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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I don't know the exact details as this was apparently some ancient plot thread that they resurrected in order to have a (admittedly quite excellent) story of Gambit and Kid! Oro adventuring as mutant Robin Hoods. The story takes place far before the transition to Krakoa or any of the recent X-Men world changes.
The transformation was actually the doing of the X-men villain Nanny, who tried to abduct Ororo 'for her own safety'. But, being bonkers, she doesn't work with adults, so she faked Ororo's death with a flash clone and de-aged her... The newly pre-teen Ororo managed to escape, ending up in Cairo, Illinois, living on the streets as a thief (a probably deliberate echo of her first childhood...)

She met Gambit during a caper involving her stealing back some stolen paintings. Only for it to be a trap set by the Shadow King, who wanted her back during a period when he was effectively ruling Muir island. And it's hinted everything that happened to Ororo I just mentioned was his plan all along...

Yeah, 90's X-Men storylines got weird sometimes. :confused:
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The transformation was actually the doing of the X-men villain Nanny, who tried to abduct Ororo 'for her own safety'. But, being bonkers, she doesn't work with adults, so she faked Ororo's death with a flash clone and de-aged her... The newly pre-teen Ororo managed to escape, ending up in Cairo, Illinois, living on the streets as a thief (a probably deliberate echo of her first childhood...)

She met Gambit during a caper involving her stealing back some stolen paintings. Only for it to be a trap set by the Shadow King, who wanted her back during a period when he was effectively ruling Muir island. And it's hinted everything that happened to Ororo I just mentioned was his plan all along...

Yeah, 90's X-Men storylines got weird sometimes. :confused:
Before that she had lived in Cairo, Egypt which was where she met Xavier.
Were somebody's ancestors not very good at fighting?

Speaking for myself? About half of them were quite good at it, it's just that like their Scottish Cousins, they fought each other too much. About half of the rest? Their nation would go on to beat the Soviets in war during the winter and produced The White Death. Some of the rest are German.
Well, they share an island with Scotland, and yet the Scots were the ones to get conquered. That's pretty impressive.

Actually the Norman's conquered the brits and they bent the knee and got special privileges, same as when the Roman's did the same. The Irish and the Scots got worn down by Vikings raids and thus eventually they were too weak.

In a sense the Brits are to the Vikings, what the Russians were to the Mongols.
Well, they share an island with Scotland, and yet the Scots were the ones to get conquered. That's pretty impressive.
Actually, no. England didn't conquer Scotland. James VII of Scotland became James I of England when Elizabeth I died, and the Act of Union happened because the Scots spent all of their money trying to build a canal across Central America without doing any research beyond asking one clearly insane ship captain. They were so desperate for a bail out afterwards that they agreed to a merger.
Actually the Norman's conquered the brits and they bent the knee and got special privileges, same as when the Roman's did the same. The Irish and the Scots got worn down by Vikings raids and thus eventually they were too weak.

In a sense the Brits are to the Vikings, what the Russians were to the Mongols.
The Normans conquered the English under William I, who failed to establish control of a country that hated him and ended up genociding Yorkshire. After his death he was succeeded by William II, a hard gay who never married or had children and was succeeded by his younger brother.
Fleet Traction (part 28)
2nd January 2013
18:14 GMT

I smile at the spokesperson of the gordanians of the clan manning 'my' ship, as well as the prisoners that were on the one Allyn captured.

"So that's the situation. You can all get in the other ship and boom tube back to somewhere where the rest of your fleet can pick you up, or accept internment here for the duration of the war."

"We're going back to the fleet. What about the other ship?"

"Unless you've got more to offer than I think you have, or unless Grayven is actually prepared to agree to a non-aggression pact like I asked him to the first time we met, I'm keeping it."

"That's not for me to say."

"Do you want me to send a message with you, so that I'm the one telling him I'm keeping it?"

He thinks for a moment, then snorts a negative.

"No. Grayven isn't that sort of clan chief. I will tell him directly."

"No? So… What sort of sanctions is Astarte looking at?"

He snorts again, but my ring tells me that it's an 'amused contempt' snort. "I'm gordanian, not citadelian. I don't tell people information just because they ask and no one tells me not to."

"And you're not dead."

He tenses for a moment, then frowns. "What do you mean?"

"Citadelians don't really exist any more. I mean, there might be a few, but they're sterile and I destroyed their cloning facilities. Psions too, though that wasn't me."

"No great loss. Guess Vega's kinda quiet, these days."

I nod. "Nearly civilised. "

"What about Karna?"

"It's karnan dominated, but there are still plenty of gordanian clans living on the planet."

"As slaves?"

"No. The karnans control most of the orbital infrastructure and they've got a bigger fleet now, but the remaining gordanians are free to conduct their affairs with only a few added restrictions."

"Huh. That's nice. We don't get a lot of messages from the clans in Vega."

"No problem. Vega isn't at war with either Grayven, N.E.M.O. or the Reach, so there's no real reason why you can't use a boom tube to visit home."

"Karna's not home for us. It's just where our ancestors happened to come from."

"Fair enough." I gesture to their escorts. "These people will escort you to your ship. It should go without saying, but any perfidy on your part will result in your immediate deaths, and may harm Grayven's future attempts to win Minosyss over."

He makes a mildly submissive gesture. "No, it wouldn't achieve anything."

I smile as he moves back to the holding pen to inform this comrades of the outcome of our discussion. As gordanians, they almost certainly can't tell that anything odd has happened with the planet's thaumosphere. Might be interesting to see how much Astarte actually passes along, as for mischief's sake we included a complete report on their computer. And one from my perspective in the Karrakan system. Wouldn't want him to think that I shot his ship on purpose.

I mean I'm pretty sure that we're going to end up fighting each other, and that this current thing of mostly avoiding each other is due to his plan not requiring that he fight us at the moment, but a little optimism won't hurt.


step out,

reappearing next to Athyns on New Cronus. And he isn't surprised in the least by my appearance. Looks like being the man who created this world's thaumosphere gives him a little insight into other people who use it.

"They're off."

"Yes. It will not be enough to ensure peace, but it will enforce the ideal of honest and open-handed dealing in our world's soul. That itself will serve as a defensive weapon."

"In human popular fiction there's a thing called a Justice Field. If you tried to commit a crime inside the area affected, the crime would be done to you instead."

"I doubt that it will be so absolute. Though there is a lot I don't know about New God technology. Would it be possible for us to find a technologist who is from Grayven's people but not allied to him?"

"Usually I'd say 'yes', but we're not in direct contact with New Genesis and my homeworld is being attacked by Grayven's homeworld. If you could lend my homeworld a few Ascendants we could probably put you in touch once the fight is over, but that's the best I can do."

He walks over to the balcony and looks down on Minosyss. You can't see any damage from up here, but the tower of New Othrys was critically damaged. They were thinking about tearing it down and starting again, because while they have access to some advanced technology, molecular reconstruction isn't anything the Titans could do.

"We are not in any position to start a war. Particularly not with people as advanced as Grayven."

I shrug, and fabricate a data crystal.

"Here's a summary. If you feel able to participate, great. If you don't, then you don't. Oh."

I also fabricate a couple of books on thaumaturgy.

"Since your thaumosphere is more active now, you could probably start a native magic tradition. These might help."

"Thank you. You're being surprisingly generous, when there is little I can offer you in return except thanks."

I smile. "If the Reach decide that they won't leave you alone, what will you do?"

He nods. "You would be my natural choice of ally."

"Rather than Grayven. N.E.M.O. is a mutual defence pact with some technology sharing. Help out where you can, and we'll help you in return. If my homeworld was in a better state I'd be able to offer more…"

I shrug.

"It is appreciated anyway. Allyn wanted to speak to you before you leave."

I nod, and


myself to the docking area.


He draws himself up slightly. "What you said before, about there being no one whose job it was to hunt monsters like Astarte down. Is that something that your organisation does?"

"The Orange Lantern Corps is currently focusing on the Reach, but individual Orange Lanterns are free to act on their own recognisance. There are even a few who aren't involved in the war at all, but the Reach are probably the worst people in this galaxy."

He thinks for a moment, then nods.

"What would I have to do to involve myself in this work?"

I pull out my spare ring.

"You have to want really hard to involve yourself."
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He draws himself up slightly. "What you said before, about there being no one whose job it was to hunt monsters like Astarte down. Is that something that your organisation does?"

"The Orange Lantern Corps is currently focusing on the Reach, but individual Orange Lanterns are free to act on their own recognisance. There are even a few who aren't involved in the war at all, but the Reach are probably the worst people in this galaxy."

He thinks for a moment, then nods.

"What would I have to do to involve myself in this work."

I pull out my spare ring.

"You have to want really hard to involve yourself."
Nice. I honestly didn't expect this to result in a new recruit. I'm curious as to how his Godspeech will interact with an orange power ring. Vril Dox is going to be getting a lot of new data from this recruit, which will hopefully be useful against New Gods.
I'm re-reading previous stuff and wondering if we are ever going to Malvolio again or the Star Sapphires. Is Alan working on how to make a ring or is Paul working on his crafting skills or anyone else trying multi-dispensary with power rings? I know Paul is an oddball, but couldn't have say green ring and violent ring and just switch what emotion they are using? I don't what the utility of the would-be, but some the rings have unique features.
2nd January 2013
18:14 GMT

I smile at the spokesperson of the gordanians of the clan manning 'my' ship, as well as the prisoners that were on the one Allyn captured.

"So that's the situation. You can all get in the other ship and boom tube back to somewhere where the rest of your fleet can pick you up, or accept internment here for the duration of the war."
And while most might consider a quiet, pastoral exile more pleasant than going back to a colossal interstellar war, Gordanians are not that sort of person. I think their answer would be very clear.

"We're going back to the fleet. What about the other ship?"

"Unless you've got more to offer than I think you have, or unless Grayven is actually prepared to agree to a non-aggression pact like I asked him to the first time we met, I'm keeping it."
Consider it weregild, given the damage you and your allies inflicted in the assault on Minosyss.

"That's not for me to say."

"Do you want me to send a message with you, so that I'm the one telling him I'm keeping it?"
I suppose there's a pleasant comfort in knowing that you aren't the one having to make such lofty decisions.

He thinks for a moment, then snorts a negative.

"No. Grayven isn't that sort of clan chief. I will tell him directly."
For all his issues, he's hardly one to punish failure for ego's sake. If there was honestly nothing that could have been done better, then the Gordanians are in the clear.

"No? So… What sort of sanctions is Astarte looking at?"

He snorts again, but my ring tell me that it's an 'amused contempt' snort. "I'm gordanian, not citadelian. I don't tell people information just because they ask and no one tells me not to."
Aw. That trick usually works so well with other people. People just seem to want to tell OL things, after all. :sneaky:

"And you're not dead."

He tenses for a moment, then frowns. "What do you mean?"
Oooh, not gotten any word from home for a while, eh?

"Citadelians don't really exist any more. I mean, there might be a few, but they're sterile and I destroyed their cloning facilities. Psions too, though that wasn't me."

"No great loss. Guess Vega's kinda quiet, these days."
It's gone surprisingly honest. Mostly.

I nod. "Nearly civilised. "

"What about Karna?"
If you don't remember why he's asking: Karna is the homeworld of the Gordanians (named after their home continent,) and also the Karnans, tiger-like humanoids. Guess who hit the space-going end of the tech tree first?

"It's Karnan dominated, but there are still plenty of gordanian clans living on the planet."

"As slaves?"
That would be karmically appropriate, but the Karnans are more civilised than your lot.

"No. The Karnans control the most of the orbital infrastructure and they've got a bigger fleet now, but the remaining gordanians are free to conduct their affairs with only a few added restrictions."

"Huh. That's nice. We don't get a lot of messages from the clans in Vega."
Being half the galaxy away probably makes that difficult, I suppose.

"No problem. Vega isn't at war with either Grayven, N.E.M.O. or the Reach, so there's no real reason why you can't use a boom tube to visit home."

"Karna's not home for us. It's just where our ancestors happened to come from."
Ah, your clans couldn't wait to ditch the old homeland and find their own space elsewhere, eh?

"Fair enough." I gesture to their escorts. "These people will escort you to your ship. It should go without saying, but any perfidy on your part will result in your immediate deaths, and may harm Grayven's future attempts to win Minosyss over."

He makes a mildly submissive gesture. "No, it wouldn't achieve anything."
True enough. Though I doubt Grayven is quite so concerned about diplomatic contact with Minosyss now. More likely he'll show up, make a display of force and demand the Ascendants bow before him in submission, or be destroyed.

I smile as he moves back to the holding pen to inform this comrades of the outcome of our discussion. As gordanians, they almost certainly can't tell that anything odd has happened with the planet's thaumosphere. Might be interesting to see how much Astarte actually passes along, as for mischief's sake we included a complete report on their computer. And one from my perspective in the Karrakan system. Wouldn't want him to think that I shot his ship on purpose.
Oh, right, your little brush with accidental backstabbing. Would the communique include a 'My bad...' comment? :p

I mean I'm pretty sure that we're going to end up fighting each other, and that this current thing of mostly avoiding each other is due to his plan not requiring that he fight us at the moment, but a little optimism won't hurt.


step out,
Presumably Grayven's attention is focused on the Reach right now. Any conflict with NEMO seems to be incidental, two unaligned nations rubbing shoulders as they try to beat down the same foe...

reappearing next to Athyns on New Chronus. And he isn't surprised in the least by my appearance. Looks like being the man who created this world's thaumosphere gives him a little insight into other people who use it.

"They're off."
So, potentially shaping up as chief deity (or at least second under Rhea's memory) or god of magic. Either's a good job.

"Yes. It will not be enough to ensure peace, but it will enforce the ideal of honest and open-handed dealing in our world's soul. That itself will serve as a defensive weapon."

"In human popular fiction there's a thing called a Justice Field. If you tried to commit a crime inside the area affected, the crime would be done to you instead."
Probably a bit of overkill. That's the sort of thing you'd want on a prison, not a population in general.

"I doubt that it will be so absolute. Though there is a lot I don't know about New God technology. Would it be possible for us to find a technologist who is from Grayven's people but not allied to him?"

"Usually I'd say 'yes', but we're not in direct contact with New Genesis and my homeworld is being attacked by Grayven's homeworld. If you could lend my homeworld a few Ascendants we could probably put you in touch once the fight is over, but that's the best I can do."
Though they'd probably need to be thoroughly decontaminated to ensure they don't bring any lingering Anti-Life vectors with them.

He walks over to the balcony and looks down on Minosyss. You can't see any damage from up here, but the tower of New Othrys was critically damaged. They were thinking about tearing it down and starting again, because while they have access to some advanced technology, molecular reconstruction isn't anything the Titans could do.

"We are not in any position to start a war. Particularly not with people as advanced as Grayven."
Hopefully it was built primarily for the ritual. Regardless, they can take their time and really go to town on the ostentation this time around.

I shrug, and fabricate a data crystal.

"Here's a summary. If you feel able to participate, great. If you don't, then you don't. Oh."
If nothing else, it'll serve as an index of potential warning signs for imminent Anti-Life attacks...

I also fabricate a couple of books on thaumaturgy.

"Since your thaumosphere is more active now, you could probably start a native magic tradition. These might help."
Probably better to shape it from the ground up, rather than have to reverse-engineer it like humans did. Maybe they could have some consistency to it. :p

"Thank you. You're being surprisingly generous, when there is little I can offer you in return except thanks."

I smile. "If the Reach decide that they won't leave you alone, what will you do?"
Especially since the Reach could reasonably easily gain the orbital high ground...

He nods. "You would be my natural choice of ally."

"Rather than Grayven. N.E.M.O. is a mutual defence pact with some technology sharing. Help out where you can, and we'll help you in return. If my homeworld was in a better state I'd be able to offer more…"
Sadly, that'll be centuries off...

I shrug.

"It is appreciated anyway. Allyn wanted to speak to you before you leave."
Oh, interesting. Someone feeling a bit annoyed after having to deal with the Citizenry, looking to discover evil and rejoice? ;)

I nod, and


myself to the docking area.
Presumably greediporting is a lot safer now that the thaumosphere is more stable and comfortably durable.


He draws himself up slightly. "What you said before, about there being no one whose job it was to hunt monsters like Astarte down. Is that something that your organisation does?"
...You could say that.

"The Orange Lantern Corps is currently focusing on the Reach, but individual Orange Lanterns are free to act on their own recognisance. There are even a few who aren't involved in the war at all, but the Reach are probably the worst people in this galaxy."

He thinks for a moment, then nods.
Oh-ho. This will be interesting. Who figured OL would gain a new recruit out of this debacle?

"What would I have to do to involve myself in this work."

I pull out my spare ring.

"You have to want really hard to involve yourself."
Though from the looks of it, he shouldn't have much trouble managing that.

Well, then. Is this the first proper Godling OL's recruited, with Godspeech and everything? It'll be interesting to see how the Orange Light shapes Allyn's godhead, and how he'll develop beyond Minosyss' thaumosphere. :D The outsider God of Avarice, anyone? At any rate, it looks like this episode is in the can. Hopefully now OL can get back to sorting out the Reach pushback, and check back in on Earth...
2nd January 2013
18:14 GMT

I smile at the spokesperson of the gordanians of the clan manning 'my' ship, as well as the prisoners that were on the one Allyn captured.

"So that's the situation. You can all get in the other ship and boom tube back to somewhere where the rest of your fleet can pick you up, or accept internment here for the duration of the war."

"We're going back to the fleet. What about the other ship?"

"Unless you've got more to offer than I think you have, or unless Grayven is actually prepared to agree to a non-aggression pact like I asked him to the first time we met, I'm keeping it."

"That's not for me to say."

"Do you want me to send a message with you, so that I'm the one telling him I'm keeping it?"

He thinks for a moment, then snorts a negative.

"No. Grayven isn't that sort of clan chief. I will tell him directly."

"No? So… What sort of sanctions is Astarte looking at?"

He snorts again, but my ring tell me that it's an 'amused contempt' snort. "I'm gordanian, not citadelian. I don't tell people information just because they ask and no one tells me not to."

"And you're not dead."

He tenses for a moment, then frowns. "What do you mean?"

"Citadelians don't really exist any more. I mean, there might be a few, but they're sterile and I destroyed their cloning facilities. Psions too, though that wasn't me."

"No great loss. Guess Vega's kinda quiet, these days."

I nod. "Nearly civilised. "

"What about Karna?"

"It's karnan dominated, but there are still plenty of gordanian clans living on the planet."

"As slaves?"

"No. The karnans control most of the orbital infrastructure and they've got a bigger fleet now, but the remaining gordanians are free to conduct their affairs with only a few added restrictions."

"Huh. That's nice. We don't get a lot of messages from the clans in Vega."

"No problem. Vega isn't at war with either Grayven, N.E.M.O. or the Reach, so there's no real reason why you can't use a boom tube to visit home."

"Karna's not home for us. It's just where our ancestors happened to come from."

"Fair enough." I gesture to their escorts. "These people will escort you to your ship. It should go without saying, but any perfidy on your part will result in your immediate deaths, and may harm Grayven's future attempts to win Minosyss over."

He makes a mildly submissive gesture. "No, it wouldn't achieve anything."

I smile as he moves back to the holding pen to inform this comrades of the outcome of our discussion. As gordanians, they almost certainly can't tell that anything odd has happened with the planet's thaumosphere. Might be interesting to see how much Astarte actually passes along, as for mischief's sake we included a complete report on their computer. And one from my perspective in the Karrakan system. Wouldn't want him to think that I shot his ship on purpose.

I mean I'm pretty sure that we're going to end up fighting each other, and that this current thing of mostly avoiding each other is due to his plan not requiring that he fight us at the moment, but a little optimism won't hurt.


step out,

reappearing next to Athyns on New Chronus. And he isn't surprised in the least by my appearance. Looks like being the man who created this world's thaumosphere gives him a little insight into other people who use it.

"They're off."

"Yes. It will not be enough to ensure peace, but it will enforce the ideal of honest and open-handed dealing in our world's soul. That itself will serve as a defensive weapon."

"In human popular fiction there's a thing called a Justice Field. If you tried to commit a crime inside the area affected, the crime would be done to you instead."

"I doubt that it will be so absolute. Though there is a lot I don't know about New God technology. Would it be possible for us to find a technologist who is from Grayven's people but not allied to him?"

"Usually I'd say 'yes', but we're not in direct contact with New Genesis and my homeworld is being attacked by Grayven's homeworld. If you could lend my homeworld a few Ascendants we could probably put you in touch once the fight is over, but that's the best I can do."

He walks over to the balcony and looks down on Minosyss. You can't see any damage from up here, but the tower of New Othrys was critically damaged. They were thinking about tearing it down and starting again, because while they have access to some advanced technology, molecular reconstruction isn't anything the Titans could do.

"We are not in any position to start a war. Particularly not with people as advanced as Grayven."

I shrug, and fabricate a data crystal.

"Here's a summary. If you feel able to participate, great. If you don't, then you don't. Oh."

I also fabricate a couple of books on thaumaturgy.

"Since your thaumosphere is more active now, you could probably start a native magic tradition. These might help."

"Thank you. You're being surprisingly generous, when there is little I can offer you in return except thanks."

I smile. "If the Reach decide that they won't leave you alone, what will you do?"

He nods. "You would be my natural choice of ally."

"Rather than Grayven. N.E.M.O. is a mutual defence pact with some technology sharing. Help out where you can, and we'll help you in return. If my homeworld was in a better state I'd be able to offer more…"

I shrug.

"It is appreciated anyway. Allyn wanted to speak to you before you leave."

I nod, and


myself to the docking area.


He draws himself up slightly. "What you said before, about there being no one whose job it was to hunt monsters like Astarte down. Is that something that your organisation does?"

"The Orange Lantern Corps is currently focusing on the Reach, but individual Orange Lanterns are free to act on their own recognisance. There are even a few who aren't involved in the war at all, but the Reach are probably the worst people in this galaxy."

He thinks for a moment, then nods.

"What would I have to do to involve myself in this work?"

I pull out my spare ring.

"You have to want really hard to involve yourself."
How often do you post chapters, if you don't mind me asking? And I assume you have a backlog? Surely you can't be making these twice a day.

He draws himself up slightly. "What you said before, about there being no one whose job it was to hunt monsters like Astarte down. Is that something that your organisation does?"

"The Orange Lantern Corps is currently focusing on the Reach, but individual Orange Lanterns are free to act on their own recognisance. There are even a few who aren't involved in the war at all, but the Reach are probably the worst people in this galaxy."

He thinks for a moment, then nods.

"What would I have to do to involve myself in this work?"

I pull out my spare ring.

"You have to want really hard to involve yourself."
Oh shit, Paul's gonna get Allyn to kill himself.
And there's the unstated fact that Paul wants to make the universe more 'him' and tends to uplift everyone halfway decent he gets the opportunity to, though Athyns might not quite understand that (or would he, given New Gods and Ascendants and their domains?)

All in all, this is a win for Paul. And even if Allyn doesn't want to fight the Reach, having an Orange Lantern hunt down Astarte could be quite the publicity for the OLC and has the potential to lead to more recruits and influence in the region. (A sorely needed win considering how Earth current is)
*Cries in FAQ*

How often do you post chapters, if you don't mind me asking? And I assume you have a backlog? Surely you can't be making these twice a day.

Story FAQ

You have an FAQ?

The first rule of the FAQ is 'don't talk about the FAQ'.

The second appears to be 'don't read the FAQ'.

What is this about?
With This Ring is a Self Insert (SI) story in which an individual very much like the author finds themselves in a fictional setting, in this case Earth 16. He is equipped with the pyjamas he was wearing when he appeared and an orange power ring.

What is Earth 16?
Earth 16 is the setting of the animated series Young Justice, the associated comics and that game we don't talk about. The number serves to differentiate it from other versions of Earth created by DC comics. For example, Batman: the Animated Series, Superman: the Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited take place on Earth 12. The SI's planet of origin will be referred to as Earth Prime.

Yes, that's a very Earth centric way of listing parallel universes.

Earth 16 is similar to pre-Flashpoint Earth 1, with some of the more extreme power sets toned down a bit. Superman is very strong, but he can't juggle planets. The Flash is very fast, but he can't run backwards or forwards in time. The Justice League has been together as a group for seven years.

How often do you post?
For over four years this story has updated daily. I aim to maintain this. Help me.
Since when? I thought Storm was always from Egypt.

Since 1976.

Storm was apparently born in Harlem.

When she was 6 months old her American father and Kenyan mother moved to Cairo for his job as a journalist.

Five years later, her parents were killed.

She became a sneak thief.

A 12 years old, she walked the 2000 mile distance to go to her ancestral homeland of Kenya. It took her a year.

Oh and she remembers all of this, including moving when she was 6 months old. Her father "She looks at us like she understands every word we say." Since she remembered the conversation 24 and a half years later as an X-Man, apparently so.

So like I typed earlier, they simplified things for the cartoon.
Since 1976.

Storm was apparently born in Harlem.

When she was 6 months old her American father and Kenyan mother moved to Cairo for his job as a journalist.

Five years later, her parents were killed.

She became a sneak thief.

A 12 years old, she walked the 2000 mile distance to go to her ancestral homeland of Kenya. It took her a year.

Oh and she remembers all of this, including moving when she was 6 months old. Her father "She looks at us like she understands every word we say." Since she remembered the conversation 24 and a half years later as an X-Man, apparently so.

So like I typed earlier, they simplified things for the cartoon.

Ahh, comics. Are they a superhero that's been around consistently for a while if they don't have a convoluted backstory?
Ahh, comics. Are they a superhero that's been around consistently for a while if they don't have a convoluted backstory?

I get the implication, which may be wrong, that you think that story was complicated by later retcons. If so, no, that's her original backstory from X-Men 102, which was published a year after her debut.

While fighting the Juggernaut she got buried alive which triggered her claustrophobia which gave her a flashback of her backstory.

Although they have added things later- Shadow King wasn't originally involved. And in 2006 they added Black Panther deflowering Storm while she was making the trek from Egypt to Kenya. Do your freaking jobs Marvel editors, how did middle school age sex get past you? This isn't Fight Club for crying out loud.
Five years later, her parents were killed.

Supposedly by an Israeli plane crashing into the house during the Suez Crisis. So Storm was probably born in late April early May 1950. Marvel time is screwy.

Do your freaking jobs Marvel editors, how did middle school age sex get past you?

Honestly small potatoes compared to time Captain Marvel got incest-raped and kidnapped by her time-travelling son with Kang. And the rest of the Avengers congratulated her on her pregnancy.
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Supposedly by an Israeli plane crashing into the house during the Suez Crisis. So Storm was probably born in late April early May 1950. Marvel time is screwy.

Yes, supposedly the sliding timescale is because of a "historical gravity" thing- Events have weight, they have pull.

With enough weight, events are pulled along as today becomes tomorrow.

Events like Secret Wars, etc.
I get the implication, which may be wrong, that you think that story was complicated by later retcons. If so, no, that's her original backstory from X-Men 102, which was published a year after her debut.

While fighting the Juggernaut she got buried alive which triggered her claustrophobia which gave her a flashback of her backstory.

Although they have added things later- Shadow King wasn't originally involved. And in 2006 they added Black Panther deflowering Storm while she was making the trek from Egypt to Kenya. Do your freaking jobs Marvel editors, how did middle school age sex get past you? This isn't Fight Club for crying out loud.

Oh fair reading, I meant that any superhero with staying power seems to have a complicated backstory. Though I never knew the extent of Storm's being so complicated initially, but that's certainly not the first backstory to be weirdly complicated at the outset.

Given the number of superheroes who were raped that were treated as not having been over at DC in that time period, it's sadly not as surprising that it got through editorial as you'd think.
Okay.. granting a godling (that is what Allyn is, right? I was never sure if all of them were godlings or only the elites were actual divinity) an Orange Power Ring should be interesting (provided it doesn't mostly happen off-screen).. speaking of which, sorry if this has already been asked but.. did Paul assimilating that New Ascendant have any.. negative side-effects? Or what?
I'm re-reading previous stuff and wondering if we are ever going to Malvolio again or the Star Sapphires. Is Alan working on how to make a ring or is Paul working on his crafting skills or anyone else trying multi-dispensary with power rings? I know Paul is an oddball, but couldn't have say green ring and violent ring and just switch what emotion they are using? I don't what the utility of the would-be, but some the rings have unique features.

I've always thought the primary benefit of two-color ringslinging is playing off the mental effects against each other. Dual-wield indigo and orange and you've basically bought Enlightenment as a free starting perk.
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I've always thought the primary benefit of two-color ringslinging is playing of| the mental effects against each other. Dual-wield indigo and orange and you've basically bought Enlightenment as a free starting perk.
People who don't already have that kind of mindset would be forced to constantly change up how they're thinking about their goal in order to use one or the other. Maybe if a single being had two minds, each could concentrate on one ring.

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