researcher who founded it, an interesting solution to the problem of A.I. friendliness and the novel problem solving difficulties A.I.s sometimes have.

"Your efforts have aided the Tau Empire greatly. I am unused to humans with-"

I smile slightly as she uses the English word without really thinking about it. She can be remarkably insightful at times.

"-your disposition-."

I glance at her with raised eyebrows. "You mean not fanatical converts?"

"I prefer to be polite. I would call them-."


She makes the choking sound that tau make when they're laughing. "No-." She elbows me in the ribs. "No, I would not call them that, and you should stop corrupting me with such ideas. You… Filthy heretic."

I put my right hand over my heart. "Won't happen again."

"The Empire exalts you above all other humans. You could ask for a world to rule, and you would be granted it. Instead, you ask for trivial things."

I shrug. "I like my work."

"I know that, but the Lar'shi Por'ar'tol are used to humans who are used to… A 'neo-feudal' structure. And yet you do not want land, or trade contracts, nor marriage into-"

I wince. "Please tell me they haven't-."

"-a notable family and no, after your reaction to the concubines they sent last time I was able to convince them that it would not be a good idea."

"Thank you."

That was a bit of a shock. A really… Awkward shock. Because they came from a human world where concubinage was a perfectly respectable profession for a noblewoman looking for promotion, which meant that they were from really well-connected families because Tsua'm isn't joking about how much the Empire likes me. Working out how to turn the women down without getting them shunned when they got home was a lot of work, but not a hard decision to make because they were still nuts.

"The humans of your age were different, I understand. But this is not corruption. Placing industries and peoples in the hands of trustworthy families is a perfectly accepted part of rulership in human society. And I am not looking at you and I know you are either wincing or rolling your eyes." I'm doing both. "It is difficult to rule such a large area of space. Sometimes, it is necessary to use stable systems rather than ideologically pure ones, as well you know."

"Yes, but…" I sigh. "Okay, there are a few things."

"Then tell me what they are."

"I… Can't."

"In the same way that you can't say your name?"

"No. It's… Some things, their nature is affected by how they're given. Like… No one orders fire warrior squads to undergo the bonding ritual, they do it when they all feel that their relationship has reached that stage."

"Of course. I see. Then I must decipher what you want without being directly told."

"I'm afraid so."

"That is marvellous!"

I frown at her as we arrive at our destination. "It is?"

She nods.. in a slightly awkward way because it's not a natural gesture for the tau. She sort of thrusts her head forwards slightly before tilting it. It makes her look a little like a chicken pecking at the ground. "If I can intuit your intention with such precision, then I will be worthy of promotion. I will be much better placed to curb the well-meaning actions of the Lar'shi Por'ar'tol as Por'Vre Lar'shi Tsua'm Raard."

I take a moment to consider the effects of promotion on tau social interactions.

Hang on.

"Is your mother still-?"

"AND WE ARE HERE!" She puts her right hand on the palm reader. "One to access, one to monitor."

"Acknowledged, Alien Psychology Envoy Tsua'm Raard."

Two armoured doors slide open, and she wastes exactly no time in striding through the one to the right. And I receive a reminder that just because tau have less close family structures when compared with humans, that doesn't mean that they don't sometimes get pressure from their parents.


I walk in through the left door, which closes behind me.

"Please don protective equipment."

I clench my left hand, construct armour appearing around me.

"Acceptable. The following advisories are to be relayed before contact. The contained specimen has: supertau speed, supertau strength, supertau endurance, supertau senses and tau-equivalent intelligence. Interior weapons are permanently active, and in the result of a confrontation your survival will not be prioritised. Please confirm that you understand."

"I understand."

"Acceptance noted." The interior door opens. "Have a productive day."

"Will do." I walk into the holding room, dismissing my construct armour. "You too."

The room is divided in two by solid bars, with the captive on the far side. She's dressed in clothing that's not really any different to tau casual wear, if a little simplified. The actual interior of the cell is bare… Ah, the tau version of rockcrete, with a small rug to either sleep on or just to keep off the cold floor. The only other object is a commode, and the only hole in the bars is the device for taking waste material out and allowing food in.

The woman herself has brown skin and -naturally- no hair. The ridge crests are relatively small and she's clearly used to avoiding letting people getting a good look at her teeth. Two arms, two legs, skin covering her muscles… You'd almost think she was human. She'd be the picture of good health, too, if she wasn't curled up in the middle of the rug and trying not to shake.

Very nearly human eyes are fixed on me.

"Good morning, Subject Two Five Seven Nine Four."

"F-f-f-f-amily. Why-? Why can't I h-hear them? P-promised…"

"Because we're not stupid enough to put a fourth generation genestealer hybrid somewhere without a null zone." I activate the room's holographic display, switching it between images taken from the facility's various other holding cells. "As you can see, they're alive and well."

The other surviving members of her cult. And not 'her' in the sense that she ruled it. We're fairly sure that she's just a regular neophyte hybrid rather than one of the 'specialist' forms that genestealer cults produce if they reach the 4th generation, but she has seniority amongst those that escaped the Imperium and surrendered to the Tau Empire.

So much that we don't know about genestealer-infected humans. So much we could learn from willing test subjects.

And so much trouble we could get into if this goes badly.

"Now." I smile. "Let's begin with the background."
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The threadmark here says Xenopsychology, but the story only thread has both the tab and episode title as Counterpunched. Which one is correct?

Edit: Just checked the TOC, and found that Xenopsychology is for the WH40K parts, so the threadmarks are correct. Sorry for the wrong observation.
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I glance at her with raised eyebrows. "You mean not fanatical converts

No one believes more strongly than a convert.

She makes the choking sound that t'au make when they're laughing. "No-." She elbows me in the ribs. "No, I would not call them that, and you should stop corrupting me with such ideas. You… Filthy heretic."

I put my right hand over my heart. "Won't happen again

Am I sensing some romance here?

slightly awkward may because

"way because"

6 558 937.M41


Tsua'm looks mildly concerned as we walk through the secure biological research facility. Given the nature of what's being studied here, there are a lot fewer members of the Fire Cast than would usually be the case. Instead, internal security is provided by stationary turrets and gun drones, though they're neatly slotted into charge stations or otherwise folded away at the moment. Similarly, the whole place is run by a A.I. with the personality engram of the lead researcher who founded it, an interesting solution to the problem of A.I. friendliness and the novel problem solving difficulties A.I.s sometimes have.
Ah, beginning with P'Aul, our erstwhile insertee into the madness place that is the Warhammer 40,000 universe. And yes, the Tau do enjoy making use of AI and personality engrams quite often. In the rebel Farsight Enclaves, at least one of their ruling council of eight is just such an engram... In a Broadside artillery battlesuit frame.

"Your efforts have aided the Tau Empire greatly. I am unused to humans with-"

I smile slightly as she uses the English word without really thinking about it. She can be remarkably insightful at times.
Well, it is her job to make you feel comfortable and welcomed. Of course she's going to try and get along with you.

"-your disposition-."

I glance at her with raised eyebrows. "You mean not fanatical converts?"
Ah, the Gue'Vesa Auxiliaries. Those worlds within Tau space that defected from the Imperium. Though I suspect life isn't all that different for the average citizen...

"I prefer to be polite. I would call them-."

More than likely pronounced like 'Monkey vay-sah'. Even if the Tau word isn't quite sounded out that way. Odd how many races have names for Humans that resemble that word. :p

She makes the choking sound that t'au make when they're laughing. "No-." She elbows me in the ribs. "No, I would not call them that, and you should stop corrupting me with such ideas. You… Filthy heretic."

I put my right hand over my heart. "Won't happen again."
Heh. Flirting with your diplomatic attaché by joking about derogatory names. How Paul of him.

"The Empire exalts you above all other humans. You could ask for a world to rule, and you would be granted it. Instead, you ask for trivial things."

I shrug. "I like my work."
And do you know how much work it is to actually rule a planet? Especially if you can't trust your subordinates not to be gibbering psychopaths?

"I know that, but the Lar'shi Por'ar'tol are used to humans who are used to… A 'neo-feudal' structure. And yet you do not want land, or trade contracts, nor marriage into-"

I wince. "Please tell me they haven't-."
...I'm guessing that term means 'Diplomatic Corps' or similar. It's been a while since I opened a Tau codex, even if I do have the latest edition tucked away with my vintage army.

"-a notable family and no, after your reaction to the concubines they sent last time I was able to convince them that it would not be a good idea."

"Thank you."
Given the risks of using an Orange Ring in a galaxy containing the Devil of Desire, that's probably a good idea.

That was a bit of a shock. A really… Awkward shock. Because they came from a human world where concubinage was a perfectly respectable profession for a noblewoman looking for promotion, which meant that they were from really well-connected families because Tsua'm isn't joking about how much the Empire likes me. Working out how to turn the women down without getting them shunned when they got home was a lot of work, but not a hard decision to make because they were still nuts.
No kidding. Seriously, Imperials are... It's hard to even imagine how to describe how bizarre they might seem to a modern, Western person.

"The humans of your age were different, I understand. But this is not corruption. Placing industries and peoples in the hands of trustworthy families is a perfectly accepted part of rulership in human society. And I am not looking at you and I know you are either wincing or rolling your eyes." I'm doing both. "It is difficult to rule such a large area of space. Sometimes, it is necessary to use stable systems rather than ideologically pure ones, as well you know."
The only problem with that system is when those 'trusted' families are corrupted in some way by the more insidious threats of the Galaxy. Corruption that an outside pair of eyes can't even recognise...

"Yes, but…" I sigh. "Okay, there are a few things."

"Then tell me what they are."
No, no. This isn't the kind of thing you can just go blurting out, I'm sure.

"I… Can't."

"In the same way that you can't say your name?"
Which makes me wonder what they do call him? Would there even be a Tau term for Orange Lantern? Frustratingly, information on the language is sparse.

"No. It's… Some things, their nature is affected by how they're given. Like… No one orders fire warrior squads to undergo the bonding ritual, they do it when they all feel that their relationship has reached that stage."

"Of course. I see. Then I must decipher what you want without being directly told."
...Good luck with that. Humans are hardly consistent at the best of times. An Orange Lantern even less so.

"I'm afraid so."

"That is marvellous!"

I frown at her as we arrive at our destination. "It is?"
It'd be an interesting challenge, if nothing else?

She nods.. in a slightly awkward may because it's not a natural gesture for the t'au. She sort of thrusts her head forwards slightly before tilting it. It makes her look a little like a chicken pecking at the ground. "If I can intuit your intention with such precision, then I will be worthy of promotion. I will be much better placed to curb the well-meaning actions of the Lar'shi Por'ar'tol as Por'Vre Lar'shi Tsua'm Raard."

I take a moment to consider the affects of promotion on tau social interactions.
...Oh, don't tell me... There's one more aspect of Asian culture that Tau also share, isn't there?

Hang on.

"Is your mother still-?"
...Tiger Moms. :rolleyes: No wonder the young lady is so ambitious and driven.

"AND WE ARE HERE!" She puts her right hand on the palm reader. "One to access, one to monitor."

"Acknowledged, Alien Psychology Envoy Tsua'm Raard."
Yep, someone has an overbearing mother dropping hints about her career stalling out...

Two armoured doors slide open, and she wastes exactly no time in striding through the one to the right. And I receive a reminder that just because tau have less close family structures when compared with humans, that doesn't mean that they don't sometimes get pressure from their parents.

The more you discover, the more human they seem, eh?

I walk in through the left door, which closes behind me.

"Please don protective equipment."

A clench my left hand, construct armour appearing around me.
Better than any biological hazard gear available from Tau sources..

"Acceptable. The following advisories are to be relayed before contact. The contained specimen has: supertau speed, supertau strength, supertau endurance, supertau senses and tau-equivalent intelligence. Interior weapons are permanently active, and in the result of a confrontation your survival will not be prioritised. Please confirm that you understand."

"I understand."
Though there's very little that could take him in melee, unless someone's hiding a Power Weapon somewhere uncomfortable.

"Acceptance noted." The interior door opens. "Have a productive day."

"Will do." I walk into the holding room, dismissing my construct armour. "You too."
Whether organic intelligence or synthetic, it always pays to be polite and friendly.

The room is divided in two by solid bars, with the captive on the far side. She's dressed in clothing that's not really any different to tau casual wear, if a little simplified. The actual interior of the cell is bare… Ah, the tau version of rockcrete, with a small rug to either sleep on or just to keep off the cold floor. The only other object is a commode, and the only hole in the bars is the device for taking waste material out and allowing food in.
Taking no chances, I see. But given the threat involved, understandable...

The woman herself has brown skin and -naturally- no hair. The ridge crests are relatively small and she's clearly used to avoiding letting people getting a good look at her teeth. Two arms, two legs, skin covering her muscles… You'd almost think she was human. She'd be the picture of good health, too, if she wasn't curled up in the middle of the rug and trying not to shake.

Very nearly human eyes are fixed on me.
...Because Genestealer Cultists can have some nasty little tricks up their sleeves.

"Good morning, Subject Two Five Seven Nine Four."

"F-f-f-f-amily. Why-? Why can't I h-hear them? P-promised…"
Genestealer hybrids are psychically linked to their family members, under the domination of the zeroth-generation Genestealer Patriarch that rules them. I can't imagine the Tau haven't taken precautions against that bond.

"Because we're not stupid enough to put a fourth generation genestealer hybrid somewhere without a null zone." I activate the room's holographic display, switching it between images taken from the facility's various other holding cells. "As you can see, they're alive and well."

The other surviving members of her cult. And not 'her' in the sense that she ruled it. We've fairly sure that she's just a regular neophyte hybrid rather than one of the 'specialist' forms that genestealer cults produce if they reach the 4th generation, but she has seniority amongst those that escaped the Imperium and surrendered to the Tau Empire.
Specialists such as a Magus, basically a psychic wizard, or a Primus, a combat expert who can come close to a Space Marine in combat lethality. And that's just the tip of the specialisation iceberg.

So much that we don't know about genestealer-infected humans. So much we could learn from willing test subjects.

And so much trouble we could get into if this goes badly.

"Now." I smile. "Let's begin with the background."
All it would take is one slightly xenophilic researcher or someone forgetting to check a suit seal... And then the hybrid's persuasive influence would go to work...

Well, this is an interesting start. They're going to have to be very careful when dealing with the hybrids. Despite their subtly inhuman appearance, they have near-supernatural persuasive talents. It's how they spread amongst human society, after all. Which, ironically, might make P'Aul the best possible person to interact with them. He knows what they can do, and to be on guard against it...

...a lot fewer members of the Fire Cast than would usually be the case.
...a lot fewer members of the Fire Caste than would usually be the case.
A clench my left hand, construct armour appearing around me.
I clench my left hand, construct armour appearing around me.
No matter which universe a Paul winds up in, it is his nature to try to take the local villians and make them productive members of society.
I really expected a captured Astartes. The discussions between one and Paul would be gold.

His Ring AI should be powerful enough to just ask for a Genestealer vaccine, right?

Also, Zoat, WHY does this Paul not yet have a cute, orangified Tau-drone buddy??? What is this travesty!
Ah, the Gue'Vesa Auxiliaries. Those worlds within Tau space that defected from the Imperium. Though I suspect life isn't all that different for the average citizen

It probably is, since the Tau are far, far, far more likely to treat them nicely, give them advanced tech etc.

And do you know how much work it is to actually rule a planet? Especially if you can't trust your subordinates not to be gibbering psychopaths

Like the Monarch said, leave world domination to the Republicans and the religious nuts.

No kidding. Seriously, Imperials are... It's hard to even imagine how to describe how bizarre they might seem to a modern, Western person

It's like a civilization created by a schizophrenic that took a lot of drugs then spun around until he was dizzy before running headfirst into a wall.
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She makes the choking sound that t'au make when they're laughing.
Since you've used both multiple times in this update (not sure about previous times), I don't know whether you should change all of the 'tau' to 't'au', or if you should do the opposite. I think 't'au' is the modern correct spelling, but obviously if you prefer 'tau' then you'll use that.
"Your efforts have aided the Tau Empire greatly. I am unused to humans with-"
She nods.. in a slightly awkward way because it's not a natural gesture for the t'au.
I take a moment to consider the affects of promotion on tau social interactions.
"Acknowledged, Alien Psychology Envoy Tsua'm Raard."
Classic xenophobia, calling it 'Alien Psychology' when they're a multi-species polity and have been for centuries or millennia.
And I receive a reminder that just because tau have less close family structures when compared with humans, that doesn't mean that they don't sometimes get pressure from their parents.
The contained specimen has: supertau speed, supertau strength, supertau endurance, supertau senses and tau-equivalent intelligence.
'supert'au' x4?
This describes a lot of species. In physical abilities the t'au aren't all that impressive.
She's dressed in clothing that's not really any different to tau casual wear, if a little simplified. The actual interior of the cell is bare… Ah, the tau version of rockcrete, with a small rug to either sleep on or just to keep off the cold floor.
't'au' x2?
"Because we're not stupid enough to put a fourth generation genestealer hybrid somewhere without a null zone."
Is this the influence of the SI? I don't remember them having null technology. Or did they find some human blanks and this is how they're using them?
We've fairly sure that she's just a regular neophyte hybrid rather than one of the 'specialist' forms that genestealer cults produce if they reach the 4th generation, but she has seniority amongst those that escaped the Imperium and surrendered to the Tau Empire.
I assume you mean 1956, unless "Marvel time is screwy" includes moving the Suez Crisis six years earlier.

Suez Crisis happened in October/November 1956. Storm was 5 and a half when it happened. So she must have been born in the first half of 1951 (ok I was one year wrong).
...a lot fewer members of the Fire Caste than would usually be the case.
I clench my left hand, construct armour appearing around me.
Thank you, corrected.
No matter which universe a Paul winds up in, it is his nature to try to take the local villains and make them productive members of society.
It's 40K. They're all villains.
I really expected a captured Astartes. The discussions between one and Paul would be gold.
When he needs to cheer himself up, he tracks down the Lamenters' battle barge, sneaks on board and repairs stuff.
His Ring AI should be powerful enough to just ask for a Genestealer vaccine, right?
In theory, it could remove genestealer traits. Getting a vaccine would require a lot more knowledge of biology and psionics than he has.
Also, Zoat, WHY does this Paul not yet have a cute, orangified Tau-drone buddy??? What is this travesty!

Why would he?
Since you've used both multiple times in this update (not sure about previous times), I don't know whether you should change all of the 'tau' to 't'au', or if you should do the opposite. I think 't'au' is the modern correct spelling, but obviously if you prefer 'tau' then you'll use that.
'supert'au' x4?
't'au' x2?
Thank you, corrected.
This describes a lot of species. In physical abilities the t'au aren't all that impressive.
The point of the warning is to make sure that the tau going in knows that the subject is physically superior to them.
Is this the influence of the SI? I don't remember them having null technology. Or did they find some human blanks and this is how they're using them?
Null technology isn't all that rare amongst Imperial worlds and installations. The null zone for this room comes from a null rod they acquired from an inquisitor. Most of the rest comes from imperial capital ships.
Classic xenophobia, calling it 'Alien Psychology' when they're a multi-species polity and have been for centuries or millennia.
They're a multi-species polity, but this isn't the UFoP. The different species aren't really integrated.
Well you can, and from what I remember on your FAQ, you've never missed a day so far?
Yes I did. I missed a day when I was house-sitting for my parents and their internet connection had an episode. I posted two the next day, but I can't claim that it's always one each day.
Yes I did. I missed a day when I was house-sitting for my parents and their internet connection had an episode. I posted two the next day, but I can't claim that it's always one each day.

Also a couple bans mean you missed the schedule as well, but it resulted in the update being posted very late Europe time thus same day, the other one meant you took the exile way and posted on SV while you were banned in SB, ironic since your lack of activity in SB has allowed you to avoid the wave of permanent bans they have been randomly issuing to people with old temp bans on their records.

But let's not talk about that crap, the commitment to a daily schedule is commendable and appreciated even if I feel it has allowed you to pull an Akira Toriyama as you seem to forget plot points at times... Like what happened to the surviving star conquerors after they failed to revive the mother star (because I don't believe they were stupid enough to not have a few of them in other places just in case, I mean they became psychic magic users, one would expect them to either invade or create their own little magic hole to hide and recover from).
The greatest zealots are the skeptics that change their views. Just look at Lorgar. He believed the Emperor was a God and when his God told him "NO" he found other gods.
Eh, not really. He went back to his childhood faith. That's more like a Baptist in the Great Awakening joining up with the Mormons, then becoming disillusioned with Joseph Smith and becoming a Baptist preacher. Or a Catholic see-sawing to Jehovah's Witnesses and then back. Still dramatic, but a very different thing than a convinced skeptic.
I assume that genestealers are a weird sci-fi cult that takes genetic information to enhance themselves in an appropriately horrific way.

I can still follow along despite mostly knowing Warhammer 40k from OSP's Grimdark video and a brother making a 'blood for the blood god' joke. But I accept there's definitely depth I'm missing
I really expected a captured Astartes. The discussions between one and Paul would be gold.

His Ring AI should be powerful enough to just ask for a Genestealer vaccine, right?

Also, Zoat, WHY does this Paul not yet have a cute, orangified Tau-drone buddy??? What is this travesty!
A cure for Genestealer infections may not be possible. There is a mystic/psychic component to what they do.
I assume that genestealers are a weird sci-fi cult that takes genetic information to enhance themselves in an appropriately horrific way.

I can still follow along despite mostly knowing Warhammer 40k from OSP's Grimdark video and a brother making a 'blood for the blood god' joke. But I accept there's definitely depth I'm missing

Genestealer Cults are the face of the Genestealer entities, the advance scouts of the Tyranids.
Eh, not really. He went back to his childhood faith. That's more like a Baptist in the Great Awakening joining up with the Mormons, then becoming disillusioned with Joseph Smith and becoming a Baptist preacher. Or a Catholic see-sawing to Jehovah's Witnesses and then back. Still dramatic, but a very different thing than a convinced skeptic.
The thing most people don't get about Lorgar is that he isn't someone built to be a 40K Fundamentalist. He himself is built more in the vein of the historical religious scholars who saw their study of theology as a means of uncovering the secrets of the world and the way it works. Essentially, natural philosophy in the form of theology.

Which in 40K is actually fair game considering the nature of the Warp and Daemons and Gods and all that shit. Like, the Warp is fundamentally a part of reality. Just one to which a religious lens of study tends to be just as, if not better suited to uncovering its operating principles than that of what people tend to associate with contemporary science.
Also a couple bans mean you missed the schedule as well, but it resulted in the update being posted very late Europe time thus same day, the other one meant you took the exile way and posted on SV while you were banned in SB, ironic since your lack of activity in SB has allowed you to avoid the wave of permanent bans they have been randomly issuing to people with old temp bans on their records.
The root of all pain is attachment.
But let's not talk about that crap, the commitment to a daily schedule is commendable and appreciated even if I feel it has allowed you to pull an Akira Toriyama as you seem to forget plot points at times... Like what happened to the surviving star conquerors after they failed to revive the mother star (because I don't believe they were stupid enough to not have a few of them in other places just in case, I mean they became psychic magic users, one would expect them to either invade or create their own little magic hole to hide and recover from).
No, they went all-in on recovering the Mother Star. There are probably one or two around the place, most likely in very secure laboratories, but between the psychic damage from the Mother Star dying and everyone hating them, there weren't any left free.
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