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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

That honestly says more about the other chapters.
I mean, everybody's got their signature flaw, right? Some of them are polite rage monsters, some are impolite rage monsters, some are obsessive cyborgs, some are obsessive doctrinaires, some are chill smith boys but constantly on the edge of extinction. The Black Templars are anti-psyker and excessively religious, but channeled in a fairly productive and reasonable way. Also, their faith actually works and has saved the galaxy several times.

Personally I'd be far more tempted to mess with the Dark Angels. They're like gay British spies in the 70s: the only thing they have to conceal is the fact they've been concealing things. Paranoid idiots are a disgrace to the name of Lion El'Johnson.
Null technology isn't all that rare amongst Imperial worlds and installations. The null zone for this room comes from a null rod they acquired from an inquisitor. Most of the rest comes from imperial capital ships.
The Null technology on Imperial Worlds and Installations is Necron technology that the Imperium built on top of...

Just like the Null Rods...

And the only Imperium Ships likely to have them are the Black Ships and Grey Knight ships. And if he attacked either of those the Tau would be wiped out.
People who don't already have that kind of mindset would be forced to constantly change up how they're thinking about their goal in order to use one or the other. Maybe if a single being had two minds, each could concentrate on one ring.
I wonder how multi brained organisms would work as lanterns. I bet Dox has looked into it.
Xenopsychology (part 2)
6 558 937.M41

I think back to when I took this footage.

The whole thing was nerve-wracking and unnerving rather than… Dangerous. Tyranid ships aren't known for their agility, but more than that they don't really make use of lightspeed weapons. Sure, they can fire billions of gallons of high strength acid to melt you, or a giant vacuum cleaner mouth to eat you, but if they want to destroy a small target they have to send actual tyranid fighters after you.

So when flying past the capillary towers and over the reclamation pools as the remaining tyranid creatures on the planet ate the last of the world's organic matter and then threw themselves in, the only thing I really had to worry about was a Norn Queen deigning to take notice of me. Which didn't seem very likely, and as far as I can remember tyranid psychic attacks are mostly either short ranged or required the target to be a psyker.

"So, yeah, this is the final stage. I haven't been able to obtain live footage of the consumption process actually finishing, but if you're still here in a few years I'll fly back to.. this planet, and record it for you."

The hybrid is actually crying as she stares at the image of a brood of genestealers waiting patiently for the rippers to finish being reclaimed before bravely stepping forward themselves.

"I take it that you… Weren't aware of this?"

"Father, no..?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm not sure whether or not your Patriarch was consciously 'aware' of any of this. As far as I've been able to tell, while genestealers are capable of reacting to their environment in complex ways, they're not really… 'Intelligent' in the sense that you and I are. It's entirely possible that he wouldn't have ever sat down and thought, 'time to create a load of minions that I'm going to destroy', he'd just have… Once the fleet got into synapse range, he'd have directed you to make reckless attacks to distract the forces of the Imperium, and if any of you had survived then he'd have sent you…"

I point to the holographic image of the suicidal genestealers.

"Like that. As I understand it, some cults regard that as an ascent to some sort of heaven. I haven't found any evidence of that actually happening. Tyranids don't really do individuality. They wouldn't see any value in preserving an individual mind."

"That's all we are? A distraction? For the-? For the Star Gods?"

"Depends what you mean. If you mean 'the tyranids', then they're not really gods. They're a group of species of vaguely insectoid aliens. If you mean 'the Hive Mind', yes. Exactly the same as individual tyranids. Much like other gods, the Hive Mind has a single bunch of strong concepts that are things it does, and no real imagination or capacity to understand things outside of that. You're a way of subverting members of a prey species, lictors are for scouting and gaining information from the brains of enemies, carnifexes are for drawing enemy fire and surviving while other creatures close the distance… Everything has a role. But cultists like you are the only ones who can think like humans. No tyranid warrior would ever experience the existential doubt that you're feeling right now. Oh, I have a question for you, if you don't mind?"

She just keep staring at the hologram, so I turn it off. She stares blankly at the wall for a moment, then slowly turns her head towards me.

She's still crying.

"I know that purestrains…" I generate a hologram. "What did your cult call them?"

"Sacred message-bearers. We would… We would paint designs on their carapaces… On the holy days."

"They infected people via their proboscis?"

"They bring them-." She shakes her head, looking down at the floor. "Yes. The… The.. injection. In the.. neck or chest."

"Not the arm?"


Huh. Odd. It's basically a virus; anywhere in the circulatory system should do. Does it need to go into the heart or brain to work properly?

"And how long does it take to fully take effect?"

"It… It varies. Some hear the words in a few moments. With others… A day or two."

"Literal words, or just a general sense of rightness?"

"There are… Speakers. Priests who… There were…"

I'm not going to feel sad about a genestealer cult being wiped out. Wonder if the Ichar IV Magus was ever found?

"But nothing from the implantation itself?"


"And their children are hybrids, who have the most genestealer characteristics?"


"Does that require both parents to be inductees, or is just one enough?"

"I don't know. Everyone I knew had two… Parents, who were Family."

"You can talk to first generation hybrids?"

"Yes. They… They carry the Voice of the Family. The words don't come from their mouths, but we understand… Them."

"And they can reproduce sexually?"


"With other hybrids, or cultists, or… Who?"

"Both. The men could sire more children than there were women to bear them, so they bred with initiates."

"And the women? Could they breed with initiates?"

"I don't know. We bred to increase the generation of the children, so they could disguise themselves better. They needed at least three generations, so…"

"With one parental line, or both?"

"Both for them-. Us, to look as unenlightened as possible. But it was… Difficult. Most of my own children were message-bearers. Others of my generation had to adopt children of the third generation to maintain the pretence. That was better for them, as well. The first and second generations are not good at raising children."

"Can any generation other than purestrains infect people?"

"No. No."

"Mind showing me your tongue?"

She gives me a small frown, then opens her mouth and sticks it out. It's longer and more cylindrical than a normal human tongue, but there clearly aren't any anomalous structures there.

"And you can't transmit it sexually?"

"No. I… Don't think so. I only mated with third and fourth generation…"

"To create other human-looking hybrids or purestrains, who were more useful than first and second generation hybrids."

"Yes. I…" She actually manages to look up and make eye contact. "What will happen to us now?"
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Because creating a fake video is totally beyond propaganda departments in Warhammer 40k.

Hence why nobody has ever been able to use such an easy method to turn a Genestealers before.


Appearently t'au capability extends towards genetics. They can 're-code' people infected by genestealers

It's really cool to see Paul's adventures in 40k again. My favorite What-If series for sure
Like most Tau propaganda that doesn't actually work and results in the planet getting eaten.

The way you can tell it was propaganda was the whole "using recombinant gene-recoding techniques all but unknown to the biologis adepts of the Adeptus Mechanicus" part.
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(Links stripped due to badly broken links turning 90% of the chapter into links n the reply box...)
6 558 937.M41

I think back to when I took this footage.

The whole thing was nerve-wracking and unnerving rather than… Dangerous. Tyranid ships aren't know for their agility, but more than that they don't really make use of lightspeed weapons. Sure, they can fire billions of gallons of high strength acid, or a giant vacuum cleaner mouth to eat you, but if they want to destroy a small target they have to send actual tyranid fighters after you.
And no fighter craft or void-swimming creature is nearly as effective as a Lantern. I suppose this makes some of the most detailed footage of a late-phase Tyranid consumption than any Imperial could ever have recovered.

So when flying past the capillary towers and over the reclamation pools as the remaining tyranid creatures on the planet ate the last of the world's organic matter and then threw themselves in, the only thing I really had to worry about was a Norn Queen deigning to take notice of me. Which didn't seem very likely, and as far as I can remember tyranid psychic attacks are mostly either short ranged or required the target to be a psyker.

"So, yeah, this is the final stage. I haven't been able to obtain live footage of the consumption process actually finishing, but if you're still here in a few years I'll fly back to.. this planet, and record it for you."
Oh, nasty. Showing the cultist just what she'd face if a Hive Fleet turned up in her lifetime...

The hybrid is actually crying as she stares at the image of a brood of genestealers waiting patiently for the rippers to finish being reclaimed before bravely stepping forward themselves.

"I take it that you… Weren't aware of this?"
They never are. :rolleyes: That's part of the tragedy of the Cults. They'll be down the gullets of the Fleet the same as everyone else. And they'll smile all the way down...

"Father, no..?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm not sure whether or not your Patriarch was consciously 'aware' of any of this. As far as I've been able to tell, while genestealers are capable of reacting to their environment in complex ways, they're not really… 'Intelligent' in the sense that you and I are. It's entirely possible that he wouldn't have ever sat down and thought, 'time to create a load of minions that I'm going to destroy', he'd just have… Once the fleet got into synapse range, he'd have directed you to make reckless attacks to distract the forces of the Imperium, and if any of you had survived then he'd have sent you…"
One of the frustrations Imperial worlds have to deal with during the onset of the invasion, of course. When chunks of their own forces, even Planetary Defense forces and Imperial Guard units, can reveal themselves to be undermined from within...

I point to the holographic image of the suicidal genestealers.

"Like that. As I understand it, some cults regard that as an ascent to some sort of heaven. I haven't found any evidence of that actually happening. Tyranids don't really do individuality. They wouldn't see any value in preserving an individual mind."

"That's all we are? A distraction? For the-? For the Star Gods?"
They're no gods. Gods in this universe are gibbering lunatics, skulking tricksters or ravening berserkers...

"Depends what you mean. If you mean 'the tyranids', then they're not really gods. They're a group of species of vaguely insectoid aliens. If you mean 'the Hive Mind', yes. Exactly the same as individual tyranids. Much like other gods, the Hive Mind has a single bunch of strong concepts that are things it does, and no real imagination or capacity to understand things outside of that. You're a way of subverting members of a prey species, lictors are for scouting and gaining information from the brains of enemies, carnifexes are for drawing enemy fire and surviving while other creatures close the distance… Everything has a role. But cultists like you are the only ones who can think like humans. No tyranid warrior would ever experience the existential doubt that you're feeling right now. Oh, I have a question for you, if you don't mind?"
Because the term 'Hive Mind' is not hyperbole. All tyranids creatures have a connection to the whole. Those with a constant direct uplink to it direct those too insignificant to. :confused: Like a person moving a millions fingertips at once... It gives no more consideration to the safety or survival of a single termagent than you would a single cell of skin...

She just keep staring at the hologram, so I turn it off. She stares blankly at the wall for a moment, then slowly turns her head towards me.

She's still crying.
And until she reconnects with her 'family', this will stick with her. Sadly, their combined voice will probably undo her learning...

"I know that purestrains…" I generate a hologram. "What did your cult call them?"

"Sacred message-bearers. We would… We would paint designs on their carapaces… On the holy days."
...Now there's an idea for a paint-scheme on a Cultist army...

"They infected people via their proboscis?"

"They bring them-." She shakes her head, looking down at the floor. "Yes. The… The.. injection. In the.. neck or chest."
Sadly, despite the name 'Kiss', it's anything but...

"Not the arm?"

I figure it's more like a facehugger inserting a Xenomorph egg. Except in this case, it's more a spore filled with the retro-viral material it uses to alter people's minds and reproductive systems.

Huh. Odd. It's basically a virus; anywhere in the circulatory system should do. Does it need to go into the heart or brain to work properly?"

"And how long does it take to fully take affect?"
...At least this doesn't end with a chestburster ripping its way out of the host.

"It… It varies. Some hear the words in a few moments. With others… A day or two."

"Literal words, or just a general sense of rightness?"
No doubt whatever organelles serve to link them to the Genestealer's hive-mind node take time to form.

"There are… Speakers. Priests who… There were…"

I'm not going to feel sad about a genestealer cult being wiped out. Wonder if the Ichar IV Magus was ever found?
All it takes is one impure hybrid slipping away on fleeing vessels to start the process all over again.

"But nothing from the implantation itself?"

No doubt she's seen a few such implantations. Probably helped lure in victims in for the Kiss.

"And their children are hybrids, who have the most genestealer characteristics?"

First Generation Hybrids are ugly little fuckers, mind. They'd have to be very careful about it...

"Does that require both parents to by inductees, or is just one enough?"

"I don't know. Everyone I knew had two… Parents, who were Family."
Since seducing in fresh blood would be risky if they didn't have a purestrain to administer the indoctrination process.

"You can talk to first generation hybrids?"

"Yes. They… They carry the Voice of the Family. The words don't come from their mouths, but we understand… Them."
Yeah, I doubt their mouths are particularly compatible with any kind of human speech.

"And they can reproduce sexually?"

...Ugh. Where's the gorram brain bleach...

"With other hybrids, or cultists, or… Who?"

"Both. The men could sire more children than there were women to bear them, so they bred with initiates."
And this is why they tend to become isolated, insular communites in underhives, mining colonies and the like.

"And the women? Could they breed with initiates?"

"I don't know. We bred to increase the generation of the children, so they could disguise themselves better. They needed at least three generations, so…"
Though a third generation Hybrid still tends to be a little bit gribbly. Brow-plates, patches of chitin in random places, hunch-backs... :eek: All those fun deformities caused by inbreeding.

"With one parental line, or both?"

"Both for them-. Us, to look as unenlightened as possible. But it was… Difficult. Most of my own children were message-bearers. Others of my generation had to adopt children of the third generation to maintain the pretence. That was better for them, as well. The first and second generations are not good at raising children."
:rolleyes: Colour me unsurprised.

"Can any generation other than purestrains infect people?"

"No. No."
Since they tend to be lacking the important bits for it, of course.

"Mind showing me your tongue?"

She gives me a small frown, then opens her mouth and sticks it out. It's longer and more cylindrical that a normal human tongue, but there clearly aren't any anomalous structures there.
Gene Simmons, eat your heart out? :p

"And you can't transmit it sexually?"

"No. I… Don't think so. I only mated with third and fourth generation…"
And for any normal person, this would probably seem probing and inappropriate, but...

"To create other human-looking hybrids or purestrains, who were more useful than first and second generation hybrids."

"Yes. I…" She actually manages to look up and make eye contact. "What will happen to us now?"
At this point? They learn all they can from you while alive, then a quick, painless death and further study after.

I suspect she's only responding the way she is because of the null-field cutting her off from her family members. One aspect of the Cult's mental connection is a reinforcement of their control, after all, and no doubt anyone wavering would be... Reconditioned or just killed. Such is the joy of being born into this shithole of a galaxy. It's not 'Grim Darkness' for nothing, after all...

There's a major issue, with multiple copies of the BBcode for the 'Capillary towers' link splatted about the text, Mr Zoat. It turned all text afterwards into random links in the quote box...
Huh. Odd. It's basically a virus; anywhere in the circulatory system should do. Does it need to go into the heart or brain to work properly?"

"And how long does it take to fully take affect?"
Extraneous quotation mark, if the next line is him speaking... And speaking of that line: 'effect'.
It's longer and more cylindrical that a normal human tongue...
It's longer and more cylindrical than a normal human tongue...
Because creating a fake video is totally beyond propaganda departments in Warhammer 40k.

Hence why nobody has ever been able to use such an easy method to turn a Genestealers before.

Like most Tau propaganda that doesn't actually work and results in the planet getting eaten.

The way you can tell it was propaganda was the whole "using recombinant gene-recoding techniques all but unknown to the biologis adepts of the Adeptus Mechanicus" part.

What is so hard to believe about the Tau having significantly greater scientific accomplishments than the Adeptus Mechanicus? I believe we see this in many cases for their weapons and transport technology. The Tau would also have a major advantage in understanding the Tyrannids as their scientific approach is perfectly capable of making new discoveries while the religious fetishism of the Adeptus Mechanicus means they can only draw on the past achievements of a civilization that would have never encountered a Tyrannid infestation.

It seems perfectly plausible for me that a civilization based on science and cooperation is able to find moral solutions to challenges that a civilization of fanatical fascists believe can only be solved through mass murder. It is not as if the Imperium would ever respond to a Genestealer presence with anything other than brute force and unrelenting hostility.
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Huh. Odd. It's basically a virus; anywhere in the circulatory system should do. Does it need to go into the heart or brain to work properly?"
random quote mark at the end there.

And as for the placement of the injection, could just be to play up the ritualism of it.
"Yes. I…" She actually manages to look up and make eye contact. "What will happen to us now?"
I suppose that depends on what happens when they leave the null-zone. I don't know nearly enough about the Tyranids as to how complete their hive-mind is, so depending on such it might be that they would unfortunately have to be euthanized to prevent more direct involvement/targeting from the nearest splinter fleet.
What is so hard to believe about the Tau having significantly greater scientific accomplishments than the Adeptus Mechanicus? I believe we see this in many cases for their weapons and transport technology. The Tau would also have a major advantage in understanding the Tyrannids as their scientific approach is perfectly capable of making new discoveries while the religious fetishism of the Adeptus Mechanicus means they can only draw on the ancient achievements of a civilization that would have never encountered a Tyrannid infestation.

It seems perfectly plausible for me that a civilization based on science and cooperation is able to find moral solutions to challenges that a civilization of fanatical fascists believe can only be solved through mass murder. It is not as if the Imperium would ever respond to a Genestealer presence with anything other than brute force and unrelenting hostility.
Oh, no, it's perfectly believable that the Tau could manage to purge a genestealer corruption from somebody's genetics; the absolutely farcical bit is the idea that the f*cking HIVE MIND wouldn't notice by the time you de-infected the second city, never mind half the planet, and kick things off early.
Oh, no, it's perfectly believable that the Tau could manage to purge a genestealer corruption from somebody's genetics; the absolutely farcical bit is the idea that the f*cking HIVE MIND wouldn't notice by the time you de-infected the second city, never mind half the planet, and kick things off early.

The Tau have displayed a shocking ability to bamboozle 'Nids in the past. The Farsight Enclaves managed to make a bioweapon that killed off an entire fleet,* and The Tyranids didn't notice they'd been eating it until all the ships and bioforms were wiped out. And The Enclaves are less advanced.

*Not a full Hive Fleet, obviously, but a splinter of one. The planet still ended up wrecked as well, so it was hardly anything other than a bittersweet victory.
What is so hard to believe about the Tau having significantly greater scientific accomplishments than the Adeptus Mechanicus? I believe we see this in many cases for their weapons and transport technology. The Tau would also have a major advantage in understanding the Tyrannids as their scientific approach is perfectly capable of making new discoveries while the religious fetishism of the Adeptus Mechanicus means they can only draw on the ancient achievements of a civilization that would have never encountered a Tyrannid infestation.

It seems perfectly plausible for me that a civilization based on science and cooperation is able to find moral solutions to challenges that a civilization of fanatical fascists believe can only be solved through mass murder. It is not as if the Imperium would ever respond to a Genestealer presence with anything other than brute force and unrelenting hostility.
Tau Weapon's and Vehicles are pieces of junk compared to their actual Imperium counterparts.

The Tau just don't go up against those counterparts, because almost every time the Tau have made themselves more then a minor annoyance and Imperium has tried to bring its actual forces to bear. A dues ex machine has shown up to save the Tau.

But to give a couple examples of how badly outmatched the Tau are technology wise. A single Culexis Assassin literally walked through every bit of Tau security on a planet to murder their most important leader. A handful of space marines wiped out an entire Tau planetary defense network. And that's not even getting to the Imperium burning an entire sector of Tau space with a single weapon.

The Tau are the biggest joke of Warhammer 40k. Because they don't actually realize they're a meaningless joke that only exists because nobody cares enough to wipe them out.
The Tau have displayed a shocking ability to bamboozle 'Nids in the past. The Farsight Enclaves managed to make a bioweapon that killed off an entire fleet,* and The Tyranids didn't notice they'd been eating it until all the ships and bioforms were wiped out. And The Enclaves are less advanced.

*Not a full Hive Fleet, obviously, but a splinter of one. The planet still ended up wrecked as well, so it was hardly anything other than a bittersweet victory.
That's not much of a feat.

The Imperium does the same thing, except more effectively and faster via their Virus Bombs.

we need more of paul in warhammer and 40k. those verses need a lot of fixing.
He can't fix 40k.

Hell, he's actually made things worse because now the Tau are fully on the chopping block.
URL fragment in link text
There's a major issue, with multiple copies of the BBcode for the 'Capillary towers' link splatted about the text, Mr Zoat. It turned all text afterwards into random links in the quote box...
Extraneous quotation mark, if the next line is him speaking... And speaking of that line: 'effect'.
It's longer and more cylindrical than a normal human tongue...
Thank you, corrected.
Fandoms would be much more pleasant without all those annoying fans.

I have to doubt this Paul's claims that the. Hive fleet isn't actually intelligent. Of course, I believe every hive fleet is something of a splinter and the actual mass of tyranid fleet hasn't even arrived into the galaxy, but my knowledge of WH40k is filthy and casual.
Fandoms would be much more pleasant without all those annoying fans.
Games Workshop products would be much better without Games Workshop.
I have to doubt this Paul's claims that the hive fleet isn't actually intelligent. Of course, I believe every hive fleet is something of a splinter and the actual mass of tyranid fleet hasn't even arrived into the galaxy, but my knowledge of WH40k is filthy and casual.
Do you remember how tyranids worked in Epic: Titan Legions? Any unit that wasn't given an order card by one of the local synapse creatures literally acted according to its instincts. If they all died you literally couldn't control your units. I believe the quote from the designer was 'you're just there to roll dice'.
Despite their subtly inhuman appearance, they have near-supernatural persuasive talents.
is it a psychic ability? where does it say that in canon?

They're a multi-species polity, but this isn't the UFoP. The different species aren't really integrated.
what would intergration mean exactly. how would one integrate, say, the kroot?

Because creating a fake video is totally beyond propaganda departments in Warhammer 40k.

Hence why nobody has ever been able to use such an easy method to turn a Genestealers before.

Like most Tau propaganda that doesn't actually work and results in the planet getting eaten.

The way you can tell it was propaganda was the whole "using recombinant gene-recoding techniques all but unknown to the biologis adepts of the Adeptus Mechanicus" part.

i dont think so. the mechanicus has losta lot of tech and the tau are more advanced in some areas. how would it result in the planet getting eaten if they change the dna of some of its inhabitants?

Oh, no, it's perfectly believable that the Tau could manage to purge a genestealer corruption from somebody's genetics; the absolutely farcical bit is the idea that the f*cking HIVE MIND wouldn't notice by the time you de-infected the second city, never mind half the planet, and kick things off early.
at which point they would fail without a hive fleet in orbit to provide support.

The Tau have displayed a shocking ability to bamboozle 'Nids in the past. The Farsight Enclaves managed to make a bioweapon that killed off an entire fleet,* and The Tyranids didn't notice they'd been eating it until all the ships and bioforms were wiped out. And The Enclaves are less advanced.

*Not a full Hive Fleet, obviously, but a splinter of one. The planet still ended up wrecked as well, so it was hardly anything other than a bittersweet victory.
do you have a link to the appropriate page in the wiki?

But to give a couple examples of how badly outmatched the Tau are technology wise. A single Culexis Assassin literally walked through every bit of Tau security on a planet to murder their most important leader. A handful of space marines wiped out an entire Tau planetary defense network. And that's not even getting to the Imperium burning an entire sector of Tau space with a single weapon.
can you provide links of these examples?
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is it a psychic ability? where does it say that in canon?
Genestealer Hybrids. While not an actual power as such (thus my 'near-supernatural' comment), the fourth generation are described as having a 'hypnotic gaze'. I suspect for most, it manifests as merely a piercing, awkwardly-focused stare...
Though it's worth noting that a lot of the leadership roles in the cult come from this generation, including actual psykers and their tacticians and demagogues. Presumably, there are other specialists not seen on battlefields that focus on persuasion, seduction or outright hypnotism...
Genestealer Hybrids. While not an actual power as such (thus my 'near-supernatural' comment), the fourth generation are described as having a 'hypnotic gaze'. I suspect for most, it manifests as merely a piercing, awkwardly-focused stare...
Though it's worth noting that a lot of the leadership roles in the cult come from this generation, including actual psykers and their tacticians and demagogues. Presumably, there are other specialists not seen on battlefields that focus on persuasion, seduction or outright hypnotism...
No, hypnotic gaze was a tyranid psychic power even in 2nd edition.
religious fetishism of the Adeptus Mechanicus means they can only draw on the ancient achievements of a civilization that would have never encountered a Tyrannid infestation.
I'm not sure that I agree with Vaermina's point, but the Mechanicus aren't quite this bad. They do make innovative advances in technology, it's just that they are much slower at it than T'au, so a lot of their technology comes from reverse-engineering of ancient technology. Also, Forge Worlds don't always want to share their tech with each other. But there are still advances, especially in biological stuff because, as you say, it's impossible for them to learn about something like tyranids from old science.
Sure, they can fire billions of gallons of high strength acid, or a giant vacuum cleaner mouth to eat you, but if they want to destroy a small target they have to send actual tyranid fighters after you.
'or use a giant'?

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