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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

14th January 2013
07:12 GMT -7

Portal activation detected, Lantern Grayven.

Thank you, Sinestro.
Ah, a look in on the Renegade? I wonder what he's been up to these last few weeks. ...Honestly, when did we last see him? Christmas time, in-universe? I take it his New Years was just a bit quieter than OL's...

I lower the milk bottle and take a moment to check on the children. It's Saturday, and the children are mostly sorted as far as breakfast goes. I think they're giving me unrealistic expectations regarding the likely behaviour of any children Luna and I have; they're really well behaved. No bickering, no randomly throwing their food across the room, no complaints when the elder take charge of the younger. It's a little sad, but at the same time, a bit of a relief? I'm not sure how I'd cope with this many children if they behaved like normal children. Normal parents can just have one at the start and then wait until they're past the constant attention phase before having another.
And unless they end up having twins, triplets or more, that's where many leave it. Costly and tiring, of course. Consider yourself lucky indeed, Renegade.

"Children, Luna's arrived. I'm just going to pop over to the portal room and escort her back."

Because while she can move around in human-form, she's made it very clear that it's far from her favourite thing. She's fine with the hands, not so much with the bipedalism. Which could be a little awkward, as I had a family sledging day planned and sliding across the frozen Denver countryside isn't something for people not comfortable on their legs.
Ah, she's more of a 'sit and watch' kind of lady, eh? At least when she's not on hooves...

Mother Box, hush tube.

Heh. Beats walking all the way to the portal room.

The portal opens silently next to me and I step through, smiling broadly.

"Luna, dear heartttt…"
Ah, not who you were expecting, eh?

That's not Luna.

Someone I strongly suspect to be Celestia smiles at me, standing exactly one pace from the portal and quite deliberately not moving another step.
Huh, a bit more covered than I expected of Celestia, and yet less obviously armoured. Positively super-heroic, in fact...

"I'm sorry, but Luna is occupied with affairs to state today."

Quick check with the Mountain's magic monitoring systems… Yep, both her general power and signature match Celestia, and her clothing roughly matches the design of the New God barding I made for her, allowing for the changes the mirror has wrought. And she feels right; there's an established relationship and familiarity there.
I see she came prepared for trouble. Has she been listening to Luna's tales of Earth with a concealed worry, perhaps? :p

"Yes, I… Thought that she would be. That's why this was a… Surprise. So… Was there something that you wanted..?"

"Yes." She bows her head a little and then frowns slightly. Yes, feels odd with a differently proportioned head and neck, doesn't it? "I thought that I should try to spend some time with the stallion my sister intends to marry. And I also wanted to see the world where Sunset has been living."
And this way is just a little less... Conspicuous than your naturally dazzling form? ;)

"That's… Fine. Ah, but why come through the mirror? I know from personal experience that it's a bit tricky to handle the new shape. Especially if you're planning on using magic."

"Because Sunset did the same. For a pony whose special talent relates to magic, losing her horn must have been extremely stressful."
And you're not going to let your student show you up? Feeling a little insecure about your talents, are we?

"I think we distracted her with local magic before she could really notice. Ah… I… Take it that she doesn't know that you're here?"

"No. Given how… Tense, my relationship with Sunset is, I decided that-"
Big Oof. I rather suspect having 'dear Teacher' just show up might just make Sunset a little paranoid.

"Sinestro, call Sunset."

"Certainly, Lantern Grayven."
And try not to sound like you're enjoying this so much, would you?
I make no promises, Corpsman.

"-I wouldn't-. What are you doing?"

"Hey, Grayven. What is it?"
He's making a fuss, Sellie. I assume that's what you were about to say?

"Where are you?"

"Did you seriously call me to ask that?"
And I am so picturing the flat look she's giving Grayven right now. Because she's sure he'd be watching her somehow.

"Yes, Sunset, I care about you, and I get worried when I don't know where you are."

"W-? Now I just feel childish for complaining."
Well, you are a senior vassal of the Suzerain of Earth. Some enterprisingly foolish New God might decide to try his luck with you.

"Yes, that's intended, and it's a sign of your growing maturity that you recognised that without throwing a hissy fit. Well done."

"Ah… Thanks?"
I can just tell she's thinking 'get to the point, Grayven...'

"If I knew where you are, I'd boom tube right over there and pat you on the head."

"Not sure I wanna tell you where I am, now."
...Or with who, depending on timezones? What? She's a big girl, she can date whoever she wants.

"Does it involve Z-?"

"Would you stop with that? Ghia'ta still doesn't believe me. Look, I'm in Venturia. Is that everything?"
Ah, committing SCIENCE! upon Atlantean thaumotology again?

"No, Celestia's paying us a visit." Celestia looks quite put out. "Just thought I'd warn you."

"Oh. Does she want to see me?"
...And now I can see the 'really?' face on Celestia. It involves a huffy frown and a squint. x3

"I think she's doing a home inspection. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't just run into her with no warning."

"Okay. Ah. Well. Thank you. I'm… I'm hanging up now."
Yes, I don't see her taking that sort of encounter well, especially if surprised.

She hangs up. Celestia still looks put out.

"Grayven, I asked you not to do that."
And you're not the boss of him. If anything, you two are peers.

"Yes, I know. But I considered the thing that torpedoed your relationship with Sunset in the first place; concealing from her information that she wanted. Then I considered if she'd want to know that you were here, realised that the answer was 'yes', and told her."

"I didn't intend to hide the fact that I-."
Not hiding an unannounced visit is a very different thing to calling ahead and giving people a head's-up...

"Ah-djah-" I point my right forefinger at her. "-djah-djah! That sort of 'from a certain point of view' stuff does not work when you're trying to repair an emotional relationship."

"Then what would you have suggested that I do?"
Well, how would you handle a casual, friendly visit to another monarch in your world? Or do you lack any protocol for that?

"Ask me in advance. And… Tell Sunset that you were going to be here, and then let it be her decision whether she approaches you or stays away."

She nods slowly. And awkwardly.
Ah, still stuck in the 'used to being in charge of everything' mode, are we, Sellie?

"It doesn't make any different to your attempt to find out what suddenly having her shape changed was like, but it shows that you're interested in her life and that you respect her boundaries."

"I will remember that in future. Do you think that she would be prepared to stop taking Twilight to cult survivor lectures if I did?"
:confused: ...What.

"Heh-hah-hah-hah-hah!" Celestia doesn't appear to appreciate the joke. "She's actually doing that? I thought she was joking!"

"I think that Sunset originally planned to take her to one. But Twilight wrote in a letter to me that she found it a 'highly informative window on the perils of applying the Magic of Friendship to other species without considering the differences in way that species thinks'."
...Because of course miss 'Socially inept' would totally grab the wrong end of the pokey stick like that.

"So Sunset's been stuck taking her to them because she won't admit that she only took her to the first one as an insult to Twilight's relationship to you. That's so Sunset. Though I do admire her commitment."

"To dishonesty."
Hey, they're hanging out, Sunset's suffering for her mistake. Let it slide.

"At this point I think it's its own punishment. Or maybe it's like taking her out to a horror film?"

"I don't think that either Sunset or Twilight find other people suffering entertaining."
...Oh, boy. Wait until you see human cinema.

"It's cult survivor lectures. The ones giving them are the ones who made lives for themselves after they left. So there's suffering and an uplifting ending. Though maybe we could suggest alternative lectures?"

"I think that would be best. For now, I would-."
That's an interesting way to look at it, at least.

She takes a step forward, instinctively moves her arms to the 'walk' position, and falls on her face.
:rolleyes: "Honestly, you should have been expecting that. Everyone mentioned it."
:oops: "I'll thank you to keep silent, sirrah... Ow."

Really, you'd think she'd have known about that. :sneaky: Maybe prepare a little 'gentle falling' spell ahead of time or something. Still, this should be an amusing counterpoint to affairs in the Paragon timeline this episode. Anytime things get a little dull during the silent entry, cut to Celestia tripping over her own feet. :D Now, how will the children react to meting their future aunt...
Where are you?"

"Did you seriously call me to ask that?"

"Yes, Sunset, I care about you, and I get worried when I don't know where you are."

"W-? Now I just feel childish for complaining."

"Yes, that's intended, and it's a sign of your growing maturity that you recognised that without throwing a hissy fit. Well done."

"Ah… Thanks?"

"If I knew where you are, I'd boom tube right over there and pat you on the head."

"Not sure I wanna tell you where I am, now."
I dunno why but I feel Renegade is more.... mature? More savy? Gets the normal mindset of people more? Maybe it's having the children around that did it?
Damn... It's only an option, not a new renegade chapter... Oh well, that would've been asking for too much.

You know this is making me surprisingly invested in MLP even though I only watched like... 1 movie about the world turning into a desert? or something for one of my little sisters parties...

I really feel like we've been spoiled with this chapter.
"I'm sorry, but Luna is occupied with affairs to state today."
'affairs of state'?
"I think that Sunset originally planned to take her to one. But Twilight wrote in a letter to me that she found it a 'highly informative window on the perils of applying the Magic of Friendship to other species without considering the differences in way that species thinks'."
'in ways that' or 'in the way that species think'?
Counterpunched (Renegade Option)
14th January 2013
13:14 GMT -1

So. That's a… Thing.

"Lady Sunset? Is something wrong?"

Aelia looks kinda worried. Which means that I let how I felt show on my face… Darn it. Honestly, it's a bit weird that she invited me to see her family's library like this. I know that Grayven and her granddad are allies, but even though she's been living in Doom Mountain for a year I haven't really had all that much to do with her. Unlike most humans, I had an okay understanding of magic so she isn't able to tell me anything I don't already know.

Or so I thought.

Turns out that her family had a whole host of things they don't exactly put on public display.

"Lady Sunset?"

"Oh, no, sweetie." I crouch down slightly so that I'm more at her level. "I just… Grayven was telling me that we've got a… Guest, in the Mountain."

She nods. "Who is it?"


I stand back up, looking over to a warded wall hanging. I think it's a summoning circle you can just roll up and put away once you're done. The spells outside of the circle would actually deal with the residue. I've designed something better, of course, but this looks like they've had it for a long time.

"Is it Princess Celestia?"

I twitch.

"Is that bad? I thought you were visiting her?"

"It…" No, no, it's not… Bad-bad? She's gotten a lot bet-. A lot less-.

Oh, who am I kidding? She's gotten better at not saying things that she's learned will set me off. We hold conversations on a level of 'this grass is dry' / 'rain is scheduled this evening'.

"Lady Sunset, I don't understand."

"Okay, ah…"

Oh, come on Sunset, you're worrying a little girl.

I walk over to one of the chairs and pull it out. Then I sit down and pat my lap, smiling in the most reassuring way I can manage. Aelia considers for a moment, then she walks over and I lift her up before wrapping my arms around her. And I'm a little surprised how easy that was. She's not heavy, but she's not exactly light either. Just another fringe benefit of being a transformed alicorn, I guess.

"Okay, what do you know about Celestia?"

"She was your foster-mom?"


Oh, that's a whole lot of baggage I don't want to-.

And… Re-pressed.

"She was my teacher. But… She didn't want to teach me the things I wanted to learn. And she got annoyed with me when I said that I wanted to learn different things, and I got annoyed that she didn't teach me those things, so I went to study with Grayven instead."

"But I don't understand. She's your princess."

"Nope! She was my princess. I'm an American now."

And for some reason the fact that I'm a mare means that I didn't have to agree to getting conscripted to do it. Grayven was against it, but it… It makes a lot of things easier, and I don't ever want to go back to live in Equestria.

Is it pathetic that I want her to offer to make me a princess, just so I can tell her-?

Yeah, it is.

"But she was… Then?"

"Just because someone's royalty, that doesn't mean that they know everything. Even if they think they do."

"Grandfather says that you shouldn't say things like that out loud."

"You shouldn't say things like that out loud if you have to work with them, or if you want something from them. Or if you might want to work with them or get something from them in the future. Since I don't want anything from Celestia and I sure don't want to work with her… Being honest about how I feel works for me. And… Sometimes, being honest is actually better. I bet your granddad has to be honest with Queen Clea about things sometimes, doesn't he?"

"He said…" She gets all frowny as she tries to remember. "'Only…' 'Only if no alternative presents itself'. And then he laughed, and mother and father joined in. I didn't understand."

"I think he means that you have to be careful how you say things to powerful people, but sometimes you really have to be direct. Did your school ever do a fire drill?"

"Where there was a bell ringing and everyone had to go outside?"

"Right. If there was a fire, you'd have to make sure the Queen got out right away, even if she was doing something really important. But otherwise… You still need to get them to understand you, but without making them angry."

"Did you make Princess Celestia angry?"

"Ah… I… A little bit."

What? Twilight's the one who gets her power from honesty.

"Did you say something you shouldn't have said?"

"Oh, yeah. Definitely."

"What was it?"

"Oh, I kept nagging her about teaching me something… She said she didn't know, when she obviously did. But if she was lying about it then I should have realised that she really didn't want to teach me, for… Whatever reason. I should have stopped asking her about it after the second time she refused, and asked about something else."

And carried on researching it myself while she was relieved that she wouldn't have to keep lying to my face. Not exactly a healthy learning environment, and that's why I don't lie like that to my students. I can't believe that she didn't even tell Twilight what Starswirl's Unfinished Spell would do before she tried casting it! Okay, maybe the lecture series is overkill, but Twilight can have a bit of a one track mind sometimes and I want to make sure that it actually gets through.

"So did you say sorry?"

"No. And I never will, because I'm not and she doesn't rule me. She can have all the toady cultists she wants back in Equestria. I refuse to lie or dissemble to her ever again."


"No, honey. 'Dissemble'. It means 'disguise how you really feel'. No, the only way I'm going to fix my relationship with Celestia is through honesty. And if she can't do that, then I'll-. I just won't talk to her anymore."


"And actually? I can go talk to her about that once we're done here. I'm going to make it real clear how I feel about being lied to, and she can either promise never to do that again and explain why she lied to me… Or I'll ward the portal against her."

"Um. My parents and grandfather say that ultimatums don't usually help diplomatic relations. They just make people more confrontational."

I smile down at her.

"If there's one thing Celestia and I agree on, it's that I'm great at being confrontational."
Last edited:
14th January 2013
13:14 GMT -1

So. That's a… Thing.

"Lady Sunset? Is something wrong?"
Huh. :confused: A Sunset Shimmer- POV Chapter? I suppose it fits in with the Paragon side's chapters. Still a remarkable thing to encounter. I wonder what sort of things we'll see her think about that she wouldn't tell people...

Aelia looks kinda worried. Which means that I let how I felt show on my face… Darn it. Honestly, it's a bit weird that she invited me to see her family's library like this. I know that Grayven and her granddad are allies, but even though she's been living in Doom Mountain for a year I haven't really had all that much to do with her. Unlike most humans, I had an okay understanding of magic so she isn't able to tell me anything I don't already know.
...And I am totally blanking on who that grandfather is, or his name. The current prime minister of Venturia, yes? Who refused to give up his regency to the 'rightful' heir and seceded from the Atlantean confederation in Paragon timeline after Clea died? :oops: ...How far off am I?

Or so I thought.

Turns out that her family had a whole host of things they don't exactly put on public display.
Well, of course. Would you want something like your great-great-grandmother's erotic poetry or an ancestor's Succubus-summoning circle on display? :rolleyes: Never mind the actually dangerous things.

"Lady Sunset?"

"Oh, no, sweetie." I crouch down slightly so that I'm more at her level. "I just… Grayven was telling me that we've got a… Guest, in the Mountain."
Yes, old Sunbutt really put her hoof in the mess this time, didn't she?

She nods. "Who is it?"


I stand back up, looking over to a warded wall hanging. I think it's a summoning circle you can just roll up and put away once you're done. The spells outside of the circle would actually deal with the residue. I've designed something better, of course, but this looks like they've had it for a long time.
It's only natural that such things would have been improved on with time, after all. I bet hers literally draws itself.

"Is it Princess Celestia?"

I twitch.
Yep, lots of issues still there. Enough that she could open a news-stand with them. :p

"Is that bad? I thought you were visiting her?"

"It…" No, no, it's not… Bad-bad? She's gotten a lot bet-. A lot less-.
Don't force yourself to compliment her, honey. You of all people deserve that honesty.

Oh, who am I kidding? She's gotten better at not saying things that she's learned will set me off. We hold conversations on a level of 'this grass is dry' / 'rain is scheduled this evening'.

"Lady Sunset, I don't understand."
...At least Sunbutt can recognise the signs of her emotional minefield now?

"Okay, ah…"

Oh, come on Sunset, you're worrying a little girl.
Now what kind of little pony are you? :p

I walk over to one of the chairs and pull it out. Then I sit down and pat my lap, smiling in the most reassuring way I can manage. Aelia considers for a moment, then she walks over and I lift her up before wrapping my arms around her. And I'm a little surprised how easy that was. She's not heavy, but she's not exactly light either. Just another fringe benefit of being a transformed alicorn, I guess.

"Okay, what do you know about Celestia?"
Yay, super-strength in human form without using Danner Formula. Wonder if there's any pegasus-related benefits too?

"She was your foster-mom?"

And I can just picture her expression. :V

Oh, that's a whole lot of baggage I don't want to-.

And… Re-pressed.
...I can easily picture her having memory-repressing spells for just that purpose.

"She was my teacher. But… She didn't want to teach me the things I wanted to learn. And she got annoyed with me when I said that I wanted to learn different things, and I got annoyed that she didn't teach me those things, so I went to study with Grayven instead."

"But I don't understand. She's your princess."
Oh, boy, how to explain this to a... Five-year-old?

"Nope! She was my princess. I'm an American now."

And for some reason the fact that I'm a mare means that I don't have to agree to getting conscripted to do it. Grayven was against it, but it… It makes a lot of things easier, and I don't ever want to back to live in Equestria.
Just visit every once in a while to wave your alicorn flank in Celestia's face, huh?

Is it pathetic that I want her to offer to make me a princess, just so I can tell her-?

Yeah, it is.
Though I suspect some of the things you would have said would be anatomically challenging, if not impossible.

"But she was… Then?"

"Just because someone's royalty, that doesn't mean that they know everything. Even if they think they do."

"Grandfather says that you shouldn't say things like that out loud."
Not to their face, no. Not unless you really want to annoy them.

"You shouldn't say things like that out loud if you have to work with them, or if you want something from them. Or if you might want to work with them or get something from them in the future. Since I don't want anything from Celestia and I sure don't want to work with her… Being honest about how I feel works for me. And… Sometimes, being honest is actually better. I bet your granddad has to be honest with Queen Clea about things sometimes, doesn't he?"
I mean, she could find that sort of honesty refreshing... Sometimes.

"He said…" She gets all frowny as she tries to remember. "'Only…' 'Only if no alternative presents itself'. And then he laughed, and mother and father joined in. I didn't understand."

"I think he means that you have to be careful how you say things to powerful people, but sometimes you really have to be direct. Did your school ever do a fire drill?"
Good advice to live by, honestly. You just have to learn when which option is best...

"Where there was a bell ringing and everyone had to go outside?"

"Right. If there was a fire, you'd have to make sure the Queen got out right away, even if she was doing something really important. But otherwise… You still need to get them to understand you, but without making them angry."
And given some of the fire drill-related stories I've read, some people might not take it well, even then.

"Did you make Princess Celestia angry?"

"Ah… I… A little bit."
Though, to be fair, Sunbutt probably felt bad about it after their heads had cooled... But by then, Sunset was on Earth...

What? Twilight's the one who gets her power from honesty.

"Did you say something you shouldn't have said?"
A great many things, I suspect, and at great volume.

"Oh, yeah. Definitely."

"What was it?"
...Let's try to keep it G-rated, shall we, Sunset?

"Oh, I kept nagging her about teaching me something… She said she didn't know, when she obviously did. But if she was lying about it then I should have realised that she really didn't want to teach me, for… Whatever reason. I should have stopped asking her about it after the second time she refused, and asked about something else."
Alas, hind-sight is often far more clear than in the heat of the moment.

And carried on researching it myself while she was relieved that she wouldn't have to keep lying to my face. Not exactly a healthy learning environment, and that's why I don't lie like that to my students. I can't believe that she didn't even tell Twilight what Starswirl's Unfinished Spell would do before she tried casting it! Okay, maybe the lecture series is overkill, but Twilight can have a bit of a one track mind sometimes and I want to make sure that it actually gets through.
...Sadly, I rather suspect she's missing the point of them... ;) And to be fair, it was the 'Unfinished Spell' for a reason.

"So did you say sorry?"

"No. And I never will, because I'm not and she doesn't rule me. She can have all the toady cultists she wants back in Equestria. I refuse to lie or dissemble to her ever again."
...Aelia's totally picturing a magic winged unicorn in the middle of a bunch of giant toads now, isn't she? x3


"No, honey. 'Dissemble'. It means 'disguise how you really feel'. No, the only way I'm going to fix my relationship with Celestia is through honesty. And if she can't do that, then I'll-. I just won't talk to her anymore."
Even if that means being brutally, unrelentingly honest, she'll do it.


"And actually? I can go talk to her about that once we're done here. I'm going to make it real clear how I feel about being lied to, and she can either promise never to do that again and explain why she lied to me… Or I'll ward the portal against her."
...And if you're lucky, you can get to see her falling about as she tries to learn to walk on two legs instead of four. :sneaky:

"Um. My parents and grandfather say that ultimatums don't usually help diplomatic relations. They just make people more confrontational."

I smile down at her.

"If there's one thing Celestia and I agree on, it's that I'm great at being confrontational."
Out of the mouths of babes, eh?

Oh, Celestia has no idea of what's going to be coming her way today, does she? :D If nothing else, perhaps this will be a chance for Sunset to finally say some things she's left unsaid thus far. Hopefully the Renegade has the sense to stand back, keep his head down and be ready to put a construct barrier (or a dozen) between them if it looks like things are going to come to blows... :oops:
Grandfather says that you shouldn't say things like that out loud."

"You shouldn't say things like that out loud if you have to work with them, or if you want something from them. Or if you might want to work with them or get something from them in the future. Since I don't want anything from Celestia and I sure don't want to work with her… Being honest about how I feel works for me. And… Sometimes, being honest is actually better. I bet your granddad has to be honest with Queen Clea about things sometimes, doesn't he?"

"He said…" She gets all frowny as she tries to remember. "'Only…' 'Only if no alternative presents itself'. And then he laughed, and mother and father joined in. I didn't understand."

"I think he means that you have to be careful how you say things to powerful people, but sometimes you really have to be direct. Did your school ever do a fire drill?"
She's good woth kids too? Surprising.
And I am totally blanking on who that grandfather is, or his name. The current prime minister of Venturia, yes? Who refused to give up his regency to the 'rightful' heir and seceded from the Atlantean confederation in Paragon timeline after Clea died? :oops: ...How far off am I?

You're on the nose.

Though I suspect some of the things you would have said would be anatomically challenging, if not impossible.

Magic can solve a lot of things.

Aelia's totally picturing a magic winged unicorn in the middle of a bunch of giant toads now, isn't she? x3

Hey, seeing as the world has magic it's fully possible that some cults actually alter their members so that they can only regain their forms if they reach a certain level of skill.

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